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2007-04-24 9:10 AM
in reply to: #661678

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Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
OK - Swim question. I went to a master swim class last week and the instructor was giving me tips on my stroke. He wants me to brush (paint) the top of the water as I bring my arms forward. So my question to him was "Shouldn't you have a little bit more of an arc as you bring your arms forward if you are training for an open water swim that will have chop?" He then admitted he had never swam anywhere but in a pool and had no idea.

Anyone else know?



2007-04-24 10:17 AM
in reply to: #774221

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Grafton, WI
Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full

Caycee - 2007-04-24 9:10 AM OK - Swim question. I went to a master swim class last week and the instructor was giving me tips on my stroke. He wants me to brush (paint) the top of the water as I bring my arms forward. So my question to him was "Shouldn't you have a little bit more of an arc as you bring your arms forward if you are training for an open water swim that will have chop?" He then admitted he had never swam anywhere but in a pool and had no idea. Anyone else know? Cheers, Caycee


Caycee--One of the drills that I do is the fingertip drag drill, which sounds very much like brushing the top of the water.  It helps to focus on keeping your elbow up and also reachign over your head.  Yes in outdoor swims you have more to deal with, but your form will pull you through.  Right now one of my biggest questions is if I am coming through too high taking away more energy than necessary.  Video tape yourself and check it out. 

2007-04-24 1:38 PM
in reply to: #661678

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Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full

trimomfour - 2007-04-22 11:14 PM hi everyone! julia (and anyone else!) I am starting to feel like i need a better handle on my race-day nutrition for the HIM. i've read things like drink 6-12 oz fluid every 15 minutes and to take in so many cal. per hour, but i just don't feel like i have a plan and know what i'm going to eat. any good nutrition plans? thanks! megan

Nutrition is SOOO important!!  In fact, I am SURE it is why I bonked in my HIM last season.  The keys are two though - nutrition AND hydration.  I've tried LOTS of things and I keep trying new things.  I know that I burn close to 1,000 calories per hour when at my peak performance...  Imaging a 5 hour race and trying to take in 5,000 CALORIES?!!  So the first key is the week leading up to the race.  Carb loading doesn't mean just eating pasta the night before the race.  IT means taking in extra carbs that WHOLE week and making sure you are not hungry.  Your body stores carbs for use in lots of places and if you can have those ALL full you'll have a head start! I typically just add a bottle of Heed (or gatorade or whatever you use) to every meal.  It doesn't sound like a lot, but it adds 100 cal of carbs X 3 per day for a week.  Plus you're adding hydration and electrolytes too before you start purging them on race day. 

Then you get to ACTUAL race day.   First question is what is offered ON the course.  Do they have a water bottle exchange on the bike?  IS it just water, or gatorade or both??  Do they hand out gels on the bike course??  On the run course??  How many water bottle cages do you have on your bike??  Sounds like a LOT of questions, but you need to know all of that before deciding what to take out on your bike for the race.   I used to always take one bottle of HEed (100 calories and plenty of electrolytes) and a bottle of Sustained Energy (300 calories) plus 2-3 gels (100 claories each - total 700 calories or so).  The problem with that is that it leaves me with NO water.  IF there's a bottle exchange on the course it works GREAT.  I can down the SE quickly and keep the hydration with the heed.  Drop the SE bottle and pick up some water at mile 25 (or wherever they hand out extra water.)  If there's NO bottle exchange on the course, I would rather use my bottles for hydration alone and use bars and gels.  I've been experimenting with how many gels my body can handle...  During my marathon, I trained and ran the race with gel and water alone.  I also had some endurolyte tablets for electrolytes.  They had only water and accelerade on the course and I HATE accelerade - it upsets my tummy!  So I took 10 gels and water at every aid station and popped about 3 endurolyte tabs.  IT's imortant with all of the water to get some electrolytes - either from a drink (like heed, gatorade etc) or from tablets like saltstick or endurolytes. 

