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2010-05-15 7:18 PM
in reply to: #2860586

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
TriGuyBri - 2010-05-15 12:20 PM Long run this morning.  Ended up being 11.18 miles at a 8:43 pace.  I think I am taking my training to another level; it kind of feels that way anyway.

Yep, I'd say so too.  Very nice run (and ride the other day).

I brought some shot bloks and an extra Gu along.  I think I was a little late in taking the shot bloks I should have taken them about four mile point instead of half way.  I felt a little decrease in my pace for a little bit after the halfway point but then I felt better after about 10 minutes or so and was able to pick it back up.  I then took a GU with about 3 miles to go just in case.  I didn't want to bonk at the end was able to maintain until end and actually except for a slight rubbing under my left arch I felt good at the end of the run.

Yeah, I think that the best way to do nutrition is at a constant rate.  So what I tell myself is, for example, if I'll be taking in 250 calories per hour, then I want to spread that out pretty evenly over the course of the entire workout.  I find that calories in every 15 minutes works well (for me -- this is very individual and requires experimentation).  So I'll take that 250 per hour and (roughly) divide by 4 and take that much in once every 15 minutes.   Start this regime from the get-go.  So (for an exception see below) your first calories will be 15 minutes into the workout.

The exception to this (for me) is when I'm racing a longer course race (HIM or IM).  I need to wait about 20-30 minutes after the swim before I take in any substantial calories.  I can handle a few sips of sports drink, but that's about it until 20-30 minutes in.  Again, this is very individual and you must figure out for yourself what works for you.

2010-05-15 7:22 PM
in reply to: #2860815

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
juneapple - 2010-05-15 5:27 PM Hey everybody,

Michael, back to swimming this week?  Hope so!

Sorry to hear about the heel.  Yes, I swam a couple of times and did some pool running.  Hoping for more next week.

Anyone doing any races this weekend?  I need to live vicariously through your race reports... hehehe.

BY my count, no racing this weekend.  If I'm wrong, anyone, let us know!  I need vicarious racing too!
2010-05-15 7:23 PM
in reply to: #2860878

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
slornow - 2010-05-15 6:40 PM

Hello everyone-back in town after 3 days in New Orleans for a work seminar.  Ate some excellent meals and drank some nice red wine.  Fortunately my wife was able to go with me so we had a nice get away. Managed to hit the elliptical/treadmill both Thursday and Friday mornings. Swim and a run this afternoon after we got home.  Have been able to gradually incorporate some treadmill running in over the last 2 weeks and did an easy 25 minute run on the trails this afternoon.  Hamstring is not quite 100% but getting close.

Tomorrow I hope to get in a 30-40 mile hard ride and another swim to finish up the week. Everyone keep up all the good work.


You went to New Orleans AND got some training in.  I think you deserve an award.  Nice job.

Glad to see that you are able to do some running. 
2010-05-15 7:26 PM
in reply to: #2860951

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
StlPhil - 2010-05-15 7:43 PM Weather has been crappy here in St. Louis this week rainy off and on and cool. Feels like March. Wanted to get on the bike today and the weather just did not permit it. Got a 5 mile run out of the way at the Y .......... indoor track. Arrrgghh. Was suppose to do 8 and I mentally could not get it done. Jumped on a spinning bike after the 5 just for a change of pace.

I have to get the running back on track. I'v been distracted by a new road bike. I need to find a balance between my new found love and running.

Stu, welcome back. Brian it sounds like you've turned into a BEAST!


Indoor running is particularly tough, mentally.  I used to run on a 1/7 mile track (and briefly on a 1/13 mile track) and couldn't bear it, even though my times on the 1/7 mile track were consistently faster than my outdoor times (which makes me wonder whether it is really 1/7 mile...).  I decided that I should just either suck it up and run in crappy weather, or not run.  (Sometimes I do one, sometimes the other.)

