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2009-03-10 11:23 AM
in reply to: #2006434

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
jpjewels - 2009-03-09 1:16 PM
amschrod - 2009-03-08 5:10 PM

Hey everyone I had a GREAT day today! 1:59:33 which is a PR for me and I really did want to break 2 hours, so I am really happy. I have to say as well that this was not an easy course with over 850 ft of elevation gain (and loss), so I'm pretty psyched.

Thanks for the little push I got from you all in a couple of tough spots



Awesome time, congrats on breaking a big barrier

Thank very much. It was a big barrier for me, and there were times I thought I couldn't do it, so it feels wonderful.

2009-03-10 2:09 PM
in reply to: #2008333

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Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
amschrod - 2009-03-10 12:05 PM
kcovert1 - 2009-03-08 9:46 PM

Congrats, Anthony!!!  Awesome race today!! 

Thank you! It really felt great. You should have seen the big stupid grin I had when I realized I really would break 2 hrs.

I know what you mean.  Last year during my olympic tri when I realized I was going to break 3 hours, I almost started crying!!  Really!!  I had to pull myself together so I could breathe!

2009-03-10 2:10 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Okay, everybody.  Just wanted to check and see how the abs were coming.  I have been faithfully doing Core Workout #1 three days a week for the last 2 weeks.  I'm thinking about trying #2.

Anyone with me??

2009-03-11 12:04 PM
in reply to: #2008870

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
kcovert1 - 2009-03-10 3:10 PM

Okay, everybody.  Just wanted to check and see how the abs were coming.  I have been faithfully doing Core Workout #1 three days a week for the last 2 weeks.  I'm thinking about trying #2.

Anyone with me??

I don't know about doing part 2, but I am definitely working part 1 into my routine. I found that I can finish it quickly enough to fit it into a little bit of free time I have in the morning.  I finish my morning ride or run, wake up my youngest for school, then I have some time before I start his breakfast, so I can squeeze it in there. It's a hard workout, but it feels good, and I think it is definitely worthwhile, so I will try to be consistent. I do have a little trouble with the "v-ups" due to my lack of coordination.


2009-03-11 6:52 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

I have to admit, I have fallen off the ab wagon lately.  I started off so well but then time and a cold got in the way.  I plan to begin a regular routine again next week, one which incorporates a few days of abs per week.

Tomorrow I have to do a brick and transition quickly to my running mode to prepare for this weekend's race since I havent really done a fast transition yet, it should be interesting.  I had a good swim today- good for clearing out the sinus's too!  Of course the sunny and 70-80 temps we had last weekend will give way to raining and 53 for saturday- Hope the roads arent too wet.  I dont mind running in the rain but biking could get slippery and dangerous for some of us novices.

If anyone has any helpful hints about transitions, pool swims, etc... This is my first race so my expectations are low but I want to do the best I can so all help is appreciated even if you think its a minor point, I bet I can use it!

Thanks everyone, keep up the hard work!


2009-03-12 10:16 AM
in reply to: #2012125

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Roadtoad22 - 2009-03-11 7:52 PM

I have to admit, I have fallen off the ab wagon lately.  I started off so well but then time and a cold got in the way.  I plan to begin a regular routine again next week, one which incorporates a few days of abs per week.

I am trying to get 3 days of abs a also. It's always a challenge fitting everything in.

Tomorrow I have to do a brick and transition quickly to my running mode to prepare for this weekend's race since I havent really done a fast transition yet, it should be interesting.

Yes, it should be interesting. Just remember, that funny feeling goes away after a few minutes 

I had a good swim today- good for clearing out the sinus's too!  Of course the sunny and 70-80 temps we had last weekend will give way to raining and 53 for saturday- Hope the roads arent too wet.  I dont mind running in the rain but biking could get slippery and dangerous for some of us novices.

I have been checking out your weather for the weekend, and I see there is still rain in the forecast. I don't mind riding in the rain, but I do have a couple of tips. Believe it or not, the traction isn't really bad on those skinny road tires, but painted lines on the road are super slippery, so really watch out for them. Also, just like when you drive a car in slippery conditions, give yourself a little more time for braking, and corner a litttle slower.

If anyone has any helpful hints about transitions, pool swims, etc... This is my first race so my expectations are low but I want to do the best I can so all help is appreciated even if you think its a minor point, I bet I can use it!