OK so my plan for my NEXT race is to take water and heed in my water bottle cages and take 2 hammer bars (250 cal each) and 2-3 gels.  Add another 2 gels or so on the run and PLENTY of water (700 calories on the bike, 200 on the run)  That's for an OLY race.  For a HIM I will plan on SE plus 2 bars, 3-4 gels, heed AND water.  I just got one of those Aero drinks, so I will load that with Heed and have one water bottle cage with SE.  That would give me 1100 calories on the bike and another 300 on the run...  That's about as much as I could possibly take in.  But I WON'T bonk again   The rule is generally one gel every 20-30 minutes because that's all your stomache can handle in pure carbs.  It may be some trial and error.  I personally am a HUGE fan of Hammer Nutrition products and I use thier bars, gels, drinks, and recovery products almost exclusively (although I DO like the Snickers marathon energy protein bars for recovery.)

The key is to practice and make minor changes, then stick to your plan as closely as possible.  Don't try something new on race day!  The last thing you want is to be stuck in the prota potty for 20 minutes   Which also reminds me...  Your nerves will also keep your tummy a little keyed up, so in the few days before the race, watch what you eat in terms of fiber.  It's FINE to cut back on the fiber for a few days if you catch my drift!! 

2007-04-25 4:31 PM
in reply to: #661678

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Grafton, WI
Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
I finally did it today.  I made my appt. for an MRI, its tomorrow and I see the orthopedaec on Tuesday already.  I want to get this thing figured out soon if I have any hopes of doing a HIM this season!  So I feel good that I finally made that step, but after talking to my P.T. he agrees that I have been diligent and endured more pain than 90% of his patients on deep tissue work.  Kinda makes me feel tough!  I'm not sure what I am hoping for on the outcome, but lets just hope for something conclusive! 
2007-04-25 6:51 PM
in reply to: #776677

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
Thats the first step! Good luck to you!
2007-04-25 10:48 PM
in reply to: #661678

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
Thank you for your inspire notes! I feel like the support came in just when I needed it. Here's a mini report if anyone is interested.

At the sports doctor's office, she had me do a bunch of postures, she had me squat on one leg and noticed that the standing leg's knee bent inwards quite a bit instead of staying straight over the toes. That apparently told her something about the way my muscles are working together. After some other postures she figured my quads are too strong and tight relative to my hamstrings, glutes, and hip flexors which are too weak, and IT band is too tight.

I think you're right Julia! All that extra biking I did this past week probably had something to do with the knee pain. Biking works the quads doesn't it? Plus my speed/hill run last week just wasn't good for my knees or hips.

She suggested active release therapy, specific weight training exercises every day, stretching twice a day, icing and applying a topical inflammatory to knees 3x a day, and no running for now. She also will have a look at my hiking boots and running shoes at my next appointment.

2007-04-25 10:50 PM
in reply to: #776677

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
Trygirl good luck with everything! I admire your toughness, I am one of those 90%. Keep us posted.

Edited by francisjade 2007-04-25 11:09 PM
2007-04-26 7:47 AM
in reply to: #776677

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Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full

trYgrl - 2007-04-25 3:31 PM I finally did it today.  I made my appt. for an MRI, its tomorrow and I see the orthopedaec on Tuesday already.  I want to get this thing figured out soon if I have any hopes of doing a HIM this season!  So I feel good that I finally made that step, but after talking to my P.T. he agrees that I have been diligent and endured more pain than 90% of his patients on deep tissue work.  Kinda makes me feel tough!  I'm not sure what I am hoping for on the outcome, but lets just hope for something conclusive! 

I know it's a hard bullet to bite - but GOOD for YOU!!  I hope you can get some conclusive evidence of the problem and get it FIXED!!

Good luck today

2007-04-27 8:20 AM
in reply to: #661678

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
Yesterday I saw a swim coach for the first time. She had me rotating side to side for each stroke. It ended up that I was swimming on my side mostly. Is this what other people do?
2007-04-27 8:53 AM
in reply to: #778608

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Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full

francisjade - 2007-04-27 7:20 AM Yesterday I saw a swim coach for the first time. She had me rotating side to side for each stroke. It ended up that I was swimming on my side mostly. Is this what other people do?