Oh those bikes can be real seducers can't they?  In the best kind of way....
2010-05-15 8:46 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Extreme Veteran
Oshawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Got out for a quick run. Threw in a 1 mile speed run at about 7:10 avg pace to test my foot. Foot was fine during whole run but a little tender once I took my shoes off, but loosened up after couple minutes. We'll see how it feels in the morning.
2010-05-15 9:08 PM
in reply to: #2861091

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
sstucker - 2010-05-15 9:46 PM Got out for a quick run. Threw in a 1 mile speed run at about 7:10 avg pace to test my foot. Foot was fine during whole run but a little tender once I took my shoes off, but loosened up after couple minutes. We'll see how it feels in the morning.

That's quick!  Well done!  Try to sleep with it elevated.  That will probably help.

2010-05-15 9:51 PM
in reply to: #2860976

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
TriGuyBri - 2010-05-15 8:05 PM
Stu where at in the Mid-west.  The Mid-west is my old stomping grounds.  How did you slice into your heel?  Sounds painful.Yell

Interviews aren't the funnest thing to be doing, but I guess you have to go through them to have the chance at the job. 

Basically a big loop.  Columbus, OH... Ann Arbor, MI... Pittsburgh, PA.  Ultimate destination was a conference in Ann Arbor (on my own dime, hence the drive) and then some quick visits with family and friends on the way to and fro.

[Edit: forgot the heel slice].   Total stupidity on my part... was doing some light chores first in sandals which was fine, but didn't stop to change into boots and started doing more heavy duty stuff (clearing out old crap) and backed into a frontloader with my heel when dragging something out that was a little too big for one person (me anyway) to handle.

Good luck with the interviews.  Not the funnest is an understatement.  Also not a particularly good indicator of success and good fit with the job.  But, it's what we do.  Hopefully a good opportunity for you!

Edited by juneapple 2010-05-15 9:55 PM
2010-05-16 9:51 AM
in reply to: #2861150

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Welcome back Stu.  Hope your foot heals up quickly.

Sounds like everyone has had a relatively good weekend, training-wise.  Brian and Sylvain- excellent work on your running. 

I am back to the big ring on the bike after several rides of just spinning.  It felt good to finally ride faster than 15 mph and to work up a good sweat.  I also hit the treadmill last week and ran for 15 minutes...I'm hoping to start slowly building up the running. Let's hope the ol' shins are up for it.

2010-05-16 12:34 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Stinking weather is still lousy here, rain and cold. I consider 55 cold for May. Got a 24 mile ride this morning and I'm still chilled. My back stiffened up although I think it was just the cold, I need to get started on the core exercises I've been putting off tomorrow.

Tomorrow, I start working on getting my running miles up again and pool. Everyone have a great Sunday!

2010-05-16 6:44 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Extreme Veteran
Oshawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Had a nice bike rinde this morning about 95 minutes (24 miles). Longest on a bike since at was 22, long time ago. Still getting familiar with the roads around here. Can't believe how many hills, valleys and mountains (they feel like mountains). I can hit 28 mph going down then half way up the other side I drop to 10mph, it's crazy. If I don't get in excelent bike shape with these routes I don't know what will. Anyway, I ended the ride with plenty of energy left, so I could have gone longer or a little harder. One thing from riding these hills is I got to know how to change my gears fairly fast.

One thing I did was ride on the large ring of the crankset (triple) 99 percent of the time. I think my cassette is 12-23, I need to check. I do you guys ride your gears, do you have a tendency to stick to same ring. I'm just wondering if I should consider a different size for me. I need to do some reading, and some more rides.


