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2014-06-07 2:59 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Auburn, AL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

Originally posted by Qua17 Need to ask the group a question. This morning - I woke up focused about getting refocused about nutrition. My goal is to lose 2 pounds per week over the next ten weeks and drop 20 lbs before IMMT. Doing so will help me avoid injury and enjoy the day more and accomplishing that goal is realistic because I set my calories deficit for 1200 calories a day - so I'm consuming about 1300 calories. But, my workouts leave me at an even larger deficit - more like 1500 and 1800 on the weekends. I don't think this is healthy or the right way to approach the weight loss. So my question is - should I eat more (actually try to come as close to my deficit as possible) with the goal of boosting my metabolism or should I just continue to run a larger deficit with the hopes of meeting my ultimate goal which is to lose 25 pounds between now and the race?


I would not go with the larger deficit.  I think in the long run (pun not intended) you will do more harm than good.  With solid 140.6 training you should not have a problem reaching race weight prior to IMMT.

2014-06-07 3:01 PM
in reply to: Juancho

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

I agree with everything but "mainly proteins".  Proteins are for soft tissue growth and repair ONLY.  Your body burns carbs for fuel.  You WANT your body to burn carbs for fuel.  Maintain a slightly higher protein intake for recovery purposes.  If you're not drinking a protein recovery drink within 30-60 of exercise then get one!  That's when your body craves protein the most.  2-3 lbs. a week is a very healthy weight loss goal, end weight is when you're comfortable where you're at.  I too would hold off a while on making a daily calorie change.  As your training increases so will your need for fuel.  I always preach "clean foods"!  Stay away from the simple sugars and junk (even beer if you must, gasp!).  If you have allergies stay away from wheat products.  I know it's cheap and easy but the majority of people allergic to wheat products don't even know they are.  Leafy greens and veggies are premium fuel.  Small balanced meals throughout the day are best.  My two cents ;o)

2014-06-07 3:27 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by Qua17

Need to ask the group a question. This morning - I woke up focused about getting refocused about nutrition. My goal is to lose 2 pounds per week over the next ten weeks and drop 20 lbs before IMMT. Doing so will help me avoid injury and enjoy the day more and accomplishing that goal is realistic because I set my calories deficit for 1200 calories a day - so I'm consuming about 1300 calories. But, my workouts leave me at an even larger deficit - more like 1500 and 1800 on the weekends. I don't think this is healthy or the right way to approach the weight loss. So my question is - should I eat more (actually try to come as close to my deficit as possible) with the goal of boosting my metabolism or should I just continue to run a larger deficit with the hopes of meeting my ultimate goal which is to lose 25 pounds between now and the race?

My take on it is as follows:

My base intake rate is at 1,200 now. That's a recovery day, with a goal of 100g of protein. Protein is the essential building block of recovery. No meal is complete without at least 20g of it. That represents a daily deficit of about 700 calories, against my 1,850ish BMR.

Workouts add to that figure. So, for example, today I cracked out a long brick, so 1,424 calories burned, fueled by a cliff bar, four scoops of perform, and an energy gel.

So: 1,200 base calories + 1,424 burned = 2,624 intake for the day. Myfitnesspal does all the math for me, so that part at least is easy.

I think 2 pounds per week is ambitious, and probably overly so. That's a daily deficit of 1,000, which for me would mean 850 base calories. I personally would be murdering people and eating their corpses after about 3 days of that. There's nothing to recovery with at that level.

