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2012-08-14 11:11 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
It's gotten awfully quiet on here.  Who's left to do HIM's this year?  I'm less than 3 weeks out.  Got the full training week this week and then the 2 week taper.  I'm looking forward to a little extra rest before my race.

2012-08-14 11:16 AM
in reply to: #4362567

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Me! Me! Steelhead this weekend

I have been thoroughly enjoying The Taper for the past week... it's awesome to sleep in and do normal things like clean my house and read

We are on track to have a great day in Benton Harbor, weather-wise.. that is, of course, if the weather keeps.  But somehow I think it will Really excited about this weekend!

2012-08-14 1:12 PM
in reply to: #4362567

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

mshawgo - 2012-08-14 9:11 AM It's gotten awfully quiet on here.  Who's left to do HIM's this year?  I'm less than 3 weeks out.  Got the full training week this week and then the 2 week taper.  I'm looking forward to a little extra rest before my race.

About the taper.  For me, I found that the first week of the 2 week taper, though the distances backed off, I still kept up intensity, and found that I was still sore/tired.  In fact, even with the second week, I was tired all the way to race day.  Maybe it's just my body, or how I trained that taper week, but FWIW, I would suggest that if your tired halfway into the first week of taper, that you back off on the intensity dial a little.

Even though I was tired on race day, I still had a great race and met all my pre race goals, but I gotta think seriously resting on the intensity of workout during taper might be a smarter way to go.

Hope your tri goes well.  You should do great with all the biking you've been doing.

2012-08-14 1:13 PM
in reply to: #4362578

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Lyoshka - 2012-08-14 9:16 AM

Me! Me! Steelhead this weekend

I have been thoroughly enjoying The Taper for the past week... it's awesome to sleep in and do normal things like clean my house and read

We are on track to have a great day in Benton Harbor, weather-wise.. that is, of course, if the weather keeps.  But somehow I think it will Really excited about this weekend!

Go after it.  Hope your race goes awesome.

2012-08-14 1:38 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Thanks, Kevin!
2012-08-14 2:39 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Maynard, MA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
My race is in 3.5 weeks.  I have this week and next week for high volume and then I start my taper.  I am feeling great.  But at the same time can't get enough food into my system.  I am looking forward the the taper where I can get some sleep.  I also will be doing more open water swimming now because my master swim class is apparently going on hiatus until September 24th.  They have to close the schools pool or something.  

2012-08-14 3:48 PM
in reply to: #4362829

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
kevinbe - 2012-08-14 1:12 PM

mshawgo - 2012-08-14 9:11 AM It's gotten awfully quiet on here.  Who's left to do HIM's this year?  I'm less than 3 weeks out.  Got the full training week this week and then the 2 week taper.  I'm looking forward to a little extra rest before my race.

About the taper.  For me, I found that the first week of the 2 week taper, though the distances backed off, I still kept up intensity, and found that I was still sore/tired.  In fact, even with the second week, I was tired all the way to race day.  Maybe it's just my body, or how I trained that taper week, but FWIW, I would suggest that if your tired halfway into the first week of taper, that you back off on the intensity dial a little.

Even though I was tired on race day, I still had a great race and met all my pre race goals, but I gotta think seriously resting on the intensity of workout during taper might be a smarter way to go.

Hope your tri goes well.  You should do great with all the biking you've been doing.

I was thinking I'd do less hours than the schedule has in the taper and get well rested.  I figured 5 hours in the second to last week and just a few workouts the week before.  Plus I'm going camping with friends the weekend before, so I thought I'll be doing some swimming in the lake, alittle running with a buddy who's going who runs, and other outdoor stuff so I'll get plenty of general exercise.  Then I'll do some short workouts like in the plan Monday and Tuesday and then have 3 days of rest before race day.  When I did my last Olympic I had 2 days off before and did real well and 3 days of rest should be good before the HIM.  I've felt the most tired during my recovery weeks, probably because my body actually gets the chance to recover, so I'm hoping the first week of the taper takes care of those sore feelings.

2012-08-16 9:30 PM
in reply to: #4363232

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Still cranking away did 100mi on the bike last week and 23mi running.

This week I'll do a bit more on the bike, but a lot less running on my Long run this week I pulled a 

hamstring/glute and I'm taking the run week off.   I substituted more swimming for the running.

Today I did a nice OWS in the ocean 1.23 mi in 47 min with waves and no wetsuit. I'm happy with that, my goal for the race (Augusta 70.3) is 45 min and I'm sure I'll sight better with buoys closer than every half mile and no big waves...and current helping things along...

