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2011-05-22 6:08 AM
in reply to: #3258876

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Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Good morning everyone.  Yesterday's Gladiator 5K was a lot of fun.  I thought I would just post my blog post I wrote last night regarding the day and the event.  In both of the photos, I am the one on the far left.

May 21, 2001 began as any normal day. Little did I know at that time things were going to change. After waking up, it was time to take a shower. As I was in the shower, I began to experience dizziness like I never have before. I could not keep my balance and was falling to the left. I crawled from the shower and laid down in the bed. My mother was in town and I told her I was not feeling well so I was going to lay in bed. As the dizziness continued to get worse, I asked mom to get me to the doctor.  After many many tests, an MRI revealed that I had a stroke. I ended up spending 8 days in the hospital back then.

Fast forward to today. Today is the 10th anniversary of that stroke. I wanted to do something today in honor of that day 10 years ago. With my endurance, the perfect fit would be a race of some sort. I wanted to try and find a race with a challenge. As I looked for events on May 21, I came across the Gladiator 5K. I thought this would be the perfect type of race that puts obstacles in your way, just as the obstacle of the stroke was to me.

As with health situations, there are obstacles to overcome. You have to fight through these obstacles and have the will to overcome. The same is true with any race and especially with the Gladiator 5K. Throughout the course there was going obstacles to conquer. There were tests for your balance, climbing abilities to scale 6' and 8' walls, getting low and crawling through tunnels and under cargo nets as well as going through a pool of water. Since today was a warm day, that water felt pretty good.

Being able to complete this challenge with friends and run it as a team made it even that more special. Thank you to my friends Jon, Mark and Brandon....or should I say fellow gladiators. We came, we conquered, we finished the challenge. Thanks guys for being there today. Words cannot express how much that meant to me to have you guys there. 

Here are a couple of photos.  The first is before the start and the second is after the race.


We have challenges in our everyday life. They may be at home, at work or even in a race. God gives us the strength and abilities to overcome all challenges. Thank you Lord forgiving me the opportunity to glorify you today. God provided the will, the determination and the strength to overcome the stroke 10 years ago and he provided for today and will provide forever.

2011-05-22 6:56 PM
in reply to: #3258876

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Saint Petersburg
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Awesome job Brett! You are an inspiration to not let anything slow you down!:0)

Okay so I did the Sarasota Dirty Duo this morning. It was awesome, first we started off with 3-legged potato sack races, followed by piggyback(yes I carried my friend). Next we proceeded to run to the bike and she started running up the hill as I biked up it. Man it was steep, had to get off half way and run the bike up. So the trail took us up and down and around, then we had to do 10 push ups, to proceed to the slip and slide, Tractor tire flip, we also had to cross a waist deep canal and carry the bike over to the other side, drainage tunnels, mud pits, and human wheelbarrow. We did a good job judging when to switch to the bike. REPEAT. Anyway, we ended up 2nd Place Female Team! Whoo-hoo!

Hey Vin how was your race?

Don't forget if you guys are planning on running in the Rock n roll half marathon 2/12/12 in St. Petersburg- tonight at midnight registration opens and the first 500 people only pay $55!

(Dirty Duo 2nd place.jpg)

Dirty Duo 2nd place.jpg (7KB - 16 downloads)
2011-05-23 7:19 AM
in reply to: #3258876

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Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

@Chick: What a great story of recovery against adverssity.  Great jjob.  The race looked like a lot of fun.

@Courtney: I think my wife and I are going to be signing up today for the half in St. Pete.  Looks like there are still $55 spot left (With a $4.99 processing fee.. grrrrr, really don;t like Active.  They are the Ticketmaster of the sports world)

Did a "character building" 17.5 miler this weekend.  Started too late and did the last 4-5 miles in the heat of the morning.  It was so muggy and no breeze.  I came really close to puking more than once.  Probably went through a gallon of liquids in the last 5 miles.  BRUTAL!  I need to start running earlier in the morning.  Like midnight...

