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2008-08-17 5:03 PM
in reply to: #1369702

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2008-08-17 7:52 PM
in reply to: #1608959

Fort Bragg
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
lvthgme - 2008-08-17 6:03 PM

5 X 5 Dead lift. Last time I did this w/o my side being injured I maxed at 180 and that was doing 7 X 1. Today I did 135, 155, 165, 175, 185. Sweet! New PR on weight AND reps. Woot WOOOOT!  =)


Oh my. You are a beast (that's a good thing ). You look so petite in your photos. If I saw you doing 5x185 then I'd be so embarassed that I'd have to lift a really heavy weight and hurt myself!

Re: GHD sit ups...I think you CAN do them on the other kind of glute ham thinger, but they'er not really...the same.  So I've heard.  What Zilla said about the legs being straight/hip flexor part is right on, IMO.  My first experience with GHDs was doing a workout we locally made up and named Rachel.  It's 5 rounds of 25 GHD and 30 back extensions.   Cut off time at 20 minutes.  I got to 26 and my friend stopped me after 4 rounds.  I physically could not have done the fifth and I have NEVER experienced pain like that in my abs before.  I mean over a week of INTENSE suffering after this.  Couldn't roll over in my bed.  Laughing/sneezing struck literal fear into my heart.  T'was bad.  But now it's better.  =)  ANYWAY I share the Rachel story b/c I've been an athlete my whole life, some of which was at DI level etc. and NEVER have experienced ab soreness like the GHD brings.  =)  Which is why I lof CrossFit.

Oh man. Well, I'll have to find the right machinery and give it a try. Thanks Zilla and Lvthgme!

Edited by berlinsd 2008-08-17 7:52 PM
2008-08-18 12:07 AM
in reply to: #1369702

Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
The GHD is an amazing machine, in all my years of doing CF and various other things, nothing ruins you like the first few times you go hard on a GHD. Sometimes it's not so bad while you are doing them, you kind of go numb. The next day your abs are really sore though. The day after that they are amazingly sore, the day after that they are even worse, and it's not just your abs it's your whole core, and everything you do is based off your core so every little thing you do hurts. It's awesome!
2008-08-18 8:31 AM
in reply to: #1609805

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2008-08-18 10:30 AM
in reply to: #1369702

Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
Nice thread. I have been doing cross fit for about a year and I love how it makes me feel and how it keeps me in shape from race to race and helps withinjury avoidance. Anyway, glad to see this thread out here as I think strength training is overlooked by some triathletes with all the running, biking and swimming work that has to be done.


2008-08-19 8:11 AM
in reply to: #1369702

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2008-08-19 1:19 PM
in reply to: #1612908

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2008-08-19 1:22 PM
in reply to: #1613931

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2008-08-19 2:15 PM
in reply to: #1369702

Fort Bragg
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
I did tabatas yesterday during lunch. We have pull-up bars in the parking lot. It wasn't so bad until the heat started to wear on me. I did pull-ups, squats, push-ups, and sit-ups. I was very strict on the 20 sec / 10 sec work/rest interval. I really started to feel the heat during the push-ups. It was a good workout.

Today was 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 of deadlifts. I only did 4 true max sets. I decided to call it quits because it was really pushing me.

135x5, 185x3, 225, 255, 275, 275, 275, 275


BTW - Crossfit is catching on here. There were about 5 of us in my course (of 115), but others are starting to catch on. This could become fun!
2008-08-19 3:10 PM
in reply to: #1614098

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2008-08-19 7:13 PM
in reply to: #1369702

Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
Yesterday's workout:

box jumps
pull-ups (CtoB)

Today I was really low on time so was only able to do a small piece of the workout, did 3x5 bench press @ 165lbs. Threw in a few reps on the GHD and such but nothing too much. Planning on going to track workout in a little bit though.

The headache thing is pretty common with GHD stuff, the motion and angles cause a lot of blood to rush into your head, The more you do them the better your body gets at maintaining the proper blood flow/pressure to your head and it won't happen so much.

2008-08-19 7:29 PM
in reply to: #1614274

Fort Bragg
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
lvthgme - 2008-08-19 4:10 PM


The Army is cool like that. Next to it we have a tall climbing rope. That's about it though. We have to go inside for a little gym.
2008-08-20 7:41 AM
in reply to: #1369702

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2008-08-22 1:37 PM
in reply to: #1369702

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2008-08-25 7:40 PM
in reply to: #1369702

Fort Bragg
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
Run 800 meters
95 pound Shoulder press, 21 reps
Run 800 meters
95 pound Push press, 21 reps
Run 800 meters
95 pound Push Jerk, 21 reps

I had to do treadmill run and it took me a little while to get going on the first set. I dropped the weights to 85 pounds because 95 was just too much. I set the treadmill for 8 min/mile and was up to 7 min/miles set.

My shoulders are totally smoked.

2008-08-25 9:25 PM
in reply to: #1369702

New Mexico
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
WOD from a couple of Days ago
(modified for available equipment)

3 rnds:
500 single-unders (Jump Rope)
21 Shoulder Press w/ Kettlebell - Each side


2008-08-25 9:46 PM
in reply to: #1621802

Cambridge, MA
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
lvthgme - 2008-08-22 2:37 PM

CF: "Tabata Something Else" 20 seconds of work followed immediately by 10 seconds rest, repeat total of 8 rounds for each exercise. Record LOWEST reps for each exercise.

