BT Development Mentor Program Archives » kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2013-01-05 4:08 PM
in reply to: #4563711

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED
bdenehy - 2013-01-05 4:06 PM

I had a fun morning running.  A local running club put on a post holiday recovery run.  Kind of an organized training run, no tshirts, no timing, no fees...  They provide a 5k course, water and a port-a-john.  You can run as far as you like up to 50k.  I did the 25k that was on my schedule for tomorrow.  Running 5 loops of the same course would usually turn me off, but it was nice to be with people.  Also, it helped keep me from sandbagging on a long run.  I still kept it in my zone, but at the top of the zone Smile

So it got me thinking that the folks who write these plans, like my current run plan, give some thought to where to put a 5 mile recovery run.  I threw that off by reversing weekend days and paid a bit of a price with more soreness on a long run than I would have liked.  But I wouldn't change that, since fun is fun.

That, in turn, got me thinking about the posts about squeezing in doubles together.  I know that the optimal way to do doubles is to space them out, but I'm sure I will never do that.  Almost every day, except for long run days, I do back to back workouts.  And I order them in most convenient way. As in, since group swimming doesn't start until 6, run or bike comes first.  And if its a run day, I drive to the pool first and run from there so I'm driving out there with no other traffic, maybe saving 4 extra minutes.  Yes, one or maybe both workouts suffer, but there is only so much time in the day and so many showers that I want to take...

Happy training folks!

Nice way to get a long run in Bill!  Were there people that did 50K?

Some of the plans are easier to move around than others.  But when you are doing a run only plan, it is a bit tougher.  One thing I am learning (which is a totally different practice for me than what I am used to) is that a plan is put together with hard days, easy days, recovery days, etc. with a purpose.  Life will throw you a curve now and then, don't try to make up the day, just move on. 

2013-01-05 4:56 PM
in reply to: #4542655

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED
So far so good here this weekend! Gym was CROWDED! Thankfully I got to the pool right after a class ended and it cleared out quick. After my swim I went right into my pool run. It was crowded again by then. People don't like to share lanes at my gym. I had to offer to one if the folks standing around before he jumped in.

Doubles are kinda a staple with me. I do them often, but also have focussed singles. What Ken said about the plan design with rest and recoveries is dead on. My plan includes hard singles and hard doubles, but adequate recovery from those are worked in. I don't think I had that kind of depth perception when I was working my own plan. I also was always tryin to switch things around to make things up when I missed. I didnt have the discipline to just move on! Thank God for my coach!

2013-01-05 6:23 PM
in reply to: #4542655

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED

10 mile run at a good pace on icy trails and streets today followed by a 60 min. bike at high cadence and some yoga and foam rollers.  Love my Rumble Roller.

I do strength training all year.  I use kettle bells and do them in the back yard when it's warm.  machines are for sissies. Just kidding.  That's what Pavel, the guy who brought kettle bells from Russia always says.  But 30 mins with k bells is enough to overload the muscles and get the aerobic system working, too.

Ironman training is like a part-time job, 15 to 20 hours a week and more depending on the plan and your goal - just finishing (which is plenty) or being a competitor. Lots of that time is on the weekend, like Ken said. But two a days during the week can be taxing.  I often am up at 4 to go to Masters to swim twice a week or to do a trainer workout before work or up late after Kathy goes to bed to spend time with her and still get the workout in.    Kathy and I are always awestruck at Ironman when we see so many spectators with young children.  We know dad or mom is out on the course so the spouse is picking up A LOT of the workload.   it is very cool to see that kind of support.  But it is necessary if you are going to do this and work fulltime too.  I did my first IM working as a newspaper reporter fulltime.  Every moment counted.  And I was sure to schedule date night and weekend breakfasts and shopping with Kathy.  We are doing this for fun.  No need to strain the family over it.  This time after retiring,  I work fulltime one week and off the next.  One week is a little hectic, the other is very manageable.  Just be sure to schedule lots of family time and keep priorities straight.  Ironman is a HOBBY for most of us, a life-style yes but marriage, kids, job all come first to most of us.  Good luck!