That was our last LONG run before CdA.  We have a 5 hour ride in the hills of San Antonino this weekend (anyone is welcome to join) and then another 5 hour the weekend after.  Then it's taper time.

2011-05-23 8:10 AM
in reply to: #3512007

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED
cup06champs - 2011-05-22 7:08 AM

Good morning everyone.  Yesterday's Gladiator 5K was a lot of fun.  I thought I would just post my blog post I wrote last night regarding the day and the event.  In both of the photos, I am the one on the far left.

May 21, 2001 began as any normal day. Little did I know at that time things were going to change. After waking up, it was time to take a shower. As I was in the shower, I began to experience dizziness like I never have before. I could not keep my balance and was falling to the left. I crawled from the shower and laid down in the bed. My mother was in town and I told her I was not feeling well so I was going to lay in bed. As the dizziness continued to get worse, I asked mom to get me to the doctor.  After many many tests, an MRI revealed that I had a stroke. I ended up spending 8 days in the hospital back then.

Fast forward to today. Today is the 10th anniversary of that stroke. I wanted to do something today in honor of that day 10 years ago. With my endurance, the perfect fit would be a race of some sort. I wanted to try and find a race with a challenge. As I looked for events on May 21, I came across the Gladiator 5K. I thought this would be the perfect type of race that puts obstacles in your way, just as the obstacle of the stroke was to me.

As with health situations, there are obstacles to overcome. You have to fight through these obstacles and have the will to overcome. The same is true with any race and especially with the Gladiator 5K. Throughout the course there was going obstacles to conquer. There were tests for your balance, climbing abilities to scale 6' and 8' walls, getting low and crawling through tunnels and under cargo nets as well as going through a pool of water. Since today was a warm day, that water felt pretty good.

Being able to complete this challenge with friends and run it as a team made it even that more special. Thank you to my friends Jon, Mark and Brandon....or should I say fellow gladiators. We came, we conquered, we finished the challenge. Thanks guys for being there today. Words cannot express how much that meant to me to have you guys there. 

Here are a couple of photos.  The first is before the start and the second is after the race.


We have challenges in our everyday life. They may be at home, at work or even in a race. God gives us the strength and abilities to overcome all challenges. Thank you Lord forgiving me the opportunity to glorify you today. God provided the will, the determination and the strength to overcome the stroke 10 years ago and he provided for today and will provide forever.

Awesome job Brett, got a bit of a tear reading your post and your ending. It's not often we get to truly acknowledge him in ways that sometimes seem out of the norm in what we do. At every event no matter the result when I cross the finish line I give thanks. He is our strength and blesses us with abilities that we don't even know we possess sometimes.

Courtney your having to much fun getting dirty in these events, great job to you as well.

2011-05-23 8:18 AM
in reply to: #3258876

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED
Hey Sean, I saw  on the landshark facebook your dad is riding in San Ann this weekend and that you and your wife were going to have a go. Have fun with that. What are the normal temps for Cda? I bet not all that long ago it seemed like a long way off and now it is time to taper. I'm sure this has been a pretty cool journey being able to train and race with your wife, enjoy the event.
2011-05-23 8:23 AM
in reply to: #3258876

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Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Thanks for the kind words Courtney, Sean and Roy.  It is amazing in the abilities that God has given us.  We can use something that we absolutely love and still be able to share to Gospel.  It is God that gets all the glory!

I finished my weekend with a good 15.5 mile ride on Sunday.  Man, it was hot out there but it felt great to get out there.  I was flyin down some of the hills hitting a max speed of 38.5 mph on one of them.

This morning I went out at 4:40 am and ran 3.75 miles in 37 min.  At that time the humidity was already 94%.  Instant sweat.  Once I finished I hit the pool for a 600 yd swim before having to head in to work.

Next up is my second sprint tri on June 4.  This is a 300 yd pool swim, 12 mi bike and 5K run.

