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2008-03-14 8:44 AM
in reply to: #1102477

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Mt Pleasant, SC
Subject: RE: apw0397's group - CLOSED
Girlfriend's cousins wedding, so many events, so little time (she is in the wedding, so I might as well be)

I am going to do my best to at least squeeze a bike ride in somewhere, near as I can tell I am scheduled to be somewhere from 3:30 tonight to midnight tomorrow with no breaks.

Still...should be a good time...provided she does not get any ideas

Actually now that I think about it, I might be able to talk some of them into a beer run at the reception...can you say two birds (I'll keep the sneakers in the car)

2008-03-14 9:12 AM
in reply to: #1102477

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Extreme Veteran
Columbia, MO
Subject: RE: apw0397's group - CLOSED

This weekend:

 1.  Try to catch up on sleep... this week has been very sleepless.

2.  Group run on saturday morning-  it should be rainy and cold... that actually sounds fun, for some odd reason

3.  Sunday my tri club is sponsoring a "Big Spin"-  We gather together in a gym with our trainers and bikes and do a 2 hour spin class.  It should be pretty fun. 

4.  catch up on sleep... i know i already said it, but it is really important.  I am dragging

5.  If time, watch Netflix movie- The Departed.   I heard it was good.   I have had it for a week, I just havent had time to watch it yet.

Have a good weekend everyone.


2008-03-14 11:41 AM
in reply to: #1102477

Orange County, CA
Subject: RE: apw0397's group - CLOSED
I'll also be trying to catch up on sleep this weekend. Even last night I awoke to the sound of my daughter in the throes of her cold (lots of heavy sniffling, a little bit of coughing...), but she did not call out for a nose blowing session so I just stayed in bed and fell back to sleep. But my brain and body is still catching up from 3 nights of too little sleep.

I'm just lucky that I didn't catch her cold.

Also going to squeeze in a good long bike ride and run. And hit the pool. And anything else I can manage.

2008-03-14 11:53 AM
in reply to: #1267941

Orange County, CA
Subject: RE: apw0397's group - CLOSED
charleston - 2008-03-12 2:53 PM

I was a little bored so I just want everyone to know

38 days til first tri

My tri is the 20th of April as well. 38 days is still a long ways off.
2008-03-17 2:23 PM
in reply to: #1102477

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Mt Pleasant, SC
Subject: RE: apw0397's group - CLOSED
Went back to my old ways this weekend, fatty foods and good beer (wedding festivities). Going to try and step it up again this week if I can get my body back to feeling good again. It was a great comparison, seeing how I felt physically and mentally, it is amazing that is how I was all the time.

How has everyone else been doing, it does not seem like it, but we have been doing this for a little while now.
2008-03-18 7:59 AM
in reply to: #1276514

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: apw0397's group - CLOSED

charleston - 2008-03-17 2:23 PM Went back to my old ways this weekend, fatty foods and good beer (wedding festivities). Going to try and step it up again this week if I can get my body back to feeling good again. It was a great comparison, seeing how I felt physically and mentally, it is amazing that is how I was all the time. How has everyone else been doing, it does not seem like it, but we have been doing this for a little while now.

It's funny how your perspective can change. A few years ago I would eat like a house and not even bat an eye. Now that I'm working out like crazy, I still eat pretty heavily, but I actually pay attention to what I eat. Less fries, more baked potatoes. Replacing butter with the spray stuff. Changing little things like that will add years to your life.

2008-03-19 9:15 AM
in reply to: #1102477

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: apw0397's group - CLOSED

20 minute run this morning with no major achilles pain! Small victory.

How is everyone else doing?

2008-03-19 12:34 PM
in reply to: #1102477

Orange County, CA
Subject: RE: apw0397's group - CLOSED
Caught another cold.

Which has resulted in a persistent cough both day and night...


2008-03-19 3:31 PM
in reply to: #1280736

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: apw0397's group - CLOSED

sunmonkey72 - 2008-03-19 12:34 PM Caught another cold. Which has resulted in a persistent cough both day and night... Waaaaaah!!!

Drugs are good things. Get healthy and get back on track!

2008-03-24 9:18 AM
in reply to: #1281324

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Subject: RE: apw0397's group - CLOSED
Picked up my Kuota K-Factor this weekend! Got a pair of Look Sprint pedals, too. All I need now is figure out whether to get road or tri shoes...any suggestions? I've been wearing mountain bike shoes with SPD. I've tried on a pair of Sidi Genius 5 road shoes and they seem to fit, but I read from the BT forums that the Sidi T2 is pretty good?
2008-03-24 1:00 PM
in reply to: #1289230

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: apw0397's group - CLOSED

sonnyk - 2008-03-24 9:18 AM Picked up my Kuota K-Factor this weekend! Got a pair of Look Sprint pedals, too. All I need now is figure out whether to get road or tri shoes...any suggestions? I've been wearing mountain bike shoes with SPD. I've tried on a pair of Sidi Genius 5 road shoes and they seem to fit, but I read from the BT forums that the Sidi T2 is pretty good?

