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2009-06-26 1:28 PM
in reply to: #2071361

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The Woodlands, TX
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
I hope everyone has a great weekend! I had pretty much a full week of failed workouts, so I'm looking forward to starting over next week. The heat is quiet honestly killing me and my motivation. I've always loved the heat, but I can't get acclimated this year. Does anyone have any advise? I've had to cut several runs short or out altogether because I get so dizzy and lightheaded even though I'm super hydrated. I'm drinking several extra bottles of water a day and even more when I work out. I've also been drinking more electrolyte drinks on my workouts (ie, I drink them on all workouts, even those less then an hour) but nothing seems to help.

2009-06-26 3:36 PM
in reply to: #2245864

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
Erin...Do you think it could be a nutrition thing (read: not eating enough)?  Do you only feel that way on runs or other times as well?

I, too, have had a week of failed workouts.  It's been a rough week around our house and to be brutally honest, self pity has got the best of me.  However, I've allowed it to happen this week but I called an end to it last night (when our little crisis came to somewhat of an end) and I'm back to the grind!!
Have a great weekend all!!

Edited by Happychick 2009-06-26 3:39 PM
2009-06-27 10:30 AM
in reply to: #2245864

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Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
erin116 - 2009-06-26 1:28 PM

I hope everyone has a great weekend! I had pretty much a full week of failed workouts, so I'm looking forward to starting over next week. The heat is quiet honestly killing me and my motivation. I've always loved the heat, but I can't get acclimated this year. Does anyone have any advise? I've had to cut several runs short or out altogether because I get so dizzy and lightheaded even though I'm super hydrated. I'm drinking several extra bottles of water a day and even more when I work out. I've also been drinking more electrolyte drinks on my workouts (ie, I drink them on all workouts, even those less then an hour) but nothing seems to help.

Don't get discouraged. It has been a brutal couple of weeks here in the south, and where you are with the humidity that would take anyone down. I have to do my workouts early or very late. It is just oppressive in the afternoons right now. Also when I run if it is crazy humid I will poor water on my arms and legs. This helps the body cool down. When it is humid your sweat doesn't evaporate like it should to help cool your skin. I saw some marathoners do this I think during the last Olympics. I tried it out and it made a big difference. Hope that helps. If anyone knows any other ideas lets hear them!

I hope everyone is have a successful training weekend. Just finish my 3hr bike. Mentally preparing for my 1hr45min run in the morning.

2009-06-28 9:08 AM
in reply to: #2071361

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In the Shadow of the Big House
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
Seems like the general concensus is a rough week for training.  Mine was tough to get through as well. Semi-successful run last night.  Made the distance, but not the time.  Felt like I was running a lot faster than the time showed in the end.  I try not to look at a watch too much while I run, just concentrate on how my body feels.  Wasn't sure what happened last night, but when I woke up this morning I figured it out.  Congestion, sore throat and fever.  Yay a summer cold!  Hope this one doesn't hold on too long.  Will try to take it easy today with a nice slow bike ride.
2009-06-29 1:18 AM
in reply to: #2071361

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
I hope you feel better, Scott!!

I managed to derail even more of my training by scraping the heck out of the pad of my foot on the reef during an OWS on Saturday.  I don't really think scraping is the correct word since I literally tore it open in one spot but I'm hoping since I stayed off it ALL DAY today that it will be ok for a short ride tomorrow night!!  One can hope and pray!
2009-06-29 9:48 AM
in reply to: #2249310

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In the Shadow of the Big House
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
Thanks,  Feel somewhat better today.  Skipped the ride yesterday.  Still a bit congested, but at least I feel human today.
Take it easy with the foot.  Keep it clean, don't want an infection to set in.  That will have you out even longer.

2009-06-29 11:47 AM
in reply to: #2071361

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Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
Scott - Glad you are returning to the land of the living. Summer colds are the worst.

Michelle - OUCH! Sounds like that hurt, yeah one whole day off should be sufficient. I guess it is one of the draw backs to living in Hawaii.

I finally had a good training week. Hit all of my goals. The only thing I had to cut were the strength training minuets. Gotta start working in my CORE stuff though. Feeling great about this weeks training. Looks like I am shifting away from Base work this week. So the change of "pace" will be nice. And finally, I am racing this weekend! Wish I had been able to keep up the volume in the weeks prior, but it is what it is. This is just a "B" race so I just plan on having fun. Word on the street is water temp is at 90 degrees!!!!

Have a great week everyone!!!!!!!
2009-06-29 12:02 PM
in reply to: #2250290

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In the Shadow of the Big House
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
Good Grief!  How do you swim in water that warm? Anything above 75 is way too warm for competition swimming. Way to hit those training goals.  Keep up the hard work. 
2009-06-29 12:05 PM
in reply to: #2250349

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Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
gobluedds - 2009-06-29 12:02 PM

Good Grief!  How do you swim in water that warm? Anything above 75 is way too warm for competition swimming. Way to hit those training goals.  Keep up the hard work. 

