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2014-07-20 4:54 PM
in reply to: #5027898

Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN
Congrats on the improvements Nate! Sounds like the new bike is working out great. Congrats on your impending new addition as well Hope you feel better soon!

I wrote a full race report here:
I felt really good yesterday. Thinking seriously about finishing my season with an Olympic in sept, since I think my training volume is enough that I could finish one (soon if not now).

I've also read that you shouldn't set goal times for your first race at a new distance, but I did for both of mine. I came up with times that matched my training paces, and have come in under those times in both of my races.

Drew, welcome! A lot of us in this group have small kids. I know that's one of my biggest challenges. I don't want to take training time away from family time, and it's always a challenge to achieve balance.

Hope everyone had a good weekend!

2014-07-20 8:10 PM
in reply to: nrpoulin

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Race Report

Originally posted by nrpoulin I have put my report on the BT page and you can se it here Here is the editorial... I started feeling a little sick on Thursday. There has been a bug going around the office and I was hoping it would miss me. No such luck. Friday night was a little miserable but not horrible. Felt bad when I woke up and thought about going back to bed. Convinced myself I would sweat it out me and got dressed. Took a couple of advil and put some Halls in my tri top and the bag in my transition bag. Left the family at the hotel as the parking sucked and had to hike 3/4 of a mile to TA. This would be my warm up. The weather was in the mid 70's and it was overcast. Almost perfect conditions. I had been thinking of swimming in my tri top and was noting that many people did and a few don't. I was in the second wave and did no swim warm up. Just some stretching. It was wad start with a slight current against. I positioned my self at the back of the middle and gave everyone 5-10 second head start. Felt really smooth heading out. Got off course once but feel like I found the turn okay. Maybe added a little distance. I think I passed a few on the outside after the turn and then a few more after the second turn down the back stretch. Sited the twerking balloon easily and pushed a little at the end. Could have swam harder. Kind of went thru the motions like this was a pre-race warm up. Will have to work on my intensity here. Overall the best of the 3 OWS I have had. It was 750 m and my split was 17:12. Over 3 min faster than last month and a few seconds faster than my first OWS that was wetsuit legal. My pace was 2:06/100 y which is about 10-15 sec per 100 slower than my pool swimming. There was a short run to the mat and then a longer one into T1. I quickly tried to dry my self off (feet and chest). Next time I wont bother. At 2:59 this was a long transition even for me. Now for the bike. The first mile had a bunch of cones that you needed to navigate thru. Later there would be runners and more bikers. The guy in front of me couldn't get his shoes on and kept zig sagging. Eventually found an opening and passed him and a couple more before hitting the open road. Over the first 9 miles I caught a bunch of folks. Played cat an mouse with one guy as we kept passing each other. Couple of big hills and a ton of smaller ones. Was able to go fast on the down hill but if it was big I wouldn't go down in aero. Was hitting speeds of 36mph pretty consistently and didn't feel to comfortable not being able to get to the brakes immediately. Faded a little toward the end or maybe the faster riders from the waves behind me started to catch me. Moved with a couple of them but they were more aggressive on the down hills. Didn't drink as much as I typically would but felt okay because it wasn't as hot as usual and it was overcast. This never came back to haunt me. Hit a cone in that last mile before the TA. Feet out of shoes and jumped off the bike and ran into T2. The bike was 17.5 and I completed it in 54:28. Overall I averaged 19.28 mph. Of the 4 sprints I have done this was the longest and hardest course. It was also my fastest. Racked my bike and put my shoes on. Quickly stretched my hamstrings and had a gu. Felt lightheaded and like I was forgetting something. I was my belt. Fortunately I hadn't left the TA before I realized. Out on the run. Started but heading up a long gradual incline. Got passed by a few. Tried to keep my pace steady and my breathing relaxed. We turned off the road and onto the trail and I was passed by a few more. Head wasn't in it. Felt like I was going about 9 min pace and knew I can go faster but my head and my legs talked me out of it. Hit mile 1 around 9 min. Mile two around 18. Finally convinced myself to move a little but it was short lived. Overall 28 flat. A little slower than last month but given the hills and the trail run I would say the same or better. I was 162 of 303 men, and 18 of 35 in my age group. My transition times and my run places were all in the back third and my swim and bike were in the middle. This was my last scheduled sprint this year. I am planning on a oly but we will see what happens after our third child arrives in September. I have moved from the back of the pack to the middle, and I am pretty happy with that. I thought running was going to be my strength once I got in shape but I am really struggling with it. In college I was able to go under 6 min/mile for a 5 mile race and now I struggle with 8-9 min/miles. Hoping to start to see some solid improvement on the run next season. Maybe I just need more volume. With another year under my belt I hope to get the bike closer to 20mph, and shave some off the swim. Taking a couple days off now as I did not sweat my cold out of me... Can't wait to see everyone else's race reports from this weekend.