Further, 10 weeks out from IMMT means you really only have 4 or 6 weeks of weight loss left. Personally I plan to keep focused through June, build back to BMR for base calories in July, and eat at BMR during August, and carb load like a wheat train leaving Kansas during harvest in September. My "race weight" will be the number on August 30, because I'll probably put 5 pounds on during that last week.
2014-06-07 4:47 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

Originally posted by Qua17 Need to ask the group a question. This morning - I woke up focused about getting refocused about nutrition. My goal is to lose 2 pounds per week over the next ten weeks and drop 20 lbs before IMMT. Doing so will help me avoid injury and enjoy the day more and accomplishing that goal is realistic because I set my calories deficit for 1200 calories a day - so I'm consuming about 1300 calories. But, my workouts leave me at an even larger deficit - more like 1500 and 1800 on the weekends. I don't think this is healthy or the right way to approach the weight loss. So my question is - should I eat more (actually try to come as close to my deficit as possible) with the goal of boosting my metabolism or should I just continue to run a larger deficit with the hopes of meeting my ultimate goal which is to lose 25 pounds between now and the race?

During intense periods of training your body needs all the fuel it can get. It will help you recover, give you more energy all around and for your activity. You're constantly tearing it down and rebuilding it on a very short time scale. Although weight loss will benefit you when it comes to the strength to weight ratio, I would be concerned about the quality of your training if your constantly under feeding it. Will 20 lbs of weight loss give you more performance gains over the higher quality of training you'll get by giving your body everything it needs? While I think you can lose some weight during training, I think the deficit you are running right now might be more of a hindrance to your training quality than anything else. 

That's my two cents. 

2014-06-07 4:49 PM
in reply to: mirthfuldragon

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

Originally posted by mirthfuldragon  I personally would be murdering people and eating their corpses after about 3 days of that.  


2014-06-08 2:16 PM
in reply to: adempsey10

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Goals For The Week of June 8, 2014

DQ - Get back to the basics: PT for 10 minutes each day, roll after every workout, work to figure out nutrition and hydration, don't miss a workout

2014-06-08 2:22 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
...DO NOT miss a workout!!! (will repeat this as often as possible as it was a prayer, we are in 'high season' !!!!

Originally posted by Qua17

Goals For The Week of June 8, 2014

DQ - Get back to the basics: PT for 10 minutes each day, roll after every workout, work to figure out nutrition and hydration, don't miss a workout
2014-06-08 3:10 PM
in reply to: Juancho

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
6/28 today with a 31 minute run. Forced myself to slow down and run as close to a 10 minute mile as possible - I'm finding in my everyday runs/workouts I'm constantly pushing it and I think I'm fatiguing too much. I will say my "comfortable" runs are getting faster and faster which isn't bad.

Yesterday I was off as I had to coach at a baseball tournament for almost 4 hours in 84 degree temps.

Goals for this week: hydration, SLEEP!!, PT everyday, and more focus on core workouts. Of course, consistency.

Maybe we should start a plank challenge.... I have found as I build strength throughout my body, my abs need particular attention to keep up with the demands. I noticed my lower back starting to ache and fatigue and I attribute this to weak core muscles. Time for more plank time! After all, our core is where our power is generated from! So, to that end, planks every morning, at least 2-3 sets of 1 minute planks to start and add 10 seconds everyday thereafter. I'll navigate those in between push-up sets.

On an ending note - chilling by the fire out back with a Long Trail Mostly Cloudy, homemade salsa and chips while smelling chicken quarters in Cornell sauce on the grill. Sunny and 83 right now. Life is good.

2014-06-08 3:16 PM
in reply to: Juancho

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Auburn, AL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

Originally posted by Juancho ...DO NOT miss a workout!!! (will repeat this as often as possible as it was a prayer, we are in 'high season' !!!!
Originally posted by Qua17 Goals For The Week of June 8, 2014 DQ - Get back to the basics: PT for 10 minutes each day, roll after every workout, work to figure out nutrition and hydration, don't miss a workout

Matt - 1. Complete all workouts in my plan.  2. Race Sunday!

2014-06-08 6:39 PM
in reply to: podemma

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
good workouts M, W, F - Core T R
Boot Camp Sat
Bike Sund
2014-06-08 7:44 PM
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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by aviatrix802

6/28 today with a 31 minute run. Forced myself to slow down and run as close to a 10 minute mile as possible - I'm finding in my everyday runs/workouts I'm constantly pushing it and I think I'm fatiguing too much. I will say my "comfortable" runs are getting faster and faster which isn't bad.

