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2009-01-05 3:35 PM
in reply to: #1856890

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Central, IL
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

Edited by Writebrained 2009-01-05 5:19 PM

2009-01-05 4:04 PM
in reply to: #1887494

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

Writebrained - 2009-01-05 3:35 PM

 Love it

2009-01-05 4:33 PM
in reply to: #1884860

Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
GordoByrn - 2009-01-04 12:33 AM


Let's wrap some numbers around your situation.

Normal run duration?  Was doing a mix of run/walk to lead up to just run for 30 min, now am at just run for 20min, one more of those and then 25min run.

Long run duration?  Right now plan is calling for mins not distance but my longest run/walk distance was 2.7mi. 

Years run training?  Almost exactly one.

Running injuries in last year?  When started one year ago just hoped on TM and started going, main goal to loose weight.  Went from no running to walk/running about 6mi a day 5-6 days a week in about 1-2 months.  Thats when my knees REALLY started to hurt so I stopped altogether for a few months, found BT and realized I WAY overdid it and started from scratch taking it slow.  Now I'm about 2weeks away from finishing that 7month plan to get me to 5k.  Other than that though none.   Although when I was doing to much I was also getting LOTS of blisters but I'm thinking thats because my feet were not used to all that running and I was doing to much.


Answer those Qs and tell me where you plan on taking your running over the next two months.  Just finishing up that 5k plan and then trying to decide if should just keep running about the same or try to slowly keep adding to get to 10k.  There is a local race here that Hubby and lots of friends do first weekend in June and I for sure want to be a part of that this year.  Just trying to decide if I want to do the 5k or 10k.

Thanks G, Mel

2009-01-05 4:41 PM
in reply to: #1856890

Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

Ok did a TM run today, HR was a little higher than last time.  Not altogether sure why.  So here goes:

20 run 1.5%incline <-thats as low as it will go.  Starting HR(70)

WA .55mi @ 3.5mph HR(110)

5@ 4.8 (150)

10@ 4.6 (152)

15@ 4.4 (147)

20@ 4.4 (151)

WD .5@ 3.5 (120)

1.25@ 3 (115)

1.5@ 2.5 (97)

For some reason today had to run slower to keep HR below 150.  Found at the 4.4 I can fast walk that (just)  but the my HR would go up.  If I slow ran it then my HR would be were it should.  Was hard to do either one at that speed though, walking and I wanted to run, running and I wanted to walk. 

2009-01-05 8:44 PM
in reply to: #1856890

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Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

I'm still learning to swim using the Total Immersion program. I'm doing triple zipperswitch drills, which means I'm basically doing a very slow stroke. When I start a lap, I'm fine, but around 30 yards I have to roll on my back and rest for a while. Then at the end of the lane I stop and take a few breaths before continuing. Is this normal as an extreme beginner? Is there anything I can do to get my breathing more even so I don't have to float on my back?

Thanks Gordo - my wife is jealous of you!

2009-01-06 5:09 AM
in reply to: #1856890

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Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

Question: When stuff comes up and I have to choose between workouts just for available time, is there any preference of which should go first? Example - Yesterday I was supposed to bike and do weights. Didn't have time to do both so I skipped the weights. Should I consider the weights expendable instead of missing a swim\bike\run workout?

Short easy run today.

Heart Rate 

HR ZoneTimeRange
50% - 60%:6:51115-128
60% - 70%:8:41128-142
70% - 80%::142-155
80% - 90%::155 - 169
90% - 100%::169 - 182


2009-01-06 8:01 AM
in reply to: #1856890

Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL


My legs felt heavy this morning.  So instead of an hour run this morning, I slept an extra 30  minutes (needed) and "walked with a purpose" for 30 minutes.  I didn't want to sleep and completely miss a workout, so got a walk in.  Is this OK at this point in my training?  My first sprint isn't until mid May, and my "A" races are oly distance and 1/2 mary in August/Sept.  The ultimate goal is HIM distances 2010.  My understanding is it is better to back off now and get back at it tomorrow.


2009-01-06 11:33 AM
in reply to: #1856890

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
44m 10.99 miles 14.99 Mi/hr
10:00 AM  Home-Central Sarasota Par
Climb: 46 feet

Bike/Run brick today. It was a bit windy going out this morning. In fact my HR at the 1st 10 minute marker was higher than I want it to be. I adjusted my HR in the second 2/3 of the ride and it felt good. HR numbers are as follows:

@10 - 133 (too high for me-ideal=120 here)
@20 - 118 (ideal 125 here)
@30 - 123 (ideal 125 here)
@40 - 120 (ideal 125 here)

I've got to watch this in the future - I have a tendency to jump out too quick at the beginning of a workout. The temptation will be even greater in a real race. The good news is I noticed the problem and then corrected. The run was a different story.