Good report.  Sounds like you have made some solid gains in areas and still have some work to do on your running.  Still, moving from BOP to MOP
within one season is to be proud of and give you a good foundation to continue to get faster going into next year.

Feeling a little sick probably slowed you down some too.  That may have affected your ability to run at the end.  Just lacking some strength you
may normally have had after burning through your energy stores on the swim/bike. Or did you maybe push too hard on the bike and it affected your run?

Don't worry too much about lacking intensity on the swim.  I still struggle with that myself.  I think it is a natural tendency to hold back some knowing you have a long race left to go.  Holding back a little is preferable to going out too fast and being out of breath and feeling exhausted 400 meters into the race.

Also, the guy trying to get his shoes on and zig-zagging all over the place, he is fairly common.  I've seen him at a lot of my races too.  He gets around!

Overall sounds like a solid performance, especially on the bike.  



2014-07-20 8:35 PM
in reply to: MMW37

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN

Originally posted by MMW37 Congrats on the improvements Nate! Sounds like the new bike is working out great. Congrats on your impending new addition as well Hope you feel better soon! I wrote a full race report here: I felt really good yesterday. Thinking seriously about finishing my season with an Olympic in sept, since I think my training volume is enough that I could finish one (soon if not now). I've also read that you shouldn't set goal times for your first race at a new distance, but I did for both of mine. I came up with times that matched my training paces, and have come in under those times in both of my races. Drew, welcome! A lot of us in this group have small kids. I know that's one of my biggest challenges. I don't want to take training time away from family time, and it's always a challenge to achieve balance. Hope everyone had a good weekend!

Nice race! Way to get on the podium! 

I think you should do the Olympic and see how it suits you.  You have the fitness to finish one now, and you may enjoy the longer distance.  You seem to have a solid grasp on the swimming too, and that could be to your advantage with the longer relative swim at the Olympic distance. 

You mentioned that your swim split was slower than what you normally do in the pool and that surprised you.  I wouldn't read too much into that.  Swim course distance could have been off a little or the cold conditions could have slowed you a bit.  Or currents?

When you feel comfortable I would encourage you to practice with getting your feet out of the shoes coming into T2.  Do you wear a triathlon specific shoe? (Velcro straps only, no ratchet buckles).  If you have the tri shoe, it is pretty simple to reach down with one hand, pull up the strap and slip your foot out.  Then just ride with your foot on top of the shoe and repeat for the other side.  Get that part down and it will save you a few seconds.  After you have that you can work on the leg swing over the top tube to hit the ground running when you dismount.  Practice in the grass if you have room in case you fall while learning.  But it is a pretty easy skill to get down with an afternoon of practice.

All in all, well done! 

2014-07-20 8:45 PM
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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN

Originally posted by Dschmibs Good evening, My name is Drew and I am looking to join this group. A little bit about myself: Bio: Name: Andrew Age: 28 I grew up in upstate NY loving the snow and staying in shape. Grew up playing soccer my entire life and baseball also. At age 17 I went into the Marine Corps where I did 2 tours to the Middle East and traveled all over the place. After the military I ended up in beautiful Southern California where I now live with my wife and 2 year old son Liam. I skydive for fun, but in June of 2012 I had an accident and broke my femur, ankle, and foot in 4 places and was laid up. When I got out of the military I was 180lbs and now after this accident and with my son I am up to 230 and that is not where I want to be. I love to run, swim, and bike and just love to be outside. I am starting to push myself because I want to do the LA Herbalife Triathlon Sprint in September. I don't just want to do this for myself but for my son to show him that you can push through adversity and live life fully.

