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2009-05-11 1:16 PM
in reply to: #2141027

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
calimavs - 2009-05-09 8:09 PM
Today was quite an adventure, the great debut of my bike Roxanne. I think I've mentioned before that biking is new to me. I've done a lot of spinning the last few years so I have a really good base and have the fitness for biking. But my technical bike riding skills are in their infancy since I can still count the number of times I've ridden a road bike in my life on my fingers. I was hoping to throw our bikes in the car and ride up north to a bike path in Marin county today for my "long" ride but my husband suggested (more demanded) that we ride there instead. This involves going from our house in San Francisco up a windy (hilly!) two lane coastal road to the Golden Gate Bridge, across the bridge, on another steep scary road into Sausalito before you even come near the bike path.

And we did it, we rode all the way to Tiburon! It was the most terrifying yet fun day I've had in a long time. It really was a "crash"course in riding a road bike, and by the end of the day I was totally comfortable clipping in and out of my pedals, dodging cars, other bikers and pedestrians (including hundreds of Girl Scouts who were at some event at the Golden Gate Bridge).

As everyone said I would, I did fall once. We were on a small bike path to get up to the bridge and I underestimated the pitch and wasn't in the right gear. I realized what was going to happen when I started losing steam and said "oh sh**, oh sh**, nooooo" and in slow motion tipped over backwards. I landed on my butt, then my back and finally the helmet but I jumped up right away and was fine. I'm going to have a bruise on my backside and I got some road rash on my shoulder blades but I was SO much calmer after the fall. I'm glad I have it out of the way, it wasn't nearly as bad as I envisioned.

It took us 5 hours (2:40 actual in the saddle time) to do 22 miles but we stopped for lunch and to take breaks. My poor husband was a trooper since I'm still scared to go more than ~18 mph at any given time and he can go quite a bit faster. He's a saint for coming along with me. It was such fun!

Sounds like you had a fantastic ride!! I think I know the steep and scary road down to Sausalito that you mentioned. Several years ago we rode from the pier, over the bridge and down to Sausalito and I had the "OH " grip of death the entire descent!!!

And I'm glad you got the fall out of the way, too. I tend to think the bruise on the ego hurts more than the physical bruises. And of course, great job for getting the hang of dodging all the obstacles of the road while riding clipless. You rock!!

When are you going out next!??!

2009-05-11 1:28 PM
in reply to: #2142713

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
dsmallacomb - 2009-05-11 8:10 AM

Did my first sprint race of the season. You can look at my race report-Jerseyman. Kinda disappointed with results, but it is early in the season so I have room for improvement. I think I will be joining masters swim group at the Y. A bit nervous because I know I can't keep up but I am hoping for some understanding people in the group. If the masters group doesn't help, I am going to go for private swim lessons with a TI instructor. After the race I came home hoping to switch my Oly distance race to a sprint but both are sold out so I am not sure I would be able to switch. I am really gling to try and get in the water 4 times a week to see If I can improve. Swimming is hard because it is so technical and just cranking out more laps doesn't really make all that much of a difference.

Hope you all had a great training/race weekend!


I haven't had the chance to check out your race report yet, but I wanted to say Great Job going out there and getting it done. I know you said you're a little disappointed with the I hope you'll take a moment to step back and take away some learnings on specific areas of improvement for the rest of the season. Remember that we all have bad days out there, even the pros.

I think that joining a Masters group will definitely help you. Before you join, see if you can test it out for a week. Ask lots of questions and make sure the coach is willing to help you work on your stroke on a one on one basis. Who cares if you can't keep up? I like to think that the slow lane has the most fun (and not just because I'm the one in the lane!).

The TI approach to swimming is a really important because it breaks the stroke down into fundamental sections. I'm going to get a DVD for you so you can teach yourself some of the TI drills from a visual aspect to help improve your stroke. I've found that I can swim 100 laps with poor form and get nothing out of it. Or I can swim 10 laps of drills to reteach my body to swim with the right form and reap the benefits for weeks.