2013-01-05 6:23 PM
in reply to: #4542655

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Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED
Thanks, DJ and Ken for the good advice.  At this point I am in "Base I" so my workouts are pretty short and easy (i.e. 30 min run +40 min swim) so it's easy to combine them in one trip to the gym.  And I made it out for  a 2 1/2 hour ride today!  It was so nice to ride outside, even if 35 degrees was a bit chilly!
2013-01-05 6:24 PM
in reply to: #4542655

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED

WOW!!!!  I just did my best to read/scan 17 pages of posts. I kept seeing the e-mail notifications coming into my inbox and was just so busy at work that I couldn't get them. So forgive me if I post about something that has already been discussed.

Quick bio.


Age 49

I have been doing triathlons since 2008. I signed up for one sprint and the rest is history. Each year I added a distance until 2011 when I did Ironman Arizona. My big race this past year was Ironman Florida and while I had hoped for a "better" race (read time) the conditions were hard on me and a combination of sea sickness and high temps/humidity did me in. I finished but just barely. While I enjoyed Arizona much more, I would have to say that I am more proud of my Florida finish due to the struggles I overcame.

I am a MOP person at best. Running has always been a struggle and continues to be so. 

I have been in Ken's mentor group for at least a few seasons and whether or not he knows it, he has been there for all my milestones   He was part of a group who helped me purchase my tri bike and saw me through my first HIM.  He also helped me through IMAZ and IMFL.

I live in Colorado but grew up on the east coast.  I went to boarding school in Troy NY (just outside of Albany) and attended my first year of college in upstate NY so I am not unfamiliar with what all you east coasters experience in the winter and summer months.  I also lived in South FL for many years before moving to CO.

So far I am signed up for one Triathlon in 2013 which is Ironman Wisconsin.  I must admit if I hadn't signed up before IMFL, I don't know if I would have taken the plunge.  I will probably also sign up for Kansas 70.3 though reading the race reports from last year has me a bit nervous. After IMFL, anything that mentions rough water conditions makes me nausious   I am going to Dallas to do the Rock and Roll Half Marathon in March.  I have done numerous half marathons but have only been satisfied with one finish. Major GI issues are a HUGE problem for me and have made running long distances tough.

On the home front, I have a significant other who is fine with my training. We also have a two year old Cocker Spaniel named Casey and are considering getting another one ( I must be nuts).

One of my main goals for this season is to keep up with this group and be more active!   Mentor groups are so great and I have learned a lot from them but more importantly I have gained new friends. I am a great cheerleader and will track you online during your race all day if I have the means to do so  

I hope everyone is injoying their weekend!



Edited by Kath2163 2013-01-05 6:25 PM
2013-01-05 6:50 PM
in reply to: #4542655

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San Jose
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED

Has anyone used Joe Friel's  Tri Training Bible to plan their own training? Has it worked out well for you?

I've used BT plans and Be Iron Fit in the past but I'm working on planning my and my husband, Dave's workouts (at least for the beginning of the year). He's pretty limited on time with work and only had the mornings to workout and then the weekends. I have more time available so my weekday workouts might be different than his. We've signed up for most of the same races so it's easy to train together. We're also pretty comparable on speed (mostly because I have time to train more so I can keep up!) so that helps too.

If someone has planned their own workouts I'd love some thoughts on how I have the blocks set up so far.


2013-01-05 6:58 PM
in reply to: #4563967

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Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED



(Psst!  Johanne!  I've used it as a template of sorts, and it served me well.  I didn't use it consistently, as in from year to year to year, but maybe in '07, it was.   [End of "psst"!Wink])

2013-01-05 6:59 PM
in reply to: #4563971

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San Jose
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED
stevebradley - 2013-01-05 4:58 PM



(Psst!  Johanne!  I've used it as a template of sorts, and it served me well.  I didn't use it consistently, as in from year to year to year, but maybe in '07, it was.   [End of "psst"!Wink])