2011-05-23 8:36 AM
in reply to: #3258876

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Arnold, MD
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Brett - nice job, way to celebrate the day. Looks like a great time with you buds at the race. Cant say I know exactly what it feels like for you, but I am inspired and I know it was a special day for you. Congrats.


Courtney - dam... pretty soon you are going to be a pro. Sounds like your boot camp training paid off this weekend. I can only imagine myself trying to do the wheelbarrow (would not be a pretty sight)


Sean - 17 miles in FLA heat this time of year sounds like torture. Way to stick it out.


My race: Columbia Tri

Swim: good Bike: ok/good - very fun course w/some fast hills Run: Terrible (no gas left at the end of the race)

So my swim was good. What a difference calm water makes. The lake was definitely brown from the runoff/stormwater but if the sun wasnt shining directly on it you didnt notice. I took it easy on the swim and came in around 29 minutes (not a fast swim, but I wasnt even close to pushing it)

Bike - bike was fun - some really fast descends. Had some trouble with shifting (I had some trouble getting back into the big ring - probably lost a few minutes there)

Run - holy hills. OMG - hills hills here and freaking steap. I have never ever seen a line of 200 athletes walking up a hill like I did on this run course. I am glad I was not the only one walking here. Anyway I was out of gas after mile 3 and trying to run up some of the steep hills. The sun also came out and I was tired.

I was so happy to finish this one up and I am totally motivated to get my endurance back. My cousin from NY came down for this race... she is pretty elite in my book and she won her age group (beat my time by an hour.... wow)

So - next up is Eagleman - 1/2 iron - not sure if I am going to do the run. We will see.

2011-05-23 8:58 AM
in reply to: #3513305

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Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

tri/tbay - 2011-05-23 9:18 AM Hey Sean, I saw  on the landshark facebook your dad is riding in San Ann this weekend and that you and your wife were going to have a go. Have fun with that. What are the normal temps for Cda? I bet not all that long ago it seemed like a long way off and now it is time to taper. I'm sure this has been a pretty cool journey being able to train and race with your wife, enjoy the event.

CdA can range from 50 to 90 (over the last few years).  But there is next to no humidity so 90 would not be that bad (and the course is pretty shady).  The temp that worries me right now is the lake.  It was 47F last week.  That is going to be scary cold.

It has been pretty amazing.  The butterflies are starting to set in.

2011-05-23 8:58 PM
in reply to: #3480330

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Saint Petersburg
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED
TriRSquared - 2011-05-03 3:59 PM

buc20 - 2011-05-03 3:30 PM I emailed the Race director this morning telling them about the results mishap and they checked and we did actually come in 8th place so I am picking up new plaques. Yeah for them making it right! :0)

Doesn't that qualify you for HyVee?  I thought it was top 10 qualified...

Hey Sean,

I finally got a reply back for this question

Hi Courtney,


I had am e-mail forwarded to me in regards to relay teams at the Hy-Vee 5150 U.S. Championship.  The Championship does not have relay teams but the Hy-Vee triathlon (taking place immediately following the championship waves) does have a relay team category.




Philip LaHaye

Director of Operations - 5150

World Triathlon Corporation


2011-05-24 6:49 AM
in reply to: #3258876

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Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Ah.. OK well that's too bad...


Wow Phil is running to whole 5150 series.  That's great.  He's one of the better Race Directors out there.

Edited by TriRSquared 2011-05-24 6:50 AM
2011-05-24 7:51 AM
in reply to: #3258876

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED
Sean 47degrees, wow. What do you think the expected water temps to be on race day? Mid to upper 50s? Guess you'll be wearing neoprene booties and cap. Wow, the only thing I can offer is from a friend in Lakeland that did Arizona a couple of years ago. He said the water was very cold in Town Lake and toward the end of the swim he started to have leg cramps. Not sure if that is of any help but it might prepare you a little. Have you checked the message boards for that area to see what kind of discussions they might have.

