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2008-05-07 10:38 PM
in reply to: #1116072

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
Race plan

Day Before - Swim 10 minutes, Bike 30 minutes, Run 1 mile. I am gonna run my 8 on the course. Its where my times have fell apart every year and I am gonna do it the day before for confidence.

Make sure Bento box has plenty of nutrition. I am aiming for 60 carbs per hour. Water in Aero bottle and Gatorade in cage.

Race Day

Breakfast at 4:30. Eggos and Peanut Butter

Swim fairly easy and work real hard to swim a good line. I always seem to get a little off course here. Try to get some drafting here. Goal time 45 minutes

T1 - Wear socks, no gloves. Put on ankle brace for bike. 3:45

Bike - I think my base is off a little based on first 2 races of the year so I am gonna rely on HR. I will work to get HR down to 150 and then try to stay between 145 and 150. It looks like tail out. My best time on the course is 2:41. The bike is a little short, 55.5 if i remember. I think I should be good for 2:48. Drink plenty, eat rice krispies and pop tart sticks and bananas. Carry a gue but try to not use it.

T2 - Change into more compfy shirt and get my water bottle. Time estimate 2:30

Run - Go out at hr of 150 and try to keep it there. Drink tons of water and use the sponges if its hot. Once I get to mile 10, push. The run is a little long, I think 13.25. Time Goal 2:40. Drink alot and eat gue if I can.

Damn, that pretty much gets me to 6:19. I will try to run faster, lets make that goal 2:35!

This is my history in this race:

2004 2005 2006
Swim 46.18 43.10 44.00
t1 3.54 4.37 3.43
Bike 2.54:37 2:46:13 2:41:39
t2 3.46 2.37 2.28
Run 3:04:27 2:51:00 2:47:53
Total 654.01 6:27.34 6:19:37

The run improvement is a huge challenge. My standalone half mary has improve 6 minutes siince that race. I think its 2:17:00.

Most important is to have a good time doing it. The knee seems fine.

Edited by Manatee Express 2008-05-07 10:38 PM

2008-05-08 7:56 AM
in reply to: #1388903

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed


Looks like you've got you goals planned out and I am pretty sure you will meet them - most importantly - like you said - remember to have fun! With this type of planning you should be Chappy and I would say " locked and loaded"  I was watching some of the IM FLA from last year on YouTube last night at work...that was quite impressive watchin these folks run that.  IM is the Everest of tri's in my book.  I know I could prob do a HIM - maybe next year..that would be my Everest....I hope you have a great race Ken.  I am sure you will have a good time and I look forward to you rr when it's all said and done...I'll raise my beer and give you a toast when you do.....someday...I may actually be down well.  The more I think about it...the more I could see me doing this...ahh..this crap IS addictive!!!

Edited by papahawk 2008-05-08 7:57 AM
2008-05-09 11:32 PM
in reply to: #1389256

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Hebron, KY
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
Now your talking brother. It will be a whole lot easier with Black Beauty underneath you rather than the mountain bike. I could see why you were so hesitant earlier. See you at Gulf Coast next year.
2008-05-09 11:36 PM
in reply to: #1388903

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Hebron, KY
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
Good luck on the race Ken. I am sure that you will execute your plan to a 'T'. I have a little analogy that I use with my Marines that I refer to as Redneck ORM, Operational Risk Management, or the 7 P's as some refer to it. Proper Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance. Brother you have definitely done your planning so just go and execute. Look forward to seeing your rr and hope that you set some PR's.

Edited by cchapman3 2008-05-09 11:37 PM
2008-05-10 8:01 PM
in reply to: #1116072

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed

Hey everyone,

I went down to PCB to watch Mr. and Mrs. Manatee today.  They both finished with flying colors!  There is a celebration going on, so I'm sure Ken will do his race report at a more convenient time.  But I thought I'd copy my thoughts here that I wrote in my blog, in case you don't stop by and read...


