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2011-03-03 7:23 AM
in reply to: #3259938

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
Hi Ernesto,

I've managed to get on the indoor trainer a few times this week for 20 and 25 minutes so far.(avg. heart rate 115 of 188 max.) I don't have a cadence attachment for my Garmin yet, its on order. Manually counting I'm usually around 80-85. I hope to get outside this weekend but the weather is predicted to be thunderstorms and thunder-snow. 

I've been a bit tired this week and have scaled back a bit. I've done a couple of runs including a tempo run yesterday.

Masters swim is tonight. I'm working on your suggestion of doing a spin class but so far I haven't been able to make the schedule work.

Waiting for the saddle soreness to go away.

2011-03-03 7:51 AM
in reply to: #3259938

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Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
When you go to cheer for me, you can do the t-shirts, or balloons, or this:

That's funny!
2011-03-03 7:59 AM
in reply to: #3380318

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Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
jdiis - 2011-03-02 10:34 PM

Track intervals completed.  They were brutal, but I think I see a hint of progress.  I originally thought the swim was going to be the show stopper, but now I'm thinking it might be the run that needs the most work.

Tomorrow is booked, but I have from 4:15 until dark on Friday to bike or run, or I could go swim. 

When do you go to Puerto Rico?  How does that all work?  You ship your bike or take it on the plane?  You get to workout there for a day or two?  You get to preview the courses?  Explain please.

I'll check the youtube stuff out.

Don't expect the intervals to get easier, you'll just get faster. They are supposed to hurt but in a good way. What I look for in your workouts and mine is EXECUTION and that is perfect, your HR spikes with the effort and comes back down. I see huge improvement. Don't worry about the run on race day, because your training is right on track.
"The more you sweat in combat, the least you'll bleed in war".
The bike flies with me, I get to preview the course and I'm doing a race-cation deal, going for a whole week with the family! I rented a condo on the beach and we'll have fun.
Let me think about Friday.
2011-03-03 9:21 AM
in reply to: #3380337

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Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
alfredo1414 - 2011-03-02 11:19 PM

Hi Ernesto,

Here is the link to the WO that I manage to save...   I don’t know what’s wrong, but at least I can see my heart rate..  can you check it out and as always your feedback is much appreciated..


Check my treadmill workouts, I edit them and just use the HR. The way to do it is go to "EDIT" and put all the info that you got from the treadmill (mileage). Make sure you put the calories in, somehow it will not let you close it unless you do it. While you are running, hit the "split" button every mile so you get an idea how fast you went (you can go shorter if you have changes in speed, like interval training).

Check this one of mine, I put all my splits in by hitting the button:
2011-03-03 11:55 AM
in reply to: #3380595

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Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
baurryman - 2011-03-03 7:23 AM Hi Ernesto,

I've managed to get on the indoor trainer a few times this week for 20 and 25 minutes so far.(avg. heart rate 115 of 188 max.) I don't have a cadence attachment for my Garmin yet, its on order. Manually counting I'm usually around 80-85. I hope to get outside this weekend but the weather is predicted to be thunderstorms and thunder-snow. 

I've been a bit tired this week and have scaled back a bit. I've done a couple of runs including a tempo run yesterday.

Masters swim is tonight. I'm working on your suggestion of doing a spin class but so far I haven't been able to make the schedule work.

Waiting for the saddle soreness to go away.

I tried to look at your workout but the privacy settings do not allow me to. You need to change them if you want me to see them. From what you say, your cadence is too low. We'll talk about it some more, for now fix your settings.
2011-03-03 12:56 PM
in reply to: #3259938

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
Thanks Ernesto,

Sorry about that. Settings fixed. 

2011-03-03 6:14 PM
in reply to: #3381250

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Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL

baurryman - 2011-03-03 12:56 PM Thanks Ernesto,

Sorry about that. Settings fixed. 


I had a  chance to look at it now. It's a good run, good execution (start slower and finish slower). I need to know your age to get a better idea of how your HR correlates to fitness and effort. The good thing is that it came down as you slowed down.



2011-03-03 6:19 PM
in reply to: #3259938

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL


Schedule change.  I am available for training Friday after work, all day Saturday and Sunday after church. 

2011-03-03 8:45 PM
in reply to: #3381768

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Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
jdiis - 2011-03-03 6:19 PM


Schedule change.  I am available for training Friday after work, all day Saturday and Sunday after church. 

