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2014-02-13 6:35 PM
in reply to: JeffY

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN

Originally posted by JeffY
Originally posted by DirkP

Tonight will be a 500 TT for me.  I've not done a real TT at this distance for a long time and it's time.  I am not sure what kind of time goal I will try to pull off but it will certainly be under 7 minutes.  I have decided to do this tonight after having a pretty good set during my swim on Tuesday.  I planned some long intervals (500's) and really strong focus on staying long on my stroke and staying relaxed as much as possible through the given intervals.  After my first 500 I was somewhat shocked at how easily I had completed the interval at the time I saw, 7:06.  

This began to get me thinking about what may be allowing me the increased ability to do so well in the water recently.  I have to say it's the bike!  The intensity on the bike for as long as I have been trying to nail myself to the wall on the trainer seems to be paying off in both. (I cannot say what it's doing for my run because I am unable to test it as I have my ongoing recovery.)  I just wanted to point out that intensity in one aspect of our training can support cardio and respiratory potential for us as well.  So don't give up on your cycling intensity through the winter.  Brutalize yourself and watch the dividends payoff in all three disciplines........

But keep doing those swimming drills too!  I'd have to say Chris is on the right track (better than I am ).

Dirk, how was your TT? If you avoided the pit fall of improper pacing (in your exuberance for a super fast time), then I'm sure you were well under 7 minutes. Even if you paced poorly, you are so tough and stubborn, that you probably still suffered through something well under 7 minutes!

Well, it went I guess.  I have to admit I am a bit disappointed.  I really thought I would be a little faster.  Honestly, I am horrible at trying to anticipate projected finishing times for just about anything.  So rather than try to figure a time to shoot for I decided that I would swim at a given effort and see how it played out.  I started out feeling like I was in the right zone for the first 200 and then it seemed as though I hit a bit of a wall and ran slightly out of steam.  I began to shorten my stroke slightly and lose my form after about 300 yards, that I noticed.  The last couple of hundred yards was somewhat torturous.  I had hoped to be able to have something left for the last 100 and then a little harder yet for the final 50 but it wasn't there.

On my final 50, as I came to the wall to turn, I hit a kick board that someone placed in the water to grab my attention.  It worked but I didn't even acknowledge what had happened, I just kept going.  Whoever wanted my attention could wait another 40 seconds until I completed my TT.  As it turned out I was being asked to move over a lane so that club swimmers could take my lane.  I would have been very upset had this occurred earlier in my TT because they would have made me stop.

So anyway, I was only able to pull out a 6:51.5 according to my watch.  I suppose I can take a second off for the time I needed to reach up and hit the lap button but that's still slower than I thought I had in me.  Maybe next time I'll take a bit of a training breather prior to doing a TT and see if that make a difference.  This week has been some serious insanity on the bike with last night's ride at 97-99% FTP for 3x15' intervals and I couldn't complete the final interval on target.  I don't know, maybe I am offering excuses to myself.

2014-02-13 6:49 PM
in reply to: Captain_Chris

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED

Originally posted by Captain_Chris My wife has been working 12-16 hour days for the last few weeks, so when she said she wanted to go to dinner last night; I had to make that happen. My typical Wednesday night has me at a meeting at church and then on the treadmill between eight and 9 pm. I wanted to run, but I wanted to take her to dinner too. So... I decided to run to church, 2.5 miles with a slight incline the whole way. BTW, I lead a small men’s only study so being a little sweaty would not even be noticed. Running to church was a good idea, carrying a backpack might not have been. It only weighed 15 pounds or so, but it made a HUGE difference, I usually run with nothing, I even pre-stage water on runs requiring hydration. This additional weight hurt me! What think I learned is that I really need to lose 20 pounds? Thoughts? Woke up this morning to 6 inches of snow and a delayed opening of where I work, so I decided to use the delay and get in a treadmill run. I wish summer would get here. I HATE the treadmill, made it a whole hour, but even with TV’s it still sucks! I will take a 100f over a treadmill any day of the week! Spinning and swimming tonight!

This is the correct action!  Our families need to take precedence above our training and that's a Junkie principle.  Family first!  Because one day we'll cross a finish line that's far more important than a triathlon and we'll answer to someone other than ourselves.  

I'm with Jeff on the weight thing.  The more you lose the better off you'll be.