What a day!  I got up very early and drove down to Panama City Beach to watch the Gulf Coast HIM Triathlon.  I'm hooked -- those people were so inspiring.  It's not just elite athletes who do this, it's people like me!  I stood on the beach and watched wave after wave of people take off and swim in the very rough Gulf of Mexico (and there was another tragedy which we saw unfolding ).  There were big people, little people, wetsuits, bathing suits, but all had one idea -- face this thing head on!  Then I saw all kinds of people on all kinds of bikes, but everyone was exhilarated going out and coming in, most smiling widely.  Then there was the run -- it was hot just watching, so it must have been brutal out there -- but I didn't see anyone give up.  I stood behind the finish line, watching how people felt when they were finished.  Some were wobbly, some needed wheelchairs, but most just pressed on -- got their medal, grabbed a bottle of water, turned in their chip, and headed on for a celebration!

It's not like watching it on tv.  I think it gets in your blood.  I had a friend go with me, and she doesn't do any of this stuff (although I did convince her to do her first half marathon this year, at age 54, which she power walked and did fabulously!).  She was almost as inspired as I was, cheering everyone on and reveling in the moment.  We chatted with so many wonderful folks -- an all girl relay team from Mobile who were excited because they were probably in first, a 58 year old breast cancer survivor who was waiting for her cousin to finish, and of course my mentor, Manatee Express, who is incredibly inspiring.  He's just normal people like me too, but goes out there and gives it his all!  I think it's the thrill of the challenge that inspires him.  I can and will learn a lesson from this.

So now I'm publicly stating that I intend to do this race next year.  I have a year to get ready.  I'm proficient at half marathons, I've "conquered" the century ride, so as soon as I'm allowed I need to tackle the swimming.  Not sure how or where to start, and after what I saw today I want to be very sure that I'm comfortable with the distance and conditions.  But what  joy it will be to cross that finish line!!!


So, the challenge continues guys.  If you had been there, you probably would have felt like me.  I actually felt like a slug -- why should they all be out there and I'm just here snapping pictures with my camera?  Next year -- Panama City Beach!

2008-05-11 7:29 AM
in reply to: #1116072

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
Hey guys, I am gonna be slow on the race report. Yesterday was the hardest race I have ever done. I completely fell apart on the run. I have to give you all some credit for me finishing yesterday. I actually had thoughts of quitting but Cheri was there and you guys would be reading about it. Anyway, I stuck in out. 7 hours 6 minutes.

2008-05-11 8:10 AM
in reply to: #1116072

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Hebron, KY
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed

Fellow Manatee's,

     I see the future and it should it come true we will see Ken, Sledge, Rusty, and I at the Gulf Coast HIM next year.  With a year to prepare I can see a grand celebration next year as we all cross the finish line next year.  See you there and if any one else is up for the challenge then please come join the fun.

2008-05-11 8:14 AM
in reply to: #1394684

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Hebron, KY
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed


       I hear the temp's for the run were brutal but I take my hat off for you and congratulate you on finishing.  Hopefully next year the temp's won't be so high as I absolutely crumble under the heat.  I look forward to seeing the race report and don't be too hard on yourself for the time as none of us can predict what Mother Nature is going to throw at us.  Congrats again.

2008-05-11 8:21 AM
in reply to: #1394717

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
cchapman3 - 2008-05-11 8:14 AM


       I hear the temp's for the run were brutal but I take my hat off for you and congratulate you on finishing.  Hopefully next year the temp's won't be so high as I absolutely crumble under the heat.  I look forward to seeing the race report and don't be too hard on yourself for the time as none of us can predict what Mother Nature is going to throw at us.  Congrats again.

I second what Chip said.  Ken, don't beat yourself up about this.  The surf was very rough, so you had to battle that.  Then it was windy on the bike, so that took it's toll.  Then when it came time for you to run, the sun, heat, and humidity came out in all it's glory.  I take my hat off to you -- you did great!  You didn't quit.  Everyone who is struggling in a race has those thoughts, yet you worked through your hardest part.  I'd call that a successful mental job!

2008-05-11 8:27 AM
in reply to: #1116072

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
One more thing -- we should all be glad the race was yesterday and not today.  Right now the wind is incredibly strong.  I live back from the gulf, but the bayou is whipped into a frenzy so I'm sure the gulf is worse. 
2008-05-12 3:48 PM
in reply to: #1394684

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed


 I can write it for you!!! LOL - I read your rr - so if you want the more "detailed" version you let me know...all copyrights belong to you of course!!  BTW = WAY 2 HANG IN THERE !!! for a tough race...even at the end, you pressed on and that is what this sport is truely about....spirit.  It's what drives us when our bodies say no, it's what binds us, when we feel we are alone, it's what makes this all worthwhile, when you see how many others have shared this same inspired us all Ken with this race!!  Now - rest, relax, and soak it all in.  I think Chappy and Sledge are right....we all will be in this race next year.....Half Ironhawk!!! 2009!!

