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2011-02-02 6:22 PM
in reply to: #3335649

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Subject: RE: Tri Curious - closed
kkvane - 2011-02-02 3:09 PM

Today was first day to run 5 minutes at a time. In an effort to not look at my watch too much/too early, actually overshot the first piece and did 7 minutes instead! May not sound like much, but it's a huge accomplishment for me. Yay!

Edited by D001 2011-02-02 6:27 PM

2011-02-02 6:38 PM
in reply to: #3336150

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - closed
D001 - 2011-02-02 7:10 PM
mbasta - 2011-02-02 6:21 AM There's a gap in my table dear Dee-ee dear Dee-ee, there's a gap in my table, but please don't tase me...
A gap in your table? You mean the space above Lauren's name? Deal with it. Or else, go to your dashboard and delete it. (You can do this right on the picture.) As for the rest. Um, yeah. I try to keep the Taser collection off the pages of the Mentor group threads. However, there's always the Challenge forum. I'll just have to re-introduce you to my collection there. Or maybe I could just post a nice Jacob's ladder here. Hm. I *do* like those Jacob's ladders.....

2011-02-02 6:40 PM
in reply to: #3336162

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - closed
D001 - 2011-02-02 7:15 PM OK, I worked out yesterday. And in the process, I did something to my lower back. I have no idea what. But now I think I understand why people complain so much when their back hurts! Yeah, I know... ice it. I hate ice. I'm allergic to it, in fact. Anyway, I had planned on using the treadmill tonight, but I may skip it and just stretch instead.

Do you have cold uticaria? The spelling is way off, but I know no one minds.
2011-02-02 6:42 PM
in reply to: #3335649

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - closed
kkvane - 2011-02-02 3:09 PM Probably a lot of you don't want to know this, but it's 60 and sunny here today. So...the workout went outside. Midway through week 4 of my 6-week couch-to-5K program and feeling pretty good about it. Today was first day to run 5 minutes at a time. In an effort to not look at my watch too much/too early, actually overshot the first piece and did 7 minutes instead! May not sound like much, but it's a huge accomplishment for me. Yay!

I explained the term "wogging" to my husband, as it seems to fit me to a T. Well, that term didn't stick, but for some reason, he remembers it as "jigglin.'"  Hahaha!  I do suppose there IS a lot of jigglin' going on. It's all's all movement, right?

Hope you all are having a good hump-day.

Congratulations on the 7 minute run! Distractions can be a good thing. Not long and you'll be up to 10. Many people stay at 10 to 1 because the walk stretches out their muscles and reduces fatigue.
2011-02-02 7:32 PM
in reply to: #3336173

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North Carolina
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - closed
D001 - 2011-02-02 7:22 PM
kkvane - 2011-02-02 3:09 PMToday was first day to run 5 minutes at a time. In an effort to not look at my watch too much/too early, actually overshot the first piece and did 7 minutes instead! May not sound like much, but it's a huge accomplishment for me. Yay! sweet! Thank you! It felt great...
2011-02-02 7:35 PM
in reply to: #3336228

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North Carolina
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - closed
mbasta - 2011-02-02 7:42 PM
kkvane - 2011-02-02 3:09 PM Probably a lot of you don't want to know this, but it's 60 and sunny here today. So...the workout went outside. Midway through week 4 of my 6-week couch-to-5K program and feeling pretty good about it. Today was first day to run 5 minutes at a time. In an effort to not look at my watch too much/too early, actually overshot the first piece and did 7 minutes instead! May not sound like much, but it's a huge accomplishment for me. Yay!

I explained the term "wogging" to my husband, as it seems to fit me to a T. Well, that term didn't stick, but for some reason, he remembers it as "jigglin.'"  Hahaha!  I do suppose there IS a lot of jigglin' going on. It's all's all movement, right?

Hope you all are having a good hump-day.

Congratulations on the 7 minute run! Distractions can be a good thing. Not long and you'll be up to 10. Many people stay at 10 to 1 because the walk stretches out their muscles and reduces fatigue.
The 10/1 thing makes sense and sounds like something obtainable/sustainable. Thanks!

