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2008-04-12 12:12 PM
in reply to: #1123186

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Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
Congrats on completing the 5k. I'm sure you had a great time.

2008-04-13 7:21 AM
in reply to: #1123186

Extreme Veteran
Wilmington, NC
Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
I have been horrible about writing on here...sorry guys. Look like everyone's training is going well! The triathlon season has officially began! Woohoo!!

Andrew: April 12th Starfish 5K, April 19th Marti Estates 5K,May 31st Godstock Triathlon (first one ever for me) then off until Sept 14th for the Angel's Race Triathlon.

Mike: April 21st: Boston Mary

Greg: April 26th: Signed up for Mary but most likely will only do a 1/2. (BT coach advice)

John (BlueRaiderZone): April 26: Country Music Half Marathon (Nashville). This will be my first 1/2 Mary. May 26: GJCC Beginners tri, June 7: Mach Tenn Sprint Tri

Barb (Kelownagirl): June 8: Women's 5k, August 17: 1st Sprint Tri, Oct.12 half marathon (or 10K)
Some maybes: May 11: duathlon, May 27: Metric Century (for fun only), possibly some time trials this spring.

Leanne: March 15th Lo Tide 5km
April 6 WAC Sprint
April 18 Belew's Lake Sprint
May 3 White Lake Sprint
Sept 14 Muskoka 70.3

I hope everyone does a race report after their races! I love reading about how everyone does and the experiences they had!
2008-04-15 11:30 AM
in reply to: #1123186

Subject: Time Trial: Swim: Bike: Run

How are the TT going? Do you do TT? Have you decided on when and where to do the TT? Last TT data? The TT sets the Threshhold HR and thus the Z4 max (I think) These are all out efforts.

I ask these questions only because I have not done my Bike TT in a while and I think I have lost track of this important effort. All I know is I need to get these pinned down to max out my workout and not waste time.

gparris TT's  Bike: Today I hope!   Run: 5K race-172 bpm    Swim: 169 bpm on a 200 yrd sprint 

 Tell us what your TT's are!


Well I completed my TT on the bike today and set my LTHR to 159.   17.5 mph on hilly cource.


Edited by gparris 2008-04-15 3:32 PM
2008-04-15 7:24 PM
in reply to: #1123186

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Extreme Veteran
West Chester, PA
Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
hope everyone is doing well.

Taper is nice

2008-04-15 8:39 PM
in reply to: #1123186

Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
quick question...what are TT's? I was assuming that was a Time Trial but I am a newbie so I am not going to assume anything lol. Speaking of Time Trials, do you all have a place that does them out by you? I am going to do the Time Trials down at Lowes Motor Speedway in Charlotte (actually Concord) NC at the end of the month. For 25 bucks we get 7 laps for 10 miles, and they are going to do a 40K time trial there also.
2008-04-16 9:19 AM
in reply to: #1340660

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Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open

firefighter5765 - 2008-04-15 8:39 PM quick question...what are TT's? I was assuming that was a Time Trial but I am a newbie so I am not going to assume anything lol. 


2008-04-16 3:06 PM
in reply to: #1341545

Subject: Terms and Defns




Half Ironman distance (1.2mi/1.9km swim, 56mi/90km bike, 13.1mi/21.1km run)


Ironman distance (2.4mi/3.8km swim, 112mi/180km bike, 26.2mi/42.2km run)

1/2 IM

Half Ironman (1.2mi/1.9km swim, 56mi/90km bike, 13.1mi/21.1km run)

1/2 mary

Half marathon, 13.1 miles


6.2 miles

2 a day

Two workouts per day


Diet calorie percentages--Carbs/proteins/fats


3.1 miles

Aero Bars

Handlebars which face forward (sometimes shifters are placed here) with places to put your elbows. These bars allow triathletes to maintain a very comfortable aerodynamic position

Aerobic Exercise

Any type of exercise, typically that performed at moderate levels of intensity for extended periods of time, that maintains an increased heart rate. Running a long distance at a moderate pace is an aerobic exercise, but sprinting is anaerobic.


Age Group(er)


Average Heart Rate

Anaerobic Exercise

The initial phase of exercise, or any short burst of intense exertion, where the glycogen or sugar is consumed without oxygen-a far less efficient process. Examples of anaerobic exercise include weight lifting, sprinting, and jumping.