Edited by sstucker 2010-05-16 7:56 PM
2010-05-16 7:17 PM
in reply to: #2861953

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED

sstucker - 2010-05-16 7:44 PM Had a nice bike rinde this morning about 95 minutes (22 miles). Longest on a bike since at was 22, long time ago. Still getting familiar with the roads around here. Can't believe how many hills, valleys and mountains (they feel like mountains). I can hit 28 mph going down then half way up the other side I drop to 10mph, it's crazy. If I don't get in excelent bike shape with these routes I don't know what will. Anyway, I ended the ride with plenty of energy left, so I could have gone longer or a little harder. One thing from riding these hills is I got to know how to change my gears fairly fast. One thing I did was ride on the large ring of the crankset (triple) 99 percent of the time. I think my cassette is 12-23, I need to check. I do you guys ride your gears, do you have a tendency to stick to same ring. I'm just wondering if I should consider a different size for me. I need to do some reading, and some more rides. sylvain

Sounds like a great ride.  I, too, made it out today for a solid brick - 12 miles on bike and 1.5 run.  I can't believe the weather.  I never thought I'd be so happy to have 70 degree weather! 

I've got a triple on my road bike, too, and have tried a number of things to keep my speed up.  I'm not strong enough - YET - to stay on the big ring 100% while keeping my RPMs up.  It's definitely something I'm working on. 

- Mark

2010-05-16 9:01 PM
in reply to: #2861953

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
sstucker - 2010-05-16 7:44 PM Had a nice bike rinde this morning about 95 minutes (24 miles). Longest on a bike since at was 22, long time ago. Still getting familiar with the roads around here. Can't believe how many hills, valleys and mountains (they feel like mountains). I can hit 28 mph going down then half way up the other side I drop to 10mph, it's crazy. If I don't get in excelent bike shape with these routes I don't know what will. Anyway, I ended the ride with plenty of energy left, so I could have gone longer or a little harder. One thing from riding these hills is I got to know how to change my gears fairly fast. One thing I did was ride on the large ring of the crankset (triple) 99 percent of the time. I think my cassette is 12-23, I need to check. I do you guys ride your gears, do you have a tendency to stick to same ring. I'm just wondering if I should consider a different size for me. I need to do some reading, and some more rides. sylvain

Yes, riding hills is a great way to get in bike shape!

My tri bike is a double ('compact'), and there I spend about half and half big and small ring up front when I'm in hills, all big ring on flats.

My road bike is a triple and there I spend about half and half in the middle and big rings when I'm in hills.  I use the small very rarely, when I ride in bona fide mountains (in North Carolina, not around here!).

If you are always in the big ring, even riding hills, with a 12-23 cassette on the back, then probably one of the following is going on:

1.  Your cadence is low.  You might consider trying to 'spin' more up the hills (lower gearing, higher cadence).  There is NO 'magic cadence' that you should adopt.  (Don't listen to people who tell you that 90rpm is a magic number.  It isn't.)  But if you are consistently riding below 80rpm then you should at least give a higher cadence a try for a while and see how it feels. (It will feel hard and awkward at first.)  Question:  Do you know what your average cadence is?  How much does it change going up a hill?  (You don't need anything fancy to check -- just a watch and count for 30 seconds.)  Do you stand going up these hills, or stay in the saddle?

2.  Your hills are small or short.  I doubt this is going on, as you are hitting 28mph going down them -- is that pedaling hard going down, or coasting?  Question:  Do you have a sense of the gradient on the hills?  How long are they?

3.  Your big ring (and by implication, the middle one as well) is too small for you.

It's great to hear that you are enjoying the bike!

2010-05-16 10:11 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Since were discussing gears and hills, I'll throw another question into the mix. Here's my specs: my crank is an Omega Compact 34-50 and my rear cogs are Shimano 105, 12-27.

My question is this, most of the time I'm on the big ring in front even with most hills. I've been tempted to change to the small ring a couple of times, but I'm trying to build strength in my legs and I just stand. I've just been changing gears to try to maintain my cadence. Here's my problem, going down the hill there is not enough resistance to keep pedaling and I have to get aero and coast.

I would like to continue with the pedals to go even faster. Is there a solution?

