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2007-06-27 10:38 AM
in reply to: #804244

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Atlanta, Ga
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED

Dear LandLubber,

Do you freak out during workouts?  If not, I think it may just be that you are putting too much pressure on yourself during the race.  Get as much open water practice as you can.  You'll be exposed to getting water in your mouth, etc.  Also, for a race, sit in the back, count to ten when the wave goes and THEN start.  You will more than make up for the time lost because you won't freak out.  Just get through the swim and then hammer those swimmers in the other two disiplines.

Also, since you forgot your helmet, did you put out a "Does anyone have an extra  helmet beacon?" Seriously, if you ask those around you, there will be someone with an extra helmet, etc.  I carry an extra one to races and you'd be surprised the generosity of others.  My friend actually let someone borrow his Zipp 808 rear wheel right before FL 70.3.

You'll get if you expect to freak out...YOU WILL.  Practice and have others swim next to you while practicing.

2007-06-27 10:41 AM
in reply to: #862576

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED

Wow, who has an "extra" 808 laying around? Must be nice!
2007-06-27 11:02 AM
in reply to: #804244

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Russell, KS
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
I have this issue every time I get in the water. EVERY SINGLE TIME. In a pool, in a hot tub, whatever. I am convinced that Jaws is there to eat me.

I just learned to swim this year, and this is what I do.

I concentrate on every single stroke. Every movement. Every breath. How my fingers need to be together, not apart. How my arms have to come ALL the way out of the water. How I have to kick just enough to keep me horizontal, but not enough to really do much more than that, as I am saving them for the next part of the race.

I do not think of the race. I do not think of the depth of the water, not the shark that will come up and eat me.

I think of each stroke, and I concentrate on that. I think of blowing out air when my face is down, and then snorting air out my nose and mouth when I look to the side to breathe, right before I inhale, then put my face back in the water.

I think of nothing else. Not a single thing. It is robotic, mechanical, and I might look like a machine, but if I allow any other thoughts in my mind, I can't even get in the water.

Edited by grnidone 2007-06-27 1:03 PM
2007-06-28 7:50 AM
in reply to: #862623

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
grnidone - 2007-06-27 11:02 AMI have this issue every time I get in the water. EVERY SINGLE TIME. In a pool, in a hot tub, whatever. I am convinced that Jaws is there to eat me.I just learned to swim this year, and this is what I do.I concentrate on every single stroke. Every movement. Every breath. How my fingers need to be together, not apart. How my arms have to come ALL the way out of the water. How I have to kick just enough to keep me horizontal, but not enough to really do much more than that, as I am saving them for the next part of the race. I do not think of the race. I do not think of the depth of the water, not the shark that will come up and eat me. I think of each stroke, and I concentrate on that. I think of blowing out air when my face is down, and then snorting air out my nose and mouth when I look to the side to breathe, right before I inhale, then put my face back in the water. I think of nothing else. Not a single thing. It is robotic, mechanical, and I might look like a machine, but if I allow any other thoughts in my mind, I can't even get in the water.
I have the same problem... I freak out in water. But I have learned that the more time you spend in the water, the easier it gets. I panicked at my last triathlon, but luckily enough, I knew what to do to get through it. That just comes with spending time in the water... SWIM LOTS!
2007-06-28 10:39 AM
in reply to: #804244

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
I have been meaning to ask if anyone here is on Twitter. If so, can add me at>
2007-06-28 10:41 AM
in reply to: #804244

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Waco, Texas
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
Thank you guys for all of your wisdom and support. No, I don't freak in the water, when I am training in the pool. My RHR is in the low 70s, so when I looked down Sunday morning to see it reading 220 while waiting to go into the water, I was shocked! Mother of God, that's high, so I checked to make sure I was breathing, which I wasn't, really and then I did that super attractive little "squirm" to reposition the chest strap, all the time trying not to flash the locals or spectators! It was reading correctly. Yikes!

When I have practiced open water swimming, lake or ocean, I have had the panting, inhaling while face down, over-reacting type of response. I have tried to turn on my back and try breathing through my nose, to stop the "wheezing". Get this, while I was holding onto the kayak during this last race, one of the competitors...a fellow racer, in the midst of his race...stopped to ask if I was ok. I must have looked bad, or the guy worked ER's in some capacity, or something, I assumed. It was kind of embarrassing.