I've never done a tri with a pool swim, so I can't help you much there. One thing I would say is, even though your swim is only 300 yards, try not to start out too fast. Sometimes, between the excitement of the race and starting out too fast, your breathing can get out of control, and once that happens it can be hard to get it back to normal. Remeber, keep it smooth and steady!

For your transitions, practice them if you can. The weather is going to be interesting, so do your best to figure out what will work best for you with the temp and the rain. My biggest bit of advice for any race, especially your first one, is to get there early! Take your time setting up your transition and make sure you know how each transition will go. Then, really familiarize yourself with the whole transition area. Know where you will be coming in from the swim and how you will get to your bike. Know where bike out is, and where bike in is and how to get back to your rack. Know where run out is, as well. The more familiar you are with the whole transition area, the smoother your transitions will be. You don't want to end up running all over the place wasting time and getting nervous.

Here are some helpful links here on BT:

Transition Video

Transition Article

Race Checklist

I have to tell you, folks, this is a very exciting week! Paula's very first trathlon, and the first tri of the season for the group. I am psyched!!


2009-03-12 10:32 AM
in reply to: #1856717

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Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Paula--GOOD LUCK!!!

You are going to do great!!

I've never done a pool swim either, but I second Anthony's suggestion to really make sure you know the transition area.  I like to get my bike set up and then walk from where the swim is to my bike, then walk to where the bike exit is, then walk back to the bike and walk to the run exit.  Look for markers that will help you remember where your bike is, i.e. a light post or a tree or something (not anyone's bike, though!!!) .  The transition area always looks different after the swim because not all of the bikes are there. Also practice getting your bike in and out of the rack a couple of times--that part is always tricky for me.  Maybe take a garbage bag to lay over your shoes and socks in case it is raining.

Have fun...I can't wait to hear all about it!!  There is only one first time!!

2009-03-13 5:10 AM
in reply to: #2013201

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
kcovert1 - 2009-03-12 11:32 AM

Paula--GOOD LUCK!!!

You are going to do great!!

In my rambling post, I left out the most important part:

Have fun and GOOD LUCK!!

Also, don't forget to smile for the cameras

2009-03-13 4:29 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Thanks for your help and support team!  I am really excited yet a bit nervous.  I will have plenty of time to either easy my fears or get more nervous tomorrow.  The start is at 8 am- I dont swim until 11:02!!  That's how long it takes to get 684 people in a pool at 15 second intervals I guess.  They put all of us novices at the end, which is probably a good thing since we dont want to be in the way of the serious fast folks.  I still plan to get there by 7 and set up my stuff so I dont have to worry about being in the way.  I will have plenty of time to see how everyone else does it so that should help.  The weather is going to be a factor- 54 for the high and raining intermittently.  I am trying to figure out what to wear for the bike portion.  I think it will be chilly when you are riding wet from the pool and possible rain.  I dont have a long sleeve bike jersey but I might just slip on a long sleeve dry fit or a wind breaker that I can take off for the run.  The pre race instruction meeting is in a few min- I hope to be able to check out my tranistion space tonight to help ease my anxiety.

THanks again for your support- I will have a good race report sometime tomorrow!


2009-03-14 12:47 AM
in reply to: #1856717

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Hey everyone

I haven't checked in much lately as I have been enjoying some time off as my son turned 3. I had great fun building his new railway.

Good luck Paula, long wait for a start but try to take everythig in and enjoy yourself


2009-03-14 2:27 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

It's official, Iam HOOKED!!    What a great time I had today.  I got a little anxious waiting for so long, but by the time I lined up for the swim I was just ready to go and see what I could do.  I felt really good on the swim- just swam along, didnt think about much- my hubby said I looked "fluid" and the 6'4 guy behind me didnt catch me so I thought that was a bonus.  It was a long run in barefeet to the transition area- and the temps were not much above 50 ( I think) so it was a little chilly.  I feel I did well in the transitions except I tried to put my shirt on after my bike helmet- not very smart but the guy next to me did the same thing.  Running in bike shoes to the mount line was a little different.  The bike went well, I was most nervous about it with all the drafting rules etc.. but there wasnt much traffic and I was even able to pass a few people so I felt good.  The run was fine- that is my strong point so I havent been too worried about it.  I had to push a little to catch a guy that killed me on the bike- just that competator it me-.  I felt strong at the finish but was glad it was only a 5k!  It was nice to have my hubby and an old running friend from highschool there to cheer me on too.  The most surprising part of the day was the fact that I WON THE NOVICE WOMEN'S DIVISION!!!  I had no idea until they called my name!  I am not sure of my splits or official time, but it was 1:11:???  That is just the icing on the cake.  I had NO expectations coming into todays race so this makes me feel like I have some potential to do well and get better and better with each race.  Thanks again for all your support.  Even though we have never met, It really does help!!  During the bike I was thinking of what I was going to write for my post race report-  I know I had a smile on my face most of the time- that's what really counts the most!