Anaerobic Threshold

The exercise intensity at which lactate (lactic acid) begins to be produced faster than it can be removed (metabolized), and it starts to accumulate in the blood stream


A swimming stage followed by a biking stage with no run.


Adventure racing


See Anaerobic Threshold


Annual Training Plan

Basal Metabolic Rate

The amount of energy expended while at rest in a neutrally temperate environment, in the post-absorptive state (meaning that the digestive system is inactive, which requires about twelve hours of fasting in humans).


The solid foundation of fitness on which you build power and speed.

Bike Porn

The photos our colleagues and teammates share of their brand new bikes so that we may covet them.


See Basal Metabolic Rate


When you suddenly lose energy and fatigue sets in, usually caused when glycogen stores in the liver and muscles are depleted, resulting in a major performance drop. Also "hitting the wall".


Back of the Pack(er)


Beats per Minute (heart rate)


Commonly, a combination workout that includes a bike and run back to back. Comedically, "Bike/Run It Can Kill" or "Bike/Run Ick". It can be any combination of triathlon sports with less than 10 minutes between sports.




Cool Down


Bike ride of 100 miles

Chain Suck

The chain fails to disengage from the bottom teeth of a front chain ring; instead the teeth snag the chain and carry it up and around the rear circumference of the ring, winding it back onto itself, and jamming it between the chain-rings and chain-stay.

Chamois Butter

A clean, non-greasy lubricant between you and your cycling shorts. In addition to making biking more comfortable, it reduces the chances of saddle sores, and restores dried-out chamois & short liners.


See Criterium


A type of bike race held on a short course (usually less than 3 miles), often run on closed-off city center streets. The length of the race can be determined by a number of laps or a total time, in which case the number of remaining laps is calculated as the race progresses.


10x Iron distance. (24mi/38km swim, 1120mi/1800km bike, 262mi/422km run). There are also 2x. 3x, 4x, 5x, 15x, and 20x distances that have been raced.


Dead f***ing last


Did not finish


Did not race


Did not start

Dolphin Dive

Technique used to get through shallow water that is more efficient than wading.  Involves doing short shallow dives, standing up, and repeating until you get deep enough to swim.

Dolphin Kick

Beating your legs in unison while swimming face down. Used with the butterfly stroke.




The process by which one athlete follows directly behind another athlete. The athlete that is drafting gains an advantage (roughly 20%) by doing less work, but still travels at the same speed as the lead athlete. In most triathlons drafting is illegal on the bike, but it is never illegal during the swim. All world cup triathlon events and the Olympics are draft legal.


See Duathlon


A race consisting of run, bike, run.


Swedish term meaning 'speed play' that is a relaxed method of interval training.


Front of the pack


Anyone who dresses up in the full kit of a professional racing team, and even has the matching $6000+ bike to go with it, and rides maybe once a week at 12 mph. Poseur.

Goodie Bag

The bag of free stuff, coupons, ads, etc. you get when you pick up your race packet.

Half Mary

Half marathon, 13.1 miles


Award for placing in your AG (medal, trophy, maple syrup, etc.)


Hip Flexor


Half Ironman (1.2mi/1.9km swim, 56mi/90km bike, 13.1mi/21.1km run)


Heart Rate


Heart Rate at Lactate Threshold


Heart Rate Monitor


Individual Medley in swimming.  Consists of equal distances of 4 strokes, usually between 100 and 400 yards-butterfly, backstroke, breast stroke and then any stroke except the first three (I was on the swim team in high school so I only heard that phrase about 100 times or so), which for most people will be freestyle. 


Ironman distance (2.4mi/3.8km swim, 112mi/180km bike, 26.2mi/42.2km run)


Ironman North America. The organization responsible for the logistics of the 6 official North American Iron distance triathlons (excludes Louisville) and the two official North American 70.3 distance races.

Interval Training

Any cardiovascular workout (e.g. biking, running, rowing, etc.) that involves brief bouts at near-maximum exertion interspersed with periods of lower-intensity activity


"athletic supporter"/volunteer


Collection of cycling clothing (jersey, shorts, gloves, helmet)

Lactate Threshold

The highest pace at which you can go for an extended period (>30 minutes) without building up lactic acid.

Lactic Acid

Lactic acid is formed from glucose, and used by working muscles for energy. It is thought that muscle cells convert glucose or glycogen to lactic acid, then lactic acid is absorbed and converted to a fuel by mitochondria in muscle cells.  Lactic acid is what causes muscle soreness.