When the local lakes get back under the danger zone (our's is closed, and it's coming up in our back yard...), there's a tri-club down in Austin that schedules open water swims for it's members. I am a friend, so I always get an invite. They haven't been doing any, lately. I think everyone is in clean-up mode, when it comes to the water. One of our larger races down in Austin back in May (Capital of Texas) got canceled outright due to the fact that overnight, the transition area filled with water and the water accumulated dangerous "floaties" in it.

I do want to put into practice what you guys have recommended... let's see, practice, practice, practice..until I grow webs between my toes and fingers, acclimate to the water prior to the race (usually a good practice and one I follow, but I was kind of clueless this last race - great reminder), ease up off of myself and stay in the back, wait a 10 count and then start behind my wave, and practice more open water swims. I think that last one will be a real winner. This last lake was full of plant material which I graciously filtered the majority out on my legs. Swimming with other creatures usually hasn't caused me much freaking, typically because if I were anymore freaking I am afraid I would be in the ER with an aneurysm or some other stress related horror, so thank goodness for that?!

I think I can attribute quite a bit of the stress load this last time (being kind of clueless and what-not) to the level of work I have been turning out for my degree. Easing up off of my own back is probably a good thing all around.

Again, thanks for the reminders and positive input. You guys are the best and if we ever get to race together, I would share my spare inner tube or gel with you!! I don't have a spare 808, though.....

Timid triathlete,

Edited by vmax3000 2007-06-28 10:41 AM

2007-06-28 1:25 PM
in reply to: #804244

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
I don't know what Twitter is, but I am on myspace.  Anyone else?
2007-06-28 5:38 PM
in reply to: #864704

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Lubbock, TX
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
I have no clue about Twitter either...I never got into myspace...but I'm on Facebook.
2007-06-28 6:59 PM
in reply to: #804244

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Russell, KS
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
I don't do myspace, twitter or facebook. I program the d*mn thing myself.

Anyone need Internet marketing? My consulting fees are reasonable.
2007-06-28 7:00 PM
in reply to: #804244

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Russell, KS
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
ok. Shameless plug over.

I can't believe I'm asking such a stupid question.

How do you drink on the bike?

Either I careen out into traffic, or I spill poweraid all over me. (and that dries sticky...otherwise I wouldn't complain.)
2007-06-28 7:47 PM
in reply to: #804244

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED

I'm sure others can give you better advice, but I slow down and lower the gear a notch or two so that I'm just cruising with light pressure on the pedals.  Then stop pedaling and reach down very carefully!  Of course, I'll say to practice!  Go onto roads with no traffic and do it over and over until it's natural.  While I'm drinking is when I'm light on the pedals to help me with balance.



Edited by willie05 2007-06-28 7:47 PM

2007-06-28 9:10 PM
in reply to: #865236

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Atlanta, Ga
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED

grnidone - 2007-06-28 8:00 PM ok. Shameless plug over. I can't believe I'm asking such a stupid question. How do you drink on the bike? Either I careen out into traffic, or I spill poweraid all over me. (and that dries sticky...otherwise I wouldn't complain.)

Practice on the trainer.  You shouldn't have to look down to get your water bottle, you practice until you know where it is.  You can also do circles in a parking lot practicing.

2007-06-29 8:17 AM
in reply to: #865354

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
Marvarnett - 2007-06-28 9:10 PM

grnidone - 2007-06-28 8:00 PM ok. Shameless plug over. I can't believe I'm asking such a stupid question. How do you drink on the bike? Either I careen out into traffic, or I spill poweraid all over me. (and that dries sticky...otherwise I wouldn't complain.)

Practice on the trainer.  You shouldn't have to look down to get your water bottle, you practice until you know where it is.  You can also do circles in a parking lot practicing.

Yep.  As with most things, it just takes practice!

2007-06-29 9:41 AM
in reply to: #804244

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED

Have you guys seen this?  I thought it was really funny.

 Dating a triathlete...

"I am an outdoors type of person." Really means: I train in any type of weather. If it's raining, snowing, 90 degrees w/100 percent humidity, or winds gusting at 30 mph. I don't want to hear any complaints because I will still train in it and you're just a big wuss for complaining about it.