Hi Drew, Welcome to our group.

Where in upstate NY are you from?  I have family up there, Amsterdam.

We have a great and supportive group going here.  Feel free to ask any questions you may have or share any experiences. This is the heart of racing season so we have lots of members with races coming up.  I think we had 3 racing this weekend. 

I find the training logs here to be very helpful as well.  Log your workouts and that will allow us to see where we might be able to assist. Good Luck!

Edited by Dominion 2014-07-20 8:46 PM
2014-07-21 2:36 PM
in reply to: Dominion

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Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN
Sunday July 20th 2014 Litchfield Hills Olympic Triathlon

1.5k swim (0.93 miles)40k bike (24.8 miles)


Couldn't sleep much last night.  Got about 2.5 hrs all night. Woke at 5am. Ate pretty well and had stuff ready to go. Got there a little after 6a and time was flying by. 0.2 walk over rough stones to water. Hmm. Wore flip flops down, but walked back up after swim barefoot.


Swim great water. Clean and warm. New suit felt great. First wave. Good news. They said 48 minutes cutoff, but 3 mi between each of 4 waves. Ended up falling to the back of my group. Then after first turn second wave started catching me. A little while later 3rd wave, then 4th wave caught me closer to the end. Was hoping to at least hit 45 min. Goal was 40 min. Actual 35:34. Rank 237/273 =87%


T1 5:53 including the long jog up the hill. Ate one baby food apple sauce and loaded tons of food on me. Oh. Had to get out of wetsuit.


bike mostly good. About 4 miles in, big hill turns onto main road. I was coasting but going a llittle fast. Volunteer motioned to slow down. I guess I hit brakes too hard. Rear tire started fish-tailing. Let off the brakes and tried to recover. Somehow the rear felt wobbly, thought I had lost the tire. Stabilized. Had a great ride, but last couple miles are a killer. 1:27:14. Rank 200/273 = 73%. 17.06 avg mph.


T2 0:54 ! Pretty good, but as I was leaving transition a group member said that I forgot to take off my helmet! She took it for me.


run i did most of this on the roads last week, but 0.5 miles was a trek through the woods! Owch. It actually lapped over the swim to bike route. After so much slow going through the wood, i was surprised to see that i wasn't cramping in first mile. Then mile 2-3 was rough..i figured out why. They milled it. Oh well. Each mile was hard to keep going. Wanted to fall to a walk, but just slowed down instead. Passed a guy doing walk-run around mile 4.5. He was in my age group! debated stopping for water with about 1.1 miles left. Stopped and guy passed me at water station. Nooo! Wait. 50? Ha! Different guy. 57:35 for 9:16 pace. Rank 180/273 = 66%.


Total 3:07:08 rank 196/273 =71.8%  13/17 AG.


Goal was 3:30. Good day


In summary... really happy with results. In training estimated swim 40-45 min. Best previous bike ride was 16.7 on a mostly downhill route. So really happy with this 17 mph. Run could have been better, but my legs were beat.
2014-07-21 8:31 PM
in reply to: BF JEFF

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Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN
Great Job Jeff!

What do you mean when you say they milled it?

Got to love the tri community. A guy at my race was leaving with his helmet when someone grabbed it for him.

2014-07-21 8:34 PM
in reply to: nrpoulin

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Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN
Felt better today and decided to get some LSD in since my wife was going to leave me with the kids for the week. 7 miles.

Hope everyone had a nice Monday.
2014-07-21 8:37 PM
in reply to: #4996689

Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN
Good job Jeff! Sounds like you exceeded your goal in every event, that's awesome. Thanks for the report!
2014-07-22 2:07 PM
in reply to: BF JEFF

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN

Good Race, Jeff!