Edited by papahawk 2008-05-12 3:49 PM

2008-05-12 6:02 PM
in reply to: #1116072

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
Hey guys,

what about a weekly recap!! Natalie, you out there?

I swam Monday, did a swim bike on Friday and then the race saturday.

Total swim 4000ish, bike 57 miles, run 14.6.

Glad the race wasn't Sunday, it was windier and choppier. No way they would have let us swim. Biking would have been tough too. Today on the other hand is stellar. Oh well, luck of the draw.
2008-05-12 6:58 PM
in reply to: #1397788

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed

Ken & Manatees,

 I had a good week finally - back to a full regime of training since Cooper and since gettin over that nasty stomach virus the Hawkins household all went thru.  I had 2 bike rides  = total about 32.5 miles total for the week - I know that sounds weak - but these were my inagural rides on "Black Beauty" so we are gettin along well now after that 2nd ride = 17 miles.  I had a great week in the water - Master class is really pushin me and that is what the doctor ( gygyhawk ordered - my distance and endurance are growin...I swam over 2300 yards in just over 1 hour this week!! - thats on one day !!!.  ....needless to say - my swim for my next race in June ( 750 meter ) will not be as challenging since I am puttin in some serious yardage in Masters...even though it will be my 1st OWS - I should be on point for this part of the race...I hope    Running - well - that has been the low point of my week - I managed a couple of runs this week total mileage about 6 miles - my left calf seems to still have a issue - I am starting to think I may have pulled a tendon or Achilles now - and I also may be in order for some new ...I am cutting back on the run's - I plan on still running ..just to keep the base built up - I know I can run the distance for the race - it's my goal to be injury free come June's most important now.  Other then that - I am movin on up - swimmin is really coming on strong and bikin - well - it's a whole different ball game now with the new bike - I am planning on ridin 27 miles on Wednesday with one of my tri club members...that's gonna be a real test for me for sure.....farthest I have ridden was about that distance a few years ago - on my old bike!!! hope that it goes easier on my new one...I am hoping it will.  ..I figure-..I did 17 the other day in just over an hour - and I still had some fuel left in me...I can go another 10.


Edited by papahawk 2008-05-12 7:00 PM
2008-05-14 7:47 AM
in reply to: #1397788

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed

Hey...what happenned to everyone??? I am takin a bike ride today - no 27 miler ...not enough time to drive out there and ride and get back in time for work so we are just ridin the same 17 miler I rode last week...hopefully I can improve my time a lil bit!  Hope you all are doing well..


2008-05-14 6:52 PM
in reply to: #1401358

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
papahawk - 2008-05-14 7:47 AM


Ok, you woke me.

Nothing much to report here.  It's a very boring life when all you get to do is run on a treadmill or ride on a stationary bike or trainer.  UGH!


2008-05-14 8:37 PM
in reply to: #1116072

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
I will get back it it before the week is over.

Hey don't worry about how fast your going on the bike. Once you get to 500 miles then you can start worrying about going faster.

2008-05-15 8:47 AM
in reply to: #1403351

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed

Ken & fellow Manatee's

Just wanted to let you all know I will be out of town after today - headin to Myrtle Beach, SC to hang with my brothers and buddies for Bike Week - this week is the Harley Rally down there...I have never been so I decided to just take a few days instead of the whole week...I have a feelin that will be all I need!  So  - no postin for me after this - I have my Masters swim this afternoon then more then likely I will be headin to da beach with my buddy - 2 dudes 2 bikes - and the open road.   Anyway - hope you all have a great weekend and chat with you all when I get back!! Ahh crap - I did it again - I thought I was logged in and of course this is not me....that's my wifey's avatar!!  Well...most of you know I have done this's me going to the beach not her..she hates motorcycles!!  hehe  - PAPAHAWK

Cheers & Salutations!