As far as carrying a back pack, I suggest you not do that.  The extra weight is providing more impact to your body and this could be something that may result in injury down the road.  Something to consider about running injuries (and most others associated with our line of training) is that they seem to develop over time rather than a sudden onset.  Cycling and swimming injuries are much less common but they can occur.  Running injuries are far more common but there is a significantly higher risk due to the impact forces with every step.  Personally I would encourage you not to run with extra weight, especially 15 pounds.  Now if you were carrying your Bible in a pack that's a different thing all together, unless it's one of those coffee table, family Bibles that weigh 15 pounds, 


2014-02-13 7:38 PM
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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Chris I have to agree with everyone, less weight is better and you definitely did the right thing by skipping your workout to spend time with your wife and taking her out to dinner. Good for you and hope you both had a good time.

Dirk good job in the TT today, it may not have been exactly what you were expecting but you did better your time. I know the kickboard must have been a distraction as well. In regards to the 3x15 intervals I can relate, those are killer especially when you are doing them @90-100% FTP. It usually takes everything I have just stay on the bike when I do those 15 minute intervals.

Edited by strikyr 2014-02-13 7:39 PM
2014-02-13 9:17 PM
in reply to: bswcpa

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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN
Brenda, make sure to give us a review of the sufferfest bike/run video. I considered buying it when it came out but wasn't sure if I would like it.

well, I think I have officially found my Kryptonite! I did a trail race on Sunday and I am still feeling it today. It was a little over 12 miles and the entire course was covered in 4-6 inches of snow, it was a 2 lap course so I was Hoping it would be packed down by the 2nd lap but it started snowing so hard there was a fresh batch waiting for me on the 2nd loop. Anyway, my calves have been tight all week long, I have been able to run and to my surprise I don't have any problems but if I sit for awhile and go to get up I just about fall on my face! I think that with the deep snow I tend to run up on my toes more and this is what causes the calf soreness. I just need to be careful that it does not grow into something more last year I ran into similar issues that I believe led to my ITBS issues and I want nothing to do with that again!

on the positive side, today marks the 78th consecutive day with a run. I think it may officially be a streak but I will wait until day 100 to put that stamp on it.

finally, the extended forecast states 50 degrees next week, I may need to dig out my wet-suit! I would need a motor though to keep up with Dirk, that is a great time.
2014-02-14 5:25 AM
in reply to: mambos

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN
Chris, way to improvise and fit it all in!

Dirk, that is an impressive time! And Iam sure the board in the water also may have slowed you down even if you dont think it slowed you that would have been distracting enough to do so.

Matt congratulations on both your race and the consecutive days of running!

I have been using my road bike for my rides and I feel like Iam too far back with my seat, but my seat is as far forward as it can go, I ve read and even during the ride TR says tilt back so you are on your sit bone, but as soon as I do this I lose power cuz I am back to far I recall someone mentioning an extender? I am assuming this will give me the added closeness I need if so where can I get this or... Should I be riding my tri bike?

Happy Valentines Day everyone!
2014-02-14 5:41 AM
in reply to: Jo63

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Nova Scotia, Canada
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN
Looks like everyone is getting some serious training in. Matt, hopefully your calfs loosen up, mine have been a little tight ever since the Tour. I'm going to start a little more foam rolling to see if that will get them feeling better. Im really starting to get tired of treadmill runs. Winters in Yarmouth are usually pretty snow free and if we do have some, it only sticks around for a day or two. Not this winter, foot of snow at all times, cold and icy. Not good for running at 5:00am. Now that said the big storm the north east got hit us, but it was all rain. So when I work up this morning and looked outside a bit of a smile crossed my face. Can't wait for the first clear day on the weekend so I can get the bike out.


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2014-02-14 7:50 AM
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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN

Joanne,  I think it's a good idea for everyone to do a TT in the pool from time to time.  It provides an opportunity for you to test your fitness and it gives you feedback about improvements over time.  My suggestion would be to test at least once a year but then I haven't tested for a number of years myself.  The TT doesn't have to be a 500 either.  It can be shorter but a 500 is possibly the best alternative because it provides an endurance aspect that shorter intervals will not, at least with much certainty.  I think you should give it a shot (as I think everyone should) to help measure where you are currently and then do one after IM.  Brenda, you should do the same!  But do yours now, at the beginning of your Masters swim class, and again after your swim class has ended to measure success over a shorter period of time.  my guess is you'll be amazed.

