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2009-05-24 7:17 AM
in reply to: #1879927

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Guilford, CT
Subject: RE: Jonathan22's mentor group - CLOSED
Congratulations!!!  That has to feel great!  I'm anxiously awaiting my first one in a couple of weeks.  I originally started training for it a few months ago thinking it'd be a great experience just to get through it without blowing up on any part of it.  Now, I think I'm addicted to training and am starting to eye some longer distance races...but first things first.

Good luck for the rest of the season!

2009-05-27 4:28 PM
in reply to: #1879927

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Kansas City
Subject: RE: Jonathan22's mentor group - CLOSED
I had a chance to get my first Tri out of the way earlier this month at the TriZou. This was a perfect way to start the sport. However, they had a record number of entrants this year and I ended up having to wait over 2 hours from when the race started to actually swim. Needless to say I ate around 4:30AM and swam at 10:30AM. Considering as how I had no fuel in me for the race, I feel I did exceptionally well. By the end of the race I wasn't even tired and could have pushed myself much harder. If you haven't signed up for one yet, I definitely recommend doing it. I can see how these become very addicting. You get a runner's biker's and swimmer's high all in one short event! And like acumenjay said, I'm looking ahead to doing longer events too. I was wanting to do a Tri that's this weekend, nearly in my background (2 blocks away), but I don't have a wetsuit. I can't believe for as large of a city as Kansas City is, there's not a single place that has a wetsuit to try on. I think I might just take my luck on one on eBay and hope it fits. Great job to everyone else who has raced!
2009-05-29 8:46 AM
in reply to: #1879927

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Subject: RE: Jonathan22's mentor group - CLOSED
If anyone is looking for a good bike lactate threshold workout, I have a good one for you.

While on vacation this week, my wife and I and my three year old deciede to bike out to Bean Point (which is on Anna Maria Island in Florida) for a nice sunset picnic.  We pack up the bike trailer with kid, cooler, food, towels, beach gear, etc and ride the 3 miles to the point.  Upon getting to the beach, we notice a T-Storm coming in...FAST.  We deciede to head back to beat the rain.

Well it wasn't a "rain", it was a monsoon T-Storm and it came from out of no where.  It started pouring sideways and thundering and lightning before we even got the bikes back to the road.  Now it starts blowing about about a million miles an hour so we are hauling a$$.

I pulled the bike trailer (25 lbs), my kid (35 lbs) and all my picnic stuff on my mountain bike, for three miles, at 22+ a driving rain and wind with my kid screaming in the trailer!  That is the hardest I have ever pedalled in my life.  My legs were sore until the next day!

So next time ya'll are out for a family ride, try pulling your kid in a bike trailer at race speed for a few miles to get a great workout in!!!

My next to put that in my workout log?  ;-)

Edited by bgraboski 2009-05-29 8:47 AM
2009-06-02 10:38 AM
in reply to: #1879927

Valdosta, GA
Subject: RE: Jonathan22's mentor group - CLOSED

As some of you may remember I had to have Meniscus tear surgery plus MicroFracture surgery on my femur..  I am happy to report that surgery went well on May 13th.. Recovery although slow and tedious, no complications and knee feels pretty good.  I got cleared on Monday to ride the stationary bike, so that is nice to be back at something!.. I am still on crutches another 4 weeks as the healing process is strictly weight bearing restrictive.  Doc says that he hopes to clear me to resume running by Sept 1st...  so I am seriously going to shoot for an October 25 Sprint Tri in Inverness, Florida: Great American Cooter Triathlon...  this race last year was/is my first and only race... so it will be interesting to see a comparison of time... even with the knee surgery..

Anyway, keep training and racing... I am racing viacariously thru all of you...