I had some road shoes for the first few years. Bought some tri shoes (Pearl Izumi Tri R3) back in September and love them. They go on faster (one strap instead of 2 or 3) and you don't have to wear socks if you get them with the lining in them.

The only downside is that since the velcro straps open the opposite direction, so sometimes they will hit your cranks if you don't fasten them enough.

2008-03-24 4:45 PM
in reply to: #1102477

Orange County, CA
Subject: RE: apw0397's group - CLOSED
It's been a horrible month. Last night was the first night in 5 days that I actually slept all the way through without waking up in a coughing fit. I'm e-x-h-u-s-t-e-d! March has not been a kind month to me, and I am badly behind on my training.

2008-03-24 6:38 PM
in reply to: #1290606

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: apw0397's group - CLOSED

sunmonkey72 - 2008-03-24 4:45 PM It's been a horrible month. Last night was the first night in 5 days that I actually slept all the way through without waking up in a coughing fit. I'm e-x-h-u-s-t-e-d! March has not been a kind month to me, and I am badly behind on my training. Crud.

Get healthy. It's a long year.

2008-03-24 6:39 PM
in reply to: #1102477

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: apw0397's group - CLOSED

It's race week! This week it's Matt.

TriPainter - MAP Triathlon - 500m swim, 12.4 mile bike, 5k run

Questions? Thoughts? Concerns? Limericks?

2008-03-24 8:24 PM
in reply to: #1290781

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: apw0397's group - CLOSED
Yeah I'm excited, 1st triathlon - I feel prepared but I guess you never know until race day. Kind of nervous because of it being a pool swim and it could be an hour after the start for me to go. Trying to figure out how to fuel up.
Any last suggestions?
2008-03-25 7:44 AM
in reply to: #1290974

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: apw0397's group - CLOSED

TriPainter - 2008-03-24 8:24 PM Yeah I'm excited, 1st triathlon - I feel prepared but I guess you never know until race day. Kind of nervous because of it being a pool swim and it could be an hour after the start for me to go. Trying to figure out how to fuel up. Any last suggestions?

I usually do breakfast 3 hours before start time. A Clif Bar and 5 Hour Energy along with a bottle of water that I sip up till race time seems to work for me.

Pool swims usually seed you by swim time. So the fastest swimmers will go earlier. Sometimes it can be up to 90 minutes before the race starts before the last swimmers get in the water. My wife did one 2 weeks ago that had 490 people in it. Several people had already finished the whole race by the time she started swimming.

Make sure you find out how much time they are putting between swimmers. Usually it's 10 seconds, but sometimes they do 5. Once you know your number, you can estimate about how long it will take for you to start swimming. So if you are number 200 and they are doing 10 seconds between swimmers, it'll be a little over 30 minutes.

What you want to do is get a last minute energy boost about 15 minutes before you start. I do gels, my wife prefers shot bloks. Just something that will get into your system quick, around 100 calories. If you do a gel, make sure you have a swallow of water with it to wash it down.

2008-03-30 6:38 AM
in reply to: #1291442

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: apw0397's group - CLOSED
Diary of a triathlete:

Well guys - I did it! - and I can't seem to get the smile off my face. Thanks for all of the words of support out there and I am routing for all of you on your first tri.

I got there in the morning and I just couldn't believe how many people were there. The beautiful bikes, the guy on the bullhorn directing traffic, the bike maintenance tent. There were so many people in all shapes and sizes. The volunteers funneled everyone into the transition area - Ours was numbered, so I just went to my number and started setting up. I kept running through the transition in my head to make sure that everything was layed out perfectly. I went in to the pool area (as this was a pool swim) and got body marked - that's when it hit me that I was there to race - this was not a clinic. I went back to the transition area at least 6-8 times to check and recheck - the nervousness I guess.

As the swim started all of the elites shot out and boy were they fast in the water - it was so cool to see them in the pool. I am number 303 out of 660 so I started an hour after the start. I went to the warmup pool and did a few laps and then went back to the main pool to wait. As the called my number and I got in the water I remember that nervous excitment that melted over me almost like I was going to pass out in the pool. Has anyone ever passed out in the pool, I thought? The guy motioned down at me 5-4-3-2-1 and Bam - I was off. The swim was fast I lost count after my first 4 laps so I just kept my head down, relaxed and before I knew it - it was done. As I jumped out of the pool and ran down the mats - it was now a new race 1 element down and 3 to go.