On the seat position I'll defer to Jeff.  What I will say is that you shouldn't feel as if you're falling off of the back of the seat when sitting upright.  You mentioned you're seat is already as far forward as it can go and that seems to indicate that you should push your seat back some.  Also, when you're trying to tilt back it should be your pelvis and not your entire torso.  It's a rolling of the hips backward to align yourself more correctly.  I'll say it before Jeff can; post some pics of you on the bike.  Make sure that you're wearing shorts and the camera is about waist level and there is a view of your entire body when the pics are taken

Matt,  I have become a very firm believer in a post race massage, especially when I know it was a rough race.  I have noticed after marathons that my recovery is at least half the time after having gotten a massage and I feel better and can begin running within a few days of the race, albeit short runs.  Obviously stretching helps too but the massage is the difference maker.  I usually schedule one a few weeks prior to a given key race.

With the above statement a caveat is in order.  Long course triathlon (HIM's in my experience so far) don't require nearly the attention to massage as strenuous long course running races.  I think this is because of the time doing high impact on your feet is reduced.  HM's also don't seem to be a big deal to me either.   trail race over alll kind of terrain and several inches of snow?  Well that's something different altogether!

Derek,  I am rather envious of you to say the least.  We are under a solid blanket of snow and have been for nearly the entire winter.  With the temps Matt is talking about we will have a pretty substantial meltdown and likely flooding to go with it.  To be very honest I don't want to the temps to raise that quickly because it will cause a lot of people a lot of grief and costs many can't afford.  I would rather see a much slower meltdown. I have been dealing with the cold this long I can wait several more weeks to get to the 50 degree temps in order to save all of the heartache that flooding with incur.

Edited by DirkP 2014-02-14 10:13 AM

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2014-02-14 8:46 AM
in reply to: 0

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN
what a difference on where we live I would think Canada would have more snow

wanted to clarify this for the seat position I actually feel I need to move it forward, but it is as far forward as it can go. I don't feel like I ma falling off the back

Edited by Jo63 2014-02-14 8:52 AM
2014-02-14 11:00 AM
in reply to: Captain_Chris

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Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Chris, I gotta throw a huge kudos at you for the dinner as well as adapting to get your run in. Taking care of those who take care of us has got to be the #1 priority, way above anything we're doing in the training world. As far as the backpack and the extra weight, there is no doubt that less weight is always beneficial for the run. Besides the speed difference, every pound is a lot less wear and tear on the body.

Jo, pictures would help. I'd also add this for everyone. If you can find a good bike fitter, that would be the next $200 (or whatever the cost is for you) I would spend on bike purchases. After finally getting a real fit last winter, I can say without a doubt it the best money I've spent on the bike. Be honest with your goals though. I ended up with three different fits - one for all out high end speed (sprints), one for a good combo of speed and comfort (70.3), and one for the road bike for long training rides. This may be more than you'll want to do, but I highly recommend getting a fit for your primary race distance. And don't just get the very fastest/aero position - if it's not comfortable, you won't stay in it for 3 hours doing a half and then it's a waste.
2014-02-14 11:36 AM
in reply to: wbayek

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Originally posted by wbayek

Chris, I gotta throw a huge kudos at you for the dinner as well as adapting to get your run in. Taking care of those who take care of us has got to be the #1 priority, way above anything we're doing in the training world. As far as the backpack and the extra weight, there is no doubt that less weight is always beneficial for the run. Besides the speed difference, every pound is a lot less wear and tear on the body.

Jo, pictures would help. I'd also add this for everyone. If you can find a good bike fitter, that would be the next $200 (or whatever the cost is for you) I would spend on bike purchases. After finally getting a real fit last winter, I can say without a doubt it the best money I've spent on the bike. Be honest with your goals though. I ended up with three different fits - one for all out high end speed (sprints), one for a good combo of speed and comfort (70.3), and one for the road bike for long training rides. This may be more than you'll want to do, but I highly recommend getting a fit for your primary race distance. And don't just get the very fastest/aero position - if it's not comfortable, you won't stay in it for 3 hours doing a half and then it's a waste.

I did get a Retul fit 2 years ago and then an adjustment 1 year ago, after this last adjustment nothing has been comfortable and that is when some big issues started, so I guess this is why I am skeptical to go back, I actually went back to how Cobb tell you to fit your seat and I have had WAY better luck so I know If I can figure out this last issue things will be good! I will try to get some pics up this weekend
2014-02-14 12:40 PM
in reply to: Jo63

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Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED

Thanks for the suggestion of doing 500 TT swims, DIRK.   I've been doing them every few months for years, now, but I just don't report it like you since I'm about double your speed.  Nobody wants to know that!       It was encouraging to see times fall at first but then I've taken some steps back over the last couple years.  I hope you're right and I'll be amazed again. 