Swim tomorrow, you are needing more pool frequency.

Do 50yds every time with 25 seconds of recovery in between. Repeat at least 20 times. Also kick at least 200 yards broken into 50 yd segments. If you have a pullbuoy use it for the swim, we need to start isolating for improvement.

If for some reason you cannot make it to the pool, run easy for 40 minutes.

2011-03-03 9:43 PM
in reply to: #3381761

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
evillarroel - 2011-03-03 6:14 PM

baurryman - 2011-03-03 12:56 PM Thanks Ernesto,

Sorry about that. Settings fixed. 


I had a  chance to look at it now. It's a good run, good execution (start slower and finish slower). I need to know your age to get a better idea of how your HR correlates to fitness and effort. The good thing is that it came down as you slowed down.



I'll be 50 in May of this year.
2011-03-04 6:36 PM
in reply to: #3381941

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
evillarroel - 2011-03-03 8:45 PM
jdiis - 2011-03-03 6:19 PM


Schedule change.  I am available for training Friday after work, all day Saturday and Sunday after church. 

Swim tomorrow, you are needing more pool frequency.

Do 50yds every time with 25 seconds of recovery in between. Repeat at least 20 times. Also kick at least 200 yards broken into 50 yd segments. If you have a pullbuoy use it for the swim, we need to start isolating for improvement.

If for some reason you cannot make it to the pool, run easy for 40 minutes.

I did the easy run/walk.  Tried to stay aerobic for max time.  I can swim tomorrow and bike Sunday if you agree.

2011-03-04 6:38 PM
in reply to: #3380640

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL

evillarroel - 2011-03-03 7:51 AM When you go to cheer for me, you can do the t-shirts, or balloons, or this:

That's funny!

That is hilarious.  You will have to send us a good picture Wink

2011-03-04 9:34 PM
in reply to: #3383404

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Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
jdiis - 2011-03-04 6:38 PM

evillarroel - 2011-03-03 7:51 AM When you go to cheer for me, you can do the t-shirts, or balloons, or this:

That's funny!

That is hilarious.  You will have to send us a good picture Wink


The best one that I have seen so far is:

"It seemed like a good idea a year ago" on a lady's shirt in Ironman Arizona.

I guess you've already been reading Maffetone and getting the idea. That book is my training bible, I came upon it in a Barnes and Noble store and read two or three pages and it was enough.

Intuitively, I was already running slow (and curiously getting faster and fitter). Reading about everything else made huge performance changes.

About tomorrow and Sunday, try to bike tomorrow and run long on Sunday. If you want to swim do it on Sunday but before you run. If you choose to do swim tomorrow and bike Sunday make sure you go long.

About Puerto Rico, we're leaving on Tuesday 15th, racing on the 19th and coming back on the 22nd. I'm terrified, I've never raced long this early in the season and trust me, years of racing never got me rid of the pre-race jitters. Actually, the more I race, the more I feel scared at the start line. The good thing is that everything goes away the first 50 meters of the swim. Even though it's not going to be televised, you can follow details at and type in my name. It will give you my splits as I cross the mats.

We rented a condo on the beach, and I'm planning on running and swimming on Wednesday and Friday (high intensity but very short duration). The weekend before I'm going hard but short on the bike.

This is when the rubber meets the road and all the work pays off, but when it's long distance racing, pacing is crucial. I've seen incredibly fit people bonk in terrible ways and it happened to me too. Patience and determination, always.

Edited by evillarroel 2011-03-04 9:40 PM
2011-03-05 12:59 PM
in reply to: #3383590

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL


I'm glad to hear veterans can be terrified.  You will do great and it's so awesome that your family can be there to share it with you!  I look forward to watching your progress.

Getting ready to head out on a bike ride.  Waiting for the wind and sun to dry up the area.  At least this week the 28 MPH winds are coming from the opposite direction, so we can ride a different route.

2011-03-05 1:09 PM
in reply to: #3259938

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: In or Out of Saddle

I keep meaning to ask this question.  When, if at all, should I be out of the saddle standing on the pedals and when should I be in the saddle?

Is it different for training vs the actual race (boy it's hard for me to use that r word)?

2011-03-05 1:30 PM
in reply to: #3384047

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: In or Out of Saddle
jdiis - 2011-03-05 1:09 PM

I keep meaning to ask this question.  When, if at all, should I be out of the saddle standing on the pedals and when should I be in the saddle?