I got into the transition area - and surprisingly got all of my bike gear on with no mistakes and ran to the mounting area with my bike and was off. I had forgotten to clear my odometer and fortunately I had my head about me and did it right at the start. I was so much faster than the folks that started with me according to my swim time so I kept passing people - I was so nervous about penalties. I had to make sure that I stayed 3 lengths back and then passed in a total of 15 seconds. The bike is so relaxing because now you have time to think. Did I transition correctly? Do I have everything on correctly? Is anything backwards? All of these thoughts kept running through my head until I just told myself to relax. I kept watching my odometer and before I knew it I only had 3 miles to go (13 mi. bike course) - I started really pushing now because my legs felt great. I kept trying to stay in aero but usually just kept in my drops. I could hear the crowd - and there was my wife. She had a big smile on her face holding my son and boy do you want to talk about instant motivation. Uhh Ohh get back to concentration - I have to dismount the bike - I rode it all the way to the line and hopped off. My legs didn't work of course - but I was prepared for this in the countless bike-run bricks that I had practiced.

As I put my bike on the rack - I found that this transition was much easier - The most important thing was that I didn't want to forget my number. I strapped it all on and was off on the run. Right then it started to rain and not just sprinkle but it poured and then the hail started - not hard hail but the slushy stuff that doesn't hurt. I couldn't keep the smile off my face as I thought that at least my first experience was going to be more fun to talk about. As I neared the finish I had 2 thoughts. Number one - I want to go farther - this is too short and number two will my wife brave the elements and be at the finish line. Well she wasn't there and the vision of carrying my son across the line and having a great picture didn't happen - but I am a triathlete now and I can do that in the next race.
2008-03-31 7:19 AM
in reply to: #1102477

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: apw0397's group - CLOSED
Awesome job! You are now a TRIATHLETE!
2008-03-31 7:22 AM
in reply to: #1102477

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: apw0397's group - CLOSED

Big weekend this week folks:

  • April 5- charleston- Cooper River Bridge Run 10k
  • April 5 - TriPainter - Charlotte's Finest Duathlon - 5k run, 15 mile bike, 5k run
  • April 6 - ryannmo - Cherry Blossom 10 Miler, Wahington
  • 2008-03-31 8:49 AM
    in reply to: #1102477

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    Mt Pleasant, SC
    Subject: RE: apw0397's group - CLOSED
    Wow, triathlon with hail, it sounds like something out of a movie. Great job
    2008-04-01 11:55 AM
    in reply to: #1102477

    Orange County, CA
    Subject: RE: apw0397's group - CLOSED
    I'm slowly working my way back. I had an asthma attack last week (the first ever in my LIFE) and am finally feeling normal. What I had thought was a lingering cold was bad allergies (I've never experienced allergies like this...ever) caused by a lot of pollen in the air and a shift in the winds that caused a lot of ash from last fall's wildfires. My doctor has seen a lot of respiratory problems this past month, so I suppose I'm not alone.

    So I'm back and feeling completely better, but the 3 (!!!!!!!!!!!!!) weeks of consistently working out had definitely ruined all of the progress that I had made. I went for a run on the hilly trails yesterday and my lungs were not what they had been.

    I'm really frustrated, but I'm still going to do the triathlon the 20th of this month.

    2008-04-05 12:20 AM
    in reply to: #1102477

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    Subject: RE: apw0397's group - CLOSED
    Hopped on the tri-bike for the first time today. Spent about half hour on it on the rollers (I cheated with a fork stabilizer), mostly in the aero position. This is going to take some getting used to! I'm going to ride it for a few weeks before taking it in for a fitting...
    2008-04-06 8:39 AM
    in reply to: #1102477

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    Mt Pleasant, SC
    Subject: RE: apw0397's group - CLOSED

    Anyone know how to do the race report thing, I have it on my log but when i click on it I am immediatly taken to the forum page.

    And if anyone has the opportunity to do the Cooper River bridge run, I would highly recommend it, so many people, it was utter craziness.
    2008-04-06 7:09 PM
    in reply to: #1318617

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    Extreme Veteran
    Columbia, MO
    Subject: RE: apw0397's group - CLOSED

    charleston - 2008-04-06 8:39 AM Morning, Anyone know how to do the race report thing, I have it on my log but when i click on it I am immediatly taken to the forum page. And if anyone has the opportunity to do the Cooper River bridge run, I would highly recommend it, so many people, it was utter craziness.


    when you are logged into the site, go to the "Races" tab at the top of the page and then scroll down to the button that says "Your Race Log"   Click it and then find your race and hit edit.   When you complete it, hit save and you are good to go. 




    2008-04-07 7:51 AM
    in reply to: #1102477

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    Mt Pleasant, SC
    Subject: RE: apw0397's group - CLOSED
    Thank you Josh

    The first race report has been completed, therefor so has the first race. And only a couple weeks from the first tri, very nice.

    I do have another running question for yous guys. My ankles have been killing me either the day after, or simply later in the day, on any of the days I exceed 5 miles (the main reason I have been trying to keep my runs shorter). My theory is that this will go away as I keep losing all of the extra weight. I was just curious if anyone else has experienced the dreaded ankle pain and if I should be doing something different.

    The day after my 10k I struggled to get down stairs, but now today feel right as rain.
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