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2012-01-28 5:27 PM
in reply to: #3942453

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Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED

Some of you may have already seen this video, I find it hilarious. We have to take a step back and laugh at ourselves every now and then.

Sh*t triathletes say...


2012-01-29 2:19 PM
in reply to: #3942453

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Prairie Village, Kansas
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED

Yeah Roger, I thought that video was pretty spot on and hilarious...

Jaelin, I just sip on some watered down Gatorade for sprints.  I have it on the bike, and try to get 10-15 ounces in.  Really, it's not that big of a deal for the shorter races.  As far as pacing goes, I just try to settle into a nice pace during the swim, be as quick as possible in transition, and hammer hard on the bike and run.  It's a short race, it won't hurt long...

2012-01-30 6:13 AM
in reply to: #4009440

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Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
mroger82 - 2012-01-24 10:34 PM

Remember consistency is the key, and it will pay off big come race season.

I thought I would throw out a new topic tonight, transitions.

Hey everyone!  Congrats on the race finishes!  Some good times posted.

My goal lately has been to fit all the training sessions in.  Really - it's winter and my workouts are typically 45minutes long and I'm struggling!?  How I managed to fit them all in when they were 2-3x longer last summer is beyond me!!

Transitions - I bring a brightly coloured towel and layout all my things on it with the hopes I can find it easier.  Get out of the water and push my goggles on to my head and start getting out of my wetsuit so that by the time I get to my bike it's down to my hips, then off comes the bathing cap & googles and on goes the helmet and glasses.  I roll my socks so that all I have to do is slip my toes in and then roll them on.  In to my shoes, race belt on and I'm off on my bike.  Then off come the shoes, in to the runners, swap the helmet for a hat and grab a gel for the road.  Depending - I may give my body an extra spray of sunscreen as I burn easily.  I keep two bottles on my bike - one water and one gatorade and depending on the race length I may grab a Cliff bar for the bike.  I keep a bottle on my transition towel to take drinks as I'm prepping. 

Sounds very efficient but I am SLOW!  It feels as though most of the races I've done have a bit gravel hill from the water to transition and most often I slog it or even walk it.  Hence the times.

Last year in my HIM I took a different way back to my bike and couldn't find the bloody thing!!  So so annoying!

2012-01-30 10:02 AM
in reply to: #3942453

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED

Good luck Jaelin!  Thanks for the inspire Marcia.  Good tips on the T1 & T2 everyone.  And, thanks for the comic relief Roger, funny stuff.

Well I finished my first 1/2 marathon Saturday in far better time than I expected, 1:44.38.  I ran simulations several times in the weeks leading up to the race.  In those, my pace in HR zone 4.0 - 4.5 was around the 8.5 min/mi mark.  But Saturday my pace was 7.5 min/mi and sometimes faster in the same zone.  Not sure why but my calves have been paying for it!  My plan is to focus on muscle endurance over the next few weeks before the Cowtown 1/2 Marry next month.

Oh, got my bike, super cool!

I hope everyone got in a good workout this weekend and you all have a good week!

2012-01-30 10:58 AM
in reply to: #3942453

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Extreme Veteran
Shawnee, KS
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
That is fantastic Monty, the time and the bike. Congrats and take a few days to recover.
2012-01-30 3:22 PM
in reply to: #4018428

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Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
Great job Monty! Also post some pics of your new ride. I always like seeing some bike porn.

2012-01-31 6:44 AM
in reply to: #3942453

New user
Swansea, IL
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED

Great time for a first (or fourth for that matter) 1/2 mary, Monty.  Would also enjoy seeing pics of the new ride.  I'm always dreaming of buying my next steed.  Have an older Trek roadie now in addition to my tri bike I purchased last summer.  Spend most of my time on the tri bike but would really like to get a carbon roadie for my group rides, etc.

Still looking for a wetsuit to purchase on the cheap.  Been scouring the classifieds and thought I had a Desoto on Ebay this weekend but someone swooped in at the last minute and outbid me. 

Also realized yesterday that the scheduling conflict I had with the Vino Fondo event in May was a figment of my imagination so I'm back in.  Pretty excited but means I've got to put in some serious miles (and hill training) over the next few months.  86 miles of wine country...

Battling a head cold last few days has kept me from doing anything.  Part of me just wants to slog thru it but the other half says taking time off will speed up my recovery.  So far I've listened to the latter but really itching to do something today.

2012-01-31 1:45 PM
in reply to: #3942453

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
2012-01-31 7:34 PM
in reply to: #3942453

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Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED

That is one cool bike Monty, thanks for posting. Hey, if this triathlon thing doesn't work out for you I call dibbs on it. Just kidding, great bike and should serve you very well. I'm jealous.