Thanks Steve! I'll get back to you shortly

2013-01-05 8:54 PM
in reply to: #4542655

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Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED
Johanne,  I tried to use Training Bible to make my plan last year, but it was just too abstract for me to be able to use.  This year I got Friel's "Your Best Triathlon" which has more concrete training plan weeks.  Not sure how much is a year of experience, but I finally understand some of the physiology he talks about (in both books) now.  I'm liking it a lot so far, but I'm only 2 weeks in!  -Jaime
2013-01-05 9:22 PM
in reply to: #4564081

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San Jose
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED

RunningJoke - 2013-01-05 6:54 PM Johanne,  I tried to use Training Bible to make my plan last year, but it was just too abstract for me to be able to use.  This year I got Friel's "Your Best Triathlon" which has more concrete training plan weeks.  Not sure how much is a year of experience, but I finally understand some of the physiology he talks about (in both books) now.  I'm liking it a lot so far, but I'm only 2 weeks in!  -Jaime

Thanks Jaime!

I'm trying not to buy another book Dave got me a couple of new ones for Christmas that I'd like to incorporate parts of in our training. One is Off Season Training by Karen Buxton and the other is Power Speed Endurance by Brian Mackenzie. I already had Friel's book but I've never really worked through it. I kind of like the idea of making my own plan but I want it to be productive and not just a lot of hours of training. 

Were there several plans to chose from in Your Best Triathlon? Do you go from plan to plan based on when your A races are?

One of these days I might get a coach and that would solve a lot of my planning issues For now, I'm too cheap.

2013-01-05 10:07 PM
in reply to: #4563934

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED
Kathleen--I did HIM Kansas last year, I'm happy to answer any questions you have about it. It was a very tough day, but honestly the swim was the easiest of the 3, & it's by far my worst discipline!! I still had a great time, & will do it again if I can work it in my schedule.

I'm also doing IMWI this year as are a couple more in the group.


Still trying to pick a training plan for my IM. So I bought "Be Iron Fit" for my Kindle & it looks like there's only 2 swim workouts a week??? That really doesn't seem like enough. For my HIM it was usually 3 (sometimes more) per week. Thoughts? I'm slow, don't have a swimming background, but felt like the frequency I did last year made me well prepared, not sure if I want to take a chance with fewer swim workouts.

2013-01-05 10:29 PM
in reply to: #4542655

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Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED
Your Best Triathlon has a template plan for each training cycle (Base I, Base II, Build, Peak etc). It also breaks it into your goal race distance. I just counted back from my A race to figure out when to start.
2013-01-06 1:15 AM
in reply to: #4542655

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED
I just got back from dinner with my coach. Ironically, I used freils book and others to construct my plans in the past. I thought I was doing things right, but I think those books are too much for me to comprehend as a hobby. If it was my full time job that would be one thing. But I did the best I could with them. I think they are fine and can get you to the finish line. But now I'm trying to compete in these things. My coach showed me exactly where I went wrong last year in my training. Ironically it was the some point where I got Plantar Fasciitis. I don't think that was a coincidence. I guess what I'm saying is to be careful! I know it's not everyone's situation to be able to hire a coach. But these events are serious frets of human ability. If you get one thing wrong its easy to sideline yourself for a significant amount of time. Just realize your goals and stay within your limits, and seek he'll if you don't know.
2013-01-06 7:15 AM
in reply to: #4563934

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED
Kath2163 - 2013-01-05 7:24 PM

WOW!!!!  I just did my best to read/scan 17 pages of posts. I kept seeing the e-mail notifications coming into my inbox and was just so busy at work that I couldn't get them. So forgive me if I post about something that has already been discussed.

Quick bio.


Age 49

I have been doing triathlons since 2008. I signed up for one sprint and the rest is history. Each year I added a distance until 2011 when I did Ironman Arizona. My big race this past year was Ironman Florida and while I had hoped for a "better" race (read time) the conditions were hard on me and a combination of sea sickness and high temps/humidity did me in. I finished but just barely. While I enjoyed Arizona much more, I would have to say that I am more proud of my Florida finish due to the struggles I overcame.

I am a MOP person at best. Running has always been a struggle and continues to be so. 