Yes!  One of the biggest ideas is to stay streamlined in the water and getting the most out of your stroke.  What this means is rotating onto your side.  One of my favorite drills is the 6/3/6 drill.  You put one arm out front and are on that side for 6 kicks, then take 3 strokes (putting you on the other side) and stay on that side for 6 kicks.  It really emphasizes this rotation.  Meeting with a swim coach is a GREAT step in the right direction.  I don't think that many triathletes realize how much difference your FORM can make.  And it can often make a difference more quickly than physical conditioning!  Nice job

2007-04-30 5:08 PM
in reply to: #661678

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Grafton, WI
Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
WAHOOOEEEEYYYYY!  Ok, so I am just a little excited.  This morning I was stood up for my swim, so I was a little PO'd because I couldn't swim without a partner since I open the pool and it was 5:30a.m.  So....I swam tonight, so much better for me.  I was just thinking how great it would be to get to 3000 yds this spring.  Well, how about today?  So I made it 3000 yds! So I had a few celebratory bites of ice cream (ok, I ate right out of the container!), it was more than a few bites!  IN any case, I am really excited for tomorrow and finding out my results from my MRI...still not sure what is best case scenario.  But, I just want to know! It is almost like the first day of school excitement all over again! Laughing

2007-04-30 7:27 PM
in reply to: #782307

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Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full

trYgrl - 2007-04-30 4:08 PM WAHOOOEEEEYYYYY!  Ok, so I am just a little excited.  This morning I was stood up for my swim, so I was a little PO'd because I couldn't swim without a partner since I open the pool and it was 5:30a.m.  So....I swam tonight, so much better for me.  I was just thinking how great it would be to get to 3000 yds this spring.  Well, how about today?  So I made it 3000 yds! So I had a few celebratory bites of ice cream (ok, I ate right out of the container!), it was more than a few bites!  IN any case, I am really excited for tomorrow and finding out my results from my MRI...still not sure what is best case scenario.  But, I just want to know! It is almost like the first day of school excitement all over again! Laughing

NICE WORK!!!  Pretty good   Fingers crossed for the MRI results tomorrow too.  Congrats on a great breakthrough!!  And you deserved the ice cream

2007-04-30 7:30 PM
in reply to: #661678

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Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full

So APRIL is OVER!!  How did we all do on our monthly goals?? 

My goals are :  Swim 10 hours, Bike 25 and run 15. 

OK so I hit swim 11 HOURS (YEAH!) Bike 25.5 (Double yippee!!) and run 11 hours.  I am actually OK with that.  This was a very bike focused block, so I think any more running and it would have hurt my legs for biking. 

Goals for next month... 

Stay Sane.  RACE WELL AT WILDFLOWER (next weekend - YIKES!!!) and

Swim 10 hours, bike 25 hours, run 14 hours.  We'll see if my coach agrees  

2007-04-30 8:23 PM
in reply to: #782509

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full

i was smart and didn't really set any specific goals for the month. ha ha, just kidding. no, i really wanted to stick as closely to my training schedule as possible for the HIM in june. GREAT news, they just had to change the bike course so now it doesn't have the mountainous climb that th eprior route had--so basically its a level course witha long downhill toward the end. YEA!! that relieves a lot for me since we are a little low on hills here in AZ!!

we are moving this week to a rental and loading a truck and getting most of our stuff to the new house out of state. so life right now is OUT OF CONTROL CRAZY. i didn't do any workouts all weekend, and now nothign today. (argh!!!) but i *know* i can get a run and swim in tomorrow. i just need to get through this week and get in what i can and try to not stress about what i can't do. hubby has the next month and a half off pretty much, so after next week, NO EXCUSES!