2011-05-24 10:34 AM
in reply to: #3515417

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Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

tri/tbay - 2011-05-24 8:51 AM Sean 47degrees, wow. What do you think the expected water temps to be on race day? Mid to upper 50s? Guess you'll be wearing neoprene booties and cap. Wow, the only thing I can offer is from a friend in Lakeland that did Arizona a couple of years ago. He said the water was very cold in Town Lake and toward the end of the swim he started to have leg cramps. Not sure if that is of any help but it might prepare you a little. Have you checked the message boards for that area to see what kind of discussions they might have.

They are guessing mid 50s.  There is a 137 page thread going on here on BT about CdA.  Lots of good info.

Yep.  Full suit.  Swim cap, neoprene cap then another swim cap.  Booties.  Larger mask (covers more of the face than standard goggles).  And lots of thinking warm thoughts.

A coworker who scuba dives suggested bringing a gallon of room temp water and pouring it down your suit just before you get it.  Your body will warm this water and limit the shock of the cold water.  Sounds like a good idea.

2011-05-24 12:49 PM
in reply to: #3258876

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Arnold, MD
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

I like the warm water idea...... I think that would really help. I am going to use that next time I am facing some cold ocean temps.



2011-05-24 3:22 PM
in reply to: #3258876

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Saint Petersburg
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Thanks Roy & Vin! Yeah they are so much fun and really pushes your endurance. Boy the warm water trick would've come in handy for my Oly back in April. Good to know for next year!

So I am signed up for the Rock n roll half marathon! Whoo-hoo! Sean, hopefully I will get a chance to meet you and your wife.

@ Vin, Congrats on your race! So don't you think it is time to post a race pic!:0) I am the profile pic police if you didn't know!lol.

Have a good week everyone! Courtney

2011-05-29 1:21 PM
in reply to: #3258876

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Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Did a 70 (ok it was 69.7) mile ride in San Antonio yesterday.  Got to meet a few more Lanksharks (Ronnie Tatum and Ed Bee)  Actually had met Ed a few times before.

It was not too hot unless you stopped.  Felt petty good overall.  Tuckered today however.

2011-05-29 3:38 PM
in reply to: #3523719

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED
Great job on the ride in them thar hills, I rode early yesterday very glad I did, and got in a brick to go with it. It was hot and I was done by 9:30.

Have a great Memorial Day everyone, be safe.


2011-05-31 7:17 AM
in reply to: #3258876

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Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

I hope everyone had a great memorial weekend.  Spent the weekend in Myrtle Beach.  I was able to get 2 runs in on Friday and Sunday.  Really humid but felt great to pund the pavement for a change.

This morning I headed out for a short 6 mile ride before having to get ready for work.

My second sprint is this Saturday at the Gary Kirby Triathlon.  300 pool, 12 mi. bike and 5K run.  Looking forward to seeing how this one goes and excited that my dad is visiting from Indiana this weekend so he will be there.  The bike course is a 4 lap course through a subdivision.  Looks like the elevation is pretty flat so it should be fast.  I also like the fact that my family will be able to see me multiple times because of the laps.

Have a great week!

2011-06-01 11:02 AM
in reply to: #3258876

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED
Hey Brett, sounds like a fun event.  Not sure how big the event is but 4 laps you'll be mixed in with everyone so be careful. Usually pool swims are time trial starts, with a self seeding of what you expect to do the distance in. If you feel good about your swimming it's better to start a few spots ahead of where you might  be than to be reluctant and get behind a lot of slower swimmers and have to deal with that. In any case have fun and give us a great report.

What about everyone else, it looks like most are preparing for their next race in the next few weeks. I'll be racing on Fathers Day in Sebring, looking forward to that.

Hope all is well with everyone!!!!!
2011-06-01 11:18 AM
in reply to: #3258876

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Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

We are supposed to find out our start times by 9pm on Thursday night.  The event is full with 200 participants.  I submitted a 1:40 time for my 100 split, so I hopefully will be alright, but you never know.  