I have been in Ken's mentor group for at least a few seasons and whether or not he knows it, he has been there for all my milestones   He was part of a group who helped me purchase my tri bike and saw me through my first HIM.  He also helped me through IMAZ and IMFL.

I live in Colorado but grew up on the east coast.  I went to boarding school in Troy NY (just outside of Albany) and attended my first year of college in upstate NY so I am not unfamiliar with what all you east coasters experience in the winter and summer months.  I also lived in South FL for many years before moving to CO.

So far I am signed up for one Triathlon in 2013 which is Ironman Wisconsin.  I must admit if I hadn't signed up before IMFL, I don't know if I would have taken the plunge.  I will probably also sign up for Kansas 70.3 though reading the race reports from last year has me a bit nervous. After IMFL, anything that mentions rough water conditions makes me nausious   I am going to Dallas to do the Rock and Roll Half Marathon in March.  I have done numerous half marathons but have only been satisfied with one finish. Major GI issues are a HUGE problem for me and have made running long distances tough.

On the home front, I have a significant other who is fine with my training. We also have a two year old Cocker Spaniel named Casey and are considering getting another one ( I must be nuts).

One of my main goals for this season is to keep up with this group and be more active!   Mentor groups are so great and I have learned a lot from them but more importantly I have gained new friends. I am a great cheerleader and will track you online during your race all day if I have the means to do so  

I hope everyone is injoying their weekend!



Thanks for the update Kathleen!  You will have a lot of people here to discuss your IMWI training with!!

Are you using the same coach this your for the race?

2013-01-06 7:31 AM
in reply to: #4564136

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED

Omahabritt - 2013-01-05 11:07 PM Kathleen--I did HIM Kansas last year, I'm happy to answer any questions you have about it. It was a very tough day, but honestly the swim was the easiest of the 3, & it's by far my worst discipline!! I still had a great time, & will do it again if I can work it in my schedule. I'm also doing IMWI this year as are a couple more in the group. Welcome! Still trying to pick a training plan for my IM. So I bought "Be Iron Fit" for my Kindle & it looks like there's only 2 swim workouts a week??? That really doesn't seem like enough. For my HIM it was usually 3 (sometimes more) per week. Thoughts? I'm slow, don't have a swimming background, but felt like the frequency I did last year made me well prepared, not sure if I want to take a chance with fewer swim workouts.

Depending on which plan you were looking at, he has 2 swims a week in the just finish plan for the entire plan.  But the intermediate and the competitive plans go to 3 a week about week 10 through the duration.  I think that Finks, along with a lot of coaches, feel that the return on swimming a lot 20 - 30 weeks out from your A race doesn't provide the returns on race day as much as the bike and run base does.  This is mostly due to the fact that the swim is by far the shortest part of your day.  His plans are some of the few that are actually an IM plan that long.  Most IM (or any distance for that matter) are around 17 to 22 weeks,  and the assumption is that you would be doing an off season base building plan prior to the specific plan.

If you like the rest of his plan, but are concerned about the swim, add in a swim or 2 a week if you have the time. 

2013-01-06 7:33 AM
in reply to: #4542655

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED
I have the Training Bible, it has been a few years since I looked at it last so maybe I need to bring it out again.  I remember some good advice on training, but I don't have a strong recollection of plans or putting plans together.

2013-01-06 7:35 AM
in reply to: #4563771

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Extreme Veteran
Cold Spring, NY
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED
kenj - 2013-01-05 5:08 PM

Nice way to get a long run in Bill!  Were there people that did 50K?

Some of the plans are easier to move around than others.  But when you are doing a run only plan, it is a bit tougher.  One thing I am learning (which is a totally different practice for me than what I am used to) is that a plan is put together with hard days, easy days, recovery days, etc. with a purpose.  Life will throw you a curve now and then, don't try to make up the day, just move on. 

Yes Ken, there were a bunch going for 50k. I think a lot of them are targeting Spring ultras. The crowd seemed to be split about 2/3 runners doing 5-10k, 1/3 doing 50k, and me, who just stopped in the middle.
2013-01-06 7:36 AM
in reply to: #4542655

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED

We finally have some sunshine and temps above freezing this morning.  But, since I am fighting a losing battle with a head cold I am thinking of staying inside for my run this morning. 