I feel really good about bike and swim, my running is still a bit sketchy I ran 10.2mi on Monday and did fine til mile 8, then I over did it, hurt myself... and still had 2 miles+ to get back home.

I'm generally enjoying the proceess, but it is consuming my life, and I'm looking forward to a break in ~6wks

2012-08-16 10:04 PM
in reply to: #4367328

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
pbreed - 2012-08-16 7:30 PM

Still cranking away did 100mi on the bike last week and 23mi running.

This week I'll do a bit more on the bike, but a lot less running on my Long run this week I pulled a 

hamstring/glute and I'm taking the run week off.   I substituted more swimming for the running.

Today I did a nice OWS in the ocean 1.23 mi in 47 min with waves and no wetsuit. I'm happy with that, my goal for the race (Augusta 70.3) is 45 min and I'm sure I'll sight better with buoys closer than every half mile and no big waves...and current helping things along...

I feel really good about bike and swim, my running is still a bit sketchy I ran 10.2mi on Monday and did fine til mile 8, then I over did it, hurt myself... and still had 2 miles+ to get back home.

I'm generally enjoying the proceess, but it is consuming my life, and I'm looking forward to a break in ~6wks

Yes, rest up that leg!  Don't push it and wreck all the training.  That swim sounds like it was great for confidence building.  Training does sort of take over your life for sure--I have gotten a LOT done around the house since my race!  Keep it up!

2012-08-20 9:23 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
2 weeks to go!  Time to start the taper.  Last week I got through everything until the 3 hour ride because my legs were absolutely dead by Saturday.  On my ride Tuesday my legs couldn't seem to get going, so I was hoping by the weekend they'd feel better but an 11.5 mile run Thursday did them in I guess.  The plan calls for 6.5 hours this week, and since I'll be out of town this weekend I'll try to get a longer ride in early in the week along with the regular training and on the weekend I should get some swimming in since I'll be at a lake.  The weather has been great the last week or so, highs in the mid 70's to mid 80's, so hopefully that will continue through race day.  We'd about had it around here with the highs of 95-100+ every single day.
2012-08-22 6:31 AM
in reply to: #3052895


Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Hey guys!I'm training for an ironman 70.3 which is in a month. I've been training hard for the past two months and can steadily swim 1 hour in open water, bike for 2 1/2 hours and run for 1 1/2 hours. Im trying to develop a training/nutritional plan, if I post it on here could I get some feedback? Also, anyone have any good links to 6 week intensive training plans for ironman 70.3 they could share? I need advice as to strengthening and heart pumping workouts I can do on the side and in the gym alongside my training in order to increase my strength (aside from cardio). Thanks everyone!!

2012-08-23 8:35 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
I did Steelhead this past weekend! We had a fantastic day! My Race Report is finally up Clicky here
2012-08-23 2:37 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Hey guys, just started the 1/2 HM plan and wanted to clarify something.

wu: 10 minutes RPE 3 
main: 4x (12t, 3r) 12t at RPE 5, 3r at RPE 2 
cd: 5 minutes easy spin RPE 2

So the main set would be 4 x 12 (minutes) at RPE 5 and 3 (minutes) at RPE 2?

2012-08-23 3:04 PM
in reply to: #4377264

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
HelmoAlkou - 2012-08-23 2:37 PM

Hey guys, just started the 1/2 HM plan and wanted to clarify something.

wu: 10 minutes RPE 3 
main: 4x (12t, 3r) 12t at RPE 5, 3r at RPE 2 
cd: 5 minutes easy spin RPE 2

So the main set would be 4 x 12 (minutes) at RPE 5 and 3 (minutes) at RPE 2?

The first time it uses that convention is in week 15 on aone of the runs (I don't thing I ever noticed the explanation myself and just did the total time when I saw that).  It means in each set you will do 12 minutes at tempo or increased pace (12t) and 3 minutes at recovery pace (3r), so each set will be 15 minutes and the 4 main sets will total 60 minutes, meaning with warm-up and cool down it is 75 minutes.  When in doubt, see if the times add up to the workout total and if they don't, you've got something wrong.  So I take you started part way through the plan, because I think that workout came from week 12?

Edited by mshawgo 2012-08-23 3:06 PM
2012-08-23 3:05 PM
in reply to: #4377264

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
HelmoAlkou - 2012-08-23 12:37 PM

Hey guys, just started the 1/2 HM plan and wanted to clarify something.

wu: 10 minutes RPE 3 
main: 4x (12t, 3r) 12t at RPE 5, 3r at RPE 2 
cd: 5 minutes easy spin RPE 2

So the main set would be 4 x 12 (minutes) at RPE 5 and 3 (minutes) at RPE 2?