An interval workout with progressively increasing then decreasing distances at each interval. For example, run fast for 400m, jog for 200m, run for 800m, jog for 200m, run for 1200m, jog for 200m, run for 800m, jog for 200m, run for 400m, jog for 200m.


Lower Body


Lean Body Mass


Local Bike Shop


Long Slow Distance


See Lactate Threshold




A cycling term indicating pedaling a big gear (53 x 13 or 14) with a slower cadence instead of spinning a smaller gear.


Ironman trademark


Maximum Heart Rate


Middle of the Pack(er)


Morning Resting Heart Rate (to distinguish the lowest rate vs. RHR, which could be recovery heart rate.)


Multi Sport


Mountain Bike

Negative split

Finish the second half of a workout/race faster than the first half.


Over-All, as in overall placement in the race.


Olympic distance triathlon (1.5K swim, 40K bike and 10K run)


Open Water Swim


Personal best




Perceived exertion/ effort


The large main group in a road bicycle race.


Varying the training levels over discrete periods of time to prevent overtraining


Plantar Fasciitis


Paula Newby Fraser (a.k.a. The Super Chicken)


Personal record


Personal victory


The guy or gal that you pick out of the crowd before your swim start that you will chase and try to pass on your way to the finish.

Race Packet

The packet you get that has your number, swim cap, chip, etc.


Race Director


Resting Heart Rate


Rest interval


Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate


Rate of perceived exertion


Revolutions per minute. The pace at which you are turning your cranks when you cycle.


Race Report


Swimming Made Easy (Terry Laughlin's 2000 version of TI)


Your time for a portion of your race or workout. For instance, your mile splits in a 5k are your times for each individual mile.


Short distance triathlon. Approximately 400yard swim, 15 mile bike, 3 mile run


Transition 1-Change area between swim and bike


Transition 2-Change area between bike and run


A bent bike wheel that looks like, well, a taco!


Tour de France

The Washing Machine

Referring to an OW swim start


Total Immersion: swimming instruction by Terry Laughlin

Transition Area

Place where a triathlete keeps belongings (i.e., bike, wetsuit, running shoes) during a triathlon. This area is part of the race course. After a triathlete finishes their swim, they run to the transition area where they mount their bike. After the bike leg of the race is completed, the triathlete dismounts their bike (in the same spot they retrieved it) and begins the run portion. The race always ends at the finish line (usually near the transition area).

Transition Run

A short (around 10 minutes or 1 mile) run off the bike (as opposed to a Brick, which is usually a longer run). 


A triathlon-specific bicycle designed for riding in the aerodynamic position. This bike features aero bars, a steep seat tube angle to put you farther over the cranks and allow for a comfortable aerodynamic position, and a very light weight.


One who is obsessed with triathlons and all the toys that go with it. He/she lives for the sport, loves to talk about triathlons, loves to train for triathlons, and is involved with anything having to do with the sport. Cyclists love to call triathletes this name -they often call this out as triathletes pass them on a training ride.


Time Trial (usually in reference to cycling)


Team Time Trial


Upper body


USA Triathlon, the national governing body for the multi-sport disciplines of triathlon, duathlon, aquathlon and winter triathlon in the United States.

VO2 Max

The highest rate at which oxygen can be taken up and utilized during exercise by a person.


When a race does not start en masse, the RD will break it up into groups called waves. Often separated by gender and AG's.


Bike mechanic


World Triathlon Corp, owners of Ironman trademark


Warm Up

2008-04-16 3:10 PM
in reply to: #1123186

Subject: RE: Terms

I know it is tough with all the terms, I hope this helps.

Ask me If I missed any ......

2008-04-16 4:05 PM
in reply to: #1123186

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Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
Thanks for the list. I have picked up on some of the terms, but I was still unsure of others.
2008-04-16 4:20 PM
in reply to: #1123186

Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
Thanks Greg, this will make it easier to keep up with.
2008-04-16 4:52 PM
in reply to: #1123186

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Riverside, IL
Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
Hi Mike,

I'm interested in joining your mentor group, if it's still open. My name is Linda, I'm a 42-year old newbie. I will be doing my first ever sprint triathlon on June 22nd - the US Women's Triathlon Series in Naperville, IL. I have somewhat of a swimming background - was on my h.s. swim team 26 years ago and also a lifeguard for 6 summers. However, I never really was a fast swimmer...but did have endurance and stamina. That being said, I started my swim training about a month ago. I'm currently only swimming 1 day a week in a healthclub pool (20yd)...I can do 100 lengths in about 40-45 minutes. My half-mile swim (42 lengths) is averaging about 15 minutes or so. I do plan on upping my swimming to 2-3x a week, as soon as the local outdoor pool opens up for the season, over Memorial Day weekend.