It will also be pretty hot with the daytime high of 95 and humid.  Even with the 8:00 am start, it will be toasty.  Hydration will be key for this event.  

Thanks for the tip about possible congestion on the course with the laps.  I had not thought about that.  

I will be sure to post a report and some pictures.  My wife will be there taking a bunch of photos and I will have my dad taking video too. 

A good friend of mine that did the Gladiator 5K race with me last weekend made an awesome movie trailer from our day.  I thought I would share it with all of you.  This turned out really good.  Here is the link and I hope you enjoy it.   We are planning to make one from the pictures and video taken at the triathlon this weekend.  I will be sure to share that when it is done.


2011-06-01 5:11 PM
in reply to: #3527444

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Saint Petersburg
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

tri/tbay - 2011-06-01 12:02 PM Hey Brett, sounds like a fun event.  Not sure how big the event is but 4 laps you'll be mixed in with everyone so be careful. Usually pool swims are time trial starts, with a self seeding of what you expect to do the distance in. If you feel good about your swimming it's better to start a few spots ahead of where you might  be than to be reluctant and get behind a lot of slower swimmers and have to deal with that. In any case have fun and give us a great report.

What about everyone else, it looks like most are preparing for their next race in the next few weeks. I'll be racing on Fathers Day in Sebring, looking forward to that.

Hope all is well with everyone!!!!!

x2 ---- on this!!! In my first tri that was a tt pool start I put down I was going to swim it in 10 minutes and ended up passing and trying to pass slower swimmers. I did it in 8:49. Anyway good luck this weekend. My next Sprint Tri is June 12th Dunedin. I think I am going to sign up for an International Distance in October. 2nd Annual Longboat Key International Distance Triathlon & Duathlon. Anyone heard of this one. Looks like fun! Have a great day everyone!

2011-06-05 9:21 AM
in reply to: #3258876

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Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Good morning everyone.  I thought I would share my latest blogpost of the triathlon yesterday.  The pictures were all taken by my wife.  She took over 300 pictures and got some outstanding shots.  Great event and triathlon # 2 is under m belt.  Enjoy the post everyone.

Blog Post

On Saturday was the 6th annual Gary Kirby Triathlon. What a perfect weather day God blessed us with for this event. Earlier in the week temps were in the mid 90's with high humidity. Saturday started out with a little coolness in the air an low humidity. Perfect conditions for the race.????

Arrived to the race site early in order to get the transition area setup. Pretty cool to see all of the different bikes that every has. From one extreme to the other with all types of colors. 

I setup my transition sporting an NC State University towel and my Running of the Ears (ROTE) visor. After getting transition setup it was time to get our timing chip and body marking. I was # 49 and the person who wrote the numbers apparently wanted to make sure everyone knew my number....they were huge. No one would have any problem seeing what number I was on the course.

Transition are setup.

 At this point the excitement was building. A pre-race meeting was held poolside for last minute announcements. The meeting ended with a word of prayer and it was time to line up for the start. While standing in line you could see the nervousness, excitement and anxiousness of the athletes (including me). This was at an outdoor pool and the sun was shinning down on the pool in glorious fashion. At 8:00 am the first swimmer started. My start time was 8:12 am.???


???I was feeling a little sluggish in the swim after the first 100. Not sure why, but just battled through it to the finish. Overall swim time was 6:08. That included probably 20-25 seconds from exiting the pool until crossing the timing mat. 

Great photo my wife took of me.


Heading to T1

In T1 I got my sunglasses, helmet, socks and shoes on and it was time to attack the bike course. The bike course was 4- laps consisting of 3 miles each lap. I was wondering as more and more athletes got on the course if it might get congested, but that was not a problem. The course was all throughout a subdivision with several traffic circles to navigate. I used the first lap to get a feel for the course since it was new to me and get an idea for shifting. There was a stretch in the last mile of the loop that was downhill and that was a blast to ride. Throughout the course there was great crowd support cheering every athlete on. 

On the bike course.