Edited by Crue4 2009-06-02 2:19 PM
2009-06-02 6:30 PM
in reply to: #1879927

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New user

Las Vegas
Subject: RE: Jonathan22's mentor group - CLOSED
Speaking of being quiet - sorry for not being around, I actually had a pretty bad training crash and had a couple of compressed vertebrae so I'm just now getting back into the swing of things.  Anyone have any experience in coming back from something like this?  I'm trying to decide how far to push it.  My TT position is going to have to be tweaked for sure since every time I try to aero tuck, my back ends up killing me after a couple of minutes!
2009-06-04 7:56 AM
in reply to: #1879927

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Subject: RE: Jonathan22's mentor group - CLOSED
Just found out I didn't get into NYC marathon and I am totally bummin'.

The worst part is that my wife got in so I will be watching from the sideline.  I have a feeling I am going to be in a funk  for a while.  Wouldn't have been that disappointed if we both didn't get in but having to watch it is going to be depressing as this was to be my 1st marathon and I have been looking forward to doing it for over a year now.  :-(

2009-06-04 8:05 AM
in reply to: #1879927

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Guilford, CT
Subject: RE: Jonathan22's mentor group - CLOSED
First Tri coming up on Sunday!  I think I'm ready...although I had an emergency wetsuit issue and will be swimming in a wetsuit I've never had a chance to try.  Hoping to get in an OWS tomorrow or Saturday before the race.

I think I'm as ready as I can be.  Been training every chance I get for the past 4 months.

Bgrab, sorry to hear about NYC, are you going to look to qualify this year? 
2009-06-04 8:25 AM
in reply to: #2194251

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Subject: RE: Jonathan22's mentor group - CLOSED
acumenjay - 2009-06-04 9:05 AM

Bgrab, sorry to hear about NYC, are you going to look to qualify this year? 

No qualifing.  Times are as hard as Boston (plus you had to have already done it before June 1).  Unfortunately I work for a small company so raising the $2500 for a charity spot is most likely out of the question.  Last year I might have been able to get my company to buck up but not likely this year.
2009-06-04 8:28 AM
in reply to: #2194226

Subject: RE: Jonathan22's mentor group - CLOSED
That sucks Brian!  Makes me happy my wife is not a runner ;-).  Too bad they don't have a family clause so if one gets in you all get in.  I know NYC is the big one, but are you going to pick another to do instead?  

I'm still having knee issues since the Green Bay race and haven't run, but I'm still tempted to sign up for Disney before it fills up.  

In other news, I feel like I'm finally getting the hang of swimming.  It's taken forever, but my twice weekly tri-swim class has helped a lot.  I'm still slow but we did 4 swims of 5 minutes each and I wasn't dead after each one like in the past.  I think I've finally figured out the rhythym, but now of course my coach has been pushing me to do bilateral breathing.... it's always something!!

Looking at a tri on 8/23, but still not sure about the 750M open water swim.   
2009-06-04 9:00 AM
in reply to: #2194331

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Subject: RE: Jonathan22's mentor group - CLOSED

rpittser - 2009-06-04 9:28 AM That sucks Brian!  Makes me happy my wife is not a runner ;-).  Too bad they don't have a family clause so if one gets in you all get in.  I know NYC is the big one, but are you going to pick another to do instead?  

I'm still having knee issues since the Green Bay race and haven't run, but I'm still tempted to sign up for Disney before it fills up.  

In other news, I feel like I'm finally getting the hang of swimming.  It's taken forever, but my twice weekly tri-swim class has helped a lot.  I'm still slow but we did 4 swims of 5 minutes each and I wasn't dead after each one like in the past.  I think I've finally figured out the rhythym, but now of course my coach has been pushing me to do bilateral breathing.... it's always something!!

Looking at a tri on 8/23, but still not sure about the 750M open water swim.   

Not sure what I am going to do.  All the other big marathons "I" want to do are filled up (Chicago and Marine Corp) and San Diego isn't until june. 

Tossing around the idea of buying a charity spot and doing Beach to Battleship HIM just to prove I can do it.  I kinda ruined my "Disney Magic" cause I took an unplanned sidetrip to Disney World last week while on vacation.  Would have been more exciting if I hadn't been there in 20 years.


Edited by bgraboski 2009-06-04 9:07 AM
2009-06-15 9:04 AM
in reply to: #1879927

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Subject: RE: Jonathan22's mentor group - CLOSED

Not sure if anyone is still out there but I have officially joined the ranks of "triathlete". 

