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2011-05-21 8:44 PM
in reply to: #3511017

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
goofee girl - 2011-05-21 5:02 AM
Bishtaw - 2011-05-20 10:03 AM

Good luck racers - get your motor running!  Can't wait to here the race reports.

I also agree the back of the packers rock.

We all have to start somewhere, right? Back of the pack rules!

Start?  I've been doing this for awhile and I'm still a back of the packer. 

2011-05-21 8:44 PM
in reply to: #3511118

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
Niezels - 2011-05-21 9:18 AM

Ok a quick reply. Just to brag on my time. A 1/8 (500m, 20K, 5K) in 1h20m05s. Really want to do an amazing happy dance though my legs still hurt.

Will post a race report later

Well done!!

2011-05-21 8:45 PM
in reply to: #3511781

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
Monsterman96 - 2011-05-21 9:33 PM

Sitting in the Hotel room wishing the rain would stop.  Rained most of the 3 1/2 hours drive here.  Rained the entire pre-ride of the course.  Rained the entire time since then.  There is enough sand and mud that it will be a slow, slick and gritty race.  I just love the CONSTANT sound of sand in disc brakes.  Hopefully we won't have to replace too many parts after tomorrow.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend racing, training or just relaxing............Cool


No fun!!  Hope it stops raining soon and you have a good race tomorrow.

2011-05-21 10:01 PM
in reply to: #3271134

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Desert of Mexico
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL

Congratulations to those who have had recent races and great training sessions!

As for me, I didn't have a very good week in regards to my food intake.  I ate too many sweets and ate some of my roommate's Chinese food leftovers.  I, however, did still manage to have a good week with tri training and still lost .1 kgs. (.1 may not be a lot, but at least it's a loss and not a gain.)

Also, I was SO excited today to find English magazines at the mall.  I bought June's Triathlete magazine and May's Shape magazine.  Although they were double the price than what they'd be in the US, I still bought them.  I am so stoked to read them!

2011-05-23 4:34 PM
in reply to: #3271134

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Extreme Veteran
South Lake Tahoe, Ca.
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL

Hope everyone had a great weekend.

I had a very good training day yesterday. For the first time in weeks, the sun was out on my only day off. No snow and no rain. Woohoo!

I decided to see where my fitness level was. My first tri is Aug. 14th. I had decided to just go with the sprint (500 m swim, 10 mi. bike, 2 mi. run). With so many real life obstacles I figured this would be best.

Well, yesterday I decided to do the bike and run portion of the sprint to see where I stand. So, off I went. I got through the bike with no problems and even added 5 extra miles (15 total). I took a 2 minute break and then went for the run. My goal was to run at least a 5k and not stop. I did it without stopping and even felt good enough to run more, but didn't. I didn't want to push it.

I didn't keep any times. That wasn't my goal. I just wanted to maintain a good cadence on both portions and a heart rate not exceeding 175. I averaged a 171. It was incredible. Twice (once on the bike and once on the run) I felt euphoria, it felt effortless.

Today I was worried about how my body would feel and to my amazement, I feel great. The only pain is in my a$$. LOL It's still not aclimated to the seat.

This got me thinking. I still have over 80 days left before the race. Should I stay with the sprint race and just dial my body in for an all out race? Or, should I jump up to the Int’l Triathlon: 1.5K swim (0.9 miles), 40K bike (24.8 miles), 6.5 mile run and give it my best shot?

From a personal view, I feel that my fitness level is at about 60%. Lots of room for improvement. I guess I will take it one day at a time and reavaluate again a month before the race.

Also, I had a question about high altitude training. I live at about 6300'. When I run and bike I am training between 6200' - 7000'. How much of an advantage is that 'really' when I compete at or around sea level? I'm considering two other tri's (one in Sept. & Oct.) both around sea level.

Anyway, it was a great boost to myself to know I can do the distances. I was getting depressed the last 2 months with the weather hindering me. Now I'm filled with confidence!

I just want to thank the group for being here and listening.


2011-05-23 4:39 PM
in reply to: #3514524

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
Cagolddigger - 2011-05-23 5:34 PM

Also, I had a question about high altitude training. I live at about 6300'. When I run and bike I am training between 6200' - 7000'. How much of an advantage is that 'really' when I compete at or around sea level? I'm considering two other tri's (one in Sept. & Oct.) both around sea level.

Nice job on the weekend training!  You have plenty of time before August to improve. 

As far as high altitude training, people who live at altitude tend to have more red blood cells, greater capillary density in tissue, increase myoglobin, and hypertrophy of their right ventricle.  Basically, you become more efficient and able to carry more oxygen because there is less in the air around you.  That sound translate to having more stamina when you are at sea level.  You'll be carrying more oxygen in your body than someone who doesn't live at altitude and that can let you fatigue more slowly.

