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2013-03-21 1:33 PM
in reply to: #4546309

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED

I did a brick workout this afternoon.  45 minutes on the bike followed by a short 15 minute run.  I kept the pace down on my run since my calf has been pretty tight the last couple of days and didn't want to injure myself pushing it.

How's everybodys training going this week?

2013-03-21 1:58 PM
in reply to: #4669169

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Ft. Lauderdale
Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED

Training this week is - blah - I ran in the Newtons on Saturday and felt a tightness in my right calf.  On Tuesday I ran easy but felt the calves tightening up again around mile 4.  Haven't done much since then except ice and self massage my calves....I did degrease myu bike chain and lube it cleaned up the bike and doing research on saddles - I'll will swim later today and tomorrow, but I have an International Distance event on Sunday in Clermont FL, so I'm starting to worry about the run portion, that and the potential severe thunderstorms that are predicted for race day.

Also, work is been really hectic lately - it's very good, just really busy- so my undivided focus has been elsewhere. BUT I have been sleeping in (I usually wake up at 3:48 to begin my daily training) and I've been feeling great because of it.....

I was just booking my flights to New York City for the NYC-Tri in July as you posted this.....(Bikes fly for free on Jet Blue.)

Mike- glad you can get more training in down here .... we're expecting severe thunderstorms this weekend

Emile How is the Adamo TT saddle??

2013-03-21 2:08 PM
in reply to: #4669228

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED

Terry - Sorry about your calf I'm having the same problem with my right calf.  I've had problems with my calf/achilles tightening up for the last 2 years.  The more research I have done on it the more I find it is very common for men over the age of 40 to have this problem.  Do a google search on "mad calf disease" it will pull up lots of info articles and threads on slowtwitch.

On your race this weekend are they having an aquabike?  If so it might be worth it to change and skip the run.  I know it would suck but you could still race and live to fight another day.

Very cool on doing NYC Tri!  Is this going to be vacation/race?

Adamo saddle is awesome!  Had my second ride on it this afternoon with zero numbness!

2013-03-21 2:21 PM
in reply to: #4669228

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED

KenH - I'm really sorry to hear about your diagnosis, and hope that you are already feeling more confident about treatment options after having a few days to research that.

Terry, is that the tri in the Hudson River? Congrats on getting signed up for that, quite a goal to have on your schedule.

tmoons - 2013-03-21 2:58 PM

....I did degrease myu bike chain and lube it cleaned up the bike and doing research on saddles

Every time I ride my bike lately I think that I need to learn how to do this. Yes, true, I've never cleaned a bike chain. Picture me hanging my head in shame!

I also wanted to share a link on heart rate training with you all. This lady is a local tri coach and she wrote the article for Triathlete magazine. She was also my swim coach for a few weeks last year ;-).

No training for me today unless I can get on the bike trainer after work. It's my own fault - I have been in a rut of working late and then consequently not getting up early in the morning.

2013-03-21 2:34 PM
in reply to: #4669246

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Ft. Lauderdale
Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED

Emile- They are having an Aqua bike this weekend - while I was going through my plantar issues a few months ago, I almost signed up for it... I managed to finish a few more miles on the bad calf at a very easy pace with no issues.... It's just a little uncomfortable.

I knew when it happened last Saturday-- I was doing some brief interval sprints where I would sprint for 20 seconds and run easy for 40 seconds.  It was during the 4th or 5th rep that I felt it and I immediately eased back off and walked for a while.

Yes, the NYC Tri is a vacation and a race. My son will be at Boy Scout Camp in North Carolina during that time, so Marjorie and I will spend 4 days in NYC. My brother lives there so he and his wife will watch the race and hang out also....

AND the KC Royals and Minnesota Twins are in town to play the Yankees while I'm there....

2013-03-21 2:37 PM
in reply to: #4669246

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED

Emile:  Training this week is going great!  I did my first v02max/interval workout in ages yesterday and today had one of those days where you feel like the pace is way easier than normal.  Its kind of funny after I was on here talking down interval work, but I'm following Pfitz who knows more than I do.