I finished my 1st tri this weekend and really enjoyed it!  I did pretty well considering it was my first race.  It was a 750/17/3.1 race and I finished in 1:32. 

It was mostly what I expected except for the fighting for position on the swim.  Nothing prepares you for the kicks in the face and being swum over/under.    The swim was about what I expected, the bike went better than expected, and the run was just *ahh*.   I was very happy with my overall performace. 

As soon as I crossed the line and gave the wife and kid a hug I said to my wife, "which tri are we doing in July?"

My proudest moment:  On the way way home from the race my 3 year old daughter says to my wife, "Mommy, we need to stop at Harris Teeter and get Daddy some beer."  I wanted to cry.

My wife also did her first tri on the Sunday portion of this race (two day race).  Although she swam about a 1000m on a 750m course (she was "that person" that you make fun of), she really enjoyed it and is also ready to do another.

2009-06-15 9:51 AM
in reply to: #2217847

Subject: RE: Jonathan22's mentor group - CLOSED
Hey Brian - congrats on the race.  I was going to ask how it went.  I know a few others that did the race as well, and wanted to come out and watch but couldn't get it in the schedule.  Sounds like it was very cool.  Makes me look forward even more to getting out there myself and doing one.
2009-06-15 10:19 AM
in reply to: #1879927

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Guilford, CT
Subject: RE: Jonathan22's mentor group - CLOSED
Hey congrats on the race!  I just finished my first a week ago and I think I'm addicted.  I immediately said the same thing to my wife.  "now I need to figure out an olympic and a half to do"...feels good doesn't it?  I turned 30 this year and feel better than I've felt in 5 or 6 years since I started training.  I think I'm addicted.
2009-06-15 10:47 AM
in reply to: #1879927

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Subject: RE: Jonathan22's mentor group - CLOSED

Thanks and congrads to you!

I did feel great to finially get one done.  I actually changed my tune a little bit.  Before the race I wanted to jump right to an Olympic but after the race, I want to do two more sprints this summer because I feel like I left too much on the course and my competiveness wants me to get better before before I move up (that and I start marathon training next Monday ;-} ).   But I have put on a half ironman on my schedule for 2010 (beach to battleship)!  Gotta have long term goals!
Oh...and if anyone out there has a nice tri bike and some aero wheels for free...I would really appreciate it!  Some of the experienced guys blew by me like a freight train (and the guys with the disc rears sounded like a freight train).

Edited by bgraboski 2009-06-15 10:49 AM
2009-06-21 8:52 PM
in reply to: #1879927

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Austin, Tx
Subject: congrats guys!
Congrats Brian and Jay on your first races! That is awesome about your daughter saying you needed to stop for beer! ha!

 I have been a slacker and have not posted my results from the Danskin here two weeks ago! I too am so addicted. 

The race was a lot bigger than I thought it would be (1977 women total competing!)

It was a 800m/12.1m/3.1m and I finished in 1:37!! my goal was to do it in 1:50 and my "secret goal" was to do it in 1:45 so I was sooo happy going into T2 and looking down at my watch to see 1:05. I knew I'd beat my goal then.

Everything was about what I expected, including the swim. I really focused on my technique during a few moments of each part. It really helped keep me focused on me and what I was doing. During the run (which ended with a hill and my shoe was untied and I just left it) I kept saying "thank God for training! thank God for my training!"  Now I know why we all work so hard.

I finished 210 out of 1977 overall! not bad for my first true sprint race!!  I'm now training for an Oly on Labor Day (Austin Triathlon). It's going to be hot as hell. grrr..
Have a great weeks Tri-peeps and keep on posting!!
2009-06-24 7:24 PM
in reply to: #1879927

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Subject: RE: Jonathan22's mentor group - CLOSED
^^ And I thought 750 Age Groupers was a little crazy!  Can't imagine 2000 women!  Congrads on the great finish.