I recently purchased a new road bike - a 2007 Trek 2100, but haven't had much saddle time yet, due to the unpredictable Chicago weather. That should be changing soon, and I hope to get comfortable on my new bike fairly quickly. In the meantime, I've been taking spin classes 4x times a week for the last 6 months. I did a sprint duathlon back in 1994, so I'm familiar with the bike/run transition. I plan on adding some bike/run brick workouts to my training. Other than getting comfortable with using clipless pedals, I'm not too concerned about the bike portion of the race...since it is only 13.8 miles...which I have easily done many times before.

As for my running...well, this is what I consider my "weakness". I ran a bunch of 5k races about 16 years ago. Quit running for a long stretch, but took it up again about 3 years ago. Lately, the majority of my running has been on a treadmill at the gym, due to a lower back condition that I have. I try to limit my outdoor running to no more than 2x a week, otherwise I end up paying dearly for it with severe lower back pain. My treadmill running is usually 3-4 miles on a slight incline (1 - 1.5%) at 6mph. My outdoor runs are generally between 3.5 - 4 miles on relatively flat pavement. Last weekend, I ran my first 5k race of the posted time was 28:19...a personal best for me!

I would be open to any advice or suggestions that you see fit in helping me reach my goal of crossing the finish line on June 22nd. Thank you!!!


Edited by nscrbug 2008-04-16 4:53 PM

2008-04-16 7:44 PM
in reply to: #1123186

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Extreme Veteran
West Chester, PA
Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open

we love new memebers

2008-04-16 7:56 PM
in reply to: #1343081

Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
Hey Linda

Welcome aboard! I know how you feel in regards to the lower back pain, I recently had to take an agility test as part of the hiring process for the fire deparetment I now work for and if my chiropractor had not suggested acupuncture I don't think I would have survived it. I had severre pain in my lower back and into my right hip to the point I was unable to get out of the chair without help. After 3 visits to get acupuncture along with TEMS and massage I was back on my feet without any pain. I now go every couple of months as a maintenance program. Has anyone else had any experience with acupuncture?

Anyway good luck with your upcoming triathlon.and I am glad to see we have another member of the group.


Edited by firefighter5765 2008-04-17 1:33 PM
2008-04-17 7:46 AM
in reply to: #1343081

Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open

Welcome Linda:  (nscrbug - 2008-04-16 2:52 PM)

I'm a 42-year old newbie. Sounds like you have a nice background to me and not such a newbie. I will be doing my first ever sprint triathlon on June 22nd - the US Women's Triathlon Series in Naperville, IL. Nine weeks to go: have a work out plan? Set you week schedule  I have somewhat of a swimming background - was on my h.s. swim team 26 years ago and also a lifeguard for 6 summers. However, I never really was a fast swimmer...but did have endurance and stamina. That being said, I started my swim training about a month ago. I'm currently only swimming 1 day a week in a healthclub pool (20yd)...I can do 100 lengths in about 40-45 minutes. My half-mile swim (42 lengths) is averaging about 15 minutes or so. You may be happy to know that this time may be good for most events. It is good that you have the basics already. I do plan on upping my swimming to 2-3x a week, as soon as the local outdoor pool opens up for the season, over Memorial Day weekend.

I recently purchased a new road bike - a 2007 Trek 2100, I am jelous, I want a new bike ... LOL but haven't had much saddle time yet, due to the unpredictable Chicago weather. Do you have a trainer? That should be changing soon, and I hope to get comfortable on my new bike fairly quickly. In the meantime, I've been taking spin classes 4x times a week for the last 6 months. I did a sprint duathlon back in 1994, so I'm familiar with the bike/run transition. I plan on adding some bike/run brick workouts to my training. Other than getting comfortable with using clipless pedals, I'm not too concerned about the bike portion of the race...since it is only 13.8 miles...which I have easily done many times before. As for my running...well, this is what I consider my "weakness". I ran a bunch of 5k races about 16 years ago.