Just want everyone to know.... May is when I become more of a triathlete.  Planning to use May and June to work heavily on swimming and also biking to prepare for several July triathlons and (gasp) an open water swim by itself.  I feel kind of bad that I'm in the group and just run all the time.  Of course, I feel worse about the fact that its freaking snowing and below freezing here after the first day of spring.

2013-03-21 4:46 PM
in reply to: #4669301

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Ft. Lauderdale
Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED

I feel kind of bad that I'm in the group and just run all the time.  Of course, I feel worse about the fact that its freaking snowing and below freezing here after the first day of spring.

KenL- are you kidding me? I've learned more about running from a few comments you and others have provided than anything I've read or experienced. You guys are an inspiration- it's easy to run in 80 degree weather... but in the rain, sleet and snow....... you don't have to wait until May, you're already more of a triathlete . . . .

Melissa- a can of spray degreaser, old t-shirt, toothbrush, and a lubricant work wonders... it's really easy

2013-03-21 5:24 PM
in reply to: #4546309

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED

Yeah, KenL, you can provide your running input any time!! Seriously, I am in awe of your achievements.

Thanks, Terry - you make it sound easy. Dirty...  but easy. Smile I will give it a try.

2013-03-22 9:43 AM
in reply to: #4546309

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Extreme Veteran
Rochester, MN
Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED

Another reminder going along with lubing your chain is to replace the chain. Bike chains "stretch" over time and an ill-fitted chain can damage the cogs on your cassette and chain rings.  You should have your LBS check your chain starting at about 2000 miles or at least once per season depending on how much you ride.  The 2000 miles is a guideline but another benefit from logging your workouts - you know when to do some routine maintenance like replacing your chain, buying new running shoes, etc.  

Today is my last full day in Fla, did a 4 mile beach run and will be riding later.  4 runs for a little over 21 miles, 5 rides so far for 180 miles.  The wind chill was below 0 at home yesterday. 

2013-03-22 9:49 AM
in reply to: #4546309

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED

We just got JetBlue here at the Charleston airport, so I will keep that in mind in case I ever get to travel to a triathlon.

Sorry about your calf - how is it feeling? I definitely notice more calf tightness after (sometimes during) running in the Altras. Newtons are zero drop, too, aren't they?

Mad calf disease - I do like the name, though Laughing

I just did a nice 1800 yards in the pool. I only wanted to go for distance, so I kept it easy effort, and it was just a nice workout.

2013-03-22 1:36 PM
in reply to: #4669299

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED

Melissa - The only thing I do when cleaning my chain is I take a rag and run my chain through it until almost no black comes off.  I also wipe down the chain ring and the rear derailer.  Once I have everything wiped down use the lube of your choice I use White Lightning Clean Ride.  Put a drop on every chain link and then let dry for about 20-30min and then use a rag and lightly wipe off excess wax/oil.  Not sure if this the best way but everytime I take my bike in for a tune up when I pick it up the guy makes a comment on how clean by bike was. 

Sounds like you are a regular fish in the water!  How do you keep sane swimming a straight 1800 yards in the pool?  I have to break it up in sets or the boredom gets to me.  I'm thinking about buying a swim ipod hoping it well help with the boredom.

Terry - Sounds like you have an awesome trip planned.  I've never been to NYC but would like to go someday.  I'm pretty sure I'm going to do Racine 70.3 this summer and after the race my family and I will spend a couple of days in either Chicago or Milwaukee or both.  Good luck at your race this weekend!  Look forward to reading about it.

KenL - Glad to hear training is going so well!  I love Pfitz's plans although I will have to admit when I used his 18/55 I skipped the vO2max/interval workouts.  I swore off running intervals several years ago my only speed work is tempo and race pace runs. When is your race again?  I look foward to reading about your sub 3hour race.

Mike -  You got some serious training in on your trip!  Hopefully it will start warming up for you back home.


I hit the pool this morning for 1200 meters and then did an hour on the trainer doing high cadence spinning but keeping my heart rate in zone 1.  This evening I'm going to cash in all of the calories I have burned this week.  Before I went swimming I put on a slab of ribs and brisket on the smoker.  I can already see myself with a huge plate of ribs/brisket and washing it down with a few cold ones!