As I came back to transition for T2 and dismounted the bike, I about dropped my bike running with it. I let go with one hand and the bike drifted out from me. One of the pedals cut the back of my right calf in that process. Overall time on the bike was 41:29 for the 12 miles. Average of 17.5 mph which is about 2 mph faster than my training rides. I was really pleased with the ride.


Cut on the back of my leg from pedal at T2

Read for the run!

Once back at the rack in T2, I just needed to grab my race number and visor and I was off for the run. Felt pretty good in the first part of the run. I was at a 8:30 pace, which was too quick for me. I slowed the pace some in order to make it to the finish. Part of the course was sharing the bike course. Plenty of room and actually pretty cool to see the other bikes while running.


On the run course

As I made my way towards the finish, with about 0.6 miles left in the run I got my second wind.  Great feeling when you get that second wind as this carried me to the finish and as the organizer of the event (FS Series), says in their name....I was able to Finish Strong. My run time was 29:58 for the 5K. 


Overall time for the triathlon was 1:19:11. I was 75th overall for males and in the Clydesdale category I finished 6th out of 14.  

This was a great event and well run. FS Series put on a great race. I would like to thank the Kirby family for their hospitality.?????

2011-06-06 7:25 AM
in reply to: #3258876

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED
Great Going Brett, and an excellent report. Hope the bit of a cut you got from the pedal monster didn't hurt to bad. It's one of those things you learn as your do more of these. Sounds like a great event, and glad you had a great day.

I hope everyone else had a productive weekend of training or work around the house. The latter is more of what I got accomplished this weekend. But it's all good.

This is an official APB for Brian and Mike, you guys still out there? Chime in lets here what you've been up to.  I know your training, I've seen your logs.

Edited by tri/tbay 2011-06-06 7:26 AM
2011-06-07 9:21 PM
in reply to: #3258876

Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Roy and Team,

Sorry to keep you in the dark recently.  Work had me by the short hairs preparing a major proposal for a huge opportunity.  That's now submitted so I have more time to catch up with online friends! 

I started a new training regime this week -- 12 week Intermediate Sprint, RPE based.  It looks like it will be a good fit for me and lines up nicely with my next A race -- the Hammerhead Olympic Triathlon (HOT -- aptly named!) at Camp Blanding the end of August.  They run both a Sprint and an Olympic tri at the same time.  I'm committed to running the Sprint since that's the best fit for my training time available. 

I'll try to keep in touch more in the coming weeks. 

Any recommendations about putting aero bars on a road cycle -- good idea or a big mistake?



2011-06-09 11:22 AM
in reply to: #3258876

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED
Hey Mike good to hear from you. Looks like your ready for a good summer. Clip ons on a road bike work for some, not for some. It usually takes some tweaking of your already set up road bike to make the adjustment work. But it can be done. Usually it requires a saddle ht. adjustment up and forward to get the position correct. You may have to consider a fast forward seat post, which is a seat post that allows the saddle to positioned more in the forward position. 73degrees for most road bikes, you need to get into the 76 -78 degrees area. Sometimes a stem change to a shorter one is required depending on your body type and reach.

So just some thoughts but is worth looking into.

Courtney good luck this weekend in Dunedin!!!!
2011-06-09 1:51 PM
in reply to: #3258876

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Saint Petersburg
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Awesome pictures Brett! Great job too! Yep I am racing this weekend, and if I don't sound too excited it is because I am a little under the weather. Started feeling it yesterday after teaching bootcamp. My trainer is out of town so I am teaching until Monday. Anyway drank a lot of OJ and downed some extra vitamins, feel a lot better today, but still a little sluggish. Oh well, to quote Roy "do what you can when you can"! Training has been sparse a swim here and there. It has been said that they already have 800 people signed up for this Sprint! This will be my first whole TRI over 100 people. I did St. Anthony's but just the running leg. Kind of nervous with all these people scheduled to race. Any good tips for tranisitions in the crowd?

Have a good weekend!

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