Good advice on the bike fit, WARREN.  This sport can empty a bank account faster than what it costs to put food on the table so using funds for the best gains is good to keep in mind.    I had a fit 2 years ago and have felt comfortable and speedier (for an old lady) ever since it got dialed in. I'm looking at switching to the Adamo Attack saddle but otherwise I've not had any issues with doing up to 5 hour trainer rides.  It did take me 2 times of retweaking the fit to feel most comfortable, JOANNE.  I understand your lack of confidence in the place that did the fitting, though.    Hopefully the knowledgeable bike guys here can help you.

2014-02-14 2:56 PM
in reply to: DirkP

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Nova Scotia, Canada
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN
That's just what we looked like yesterday. Most people around here have dealt with heavy rains for years and are pretty well flood proofed. There were a few jokes at the lunch swim today that we could have used a few ditches on the side road for our 100 repeats,
2014-02-14 6:54 PM
in reply to: BigDaddyD79

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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN
Jo, I just bought a Cobb seat and used there directions also. For the most part everything has worked out well, my only issue is the sliding forward but that probably has more to do with trying to set a road bike up to a tri-position.

the speed gain from weight loss is no joke! a buddy of mine was running a 5k right about at the same time as me, he drops 15-20lbs and leaves me in the dust. It was ridiculous how much speed he gained by just losing some weight. Hopefully this holds true, I started concentrating and controlling what I eat since New Years and have lost almost 10lbs. I am officially at last years race weight with a goal to lose another 10lbs. Last year I couldn't get under the 180 mark but really didn't try to control my diet, this year I will purposefully go into some calorie deficit over the next few months to get down to 170ish.

Hope everyone has a good weekend, I am off to watch my wife play in a pool tournament.
2014-02-14 7:13 PM
in reply to: mambos

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN
Matt congrats on the weight loss. I think that is one of the hardest things to do. It really is about being disciplined in what you eat and how much you eat. I hope you can continue to make progress in with your weight loss goal.

Brenda x2 on this being an expensive sport. I'm about to go in and get my power meter finally. I'm leaning towards getting a Quarq. I was considering the power tap but the wheels I would like to puchase the FLO 60's don't support the power tap. Plus I'd like to be able to switch wheel sets so I'd need to get one for each set. I'm looking to get the power meter in the next week or so along with the head unit. The Flo wheels I can't get until they do their next round of orders which will be some time in March and they sell out very quickly. I will need to jump on that as soon as they open up for orders. After these purchases I'm done, at least for now
2014-02-15 3:41 PM
in reply to: mambos

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Nova Scotia, Canada
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN
The speed gains from weight loss for running are pretty real, but it also works the other way. I was about 203 lbs last summer and my easy run was at about 5:20 min/km at 15 pounds and it turns into 5:35 min/km. I've finally got it coming back down, pace and the weight, lol. Hoping to drop about 5 minutes off my HM time this spring.Jo, were I live, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, is pretty much surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, we get rain 90% of the winter and what snow does fall is gone quick. Except this year. Last year I don't think I shoveled once, and was able yo ride outside at least once a month in the winter. This year I've shoveled 10 times easy and haven't ridden outside since Oct. Mexico can't come soon enough.
2014-02-15 6:06 PM
in reply to: BigDaddyD79

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Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN

I forgot to give you a review of the new Sufferfest Chrysalis, MATT.  In the main forum someone had asked for feedback on it and this is what I'd written a couple days ago:

"I did it for the first time this morn.  I have the set-up they recommend and it was a fun challenge to do the 30 second transitions.  HR was up the whole hour and I had a good sweat going.  Didn't quite go the bike/run distance of a sprint tri but I'll be working on increasing that.  All in all, I liked it because it was different.  I'm hoping the Sufferfest folks get good feedback on it because I'd like to see another one with longer intervals."

The intervals are only 4 minutes on the run and 8 minutes on the bike which was too short .  If you have a workout room that you can put your trainer next to your treadmill then I think it's generally a fun workout.  Otherwise I wouldn't recommend it.  Go to "Triathlon Talk" and you can read some other comments.