Edited by EKH 2013-03-22 1:51 PM

2013-03-22 2:28 PM
in reply to: #4670622

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED


02:59 or bust happens on May 5

I have a 17 with 10 @ MP run on Sunday which should give me a good idea of where I'm at right now.  It would be great if I can do it outside so that I don't have the mental "but it was on a treadmill" asterisk.

2013-03-22 6:39 PM
in reply to: #4670622

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Ft. Lauderdale
Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED

Melissa- Yes, the swim is in the Hudson River, 40k bike along the Kings Hwy and 10k run through central park. – Yes, the newtons are zero drop and I pushed it too hard too early with them. The calf is doing OK, I’ve kept compression legging on it and icing it. I carefully ran down the block this morning – holding my breath and it's still a little tender and have not yet ruled out the Aqua Bike in lieu of the run.

Emile- I’ve been to NYC two times when my brother got married. There are a lot of people there…..everything looks like a scene from a television show. Did I mention there are too many people in a small area?? If you walk down the street and say “Hey” to someone, they look at you like you‘re crazy.  

I drove up to Clermont today and drove along the bike course.... there are some significant hills to deal with on this ride. Hopefully I don't have to get off and push the bike. It's been raining here all day and is expected to be 40% rain all weekend. We'll see how that goes....... Dinner with brother and sister in law tonight.
2013-03-23 9:07 AM
in reply to: #4546309

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED
Went back to work this past week, first day back it snowed and it was an 11 hour day. I was walking and jogging a bit the week before that but was still sore so i didn't train at all this week. I was able to get to work with no official restrictions but my boss and the guys i work with all understood that i am not 100 % so they picked up the slack for me. By the end of the week i was able to NOT have to take pain meds after work. Overtime kicked in this weekend but i am declining to take it until i feel a little better. It is very hard to mentally think of training and racing but this group inspires me especially KEN who i wish a sincere recovery what a great attitude. 
2013-03-23 10:03 AM
in reply to: #4671012

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED

KenL - Hows the weather looking for your run tomorrow?

Terry - How is your calf feeling?  Good luck tomorrow!

Bill - Glad to hear your getting back into your rountine.  Just take it easy when returning to training.

KenH - Hope everything is going ok.

For all of you fishes out there do any of you mix in a few sets with hand paddles?  The reason I'm thinking about it is because I really think I need to work on my pull.  But I'm a little leary about using them because I've had some trouble with my right shoulder which I hurt years ago in an accident.

I ran 8.5 miles this morning. I decided to keep the entire run in Zone 1 because it is cold and wet today and I've been having some trouble with my right calf tightening up.


2013-03-23 10:07 AM
in reply to: #4546309

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED

Thanks for the input on the bike fitting. I will check out the sites mentioned, but I am leaning toward just forking over the money and doing it right. I skimp on a lot, but feel this is important and don't want to risk injury or worse an accident to someone else because I was not able to reach my brakes or whatnot due to improper handlebar/hand position. I also need a new saddle, so....just as well go for it. 

I ordered (and just received) a triathlon swimsuit..tank and shorts. Is that what is usually worn by women? I literally feel so ignorant when it comes to what to wear at different events. I am so accustomed to going without the latest gear, but at the same time, I don't want to be out of place or extremely uncomfortable. For the sprint triathlon on June 2, I plan to wear a sports bra under the tank (as it doesn't have a shelf bra), the shorts (which have very minimal padding), with the wet suit (3/4 sleeve, and knee length) for the swim. The weather will probably not be really warm yet, but because the weather is taking so long to warm up here, I imagine the lake water will still be fairly cold, hence the wetsuit. (I just hope it will keep me warm enough.)

Melissa- I too, feel like you hanging my head in shame, for never having cleaned my own bike chain. I vow to be better about that this year.

KenL- I feel your pain with the never ending winter weather. I am sad to think we are expected to get another few inches of snow today. However, I do find I am a much faster runner in the cooler weather, so this crappy weather might just pay off!

