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2010-02-22 7:45 AM
in reply to: #2577385

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Chelsea, MI
Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED
Yay!! Back down more than two pounds despite a week of vacation and desserts...

2010-02-22 8:07 AM
in reply to: #2577385

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Northwest Arkansas
Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED
Good grief, what a year so far.  Sorry I haven't been around the forum.  I actually have gotten three or four weight workouts in every week but haven't taken time to enter them into BT.  I'm happy with the strength gains and the body shaping, but am not happy with the weight gain. 

Just as the weather turned good I got sick for the first time in two years, so I'm trying to get over that and start running and cycling.  It's all conspired against me so far this year.  Ride the Rockies is out for me because of other obligations.  Missing the first half mary of the season because of other obligations.  It's a bit difficult for me to get on the bike or put on the shoes if I don't have a goal. 

Looks like I'm bringing up the end of the group but look for that to change over the next few weeks.  "I'll be back." (said with a heavy Austrian accent)
2010-02-22 10:51 AM
in reply to: #2685454

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Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED
hey chip good to see you back amongst your fellow BTers. we've mentioned that work thing on here recently and how inconsiderate it is when it comes to trying to train. Bummer about having to miss out on a few of your 2010 goals.

congrats on the lifting sessions, sure you will drop the weight when you get back on your trusty stead in the near future.

look forward to your terminator of a ride when back in the saddle. Chin up and a stiff upper lip as we say over here in blighty ( said in very posh country gent accent) not my lundun lilt
2010-02-23 2:32 PM
in reply to: #2577385

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Golden, CO
Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED
I think the month of February is always hard for me..short month. so dark and cold. spring is still so far off and I am really getting sick of the cold....just can't wait for that nice weather. I just get in a pissy mood and I really think it is this time of year. Jo-I hear you - would much rather stay on the couch than fight the weather/traffic for yet another indoor workout. Keep on fighting! You'll be so happy this spring when you have a nice head start from the winter wo's.

Hey Chip-maybe pick out some other races, events to keep your motivation up..the May race I geared my training for isn't going to happen so I working on another idea as well.

Good Job Heather dropping lbs. on vacation-woohoo!!

Hope you are all having a good week.
ttfn, Holly
2010-02-24 7:55 AM
in reply to: #2577385

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Northwest Arkansas
Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED
Still sick.  This think knocked me on my .  I told a friend of mine last night that I'm going to be well starting today no matter how bad I felt.  That's going to be a challenge.
2010-02-24 9:12 PM
in reply to: #2690142

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Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED
snaproll - 2010-02-24 8:55 AM Still sick.  This think knocked me on my .  I told a friend of mine last night that I'm going to be well starting today no matter how bad I felt.  That's going to be a challenge.

Glad to hear your back Chip, hope you are feeling better soon. We are getting nailed with another big storm...had enough of winter this year.

2010-02-24 10:27 PM
in reply to: #2577385

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Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED
Hi Kids.  
Chip hope you are feeling better.
Holly spring is close but I'm sure as in western NY winter still bites into spring some. 
Bruce looks like we may finally get some snow so send it east we have been light in snow fall this year. 
Zee you are rocking the CF.
Jogo jobs are just to support the tri'ing. Hang in there.
MAC keep her steady you are training well. 
Marc keep plugging along. 
Mike stop by.  (He has been mopping up kid puke)
Heather that weight is dropping nice
I need to get around I hope this weekend so we can have weight for a March challenge. 
The hip is improving and I hope to run a half mile this weekend.   Really enjoying the time off to watch the Olympics.


Edited by dexter 2010-02-24 10:28 PM
2010-02-25 9:13 PM
in reply to: #2577385

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Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED
Has this been the longest f@*% winter or what? I am starting to feel like Jack Nicholson in the Shining..... "Here's Johnny"
2010-02-27 5:34 AM
in reply to: #2694368

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Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED
Is it time to come out from hibernation yet. Nope it is raining for the 5th day solid!!! great

hear yee, hear yee my knigdom, my kingdom for some SUN!!!!!! please
2010-02-28 10:25 AM
in reply to: #2577385

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Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED
Lets go people time to get it in gear, spring is right around the excuses.... that goes for me of course as well....

2010-02-28 7:37 PM
in reply to: #2577385

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED

I totally agree.  Its almost Spring.  How about a challenge for March?  Any ideas?  Lets get our bodies moving toward our tri's!

2010-03-01 7:40 AM
in reply to: #2577385

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Chelsea, MI
Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED
Yes please! Need a boost.
2010-03-01 1:56 PM
in reply to: #2577385

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Chelsea, MI
Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED
Here's a question:

I'm looking to buy my first wetsuit (got a special discount- 60% versus the usual BT 50%- from Xterra from winning a contest on their site, so now's the time to buy), and I'm contemplating the difference between a full suit and a sleeveless.

It's about $40 difference for me for the Vortex 3 sleeveless versus fullsuit, either of which is doable price-wise after discount. I plan on using them not for my IM (Louisville, where I figure I'm stuck with a speedsuit given past temps), but for earlier practice tris (one sprint, one Oly, both in Michigan) where the water temp is likely to be a lot colder.

Is one a lot better than the other? I heard that the sleeveless pick up more water inside (not to mention potential chafing), but I'm not sure I need a fullsuit from a temp control perspective, so I'm not sure which to buy.

