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2009-01-19 7:59 AM
in reply to: #1915842

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

Thanks! Legs aren't too bad for me today, a little sore but I can walk without a limp unlike yesterday The 1/2 doesn't take anywhere near 1/2 out of you what the marathon does if that makes sense...


Nicole83 - 2009-01-19 7:34 AM

YayYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!  Congrats guys!  That is so fantastic!  It must feel incredible to train so hard and to reach those goals!

How are the legs feeling today?  Going down the stairs backwards?

2009-01-19 8:29 AM
in reply to: #1915297

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Rowlett, TX
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

KelliD - 2009-01-18 6:36 PM Huge, huge congratulations to Eric & Justin on an awesome race today!! Way to go guys!!


Nice job guys way to go out and run well. Inspiration for the rest of us.

2009-01-19 8:46 AM
in reply to: #1915303

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St. Louis Park, MN
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

KelliD - 2009-01-18 6:42 PM
Epyon - 2009-01-17 3:34 PMHow is everyone's weekend going?  Training?
Weekend training just ok on my end. Yesterday did my regular Saturday morning run with the group. I'm actually reallly proud of myself for getting out since it was only 6 degrees here...once you got going it actually wasn't that bad. Planned to do a long trainer ride today but spent most of the day feeling under the weather.


SUnday was not to sweet for me.  I only did half my run and no swim, thanks to 2 things.  First I went to brunch before I ran, big mistake.  Second I think my current swimming program is a bit to ambitious for where I am now.  2-3 times a week seems better then 3-4.  I'd venture to say that once my running program is over then I can crank up the swimming.  I also woke up not feeling so good either.  Although today I feel very good!!  Going to call teh Chiropractor today and get in there finally.

Good job you two!!!  Sounds like you had a load of fun!!!!

Edited by Epyon 2009-01-19 8:47 AM
2009-01-19 9:22 AM
in reply to: #1856928

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

I was hurtin' for certain yesterday... But today I am getting around much better.  Quads are really the only muscles that are sore... Standing after sitting and yes, climbing the stairs... a little painful.  Feet are feeling better, no more pain from the blisters.

I am actually planning an easy mountain bike around the neighborhood today...about 10 miles at 12-14 mph.  Try to warm up the quads and keep the lactic acid from setting in too badly.

Oh yeah... Day 1 - Wk 3 of the PU & SU challenge today too... We'll see how that goes!

Thanks again to everyone for the comments and encouragement.  It has helped keep me focused and I look forwward to sharing in everyone else's accomplishments as they come about!

2009-01-19 9:26 AM
in reply to: #1915303

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

KelliD - 2009-01-18 6:42 PM
Epyon - 2009-01-17 3:34 PMHow is everyone's weekend going?  Training?
Weekend training just ok on my end. Yesterday did my regular Saturday morning run with the group. I'm actually reallly proud of myself for getting out since it was only 6 degrees here...once you got going it actually wasn't that bad. Planned to do a long trainer ride today but spent most of the day feeling under the weather.

I like a cool/cold run...especially longer runs (35-55 range)...but 6, wow!  Way to stay dedicated.  I guess you dress for it and are somewhat adjusted to that type of weather, but for mere southern mortals...that would be the end of my outside training...hybernation for sure.

2009-01-19 1:30 PM
in reply to: #1856928

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

With the race this weekend, I was shocked to see how few people warmed up before the race. For most marathoners I can understand they want to save energy but for the half I thought more people would have warmed up. 

Does anyone do a warmup routine for running/triathlon races? If you don't do one, why?

My routine is very simple...
Running - 0.5mi easy, 8x10s race strides w/easy 10s btw, 0.5mi easy
Triathlon - Same as running but add ~300 easy swim to the end

2009-01-19 2:35 PM
in reply to: #1916461

Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
evondo - 2009-01-19 1:30 PM

With the race this weekend, I was shocked to see how few people warmed up before the race. For most marathoners I can understand they want to save energy but for the half I thought more people would have warmed up. 

Does anyone do a warmup routine for running/triathlon races? If you don't do one, why?

My routine is very simple...
Running - 0.5mi easy, 8x10s race strides w/easy 10s btw, 0.5mi easy
Triathlon - Same as running but add ~300 easy swim to the end

I don't warm up as much as I should, mostly because I am trying to conserve energy. I do a lot of stretching before both runs and tris. I also try to swim some before a tri.
2009-01-19 4:02 PM
in reply to: #1916461

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
evondo - 2009-01-19 1:30 PM

With the race this weekend, I was shocked to see how few people warmed up before the race. For most marathoners I can understand they want to save energy but for the half I thought more people would have warmed up. 