As for me, I think I may have overdone it a bit this week. Legs are shot and I have noticed my performance on the decrease,  so I have imposed a recovery week for me. Looking forward to making gains next week. Will be an active recovery with lots of swimming and some core work. We 'masters' athletes need a little more recovery than you 20-30 somethings. But I do get great satisfaction from passing younger athletes during a race. Triathlon is one sport where your age is posted on your calf. It gives me a little inspiration/motivation to pass that youngster in front of me, or to kick it in a little bit more when I get passed by an older athlete.

Hope everybody is doing well. I've noticed fewer postings from everybody, I just hope that's not an indication that training is down as well.


2012-01-31 8:21 PM
in reply to: #3942453

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Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED

All good here.  Training going well.  Just never enough time to surf.

So I have these nice goggles - light green and very clear but they always fog up so I bought some "fog-free" goggles that are darker and sure enough they fog.  So I buy this spray to put on both sets and still... fog!?  What's the solution?  I've even tried using my saliva to prevent the fogging but inevitably - fog fog fog!!

Anyone have a solution??

2012-01-31 8:38 PM
in reply to: #3942453

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Extreme Veteran
Shawnee, KS
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
I have heard rubbing a bit of baby shampoo on the lens will halo prevent fogging. I remember reading it on this site, so you might find the thread if you search for it.

2012-01-31 8:52 PM
in reply to: #4022050

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Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED

Marcia, there are many anti-fog remedies out there. Baby shampoo and toothpaste seem to be very popular. However, and as you found out, even an anti-fog coating will not prevent fogging if your technique is flawed. Personally, I've never used anything other than spit and I have two year old goggles I use that has long lost their fog-protective coating. I spit and rinse once only. I apply the goggles to my face and leave them there careful not to break the seal once established to your face. The problem is physics really. Once the goggles are on your face, they quickly start to warm up. If the seal is broken, even for a moment, the relatively cool and moist air hits the inside surface of the goggle, and condensation or fog will form immediately. So the trick is to keep them sealed to your face once applied. Make sure your have a good fitting goggle also. Try this, hope it helps.

2012-01-31 10:01 PM
in reply to: #3942453

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
Did a self supported Ironman today (14:20), this is now my most millage week and its only Tuesday, got some rest days now though
2012-01-31 11:21 PM
in reply to: #3942453

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Bendigo, Victoria
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED

Jaelin - good luck for your triathlon this weekend, I am sure you will do very well!

Monty - great job on your half M, you are a machine! Speaking of machines, very nice bike, hope you enjoy the miles on it.

Great info on the T1 and T2s also everyone else, will definitely come in handy.

I've been out of action for a week due to severe sunburn. After only an hour of sun exposure at 9am last Thursday, I ended up with a badly blistered neck that is still very sore, but is at least now tolerable enough to train. Definitely not venturing out without SPF 50+ on anymore!

So yeah been in a bit of a funk seeing I have missed 7 days of training and freaking out over my first race on Saturday week. Pick up my new bike tomorrow and only have 9 days to get used to its handling and clipless pedals. Haven't done nearly enough road running or hill riding and my anxiety is through the roof. Convinced myself yesterday it was a bad idea and I should wait maybe until next season when I have more training time under my belt, but decided today that it's just anxiety trying to sabotage my hard work and to suck it up and just do it. I know if I let my irrational fears win, I'll be really p'ed off with myself.

I decided to really push myself hard today on the run in the gym, just to test what fitness I have got, so I punched out my first 10km in a very long time. I'm definitely nowhere near any of you other "athletes" as far as pace goes, but I'm really happy with my 75 min time. I think today shut down quite a few negative worries about next week, and gave me a bit more confidence in myself. I'm hoping to get at least one ride and run on the course at race distance in before the day as well as my regular sessions. The hardest part for me I think will be getting through registration, once I'm committed to it I should be fine.

Hope everyone else is travelling well or recovering well.

2012-02-01 12:03 AM
in reply to: #4015375

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Brisbane, Australia
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
jaelinfunk - 2012-01-28 12:26 PM

didn't bring anything to eat, and didn't eat a good breakfast,

That's just asking for trouble
2012-02-01 12:27 AM
in reply to: #3942453

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Brisbane, Australia
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
Hey Team.
Really could have used some inspires last week - I was pretty slack, but it was a recovery week so less of an issue.
I did my bike LT field test and got the same result. Did the run test and got 1bpm higher over 30mins, and my 1000m swim TT was ~25 seconds faster than 2 months ago. So good results all round.

