BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Gray Guy/Girls Tri--Masters Sprint/Olympic Mentor Group CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2013-06-09 11:36 AM
in reply to: lutzman

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: Moses Lake Olympic Race Report
Well, you gray guys/girls set a pretty high standard. I can't match my race result up with Kay and Bull but I had a good race and a fun day. I finished up 19th overall (102 finishers) and 1st in my age group (5).

My swim was about a minute slower than last year. That was attributable to two factors. First, the course was a little longer with a few more waves as the average time increased by about 20 seconds. Second, I make key mistake at the start. It was a deep water start where we swim straight out about 50 yards to the first buoy and make a 90 degree turn to the left. However, for the first 15 yards a dock runs parallel the start, compressing the swimmers together. I went straight at the buoy...and got stuck in the traffic jam on the first turn, forced to tread water and wait. From that point until the 180 degree turn-around at 400 yards I was locked in the middle of the pack. After that it broke up and I had a steady swim.

My bike was solid, 16th overall. I dropped 5 minutes from last year. I really think the hill training is paying off with increased speed/power.

My run sucked, which is very disappointing since that is usually my strength (27th). I had a nasty side stitch for the first 2.5 miles. That's very weird/rare, so I don't really know what was going on there. But I got passed by at least five people on the run which aggravates me.

Overall, it was a good day and a good race for me. I'm hoping for a good score from USA Triathlon.

What did I learn yesterday: 1) Get to the race earlier than one hour and allow more time for warm up, especially on the swim. I was way late and it impacted my swim performance, 2) Survey the swim course and figure out where the crowd will go at the start...and avoid it. Swimming 10-20 yards farther is still faster to avoid the bottlenecks. 3) I need to keep working on bike fitness. The last couple of miles I was pretty drained...and this was only a 22 mile bike, not the standard 25 mile Olympic.

My race report is filed here:

Have great Sunday everyone.


2013-06-09 2:34 PM
in reply to: Kay Ewing

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Hingham, MA
Subject: RE: The Weekend is nearly here
Originally posted by Kay Ewing

Race Report for Lakewood Valley Triathlon in KY

All smiles –I love my 50’s.

Great Job! Totally Awesome!!!!!!!!!
2013-06-09 2:42 PM
in reply to: JREDFLY

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Subject: ---
congrats Bull...nice report kentucky...Steve that is just SCARYYY swimming !

weight this week 127

I backed off on hills on my hip flexor has not bothered me lately. My IBS is better.

I did my pathetic distance runner speed work out at the track.

10 x one minute fast one minute off. (shhhh at a 8:00 per mile pace) I havent been on the track in three weeks cuz didnt want to flare hip flexor and was sick with the IBS thing.

I bought an X2U tri suit. I had to wear it biking cuz i dont have any bike shorts. I REally like it. No clothes flapping on downhills, it has a front zipper and is easy to get out of it nature calls. I bought an extra large. people at the pool said it was too big. It is NOT. I like it that way.
2013-06-09 9:29 PM
in reply to: dustytrails

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Subject: RE: ---New Week of Training
It has been a fun weekend to say the least.
Quads are sore from racing hills, so probably be taking it easy this week until the soreness goes away. I read in a masters training manual that we need to back off when we are sore, not push threw it like we did as kids, so this may be my third easy week of training.
Hope everyone has a good week.

Weight 148.
2013-06-10 7:11 AM
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Hingham, MA
Subject: RE: ---New Week of Training
Fell asleep last night early around 9:00 which iwas awesome because I felt so fresh getting up for the pool at 5O. Felt good to be back at the pool, hadn't been in two weeks due to work. Worked on keeping my stroke shallower and not going as deep. I told the coach I was having a hard time trying to do this and he said try to view the face of your palms coming back to your face which really seemed to help. He also spoke to us about breathing and head position doing chin/cheek in the water. Keeping good head position and breathing right is key because if you don't have that everything else falls apart. Was pretty excited when occasionally I actually felt like I was moving my whole body through the water not just moving my arms.

Finally tested out the knee for the first time in three weeks after the IT band issue. My running buddy told me just to run an easy 15 minutes on a track or trail which I did. Felt great not to have any pain, I am just going to take it very slow this time, I definitely came back to fast last time which caused the injury, please learn from my mistakes, it really stunk taking three weeks off and missing my first half marathon after all the hard work I had put in.