Is it different for training vs the actual race (boy it's hard for me to use that r word)?


If I may throw my 2c: 'when your butt hurts!'. Wink

2011-03-05 3:58 PM
in reply to: #3384061

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Subject: RE: In or Out of Saddle
markz - 2011-03-05 1:30 PM
jdiis - 2011-03-05 1:09 PM

I keep meaning to ask this question.  When, if at all, should I be out of the saddle standing on the pedals and when should I be in the saddle?

Is it different for training vs the actual race (boy it's hard for me to use that r word)?

I agree with Mark 100%. Also, anytime you feel you need to get more torque (like pushing hard up a hill). Keep in mind that the HR will immediately jump 5 or 6 beats when you get off the saddle. I use it mostly for stretching and when it hurts, there are not too many hard hills in Dallas.

No different in the race, unless you're doing an Ironman where your butt will be screaming to get off the saddle after 5 hours or so.


If I may throw my 2c: 'when your butt hurts!'. Wink

2011-03-05 7:18 PM
in reply to: #3384208

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: In or Out of Saddle
evillarroel - 2011-03-05 3:58 PM
markz - 2011-03-05 1:30 PM
jdiis - 2011-03-05 1:09 PM

I keep meaning to ask this question.  When, if at all, should I be out of the saddle standing on the pedals and when should I be in the saddle?

Is it different for training vs the actual race (boy it's hard for me to use that r word)?

I agree with Mark 100%. Also, anytime you feel you need to get more torque (like pushing hard up a hill). Keep in mind that the HR will immediately jump 5 or 6 beats when you get off the saddle. I use it mostly for stretching and when it hurts, there are not too many hard hills in Dallas.

No different in the race, unless you're doing an Ironman where your butt will be screaming to get off the saddle after 5 hours or so.


If I may throw my 2c: 'when your butt hurts!'. Wink

You both are so funny.  Keep talking to me.  It's nice to know someone is out there.  They say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.  The wind didn't kill me today, so I must have gotten stronger.

Going dancing now.  Nice long run tomorrow coach?

2011-03-05 8:48 PM
in reply to: #3384370

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Subject: RE: In or Out of Saddle
You both are so funny.  Keep talking to me.  It's nice to know someone is out there.  They say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.  The wind didn't kill me today, so I must have gotten stronger.

Going dancing now.  Nice long run tomorrow coach?


Dancing, huh? Ahhh! I remember my younger days when I used to do that. Now I go to bed at 10, 10:30 when I feel wild (jk). I looked at your workout, obviously you went head into the wind first and got a tailwind on your way back. You did great at keeping the effort leveled, it's not about the speed but all about your output. You are terrific at following advice!

Run tomorrow, weather should be much better. Sundays are long unless you are beaten from Saturday, but that shouldn't be the case, right?

2011-03-05 8:55 PM
in reply to: #3382010

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Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
baurryman - 2011-03-03 9:43 PM
evillarroel - 2011-03-03 6:14 PM

baurryman - 2011-03-03 12:56 PM Thanks Ernesto,

Sorry about that. Settings fixed. 


I had a  chance to look at it now. It's a good run, good execution (start slower and finish slower). I need to know your age to get a better idea of how your HR correlates to fitness and effort. The good thing is that it came down as you slowed down.



I'll be 50 in May of this year.


Barry, your are looking consistent. Try to do long stuff during the weekends, preferably bike on Saturday and run on Sunday. Start increasing the mileage. Question, why are you doing only 25 minutes on the trainer?
At this point, you should be trying to create an aerobic base, and this is achieved by going long at low efforts. To gauge your effort, use your heart rate monitor, according to your age, your HR should be kept around 130BPM. At the beginning, this effort will yield a very slow pace, perhaps even a walk instead of a run, maybe a jog at best. Don't worry, this is temporary.
Shoot your questions now.
2011-03-05 11:06 PM
in reply to: #3259938

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL

Ernesto, my turn to ask you something.

You seem to be an advocate of Phil Maffetone's method. I understand the theory behind it and have been running slow for years... but really, do you believe this would make anyone go faster? I mean faster faster, not just being able to cover the distance with less overall effort and thus not run yourself down to exhaustion that would stop you or slow you down to agonising crawl? It seems to be a great long distance strategy to me, but that's all.


2011-03-06 9:59 AM
in reply to: #3384591

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Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
markz - 2011-03-05 11:06 PM

Ernesto, my turn to ask you something.