2011-02-02 7:37 PM
in reply to: #3335723

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North Carolina
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - closed
mbasta - 2011-02-02 3:49 PMHere's our groundhog
Haha! Poor little guy... At least you have one. Our local groundhog died. What kind of prediction is that?
2011-02-02 7:42 PM
in reply to: #3336162

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North Carolina
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - closed
D001 - 2011-02-02 7:15 PMOK, I worked out yesterday. And in the process, I did something to my lower back. I have no idea what. But now I think I understand why people complain so much when their back hurts!Yeah, I know... ice it. I hate ice. I'm allergic to it, in fact. Anyway, I had planned on using the treadmill tonight, but I may skip it and just stretch instead.
Ugh. Backs can be so touchy sometimes! Lie on the floor and put your lower legs (from the knees down) up on a couch or chair and relax. I'm not a fan of the ice thing either, though I know it's the right thing to do. I hope the kinks get worked out soon!
2011-02-02 7:43 PM
in reply to: #3336343

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Subject: RE: Tri Curious - closed
kkvane - 2011-02-02 8:37 PM

mbasta - 2011-02-02 3:49 PMHere's our groundhog
Haha! Poor little guy... At least you have one. Our local groundhog died. What kind of prediction is that?

Um. Probably not a good one?

Poor groundhog....

2011-02-02 7:48 PM
in reply to: #3336216

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Subject: RE: Tri Curious - closed
mbasta - 2011-02-02 7:40 PM

D001 - 2011-02-02 7:15 PM OK, I worked out yesterday. And in the process, I did something to my lower back. I have no idea what. But now I think I understand why people complain so much when their back hurts! Yeah, I know... ice it. I hate ice. I'm allergic to it, in fact. Anyway, I had planned on using the treadmill tonight, but I may skip it and just stretch instead.

Do you have cold uticaria? The spelling is way off, but I know no one minds.

Not necessarily cold urticaria. (But I do have cold-induced asthma.) And I do break out in hives without any reason that I can identify. For example, I had them all over my leg this morning. Why? No idea. And only one leg. Nothing was 'new.' But at least these were small ones. LOL (And yes, I have an epi-pen in case of allergic reactions.)

2011-02-02 7:50 PM
in reply to: #3336354

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Subject: RE: Tri Curious - closed
kkvane - 2011-02-02 8:42 PM

D001 - 2011-02-02 7:15 PMOK, I worked out yesterday. And in the process, I did something to my lower back. I have no idea what. But now I think I understand why people complain so much when their back hurts!Yeah, I know... ice it. I hate ice. I'm allergic to it, in fact. Anyway, I had planned on using the treadmill tonight, but I may skip it and just stretch instead.
Ugh. Backs can be so touchy sometimes! Lie on the floor and put your lower legs (from the knees down) up on a couch or chair and relax. I'm not a fan of the ice thing either, though I know it's the right thing to do. I hope the kinks get worked out soon!

Thanks! I did that and it helped a lot. (I admit, I fell asleep for about 15 min too. LOL)

2011-02-02 7:58 PM
in reply to: #3336341

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - closed
kkvane - 2011-02-02 8:35 PM
mbasta - 2011-02-02 7:42 PM
kkvane - 2011-02-02 3:09 PM Probably a lot of you don't want to know this, but it's 60 and sunny here today. So...the workout went outside. Midway through week 4 of my 6-week couch-to-5K program and feeling pretty good about it. Today was first day to run 5 minutes at a time. In an effort to not look at my watch too much/too early, actually overshot the first piece and did 7 minutes instead! May not sound like much, but it's a huge accomplishment for me. Yay!

I explained the term "wogging" to my husband, as it seems to fit me to a T. Well, that term didn't stick, but for some reason, he remembers it as "jigglin.'"  Hahaha!  I do suppose there IS a lot of jigglin' going on. It's all's all movement, right?