Weight is at 180 which is not bad considering a business trip and not running. Hoping to have a good week this week, it feels great to be getting back into it again. Thanks for the support.

Nice work on all the races people - I for one have been very impressed, GREAT JOB!!!!

Edited by JREDFLY 2013-06-10 7:31 AM
2013-06-10 10:44 AM
in reply to: JREDFLY

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: ---Weight
160.5 this morning.

2013-06-10 11:26 AM
in reply to: lutzman

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New user

Subject: RE: ---Weight

It has been a trying week and a half, a back injury that flares occasionally stopped me running and some vexing issues to deal with at work meant I did not feel ready for my first tri on Sunday. Feel disappointed as have slipped back quite a lot.
2013-06-10 12:28 PM
in reply to: Howaussie

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
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Subject: RE: ---Weight
2013-06-10 1:40 PM
in reply to: Howaussie

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New user
Hingham, MA
Subject: RE: ---Weight
Originally posted by Howaussie


It has been a trying week and a half, a back injury that flares occasionally stopped me running and some vexing issues to deal with at work meant I did not feel ready for my first tri on Sunday. Feel disappointed as have slipped back quite a lot.

No worries Les!

We will get through this together. I too have slipped back a bit due to injuries and had to miss a race.

Take your time getting back into it and I hope your back starts feeling better.

2013-06-10 7:01 PM
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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Gray Guy/Girls Tri--Masters Sprint/Olympic Mentor Group CLOSED

Originally posted by Bull Just finished tri number 4 for the season (sprint). Overall 8 th place! The new bike my wife bought me for father's day made all the difference in the world! On my old bike which is a tank, i was usually among the last finishers in the bike, today in the bike i was 3rd overall. I'm stoked, my best performance to date. Usualy after the bike ride i'm so spent I struggle through the run, not today....I can't wait for the Triangle Triathlon next month. While i was doing the tri, y wife was running the 10k, her first ever.

Congrats on the strong finish!

Edited by k9car363 2013-06-10 7:04 PM
2013-06-10 7:06 PM
in reply to: Kay Ewing

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: The Weekend is nearly here

Originally posted by Kay Ewing Race Report for Lakewood Valley Triathlon in KY

Good/Best news first, I was the Overall Female Winner. Not the fastest time recorded for the overall winner in the 11 year history of the race, not the slowest time either. Haven't seen the official results but around 200 individual participants and I would guess around 40 females.

Race Report: Beautiful weather for a triathlon with temperatures in the low 70’s. SWIM – water was cool and felt great, did have some difficulty spotting and swimming through the crowd starting in a back wave. Second Female out of the water. Distance 880 – time 15:35. BIKE – this bike course is challenging with all types of hills, curves and turn arounds. Average pace 19.7, time 45:1. First female off the bike with over a 5 minute lead. RUN – Was told first female when I left transition. Survival is all I did here. Course is hilly and only about half the run is on pavement. I counted my steps to keep fast feet when I could, relaxed and recovered on the steeper climbs, then back to counting steps. The last hill is very steep and long; most participants walk up this hill. I could not let myself walk, in my heart if I got passed at the end I would never forgive myself if I walked. Time 28:00 – longer than 3.1, most people had 3.5 as the distance. They moved the transition over the years but have never moved the finish line.

POST RACE – All smiles –I love my 50’s.

Congrats on the excellent finish!!!  Maybe you should schedule a hard week at work before every race!

2013-06-10 9:07 PM
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New user
Hingham, MA
Subject: RE: The Weekend is nearly here
Hoping for a big loss next week now that I am running again.

Lets all try to hit it hard and see how many pounds we can lose as a group this week.

Have fun out there and be safe.