29m 03s 3.02 miles 09m 37s/Mi
11:00 AM  3 Mile Run
Climb: 3 feet

Got off the bike and felt real good. Perhaps I felt too good because my HR went higher than I wanted it to go the entire run. Routine was 10 minute run followed by 45 second fast walk. The HR numbers were:

@10 148 (ideal 138)
@20 158 (ideal 142)
@30 152 (ideal 142)

HR and pace (9:40 min./mile) just too fast. Could I have gone further - yes. Could I have gone further and made tomorrows workout - maybe not. I have just got to watch this closer. I think next run/bike workout I'll monitor at 8 minute intervals rather than 10 minute.
2009-01-06 12:17 PM
in reply to: #1856890

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Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

28 min swim (700 yds), 60 min spin

HR data on 60 min spin 1/6

START:  102

10 min:  122

20 min:  137

30 min:  132

40 min:  138

50 min:  133

60 min/END:  89

this was a great spin class.  comparable instructor-wise to the 2 hr spin - this is more of a 'road ride' simulated class than a fitness class.

continued to focus on working steady and consistently.  a bit more of a challenge w the 1 hr class than the 2.

also, experimented w what helps to bring my heart rate up/down.  {similiar to what i did w my run}

increase cadence heart rate goes up

decrease cadence heart rate goes down

the other 'strategy' ive employed quite a bit is a technique i learned through meditation and yoga - ouija (sp?) breathing - breathing first, where the inhale is a long as the exhale, and you breathe in through your nose, and out from down in your throat, making a 'gutteral' sound as you exhale.  {i felt bad for the person on the bike next to me....}

but it worked like a 'charm' to get that heart rate back down into 'range' and there was this 'invigorating' quality to it as well - im sure theres some science to back up what i was experiencing.

it was fun to watch the changes and how the slightest movements/actions could affect my HR {again, im easily amused...}


as for my swim, i really, really, really focused on staying relaxed, taking full advantage of my 10s rest in between sets, and maintaining the 3 stroke breathing throughout. 

im happy to report, that i believe to a great degree (not 100%, but....) i accomplished those goals...

but again, its a VERY mindful/intentional practice for me {again, resisting that tendency to unnecessarily hard}  steady as she goes....

your plan GORDO, to have us moderate our workouts, i beginning to see the wisdom, and i believe im just starting to reap the benefits...

im able to clearly identify an increase in endurance and going from workout to workout is so much 'easier' now, in the sense that i dont feel 'hammered' all the time. 

my body is taking a liking to the steady, consistent pace. 

and the bonus:  im beginning to experience how its translating into my everyday life as well.  my life has taken on a different cadence - to use a cycling metaphor.

thanks for your 'gentle prodding' to get us working this way!  i am already experiencing the value of it on so many levels.


2009-01-06 12:54 PM
in reply to: #1856890

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Central, IL
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

Swam 1 mile today.  Drills.   Really working on the "high elbow".





Edited by Writebrained 2009-01-06 1:22 PM
2009-01-06 1:13 PM
in reply to: #1856890

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
45 min walk on treadmill: 10 min w/u @ 0% incline, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5 mph - avg hr 92, max 106, 10 min @ 1.5% incline, 4 mph - avg hr 132, max 138, 20 min @ 1 % incline, 4 mph - avg hr 133, max 137, 5 min cool down @ 3, 2.5 mph

2009-01-06 2:19 PM
in reply to: #1856890

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Berkeley Heights
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

Sorry I've been quiet everyone.  Well past week has been miserable.  Twisted knee while back up in Boston on some ice.  Knee swelled up like a tick.  Have my trusty McDavid brace for it now.Then I've been beaten down with a brutal chest cold.  Finally feeling a bit on the upside today (day 6).  Be back tonight with a spin on the trainer! 

More to follow.  Hope everyone had a better start to the New Year than me!

2009-01-06 4:03 PM
in reply to: #1890014

Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
broonsy - 2009-01-06 3:19 PM

Sorry I've been quiet everyone.  Well past week has been miserable.  Twisted knee while back up in Boston on some ice.  Knee swelled up like a tick.  Have my trusty McDavid brace for it now.Then I've been beaten down with a brutal chest cold.  Finally feeling a bit on the upside today (day 6).  Be back tonight with a spin on the trainer! 

More to follow.  Hope everyone had a better start to the New Year than me!

Sorry to hear that!!  Hopefully you are on the mend though.