I don't know if I'd make the jump from the OLY to the Sprint just yet. See if there's a deadline and try to improve the discipline between now and that point of time. Once you have the opportunity to mark yourself for improvement along the way, then decide if you want to go for the shorter distance.

Hopefully you're taking a few days to relax and regroup before you get back into the thick of training!
2009-05-11 1:31 PM
in reply to: #2081113

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Nik and Tif - Great job at the race yesterday!! I was so excited to get your text message

Can't wait to read the race report (and the photos on the blog were fantastic--what great friends you have!).
2009-05-11 1:36 PM
in reply to: #2143502

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
boomer99 - 2009-05-11 12:00 PM

I had a break though! I think.I was feeling pretty low about myself and work outs lately. I determined I have gone off the tracks with my running. My new found love of road biking has caused me to not run near enough. I also was feeling a little frustrated about my swimming. I can't go more then 2 or 3 lengths without gasping for air and having to stop. This brings us this AM.

I wieghed myself and fully expected to have gained 5 lbs over the weekend (no excercise and lots of take out)... I gained 1 lb. So I jump on the bike (tomorrow is a run I promise) and head to the pool.

At the pool I did some flutter board drills and found out if I focus on kicking my whole leg, I move through the water much easier (not sure if I'm faster but I don't struggle as much.) During my freestyle I started taking a breath every third stroke on each side instead of every 4th on one side. I found I have more air and staying power!

I think I will try it evey second time to see if I can increase my distance between breaks. I always feel strong but I can not keep my breath for more then 75 m. I think I am slowly figuring this out. 10 weeks to go for my Sprint Tri so I better figure it out sooner then later. I probably could use a swim coach but it will have to wait for now.Thanks for listening folks.Cheers,AlanPS. BTW, I take heart from your posts as I can see we are all in a similar boat. Some good advise and it clarifies many of my questions and motivates me to try some things. I could go on about not having a spare tube ect but I will leave it for now.PSS. no snow this week yet. Last Friday we did have some flakes but they did not stay. Can you believe it? I am sick of the cold.

YES! YES! YES! YES! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Great job in the water this morning, Alan. Bilateral breathing is definitely key to keeping air in your lungs and getting more comfortable in the water. And kicking with your whole let starting at the hip will definitely help propel you through the water. If you have the option to use fins once in a while (don't overdo this though!) you'll be able to really get a feel for how your legs can propel you through the water with proper form.

Just remember that as you continue to push yourself out of your comfort zone, you'll find that you have new comfort zones that you never imagined possible.

Looking forward to hearing about your upcoming run and great job with the road bike love!!!

Glad to hear you're snow-free!! Cold weather isn't any fun for training.
2009-05-11 1:42 PM
in reply to: #2081113

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
I just wanted to chime in with a few thoughts on Garmin Forerunners...

In the past 4 years I've used the 201, 205 and 305.

For me, living in downtown Chicago the 201 didn't provide a strong enough satellite signal to really benefit from it in training. Although when I traveled to the country for races, I found it was pretty accurate.

I later moved up to the 205 and found it to be spot on with paces for downtown...never had any problems with it (although sometimes it'll take a little long to sync up when I was downtown.

The 305 is essentially the same as the 205 but with the HR function. I'm using this for my Ironman training as I have to keep in specific zones while I train.

If you're looking for just a HR monitor, there are a lot of options from Suunto to Polar, and even Reebok has some inexpensive models as well.

I actually haven't had any experience--or heard any specific reviews--about the 400-series of Garmin forerunners.

If anyone is interested, I can stop by the Garmin flagship store around the corner from my office and ask a sales associate any questions and see if they have any pamphlets on the products!

Just let me know.
2009-05-11 2:29 PM
in reply to: #2081113

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Hey there everyone!