Does anyone do a warmup routine for running/triathlon races? If you don't do one, why?

My routine is very simple...
Running - 0.5mi easy, 8x10s race strides w/easy 10s btw, 0.5mi easy
Triathlon - Same as running but add ~300 easy swim to the end

I do warm-ups as well... Not nearly as structured as yours.  I run easy for 5 mins, then increase speed/tempo for 15-30 seconds - rest/easy pace for 15-30 seconds (repeat this for about 3-5 mins) then an easier run for another 5 mins... helps me take inventory of my legs.  I do not stretch before the warm-up and do very little stretching afterwards...if a calf/hami/quad is feeling a little tight then I will stretch it for a hold of 30-45 secs x2.

I usually do a variation of this for my Tri's, with a little swim 100-200 meters to help take the edge off of that event.  I try to swim easy for approx 50m, do some speed bursts (faster than race pace) then easy again for another 50-100m's.

For the marathon, I just did a 6 minute easy run before heading to the start corral.

2009-01-19 4:05 PM
in reply to: #1916567

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

sjf21 - 2009-01-19 2:35 PM  I don't warm up as much as I should, mostly because I am trying to conserve energy. I do a lot of stretching before both runs and tris. I also try to swim some before a tri.

Read that article Eric posted "pilattesrunner...", I think it is on page 12 of this thread.  It may change your mind about prerace strecthing.

2009-01-20 7:39 AM
in reply to: #1916812

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

This weeks swim workout, it's a tough one...

200 swim
6x50 (catchup drill/sidekick x25)

Repeat 3-5 (3x1500,4x1800,5x2100)
3x100 on (see below) (2 just make it, 1 fast)

100 easy

The interval if you're in a yard pool... (race pace per 100m + 10s) and the fast one should be race pace -10s.  If you're in a meter pool add 10s to each (technically it's ~8 but 10 is easier).

2009-01-20 10:12 AM
in reply to: #1856928

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Sarasota FL
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

Re: race warm up...

I typically do a series of yoga "belly breathing" exercises (yes, it looks dorky, but it helps).  Then I will do a short jog 5 minutes tops, with strides at the end.

If it's a tri, I will also jump in the water and do 100-200m swim just to get wet, get used to the temp, make sure the goggles aren't leaking... and sometimes pee (is there an embarassed smiley face anywhere?)

So nothing formal, but yes, I typically warm up.  Conserving energy is great and all, but I typically feel like doo doo the first 10 minutes I start to bring my heart rate up and I would rather not have that be happening as part of the race.

2009-01-20 10:13 AM
in reply to: #1856928

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Sarasota FL
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
Also, there was a fun treadmill workout in this month's Oxygen. I do'nt have it with me here at work, but I'll post it tonight if anyone wants to do it as a run interval workout this week.
2009-01-20 11:06 AM
in reply to: #1916461

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New York, NY
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
evondo - 2009-01-19 2:30 PM

With the race this weekend, I was shocked to see how few people warmed up before the race. For most marathoners I can understand they want to save energy but for the half I thought more people would have warmed up. 

Does anyone do a warmup routine for running/triathlon races? If you don't do one, why?

My routine is very simple...
Running - 0.5mi easy, 8x10s race strides w/easy 10s btw, 0.5mi easy
Triathlon - Same as running but add ~300 easy swim to the end

I have to admit I'm usually awful about warming

I have to admit that I'm usually awful about warming up.  For races in Central Park it's about a mile walk from my apartment, so I'll use that as my warmup.  And sometimes I'll jog part of the way there (i.e. I'm running late).  Before 5k races and tri's, I'll maybe do a 0.25 or 0.5 mile easy warmup. 

2009-01-20 11:07 AM
in reply to: #1917961

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Rowlett, TX
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

Well since I have yet to race I will need to come up with a warm up plan. 

I am thinking it will be about 4-5 min of easy jogging and some short 5-10s runs and stretching.  Gives me something to think about now.

2009-01-20 11:10 AM
in reply to: #1918066

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Rowlett, TX
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

  And sometimes I'll jog part of the way there (i.e. I'm running late).  


That made me chuckle, it sounds so like me. My warm up is running to the starting line...

2009-01-20 11:10 AM
in reply to: #1917961

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New York, NY
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

Nicole83 - 2009-01-20 11:13 AM Also, there was a fun treadmill workout in this month's Oxygen. I do'nt have it with me here at work, but I'll post it tonight if anyone wants to do it as a run interval workout this week.