2009-01-06 4:08 PM
in reply to: #1856890

Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

TM run this afternoon whole thing at 1.5 incline:

Starting HR (82)

WA .5mi @3.5 for 8:44 (116)

5min @ 4.6 mph (137)

10 @ 4.6 (145)

15 @ 4.6 (145)

20 @ 4.6 (150)

WD .5mi @ 3.5 for 8:36 (114), 1mi @ 3.5 for a total of 18:36 (101)

G is it better to start faster and then dial it back or start slower and up it or find the magic number to keep it the same speed the whole time?


2009-01-06 7:37 PM
in reply to: #1890014

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Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
broonsy - 2009-01-06 2:19 PM

Sorry I've been quiet everyone.  Well past week has been miserable.  Twisted knee while back up in Boston on some ice.  Knee swelled up like a tick.  Have my trusty McDavid brace for it now.Then I've been beaten down with a brutal chest cold.  Finally feeling a bit on the upside today (day 6).  Be back tonight with a spin on the trainer! 

More to follow.  Hope everyone had a better start to the New Year than me!

oh dear, Phil.

heal well.

2009-01-06 8:33 PM
in reply to: #1886673

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
Pashda - 2009-01-05 9:05 AM

warm up walk was about 1km and was fast walking (about 7km/h). HR didn't feel like 168 at all in fact it felt same as when it showed 148-150 on the monitor so could be interferance. I read in the manual sometimes static from nylon tops can affect the reading. Most "whicking" tops are mainly man made fibres so probably got something to do with it although it is strange it then settles. might be that once I get a bit sweaty the sensors get a stronger reading and the interferance is not picked up.

I will try a longer warmup walk and see how that goes. Let you know tomorrow



 I've never had fabric interference but I certainly have had powerline and/or simply low moisture on the strap give strange readings.  As well, the transmitter will, eventually, get a low battery and that will lead to erratic readings.


2009-01-06 8:38 PM
in reply to: #1886801

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

jenni4 - 2009-01-05 10:02 AM Just checking out the new webpage, pretty cool. Reading up on that run/walk method which I found pretty interesting. On Phase I: Beginner when it says "build rapidly (weekly) to 5:00 run, 1:00 walk" what would you say is a good building pace?

 Good question -- first thing is to build your fitness by walking // when you find that you can no longer sit in your steady zone, it is time to start to add a little running.

 Let's say you have 40 minutes... do this two times... 10 minutes walking then a set of 1 min run / 1 min walk (alternate for ten minutes).

 Over time you can extend the run bits.  from 1/1 to 2/1 to 3/1 to 4/1.  More than a fixed schedule, aim to extend the running once you are no longer able to get into your steady zone by walking.  So long as you can train in your steady zone with walking, there isn't any need to increase the pace.

 In fact, all of us will find that we need to walk hills when we are endurance training.  That is completely normal.


2009-01-06 8:46 PM
in reply to: #1887062

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
skrtrnr - 2009-01-05 11:56 AM

my focus will be (as you suggested)  to relax. 3 stroke breathing. learn how to use the clock.  CAN YOU ELABORATE ON THAT?  for the 300 what would be the best use of the clock for that particular swim?  anything to do/keep in mind that would be benficial?

and your 'descending' 1000m drill sounds like a great one to do!  ill be sure to file that one away to do on a later date.  thanks for the link too.

 Don't worry about that weird HR number - if it repeats often then come back to us.

 Using the clock -- right now your #1 goal is extending your relaxed swimming "endurance envelope" -- in other words how far you can go with three stroke.  Focus on that and don't worry about the clock.  It's a distraction for you main goal.

 However, you are likely a curious lady so I'll answer... just remember to focus on relaxed swimming.  Here is what an experienced swimmer is able to do...

 In competition pools, they typically have clocks positioned at each end of the pool facing sideways.  Experienced swimmers are able to use-the-clock to track their pace without slowing down.  They can check the clock (without stopping) when they come into the wall and/or as they come off the wall.  The very best swimmers, don't even need a clock -- they can tell how fast they are going by the pressure of the water against their bodies -- as we speed up there is A LOT of pressure against the body.  Swim fast freestyle with long fins on one time and remember that you are still likely going slower than an elite swimmer.  They really move through the water fast!

So the first step of learning how to use the clock is how to read the clock and swim a set with fixed send offs.  As well, once you have a handle on that, you can take a split for your long intervals as a back-up in case you don't count right.

 Hope this helps,


2009-01-06 8:50 PM
in reply to: #1887689

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL


 Great summary, thanks.

 Blisters -- what type of socks do you run in?