The hubs is taking me out tomorrow to my favorite restaurant to celebrate our anniversary which is coming up - 32 years!  For an appetizer there'll be Lobster Bisque then on to a salad and a medium-rare Delmonico steak with potato and asparagus then finished off with a cheesecake smothered in fruit.   I don't care how many pounds that one meal will put on.      What meal makes you happy?

Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone!


2014-02-15 7:46 PM
in reply to: bswcpa

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN
Brenda congrats on your 32 year wedding anniversary. That is an awesome accomplishment. I hope you and your husband have a great time and that you both enjoy your dinner and the time spent together.
2014-02-16 7:06 AM
in reply to: bswcpa

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN
Happy Anniversary Brenda!!!!
2014-02-16 7:39 AM
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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN
Matt congratulations on your weight loss! I've cracked down this week too I have been logging everything I eat in the fit click program, and I step on the scale tomorrow to see the results

Brenda, congratulations on 32 years! What meal makes me happy?....any meal I don't have to cook

Edited by Jo63 2014-02-16 8:21 AM
2014-02-17 8:10 AM
in reply to: Jo63

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Ft. Lauderdale
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN
Brenda. happy anniversary.

Chris. I too had to change my training last week. Because I was leaving on Valentine's day for my endurance run. I took my wife and son out to dinner on Thursday night to her favorite Thai restaurant and had a very nice time.

I looked at your photos with the snow outside and cannot imagine how any of you can survive that cold for such a long time. wow..... and to keep training through it all is pretty amazing.

I completed the 50 mile run on Saturday. and was in a lot of pain towards the end. I was doing pretty good until about mile 39 and then my hip flexors and every other muscle in that area began tightening up. It was a shuffle to the finish. Weather wise it was excellent, Began at about 40 degrees and warmed up to the mid 60's. when the sun went down it cooled into the 30's and that cold was around mile 39 where my troubles began. It was very cold for me I was shivering alot but kept moving forward and kept the feet and arms moving to the finish. My hydration and fueling was good. I slept in compression shorts and calf sleeves and was pretty tight the next day until later in the evening. I'm feeling pretty good right now and already thinking bout this weekends upcoming 50k.....
2014-02-17 9:55 AM
in reply to: Jo63

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN
Originally posted by Jo63

Chris, way to improvise and fit it all in!

Dirk, that is an impressive time! And Iam sure the board in the water also may have slowed you down even if you dont think it slowed you that would have been distracting enough to do so.

Matt congratulations on both your race and the consecutive days of running!

I have been using my road bike for my rides and I feel like Iam too far back with my seat, but my seat is as far forward as it can go, I ve read and even during the ride TR says tilt back so you are on your sit bone, but as soon as I do this I lose power cuz I am back to far I recall someone mentioning an extender? I am assuming this will give me the added closeness I need if so where can I get this or... Should I be riding my tri bike?

Happy Valentines Day everyone!

Jo, you need to fit a road bike like a road bike...and that usually means a healthy amount of setback. The nose of the saddle will usually be behind an imaginary vertical line rising up from your bottom bracket. How far back will depend on your seat height, but for me it's a good 3 inches. When you say it feels like it's too far back, is that really just another way of saying your handlebars feel too far away?

And I will add my voice to the two others before me and ask for a photo. direct on side view of you on the bike with 2 views. One of them have your leg nearest the camera at the spot in the pedal stroke where the pedal is furthest from you. The second with your leg nearest the camera at the 3o'clock position (horizontal crank).

A picture is worth a thousand words.

2014-02-17 9:56 AM
in reply to: mambos

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN
Originally posted by mambos

Brenda, make sure to give us a review of the sufferfest bike/run video. I considered buying it when it came out but wasn't sure if I would like it.

well, I think I have officially found my Kryptonite! I did a trail race on Sunday and I am still feeling it today. It was a little over 12 miles and the entire course was covered in 4-6 inches of snow, it was a 2 lap course so I was Hoping it would be packed down by the 2nd lap but it started snowing so hard there was a fresh batch waiting for me on the 2nd loop. Anyway, my calves have been tight all week long, I have been able to run and to my surprise I don't have any problems but if I sit for awhile and go to get up I just about fall on my face! I think that with the deep snow I tend to run up on my toes more and this is what causes the calf soreness. I just need to be careful that it does not grow into something more last year I ran into similar issues that I believe led to my ITBS issues and I want nothing to do with that again!

on the positive side, today marks the 78th consecutive day with a run. I think it may officially be a streak but I will wait until day 100 to put that stamp on it.

finally, the extended forecast states 50 degrees next week, I may need to dig out my wet-suit! I would need a motor though to keep up with Dirk, that is a great time.