On the incentive front, this is a good one; my first sprint of the year is the first weekend in June (Hawk Island, Jo!), and in order to properly fit the wetsuit I'm going to order, I need to drop another 18 pounds or so - right in line with what I've been doing so far. I've already registered for the tri, and I know I'm going to need the wetsuit (Michigan water in early June... brrrr), so it's just the kind of deadline I respond well to.

2010-03-01 2:13 PM
in reply to: #2577385

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Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED
Alright Bruce.  I'll get moving and rally this crowd a little.  Even set a fire under Mike.  My run went well with even a little speed for me.  Hope I can increase milage a little quicker then 10% rule.  I have a  Indoor tri this weekend.  Luckily they have a indoor track 1/8 of a mile, sweet.   I found usign Livestrong has helped my food logging and even moving downhill a little.  Its a good thing as the clothes were getting a little tight.  Send me some weights if you feel like being in a wgt challenge. 
If you guys want to do another kind of challenge I'm up for it. 
I'm sure you can take me in a run challenge. 

Michigan water in june full suit.   I have a full suit and use it all summer.  I chaf in it a little but love being warm in spring and late summer.  If you are going for any ocean swims full offers proctection from the jellyfish.  I vote full.

Edited by dexter 2010-03-01 2:19 PM
2010-03-01 2:48 PM
in reply to: #2700432

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Chelsea, MI
Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED
Thanks Dex! Count me in for either a run or weight challenge (weight is still updated on my blog), with the proviso that if we do a run challenge, it's duration - how many hours we run - rather than miles. Some of us are slow, you know, but we're still working!
2010-03-01 2:53 PM
in reply to: #2577385

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED

Heather-I vote full. I have a full zoot suit.  The water at Hawk is chilly at best 59-68 degrees (59 the weekend before when I practiced and up to 65 the day of the race, last year just slightly warmer probably 68 on race day).  It is only 400 yards.  I love the buoyancy it gives me, not that I need it with all the fat I carry around but I know that I won't drown.  When buying a suit, go by chest size, that will be the most important measurement, more so than weight.  Breathing is important.   I had to size up to accomodate.  There are some people who brave it without a wetsuit, I'd say 50% because it is a family oriented tri.  There are photos on the website from 2009 so you can see that its not really a majority that wear on.  I am a wimp!! 

2010-03-03 5:59 AM
in reply to: #2577385

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED

Okay, time to, as Sharon would say, BUCK UP BUTTERCUPS!!!  Spring is here and I propose a challenge, a push-up challenge.   What do you think?  Who can do the most push ups straight through at the end of the month or teams or boys vs. girls?  Someone must have some input or other ideas.  Bring it!!

2010-03-03 11:27 AM
in reply to: #2577385

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Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED
OK lets see what we can do with push ups.  At least it won't hurt hip to much. 
2010-03-03 1:30 PM
in reply to: #2703943

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Chelsea, MI
Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED
I'm in, and as an exceptionally... uh... densely formed member of this group, let me just say now that I hate you so much, Jo. Wink

You're going to come over and do them with me if my motivation flags, right??

2010-03-04 9:43 AM
in reply to: #2577385

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Golden, CO
Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED
push ups suck. Jo-you are just mean.
Heather-I vote full suit also. and congrats on the weight loss. awesome!
Dud-glad you are back on the run. take it easy and keep it up =0)
Bruce-Let's move to Hawaii or the carribean-yes???
David-you can move with Bruce and I to the tropics.
Sharon-Crossfit queen-did you pay Jo to suggest the pushup challenge? Glad your arm is feeling better.
Chip-Hope you are feeling better also!
Hope everyone is starting March off with a bang! Pushups for March..really? let's add situps to it and make it complete torture!!
As the time increases on my training plan, I am finding it tough to get them in...especially the bike is too dark after work (even if the temp allows) to ride for the 2+ hours called for-but I seriously don't know how many more LOOOOnggg trainer sessions I can take. Music, TV, books-I am doing everything I can to make it through...ick.
OK - well that's it for me for now..ttfn!!
2010-03-04 10:23 AM
in reply to: #2577385

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Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED
OK this is it.  First one to 100.  WINS!!!

2010-03-05 11:47 AM
in reply to: #2577385

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Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED
OK kids I impressed myself I did 16 push ups.  I was really thinking I could start with easier reps. 

Be careful with pusing to hard kids.  Don't want any shoulder injuries. 
2010-03-05 7:59 PM
in reply to: #2577385

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Extreme Veteran
Northwest Louisiana
Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED
Hollz - no, I didn't pay Jo for the pushup challenge.....(wait, what do I owe you, Jo?

So we're doing the 100 pushup challenge? Are we making a distinction between full pushups for guys and knee pushups for girls? Just checking. I was supposed to start that challenge myself back in December, but I never got anywhere with it. I guess I need to start actually doing these drills!

Just FYI, I'm not good on those have to push bodyweight, you know!

Sorry I haven't been checking the forum. Glad to see the regular players back. I hope everyone has a good weekend. We got some news this evening that has had us in a bit of shock right now and still processing things.

Hugs to all.
2010-03-05 9:13 PM
in reply to: #2577385

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Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED
Real push ups.
2010-03-05 9:30 PM
in reply to: #2711229

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Extreme Veteran
Northwest Louisiana
Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED
dexter - 2010-03-05 9:13 PM Real push ups.

For guys and gals?'s harder for girls to do real pushups, but I will do them. It will help me with Crossfit.
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