Lucky for me I ain't that competitive.
2009-06-29 2:11 PM
in reply to: #2250355

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Rowlett, TX
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
Yeah is should be a nice warm bath swim for us. Its going to be cooler out of the water than in it.

sympatric - 2009-06-29 12:05 PM
gobluedds - 2009-06-29 12:02 PM Good Grief!  How do you swim in water that warm? Anything above 75 is way too warm for competition swimming. Way to hit those training goals.  Keep up the hard work. 
Lucky for me I ain't that competitive.
2009-06-29 2:59 PM
in reply to: #2071361

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL

Yea, believe it or not, there are drawbacks to living in Hawaii!   I think staying completely off my foot yesterday really helped.  It still hurts quite a bit but at least I'm able to walk somewhat normal today and it looks sooo much better.  Depending on how I feel tonight I might try to go for a short spin (at the gym.)  Like you said Scott, I'd rather take a few days off to nurse it than make it worse and then be out of it for even longer!!

Patrick/Todd ~ holy cow, that really is like swimming in bath water but that's a million times better than it being freezing, right?!

2009-07-01 12:36 PM
in reply to: #2071361

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The Woodlands, TX
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
Thanks for all of the support on the heat. I don't think it's nutrition because it only happens when working out in the heat and mostly just running. On the run I had to cut short, I cut it short when I refilled my water bottle at a fountain (3 miles in I had polished off an entire bottle!). I dumped the contents over my head and pretty much burned myself. My head was itchy and peeling for a few days. No more of that for me! I have done the water over my head in the past with some success, now I know to test the water temperature first. Luckily the temperature dropped this past weekend (well, low 90s anyway) and I felt a million times better. We all commented on our ride Saturday how gorgeous it was and it was 92 degrees out. All of my workouts have been better, though not quite as fast as I was before the heat wave, since the temp dropped slightly. I know that I really need to start running in the morning and had every plan to this morning, but I get so scared running in the dark. I used to do it all the time and then had an incident with a racoon. Now when I run in the dark my hr is through the roof, my speed is snails pace and I'm terrified the whole time. I need to just suck it up and get over it. But, all I can think of is rabid raccoons and snakes jumping out of the woods and attacking me.
2009-07-01 7:17 PM
in reply to: #2071361

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In the Shadow of the Big House
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
Open water swim today.  Water temp a brisk 59 degrees!  Thank goodness for wetsuits.  Actually wasn't bad as long as I kept moving.  Next race is out in the big lake so really need to get used to the temps.  No more of those cozy inland lakes this year.  If you guys down there in the heat could send some this way, it would be greatly appreciated.  It's supposed to drop down into the low 50's tonight again....  July in MichiganSurprised
2009-07-02 8:41 AM
in reply to: #2257109

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Rowlett, TX
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
Man I wish we could. I think our swim Sunday will be in warm bath water.

gobluedds - 2009-07-01 7:17 PM Open water swim today.  Water temp a brisk 59 degrees!  Thank goodness for wetsuits.  Actually wasn't bad as long as I kept moving.  Next race is out in the big lake so really need to get used to the temps.  No more of those cozy inland lakes this year.  If you guys down there in the heat could send some this way, it would be greatly appreciated.  It's supposed to drop down into the low 50's tonight again....  July in MichiganSurprised
2009-07-03 10:44 PM
in reply to: #2071361

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somewhere in the northwest
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
Well we got our aircard back from verizon today kinda wierd being without the net for 9 days. Alot has happend, on the 24th my mother in law went into a coma from a bladder infection that went really bad, by the time we got to Spokane she had come out of the coma but she was not doing well her blood presure was 70 over 20 im not sure how she was awake at all. They ended up putting her back under and put her on a respirator and started pumping her full of antibiotics. She is now awake and doing ok they got her off the respirator and were going to take her out of ICU today. Needless to say our race did not happen on the 27th which was fine with me because I was realy sick by friday night.and pretty much bed ridden by saturday.
Our dog decided she did not want Roni to register for Ironman CDA next year, just as she was finnishing her registration form the dog reached up with her paw and snapped our verizon aircard off right at the USB port in Roni's laptop. I tried to do a little surgery on it but it just would not work after that.
Well my knee is coming around I might try a bike ride this weekend and a lot more running.
2009-07-04 7:00 AM
in reply to: #2260931

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In the Shadow of the Big House
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
gslye - 2009-07-03 11:44 PM Well we got our aircard back from verizon today kinda wierd being without the net for 9 days. Alot has happend, on the 24th my mother in law went into a coma from a bladder infection that went really bad, by the time we got to Spokane she had come out of the coma but she was not doing well her blood presure was 70 over 20 im not sure how she was awake at all. They ended up putting her back under and put her on a respirator and started pumping her full of antibiotics. She is now awake and doing ok they got her off the respirator and were going to take her out of ICU today. Needless to say our race did not happen on the 27th which was fine with me because I was realy sick by friday night.and pretty much bed ridden by saturday.
Our dog decided she did not want Roni to register for Ironman CDA next year, just as she was finnishing her registration form the dog reached up with her paw and snapped our verizon aircard off right at the USB port in Roni's laptop. I tried to do a little surgery on it but it just would not work after that.
Well my knee is coming around I might try a bike ride this weekend and a lot more running.