I am excited to report that I am still alive and did well in my first tri.  I had a blast and I am looking forward to the next race.

I have done the race report so everyone can get the full scoop there.

I think one the most special things was the Tif and I did it together.  Just an overall great experience.

I am also blogging now if anyone would like to check it out.

Happy training to all!

Edited by hippotude 2009-05-11 2:29 PM

2009-05-11 5:17 PM
in reply to: #2081113

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New user
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Tif and Nik- congrats on your sprint tri! I read your blogs and they are both great! I loved seeing the photos and it was cool to read your race reports.  It makes me excited for my race and there's still a long way to go!

I'm happy to report that my hip is feeling better, I've iced it and also used the foam roller and I think that is helping.  I'm just going to watch it and listen to my body if I'm feeling super sore or my hip starts to bother me.   We'll see where that goes. I might look in to seeing if there is a free PT consultation or something in my small little town. I'm friends with a few PT's but they do not live near me, so I can explain my symptoms till the cows come home but it's not the same as them seeing me in person.

Today I did a 14 min. swim and 14 min. run.  The swim felt pretty good, I tried to focus on breathing and just swimming continuously for that 14 minutes.  The run also went well. I ran on a treadmill and it felt so weird! I've been running outside because it's been so nice out, so the switch back to treadmill felt a little weird.  But the run overall felt good.  I plan on icing my hip tonight and doing some foam roller.

I have my last final exam wednesday and I can't wait to be done! It will reduce my stress level and now I can have more time for fun stuff and tri training! yay!

I also just wanted to say that I really like being a part of this group. It's been a great resource for me and a great support system! My family is super supportive but they don't really know what I'm going through because they aren't training with me. so it's nice to get on here and read about your training experiences. 
2009-05-11 6:07 PM
in reply to: #2081113


Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
I have been MIA over the last few days. I am looking forward to my son's baseball being done. Who knew 7 year olds played 4 nights a week? Add in horse jumping with my daughter and Mother's Day with my mom and the week is over. I did manage to get a 40 minute run in on Saturday and ran approx 6 1/4 km. I am tryin to work on keeping a steady pace vs running hard and fast. With my comfort level I will work speed into it. 

I am going to swim tonight. The plan calls for 29 minute swim and 59 min bike. It is raining hard here on the "Wet Coast" so I will probably take the mountain bike out instead of the road bike. I need to get a trainer so can work out on my road bike in the rain. All in good time.

I am glad to hear that the races were a success this weekend!!! Now on to the next one.  
2009-05-11 6:48 PM
in reply to: #2081113

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Extreme Veteran
San Francisco CA
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Hi all! Great race reports from this weekend, it sounds like everyone did very well!

I'm off to my normal Monday night spin class tonight. I'm still pretty sore from my fall on Saturday and have a nice bruise on my leg where the bike landed on me. Aside from that I'm just chomping at the bit to get back out there and ride some more. It's addicting!

My husband and I are planning on riding loops in Golden Gate Park (the "central park" of SF) this coming weekend so I can work on getting up speed on the flats. Other than that the plan this week is to try and add in another swim workout. I want to see if I can do each discipline 2x a week. Getting in 2 bikes and 2 runs is no problem but the swimming is harder since it tires me out and leaves me so useless afterward. We'll see if my boss notices that I'm gone during lunch 2x this week rather than 1x!
2009-05-12 5:11 AM
in reply to: #2081113

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Gooooooooooood morning, good morning, good morning!!!!

What do we all have on tap today?

I've only got one quick moment before heading off for Masters Swim (seriously...why the heck is this so freakin' early in the morning).