Awesome! I have no doubt your calves are unusually sore! Most likely because of the snow resulting in toe slippage as you pushed off.
hang in there. Keep your runs easy/slow until they are recovered. Don't stretch them vigorously...just very gently for now.
2014-02-17 9:57 AM
in reply to: tmoons

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN
Originally posted by tmoons

Brenda. happy anniversary.

Chris. I too had to change my training last week. Because I was leaving on Valentine's day for my endurance run. I took my wife and son out to dinner on Thursday night to her favorite Thai restaurant and had a very nice time.

I looked at your photos with the snow outside and cannot imagine how any of you can survive that cold for such a long time. wow..... and to keep training through it all is pretty amazing.

I completed the 50 mile run on Saturday. and was in a lot of pain towards the end. I was doing pretty good until about mile 39 and then my hip flexors and every other muscle in that area began tightening up. It was a shuffle to the finish. Weather wise it was excellent, Began at about 40 degrees and warmed up to the mid 60's. when the sun went down it cooled into the 30's and that cold was around mile 39 where my troubles began. It was very cold for me I was shivering alot but kept moving forward and kept the feet and arms moving to the finish. My hydration and fueling was good. I slept in compression shorts and calf sleeves and was pretty tight the next day until later in the evening. I'm feeling pretty good right now and already thinking bout this weekends upcoming 50k.....

Simply Wow!
2014-02-17 7:09 PM
in reply to: JeffY

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN
Originally posted by JeffY

Originally posted by tmoons

Brenda. happy anniversary.

Chris. I too had to change my training last week. Because I was leaving on Valentine's day for my endurance run. I took my wife and son out to dinner on Thursday night to her favorite Thai restaurant and had a very nice time.

I looked at your photos with the snow outside and cannot imagine how any of you can survive that cold for such a long time. wow..... and to keep training through it all is pretty amazing.

I completed the 50 mile run on Saturday. and was in a lot of pain towards the end. I was doing pretty good until about mile 39 and then my hip flexors and every other muscle in that area began tightening up. It was a shuffle to the finish. Weather wise it was excellent, Began at about 40 degrees and warmed up to the mid 60's. when the sun went down it cooled into the 30's and that cold was around mile 39 where my troubles began. It was very cold for me I was shivering alot but kept moving forward and kept the feet and arms moving to the finish. My hydration and fueling was good. I slept in compression shorts and calf sleeves and was pretty tight the next day until later in the evening. I'm feeling pretty good right now and already thinking bout this weekends upcoming 50k.....

Simply Wow!

My thoughts exactly! Congrats Terry on completing your 50 miler. Sounds like you really had to tough it out near the end of the run there but you managed to get it done. That's awesome and to be doing a 50K this coming weekend well I can't even imagine following up a 50 mile with a 50K the week after. Rest up and recover for this coming weekend.
2014-02-17 7:25 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN
Alright I think I gave my wife another reason to kill me but I had to do it so if you see me on one of those Discovery ID shows you know why. I just had to have a power meter and I purchased one today. After doing my research and homework I narrowed it down to two, the Quarq Riken which is crank based and the Garmin Vector which is pedal based. I was leaning towards the Quarq initially but after really looking into I wound up getting the Garmin Vector.

I know there have been a few issues with them but the more I read up on them the more I liked them. The main issues have been with improper installation of the pedals and not getting accurate readings because of it. I had the LBS install them to avoid that at least the first time around. I also did not purchase a head unit. I have the Garmin Forerunner 910XT which can basically do the same thing a Garmin Edge 510 can do so I'll put that towards some decent racing wheels instead. I purchased a mount for the 910XT.

I was able to get the 910XT paried and the power meter calibrated so it seems to be working. Tomorrow I will really give it a good test when I do my interval workout, I have the dreaded 2x20's as part of tomorrow's workout so we'll see how the Vector performs. I am also going to use my KK bike computer which was giving me virtual power. I would like to see what the difference is if any between the two devices and all my metrics are currently based of the KK so I need to see how that translates.

I'm more than likely done with gear at this point. If I can swing a set of Flo wheels that's probably going to be it for quite some time. I think I've already invested more money that I ever thought I would into doing this. That is until the next must have new cool toy comes out
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of 32
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