Hope you all are having a good hump-day.

Congratulations on the 7 minute run! Distractions can be a good thing. Not long and you'll be up to 10. Many people stay at 10 to 1 because the walk stretches out their muscles and reduces fatigue.
The 10/1 thing makes sense and sounds like something obtainable/sustainable. Thanks!

I use 10/1 for most of my runs, except when I am feeling particularly ambitious. I like it because it helps prevent injury.

Words of wisdom from John Stanton founder of Running Room: No one ever got injured from running too slow.
2011-02-02 8:06 PM
in reply to: #3334641

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North Carolina
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - closed
mbasta - 2011-02-02 6:11 AM
northernorchid - 2011-02-01 9:45 AM Hi everyone,

Looks like we're all getting excited about training -- I can tell the endorphins are spiking!

I'm back on my feet after that cold, however my roommates are now bedridden. I'm on smoothie-duty for the week, methinks.

Major success in my tri class this week. We did a 1km swim workout...I finished 25 min before everyone else, haha in all fairness I used to swim competitively, however. Maybe next week I'll do the whole swim workout arms-only.

BUT I was really happy with my run on Sunday. Last week there was a guy who was maybe 50 yards ahead for most of the run and it was my long-term goal to be able to keep up with him by the end of the course.

I not only paced him step for step this Sunday, but we had a conversation too! I honestly didn't think I was able to do that. Hooray for passing the "talk test!"

I also tried rock climbing last night...the instructor guy was like "Keep pushing, left leg power up!" but it was shaking like mad because I'd just been at the gym for an hour, and 4 hours on Sunday.
So I said "yeah, um, I did a mini-tri on Sunday, don't know if that's going to happen..." but made it to the top anyway. Tons of fun, and a great workout.

I noticed you guys were discussing wetsuits. I was thinking of getting a sports bikini and wearing that under my wetsuit with shorts, then throwing on  a top after the swim. Do you think that'd be effective??

Happy training

Glad to hear that your training is coming along nicely and that you're enjoying it!

I just made arrangements with a local indoor rock climbing place to have beginner lessons for my husband and I tomorrow morning. It's our first wedding anniversary February 6 and I have planned a bunch of smaller events to celebrate (so far, rock climbing, Dave and Busters - adult arcade, bathhouse + massage, and various meals).

I am so happy that our wedding weather looked NOTHING like this!! (For those of you not in US or Canada, storm watch 2011 is currently hammering the eastern side.) There was no snow before or during our wedding and the pictures look like it was a nice summer day.
Sounds like fun. Happy Anniversary a few days early!!
2011-02-02 8:47 PM
in reply to: #3336173

Subject: RE: Tri Curious - closed
D001 - 2011-02-02 4:22 PM
kkvane - 2011-02-02 3:09 PM Today was first day to run 5 minutes at a time. In an effort to not look at my watch too much/too early, actually overshot the first piece and did 7 minutes instead! May not sound like much, but it's a huge accomplishment for me. Yay!


Now that's cool!
2011-02-02 8:49 PM
in reply to: #3336343

Subject: RE: Tri Curious - closed
kkvane - 2011-02-02 5:37 PM
mbasta - 2011-02-02 3:49 PMHere's our groundhog
Haha! Poor little guy... At least you have one. Our local groundhog died. What kind of prediction is that?

2011-02-02 8:55 PM
in reply to: #3334641

Subject: RE: Tri Curious - closed
mbasta - 2011-02-02 3:11 AM
northernorchid - 2011-02-01 9:45 AM Hi everyone,

Looks like we're all getting excited about training -- I can tell the endorphins are spiking!

I'm back on my feet after that cold, however my roommates are now bedridden. I'm on smoothie-duty for the week, methinks.

Major success in my tri class this week. We did a 1km swim workout...I finished 25 min before everyone else, haha in all fairness I used to swim competitively, however. Maybe next week I'll do the whole swim workout arms-only.