2011-05-23 7:41 PM
in reply to: #3511794

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Bartow County, GA
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
Artemis - 2011-05-21 8:44 PM
goofee girl - 2011-05-21 5:02 AM
Bishtaw - 2011-05-20 10:03 AM

Good luck racers - get your motor running!  Can't wait to here the race reports.

I also agree the back of the packers rock.

We all have to start somewhere, right? Back of the pack rules!

Start?  I've been doing this for awhile and I'm still a back of the packer. 


This makes me like you even more. Kiss

2011-05-23 7:49 PM
in reply to: #3514524

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Bartow County, GA
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
Cagolddigger - 2011-05-23 4:34 PM

Hope everyone had a great weekend.

I had a very good training day yesterday. For the first time in weeks, the sun was out on my only day off. No snow and no rain. Woohoo!

I decided to see where my fitness level was. My first tri is Aug. 14th. I had decided to just go with the sprint (500 m swim, 10 mi. bike, 2 mi. run). With so many real life obstacles I figured this would be best.

Well, yesterday I decided to do the bike and run portion of the sprint to see where I stand. So, off I went. I got through the bike with no problems and even added 5 extra miles (15 total). I took a 2 minute break and then went for the run. My goal was to run at least a 5k and not stop. I did it without stopping and even felt good enough to run more, but didn't. I didn't want to push it.

I didn't keep any times. That wasn't my goal. I just wanted to maintain a good cadence on both portions and a heart rate not exceeding 175. I averaged a 171. It was incredible. Twice (once on the bike and once on the run) I felt euphoria, it felt effortless.

Today I was worried about how my body would feel and to my amazement, I feel great. The only pain is in my a$$. LOL It's still not aclimated to the seat.

This got me thinking. I still have over 80 days left before the race. Should I stay with the sprint race and just dial my body in for an all out race? Or, should I jump up to the Int’l Triathlon: 1.5K swim (0.9 miles), 40K bike (24.8 miles), 6.5 mile run and give it my best shot?

From a personal view, I feel that my fitness level is at about 60%. Lots of room for improvement. I guess I will take it one day at a time and reavaluate again a month before the race.

Also, I had a question about high altitude training. I live at about 6300'. When I run and bike I am training between 6200' - 7000'. How much of an advantage is that 'really' when I compete at or around sea level? I'm considering two other tri's (one in Sept. & Oct.) both around sea level.

Anyway, it was a great boost to myself to know I can do the distances. I was getting depressed the last 2 months with the weather hindering me. Now I'm filled with confidence!

I just want to thank the group for being here and listening.


Several items to address.... first of all... congratulations on the successful brick (bike/run). I have a hard time with those just with the run. As long as you're swimming your distance, then you're probably on your way to the Sprint Tri. Have you gone to Training Log and made up a training plan for your tri from now until then? It's a great way to train appropriately.

As for the elevations... you will have a higher hemoglobin than the folks at sea level. This will translate into better oxygen consumption and transference to your heart and lungs as you compete. Be grateful for what you have. People have actually used drugs to increase their H&H to get to where you are naturally. You will have a basic advantage over those who trained at sea level. Good luck!

You will do great with this Triathlon and I wish you the best. I hope that you have a wonderful time participating and never give up. You will be proud of yourself to cross that finish line.

When is your race?

2011-05-23 10:31 PM
in reply to: #3271134

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Extreme Veteran
South Lake Tahoe, Ca.
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL

Thanks for all the positive support GG.

I have looked into the training log, but my work schedule really hinders my ability to follow a specific workout schedule. I'm a chef and spend 10-12 hours a day on my feet. I work from 1pm to 12am and by the time I get to bed it's 2-3am. I usually have only 1 full day off. I have to make time in my daily shedule to train. Anyway, it is what it is and I am just happy making the progression I have.

My first tri is Aug 14th (Lake Tahoe Triathlon). I wanted to make sure that even with work and other real life issues I had plenty of time to train and not make a fool of myself. I am however (depending on my performance of my 1st tri) adding two more tri's in the following months after. I am also looking at adding a couple of 5k's before my tri.


2011-05-24 11:07 AM
in reply to: #3511118

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
Niezels - 2011-05-21 9:18 AM

Ok a quick reply. Just to brag on my time. A 1/8 (500m, 20K, 5K) in 1h20m05s. Really want to do an amazing happy dance though my legs still hurt.

Will post a race report later

  Congrats, way togo, you are now a Rockstar!  Hope the legs heal up soon.
2011-05-24 11:10 AM
in reply to: #3515095

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
Cagolddigger - 2011-05-23 11:31 PM

Thanks for all the positive support GG.

I have looked into the training log, but my work schedule really hinders my ability to follow a specific workout schedule. I'm a chef and spend 10-12 hours a day on my feet. I work from 1pm to 12am and by the time I get to bed it's 2-3am. I usually have only 1 full day off. I have to make time in my daily shedule to train. Anyway, it is what it is and I am just happy making the progression I have.