2007-04-30 10:10 PM
in reply to: #661678

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Grafton, WI
Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
Ok, so my goals were a little lamo, but really what I wanted to focus on was swimming (imagine that?) and Yoga.  I think I set my goal 2 weeks in, so I have been doing really good staying above 1800 yds per swim, but really overall I added like 300 yds from last month doing 21400 yds with a 5 day break period of rest.  Yoga, I have pretty much been regular 2x/week.  Pretty happy about that.  Besides that, I didnt' stick to my bike that much, but that is because I haven't progressed like I should be.  I did get out for an 8 mile ride that I was excited about.  We'll see how tomorrow goes with the results. 
2007-04-30 11:07 PM
in reply to: #661678

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
Great job trYgirl! Julia is right ice cream well deserved!

Goals-I don't think I made any so WHOO Hoo definately accomplished them! I know I did stuff but these past few weeks have been hard! I have had way too many DOR.
I went out of town this past weekend and felt really great Sat all us gals woke up early and walked for an hour then shopping at the "Flea Market" walked for hours! Our huge down fall was after that we were starved from skipping lunch so of course dinner at Black eye Pea-2 bread baskets, cheese sticks and chicken fried chicken. Couldn't stop there later had to go out for McDs shakes!! So Sunday went to breakfast(cracker barell) then coming home 3 hr drive with a stop in silverthorn for quick shop stop. then Arbys for dinner! I feel like I have not done anything and ate all the time.

I need some pick me ups-5 weeks till the race and today did not go so well with exercise. the problem could not get motivated to do anything! Help!

I NEED to make the commitment to goals! I need to put them in writing to keep me honest. I will have some tomorrow!

2007-05-01 8:32 AM
in reply to: #661678

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
I did great on my biking goals 12.5 out of 14hours. My running was 3/7 and swimming was 5/8. My excuse is I wasn't home all month. Not that I need one. But this by far was the most motivating goal for me. aiming for 8 hours a month of swimming is not that much, it's just two hours a week, I'm surprised I didn't make that goal.

2007-05-01 8:50 PM
in reply to: #661678

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Grafton, WI
Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
Well, they don't have to amputate my leg.  Back to the drawing board, nothing major showed up on my MRI.  Back to P.T. for another 3-4 weeks, focusing now on my hip and then if that doesn't work, my back.  Frustrating is an understatement.  I can still swim....and Yoga...maybe that will hold what is left of my sanity!  My analytical mind has played out everything, and 45 minutes after talking to my orthopod, and then my P.t. tonight on the way through know that I am in good hands....we'll see how good those hands do on Thurs.  Stay tough everyone, stay focused and remember to take care of your, rest, strength, etc.  It'll save you a headache.  That's good though right, no surgery...I can get through this....the mind is a wonderful thing. 
2007-05-01 10:08 PM
in reply to: #661678

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
Good news about the leg! glad you get to keep it, even if it is given you problems.

Finally got back on the horse tonight. Hubby and I went for a 3 mile run after dinner, he ended up not being able to run (rash or ??? men sweat in strange ways so I don't even ask) well I took Julias advice an dran up ahead and then would turn around. I would walk about a block with him then take off again, it took longer than I was aiming for but It was also further than 3mi considering. It felt really good to get out there and do something, it has been almost a week since I built up a sweat.

Ok so I have thought about goals too: I need to take a step back and get back into a routine so back to basics for the remainder of this week- 4runs, 1 16mi bike, 1 swim(20+ min)plus bike thurs to gym and home.
1 run down, Sunday bike and run race course! (brick! no friends)
Another goal get a helmet and fitted for shoes! We have a pretty new "running" store called running tracks and I hear they are pretty good with fitting you.

Good night.
2007-05-02 11:49 AM
in reply to: #784662

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West Richland
Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full

I just squeaked in meeting all my goals with an evening run on April 30th. I was just over my goal times of 5 hours running & 6 hours biking, and ridiculously over my swim goal because of starting masters. Part of that is because now I track just the total time in the pool (too much trouble to time with the watch like I was doing), but I also more than tripled my swim distance! Gotta love it, although I wonder if my triceps will ever stop being sore.

trYgrl, yay for no surgery! and Diane&Mike, yay for getting back out there! Good job everybody.