BUT I was really happy with my run on Sunday. Last week there was a guy who was maybe 50 yards ahead for most of the run and it was my long-term goal to be able to keep up with him by the end of the course.

I not only paced him step for step this Sunday, but we had a conversation too! I honestly didn't think I was able to do that. Hooray for passing the "talk test!"

I also tried rock climbing last night...the instructor guy was like "Keep pushing, left leg power up!" but it was shaking like mad because I'd just been at the gym for an hour, and 4 hours on Sunday.
So I said "yeah, um, I did a mini-tri on Sunday, don't know if that's going to happen..." but made it to the top anyway. Tons of fun, and a great workout.

I noticed you guys were discussing wetsuits. I was thinking of getting a sports bikini and wearing that under my wetsuit with shorts, then throwing on  a top after the swim. Do you think that'd be effective??

Happy training

Glad to hear that your training is coming along nicely and that you're enjoying it!

I just made arrangements with a local indoor rock climbing place to have beginner lessons for my husband and I tomorrow morning. It's our first wedding anniversary February 6 and I have planned a bunch of smaller events to celebrate (so far, rock climbing, Dave and Busters - adult arcade, bathhouse + massage, and various meals).

I am so happy that our wedding weather looked NOTHING like this!! (For those of you not in US or Canada, storm watch 2011 is currently hammering the eastern side.) There was no snow before or during our wedding and the pictures look like it was a nice summer day.

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! (Just a little early) If I could post something cool and sparkly like Dee I would ....but I can't...

2011-02-02 9:48 PM
in reply to: #3301753

New user

Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN
bumbbles21 - 2011-01-15 3:52 PM

As each new person joins I get more and more excited about this group! We are going to rock this year! :-D

So today I went for my first outside (aka non-eleptical) run of 2011. Here is: the map of approx what I did. I've been running 30-40 minutes inside over the winter and lost about 8 lbs so I was surprised at how hard it was. About 1/2 way though I got a terrible side-stich that continued through the rest of the run along with a sharp pain in my right shoulder that I remember from last year, but went away once I was in better shape. I'm really glad that I went out 'cause I'm super motivated to get my running lungs back.

What's everyone else up to this weekend?

I consistently had the same problem and then read an article in my wife's Runner magazine about how to cure it.  You'll probably find that you normally breathe in on the same stride for each breath.  For example, my normal breathing would have me breathe in as my right foot lands most of the time.  If you change that up to where your alternating the stride you breathe on, you should find you don't get a "stitch".  The easiest way for me was to focus on an odd number of strides for each breath - ie breathe in lasts 2 strides and breathe out lasts 3 or when I'm pushing it, breath in lasts 1 and out lasts 2. 

Hope that helps.
2011-02-02 9:57 PM
in reply to: #3315240

New user

Subject: RE: Tri Curious - CLOSED
kkvane - 2011-01-22 12:43 PM
mbasta - 2011-01-21 8:17 PM Happy weekend everyone!

How are you all doing? What are your plans for the weekend? How are you feeling about your current training plans?

We can use our team space for chatting about more than just training. Feel free to come by and post, this is your space.

Same to you, Melissa! No huge plans for the weekend. Some work, some homework, and some housework. ;-) We are going to dinner at friends this evening, so that should be fun. Food and chatting....

The sprint I'm signed up for is 250m swim, 20K bike, and 5K run (in September 2011). So far, I'm working on a couch-to-5K run/walk program I found on Women's Health Magazine. It starts really slow (I need that) and works up. I'm finishing up week 2 (out of 6). I'm up to running(wogging) 2 minutes at a time, but it is really kicking my butt. I would (maybe should?) slow down, but I'm already only going an average of 3mph. Ack. I thought I was walking at least that fast and some wogging would make me faster, but it doesn't appear so. Ugh. Should I keep pushing and hope/plan that it will get better/easier, or slow down to a snail's pace and hope I get faster? I have to finish the tri in 2 1/2 hours, so I'm kinda freaked about that....