2010-05-17 9:36 AM
in reply to: #2862194

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Extreme Veteran
Oshawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
1. Yes, I was riding on lower cadence, but only because I'm not sure where my bike endurance is at. Also, not being familiar with all the routes yet, I didn't know what was around the next corner. Another thing to is the pedals have no grip and feet slipping on occasion so was reluctant to push for longer periods. I stood a couple of times but only to so I don't burn out my legs, I do prefer to stay in saddle. Picking up clipless this week for sure.

2. Hills/Mountains, were of all sizes, lenght and grades, but I pedaled hard down each one to get momentum to climd the other side. I need to find some flater routes, well at least with less of these valleys. I'll need to contact local cycling club and check with them.

3. Even though I was riding on low cadence (I would guess 60 to 70) I think I could have stayed on big ring at higher cadence. I'll test that on one flat spot (about 1.25 miles long) I found and just go up and down it for a period of time and see how I feel afterwards.

I still have lots of trial and error on the bike so time will tell.
2010-05-17 10:37 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Extreme Veteran
Oshawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Just got back from 29 min recovery run and 45 min swim workout. Can't believe I worked out four straight days. Another late night so not going to do bike workout in the morning, maybe with some miracle I can get out for a quick ride in the evening or go to gym on stationary. This is when I wish I had a trainer, maybe for my birthday in November - perfect winter gift

Good night!
2010-05-17 11:38 PM
in reply to: #2864818

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
sstucker - 2010-05-17 8:37 PM Just got back from 29 min recovery run and 45 min swim workout. Can't believe I worked out four straight days. Another late night so not going to do bike workout in the morning, maybe with some miracle I can get out for a quick ride in the evening or go to gym on stationary. This is when I wish I had a trainer, maybe for my birthday in November - perfect winter gift Good night!

Nice work. Way to stick with it.  I often go to the gym and use the Spin Bikes especially with tempo rides and sprints.  I maybe going there tomorrow for an 1:20 min ride with a 28 min tempo ride in the middle.  Rainy here in Oregon and I doubt it will let up for tomorrow.  Maybe I'll get lucky.

2010-05-18 2:08 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Sorry for the delayed replies folks.  Sunday was my daughter's birthday, and yesterday became crazy at work, when I learned that we have to relocate from the offices that we just moved in to only 3 weeks ago.  (If you're wondering why they moved us only to move us again in 5 weeks, get in line...)

Phil:  If you are spinning out on the hills then really there is only one solution:  more aggressive gearing.  You could get an 11-27 (or 11-25 if you never use the 27) for the back, or a bigger big ring on the front.  Or you could replace the front -- sizes like 39/52 are pretty common on the front.  Either of those choices (i.e., 52 up front, 12 in the back, or 50 up front 11 in back) would have you going around 40mph at 120rpm, which I'll take as a handy approximate definition of 'spinning out'.

Sylvain:  Sounds like time in the saddle is all you need -- and the good news is that time in the saddle is so much fun!  One thing I'd say is that it will probably take some experimentation to find the balance of cadence and power that is most comfortable and efficient for you.  Low cadence high force (aka 'mashing') is not necessarily best.  In fact, many (though by no means all) cyclists prefer higher cadence lower force (aka 'spinning').  Happy riding!
2010-05-18 8:41 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Hey guys- I've been a lurker.
Work has been incredibly busy- with a last minute out of town trip thrown into the mix last week.
And, my foot has been acting up this week- which is putting me in a funk.
Back to the Dr. on Friday. I'm hoping to get some answers about the nerve sensitivity, and why it's still hurting in general.
2010-05-18 8:42 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Michael- how's your fracture?
2010-05-18 10:13 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
I have also been in the shadows. Busy with training and busy at work.

This normaly my favorite time of year. I have a good group to run with and a good group to ride with - well, both groups have been aggressive and this has put the hammer on me.