So I've got 2600 in the pool and an hour on the trainer tonight. What about you fine folks?
2009-05-12 5:45 AM
in reply to: #2081113

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
I've got a 45 min ride this morning and then I'm off to the pool after work.  I'm going to attempt the first two Total Immersion drills once again.  I was able to do the first drill on Sunday, creeping along, but balanced and relaxed.  But that elusive "Sweet Spot" baffles me.  Every time I try to find it, I loose my balance and start flailing around.  I don't know if I'm trying to roll too far over onto my side or what.  But on Sunday when I started to get too frustrated, I stopped the drills and started doing easy laps focusing on my form.

I'm happy with the biking and running, but the swimming is getting me all frustrated. Yell 

2009-05-12 8:47 AM
in reply to: #2144988

Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Yesterday was a rest day.  I took the 3 and 5 year olds to see their big sister's swim practice (planting seeds) and then to the track to see if they could make a 1/4 mile.  Chandrika zipped one out, only stopping when her brother fell over, and was ready to go again!  I'm signing them up for their first race, Tri for Joe Kids' Fun Run, 1/4 miler this Sunday.  $5 each and they get a Tshirt.  They're excited.  Tark's (3yo) been asking if he can do a "trike-a-thon" like me.  A bunch of my Cincy Express team members are racing that day (tri or du)

I had a good swim this morning (1800yds in 43min) and plan to do cadence drills on the trainer tonight.

I'm rearranging my workout plan to move my rest day from Mon to Fri and to add in some more biking and running (2swim, 3bike, 3run per week)


Edited by lovesreading 2009-05-12 10:53 AM
2009-05-12 9:42 AM
in reply to: #2081113

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Extreme Veteran
San Francisco CA
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Good morning!

Today is a run/lift day for me. I'm going to stick with the treadmill this week and make sure I'm 100% back to running strength before trying to run outside next week.

Have a good day everyone!
2009-05-12 10:01 AM
in reply to: #2081113

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Thanks Barb!  I know I just need to relax about the hills and not think about them.  I think the answer to my problems right now is to go to yoga and take it easy this week.  I went to yoga this morning and feel a lot more relaxed.  Tonight (after I pick up my packet!!), I'm planning on going for an easy run.

And since everyone's blogging now, I've decided to join the cool kids and start my own tri blog too.  Cool
2009-05-12 10:06 AM
in reply to: #2081113

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!

Good morning everyone,

Yesterday was a recovery day from the tri...I also took the day off from work so that it was truly a recovery.  It was nice to relax and reflect yesterday.  I did feel the need to do a little activity so I took the girls (Torrey & Taylor the Boston Terriers) for a short walk around the neighborhood.  Also did yoga for the shoulders and back before bed...boy was that a good stretch.Smile

Today it is back to work for me and the Rhino.  There is a run workout on the agenda today.  We are in between training programs but we still need to continue working.  My body recovered nicely from the tri and I feel good to go. 

I hope everyone else has a good day of workouts!


Edited by hippotude 2009-05-12 10:07 AM
2009-05-12 10:59 AM
in reply to: #2081113

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!

Today I'm planning a run...probably a 2 mile loop around the neighborhood @ 70% MHR.

I'm in between plans right now, and it's already driving me crazy! I'm a structured person, and moreso now that I've had to be very structured with my workouts for the last 16 weeks. So I need to figure out how to handle the volume and duration for the next 2 1/2 weeks of training before the Olympic plan kicks in. I especially want to focus on the swim and run. Below is Week 1 of the Oly plan.

Week 1 Olympic (begins 5.30.09)
Day 1
60’ bike



Day 2
2000 yd swim

15’ run


Day 3
75’ bike



Day 4
60’ run

1800 swim


Day 5

Day 6
65’ bike

1100 swim


Day 7
45’ bike

35’ run

2009-05-12 12:20 PM
in reply to: #2144533

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
Erin - I'm glad to hear your hip hasn't been too problematic. Keep on icing the heck out of it and keep up with the light stretching. I saw this on twitter earlier shows a few simple yoga poses that are most beneficial to triathletes...maybe something like this will be helpful?