I've also started slowly working on my swimming. Working more on trying to get the breathing to flow right now than actual form, etc. I looked at the swim tips here on BT, and have been doing the "bobbing" breathing practice.

Not working on the bicycle right now. I regularly ride 7-12 miles during the spring/summer, so I'm not worried about that part. I'll wait til the weather gets better to start working on that outdoors.

I guess I'm feeling okay about things at the moment. I'm already doing more running than I ever have before. I'm just kinda looking at that 2 1/2-hour time limit and fretting...

Hope the weekend is going well for everyone!!!

Just so you know it can be done, when I decided to do a triathlon last year I could not swim... at all.  Not even 20 feet.  I did exactly what you're doing with the bobbing, then I started going to the pool at my gym and just made myself work at it.  During the first week, the best I managed was 2 frantic gulps of air before I lost rhythm and got a lung full of water.  The next week I made it to 3 breaths, then 4.  I'll never forget the day I swam a full length (only 25m but seemed like a mile when I started).  Keep working at it and it will come.
2011-02-02 10:09 PM
in reply to: #3329509

New user

Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN
kkvane - 2011-01-30 1:36 PM
kwynnc - 2011-01-30 12:08 AM 30 minute bike. Just went easy, didn't worry about tracking RPMs or anything. B put the sensor on the bike and it links to my garmin, but I'm not sure how to use it. He'll have to show me when he's home. Crap, my butt hurts though. I don't know if I just need to get used to it or need to actively look at trying different seats.

Yeah for getting your 30 minutes in - and at the end of the day, too! I hate first-of-the season tender butt. I have plenty of padding back there, so why does it always seem to move out of the way when I mount a bike seat? Yell 

Ok, now that is funnyTongue out
2011-02-02 10:21 PM
in reply to: #3329582

New user

Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN
Threejs - 2011-01-30 3:10 PM I am looking for some advice on purchasing a good tri suit.  Does anyone have any first hand experience they can share with me?

I read a TON of articles about gear before my first (and only) event last year.  I wanted to get everything and look like I knew what I was doing but instead decided to just get a pair of tri shorts - in my opinion, it's the only "must have" item (unless weather and/or cold water is a factor).  You don't want to swim with regular bike shorts unless you want to look like you've got an over-full diaper when getting out of the poolSurprised   I found that the majority of others were dressed just like me.
2011-02-03 12:52 AM
in reply to: #3336542

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Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN

Dorsai - 2011-02-02 7:48 PM

I consistently had the same problem and then read an article in my wife's Runner magazine about how to cure it.  You'll probably find that you normally breathe in on the same stride for each breath.  For example, my normal breathing would have me breathe in as my right foot lands most of the time.  If you change that up to where your alternating the stride you breathe on, you should find you don't get a "stitch".  The easiest way for me was to focus on an odd number of strides for each breath - ie breathe in lasts 2 strides and breathe out lasts 3 or when I'm pushing it, breath in lasts 1 and out lasts 2. 

Hope that helps.

Wha! This is genius, thanks for sharing!

2011-02-03 2:07 AM
in reply to: #3256872

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Subject: RE: Tri Curious - closed

Original 1/2/11:
So I have been trying to use my BT training log and to get ideas for how it works and so I have been poking around all of your BT logs and noticed some things that I want to do, some of which I've figured out and some of which I'm confused about. Scott, Jeff, Julie, Cate, & Ellen: I noticed that all of you have a Calories out: ___ From Lifestyle: ___ From Activities: ___  at the bottom of several entries and I can't figure out how you did that. Are you calculating it all that yourselves or did you figure out some way for the log to do it for you? Help!??!? It seems like a really cool thing to know, particularly for those of us trying to loose some weight. Thanks!

Add 1/3/11:
Nevermind - I figured it out! You have to enter your weight and the number of hours that you slept. For some reason it didn't do that for me yesterday, but did this morning!