Edited by JREDFLY 2013-06-11 3:40 PM

(PT 6-9.jpg)

PT 6-9.jpg (34KB - 12 downloads)
2013-06-10 11:45 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: What's your plan for this week?
With a crappy run in my race last week, I'll be doubling down with a much more aggressive run focused training week. Today was my rest day and that's exactly what I did. Here's the rough outline I have planned for this week:

Tues--50 minutes running. Moderate effort, but nothing too taxing. Zone 3 tops.
Wed--Swim lesson/sprints for 30 minutes. One hour 20 minutes on the bike trainer. A solid workout is planned with 5 X 6 minute intervals.
Thurs--3,000 yards swimming. Pretty hard workout planned with sprints. 50 minutes running with modest intervals
Fri--35 minutes running. Recovery run, easy
Sat--3 hours biking, focusing on spin and efficiency. Follow immediately with transition run of 35 minutes building to race pace after 10 minutes
Sun--one hour 20 easy run with a few pickups of 15-20 seconds. 30 minute open water swim practice.

Tough week ahead. Hoping for strength!

Hope you have a great week whatever your plan!


2013-06-11 11:07 AM
in reply to: JREDFLY

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Gray Guy/Girls Tri--Masters Sprint/Olympic Mentor Group Open
I have some good news and some bad news.

The good news is that James doesn't need to update his chart for my late response this week.

Yep, that's the bad news too!

However, had a good week of training, and am off to a good start this week as well. I think the jump in training has also led to a jump in appetite so it will take a few days to readjust. 4 miler race this weekend (with my FIL). Otherwise, just some solid, balanced training planned for the week. Hoping the weather cooperates! I hate the indoor stuff.

2013-06-11 3:06 PM
in reply to: Kay Ewing

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: The Weekend is nearly here
Originally posted by Kay Ewing

Race Report for Lakewood Valley Triathlon in KY

Good/Best news first, I was the Overall Female Winner. Not the fastest time recorded for the overall winner in the 11 year history of the race, not the slowest time either. Haven't seen the official results but around 200 individual participants and I would guess around 40 females.
Race Report:
Beautiful weather for a triathlon with temperatures in the low 70’s.
SWIM – water was cool and felt great, did have some difficulty spotting and swimming through the crowd starting in a back wave. Second Female out of the water. Distance 880 – time 15:35.
BIKE – this bike course is challenging with all types of hills, curves and turn arounds. Average pace 19.7, time 45:1. First female off the bike with over a 5 minute lead.
RUN – Was told first female when I left transition. Survival is all I did here. Course is hilly and only about half the run is on pavement. I counted my steps to keep fast feet when I could, relaxed and recovered on the steeper climbs, then back to counting steps. The last hill is very steep and long; most participants walk up this hill. I could not let myself walk, in my heart if I got passed at the end I would never forgive myself if I walked. Time 28:00 – longer than 3.1, most people had 3.5 as the distance. They moved the transition over the years but have never moved the finish line.
POST RACE – All smiles –I love my 50’s.

Awesome! I'd be all smiles, too! All of your times are what I wish mine were! Congratulations!
2013-06-11 3:35 PM
in reply to: JREDFLY

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: The Weekend is nearly here
Wounded Warrior Half Marathon went well. No big finish, but I hadn't really trained for it like I should so it was really to help a great cause and have fun. There were almost 3,000 who ran this race between the 10k and Half. The race was suppose to start at 6:45 as this is a hot time of the year, but since Texas weather can change in an instant, that's what happened. At about 6:00 a.m. a storm rolled in complete with thunder and lightening. Lots of rain fell from the sky. It turned cooler. Yay! The race was postponed, then postponed again while we waited for the storm to abate. It was finally announced that we would start at 7:45. So...because of the long delay, everyone started at the same time instead of separately. It was suppose to be Wave 1 - under 10:00 m miles; Wave 2 - 10:00 and over; then the 10kers. But you can't control the weather so you go with the flow. The biggest part of the run was in a park with a concrete trail. Part of that trail went over a river which had to be diverted because the rains had swollen the river so much that it was rushing over the trail. So we went up an enbankment, over the bridge and back down the enbankment. The rest of the run went very smoothly (lots of aid stations) until past mile 8. The trail was completely flooded for about 1/4 mile - knee deep in fact. You couldn't run through it so you just had to walk as there was nowhere else to go. For me, even though the water was a nice cooler for the feet (oh my new shoes!), it ruined my pace. I didn't run the same after I slogged through that water. But the majority of the run was done under overcast skies, lower temperatures and not much humidity. In Texas in June, that was worth a lot!