baseballbabe - 2009-05-11 6:07 PM
I have been MIA over the last few days. I am looking forward to my son's baseball being done. Who knew 7 year olds played 4 nights a week? Add in horse jumping with my daughter and Mother's Day with my mom and the week is over. I did manage to get a 40 minute run in on Saturday and ran approx 6 1/4 km. I am tryin to work on keeping a steady pace vs running hard and fast. With my comfort level I will work speed into it. I am going to swim tonight. The plan calls for 29 minute swim and 59 min bike. It is raining hard here on the "Wet Coast" so I will probably take the mountain bike out instead of the road bike. I need to get a trainer so can work out on my road bike in the rain. All in good time.

I am glad to hear that the races were a success this weekend!!! Now on to the next one.

Life happens, Angela!! It's so awesome that both of your children are so active. Great job squeezing the run in, too. I've found that a combination of tempo/interval/slow steady pace runs are the best mix for me when it comes to training. At least one day a week I run where I focus on keeping a consistent pace with my HR in zones 1-2. Wednesdays are either tempo or interval runs where I allow myself to really pound the pavement. There's actually a science behind the notion of slowing down to get faster!!

Hopefully the rain clears out for you soon. Let me know if you need any bike recommendations!

calimavs - 2009-05-11 6:48 PM
My husband and I are planning on riding loops in Golden Gate Park (the "central park" of SF) this coming weekend so I can work on getting up speed on the flats. Other than that the plan this week is to try and add in another swim workout. I want to see if I can do each discipline 2x a week. Getting in 2 bikes and 2 runs is no problem but the swimming is harder since it tires me out and leaves me so useless afterward. We'll see if my boss notices that I'm gone during lunch 2x this week rather than 1x!

What?! There are flat stretches in SF!? You had me fooled!! What days are you planning on swimming?
2009-05-12 12:32 PM
in reply to: #2145380

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
DenaRae - 2009-05-12 5:45 AM

I've got a 45 min ride this morning and then I'm off to the pool after work. I'm going to attempt the first two Total Immersion drills once again. I was able to do the first drill on Sunday, creeping along, but balanced and relaxed. But that elusive "Sweet Spot" baffles me. Every time I try to find it, I loose my balance and start flailing around. I don't know if I'm trying to roll too far over onto my side or what. But on Sunday when I started to get too frustrated, I stopped the drills and started doing easy laps focusing on my form.

I'm happy with the biking and running, but the swimming is getting me all frustrated. Yell

The balancing drills take a lot of practice. I have to imagine myself on a skewer to really get the rotational feeling correct. Just be patient with it and keep working on it...each day takes you closer to optimal form.

lovesreading - 2009-05-12 8:47 AM

Yesterday was a rest day.  I took the 3 and 5 year olds to see their big sister's swim practice (planting seeds) and then to the track to see if they could make a 1/4 mile.  Chandrika zipped one out, only stopping when her brother fell over, and was ready to go again!  I'm signing them up for their first race, Tri for Joe Kids' Fun Run, 1/4 miler this Sunday.  $5 each and they get a Tshirt.  They're excited.  Tark's (3yo) been asking if he can do a "trike-a-thon" like me.  A bunch of my Cincy Express team members are racing that day (tri or du)

I had a good swim this morning (1800yds in 43min) and plan to do cadence drills on the trainer tonight.

I'm rearranging my workout plan to move my rest day from Mon to Fri and to add in some more biking and running (2swim, 3bike, 3run per week)


Sounds like you have a fun day yesterday! They must be so excited for the tri (nearly as excited as you are?!) You'll have to take lots of pictures and let us know how it goes for them!! Like you, I'm relegated to the trainer tonight (though my drill day is Thursday)'s refreshing to know that I'm not the only one chained to the drainer tonight Misery does love company!! But great job on the swim this morning and enjoy that rest on Friday.