Looks like you had quite a few obstacles to overcome, but you made it though and accomplished your goals.  You kind of skipped over the part about getting out of your wetsuit, any issues there?  And , I have the same question as Nate, what do you mean they milled it?

2014-07-22 9:25 PM
in reply to: Dominion

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Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN
Alright Chris what is the difference between tri suits, lift foils, swim skins, speed suits, am I leaving anything out?

2014-07-22 10:30 PM
in reply to: nrpoulin

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Pacific Northwest, Washington
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN
Originally posted by nrpoulin
Felt better today and decided to get some LSD in since my wife was going to leave me with the kids for the week.

OK, I gotta ask....LSD? I'm guessing you're not talking about the LSD with which I am familiar (through providing harm reduction assistance and psychological first aid at music festivals).

2014-07-23 7:07 AM
in reply to: #5028796

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Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN
Long slow distance. Essentially my long run of the week.
2014-07-23 11:37 AM
in reply to: 0

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN

Originally posted by nrpoulin Alright Chris what is the difference between tri suits, lift foils, swim skins, speed suits, am I leaving anything out? Nate

A standard tri suit is just a one piece tight fitting suit that can be worn throughout the race without having to change.  You swim in it, it usually has a small pad for cycling but not enough to get in the way while running.  Another option of course would be the 2 piece shorts and jersey.

Swim Skins are just rubberized suits that reduce friction in the water.  They are legal in non wet suit swims because they do not contain neoprene or polyurethane.  Some of these are removed like a wet suit after the swim during T1 and I think some of them now can be worn for the entire race. . A swim skin and a speed suit are essentially the same thing to my understanding.

The Lift Foil is a Desoto product.  It is just the name they gave it, like their Forza or Carrera lines.  It supposedly makes you faster in the water in non wet suit swims, though it also contains no neoprene.  It is basically a one piece tri suit with no pockets.  The Lift Foil is a kind of speed suit.  I think it is geared toward shorter races since it has no pockets. 




Edited by Dominion 2014-07-23 11:45 AM
2014-07-23 9:55 PM
in reply to: Dominion

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Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN
This week I tried to mix in the swim set from triathlete magazine. I'm not sure what it all mean x 50xt.
Warm up with fins 200 swim/100kick/200 swim ( I took swim to be freestyle)
3 x 200 with 30 sec rest 3/5 breathing pattern by 50 (3 sets of 200y with 30 sec rest. breathing every 3rd for 50, then every 5 for 50 and repeat)
6 x 50 with 15 sec rest 25 kick/25 swim build ( not sure what a swim build is)
6 x 75 with 20 rest all strong ( I assumed fast )
6 x 25 on :45 from the middle of the pool, vertical kick between intervals ( not sure at all what on :45 means and what a vertical kick means)
4 x 100 cool down with 15 sec 50 non free/50 free ( 50 non freestyle, 50 freestyle)

Can anyone translate?

2014-07-24 5:33 AM
in reply to: 0

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN

Originally posted by nrpoulin This week I tried to mix in the swim set from triathlete magazine. I'm not sure what it all mean x 50xt. Warm up with fins 200 swim/100kick/200 swim ( I took swim to be freestyle) 3 x 200 with 30 sec rest 3/5 breathing pattern by 50 (3 sets of 200y with 30 sec rest. breathing every 3rd for 50, then every 5 for 50 and repeat) 6 x 50 with 15 sec rest 25 kick/25 swim build ( not sure what a swim build is) 6 x 75 with 20 rest all strong ( I assumed fast ) 6 x 25 on :45 from the middle of the pool, vertical kick between intervals ( not sure at all what on :45 means and what a vertical kick means) 4 x 100 cool down with 15 sec 50 non free/50 free ( 50 non freestyle, 50 freestyle) Can anyone translate? Nate


Not sure what they mean by swim build either.