Oh and my weight this week was bad, but it is always up after I run. I expect it to be back down when I weigh next week. It was 148. :-(

2013-06-11 4:03 PM
in reply to: luv2bhealthy

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Subject: RE: The Weekend is nearly here
Originally posted by luv2bhealthy

Wounded Warrior Half Marathon went well. No big finish, but I hadn't really trained for it like I should so it was really to help a great cause and have fun. There were almost 3,000 who ran this race between the 10k and Half. The race was suppose to start at 6:45 as this is a hot time of the year, but since Texas weather can change in an instant, that's what happened. At about 6:00 a.m. a storm rolled in complete with thunder and lightening. Lots of rain fell from the sky. It turned cooler. Yay! The race was postponed, then postponed again while we waited for the storm to abate. It was finally announced that we would start at 7:45. So...because of the long delay, everyone started at the same time instead of separately. It was suppose to be Wave 1 - under 10:00 m miles; Wave 2 - 10:00 and over; then the 10kers. But you can't control the weather so you go with the flow. The biggest part of the run was in a park with a concrete trail. Part of that trail went over a river which had to be diverted because the rains had swollen the river so much that it was rushing over the trail. So we went up an enbankment, over the bridge and back down the enbankment. The rest of the run went very smoothly (lots of aid stations) until past mile 8. The trail was completely flooded for about 1/4 mile - knee deep in fact. You couldn't run through it so you just had to walk as there was nowhere else to go. For me, even though the water was a nice cooler for the feet (oh my new shoes!), it ruined my pace. I didn't run the same after I slogged through that water. But the majority of the run was done under overcast skies, lower temperatures and not much humidity. In Texas in June, that was worth a lot!

Oh and my weight this week was bad, but it is always up after I run. I expect it to be back down when I weigh next week. It was 148. :-(

Oh My Goodness what an ordeal !!!! Good thing there was no cycling involved in wounded warrior. Thanks for RR. race report.

My IBS suddenly vanished and I am eating, cooking, in grocery store or lunching with friends most of the time. NOT LIKE I AM OBSESSED WITH FOOD OR ANYTHING .

Had fantastically fun OWS yesterday. It was kinna windy and i am a little tired today from that. we only swam 35 min......Now I cringe at the thot of going to indoor, but the location of the OWS is 40 mile rnd trip and its a zoo there weeknds so........calling all weekday swimmers in Austin.
2013-06-11 4:07 PM
in reply to: juneapple

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Newport News
Subject: RE: Gray Guy/Girls Tri--Masters Sprint/Olympic Mentor Group Open
DNF for the Great Chesapeake Swim, pulled at 3 1/4 hr at about the 3.5 mile mark did not make the 4mile cut off time, the current was quit strong. see race report .

Well I can slack off the swimming a bit and start triathlon training full time now. Have a mile swim in Virginia Beach in two weeks. Signed up for a local 4th of July 8k run and for a the 2 mile swim at Chris Green Lake, Charlottesville, Virginia the following week. The my second tri of the season at the end of July.

MY knee is getting better tapping it before runs seems to help.
2013-06-11 7:13 PM
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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: The Weekend is nearly here

Originally posted by luv2bhealthy

...The trail was completely flooded for about 1/4 mile - knee deep in fact. You couldn't run through it so you just had to walk as there was nowhere else to go.

Wow!  And they didn't cancel the race?  Seems to me that was a very hazardous situation.  Knee deep water, you can't see where you are walking - that is a recipe for a twisted ankle or much worse.  Glad you finished with everything intact and not injured.

Edited by k9car363 2013-06-11 7:30 PM
2013-06-12 2:21 PM
in reply to: tkatzhyman

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: Gray Guy/Girls Tri--Masters Sprint/Olympic Mentor Group Open
Originally posted by tkatzhyman

DNF for the Great Chesapeake Swim, pulled at 3 1/4 hr at about the 3.5 mile mark did not make the 4mile cut off time, the current was quit strong. see race report .

Well I can slack off the swimming a bit and start triathlon training full time now. Have a mile swim in Virginia Beach in two weeks. Signed up for a local 4th of July 8k run and for a the 2 mile swim at Chris Green Lake, Charlottesville, Virginia the following week. The my second tri of the season at the end of July.