...I just wanted to add that since you're switching your rest days from Monday to Friday, definitely take it easy on Mondays. Often plans have a rest day on Monday to help your body recover from the long ride/run from the weekend.

Edited by RunningJayhawk 2009-05-12 12:33 PM
2009-05-12 12:43 PM
in reply to: #2145662

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
calimavs - 2009-05-12 9:42 AM

Good morning!

Today is a run/lift day for me. I'm going to stick with the treadmill this week and make sure I'm 100% back to running strength before trying to run outside next week.

Have a good day everyone!

Sounds like a good plan. Hopefully the treadmill will be a bit easier on your body compared to pavement.

yogachic - 2009-05-12 10:01 AM

Thanks Barb! I know I just need to relax about the hills and not think about them. I think the answer to my problems right now is to go to yoga and take it easy this week. I went to yoga this morning and feel a lot more relaxed. Tonight (after I pick up my packet!!), I'm planning on going for an easy run.

And since everyone's blogging now, I've decided to join the cool kids and start my own tri blog too. Cool

Love the blog, girl! And you know I was over here laughing at the bath tub picture!!! So, SO AWESOME!!!

Enjoy your yoga and stay relaxed this weekend. I'm going to race vicariously through you on Saturday since Mike and I are out of town for Galena this year.

hippotude - 2009-05-12 10:06 AM

Good morning everyone,

Yesterday was a recovery day from the tri...I also took the day off from work so that it was truly a recovery.  It was nice to relax and reflect yesterday.  I did feel the need to do a little activity so I took the girls (Torrey & Taylor the Boston Terriers) for a short walk around the neighborhood.  Also did yoga for the shoulders and back before bed...boy was that a good stretch.Smile

Today it is back to work for me and the Rhino.  There is a run workout on the agenda today.  We are in between training programs but we still need to continue working.  My body recovered nicely from the tri and I feel good to go. 

I hope everyone else has a good day of workouts!


Sounds like you had a wonderful, relaxing recovery day! Have you two come up with a solid plan to bridge the training program gap? Enjoy the run tonight!!
2009-05-12 12:50 PM
in reply to: #2145834

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
roadrhino - 2009-05-12 10:59 AM

Today I'm planning a run...probably a 2 mile loop around the neighborhood @ 70% MHR.

I'm in between plans right now, and it's already driving me crazy! I'm a structured person, and moreso now that I've had to be very structured with my workouts for the last 16 weeks. So I need to figure out how to handle the volume and duration for the next 2 1/2 weeks of training before the Olympic plan kicks in. I especially want to focus on the swim and run. Below is Week 1 of the Oly plan.

Week 1 Olympic (begins 5.30.09)
Day 1
60’ bike



Day 2
2000 yd swim

15’ run


Day 3
75’ bike



Day 4
60’ run

1800 swim


Day 5

Day 6
65’ bike

1100 swim


Day 7
45’ bike

35’ run

In your opinion, how aggressive is this first week of the OLY plan in comparison to your biggest volume week of the sprint plan?

What I would focus on doing is continue to build upon the fitness you've already established and ensure that you're at the point where you could swim 2000+ yds, keep an even-paced run for 50-55 minutes and be in the saddle for an hour. Priming your body for what's expected of you in the upcoming weeks (granted it'll be gradual over the next few if you don't think you're already at that point). Also, you may decide you want to add speed work one day a week to focus on the turnover rate of your feet when you run. Or incorporating yoga to improve your flexibility and inner focus. Or maybe force yourself to swim in open water once a week.

There's plenty of things you can be doing to help prepare yourself for the OLY's about deciding what's going to fit best with your current time commitment and lifestyle. Heck, you may decide you want to take some downtown before really revving back into training and that's okay, too!
2009-05-12 1:07 PM
in reply to: #2081113

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!