2007-05-03 1:05 PM
in reply to: #661678

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
This may sound absolutely stupid but want to be sure I am honest about time an distance....

gym pool is 52 yds (length) I did 32 lengths, 32X52=1664yds 1664 yds=1521.5 meters (right?)
THis took under 20mins about 18.
The sprint is 500 meters, for registration they require a time to swim this distance. What should I say??

So did myself a mini-tri today. swam at gym (18 min) toweled off threw on the clotheshopped on bike for 5.4 mile ride home, then ran/walk 2.85 miles.
Wind is blowing today but the run was so rough, legs were tired. For me I usually run out of air before legs give out. I know too was not getting enough water/fuel in too. I took in MAYBE a few ounces, 20 oz water bottle was still full at the end. Drank that down plus another but definately need to work on getting it in during.

Thanks for he help all.

2007-05-03 1:40 PM
in reply to: #661678

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Grafton, WI
Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full

Way to go on the workout.  That sounds about right, It think for the 500....Check out others times to see where they fall and that would make sense.  Was that with or without drills?  It is a beautiful day here today, I think I will go for a hike at a local nature preserve....and maybe if I am brave, I might try to run a few steps...not sure if I am ready for that yet, but what the heck right?  I see my P.T. guy tonight anyway. 

2007-05-04 3:34 PM
in reply to: #661678

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
Thx trYgirl. No drills just plain swimming. Get in get out is my theory when it comes to pools or bodies of water. *Ok my deep dark irrational total mental fear is sharks. And yes I know they can not live in fresh or chlorinated water but that is why it is irrational. No explanation for it just there. And to make it sound evenmore screwy, I wont take a long bath either. I laugh at myself but can't get it out of my head. * ( you should see me around a mouse!!! Can not function at all!)
Please noone get offended by any of my comments, just my opinion. Looking for other opinions:
Ok so I had to get new shoes today. I was wearing a pair of Nike Air?? Well my toes are starting to kill almost hoping toenails would come off just to relieve some pressure.
So went to a running store to discuss shoes since the kids at the sporting goods just get what ever size you tell them....I have come to the understanding I need a good insert too for arch support. 1st question: Do you use them and what type?
The sales guy gets 3 different brands, New Balance, Mizuno and Brooks. But in a 9! I wear an 8 c'mon still in girly mind set can't go up in shoes size thats huge! The 9 was to big and sloppy but settle for an 81/2 in the mizuno. I have never tried this brand, first I heard of the running shoe I thought they did cleats. Question: What do you think of Mizuno?
Second-had to get a helmet (I know should have had one long ago) so we go to the bike shop and get helmets no prblem. But he starts talking about the pearl izumi running shoes, I tried some on and they fit real nicely very comfortable. Question: Has anyone tried these and if so how are they?

Ok enough for right now. Thanks for the input.
(Julia guy at the Bike shop brought up Wildflower, Did you do this tri too?) Never mind Just read it in your races this year. GOOD LUCK!
2007-05-06 11:10 AM
in reply to: #789312

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
Can't wait to hear about race Julia!

Everyone must be busy this weekend. The weather here has turned winterish again. Gray, cold and windy!
Hope where ever you are you had a great one. Hope the healing is progressing for all.

I need to start myself off on the right foot this week so my Goals this week will be to get in a brick workout Friday or Sunday(16m & 3.5m-race route!), 5k Fun run on Saturday.
Gym 3 days, Run 3xs (not counting fun run!) Swim 1, Bike 2x (1 other than the 16m).

Do you start your week on Sunday or Monday?

Have a great one!
2007-05-06 5:15 PM
in reply to: #661678

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
I've lost all motivation all of a sudden...I'm so stressed and busy with things going on and I'm sure it isn't as bad as the stress some of you've had. So I don't know how to explain it. A friend took me on a bike ride yesterday which was great! I'll get back on track!!! Hope everyone else is doing great!
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