MY knee is getting better tapping it before runs seems to help.

Hat's off to you for even being willing to enter this event. That alone takes guts and tenacity. It's a bigger challenge than I would try!

Your next swim events will be a walk in the park compared to this.

2013-06-12 8:48 PM
in reply to: tkatzhyman

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New user
Subject: RE: Gray Guy/Girls Tri--Masters Sprint/Olympic Mentor Group Open
Originally posted by tkatzhyman

DNF for the Great Chesapeake Swim, pulled at 3 1/4 hr at about the 3.5 mile mark did not make the 4mile cut off time, the current was quit strong. see race report .

Well I can slack off the swimming a bit and start triathlon training full time now. Have a mile swim in Virginia Beach in two weeks. Signed up for a local 4th of July 8k run and for a the 2 mile swim at Chris Green Lake, Charlottesville, Virginia the following week. The my second tri of the season at the end of July.

MY knee is getting better tapping it before runs seems to help.

WOW, that had to be tough. I can't imagine swimming against the current.

2013-06-13 11:00 AM
in reply to: lutzman

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: track workout
So, I had a pretty good track workout today that I thought you might want to try. It's really designed as an Olympic distance workout, so you can cut the distances by half if you're focused on a sprint distance and run 400's instead of 800's. Also, just modify the lap times to fit your race pace. For me, I'm working off a current race pace capability of +/-7:00 miles or 3:30 800's. Be honest with yourself on your "current capability" vs. what you would like it to be otherwise your intervals will be too fast and you'll either not finish the workout or risk injury, or both .

So, here's how I break the intervals based on my 7:00/mile race pace. Here's the workout:

20 minutes warm up at 8:00 pace with a few butt kick, high knees drills mixed in to loosen up. This should be at least a minute/mile below race pace and comfortable, but not slow

Main Set--3 reps

800 @ 10K race pace (for me that was about 1:45-1:47 on the first lap, 3:30-3:35 for the 800)
2 minute recovery/easy run
800 @ 10K race pace minus 20 seconds (for me that was 1:35-1:37 on the first lap, 3:10-3:15 on the 800)
1.5 minute recovery/easy run
1 minute at a "hard" pace. You define what hard is. But it should feel like a minute where time has suddenly slowed.
1 minute full resting recovery.
Repeat 2 more times.

Cool down--800 to one mile.

Total workout time is about 1 hour. If you haven't run on a track in a while, be careful. It's easy to over do it and pull a muscle. And if you get any developing pain, end the workout. Track running is very stressful on the body--especially for us gray guys/girls--because we're not accustomed to the effort levels and the constant turning in one direction. What feels like a slight tweak of a muscle/joint can blow up into a full blown injury.

Have fun out there and good luck. As a wise coach once said, "To race fast, you have to train fast."

2013-06-13 11:11 AM
in reply to: #4724413

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North Carolina
Subject: RE: Gray Guy/Girls Tri--Masters Sprint/Olympic Mentor Group CLOSED
Yesterday afternoon i took my bike out for a ride after work. While i was riding, a dog ran out in front of me and i hit it. Long story short I crashed. After a mild verbal altercation with the dog's owner. Who rather than being concerned that i may be hurt, was pissed at me for hitting his dog, who according to him, his dog his just as much right to be on the road as i did and then turned around and went back into his house leaving me hurt and bleeding beside the road. One of his neighbors came out and asked me if i wanted her to call an ambulance. I told her no, didn't think i needed it but was going to go to the emergency room after the sheriff deputy came out and took my report. So, she called my wife to come and get me. When my wife showed up she freaked out because of all the bleeding and called the ambulance. To be honest, by this time the adrenaline was wearing off and i was beginning to feel the pain and my head was beginning to hurt Anyhow after several X-rays and a CAT scan where it showed conclusively that my dad was right all along, i really do have sh*t for brains. There were no serious injuries, only a twisted knee but no apparent damage to any tendons or cartilidge. A sore aching shoulder, ankle and wrist. Cuts, abrasions and bruises. And a kick-ass headache today from the concussion. The bike didn't appear to have much damage, a bent front rim, handlebar and aero bar The shifter may be damaged also. My computer/gps ruined, my wristwatch ruined and thankfully helmut ruined. I say thankfully because i estimate i was doing 28 - 30 mph when i hit the dog. I need to get the bike to the shop for a go over and estimate of the damage. Under normal circumstances, hitting a dog i would probably just chalk it up to"sh*t happens. But there's something about a guy that would tell me his dog had as much right to the road as i do, then turn around and go inside his house leaving me miles from home, hurt, bleeding. Normally, i'm not a vindictive person, but i think a guy like that needs to pay for the damages to my bike and replace my equipment and pay for the ambulance ride and what my insurance doesn't cover for the medical expenses. I'm just sick about the bike it's the new bike my wife just bought me. Luckily, i still have my old wal mart special road bike to ride until i can get my new bike repairef.
2013-06-13 1:00 PM
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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: Gray Guy/Girls Tri--Masters Sprint/Olympic Mentor Group CLOSED
Originally posted by Bull