However, I went for a fabulous run this morning, about 5 miles. My friend let me try a new pre-workout drink. I felt great! I don't usually drink more than water for my workouts (before, during and after). I had lifted heavy legs yesterday and was going on a 6th straight day of working out, and thought I was going to be slowing my partner down. But my energy was amazing. I definitely will be looking into incorporating an energy drink before my more intense workouts. She called it "blitz." Anybody ever heard of it? She had it pre-mixed for me, so I didn't get to see the container.

I went swimming the other night at the local recreational indoor pool, which is where I have been doing most of my swimming, however this was one of the first times I had gone on a Thursday. Well apparently they have water aerobics going on at the same time in an adjacent part of the pool. This pool rarely has swimming lane ropes up and they didn't have them on Thursday either. Needless to say, I considered it good open water swimming practice, because 7 women (some of them rather large) doing water aerobics can really make some waves in a pool! I commend the women and am not saying they can not do aerobics or that I have anything against water aerobics, I am just saying I was not prepared for the extra workout I got because of the added waves and resistance. As I said, I am looking at it positively and practice for OWS!

Ken H- I will be praying for you and your family and sending you healing thoughts! Sorry to hear about the cancer diagnosis, but am thankful that you have a positive outlook. 

Question: I had been working on swimming drills taken from the book, Total Immersion, and now have moved to actually swimming after I warm up with the drills. I find that I still tire so easily (get winded) and swim so slowly. The whole TI technique evolves around "gliding" through the water and taking the least amount of strokes possible to reduce effort. However, I feel like when I reduce my strokes, I don't have speed or the ability to maintain speed in order to stay fluid in the motion. Should I just worry about my form and not speed for now until I get better at swimming? and just gradually increase my distance as I am able without wearing out? I am going to look into attending a swim clinic, but if any of you have any suggestions I would consider them. I was hoping to feel so much more confident in the pool by now. I know I can finish the race distance, but was hoping to be somewhat competitive in the swim portion. Now, I just hope to get around the buoys and back to land!


2013-03-23 10:45 AM
in reply to: #4671381

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED

Denise - That shorts + tri tank combo is what I wear, too. I also have a CWX sports bra that is really thin and tight, and that's what I wear under the top. I relied on the shelf bra in my first tri... won't make that mistake again :-o

Sounds like your swimming is really coming along! I absolutely agree to work on form first, don't sweat the speed. And keep at it - there will be those days where nothing works, and then all of the sudden, you will have your breakthrough on something. Read through the forums, too, or ask a questions there, because there are some people on this site with so much knowledge. Even some of us novices sometimes describe something in a way that all of the sudden makes sense and might work for you. A clinic would be really helpful, too, if you can find one.

Spring is definitely late here in SC. It is so chilly this weekend! But it's the best running weather ever.

2013-03-23 10:54 AM
in reply to: #4671381

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED

Denise - I laughed out loud when I read about your pool experience with the water aerobics.  That is what my swims are like everytime.  The pool I use is a big pool 25 meters and 6 lanes but it is only open several days a week for short time periods and they are having water aerobic classes everytime I go.  Sometimes there might be 20 ladies in the pool and there is no lane ropes so the water gets very choppy at times.  Although everytime I leave I feel younger the ladies always talk to me when I'm there and they refer to me as young man.  I turn 41 this April so I don't get called young man much anymore.  I also get a kick out of this elderly man who is usually there. He just posts up in a corner and kicks his legs with his back to the wall just watching the old ladies.  It reminds me of an old bull looking over his harem.  I think he thinks I'm moving in on his women because he always gives me the stink eye.

Also, I love your avatar!  At just a glance it always looks like an Anime picture.

2013-03-23 11:32 AM
in reply to: #4546309

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED

Emile - Very funny about the older guy keeping an eye on the ladies in the pool! And keeping an eye on you, too!

