BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training Rss Feed  
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2011-03-02 11:20 AM
in reply to: #3257002

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Extreme Veteran
Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed!
Hi all ... the countdown in ON for me with my sprint race looming right around the corner.  It's 10 days before the race and my focus for most of this week and early on next week will be swimming.  I did get in a spin class Monday night, but feel the swim leg is where I'm really hurting.  Right now my time for the 300y swim is at 9mins-30sec, so I can stand some improvement in this area.  I swam last night and began to get a rythm down with swim stroke and breathing, which felt really good.  So I'm concentrating on swimming for the rest of the week and next. 

I did get some road time in last week and avg'd ~17.5mph on rolling terrain.  The race course is virtually flat so my thinking is I should easily avg 18 mph or so - we'll see.  For the rest of this week and early on next week, the plan is to concentrate on the swim leg, and rest completely after Tuesday night ... no more spinning, running or swimming so as to be really fresh Saturday morning ... Gary any comments on this approach?

Azalea Triathlon - Day 1

Ciao ...

Edited by Dorm57 2011-03-02 4:25 PM

2011-03-02 6:36 PM
in reply to: #3257002

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Plainfield, IL
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed!

Hi Everyone,

Still sick here, and my two yougest are still sick too!  Frustrating that I can't get to the gym for two days in a row, but I am hoping all of this rest will make this cold/flu go away.

Dorm - good luck on your race!  Jealous that it is warm enough by you for a tri already, I am outside of Chicago and was happy today it was sunny and *appeared* to be warm outside.   

I am really struggling with my half marathon struggle is that I get so bored after about 5 miles of running.  Probably because my running is all on a treadmill or indoor track right now, but even when I run outside, after 5 miles I just want to stop because mentally I am done.  I think this half marathon is going to be more mentally difficult than I thought.


2011-03-02 9:15 PM
in reply to: #3379170

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed!
Dorm57 - 2011-03-02 11:20 AM Hi all ... the countdown in ON for me with my sprint race looming right around the corner.  It's 10 days before the race and my focus for most of this week and early on next week will be swimming.  I did get in a spin class Monday night, but feel the swim leg is where I'm really hurting.  Right now my time for the 300y swim is at 9mins-30sec, so I can stand some improvement in this area.  I swam last night and began to get a rythm down with swim stroke and breathing, which felt really good.  So I'm concentrating on swimming for the rest of the week and next. 

I did get some road time in last week and avg'd ~17.5mph on rolling terrain.  The race course is virtually flat so my thinking is I should easily avg 18 mph or so - we'll see.  For the rest of this week and early on next week, the plan is to concentrate on the swim leg, and rest completely after Tuesday night ... no more spinning, running or swimming so as to be really fresh Saturday morning ... Gary any comments on this approach?

Azalea Triathlon - Day 1

Ciao ...

Dorm - first you don't mention practicing your transitions.  You really need to do that as it can save you time and make T1/T2 less stressful.  As for the taper before a race I tend to reduce the volume and intensity of workouts, not just cut them.  My recommendation would be just do a few lite workouts and just take Friday off.  For me, I would be a bit tight come Saturday if I stopped working out on the Tuesday prior to a race.
2011-03-03 10:34 PM
in reply to: #3257002

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed!

Hey all!

Work has been nuts.  12 hour day, come home, eat dinner with family and then work from home.  Managed 30 minutes on the trainer tonight.  Hoping for a swim tomorrow.  Everyone keep moving forward.  Last night walked out of work pretty demoralized, decided to get a run in while son was at soccer practice.  Best 4 mile run I have done in awhile, temps in the 60's, soft even grass to run on, and I felt great afterwards.  The power of a good workout is amazing!

Next challenge coming up soon, be ready

2011-03-04 10:24 PM
in reply to: #3257002

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed!

Hey all!
another 14 hour day at work! ugh, did sneak out at lunch and get 1300m swim in.  Raining here so not ride tomorrow.  Bummer.

Catch ya all later!

2011-03-05 9:51 AM
in reply to: #3380241

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Extreme Veteran
Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed!

Dorm - first you don't mention practicing your transitions.  You really need to do that as it can save you time and make T1/T2 less stressful.


Gotcha ... I have been looking at a lot of youtube videos on transition; just have not actually practiced.  I think I'll use the driveway as a 'no fly' zone and practice both transitions and may can get the wife to help out and time these.


I was thinking how easy it would be if the shoes were open back, like a slide ... where these are already clipped to the pedals and it's real easy to slip your foot in.  My road bike shoes are horrible to get in-out of as the fabric is pretty loose and it collapses inward when the foot's out.  Any suggestions here?