Thanks Nicole!  I'd love to see it!!  I'm looking to do an interval workout later in the week, so it'll be nice to try something different.

2009-01-20 12:01 PM
in reply to: #1856928

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St. Louis Park, MN
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
Kelli I tried to sing the running song today but didn't know the words.  So I sang "run run run go go go" to a Metallica tune instead HEH.
2009-01-20 12:26 PM
in reply to: #1917961

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
Nicole83 - 2009-01-20 10:13 AMAlso, there was a fun treadmill workout in this month's Oxygen. I do'nt have it with me here at work, but I'll post it tonight if anyone wants to do it as a run interval workout this week.
I would like to try something new and I am due fo some treadmill time. I don't think I will be doing any intervals for a week or so, but I like to have stuff like that on file for use later. thanks.
2009-01-20 6:59 PM
in reply to: #1856928

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

I know some members of our group haven't raced yet or have limited races, but I would like to see where others are at with this:

Post race workouts or recovery workouts?  How long do y'all take off (recovery days)?  When do you get back out and start aiming towards another race or goal?

The marathons and the HIM have been the only races I really focus a recovery plan with.  Sprint Tri's and 10k's and less I really just work in one day off after the race & then get back to regular training.  What are y'alls thoughts, experience, etc?

2009-01-21 8:15 AM
in reply to: #1856928

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St. Louis Park, MN
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

Well according to the "couch-to-5k" program a resting week should be a reduction in training by 30-50%.  I would think that one of these rest weeks would be what you would want to do after a good race.  Probably not after a sprint, 5k or 10k but anything much longer I would think it would be a good idea.


mm by the way HEH

Edited by Epyon 2009-01-21 8:24 AM
2009-01-21 9:14 AM
in reply to: #1856928

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Sarasota FL
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

I read somewhere take a full day of rest for every hour you race.


Not sure how accurate it is...

In terms of my own personal practice, I'm usually too twitchy to take any days completely off.  I tend to do gentle yoga or alternate sports (so if it was a run, I will swim) within 48 hours of racing.

2009-01-21 11:40 AM
in reply to: #1919888

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New York, NY
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
I don't really have a set recovery plan.  Anything shorter than a half marathon I'll most likely do a recovery/easy run the next day.  If I'm feeling sore maybe an easy swim or pilates.  I mainly listen to my body, and as long as I feel up to it I'm back to working out.
2009-01-21 12:07 PM
in reply to: #1919888

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
Nicole83 - 2009-01-21 9:14 AM

I read somewhere take a full day of rest for every hour you race.


Not sure how accurate it is...

In terms of my own personal practice, I'm usually too twitchy to take any days completely off.  I tend to do gentle yoga or alternate sports (so if it was a run, I will swim) within 48 hours of racing.

I have read the same plans, but that seems almost unrealistic to me.  I think that applies more to the Elite athletes.  Like the marathoners that run sub 3 hrs.  It is (I think) way more damaging to their bodies.  We all place stress on our selves when we race at the paces that are right for us.  But the paces of the Elites is debilitating.

The best gauge I use, is definitely my body.  I am seriously considering the yoga/pilates thing - I just have to find a locale and time that will addition to the added expense.  It seems like that is a popular recovery our group as well as others I have spied on. 

2009-01-21 12:56 PM
in reply to: #1856928

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Sarasota FL
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

At most of the YMCA's yoga or pilates classes are really inexpensive for non members (in the $60 for six weeks twice a week type range). 

Where do you swim?  Maybe find a class that you could take at that location on swim days?  That way you know you'll be there, and therefore more likely to go?

2009-01-21 3:47 PM
in reply to: #1856928

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Rowlett, TX
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

Since I had a slight set back in the healing of the calf I decided to actually go do something. I went and had a ACT (Active Release Techniques) treatment done. I have read some good things about it so I figured I would give it a try and report here how it works for me. Plus it was covered by my insurance so it was just a copay. The Guy that looked me over found the issue pretty quick. Its my Flexor hallucis longus muscle. Other words deep calf muscle that runs on the outter back part and connects to the big toe. Thats today A&P lesson. He said it was pretty tight and had some scar tissue built up.

Basically they relax the muscle and apply strong pressure in a small area of the muscle and then while holding the pressure flex the muscle. So think Hulk Hogan giving you a deep tissue massage. Repeat over the whole muscle. So no running yesterday or today. Today I am sore but I really dont have the ache. Not sure if it is blended in with the soreness or what. Going back for another treatment Friday before I head to Chicago.

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