"I enjoy riding my bike." Really means: with or w/o aero bars, alone or in a peleton, I don't care. If you can't do a spur of the moment 30 miler then you're not my type. I will let you draft, but if you can't hang and I drop you - I will see you later. I am a capable mechanic, but don't expect me to change your flats or tune your bike. You need to learn that on your own.

"I enjoy jogging." Really means: Let's run hills until we puke. I have just as many shoes as you only mine are better because they are functional and all look the same.

"I enjoy dining out." Really means: I enjoy eating out, in or anywhere else I can find food. Don't be shy because with the amount of food I eat, you can have that main entree instead of a salad and you will still look as though you eat like a rabbit in comparison. Don't get your limbs too close though as I may take a bite out of you. Most importantly don't expect any taste off my plate unless you can bring omething to the party like more food. Eventually though if your not burning 4,000 calories a day your going to plump up and have a terrible complex due to watching me eat deserts and not gain any weight. Friends and family will eventually decide not to dine with us anymore due to my horrid table manners. Oh, and don't ask me any questions during breakfast, Mid Morning Lunch, Lunch, Afternoon lunch, dinner or Recovery Dinner as it does not lend to efficient food intake.

"I enjoy quiet walks on the beach." Really means: Walks on the beach warming up into an 8 mile run and then plunging myself in the ocean for a 2 miler. If you get in my way you're going to find out what mass start is and let me assure you that you don't want to find out.

"I find fulfillment in charitable work." Really means: If I am not racing, I am volunteering and I expect you to be there along side me as I stand out in 90 degree weather for 8 hours handing out sports drink to cyclists going 20 mph. Just stick the ol' arm out there and hope it doesn't get taken off.

"I enjoy sharing quiet moments together." Really means: It's taper time. Just back off because I am strategizing and in a pissy mood because I am worried about my "A" race and can't workout.

"I am an active person." Really means: Aside from my 40 hour job, and the 8 mandatory hours of sleep a night. 10 hours a week are devoted to me during the off-season and 20 during race season leaving us 4 hours. 2 of which are spent inhaling food and you not talking to me, so let's make the best of the 2 hours we will spend together on average each day. If you are a licensed message therapist or doctor this would make the most optimal use of our time together. Nutritionist is also acceptable, but I probably already know just as much as you.

"I enjoy road trips and leisurely drives." Really means: You have your choice of Wisconsin, Idaho, Florida, California, Arizona, and Canada, but don't expect to do much site seeing. If I get enough support from you we might be able to include Hawaii in there.

"I enjoy site seeing." Really means: Lets grab a mountain bike and get our HR's up to 90%. There's plenty of time to look around on the descent as trees and bushes whiz by you at 40 mph.

"I like stimulating conversation." Really means: while we are running, we can talk about food. Then we can talk about how we decided what to wear on this run based on the temperature at start time versus the temperature at the time we expect to finish, how horribly out of shape we are, how many miles we did last week, and how many we will do this week and next week. Then we can talk about food.

"I enjoy relaxing soaks in the tub." Really Means: I'm going to stop on the way home and buy two bags of ice, throw them in the tub with some water, and sit in this torture chamber for 30 minutes.

"I'm interested in photography" Really Means: My camera is permanently perched a tripod in front of my trainer. I obsess over taking photos of my bike position and analyzing them to get the perfect setup.

"I'm into in technology" Really Means: My HRM and bike computer are my best friends. Until you can give me some hard data that can improve my training, don't bother trying to buddy up to me. You could one day break into the top three if I find you as entertaining on long runs and rides as my mp3 player.

2007-06-29 9:44 AM
in reply to: #804244

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
I read that post a little while ago - I thought it was hilarious! Laughing
2007-06-29 9:56 AM
in reply to: #804244

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED

Twitter is like a blog with ADD. I use it to keep up with friends and not to flood my own blog with random little thoughts that pop in my head through out the day.

By the way, if anyone is on mySpace, or blogger or the likes and has always dreamed of having their very own little corner of the web, like, but has not the faintest idea how to go about it, I would be more than happy to help you out. I work for cheap. In fact, it is so cheap, it is free. At least for you guys.

2007-06-29 11:10 AM
in reply to: #865852

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED

I am back, but I still have thing one and thing two. I have to read all of the posts I missed.  I am on MYSPACE..Scuba Steve with a pic of Aquaman...