You seem to be an advocate of Phil Maffetone's method. I understand the theory behind it and have been running slow for years... but really, do you believe this would make anyone go faster? I mean faster faster, not just being able to cover the distance with less overall effort and thus not run yourself down to exhaustion that would stop you or slow you down to agonising crawl? It seems to be a great long distance strategy to me, but that's all.


Actually Phil (and myself) advocate for having a strong aerobic base but it has to be fine tuned by speedwork. I was able to go much faster at lower efforts by following this tips. Guys like Mike Pigg or Mark Allen, achieved speeds of 5:25min/mile at 155BPM. This was done by improving aerobic glycolisis (use of fats instead of sugars for fuel).

I do speedwork, just in a very controlled manner. I keep it short and very fast, therefore I create the neuromuscular path (parasympathetic nervous system). Then I do all my long stuff at or below my MAF (143 beats per minute). You are welcome to go back two years in my training logs and see how much of an effort it took me to go at the same speed, and you'll see the average HR is at least 15 or 20 higher.

I never do speed for long periods, it runs me down to the ground. Instead, I like to finish my workouts as fresh as possible. Recovery times are shorter and progress is made faster.

I saw James Cunnama (trained by Phil) in Austin last October run a 1:07 half marathon on the most insanely hilly course I've ever done and 80% off road after a blistering bike and a 24' swim for 1.2 miles.



2011-03-06 10:11 AM
in reply to: #3384484

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Ernesto Villarroel's Group - FULL
evillarroel - 2011-03-05 8:55 PM
baurryman - 2011-03-03 9:43 PM
evillarroel - 2011-03-03 6:14 PM

baurryman - 2011-03-03 12:56 PM Thanks Ernesto,

Sorry about that. Settings fixed. 

I'll be 50 in May of this year.


Barry, your are looking consistent. Try to do long stuff during the weekends, preferably bike on Saturday and run on Sunday. Start increasing the mileage. Question, why are you doing only 25 minutes on the trainer?
At this point, you should be trying to create an aerobic base, and this is achieved by going long at low efforts. To gauge your effort, use your heart rate monitor, according to your age, your HR should be kept around 130BPM. At the beginning, this effort will yield a very slow pace, perhaps even a walk instead of a run, maybe a jog at best. Don't worry, this is temporary.
Shoot your questions now.

Thanks Ernesto,

I haven't picked up the MAF book yet. I'll get it today. I had already done my long run by the time I read this yesterday. (7.5 miles @ 78% avg. heartrate 148)

I've only done 25 minutes on the trainer mostly because I've just been trying to get used to the bike and the spd pedals I just had put on. I wasn't really following a training program yet so I didn't know how much to do. Honestly I've been afraid to try MAF, it'll definitely be a test of patience for me but I'm in. Am I shooting for that same heart rate on the long bikes also? What about the short mid week runs?

2011-03-06 9:56 PM
in reply to: #3259938

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: First Race


I'm trying to get the butterflies to line up in my stomach.  I need to register for my first (gulp) race.  I prefer my first one to be in a swimming pool rather than open water.  Unless you think it is too soon, my choices are:

Tri Cowtown in Benbrook 3/27  300 yd  13.8 mi 3.1 mi
Caveman Tri in Flower Mound  4/10  275 yd 11 mi 3.1 mi

The Rookie in Austin  4/17  328.08 yd 11.2 mi 2 mi (in Lake Decker OWS) looks neat and my daughter is in Austin.  I just don't know if I want to do the wetsuit thing yet.

Your suggestions please.

2011-03-06 10:05 PM
in reply to: #3385650

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Subject: RE: First Race
jdiis - 2011-03-06 9:56 PM


I'm trying to get the butterflies to line up in my stomach.  I need to register for my first (gulp) race.  I prefer my first one to be in a swimming pool rather than open water.  Unless you think it is too soon, my choices are:

Tri Cowtown in Benbrook 3/27  300 yd  13.8 mi 3.1 mi
Caveman Tri in Flower Mound  4/10  275 yd 11 mi 3.1 mi

The Rookie in Austin  4/17  328.08 yd 11.2 mi 2 mi (in Lake Decker OWS) looks neat and my daughter is in Austin.  I just don't know if I want to do the wetsuit thing yet.

Your suggestions please.


You are ready, do Benbrook and Austin so you get your daughter to see you. I'll go see you in Benbrook!

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