6 X 25 on :45 from the middle of the pool;  Not sure what they want in this case, but, "on" usually means "leaving on" 

For example, 6 X 100 leaving on 2:00 means you swim 100, rest and start your next on interval 2 minutes after you started the first.  In other words you are starting a new 100 every 2:00. 


Edited by Dominion 2014-07-24 5:34 AM
2014-07-24 9:11 AM
in reply to: Dominion

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Americus, Georgia
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN
Hi, everyone! I've been MIA for several weeks due to pneumonia and trying to get back in the swing of things after that (btw, it is true what they say: for every day you take off, it takes two days to get it back; and I was out of commission for 2 weeks. ugh!). But I signed up for my second sprint tri on August 9, so I have a reason to get my rear in gear! Been doing lots of interval work this week to get things moving in the right direction.

In response to the swim build question, the way I understand it is this: The swimmer's goal is to increase speed within the single swim distance(s). For example, the following set: 3x 100: Build. It's asking you to swim each 100 starting easy (with perfect technique) and increasing speed within each 100 to a fast finish (maintaining perfect technique throughout). The goal in a Build swim is to build speed while maintaining good stroke technique.

Hope this helps! I've loved reading everyone's race reports! Been great inspiration for me to get moving again!

2014-07-24 9:13 PM
in reply to: #4996689

Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN
Agree with married the pool guy. A "build" set is like a set on descending intervals - you want to get faster with each. "Strong" definitely means swim hard. I think the vertical kick thing means start halfway down the pool, and swim to an end and back, then kick in place (tread water with legs only) between each 25. It's not something we did in swim practice, that's just what it sounds like to me. Not something to do when you're sharing a lane, lol.

Otherwise you got it! "On the 2:00" means leave every 2:00 - you get more rest with a 1:30 100 than with a 1:45. Feel free to adjust if the intervals they suggest aren't realistic for your current level. :15 rest means just what it sounds like. "Swim" is your choice of stroke, while free and non-free are more specific.
2014-07-24 9:16 PM
in reply to: #5030296

Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN
Marriedthepoolguy, glad you're finally feeling better! I can't imagine - at least you didn't have to skip a race you'd already paid for. Hopefully you still have enough time to be ready - I'm sure you'll do fine
2014-07-25 7:27 AM
in reply to: MMW37

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Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN
Thanks guys. Apparently triathlete mag puts out a weekly workout. Was hoping to start mixing in their "C" workout to add some variety.

I've seen some people at the pool jump out between laps and do sit ups, squats, ect. Anyone have a name for this time of swim workout and know where I may find some?
2014-07-25 8:01 AM
in reply to: #5030297

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New user
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN
Sorry it's been so long since posting but I thoughts I'd update you all on my season so far.

Back in late June I competed in a Super Sprint, which went reasonably well.
I was happy with the run.
The bike which is always my weakest event was OK, still like to improve it, but I only have a £200 bike which is about all I can afford.

In July, was my big event - the London Tri, which was a Sprint distance.
It took place the day after the ITU on pretty much the same course.
Very weird to watch on telly the day before and to see the course with the elites.
It was also my first open water swim, and when I say first I mean FIRST!
I only brought my wetsuit the week before and had never worn it in the water let alone open water.
So it was with a real sense of trepidation that I stood on the start.

After taking various advice from you guys, when the gun went off I took about a second before I begun.
This gave me some clear water. I swam well within myself as I was unsure of how I would respond to a long swim without stopping at the end of the pool. I had of course done the distance, and more, in the local pool.

In any event I found the swim a lot easier than expected. There wasn't the huge crush at the turning point like with the elites and the distance was fine.
The only thing I would say to others in the situation is prepare yourself for the coldness of the water on your face. This was a shock to the system and took me most of the swim to get use to it.
The bike was pretty good for me. My first time riding where the roads are shut which was a joy.
My time was also the quickest I had run the 5k - 23 mins. Might seem slow to a lot of you, but was a PB by some minutes on a Tri for me.
All-in-all a very enjoyable event I'm already signed up for next year - this time no hanging around at the gun! Might even think about the Olympic distance!