Thanks Y'all


2009-03-14 6:18 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Woo-hoo, Paula!!


What an amazing way to start of your first season of tris!!  You should be so proud of yourself and those fast feet!!  Watch out, Kona might be in your future!!Smile

2009-03-15 8:26 AM
in reply to: #2017792

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Hey Paula!


You had a great day and you should be really proud. You went, took names, and kicked butt!! I'll have more to add when I get more time to look at the results and everything, but for now:


2009-03-15 8:30 AM
in reply to: #2017282

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
jpjewels - 2009-03-14 1:47 AM

Hey everyone

I haven't checked in much lately as I have been enjoying some time off as my son turned 3. I had great fun building his new railway.

Happy birthday to your little guy! Building stuff with them is so much fun. That is a great age.


2009-03-15 1:10 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Thanks for the support guys- It feels great.   Except the tightness in the calf muscles- guess I havent fully rehydrated yet- the celebratory frosty beverages yesterday probably didnt help much either!  Who's racing next?????  How are the HIM training programs going?  Maybe next year I can dabble in that distance- too daunting for me right now. 


2009-03-15 4:19 PM
in reply to: #2017792

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Roadtoad22 - 2009-03-14 3:27 PM

It's official, Iam HOOKED!!    What a great time I had today.

So happy to hear you had a great time.

I got a little anxious waiting for so long, but by the time I lined up for the swim I was just ready to go and see what I could do.  I felt really good on the swim- just swam along, didnt think about much- my hubby said I looked "fluid" and the 6'4 guy behind me didnt catch me so I thought that was a bonus.

"Fluid" is good, just the feeling you look for in the swim. Way to go not getting passed.

It was a long run in barefeet to the transition area- and the temps were not much above 50 ( I think) so it was a little chilly.  I feel I did well in the transitions except I tried to put my shirt on after my bike helmet- not very smart but the guy next to me did the same thing.  Running in bike shoes to the mount line was a little different.

At least you remembered to put on your helmet and didn't put it on backwards or anything. Yeah, running in bike shoes is weird; I like to hear everybody "clip-clopping" along on race day.

The bike went well, I was most nervous about it with all the drafting rules etc.. but there wasnt much traffic and I was even able to pass a few people so I felt good.  The run was fine- that is my strong point so I havent been too worried about it.  I had to push a little to catch a guy that killed me on the bike- just that competator it me-.

That's great that you passed some people on the bike, and ran down that guy.

I felt strong at the finish but was glad it was only a 5k!  It was nice to have my hubby and an old running friend from highschool there to cheer me on too.

How nice, having a cheering section!

The most surprising part of the day was the fact that I WON THE NOVICE WOMEN'S DIVISION!!!  I had no idea until they called my name!  I am not sure of my splits or official time, but it was 1:11:???  That is just the icing on the cake.  I had NO expectations coming into todays race so this makes me feel like I have some potential to do well and get better and better with each race.

Congratulations on winning the women's novice division!!!  You absolutely do have plenty of potential. I checked the results, and I thought it was pretty interesting that, in your division, you were 5th in the swim, 4th in the bike, and 3rd in the run, so you are consistent, and solid in all 3.

Thanks again for all your support.  Even though we have never met, It really does help!!  During the bike I was thinking of what I was going to write for my post race report-  I know I had a smile on my face most of the time- that's what really counts the most!

I am glad that we could be a little help, and that you were smiling and having fun. Right now you have me so psyched that I want to see if I can find another race earlier in the season.