There is definitely a decent gap between the most intense level of training in the sprint vs. the olympic plans. The longest run time was 30' (although it was a run/walk combo) and the longest swim was I do have some work ahead in the next few weeks before the oly plan. And it probably sounds a bit odd, but I do love the training and intensity (and still have some weight loss goals to reach), so I don't really want to back off from training. I'm having too much fun with it all! Smile

2009-05-12 2:15 PM
in reply to: #2081113

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North Central WA
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!

I'm back for at least a couple of days.  Flew to Seattle last night and drove home this morning.  We only had a minor delay this morning due to weather & boulders on the road on the pass. 

My husband is doing a Mtn bike race in western washington this weekend so we'll be going back over on Friday.  After that we have 2 weeks with no travel plans.  Then its my tri.

I've been debating what training to do this week.  I'm planning on doing a 5 mile trail run on Saturday so don't want to over do it.  So I think I'll do a long run today, swim tomorrow, an easy flat bike on Thursday, and rest on Friday.

Sounds like everyone else is having a fairly good training week.  Let's keep it up.  Also, congrats to everyone who raced last weekend.

2009-05-12 9:45 PM
in reply to: #2146460

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
lghays - 2009-05-12 2:15 PM

I'm back for at least a couple of days.  Flew to Seattle last night and drove home this morning.  We only had a minor delay this morning due to weather & boulders on the road on the pass. 

My husband is doing a Mtn bike race in western washington this weekend so we'll be going back over on Friday.  After that we have 2 weeks with no travel plans.  Then its my tri.

I've been debating what training to do this week.  I'm planning on doing a 5 mile trail run on Saturday so don't want to over do it.  So I think I'll do a long run today, swim tomorrow, an easy flat bike on Thursday, and rest on Friday.

Sounds like everyone else is having a fairly good training week.  Let's keep it up.  Also, congrats to everyone who raced last weekend.

Were you able to get your long run in today?! Sounds like you've got a solid plan for the rest of the week. And the MTB race sounds really cool!! Which race is it?! other bum is seriously numb from an hour on the trainer. Oof. I am one hot sweaty mess!
2009-05-12 10:27 PM
in reply to: #2147297

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North Central WA
Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!

Yes, I did get the run in.  6 miles and it didn't hurt too bad.  I was surprised that after 5 days off it felt fine.  My knees hurt a little now but that'll go away overnight.

His race is called the Whidbey Island Mudder.  He's doing Sport class (not sure what that is) which will be approx 18 miles.  We're still working on the weekend logistics.  Thinking about making it a family outing on the island.  But I'm running into the problem of no vacancies in the affordable places.  So it may just be a day trip.

After talking to my SIL, we decided not to do the trail run on Saturday.  Her schedule just got too busy.  It would've been fun but I'm okay skipping it.

2009-05-12 10:37 PM
in reply to: #2081113

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Subject: RE: RunningJayhawk's Mentor Nest - FULL!
I got off work late again today, and by the time I got to Fleet Feet, picked up my packet & other items, it was already 8pm, and I had dinner plans for 8:30.  So yeah, I skipped my run this evening.  I'm not sure if it's a horrible idea to be skipping workouts right before a race, but I don't want to get too worked up about it and try to make it up so close to race time. 

Anyways, the good news is I have my packet!  It has my timing chip, bib, bike number, a whole bunch of ties, straps, & safety pins (that I'm not exactly sure what I'm supposed to do with yet), a swim cap, a whole bunch of brochures and coupons, 2 plastic bags to put my stuff in for the transitions, a shirt, a first aid kit, some bandages, some sort of pain reliever medicine, and a partridge and a pear tree!  Part of me wants to dump everything out and play with it, but then I'm afraid I'll lose something important.  So I'll probably do that on the car ride on the way to Galena on Friday. . . It'll give me something to do during the road trip Tongue out

I'm getting excited for the weekend.  We just got our housing assignments & carpooling figured out yesterday.  It almost feels like I'm a kid going away to summer camp! 
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