That is how I interpreted that workout

2012-08-24 8:29 AM
in reply to: #4377312

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
mshawgo - 2012-08-23 3:04 PM
HelmoAlkou - 2012-08-23 2:37 PM

Hey guys, just started the 1/2 HM plan and wanted to clarify something.

wu: 10 minutes RPE 3 
main: 4x (12t, 3r) 12t at RPE 5, 3r at RPE 2 
cd: 5 minutes easy spin RPE 2

So the main set would be 4 x 12 (minutes) at RPE 5 and 3 (minutes) at RPE 2?

The first time it uses that convention is in week 15 on aone of the runs (I don't thing I ever noticed the explanation myself and just did the total time when I saw that).  It means in each set you will do 12 minutes at tempo or increased pace (12t) and 3 minutes at recovery pace (3r), so each set will be 15 minutes and the 4 main sets will total 60 minutes, meaning with warm-up and cool down it is 75 minutes.  When in doubt, see if the times add up to the workout total and if they don't, you've got something wrong.  So I take you started part way through the plan, because I think that workout came from week 12?

Thanks guys!  If I would have thought about adding the times I could have answered my own question!  And yes, I jumped in around week 13 (counting down from 20).  The race I'm looking at is on Nov. 4th (my first 70.3) and now eleven weeks out.  I finished an Olympic dist two weeks ago and didn't think the volume in the plan was that far off from where I was currently training.  

I had a little Socratic nerve issue this year and it put me a little behind in my schedule.  Got the A-OK from my doctor to push on!  So, I'm mostly staying in RPE 3, taking it easy, staying aerobic, and not stressing anything out....mostly!

2012-08-24 12:26 PM
in reply to: #3054014


Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group: Aug-Dec
hi how can i get started....
2012-08-24 12:27 PM
in reply to: #4378795


Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group: Aug-Dec
hi again i will like to have a partner to workout with thank you.......
2012-08-28 11:31 AM
in reply to: #3052895


Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Hi, First time posting here, but I have been following along for awhile now.  I am down to 4 weeks until my event (09/23 Richmond Rox HIM) and I have been following this plan for all 18 weeks.  I, too, added in some longer rides and runs, but overall found the plan very helpful and informative.  

My "weakest" event has changed a few times and right now it is the bike.  I have struggled with getting faster and maintaining that faster speed.  I have gotten in 2, soon to be 3 (& hopefully 4), 60 mile rides.  

Thanks to everyone who has posted the review of how their race went -- those are so interesting and helpful to read!!

I have also been dealing with fatigue.  My muscles are sore, it is hard to get up in the AM's, and I am generally tired.  Anyone else feel that?  With only 4 weeks to go, I do not want to back off, but I am trying to gauge better when to take a day off.  Skipping one workout does not do me any good in the overall scheme of things.  Tapering starts in 2 weeks, less 2 days....


2012-08-28 12:51 PM
in reply to: #4384247

Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Missing a day or two at this point will probably do more good than harm.  Sounds like the quality of your workouts isn't too good.  Recovery is the other half of conditioning.
2012-08-28 1:14 PM
in reply to: #4384247

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
lloeffert - 2012-08-28 11:31 AM

Hi, First time posting here, but I have been following along for awhile now.  I am down to 4 weeks until my event (09/23 Richmond Rox HIM) and I have been following this plan for all 18 weeks.  I, too, added in some longer rides and runs, but overall found the plan very helpful and informative.  

My "weakest" event has changed a few times and right now it is the bike.  I have struggled with getting faster and maintaining that faster speed.  I have gotten in 2, soon to be 3 (& hopefully 4), 60 mile rides.  

Thanks to everyone who has posted the review of how their race went -- those are so interesting and helpful to read!!

I have also been dealing with fatigue.  My muscles are sore, it is hard to get up in the AM's, and I am generally tired.  Anyone else feel that?  With only 4 weeks to go, I do not want to back off, but I am trying to gauge better when to take a day off.  Skipping one workout does not do me any good in the overall scheme of things.  Tapering starts in 2 weeks, less 2 days....


I take Melatonin just before bed so I get a better rest.  It helps regulate sleep cycles.  I started taking it because I work night shift from time to time and had a hard time sleeping during the day.  It does make a difference.  I don't sleep longer just better.  Start low, 3mg, and see how it works then bump it up from there if needed.

Also, I would recommend boosting electrolytes.  Before, during, and after long workouts.  Just about every health food store will carry something (pills, drops, etc.) and be able to direct you. 