I hope you all have a great day of training! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

2013-01-06 7:47 AM
in reply to: #4563967

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New user
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED
50andgettingfit - 2013-01-05 7:50 PM

Has anyone used Joe Friel's  Tri Training Bible to plan their own training? Has it worked out well for you?

I've used BT plans and Be Iron Fit in the past but I'm working on planning my and my husband, Dave's workouts (at least for the beginning of the year). He's pretty limited on time with work and only had the mornings to workout and then the weekends. I have more time available so my weekday workouts might be different than his. We've signed up for most of the same races so it's easy to train together. We're also pretty comparable on speed (mostly because I have time to train more so I can keep up!) so that helps too.

If someone has planned their own workouts I'd love some thoughts on how I have the blocks set up so far.


I am just into chapter 3 or so of Friel's Training Bible, but after reading a lot of the posts here I ordered Be Iron Fit. I scanned through Friel's book and realized there wasn't a solid training plan outlined. But I find his analysis interesting. So upon recommendation from others here ordered the other book (which won't get here for another few days). Although I am capable of putting together my own plan, part of me really just wants to follow something that's tried and true (and that someone else has already worked out!) and just make adjustments as needed.

I do have questions on the swim, though. I have read such conflicting information out there about it. The swim is by far my weakest discipline, so I was planning on 4 swims a week for 8 weeks or so, with 2 bikes and 3 runs. The bike is my strength, and I'd be starting the plan about 29 weeks out from my Ironman. Any thoughts on this approach? Oh, and I'm pretty much starting with a sw base of zero right now, which is another reason I thought I should focus heavy on that at first.
2013-01-06 8:18 AM
in reply to: #4564351

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED
rquinn23 - 2013-01-06 8:47 AM
50andgettingfit - 2013-01-05 7:50 PM

Has anyone used Joe Friel's  Tri Training Bible to plan their own training? Has it worked out well for you?

I've used BT plans and Be Iron Fit in the past but I'm working on planning my and my husband, Dave's workouts (at least for the beginning of the year). He's pretty limited on time with work and only had the mornings to workout and then the weekends. I have more time available so my weekday workouts might be different than his. We've signed up for most of the same races so it's easy to train together. We're also pretty comparable on speed (mostly because I have time to train more so I can keep up!) so that helps too.

If someone has planned their own workouts I'd love some thoughts on how I have the blocks set up so far.


I am just into chapter 3 or so of Friel's Training Bible, but after reading a lot of the posts here I ordered Be Iron Fit. I scanned through Friel's book and realized there wasn't a solid training plan outlined. But I find his analysis interesting. So upon recommendation from others here ordered the other book (which won't get here for another few days). Although I am capable of putting together my own plan, part of me really just wants to follow something that's tried and true (and that someone else has already worked out!) and just make adjustments as needed. I do have questions on the swim, though. I have read such conflicting information out there about it. The swim is by far my weakest discipline, so I was planning on 4 swims a week for 8 weeks or so, with 2 bikes and 3 runs. The bike is my strength, and I'd be starting the plan about 29 weeks out from my Ironman. Any thoughts on this approach? Oh, and I'm pretty much starting with a sw base of zero right now, which is another reason I thought I should focus heavy on that at first.

I don't think this is a bad idea this far out from race day, you should without a doubt train for the swim in a manner that makes you comfortable with your abilities on race day.  But keep in mind the duration of the race.  An average swimmer on a normal day will spend between 80 and 100 minutes in the water.  But 6 - 7 hours on the bike and 5 or so hours on the run, if there is reasonable bike fitness.  Many IM's turn into a death march instead of a run, not because of a lack of run fitness, but because the bike endurance wasn't there and the legs are fried. 

I would suggest that you cut the swim to 3 a week, and add a 3rd bike ride.  To make yourself more comfortable in the water, if you can find access to a swim coach, be a lesson or at a minimum find some form drills on youtube and send one session a week just doing drills working on form. 