This is good you know how to run. That a big help. 

I try to limit my outdoor running to no more than 2x a week, otherwise I end up paying dearly for it with severe lower back pain.

You may wish to look at  the core training program. I think it really help me out in my lower back. It was really weak. 

Best of luck with you first Tri ....


2008-04-17 11:59 AM
in reply to: #1123186

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Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open

Welcome Linda.

Is anyone racing this weekend? Isn't the Boston Marathon on Monday? Good Luck Mike!!

2008-04-17 12:19 PM
in reply to: #1123186

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Columbus , OH
Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
Hey Mike,
If the group is still open, I would love to join. don't mind me if I copy this from my introduction thread..
I started out as a swimmer and swam for 12 years and even swam at Clemson University for 3 years (got mono and had to stop). I took too many years off after that, ok so only 3, so I have gotten a bit soft and I need a new challenge.
I started with my first sprint triathlon last year with absolutly no training. It was alot of fun (despite the pain) and I really wanted to become a triathlete. Per ususal, I procrastinated starting training till 2 weeks before my first one this year and I am now a mere 2 days from this years first triathlon.

I am 24 years old and I really am looking forward to becoming a triathlete. I am currently weighing at 228ish and want to get down to about 205 (I really don't think my body will go below that). I work a regular 7-4 job and I have a gf that works alot so I have a good amount of time to train.

I am planning about 7 triathlons this year. Hopefully 6 sprint and an Olympic distance at the end of the season. I currently belong to Ohio State University Masters Swim Club, so swimming shouldn't be a problem. My biggest issue will be in getting my running up to par. I know if I was able to properly run I would get good, but I have some foot issues that are holding me back right now.

Hope to join the group!

2008-04-17 2:33 PM
in reply to: #1123186

Subject: Mike's Peeps Current race Schedule

Cool  Leanne:April 19th Belew's Lake Sprint

Cool  Andrew:April 19th Marti Estates 5K,

Cool   Mike: April 21st: Boston Mary 

Cool David: Miami University Student Foundation Triathlon (Triathlon) 4/19/2008 in Columbus , OH

Good luck to you all this weekend: Mike we will be watching for you. All the best. 

Greg (gparris): April 26th: Signed up for Mary but most likely will only do a 1/2. (BT coach advice)

John (BlueRaiderZone): April 26: Country Music Half Marathon (Nashville). This will be my first 1/2 Mary.

David: Ohio State Triathlon (Triathlon) 5/4/2008 in Columbus , Ohio

Leanne (canadarn2001):May 3 White Lake Sprint

Barb (Kelownagirl): May 11: duathlon: maybe

Greg (gparris): May 17: HIM Taylorsville Lake KY (Maybe

John (BlueRaiderZone):May 26: GJCC Beginners tri,

Barb (Kelownagirl): May 27: Metric Century (for fun only), possibly some time trials this spring.

Andrew ( firefighter5765):May 31st Godstock Triathlon (first one ever for me)

John (BlueRaiderZone):June 7: Mach Tenn Sprint Tri

Barb (Kelownagirl): June 8: Women's 5k,

Barb (Kelownagirl): August 17: 1st Sprint Tri,

Greg (gparris) : August 31: IM LOUISVILLE 

Andrew:Sept 14th for the Angel's Race Triathlon. 

Leanne:Sept 14 Muskoka 70.3

Barb (Kelownagirl): Oct.12 half marathon (or 10K

Send me your updates and I will add .....greg


Edited by gparris 2008-04-18 10:51 AM
2008-04-17 2:37 PM
in reply to: #1344929

Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open

David, Welcome .....

 Focus on the bike and strength while the foot heals. I am sure Mike will be back on line after the Boston Mary Monday.


2008-04-17 3:14 PM
in reply to: #1123186

Subject: RE: First Season of Swimming


Saw your post on swimming advice. It took me the first season to work thru the problems. I had the same issue and could not swim 100 yrds before I had to do side stroke. By the end of the summer I could go for 30 mins. It was really odd how all at once I stopped gasping for breath and was able to colm down. Looking back I would tell you to focus on balance in the water and read about total immersion swiming. "long slow strokes" Second I would tell you to do free style followed by breast or side to regain your breath and then back to free. 50free-50side-50free-50side ....or 25-25-25-25 do 3x then 5x then 7x etc... if you know what I mean and keep building. Can you do side or breast and regain your breath?