Edited by gygyhawk 2008-05-15 8:49 AM
2008-05-15 6:37 PM
in reply to: #1116072

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Hebron, KY
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed

Fellow Manatee's,

      Looks like it might be a quiet week for all.  I have completed my tour here in Okinawa and will fly back to Atlanta on Saturday before heading off to Cincinnati.  A small request would be for all of you to wish me luck and patience as I travel for around 24 hours with 4 kids, 8/6/2/1, and a grumpy English Bulldog.  Take care all and I will catch up once I get settled in.

2008-05-18 5:02 PM
in reply to: #1116072

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
Weekly Recap

After a full 7 days off, back at it today with a 31 mile bike and 3 mile run. That was it for me this week. I just needed a mental break from last weeks disappointment. I have fun semi local races the next 2 weeks, then it gets slow around here except for 5k's.
2008-05-19 5:30 AM
in reply to: #1409494

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed

Here's a weak Weekly Recap:

Between travel and doctors restrictions, I didn't get much training in this week.  I did 4 very boring trainer/stationary bike rides, 2 treadmill runs, 1 walk and run, and 1 run. 

I did cap off the week with a confidence booster -- I did a bike/run brick with distances a little longer than the tri I'm going to do on June 21st.  It wasn't much, but with this forced down time I am starting to get a little nervous.  So the confidence part is showing myself I can do the distance.  Hopefully soon I'll get the bike back on the road and get into the swimming pool. 

I'm traveling again this week, so I'm going to be stuck with hotel fitness rooms.  I guess that will make the doctor happy!

2008-05-24 7:30 PM
in reply to: #1116072

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed

Hey everyone, my cousin's husband is biking across the US, and I'm very jealous!  It's something I'd love to do, but it probably won't ever happen.  I think he'd love it if you'd like to leave him a message -- he's journaling his progress at  Just go to his guestbook and send some encouragement, and thanks!

2008-05-25 1:33 PM
in reply to: #1423243

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
Thats cool about you brother in law. We get a lot of traffic doing that here. The southern US route goes on Fort Morgan road and our beach road. We pulled a cross country guy who started in San Diego about a month ago. I think he got pretty close to you as well. He stayed in Crestview the night we road with him.

2008-05-25 1:41 PM
in reply to: #1116072

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
Weekly recap - 2 swims, 2 bikes and 3 runs. This included a race. Distances were 4150 swim, 30.6 bike, 12.3 run.

Slowly getting back on training track. Marcy wants to do another half in the fall, so I need to pump the mileage back up. June/July are very busy for us as both are jobs are tourist driven. Will probably just do running races till the fall. I probably should sign up for a bike challenge in June.
2008-05-26 7:16 PM
in reply to: #1423668

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed

Weekly recap, and it's pretty lame.  I did 4 runs and 2 bikes, mostly on inside equipment.  I also walked a little.  But I hope to change all of this very, very soon.

I ran a race today, and I think I learned a pretty important lesson.  I've always been pretty strong willed, but today I had to pull on my mental toughness more than I've done before in a race.  After finishing two miles, my breathing felt like it was gone although my legs still felt fine.  But I still had 2.4 miles to go, and I could have easily started to walk.  But I did the math in my head and said that I KNEW I could run for another 15 minutes.  That was so very, very important!  I didn't stop, I kept going, and I found out that physical strength doesn't always do it for you.  My brain played an important factor today, and the brain won!

I think that is important in the longer distances we are talking about here (HIM?).  Do you agree?  Perhaps facing these types of challenges makes us stronger?  Gee, some philosophising and I haven't even had a glass of wine!

2008-05-27 8:51 AM
in reply to: #1409494

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed

Hey Folks!!!,

 Happy Memorial Day!  I hope you all had a great weekend!!  I spent most of mine stuffin my face with some good ole Southern cookin and man...I am soooo done with piggin out!!  Ugh...but it was good eating for sure.  We spent the weekend with friends and family, out in the sun and at the pool at the YMCA...the Y here has water park for the kid's and they love it. was good weekend...but now it's back on the train for gettin ready for my next race.  Thanks to all the veterans out there for our freedom and our way of life they have provided us and continue to protect....from one vet to another...thanks!  Remember.....never forget....and be thankful. God Bless you all....



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