My first tri is Aug 14th (Lake Tahoe Triathlon). I wanted to make sure that even with work and other real life issues I had plenty of time to train and not make a fool of myself. I am however (depending on my performance of my 1st tri) adding two more tri's in the following months after. I am also looking at adding a couple of 5k's before my tri.


  Just make the Exec Chef stand up alittle, while you go for your afternoon Swim,lol


2011-05-25 4:43 PM
in reply to: #3271134

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Bartow County, GA
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
Artemis (or anybody who can answer this), where can I find the results of a race? I participated in the PT Solutions Cartersville Duathlon back in April and they never sent me my times. Yet today I got an email with my ranking (low). Still, it's nice to be on the map. I did a google search for the duathlon's results but nothing came up. Can you help me find my times?
2011-05-25 7:13 PM
in reply to: #3518870

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL

goofee girl - 2011-05-25 5:43 PM Artemis (or anybody who can answer this), where can I find the results of a race? I participated in the PT Solutions Cartersville Duathlon back in April and they never sent me my times. Yet today I got an email with my ranking (low). Still, it's nice to be on the map. I did a google search for the duathlon's results but nothing came up. Can you help me find my times?

Usually I go to the event website and they should have them under results. Most of the time, they are up by a day or two after the race. It took a little searching, but it looks like they have them here:

2011-05-26 12:15 PM
in reply to: #3271134

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL

What are your views on a snorkle and mask for the swim? 

It is allowed in the rules and at my Tri last year only a few people used them?   You would think it would be a big advantage keeping your head down the entire time and just worry about swimming, but no one uses them. Why not?

2011-05-26 12:20 PM
in reply to: #3520137

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
Bishtaw - 2011-05-26 1:15 PM

What are your views on a snorkle and mask for the swim? 

It is allowed in the rules and at my Tri last year only a few people used them?   You would think it would be a big advantage keeping your head down the entire time and just worry about swimming, but no one uses them. Why not?

Personally, I can't swim well with a snorkel, but they are legal in USAT races.  I think the main disadvantage is that you can't rotate your body as much for a stroke, so it is not as efficient or powerful.  But, if you think it will help and it works for you, go for it!!  Do check with the specific rules for your race, though.  Sometimes even if they are allowed by USAT, they will be banned by race directors.

2011-05-28 8:19 AM
in reply to: #3519046

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Bartow County, GA
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
Artemis - 2011-05-25 7:13 PM

goofee girl - 2011-05-25 5:43 PM Artemis (or anybody who can answer this), where can I find the results of a race? I participated in the PT Solutions Cartersville Duathlon back in April and they never sent me my times. Yet today I got an email with my ranking (low). Still, it's nice to be on the map. I did a google search for the duathlon's results but nothing came up. Can you help me find my times?

Usually I go to the event website and they should have them under results. Most of the time, they are up by a day or two after the race. It took a little searching, but it looks like they have them here:

Thank you! I just have to get better at the searching of the website. When I did the HM they emailed me the results, so I just assumed that the rest of the races would do the same. Silly me for not thinking to check the main website. Embarassed

2011-06-01 10:20 AM
in reply to: #3271134

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL

I feel like crap!  The holiday weekend was ok but drank to much beer, ate to much and 3 weeks after my 1st marathon 10 lbs heavier.  No motovation to do anything extra.  I believe the extra is what keeps my weight down. 

So i look forward to June! 

 Please keep bugging me and reminding me to stay away from the candy!  Stay away from the beer!  Keep moving!  Get more sleep!  Get your act together!  

I need your race & training reports to keep me going.  Keep posting, plz



2011-06-01 10:54 AM
in reply to: #3527335

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Desert of Mexico
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
Bishtaw - 2011-06-01 10:20 AM

 Please keep bugging me and reminding me to stay away from the candy!  Stay away from the beer!  Keep moving!  Get more sleep!  Get your act together!  

Keep posting, plz

times 2!

There are only 12 more school days left and I am trying to find the motivation within me to finish the year out.  As you may or may not know, I am currently working and living in Mexico.  Less than 4 weeks and I will get to see my friends and family back in Cali, complete my first sprint triathlon, and take a glorious cruise with my mom.  My students are itching to be done and their teacher is itching to be done as well.

This is affecting my training because I am losing my motivation all around.  I did, however, have a great day on Monday (ran my first ever 5K on the treadmill), ran 4.5 K on both Saturday and Sunday outside, and went biking yesterday.  What's been suffering has been my diet.  I am craving sweets and other things that I know I should not be consuming.  Aaaah!