For breathing I think the one per three strokes has to come latter. go for 1x2. switch sides every other lap.

You  may not want to hear it but you need to fight thru this first part to get started. It will come ... trust me.


2008-04-17 4:15 PM
in reply to: #1123186

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Riverside, IL
Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
Thank you all for the warm welcome. I've gained so much knowledge since joining the forum just a few days ago!

firefighter - I'm excited to hear that acupuncture worked well for you. I haven't tried it myself, yet...but, had seriously been considering it for some time. There seem to be so many acupuncture places in my area, that it makes it hard to choose one...and I don't know of any friends that go to one, so haven't gotten any decent recommendations. Yeah, back pain sure does suck. I have spondylolisthesis, which is fancy term for a slipped vertebra. My back pain is fairly chronic, but luckily the sciatic pain I was having down my right leg, has all but vanished due to my daily use of an inversion table. I will definitely scope out an acupuncurist to see if it will help with the back pain...would LOVE to get off my prescription pain med permanently!!

Greg - I don't have a definite training plan that I'm following...yet. I know that I SHOULD be following some kind of plan, but I just haven't gotten myself to do it yet. I will, though...I promise! See...part of the problem is that I'm a "gym-rat"...I practically live in the gym. I also don't adapt that well to changing my daily workout routine to incorporate a full-fledge training plan is going to be difficult for me. I'm stubborn, so I know that I will want to try and still do my daily gym workouts along with squeezing in the necessary swimming, biking and outdoor running that I'll need to do. Not sure how that's gonna work, but I'm sure I'll figure something out...LOL! And no, I don't have a trainer at home...mainly because I take spinning classes 4x a week. I have a really hard time working out at home, too...hence, the reason I'm always at the gym.

Anyways...I'm looking forward to learning as much as I can here! I have MANY prepare yourselves! LOL

2008-04-17 4:28 PM
in reply to: #1345680

Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open


Bring on the questions. We can all learn together.

As for the gym stuff, I say use it and don't loss it. There should be a way to blend the two .... Pick a beginner program and we can take a look. Need to get in the pool as you know.

I agree that this site has been very good for me as well. Everyone is so helpful .....


2008-04-17 7:38 PM
in reply to: #1123186

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Extreme Veteran
West Chester, PA
Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open

welcome. This group is awsome. I allow all my memebers to help each other and provide motivation for others.

My bib number is 4489

2008-04-17 8:23 PM
in reply to: #1345492

User image

Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Subject: RE: First Season of Swimming
gparris - 2008-04-17 3:14 PM


Saw your post on swimming advice. It took me the first season to work thru the problems. I had the same issue and could not swim 100 yrds before I had to do side stroke. By the end of the summer I could go for 30 mins. It was really odd how all at once I stopped gasping for breath and was able to colm down. Looking back I would tell you to focus on balance in the water and read about total immersion swiming. "long slow strokes" Second I would tell you to do free style followed by breast or side to regain your breath and then back to free. 50free-50side-50free-50side ....or 25-25-25-25 do 3x then 5x then 7x etc... if you know what I mean and keep building. Can you do side or breast and regain your breath?

For breathing I think the one per three strokes has to come latter. go for 1x2. switch sides every other lap.

You  may not want to hear it but you need to fight thru this first part to get started. It will come ... trust me.



I can't believe it. I heeded everyone's advice. I can remember a few people saying "one day it just clicked", well today was the day. I made it 1000 yards. I probably could have gone further but I didn't want to be too sore in the morning. I appreciate you sharing the advice.

To those who have just joined, you will love this place. The willingness for people to give good, sound advice on this site is amazing. I've only been on here 2 or 3 weeks and I have learned tons.

2008-04-17 10:14 PM
in reply to: #1346048

Subject: RE: First Season of Swimming
GREAT JOB B.R. that's the way to do it! Pretty soon you will have all 77 laps done and heading for Hi for the IM :D I remember how good it felt when I hit 1000, really feels good.
2008-04-17 10:18 PM
in reply to: #1346247

User image

Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Subject: RE: First Season of Swimming

It feels awesome. Until a couple of months ago I never dreamed of competing in a hald or IM. Once I started training for a sprint the thought entered my mind, but the swimming was a huge concern. I know it has only been today since I was able to swim 1000, but it makes me wonder if a longer tri is in my future.

Thanks for the kind words.

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