2011-03-05 10:15 AM
in reply to: #3257002

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed!

Dorm - long term suggestion would be to get Tri specific shoes.  They only have one strap and much easier to get in/out of. 

For this race being only a week away, I would not to have them clipped in.  This is something you really need to practice a lot.  For this race I would have them out in T1 and put them on before you get on the bike.

That said if you may want to start practicing loosening the clips as you near your dismount.  May be even take your feet out.  Being this close to the race even this may not be advisable.  To me the two most dangerous spots on the course is the mount and dismount areas.  People wobble all over the place, fall over, etc.  There mind is in the race and sometime not thinking properly.

2011-03-05 5:48 PM
in reply to: #3383903

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Extreme Veteran
Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed!
One question on the tri shorts ... do you go 'commando' or something else? Sorry ladies Embarassed
2011-03-05 5:55 PM
in reply to: #3257002

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed!
Commando all the way.  One note on longer races I will apply Body glide to the areas that are most likely to have chaffing issues. 
2011-03-05 7:19 PM
in reply to: #3257002

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Plainfield, IL
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed!
Hi Everyone,

Been out sick pretty much all week, I thought I was going to get through this pretty easy but it hit me pretty hard mid-week.  Today is the first day I feel somewhat normal, but still have a pretty bad cough.  I have never had bronchitis before, this is a first.

I just noticed on my calendar that the time changes, an hour ahead next weekend?  Isn't it pretty early for that?
2011-03-06 7:03 AM
in reply to: #3257002

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Lincoln, NE
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed!
Had a great run yesterday with my wife who is training for a HM. Made it 10 miles. Longest I've ever ran at once. It's also the first time I ran with someone and does it ever make a difference. It was about 10 degrees so ice started forming in places where ice isn't meant to form but I'm glad I did it. This morning my feet feel like i'm walking on needles so today is a day off.

2011-03-06 5:48 PM
in reply to: #3257002

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed!

Afternoon all!

Its my sons Birthday and has been a busy weekend.  He is at church youth so I snuck a quick ride in and hoping to run.  Got 6+ mile run in yesterday.  Selling my bike to get a newer one (QR Seduza).  Hopefully will have pics soon.

JPF - congrats on the 10 miler!   Very nice

Swim - hope you are feeling better.  I believe they just changed DST within the last year or two.  It is a bit early.

2011-03-07 6:01 AM
in reply to: #3257002

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Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed!
isn't everyone always commando? if not i'm seriously laughing at myself. guess what? did the black cat um 10-miler and no (well not much) foot pain... off to see podiatrist this morning.  ... yay! hope everyone else had a great weekend- back to pool and swim gradually this week for me...
2011-03-07 7:47 AM
in reply to: #3257002

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed!

Woohoo Luna!!!

Congrats!!! Race Report??  Going to add this to our 2011 finish line count!

2011-03-07 8:35 AM
in reply to: #3385890

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Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed!

wow. i've never done a race report! what would i include?

i have a before pic, but i dunno how to post it lol- anywho it was raining, then cleared up- not alot of spectators but lots of volunteers-  parts of salem are very historical and scenic. i just kept praying for my foot to hold up- wanted to make 10:30, made 9:45 (unofficial) and yay. podiatrist says i need orthotics stat so i'm gonna do that. very sore today.

how was everyone else's weekend??

2011-03-08 6:58 AM
in reply to: #3257002

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed!

Hey all!

Ended up taking yesterday as a SRD.  My bike showed up, still in pieces in the back of my truck, and will assemble soon.  Raining here and a bit cold.  Just found out that Lake Pontchartrain where my HIM will be was ~60 yesterday (at one location).  Will definitely warm up before the race and would much prefer low 70's. 

Did some speed work on Sunday, nice to know I have a little speed.  My daughter is doing Girls on the Run preparing for a 5k in May.  I am running the 5k with her and according to her coaches she is ripping up the course.  Its going to look real bad if my 10yr old dusts her ole man!

Luna - check out some of the race reports in the forums section.  Great way to record your race so you and others can learn from them.  I will be rereading my HIM RR from last year soon.

Dorm - how are you doing?  ready for the race?  Hopefully doing lite workouts to keep you stretched.

Swim - feeling better?

JPF - how are the feet?

Fit - How is the bike?

Bert and Marty - where are you guys?

2011-03-09 10:21 AM
in reply to: #3257002

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Plainfield, IL
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed!
Hi Gary,

Glad to hear your bike arrived, good luck getting it put together!  Are you doing it yourself or do you take it to the bike shop and have the pros do it?  I would be afraid to do it myself, I'd probably lose a tire or pedal during a ride.