Transitions for me:
T1 - goggles and cap are off as soon as I am out of the water. Never done a wetsuit swim so don't have to worry about that. Stand on a towel so I don't get too much dirt stuck to my wet feet. Helmet on, sunnies on and go. Stuff some gels into my shirt pocket. No socks, bike shoes on bike already. I'm not quite up to the 'flying mount' yet, so I stop at the line get on and go. For Olympic - 1 bottle gatorade 1 bottle water. For sprint, 1 bottle gatorade. Haven't done anything longer.

T2 - feet out of shoes going in. Leave bike shoes on pedals. Rack bike, helmet off. Running shoes on, grab hat and race belt and go. Put them on while running out of T1.

Short and sweet.

2012-02-01 12:32 AM
in reply to: #4016325

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Brisbane, Australia
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
mroger82 - 2012-01-29 9:27 AM

Some of you may have already seen this video, I find it hilarious. We have to take a step back and laugh at ourselves every now and then.

Sh*t triathletes say...


That's so funny. I hope I am not that bad...
2012-02-01 4:11 AM
in reply to: #3942453

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Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED

Congrats on everybody's races and good times! You all are amazing athletes and so driven! I have been sick. I hardly ever get sick so I am really whining. It is all in my lungs so I have taken the last 3 days off except for an attempt at a run on Monday. Ran 2 miles feeling like I could not breath so stopped after 2. I may try my spin on Thur, I don't know.

Simone, I did both of my tri's the last 2 years feeling totally unprepared. I had done hardly any bricks and my swim sucked. Looking at your logs you are awesome. Anytime those negative feelings come up, quickly think about something else, and tell yourself you will do fine. Race is this Sat? I will be rooting for you!

I have a question about fuel for an OLY. I have not started practicing fueling for this year yet. Last 2 years I had 3 bottles water on the bike and 3 gels. I have a really hard time drinking on the run and I don't like gatorade or anything like that but if that is what is recommended I will use that.  The first OLY this seemed to work ok. Both races it was really hot. Last year I got a horrible cramp that started on my right side under my rib and by the time I was finishing up, I felt like my whole diaphram was on fire, terrible pain from one side to the other. The pictures of me show the pain on my face. Was it the gels and water? Too much, too little? Should I use a sports drink instead?

Also, this may be TMI, but I have found most triathletes are perfectly willing to talk about body functions. Both tri's I had to pee during the run. The first year they had a portapotty on the route, which I used. Also it was a wooded area with few houses visible and I had thought about ducking out there someplace until I saw the portapotty. Last year, the run was though a beautiful neighborhood, no place to duck out to pee and I was in pain until about at the turnaround point, there was a house where the yard was being landscaped and there was a portapotty in the yard there, which I used whether I was supposed to or not.

My brother-in-law, who is elite triathlete and cyclist, told me I should have just peed in my pants. Really? I would do that in my wetsuit or in the ocean but in my pants, leaving a trail behind me in a nice neighborhood. Would you guys do that?

Well, I can go on. That's all for now.

Best workouts ever to all of you!



2012-02-01 6:39 AM
in reply to: #4021936

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Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
mroger82 - 2012-01-31 8:34 PM

As for me, I think I may have overdone it a bit this week. Legs are shot and I have noticed my performance on the decrease,  so I have imposed a recovery week for me. Looking forward to making gains next week. Will be an active recovery with lots of swimming and some core work. We 'masters' athletes need a little more recovery than you 20-30 somethings. But I do get great satisfaction from passing younger athletes during a race. Triathlon is one sport where your age is posted on your calf. It gives me a little inspiration/motivation to pass that youngster in front of me, or to kick it in a little bit more when I get passed by an older athlete.

It's funny because I noticed this as well.  I train with a girl who is 10 years younger and our paces match nicely but as we ramped up the volume I noticed I was struggling.  She would bounce back the day after a challenging ride with ease whereas I was tight and longing for my foam roller!!  I don't pass a lot of people PERIOD.  But I feel inspired when women ten years older pass me.  I feel like the longer I keep at it the better I will become and one day I will fly past people younger than me.

2012-02-01 1:07 PM
in reply to: #4022270

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Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED

jaelinfunk - 2012-01-31 11:01 PM Did a self supported Ironman today (14:20), this is now my most millage week and its only Tuesday, got some rest days now though

WOW!  Good for you and for doing it in a non-race environment.  A lot of perseverence there!  When is your first race?

2012-02-01 1:09 PM
in reply to: #4023521

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Extreme Veteran
Shawnee, KS
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
kimmax - 2012-02-01 1:07 PM

jaelinfunk - 2012-01-31 11:01 PM Did a self supported Ironman today (14:20), this is now my most millage week and its only Tuesday, got some rest days now though

WOW!  Good for you and for doing it in a non-race environment.  A lot of perseverence there!  When is your first race?