2009-03-15 4:35 PM
in reply to: #2018989

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Roadtoad22 - 2009-03-15 2:10 PM

Thanks for the support guys- It feels great.   Except the tightness in the calf muscles- guess I havent fully rehydrated yet- the celebratory frosty beverages yesterday probably didnt help much either!


You know, I think it is the calf muscles and the achilles that take the longest to acclimate to a hard run after a hard bike. Oh, and frosty beverages are a good recovery drink, especially when washing down a nice hamburger

Who's racing next?????  How are the HIM training programs going?  Maybe next year I can dabble in that distance- too daunting for me right now.

Julian has a tri scheduled on 4/19, so he has the next race on the schedule. Like I said, I'm looking! Maybe a duathlon in Central Park at the end of March, but I don't know.

I just finished my first week of HIM training, and it went well. I had to miss one swim for  a stupid Dr.'s appointment because the insurance company wanted their doc to check my minor wrist injury from December, but otherwise I had a good week. I managed to squeeze in over 70 miles on the bike this week, including a 34 mile ride today. I'm in pretty good shape because I was able to ride a lot, but I am not in great cycling shape because I was a little slow and had some trouble with the hills. It felt great to be out on the road for a nice long ride, though!

How's everyone else's training going?


2009-03-16 3:09 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Nice riding, Anthony.  I haven't gotten outside to ride yet, although it has been warmer here.  I think I will wait until the roads are all cleaned.  They still have all the winter crap on them, and I think Buttercup would not want her first outdoor ride to be so gritty.

I just finished up my 2nd week of HIM training, and it is going pretty well.  This past week was right on target until I got a cold on Friday.  I had to lighten up the load for the weekend to accomodate my less-than-healthy self.  I still got a 7.8 mile run in yesterday, though, and it really felt great despite the sickness.  So, so far so good, as far as training goes.  This week is a lighter week (I actually have a day off!), so I have no excuses for not hitting all the workouts.

Paula, my calves are a constant source of tightness for me.  I just got The Stick, and it really seems to be helping.  I was not sore at all this morning after my long run yesterday. (Of course, stretching more would probably help too!)

Have a great week everyone!!

2009-03-17 3:50 AM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

I totally forgot about The Stick.  We just got one at work- I will get in early today and see if it helps.  I feel like a moron limping around work because I have tight muscles when half of my patients walk better than I do after major surgeries!

Glad your training is going well.  Stay healthy everyone!  I am still coughing and blowing my snot filled nose regularly- its been 10 days! At least I dont feel bad though.

Happy St Patty's Day!!!!

2009-03-17 7:02 PM
in reply to: #2021247

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
kcovert1 - 2009-03-16 4:09 PM

Nice riding, Anthony.  I haven't gotten outside to ride yet, although it has been warmer here.  I think I will wait until the roads are all cleaned.  They still have all the winter crap on them, and I think Buttercup would not want her first outdoor ride to be so gritty.

Thank you. I really enjoyed my long ride. There is still a lot of sand on the roads, so I gave my poor bike a nice bath yesterday. My wife wonders why I wash my bike way more than my car!

I just finished up my 2nd week of HIM training, and it is going pretty well.  This past week was right on target until I got a cold on Friday.  I had to lighten up the load for the weekend to accomodate my less-than-healthy self.  I still got a 7.8 mile run in yesterday, though, and it really felt great despite the sickness.  So, so far so good, as far as training goes.  This week is a lighter week (I actually have a day off!), so I have no excuses for not hitting all the workouts.

Nice job to get in a good long run even though you were under the weather. Now what's all this about a rest day? Are you sure you are allowed to rest? OK, I took a rest day yesterday, so I guess it's alright

Paula, my calves are a constant source of tightness for me.  I just got The Stick, and it really seems to be helping.  I was not sore at all this morning after my long run yesterday. (Of course, stretching more would probably help too!)

The stick is a great idea! My calves are usually a little tight and sore when I get up in the morning, but then they get better as I walk around. 

2009-03-17 7:07 PM
in reply to: #2022263

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Roadtoad22 - 2009-03-17 4:50 AM

I totally forgot about The Stick.  We just got one at work- I will get in early today and see if it helps.  I feel like a moron limping around work because I have tight muscles when half of my patients walk better than I do after major surgeries!

You were up pretty early this morning! Let us know how the stick works for you.