When you said you were doing some speed work, what were you doing?  Do you just do some fast/slow mix of running?  I don't know of many 'drills' for running, I really just go out and run.  I do a lot of drills and various sets for swimming, and know this works much better for building endurance than just swimming a straight 2,000 yards, so I have to assume the same logic holds for running?  Can you recommend any running sets, or places to read more about this?

Oh, and feeling much better, finally!
2011-03-09 11:36 AM
in reply to: #3387725

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Extreme Veteran
Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed!

Gary, I went to the pool last night and had zero energy - no Mojo whatsoever.  So I'm pretty much resigned to get plenty of rest between now and the race.  I will spend more time practicing on transitions, but otherwise I'm done for the rest of the week.

The race starts Saturday morning @ 8 or 9:00 and my swim time is around 11:30 ... waaaay in the rear. 

 The next race for me is this fall: 

Wilmington YMCA Triathlon - 2011


2011-03-09 4:46 PM
in reply to: #3257002

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed!

Hey all!

Wow, work has me going in all kinds of different directions but taking a sanity break.  Put the new (to me) bike together and much lighter than my other bike.  I need to put new bar tape, replace pads on the aeros, etc but nice bike.  Quick 4 mile ride in today and it road like a dream.  Just need to get fitted.

Dorm - understood, do whatever you can to keep yourself stretched.  You may want to have extra time Saturday morning to get a .5 mile run in, swim a little, etc.  But the number one priority for Saturday is to have fun!  Make sure that when you cross the finish line you are smiling at the camera, not looking down hitting the stop button your Garmin.  Also, a RR is a must!  Start looking at the RR's on this site for ideas.  Race Reports are a great learning tool for everyone.

Marcie - For speed work I was just doing a faster steady state run with a 1 mile warm-up.  Real speed work I like to do 1/4 mile 90% effort followed by a 1 min walk then repeat.  Usually 4 times.  Fartleks are also fun with me just saying "kick it up until that street light" followed by a slower, recovery time.  Strides are also good and will give details later.

2011-03-10 11:31 AM
in reply to: #3257002

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed!

New bike pic!

My bike

2011-03-10 9:17 PM
in reply to: #3257002

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Plainfield, IL
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed!
Oooooo!  Me Likey!  Nice bike, totally jealous. 

I just got mine tuned up, and a new chain and tape.  But it is not as good as yours.

Thanks for the running advice, I am going to try to mix it up a bit on my next run.
Rest day tomorrow, which I am really looking foward to.  Might try to do some yoga in the morning so I at least do something.

2011-03-11 9:34 AM
in reply to: #3392980

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Extreme Veteran
Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed!

Gary - anyone ...  somewhere in the site is a compilation of info on pre-race checklists, nutrition info and other.  I've looked and looked but can't find it again, so if someone could supply the path to wisdom - I'd very much appreciate.

Getting packed up for tomorrow's race and can hardly wait!

2011-03-11 12:13 PM
in reply to: #3257002

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed!

Dorm - first good luck and have fun!!!!  A few tips:

Nothing new until after the race.  Tonight is not the night to try out that new spicey Sushi and Burrito bar.  Everything you race in you should have already worn, rode, eaten, etc.

Get there early enough to get a short run/swim and or ride in.

Don't forget your helmet!

Pack your car tonight as you won't be 100% right in the head tomorrow morning.

What I do to make sure I have everything is mentally go thru the race and touch the items necessary.  So pretend your walking into transition to setup what would you have.  Same thing for the Swim/bike/run portions.

Review my points on races early on in this thread.

Here is a link to a thread that, while not a checklist, has lots of great info:

2011-03-11 12:15 PM
in reply to: #3257002

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed!

Rough training week for me as my cold and work has made workouts nearly impossible.  Hoping to run tonight but my swim was cancelled today.  Early ride tomorrow and long run on Sunday.

How is everyone doing?  Race season is starting or going to start for some soon.  I can't wait to read your race reports.

2011-03-11 4:15 PM
in reply to: #3257002

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Lees Summit
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed!
Had a rough couple of weeks and was not able to get much training other than a few short swims, and a few short runs. It really sucked because I was in Phoenix the whole time, and the weather was P E R F E C T !!! But now, i'm back, went to my first Masters Swim Class, and it rocked. I'm a terrible swimmer, but I was able to get in 3000 yards. The faster swimmers stayed in the fast swimmers lanes, and the Manatees, like myself stayed in the slow lanes. The clock changes on Saturday, so I get to get on the bike after work!

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