2013-01-06 1:07 PM
in reply to: #4542655

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San Jose
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED

On a totally non tri note I foster for our local animal shelter. I usually take in kittens and grow them up and socialize them so they are more adoptable. I decided to take on a mama and her day old puppies this time around for some puppy fun. Here is a recent video of them at 6 weeks. We're hoping that most of them will be 'pre-adopted' when people see all of their cuteness. Otherwise, they will still go quick once they are back at the shelter. The big black dog is ours. He's 13 and we got him from a shelter when he was a year old.

2013-01-06 1:21 PM
in reply to: #4542655

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San Jose
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED

Thanks for the Training Bible comments. I think I'm going to give it a shot and if I feel like it's not working I can go with a set training plan.

I'm pretty conservative in my training and tend to err on the side of caution. Just finishing is always my first goal and I've worked myself up to an occasional middle of the pack finish on big races and even won my age group once on a little race last year. This is truly just a hobby for me but I'm pretty competitive with myself. This will be my 4th year of tri's and I finally feel like I 'get' the sport (in the sense that I know how fit I need to be to finish what I sign up for)  enough and now I need to work on my weaknesses. 

Other than the financial issue, one of the reasons I've stayed away from getting a coach is I'm concerned that the pressure of owning up to someone might take the fun away. I'm not sure why I feel that way since everyone I know who has one loves that the stress of self-coaching is taken away and they can just focus on doing what they are supposed to do.

I'd love to do another IM in 2014 and hopefully I can get a coach then. 

Dave and I have a bike ride planned for the afternoon but so far it's still raining here. I'm hoping it stops and dries a bit so we don't have to get on the trainer!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

2013-01-06 2:07 PM
in reply to: #4564675

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Extreme Veteran
Albany, NY
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED
50andgettingfit - 2013-01-06 2:07 PM

On a totally non tri note I foster for our local animal shelter. I usually take in kittens and grow them up and socialize them so they are more adoptable. I decided to take on a mama and her day old puppies this time around for some puppy fun. Here is a recent video of them at 6 weeks. We're hoping that most of them will be 'pre-adopted' when people see all of their cuteness. Otherwise, they will still go quick once they are back at the shelter. The big black dog is ours. He's 13 and we got him from a shelter when he was a year old.


How cute! I adopted two kittens about 10 months ago, definitely the way to go. My boys, Calvin and Hobbes, are awesome!

2013-01-06 2:14 PM
in reply to: #4542655

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Extreme Veteran
Albany, NY
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED

Hope everyone is having a better weekend than I am. I work part time and on my way home at 11:30 last night (after working from 4:00-11:30pm post my logged workouts) I decided to go for a drive and listen to some tunes. Well my eyes blinking one time must have turned into a few seconds of dozing off, I opened my eyes right before I smashed into the back of a parked car on a narrow two way street. I'm fine and nobody was injured. Can't say the same for my car or his. Insurance company says mine may be a total loss. To make matters worse, I owe more on my car than it is probably worth. My finances were already a light due to the bike build I'm doing so this doesn't help. The build is being put on hold for obvious reasons, but I sold my bike to fund the build, so yeah. 

If anyone is really familiar with insurance, car loans or anything about this process I could surely use some advice. 

2013-01-06 2:58 PM
in reply to: #4564736

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED
zee744 - 2013-01-06 2:14 PM

Hope everyone is having a better weekend than I am. I work part time and on my way home at 11:30 last night (after working from 4:00-11:30pm post my logged workouts) I decided to go for a drive and listen to some tunes. Well my eyes blinking one time must have turned into a few seconds of dozing off, I opened my eyes right before I smashed into the back of a parked car on a narrow two way street. I'm fine and nobody was injured. Can't say the same for my car or his. Insurance company says mine may be a total loss. To make matters worse, I owe more on my car than it is probably worth. My finances were already a light due to the bike build I'm doing so this doesn't help. The build is being put on hold for obvious reasons, but I sold my bike to fund the build, so yeah. 

If anyone is really familiar with insurance, car loans or anything about this process I could surely use some advice. 

Wow!  I am glad you are ok!  Everything else will work itself out.

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