I agree with all the race write ups, inspiring!  Also, I look forward to any other advice on this topic.  

2012-08-28 2:09 PM
in reply to: #4384247

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
lloeffert - 2012-08-28 11:31 AM

Hi, First time posting here, but I have been following along for awhile now.  I am down to 4 weeks until my event (09/23 Richmond Rox HIM) and I have been following this plan for all 18 weeks.  I, too, added in some longer rides and runs, but overall found the plan very helpful and informative.  

My "weakest" event has changed a few times and right now it is the bike.  I have struggled with getting faster and maintaining that faster speed.  I have gotten in 2, soon to be 3 (& hopefully 4), 60 mile rides.  

Thanks to everyone who has posted the review of how their race went -- those are so interesting and helpful to read!!

I have also been dealing with fatigue.  My muscles are sore, it is hard to get up in the AM's, and I am generally tired.  Anyone else feel that?  With only 4 weeks to go, I do not want to back off, but I am trying to gauge better when to take a day off.  Skipping one workout does not do me any good in the overall scheme of things.  Tapering starts in 2 weeks, less 2 days....


Leah, you need more sleep, for sure.  How many hours a night do you get, you would say? And when not training this hard, how many hours a night do you normally get? 

Also, do you take a recovery drink after your workouts? If not, I would really recommend to find smth you like.  I personally use Infinit ( for the run and bike fuel, as well as recovery.   During the workout, the muscles break down and if you do not allow them a) sufficient res and b) chance to recover (nutrition and recovery drink), you will be fatigued and your performance will suffer.

Half-ironman is a pretty serious training regimen, so being tired is somewhat normal, but those two things are usually underlooked, so let's start there...

Melatonin is a excellent advice, by the way.  If you are a night owl and have a hard time settling down "early", this will help. I had to start taking it myself, from time to time, to get a decent amount of sleep.

2012-08-29 12:59 PM
in reply to: #3052895


Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Wow!  Thank you for the helpful comments!!  I have been getting about 7-7.5 hours of sleep per night, but clearly that is not enough after a long & challenging workout.  I will definitely get a recovery fuel going and check out melatonin.  I am only about 3.5 weeks out, but better to get this going now and still have a decent race recovery than to not do it at all.  The replies to my message seem pretty accurate given the 7 sentences I wrote and coincidentally I have taken the day off.  

Am accidental/dumb fall last night riding home from work (did not un-clip fast enough at a light) was the final indicator of my overall fatigue and the need for a recovery day.  

I will keep you posted on the next few days!

Thanks again for the quick help!

2012-08-29 1:34 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Leah, definitely keep us posted.  And see if you can get 9 hours of sleep a night.  Take Melatonin about 1 hr before you want to be asleep and hopefully, it'll make you naturally sleepy..   If you are feeling completely overwhelmed with workouts and so fatigued you hate the whole thing, take an extra day off and don't worry about it.  You will be fine. 

You have done 2 long bikes (56+, yes?), you said a third one coming maybe this weekend? So you are fine.  If you can get 1-2 more, that's great.  If not, don't stress. 

Are you doing brick runs right after bike? At this point, I would run after each bike.. even if it's only a mile, it will help on race day.

Have you done any open water swims?

2012-08-29 2:11 PM
in reply to: #4386456


Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

I have done about 6-7 forty mile rides and two 60 mile rides, with a 3rd 60-miler scheduled for this Friday afternoon.  I am scheduling a 4th right before the 2 week taper hits, probably Sat Sept 8. 

I have been doing bricks all along.  Someone gave me the brilliant advice that every time I get off the bike I should go for a run, even if it is only for 10 minutes.  I have stuck to that as much as possible.  It has been helpful to know how that transition feels.  

I have done about 5 OWS sessions.  I DQ'd on the swim in a sprint tri this past June due to several issues (salt H2O, current, lack of OWS experience) and feel like I have made enormous progress since then.  I did an Olympic tri in July and everything went well!  I will do one more OWS 09/06.  It's good practice at ~2200 meters, but honestly -- the water is so warm at 82 degrees that we are not allowed to wear wetsuits.  My event will probably be about mid-70's and so I have not been able to practice with the wetsuit, but I am planning to take it to the pool with me a morning or two for practice.  

Running is my stronger event, it's just a function of getting started after the bike.  I do a 7 minute run, 1 minute walk pattern and keep a pretty consistent 9:30-10 minute pace.  As with marathon training, it is not necessary to go the full distance in training in order to complete the event, but you do have to trust that your training has been sufficient to go the distance and that is tough!


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