Thoughts and prayers for you and your family.  Hope you all have a speedy recovery.

2009-07-04 8:13 PM
in reply to: #2260931

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
gslye - 2009-07-03 5:44 PM Well we got our aircard back from verizon today kinda wierd being without the net for 9 days. Alot has happend, on the 24th my mother in law went into a coma from a bladder infection that went really bad, by the time we got to Spokane she had come out of the coma but she was not doing well her blood presure was 70 over 20 im not sure how she was awake at all. They ended up putting her back under and put her on a respirator and started pumping her full of antibiotics. She is now awake and doing ok they got her off the respirator and were going to take her out of ICU today. Needless to say our race did not happen on the 27th which was fine with me because I was realy sick by friday night.and pretty much bed ridden by saturday.
Our dog decided she did not want Roni to register for Ironman CDA next year, just as she was finnishing her registration form the dog reached up with her paw and snapped our verizon aircard off right at the USB port in Roni's laptop. I tried to do a little surgery on it but it just would not work after that.
Well my knee is coming around I might try a bike ride this weekend and a lot more running.

Gary, I'm so sorry that you and your family have been dealing with all this!  My thoughts and prayers are with you!!!!
2009-07-06 3:16 PM
in reply to: #2071361

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
OK, my foot is healing up but now I'm having hip/leg issues from walking funny.  However, I have a chiro appt tonight so hopefully all will be good and I can get back to training like I need to be!!

How was everyone's 4th?
2009-07-07 5:56 AM
in reply to: #2265471

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Denver Area
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL

Happychick - 2009-07-06 2:16 PM OK, my foot is healing up but now I'm having hip/leg issues from walking funny.  However, I have a chiro appt tonight so hopefully all will be good and I can get back to training like I need to be!!

How was everyone's 4th?

Long training days, neighborhood city/county fireworks, I made a strawberry-rhubarb pie that was BEAUtiful & delicious, gorgeous weather weekend was lovely.

I hope the same for you all!

2009-07-07 3:09 PM
in reply to: #2266525

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
AdaBug - 2009-07-07 12:56 AM

Happychick - 2009-07-06 2:16 PM OK, my foot is healing up but now I'm having hip/leg issues from walking funny.  However, I have a chiro appt tonight so hopefully all will be good and I can get back to training like I need to be!!

How was everyone's 4th?

Long training days, neighborhood city/county fireworks, I made a strawberry-rhubarb pie that was BEAUtiful & delicious, gorgeous weather weekend was lovely.

I hope the same for you all!

OH MY...that sounds delicious!!!!!  I haven't had a strawberry rhubarb pie in about 15 years ~ yummmm!

2009-07-08 3:47 PM
in reply to: #2071361

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Rowlett, TX
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
Hey Jeep. I heard of a few (and saw 1) of the roof mounted bikes didnt win the battle of the 8ft parking garage at the PlayTri festival last week. Did you hear how bad they were?

BTW I saw you heading out on the run looking strong. Nice race.

2009-07-08 9:56 PM
in reply to: #2071361

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2009-07-10 12:05 PM
in reply to: #2271893

Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
Gary - Sounds like you had one heck of a week. I hope everything is alright now...

Michelle - hope everything is back "in line" so you can get back out there!

JeepFleeb - 2009-07-08 9:56 PM

Quick check-in.  I am still alive!

We believe you. I think I saw you at PlayTri Festival. At least I think it was you, kind of a tall blue blur with a beard? Interesting thoughts on the breathing. I tried bilateral breathing in the last race and it seemed to work out pretty well.

My race report is up. Had to guess on the times because there was a mix up with my chip. No big deal though, it was just a training day after all. I wasn't pushing very hard, but I think I PRed the race by a few minutes. Had a tuff last week. I seem to go through a pattern of 2 good weeks and 1 bad week.
2009-07-10 8:17 PM
in reply to: #2276397

Subject: ...
This user's post has been ignored.

Edited by JeepFleeb 2009-07-10 8:17 PM
2009-07-11 7:11 PM
in reply to: #2071361

In the Shadow of the Big House
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
Raced today in a thunderstorm.  Once again I blew the swim.  I don't get what is going wrong here.  I am beginning to think it may be my tri suit. I have been doing OWS with my wetsuit without the trisuit with no probs. It is pretty tight across my chest and I think it is restricting my breathing. I was never able to catch my breath after the first 100 yards or so even breathing every stroke.  This should have been an easy swim for me.  The water was relatively warm, there were few waves and I was out in front of the vast majority of the pack.  I ended up swimming breaststroke through a good portion of the race in order to keep my breathing even. Because of that, I was a good three minutes off my pace for this leg.  The bike was tons better even with the slick pavement and pouring rain. Thank goodness, almost made up for the sucky swim.

Any thoughts from the peanut gallery?

BTW, I have photos posted in my album

Edited by gobluedds 2009-07-11 7:21 PM
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