Yeah, that's one heck of a training day/confidence booster for your first race.

2012-02-01 1:13 PM
in reply to: #4022361

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Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
kruzmeister - 2012-02-01 12:21 AM

So yeah been in a bit of a funk seeing I have missed 7 days of training and freaking out over my first race on Saturday week. Pick up my new bike tomorrow and only have 9 days to get used to its handling and clipless pedals. Haven't done nearly enough road running or hill riding and my anxiety is through the roof. Convinced myself yesterday it was a bad idea and I should wait maybe until next season when I have more training time under my belt, but decided today that it's just anxiety trying to sabotage my hard work and to suck it up and just do it. I know if I let my irrational fears win, I'll be really p'ed off with myself.

Sorry to hear about the sunburn.  I have to be really careful too.  Sounds painful!

On my first race I overhydrated and on the drive to the race said aloud "God I feel like throwing up" and my daughter said "Mom - you don't have to do the race."  long pause "but if you don't you'll be a quitter" !!  How's that for a motivational speech?  And yet... she was right!!

You've put in the training and that nervous feeling - it's a great reminder that you are alive and trying new things and while horrible at the beginning - it just means that feeling you have when you cross the finish line will be all the more intense!  Embrace it! 

Use this as a learning experience and a trial run for all the races you have coming up.  First hands on experience at transitions and pushing yourself and knowing how it feels to go from bike to run extra.  You'll never really know how it feels until you are in a race environment so here's your chance!  I think you are going to surprise yourself.  Can't wait to see the results.

You guys need to add your races to the race listing so we can keep tabs on what's on the horizon! 

2012-02-01 1:16 PM
in reply to: #3942453

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED

sunday and I'm feeling good!. mentally, physically i feel terrible after yesterday, sore in places I didn't know was possible

gonna do a bit of work thurs and fri on swim, the 30mile round trip bike to the long course pool twice, and maybe one interval based run before then

2012-02-01 1:23 PM
in reply to: #4022419

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Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED

stuart_little_9 - 2012-02-01 1:27 AM Hey Team. Really could have used some inspires last week - I was pretty slack, but it was a recovery week so less of an issue.

Bah!  We failed you as a mentor group!  So it's okay to smack talk you then?  I noticed you had some cumulative white squares but wouldn't know how you'd interpret "Shark get you?"   Now I'll be kicking your a$$ from the other side of the pond!

2012-02-01 1:30 PM
in reply to: #4022470

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Subject: RE: SBR Endurance Group - CLOSED
davisjanis58 - 2012-02-01 5:11 AM

I have a question about fuel for an OLY. I have not started practicing fueling for this year yet. Last 2 years I had 3 bottles water on the bike and 3 gels. I have a really hard time drinking on the run and I don't like gatorade or anything like that but if that is what is recommended I will use that.  The first OLY this seemed to work ok. Both races it was really hot. Last year I got a horrible cramp that started on my right side under my rib and by the time I was finishing up, I felt like my whole diaphram was on fire, terrible pain from one side to the other. The pictures of me show the pain on my face. Was it the gels and water? Too much, too little? Should I use a sports drink instead?

Also, this may be TMI, but I have found most triathletes are perfectly willing to talk about body functions. Both tri's I had to pee during the run. The first year they had a portapotty on the route, which I used. Also it was a wooded area with few houses visible and I had thought about ducking out there someplace until I saw the portapotty. Last year, the run was though a beautiful neighborhood, no place to duck out to pee and I was in pain until about at the turnaround point, there was a house where the yard was being landscaped and there was a portapotty in the yard there, which I used whether I was supposed to or not.

For my olys I just eat a normal breakfast and drink lots of water before.  I always find myself thirsty as I'm about to start the swim which is never a good thing.  On the bike I might eat a Cliff bar as I start out.  Mine tend to be early morning races so the time between breaky and the bike - I get hungry.  During my HIM I ate a banana just before the swim and stuck to gels every 45minutes on the bike and that worked well.  Not as heavy.  But ya - Cliff bar and then maybe a gel just before it's over.  On the run I might have a couple of sport beans if I need to or a gel.  I have one bottle of water and another of diluted Gatorade and I drink on the run course.

As for the cramping - I had that during my HIM bike and I'm not sure if I was overhydrated (was experimenting with too much water to avoid a thirsty swim) or the fact I'd had a bike fit days before and wasn't used to the new configuration.

As for washroom breaks - I am SO FAR from the podium that I will take the time to use a port-a-potty.  Interestingly I've never had to pee on the bike or the run.  I have used the one in T2 during the HIM.  I pee often in the water before the race Embarassed

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