Mid July was the last event a flat 10k at one of my kids school. Another PB for me 45:23 beating my previous by 2mins.
So the training is working!

The only trouble is I've developed a bit of a knee ache, so am seeing a physio and don't have any more races planned this year.
If anyone knows of any events from mid Sept in-and-around the North London area can you please send me the details.

Next year I hope to compete in a lot more events. This year was really about practicing and seeing how I would do in a couple of different types of races.
What do people think is a good gap between events - I'm thing about a month (cash and time allowing), so doing about 4-6 races?

Anyway that's enough rambling from me, just finally to see how nice it is to read everyone's posts and to feel part of the wider community.
2014-07-25 3:58 PM
in reply to: nrpoulin

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN

Originally posted by nrpoulin Thanks guys. Apparently triathlete mag puts out a weekly workout. Was hoping to start mixing in their "C" workout to add some variety. I've seen some people at the pool jump out between laps and do sit ups, squats, ect. Anyone have a name for this time of swim workout and know where I may find some?

I've seen people doing some of these workouts.  Personally, I wouldn't waste my pool time doing crossfit.  I need to use my limited swim time to swim.  I can do cross-training workouts at the house at another time.

2014-07-25 4:08 PM
in reply to: TonyAbbott

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN

Welcome back, Tony.  Seems like you season went pretty well with lots of results.  An "Off the bike" 5k around 23 and a stand alone 45 in the 10k are both something to be proud of.

2014-07-27 2:29 PM
in reply to: #5030397


Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN
Would like to join your group. I am 47 years old and have been running for about 4 years now. I have done well In a spartan sprint and spartan super. I have also just completed my first duathlon in March. Looking to get into the tris and will really need help learning swimming technique and will need to Improve my biking.
2014-07-27 11:02 PM
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Pacific Northwest, Washington
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly Focus Group - OPEN
Race Report: Race the River Triathlon
July 27, 2014

S (1/2 mile): 20:54.409
T1: 3:06.222
B (11.25 miles): 47:04.460
T2: 1:07.914
R (5K): 55:02.855
Total time: 2:07:15.86

Today’s race went fairly well. I got up at 3:30 a.m. and was on the road by 3:50, which is pretty fast for me. I’d loaded everything except my cooler in the truck the night before, so there wasn't too much I needed to do in the morning. I got to the race site by about 5:45 a.m. and found a good spot to set up my gear. I then had about an hour and a half until my wave started at 7:55, so I wandered around a bit and checked out the transition area, making sure I knew where to go when I exited.

After the mandatory pre-race meeting, I joined everyone else as we walked the half mile or so to the swim starting point. The race organizers had kindly laid blue carpet down over the weeds and thistles so we didn’t have to walk on them barefoot. The first wave (elite athletes) started at 6:59, so I had almost an hour to wait. I talked to a couple of people, but mainly just focused internally to deal with the pre-race stress, which was upsetting my digestive system. But, I wasn't concerned about it too much because the same thing happened to me at the previous race.

As it got closer to my wave time, they let us walk down to the beach to watch the wave before ours warm up and take off, and then we were in the water. The Spokane River was very warm, clean, and clear; it was a very nice change from my previous competitions! I swam out a bit and waited for the start gun to go off, and then we were off! My digestive issues disappeared immediately, and the swim went flawlessly for me; it was by far my best competition swim so far. I didn’t hold back this time as I have in my previous two, letting everyone else get ahead so I wouldn’t have to deal with people swimming over me. This time, I started with everybody else. I got kicked a couple of times and returned the favor a couple of times, too, and passed a couple of Clydesdales from the previous wave. I swam the half mile in 20:54.409, which is about nine minutes slower than my previous swim on the Columbia River. Clearly, the Spokane’s current at that point isn’t as strong as the Columbia’s and wasn’t nearly as kind in assisting my swim time. However, I am very happy with my swim. I was 4th in my division, 179/245 for all women, and 362/458 overall. Although it wasn't fast, it was a good, strong, solid swim.