 Aaron's description of "rolling hills" and mine are very different....

2007-06-29 11:11 AM
in reply to: #866002

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
And sorry I missed your birthday Robyn......HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
2007-06-29 12:52 PM
in reply to: #866004

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED

Welcome back!

Hey gang - quick question for the group. Have you guys done any "reverse" tri's in training (or racing)? Today I really felt like I needed a good workout after a couple of days of rest, so the plan was to so a "sprint" tri at the Y.

Unfortunatly with all the summer camp kids around, the pool wasn't open for awhile, so I mixed it up and did a 15k bike ride first, a 5k run, and then was planning on a 1000m swim. Well, I got in the water - but it was closing again in 6 minutes - so much for that idea. At my speed, I got 300m in.

The reason I ask if you've done them is, what I noticed was for some reason my arms were dead tired during my short swim. I guess the leaning on the bike bars, and swinging the arms during the run takes something out of them. What I've learned is I'm going to mix in some swimming AFTER running and/or biking. Seems like a good way to cross-train and get stronger...

Take care,
2007-06-29 1:07 PM
in reply to: #866199

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED

rperissi - 2007-06-29 12:52 PM Welcome back! Hey gang - quick question for the group. Have you guys done any "reverse" tri's in training (or racing)? Today I really felt like I needed a good workout after a couple of days of rest, so the plan was to so a "sprint" tri at the Y. Unfortunatly with all the summer camp kids around, the pool wasn't open for awhile, so I mixed it up and did a 15k bike ride first, a 5k run, and then was planning on a 1000m swim. Well, I got in the water - but it was closing again in 6 minutes - so much for that idea. At my speed, I got 300m in. The reason I ask if you've done them is, what I noticed was for some reason my arms were dead tired during my short swim. I guess the leaning on the bike bars, and swinging the arms during the run takes something out of them. What I've learned is I'm going to mix in some swimming AFTER running and/or biking. Seems like a good way to cross-train and get stronger... Take care, Rob

I have never done one, but I hear they are fun.  They are more common in the colder months since you don't have to get on your bike while wet.


Any s/b/r combo is good, IMO.  Just don't over-do it.

2007-06-29 3:02 PM
in reply to: #804244

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
I am on myspace. or you can find me under Leslie Barber. Yes, that's me in the photo. Scary! We all have hobbies.... Also, yes, I do look like Supernanny when I have my glasses on.

Counting the hours until the weekend. Not much childcare lately and it's too rainy to take the kids out for a run or ride. Plus, my oldest came home from grandma's with a nasty cough. Argh. I have a brick planned this weekend, (bike/run) and a long bike ride, and I will get in the lake, I will!!!! I am realizing I "need" a bike trainer for days like this. And a treadmill. And an indoor pool. Anybody have any spare money laying around? I am rejoining a gym this fall, but not until school starts.

I think swimming after riding or running is a great way to cross train and also to cool down!


Edited by Medusa_Ann 2007-06-29 3:03 PM

2007-06-29 9:44 PM
in reply to: #866199

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED


 Does your Y have a 25 meter pool?  That is rare in these parts as everything is in yards.  We live so close to Canada that the fear of the metric system is an epidemic...

2007-07-02 8:04 AM
in reply to: #866469

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Waco, Texas
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
Medusa Ann,

I actually found a good, cheap bike trainer on eBay. That might be a place to look, if you really want one!

I think an endless pool would be really cool, but that would take a couple of fins off of the ole' bankroll, too! I'll have to stick with the club pool and lake for now.

2007-07-02 8:30 AM
in reply to: #868430

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
I bought my trianer from Bike Nashbar. It was inexpensive and works just fine.....
2007-07-02 1:03 PM
in reply to: #866880

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
That's funny. Good question that I've wondered myself. I've asked and everyone there seems to be pretty sure it's 25 meters. Their website says it's 25m also, so I guess that's what I've been going with.

"The Brookhaven-Roe YMCA welcomes you to our facility which features:

A 25 meter Heated Indoor Pool
A State of the Art Cardio & Strength Training Center "

gator22 - 2007-06-29 10:44 PM


 Does your Y have a 25 meter pool?  That is rare in these parts as everything is in yards.  We live so close to Canada that the fear of the metric system is an epidemic...

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