Edited by bumbbles21 2011-02-03 11:20 AM
2011-02-03 11:30 AM
in reply to: #3330258

New user
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN
mbasta - 2011-01-31 7:20 AM
harlequinduck - 2011-01-30 1:30 PM
mbasta - 2011-01-29 7:57 AM
harlequinduck - 2011-01-29 2:21 AM
kwynnc - 2011-01-27 

Just wanted to open up the topic. I know from my own experiences as well as others--recover often is sacrificed in our training plans when shortfalls occur. Besides having a couscous effort to not sacrifice recovery days, what would be ways to optimize or improve recovery?

It sounds like you're saying if a triathlete misses a workout or cuts it short they make up for it on recovery days. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

In this case, the day you miss workouts would be the rest day unless you still did some training and only canceled part of it. In that case I suggest moving the workout fragment to a day that you have training scheduled, as long as it won't make the day so intense that you risk injury. Worst case scenario - delete the session. Rest periods are when we rebuild and without them training doesn't have the effect we want. We break down our tissues during training and rebuild them during rest.

Let me know if you (or anyone else) have more questions.

Subject  too many recovery/missed days. Due work related stuff and now my brother in the hospital with meningitis my training has stagnated. Yesterdays 97 min. bike was okay but a planned 48 min. swim just wasn't there for me day. I only did 39 minutes before I lost rhythm and called it. I can note one bright side in that in the first 15 minutes there was improvement in my sick turns. If I'm off line for a while it's due to travel. Best to all.

Edited by harlequinduck 2011-02-03 11:31 AM
2011-02-03 1:24 PM
in reply to: #3256872

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Subject: RE: Tri Curious - closed
I am finding it really difficult to get back into training. In fact the month of January was awful - the first 2 weeks we were away in Australia and on coming back we found out my husband (in the military) has been posted - I look at the date and lost 3 weeks!

However on the plus side I have taken my bike in for a full servicing including a new comfy seat - so am looking forward to takin that out on the roads when I collect it tommorow.

I'm trying to find the energy to go and do exercise - I know sounds so silly and awful. But take today - I was in work 0730 on the dot, had a 30min lunch break at 12 and left work at 1600 to go straight into a 2 hour driving lesson. by the time I've cooked/eaten my dinner its 1900 and I haven;t done any of the house work or just sat still. I know its only going to be for a short time because we are soooo busy at work - and I'm learning to drive in 2 months (ARRGGHH)

I just feel like im making excuses - but do I go down the gym at 2000 and spend less time in there, and feel really drained at work the next morning. Or do I just ignore the training unless I have time - until things ease off with work and driving?

My first ever 5km is in June and my first ever triathlon is in September.
2011-02-03 3:56 PM
in reply to: #3337672

Subject: RE: Tri Curious - closed
purpleshoes2 - 2011-02-03 11:24 AM I am finding it really difficult to get back into training. In fact the month of January was awful - the first 2 weeks we were away in Australia and on coming back we found out my husband (in the military) has been posted - I look at the date and lost 3 weeks!

However on the plus side I have taken my bike in for a full servicing including a new comfy seat - so am looking forward to takin that out on the roads when I collect it tommorow.

I'm trying to find the energy to go and do exercise - I know sounds so silly and awful. But take today - I was in work 0730 on the dot, had a 30min lunch break at 12 and left work at 1600 to go straight into a 2 hour driving lesson. by the time I've cooked/eaten my dinner its 1900 and I haven;t done any of the house work or just sat still. I know its only going to be for a short time because we are soooo busy at work - and I'm learning to drive in 2 months (ARRGGHH)

I just feel like im making excuses - but do I go down the gym at 2000 and spend less time in there, and feel really drained at work the next morning. Or do I just ignore the training unless I have time - until things ease off with work and driving?

My first ever 5km is in June and my first ever triathlon is in September.

Sounds like you have a lot going on right now.  How would you feel about taking a day or 2 off, say until Sunday?  That way you can regroup from whatever's bugging you: stress from work, driving lessons and whatever, take some 'me' time/rest/regroup and then hit a workout on Sunday.  Maybe you will feel refreshed by then.
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