Glad your training is going well.  Stay healthy everyone!  I am still coughing and blowing my snot filled nose regularly- its been 10 days! At least I dont feel bad though.

10 days!? Well, it should be gone soon. I have been lucky, and not gotten sick this winter, knock on wood!


Happy St Patty's Day!!!!

Thank you! Also one of my sisters' birthdays, so i usually remember to call her.

2009-03-19 7:47 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

I had a nice spin on the trainer then a run after this morning.  I planned on going 3 miles but felt good so I did 4 instead.  The only problem is my stupid calf muscle.  It doesnt hurt bad or slow me down much but it's super tight while running and then really tight after.  I stretched the heck out of it but it didnt help much.  The stick is wonderful- really seems to help.  My soleus muscle is tighter than the gastroc- must be stretched with the knee bent instead of straight- that helped too.  I only limped half the day today!  Apparently I had my trainer cranked down too much because there is a whole lot of rubber residue on the floor around it.  Of course my tire is wearing too fast too.   Someday I will figure that torturous machine out.  I would rather ride for 1 hour outside than 30 min inside that's for sure!

 Getting ready for the weekend!  As soon as I check out the old bank account I plan to sign up for another sprint tri on 4/5-  Money is going to be an issue now that my hubby is laid off but I will sacrifce something else instead.

Have a great start to the weekend everyone. 


2009-03-19 8:10 PM
in reply to: #2028933

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Roadtoad22 - 2009-03-19 8:47 PM

I had a nice spin on the trainer then a run after this morning.  I planned on going 3 miles but felt good so I did 4 instead.  The only problem is my stupid calf muscle.  It doesnt hurt bad or slow me down much but it's super tight while running and then really tight after.

That seems a little different to me that it's tight but doesn't really hurt. From a PT's point of view does that tell you anything about what is going on? Hope my question makes sense. I'm thinking about my line of work when if I really listen to the patient, I can usually make a pretty good diagnosis of a problem before I even examine them

I stretched the heck out of it but it didnt help much.  The stick is wonderful- really seems to help.

OK, I definitely have to get myself the "stick"

My soleus muscle is tighter than the gastroc- must be stretched with the knee bent instead of straight- that helped too.  I only limped half the day today!  Apparently I had my trainer cranked down too much because there is a whole lot of rubber residue on the floor around it.  Of course my tire is wearing too fast too.   Someday I will figure that torturous machine out.  I would rather ride for 1 hour outside than 30 min inside that's for sure!

"torturous machine", that's funny! I have trouble with mine also. One time I almost fell because I didn't secure it properly.


Getting ready for the weekend!  As soon as I check out the old bank account I plan to sign up for another sprint tri on 4/5-


Money is going to be an issue now that my hubby is laid off but I will sacrifce something else instead.

Sorry to hear about a layoff. I hope everything works out.

2009-03-20 5:07 AM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Anthony- I understood your question just fine!  It is weird that it doesnt hurt- its just really tight-  It does loosen up with time and once I figured out it was the soleus not the gastroc it seems to respond better to some stretching- doesnt hurt or feel tight at all this morning ).  This is when I tell my patients to keep stretching the heck out of it  even if it doesnt hurt anymore because it will turn into chronic achillies tendonitis. I play beach volleyball on the weekends and I will make sure I stretch really well- that's when things can go really wrong and snap the achillies- it takes a lot of force but it is a devistating injury.

 I chose to sleep in instead of getting my 2nd swim of the week in ( slept in post st patty's day too!).   Will try for after work but not sure if there is old lady bob in the pool class at that time.

HOpefully the job front will pick up- the boatbuilding industry has been hit very hard here.  He was lucky to have a job for this long.  He still could but he would have to drive nearly 2 hours each way so that doesnt really work for us.




2009-03-20 8:34 AM
in reply to: #1856717

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Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Hi, guys!  Sorry I've been out of it lately.  Ryan has been sick the past 2 days, so I had to totally rework my work schedule, which has been a bit stressful.  I'm not sure if I will get my workout in today or not.  I might have to go to the pool late.  It's frustrating that the hardest part of training is the scheduling as opposed to the desire or capability of doing the workouts!  

 I am almost over my cold.  Just a little bit of congestion hanging on, but nothing I can't work through. 

 Paula, sorry to hear about your husband's job.  Hopefully something will come up soon!

 Have a great weekend! 

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