Pull ups (kipping) = 1

Push ups (knees) = 11

Sit ups = 11

Squats = 16

My highest number of pull ups in a round was a whopping 2. BUT this is the first time I've ever done ALL kipping pull ups for an actual WOD. Very fun. =) My biggest issue was grip strength. I kept feeling like I was losing the bar...because I was. =) I thought about trying a switch grip or whatever that's called or the palms away but then I was like if I have to record "zero" for my lowest reps I'll be ticked...=) So I'll work on the grip issue later.

Good job, lady!  I dream of doing pullups with any grip, any kipping or swinging would be welcomed, but not just yet.  I'm too heavy and/or weak in the grip and back.  You're clearly making progress with you WODs.  Keep it up! 

2008-08-25 10:05 PM
in reply to: #1369702

Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
I have a little catching up to do!

Saturday I did the weekend CF workout at the park. Workout was:

run 400m
30 pull-ups (chest to bar)
run 800m
60 squats
run 800m
30 pull-ups (chest to bar)
run 400m

I can't remember my time, I think it was 12 something, but I did win the workout, out of about 30 people so I think I did pretty good (and I was only one doing chest to bar pull-ups!).

After that I went to the beach, played a little sand volleyball which was fun, I'm pretty bad but most of my friends are terrible so I ended up looking mildly competent when I play with them.

Sunday I did the Imperial Beach Triathlon. I didn't exactly take this one seriously though! I rode a low-rider beach cruiser for the bike portion, it was tons of fun, I got tons of great comments, but oh man was it hard! Way harder than expected, the problem was that I could never fully extend my legs, it was like riding on a 3 year olds tricycle where your knees are all cramped up, I got some big time cramps in my hamstring after only a mile. I did survive the ride though and went hard on the run but my overall time was still pretty terrible due to the super slow bike. I can't wait to see the race pictures heh.

And finally on to monday. I did Fran this morning, again with chest to bar (I'm determined to do all workouts from now on chest to bar). Time was 5:05, not too shabby, 15 seconds faster than what I got at CF Games. I think with regular pull-ups I might have an outside chance of breaking 3:00 now.

Alright, I'm all caught up!
2008-08-26 7:34 AM
in reply to: #1369702

Chelmsford, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD

Damn, Andy...I'm in awe...sickass workout and congrats on winning!!

I'm lovin' the whole beach cruiser in a tri thing...that rocks.  Definitely post the pics when you get 'em!

I did "Murph" again last's only been two weeks since I did it last, so I figured since it was the WOD yesterday, I might as well do it.

36:01 this time, which is about 1:57 better than last time! New PR on 100 pullups too...6:40.  It could have been faster if I didn't have to trade off on the bar.  I felt really strong!

2008-08-26 8:48 AM
in reply to: #1369702

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2008-08-26 11:13 PM
in reply to: #1628382

Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
lvthgme - 2008-08-26 6:48 AM

Been in DC visiting a friend of mine:

Saturday CF in DC: 40,30,20,10 reps of: clapping burpees, sit ups, double unders. Time was 26:30. Wowsa. 

Monday:   CF in DC: Got 3 rounds into Cindy (5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 squats) felt fine. Then WHAM! I think part of my brain exploded. The more horrific pain in the back of my head...I was just blown over. Literally. Just lay there and tried to not die. Eventually got back inside the house and just lay inside there for about an hour trying to not die. I've NEVER had a headache like this. I still have a headache but now it's just regular. Frick.

Today in Omaha CF: Was supposed to be 5 X 5 but after 110, 115, 120 my head was KILLING me again so I stopped.  This cannot continue. 

Hmm, you might want to get that checked out with a doctor, that doesn't sound so good. I have a bit of an irrational fear of bad headaches due to a childhood experience so maybe it's an over reaction, but it couldn't hurt. Hope you are feeling better though.

2008-08-27 8:03 AM
in reply to: #1369702

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2008-08-27 9:28 AM
in reply to: #1369702

Alpharetta, GA
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD

New CF participant here...ouch...this stuff hurts, especially a day or two later.  Did my first session prior to Master's swim on's pre-swim session was done under major duress due to extremely sore muscles - especially shoulders - as a result of Mon.

Today's 20 min session:

  • Farmer Walk (around indoor track, w/30lb dumbbells)
  • Lunges (20)
  • Burpees (10)
  • Sit Ups (15)
  • Rowing Machine (20 reps)

Rinse, repeat...


2008-08-27 9:30 AM
in reply to: #1631702

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2008-08-27 9:34 AM
in reply to: #1631708

Alpharetta, GA
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
lvthgme - 2008-08-27 10:30 AM
LHablas - 2008-08-27 9:28 AM

New CF participant here...ouch...this stuff hurts, especially a day or two later. Did my first session prior to Master's swim on's pre-swim session was done under major duress due to extremely sore muscles - especially shoulders - as a result of Mon.

Today's 20 min session:

  • Farmer Walk (around indoor track, w/30lb dumbbells)
  • Lunges (20)
  • Burpees (10)
  • Sit Ups (15)
  • Rowing Machine (20 reps)

Rinse, repeat...


Hey!!!  Welcome to CF!  =)  Nice job, Yo! 

Thanks.  Now if the soreness will just subside...

Question:  How often do each of you do CF?

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