Edited by bgraboski 2009-06-24 7:24 PM

2009-06-24 9:07 PM
in reply to: #1879927

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Guilford, CT
Subject: RE: Jonathan22's mentor group - CLOSED
I've lost my mind.  When I figured out there were slots for Timberman I pulled the trigger so I'm going to tri my luck at a half in about 8 weeks.  It should be interesting!  I'm in it for the experience though and not to beat a time.  That being said, I'm going to be upping the distances in the next couple weeks!
2009-06-24 9:39 PM
in reply to: #1879927

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Austin, Tx
Subject: RE: Jonathan22's mentor group - CLOSED
Dang! a HIM already....Go for it! you can do it!
How exciting to have that staring you in the face in 2 mos.
Kind of adds to the challenge/addiction factor, doesn't it?

Where is the Timberman? I'm going to look that one up. Sounds interesting.  I'm saving the HIM for after our 2nd child.. :D 
2009-06-24 9:42 PM
in reply to: #1879927

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Austin, Tx
Subject: tire question..

Anybody got hard case tires on their bike?

if so, do you like them? what kind do you use or have you tried? I had my bike tuned up and the guy had mentioned them being really great against flats etc. Just don't want them to slow me down. He said they wouldnt but I thought I'd ask around here first.


2009-06-25 7:28 AM
in reply to: #1879927

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Subject: RE: Jonathan22's mentor group - CLOSED
Not sure about hard case tires but I have a pair of continental gatorskins (recommended by Jonathan) that are fantastic!  I can highly recommend these tires (and if you look around online for will probably come to the concesus that these the best flat resistance tires).

When has them in stock (where I got mine) there are like $23/ea delivered!

Edited by bgraboski 2009-06-25 7:30 AM
2009-06-25 7:46 AM
in reply to: #2241365

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Subject: RE: Jonathan22's mentor group - CLOSED
acumenjay - 2009-06-24 10:07 PM I've lost my mind.  When I figured out there were slots for Timberman I pulled the trigger so I'm going to tri my luck at a half in about 8 weeks.  It should be interesting!  I'm in it for the experience though and not to beat a time.  That being said, I'm going to be upping the distances in the next couple weeks!

I have no doubt you can do a half!  I was contemplating doing Beach 2 Battleship half when I got turned down for NYC marathon but determined I wouldn't have enough time to train on the weekend because my wife IS running NYC marathon and we have a three year old.   I see you alrady have some 10m runs and 45+ rides...I think you will be fine if you can get some 2000+ swims in!

2009-07-06 9:54 AM
in reply to: #2241809

Subject: RE: Jonathan22's mentor group - CLOSED
I think I might get the infirmary award this summer. I'm already mostly off running due to some severe IT band and knee issues. I've been doing PT for this for about the last 3 weeks. It's starting to get better and I'm able to do a couple short (3 mile) runs per week. I did a 5k on the 4th and turned in a decent time (24:27) considering no running for about the last 6 weeks, and the pain was only mild.However, while I haven't been able to run, I've been concentrating on swimming 3-5 days per week. Well... this weekend I developed a very bad pain in my ear. Yes, good old swimmer's ear. So, now I'm out of swimming for a week or 2!!!!! Not to mention the affect it's having on my balance makes biking not real wise either right nowI'm going to do a triathlon if it kills me - and I'm starting to think it just might!!
2009-07-09 7:22 AM
in reply to: #2264313

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Subject: RE: Jonathan22's mentor group - CLOSED
rpittser - 2009-07-06 10:54 AM I think I might get the infirmary award this summer. I'm already mostly off running due to some severe IT band and knee issues. I've been doing PT for this for about the last 3 weeks.

ITBS is a b!tch!  I had that last year and it really sucked!  I had "on my own" PT exercises and although painful, it worked in the long run (oh and get a "stick" to roll out your it band b4 you run).  I was icing my knee 5 times a day, aleve 2-3x day, PT, anica gel, foam roller, itbs strap, you name it.   But...following the othorpedic doctors has not come back in over a year *knocking on wood*.

Hope to see ya out on the course in CLT soon!  My wife and I are now both doing Lake Wylie and the Lake Norman sprints in July/August. 

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