Yesterday afternoon i took my bike out for a ride after work. While i was riding, a dog ran out in front of me and i hit it. Long story short I crashed. After a mild verbal altercation with the dog's owner. Who rather than being concerned that i may be hurt, was pissed at me for hitting his dog, who according to him, his dog his just as much right to be on the road as i did and then turned around and went back into his house leaving me hurt and bleeding beside the road. One of his neighbors came out and asked me if i wanted her to call an ambulance. I told her no, didn't think i needed it but was going to go to the emergency room after the sheriff deputy came out and took my report. So, she called my wife to come and get me. When my wife showed up she freaked out because of all the bleeding and called the ambulance. To be honest, by this time the adrenaline was wearing off and i was beginning to feel the pain and my head was beginning to hurt Anyhow after several X-rays and a CAT scan where it showed conclusively that my dad was right all along, i really do have sh*t for brains. There were no serious injuries, only a twisted knee but no apparent damage to any tendons or cartilidge. A sore aching shoulder, ankle and wrist. Cuts, abrasions and bruises. And a kick- headache today from the concussion. The bike didn't appear to have much damage, a bent front rim, handlebar and aero bar The shifter may be damaged also. My computer/gps ruined, my wristwatch ruined and thankfully helmut ruined. I say thankfully because i estimate i was doing 28 - 30 mph when i hit the dog. I need to get the bike to the shop for a go over and estimate of the damage. Under normal circumstances, hitting a dog i would probably just chalk it up to"sh*t happens. But there's something about a guy that would tell me his dog had as much right to the road as i do, then turn around and go inside his house leaving me miles from home, hurt, bleeding. Normally, i'm not a vindictive person, but i think a guy like that needs to pay for the damages to my bike and replace my equipment and pay for the ambulance ride and what my insurance doesn't cover for the medical expenses. I'm just sick about the bike it's the new bike my wife just bought me. Luckily, i still have my old wal mart special road bike to ride until i can get my new bike repairef.

Man, so sorry to hear this. That is just awful. Hopefully most of the damage is to bike parts that only cost money vs. long term damage to you. I'm 110% with you, I'd be looking to extract the cost of the crash from the owner of the dog (even more so given the nasty attitude). I would think there are plenty of lawyers out there that would be delighted to talk to you.

Here's what I found online:

"In traffic accidents caused by a loose dog, regardless of whether one or more motorists involved were partially at fault too, there is potential for a personal injury claim to be made against the negligent dog owner who allowed their animal to roam freely around the neighborhood without regard for the danger they posed to other people. In such cases, your attorney would make a claim against their home insurance, since that is the policy their animal would be covered under. So if a loose dog was the cause of your car crash, you absolutely should make a claim against their insurance."

Good luck. I hope recover quickly.

Edited by lutzman 2013-06-13 1:01 PM
2013-06-13 1:32 PM
in reply to: #4724413

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North Carolina
Subject: RE: Gray Guy/Girls Tri--Masters Sprint/Olympic Mentor Group CLOSED
Yep. Most important is that i didn't get hurt badly. The bike can be repaired and or replaced it's just a material thing and in the greater scheme of things not important at all. Apparently this guy must be a real PIA, because while i was waiting, there was no shortage of his neighbors offering help and opinions about him.
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