 Adding volume -- sticking to a 5K type plan, or using a BT 10K plan -- either should be safe.  For knee pain -- I had that as well when I started.  What really helped me was a combination of hiking in the hills as well as transitional lower leg strengthening exercises.

 Also remember that hiking and cycling are safe ways to build endurance that transfers over to your running.


2009-01-06 8:55 PM
in reply to: #1888290

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
mh37909 - 2009-01-05 7:44 PM

I'm still learning to swim using the Total Immersion program. I'm doing triple zipperswitch drills, which means I'm basically doing a very slow stroke. When I start a lap, I'm fine, but around 30 yards I have to roll on my back and rest for a while. Then at the end of the lane I stop and take a few breaths before continuing. Is this normal as an extreme beginner? Is there anything I can do to get my breathing more even so I don't have to float on my back?

Thanks Gordo - my wife is jealous of you!


 Remember that you can toss the foods that you don't want around the house, we don't have to eat them... (I was checking out your blog).

 If you are doing the IT program (which I like), then my recommendation is do-the-program.  In other words, they have a proven program that will work for people like you.  So trust Terry and his team to get you there.  If they recommend that you float on your back, then stick with it.  The floating is part of the system, helps with comfort/balance in the water.  You'd be amazed at the number of people that can't do those drills.  When you figure them out they will be useful for you.

 Some folks find that they benefit from short fins to help with the drills.  However, my experience is that if you can do the drills (even slowly) without fins then best to skip the fins.  A lot of swimmers get fin-reliant.


2009-01-06 8:57 PM
in reply to: #1888659

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
gtkelly - 2009-01-06 4:09 AM

Question: When stuff comes up and I have to choose between workouts just for available time, is there any preference of which should go first? Example - Yesterday I was supposed to bike and do weights. Didn't have time to do both so I skipped the weights. Should I consider the weights expendable instead of missing a swim\bike\run workout?

 First tip would be choose a base-level program that lets you consistently out perform.  That REALLY helps the mental game.

 Second, my choice would have been the one you made -- keep the aerobic work.

 However, so long as you get something done... that is the main thing.


2009-01-06 8:58 PM
in reply to: #1888806

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
BBDope - 2009-01-06 7:01 AM


My legs felt heavy this morning.  So instead of an hour run this morning, I slept an extra 30  minutes (needed) and "walked with a purpose" for 30 minutes.  I didn't want to sleep and completely miss a workout, so got a walk in.  Is this OK at this point in my training?  My first sprint isn't until mid May, and my "A" races are oly distance and 1/2 mary in August/Sept.  The ultimate goal is HIM distances 2010.  My understanding is it is better to back off now and get back at it tomorrow.



 You made the right call.  Give some consideration to your life/training in the last 72 hours -- was there some bonus training or extra life stress that beat you down a bit?  (No need to post, just consider it).  If yes then consider how that might be avoided next time.


2009-01-06 9:02 PM
in reply to: #1889701

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
Writebrained - 2009-01-06 11:54 AM

Swam 1 mile today.  Drills.   Really working on the "high elbow".





 One things to watch when you recover with a bent elbow recovery is that you keep your shoulder blades down -- many swimmers with shoulder problems will find that they are shrugging through the recovery phase.  So watch for that, especially at higher effort levels.

 One thing that helped my open water swimming was to shift to a swing recovery -- the arm swings forward (it will feel like you are swinging a straight arm).  Benefit is easier rotation; greater relaxation; and better entry position.


2009-01-06 9:03 PM
in reply to: #1889752

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

DeputyDawg - 2009-01-06 12:13 PM 45 min walk on treadmill: 10 min w/u @ 0% incline, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5 mph - avg hr 92, max 106, 10 min @ 1.5% incline, 4 mph - avg hr 132, max 138, 20 min @ 1 % incline, 4 mph - avg hr 133, max 137, 5 min cool down @ 3, 2.5 mph

 Solid workout -- this is a good endurance session for you.  You are using the incline well to manage intensity.


2009-01-06 9:04 PM
in reply to: #1890014

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
broonsy - 2009-01-06 1:19 PM

Sorry I've been quiet everyone.  Well past week has been miserable.  Twisted knee while back up in Boston on some ice.  Knee swelled up like a tick.  Have my trusty McDavid brace for it now.Then I've been beaten down with a brutal chest cold.  Finally feeling a bit on the upside today (day 6).  Be back tonight with a spin on the trainer! 

More to follow.  Hope everyone had a better start to the New Year than me!

 Hang in there!  As my first swim coach taught me... "you aren't a real athlete until you have had to cope with illness and injury".

 Remember that you will recover and do your best to get outside into some bright natural light -- helps the mood when not training!


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