My first transition went excellently, with me getting in and out in 3:06.222, which was the second fastest time in my division, 158/245 for all women, and 332/458 overall.

The bike course was 11.25 miles long, covering two confusing loops, which I completed in 47:04.460, placing me 6th in my division, 214/245 for all women, and 421/458 overall. This didn’t go as well as I’d hoped. There were some sharp turns I really had to slow down for, and I went off course at one point for about 1/10 mile, causing me to stop to figure out where to go, and then backtrack. (If no one had noticed, it would have been a nice little shortcut.) I also had some gear changing issues stemming from an emergency derailleur repair yesterday morning, and I kind of babied changing gears so I wouldn’t risk the chain becoming jammed or falling off. I need to work on upper body strength this winter so I can have better control of my bike, as well as do a lot more mountain biking next summer. I think mountain biking will be a great way to improve bike control, as well as gain upper body strength. I think the two will really help me improve my time next year. I also had to deal with allergies and had to slow down about a half dozen times to pull out a handkerchief and blow my nose. However, I averaged 14.34 mph, which isn’t bad for me, so I’m OK with the bike ride portion.

The second transition went excellently, as well, and I downed a half bottle of PowerAde before taking off. I was in and out in 1:07.914, the fastest time in my division, 81/245 for women, and 183/458 overall. Not bad!

Running is where the race fell apart for me, as it always does. My running really bites. Most people can walk faster than I can run. In fact, it’s not uncommon for toddlers to pass me up in family fun runs! Running for me is an exercise in frustration and humiliation. My time on the 3.1 mile course was 55:02.855, which placed me dead last in my division, dead last for all women, and 461/464 overall. (I don’t know why there were more people counted on the run leg than on the swim or bike legs! That makes no sense!).

So overall, my time was 2:07:15.860, which placed me 8/9 in my division, 233/245 among women, and 442/458 overall. My next triathlon is August 17, and it’s the exact same course as my first triathlon, so it will be a good opportunity for me to gauge my summer training. I think at this point my swimming and biking are what they are; running is where I need to concentrate, and I’m not sure what to do to improve my speed. I’ve been working on it for three months, and I’ve seen absolutely no improvement. I can run longer and further now than I could three months ago, but it’s still an 18-minute mile, which is really, really bad. I can actually walk faster, but walking isn’t what I want to do. I want to run, and I want to run faster. I’m not sure how to get there.

Does anybody have any suggestions? What would be a good sprint running program for the next three weeks? I’ve been practicing my running pretty regularly, but mainly as bricks, and not for the full 5K. I’ve been trying to do a 5K once a week, but running a 5K fresh is completely different from running a 5K after swimming half a mile and biking 12 miles. Should I be doing a 5K more often? And should I be incorporating it into brick sessions? I think it might help my endurance, but I’m not sure it would help my speed. I’m somewhat at a loss. I would have expected to see some improvement by now. I don’t understand why running is so difficult for me. If I can improve my running speed, then I can improve my times in all areas.

Edited by burner2 2014-07-28 8:36 AM
2014-07-28 8:45 AM
in reply to: burner2

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North Grafton, Massachusetts
Subject: Compression sleeves during the swim
Has anyone ever worn calf compression sleeves during the swim portion of an event? I have started wearing them when I run and thought I'd wear them during the swim to save the time and trouble of putting them on in transition. I did check with the race director and he said that they were acceptable for this event. I wasn't sure if there would be an effect on drag because of the sleeves. Just wondering if anyone else has any experience or an opinion. Thanks!
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date : November 23, 2010
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I want to follow the Winter Maintenance-Run Focus program (8 weeks), but don't know when to start. I also want to do the Intermediate Sprint-12 week program before my first race.
date : November 17, 2008
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I just started doing tris this summer and I have two under my belt, both sprints. Is it reasonable to build up for a Oly in early ‘09, with a HIM in Oct of ‘09
date : July 17, 2005
author : chrisandniki
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A Navy Seals program modified specifically for triathletes. Heavy on the running, swimming, push/pull-ups and sit-ups, will you find yourself man (or woman) enough to finish?