I was going to chime in and say, try the paddles. I don't know whether that would aggravate your shoulder, but I don't *think* so. I've only used them once in the class I took, and they were a little different than I had previously thought. It does give you more resistance, but even more than that, it forces you to use good form on your pull, straight wrists, and pulling out at the right angle, or they will just slide right off. You might lose them a couple of times, but once you get the hang of it, it's a simple and effective way to make you use good form on your stroke.

KenL, how did your long run go?

Terry - good luck! I'll be very interested to hear how things went today.

2013-03-23 11:40 AM
in reply to: #4671431

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED


I think I'll try paddles when I get into swimming alot during May.  Sounds like it would help me quite a bit.


My long run is tomorrow... today was just a recovery run but had 10x100 strides in it.  I only did 7 of the strides though because I started to feel a twinge in my hamstring and don't think missing 3 100yard sprints will hurt my training as much as a pulled hamstring would

2013-03-24 9:41 AM
in reply to: #4546309

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED
This is an interesting article. http://www./2013/03/best-ways-to-build-endurance/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+BenGreenfieldFitness+%28Ben+Greenfield+Fitness%29&utm_content=FaceBook 

2013-03-24 9:59 AM
in reply to: #4672063

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED
Just better to google (Best ways to build endurance) and click on Ben Greenfield article 
2013-03-24 10:20 AM
in reply to: #4546309

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED

Melissa - Thanks for the input on the paddles.  I think I may order some small paddles and start doing just a couple 50's with them during workouts.

Bill - THanks for the article.  It looks interesting I plan on reading the entire article later today.

I did 2hours and 15min on the trainer this morning.  Killed the time by watching a movie Flags of our Fathers.  You can always count on Clint Eastwood directed movies being good.

2013-03-24 3:34 PM
in reply to: #4672118

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED

Bill: Thanks so much for posting the article. Very interesting!  I will definitely vouch for the concept of going hard on hard days and easy on easy days.  It makes training a LOT more fun and less monotonous, even though its pretty hard to actually do.   I tend to run my recovery runs a little too fast and I know I'm being naughty while I do it but I do it anyways.  I'm curious what his next post will be about... please post it if you see it come out.

This made me chuckle:  "Or perhaps you’re just the kind of person who thrives on being by yourself and spending long amounts of time training."  Yep, that's me

So, this morning I went through all the motions (breakfast, warm the car up, drive to the YMCA, etc) and eventually found myself taking the first few steps of my run on the treadmill.  Then I realized something... there was a searing pain in my ahem.. right glute which I think I injured doing strides for the first time in forever yesterday.  I thought about the shameful retreat back to the locker room and all the way back home and also the suckiness of missing a key workout. Then I decided to just jog easy for a bit to see if it worked itself out.  Fortunately, it did!  I definitely would have called it a day if the pain stayed around, I'm not that tough or stupid to run 17 miles under intense pain.  Anyways, after a 5 mile warmup I did a 6 mile segment at marathon pace and it was pretty tough. I won't lie, I was thinking things like "maybe sub-3 isn't in the cards for May, just try to qualify for Boston instead and try again in the fall..."  I wondered at times if I would make it the whole 12 that I was scheduled to do.  Then, I stopped to reload the water bottle and put in some good music on my headphones.  Oh, and I ate a gel.  The second six was much, much better and I felt pretty strong at the end, even sped things up a bit the last 1.5 miles.  I think the gel, short break, and being more than halfway through the hard workout led to me believing it was possible.  

Its funny when you think about how seemingly small decisions affect outcomes in training (and life).  My prospects for achieving the goal I've had since November are much stronger now than if I had packed it up after the first quarter mile of pain this morning, even if the difference is "only mental".

2013-03-24 3:39 PM
in reply to: #4546309

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Spring 2013 Mentor Group - CLOSED
Almost forgot... does anyone track how much water they lose during training sessions?  I took in two 16 oz bottles today while running and still weighed 5 lbs less after the workout.  So I sweated 7 pounds!  I wrestled in high school and that kind of water loss would be great the day before a weigh-in, but it seems really counter-productive to endurance sports.  I guess I just need to always pray for good weather during races and then make sure to drink a ridiculous amount to offset my ridiculous sweating.
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