I had to back off for a little bit. However, this week has seen solid swimming, biking and running. On top of that I have a new max for the pump and run (next Friday, 05/28) - I hit 55 reps at 70% body weight. I pretty pumped with that (PUN INTENDED).
2010-05-19 8:12 AM
in reply to: #2775149

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Hey everyone.  I got on the bike (trainer) this morning.  It felt great to be on a bike again, although I was a bit skittish and didn't push hard.

Pool running sucks no matter how you slice it, but I'll keep doing it.

Here's hoping everyone has a great day!

2010-05-19 10:07 AM
in reply to: #2866341

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Experior - 2010-05-18 2:08 PM
Phil:  If you are spinning out on the hills then really there is only one solution:  more aggressive gearing.  You could get an 11-27 (or 11-25 if you never use the 27) for the back, or a bigger big ring on the front.  Or you could replace the front -- sizes like 39/52 are pretty common on the front.  Either of those choices (i.e., 52 up front, 12 in the back, or 50 up front 11 in back) would have you going around 40mph at 120rpm, which I'll take as a handy approximate definition of 'spinning out'.

Michael, changing the gearing was kinda what I thought. I'm cashed out with 2x bike purchases. I'll just enjoy the bike and become a better rider. Next summer fix any quirky things and make the bike better. Thanks.


2010-05-19 12:27 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.   I ran 23 minutes on the dreadmill without a hint of pain in the ol' shins. 

Speaking of being back, welcome back to our lurking friends.  Melinda, glad to see your post, although I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing some problems with your injured foot.  Here's hoping you can continue your recovery without too much delay.

James, that's some impressive bench pressing you're doing down there.  I did 3x12 of 70% of my body weight this morning and was feeling rather much like Conan the Barbarian. I can't imagine doing that same weight 50+ reps in one go.  Yikes!  Do you also dead lift compact cars as part of your training?

Spring has FINALLY returned to Chicago...70+ and sunny.  Hope you all have a nice day.
2010-05-19 7:57 PM
in reply to: #2868594

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Stone Cutter - 2010-05-19 1:27 PM I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.   I ran 23 minutes on the dreadmill without a hint of pain in the ol' shins. 

Woo Hoo!  Nice!  Take it easy coming back.

Speaking of being back, welcome back to our lurking friends.  Melinda, glad to see your post, although I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing some problems with your injured foot.  Here's hoping you can continue your recovery without too much delay.

James, that's some impressive bench pressing you're doing down there.  I did 3x12 of 70% of my body weight this morning and was feeling rather much like Conan the Barbarian. I can't imagine doing that same weight 50+ reps in one go.  Yikes!  Do you also dead lift compact cars as part of your training?

x2 on both these points.  I weigh 140 right now.  No way I could lift 100 pounds more than a handful of times...  I guess I'm a weaklling. Cry  Oh well.  At least I can pool run. Undecided
2010-05-19 8:02 PM
in reply to: #2868110

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
StlPhil - 2010-05-19 11:07 AM
Experior - 2010-05-18 2:08 PM
Phil:  If you are spinning out on the hills then really there is only one solution:  more aggressive gearing.  You could get an 11-27 (or 11-25 if you never use the 27) for the back, or a bigger big ring on the front.  Or you could replace the front -- sizes like 39/52 are pretty common on the front.  Either of those choices (i.e., 52 up front, 12 in the back, or 50 up front 11 in back) would have you going around 40mph at 120rpm, which I'll take as a handy approximate definition of 'spinning out'.

Michael, changing the gearing was kinda what I thought. I'm cashed out with 2x bike purchases. I'll just enjoy the bike and become a better rider. Next summer fix any quirky things and make the bike better. Thanks.

Yeah, I'm in the same place.  All of my 'hobby' money is going to entry fees this year.

I wouldn't sweat it at all.  There's nothing seriously bad about coasting once you are going that fast anyway.  You can still work it hard up the hills and on the flats.  And most important, riding is still a blast!

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