2011-06-01 12:26 PM
in reply to: #3522838

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
goofee girl - 2011-05-28 9:19 AM
Artemis - 2011-05-25 7:13 PM

goofee girl - 2011-05-25 5:43 PM Artemis (or anybody who can answer this), where can I find the results of a race? I participated in the PT Solutions Cartersville Duathlon back in April and they never sent me my times. Yet today I got an email with my ranking (low). Still, it's nice to be on the map. I did a google search for the duathlon's results but nothing came up. Can you help me find my times?

Usually I go to the event website and they should have them under results. Most of the time, they are up by a day or two after the race. It took a little searching, but it looks like they have them here:

Thank you! I just have to get better at the searching of the website. When I did the HM they emailed me the results, so I just assumed that the rest of the races would do the same. Silly me for not thinking to check the main website. Embarassed

No worries!  It's one of the things I am here to help with. 

2011-06-01 12:27 PM
in reply to: #3527335

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
Bishtaw - 2011-06-01 11:20 AM

I feel like crap!  The holiday weekend was ok but drank to much beer, ate to much and 3 weeks after my 1st marathon 10 lbs heavier.  No motovation to do anything extra.  I believe the extra is what keeps my weight down. 

So i look forward to June! 

 Please keep bugging me and reminding me to stay away from the candy!  Stay away from the beer!  Keep moving!  Get more sleep!  Get your act together!  

I need your race & training reports to keep me going.  Keep posting, plz



What's your training plan for the week? I think it helps to have people know what you are planning to do and they can check if you stuck with it.

For me:

today: run 35 min
Thursday: run 35 minutes
Friday: rest day
Saturday: run 50 minutes
Sunday: bike ride (at least an hour, maybe more if I'm feeling good and the weather is nice)

2011-06-01 12:28 PM
in reply to: #3527424

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
spaceyg02 - 2011-06-01 11:54 AM
Bishtaw - 2011-06-01 10:20 AM

 Please keep bugging me and reminding me to stay away from the candy!  Stay away from the beer!  Keep moving!  Get more sleep!  Get your act together!  

Keep posting, plz

times 2!

There are only 12 more school days left and I am trying to find the motivation within me to finish the year out.  As you may or may not know, I am currently working and living in Mexico.  Less than 4 weeks and I will get to see my friends and family back in Cali, complete my first sprint triathlon, and take a glorious cruise with my mom.  My students are itching to be done and their teacher is itching to be done as well.

This is affecting my training because I am losing my motivation all around.  I did, however, have a great day on Monday (ran my first ever 5K on the treadmill), ran 4.5 K on both Saturday and Sunday outside, and went biking yesterday.  What's been suffering has been my diet.  I am craving sweets and other things that I know I should not be consuming.  Aaaah!

Are you getting enough protein?  It seems a little strange, but sometimes when I'm craving sweets, I can add some more protein to my diet and it takes away those cravings.  It sounds like you've been doing more training lately (great job!!), so that might be worth trying.

2011-06-01 4:10 PM
in reply to: #3271134

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Extreme Veteran
South Lake Tahoe, Ca.
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL

Well, as usual weather is my nemesis.

Got up this morning for my run and it was snowing, AGAIN! All this week it's supposed to snow or rain. This is getting depressing.

Most of my workouts are in the gym. I can usually get a decent run in some mornings, but a bike ride of any distance is almost impossible. I think I'm going to change up my routine for the time being. It's so hard for me to get up in the mornings, so I am going to workout after work for a while. I can change back once the weather decides to cooperate.

Anyway, I hope everyone else is doing well.


2011-06-02 4:09 PM
in reply to: #3271134

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Extreme Veteran
South Lake Tahoe, Ca.
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL

Had a great brick (12 5k run) yesterday. I knocked off 00:02:18. One minute off the 5k.

It really boosts the spirits when you can see a noticeable difference.

Anyway, felt good about it and needed to share.


2011-06-02 8:08 PM
in reply to: #3527658

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Desert of Mexico
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
Artemis - 2011-06-01 12:28 PM

Are you getting enough protein?  It seems a little strange, but sometimes when I'm craving sweets, I can add some more protein to my diet and it takes away those cravings.  It sounds like you've been doing more training lately (great job!!), so that might be worth trying.

I will try to up my protein and see if that helps.  Thanks for the advice!

Edited by spaceyg02 2011-06-02 8:09 PM
2011-06-02 8:10 PM
in reply to: #3529732

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Desert of Mexico
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
Cagolddigger - 2011-06-02 4:09 PM

Had a great brick (12 5k run) yesterday. I knocked off 00:02:18. One minute off the 5k.

It really boosts the spirits when you can see a noticeable difference.

Anyway, felt good about it and needed to share.

Way to go!  Thanks for sharing because it helps to motivate me!

As for the cold weather you're experiencing, I seem to be having the opposite problems.  Some evenings it is still over 100 degrees outside which just makes it miserable to run. :/

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