On an ending note - chilling by the fire out back with a Long Trail Mostly Cloudy, homemade salsa and chips while smelling chicken quarters in Cornell sauce on the grill. Sunny and 83 right now. Life is good.


Hi Jenn - I totally understand where you're coming from when you say you are always pushing yourself when running. I do the same thing and it has led to plenty of injuries and a lot of fatigue. One thing I've done that's helped is to sing to myself. If I can get out more than one line of the song I'm choosing to sing, chances are I'm going too fast.

I know you're from VT and people up there love their long trail but I'd never fallen in love with that beer. What about it do you love? What am I missing?


Edited by Qua17 2014-06-08 7:55 PM

2014-06-08 7:54 PM
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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by adempsey10

Originally posted by Qua17 Need to ask the group a question. This morning - I woke up focused about getting refocused about nutrition. My goal is to lose 2 pounds per week over the next ten weeks and drop 20 lbs before IMMT. Doing so will help me avoid injury and enjoy the day more and accomplishing that goal is realistic because I set my calories deficit for 1200 calories a day - so I'm consuming about 1300 calories. But, my workouts leave me at an even larger deficit - more like 1500 and 1800 on the weekends. I don't think this is healthy or the right way to approach the weight loss. So my question is - should I eat more (actually try to come as close to my deficit as possible) with the goal of boosting my metabolism or should I just continue to run a larger deficit with the hopes of meeting my ultimate goal which is to lose 25 pounds between now and the race?

During intense periods of training your body needs all the fuel it can get. It will help you recover, give you more energy all around and for your activity. You're constantly tearing it down and rebuilding it on a very short time scale. Although weight loss will benefit you when it comes to the strength to weight ratio, I would be concerned about the quality of your training if your constantly under feeding it. Will 20 lbs of weight loss give you more performance gains over the higher quality of training you'll get by giving your body everything it needs? While I think you can lose some weight during training, I think the deficit you are running right now might be more of a hindrance to your training quality than anything else. 

That's my two cents. 

I hate to keep beating a dead horse - but I'm dying to get to the bottom of this nutrition thing... My question is - how can you not ruin a deficit if you're training for an IM. Today I did a 4 hour bike ride and fueled for the ride with more than 300 calories per hour. I had a glass of chocolate milk as a recovery drink. I didn't hold back on eating anything - and even took my family out to Teds where I had an 8oz burger and two glasses of wine (I even had three onion rings (I know fried food is bad for training but they were worth it. Anyway - I'm finishing with a 1000 calorie deficit. How can I not lose weight? Should I be eating more? I honestly don;t think I could. I consumed 4000! calories today! And today wasn't a hard training day. Next week, I'm running 11 miles on Sat and biking 85 on Sunday. How in the hell does someone consume that many calories?

In other news - I'm exhausted and I don't know why. I had a rest week where I got in about 65% of what I had prior to the HIM but I'm still dragging on my workouts. I can't figure out if the issue has to do with Hydration (a possibility since my stomach ache got better after stopping for more water), nutrition (too many gus - things not in the right proportion?), or just being tired. The last hour of my ride was rough - not as bad as yesterday during my run - but I was one tired pup when I finished my 50. Thoughts?


Edited by Qua17 2014-06-08 7:55 PM
2014-06-09 7:30 AM
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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

Your caloric deficit could be responsible for your fatigue.  The daily calories I put in while training for last years marathon was incredible.  I counted calories for two years starting but now I just use the scale.  When I see my weight starting to dip I just add an extra snack , small meal, or health drink to my day.  If my weight trends up over a 3-4 day period I take some off.  I'm OCD so when I count calories I spend WAY too much time on it.  

I think I read that you're getting close to your race?  If that's the case then fatigue can be expected due to the work load.  The last week before tapper wears me out!  Then I can't sit still during my taper weeks.  I am curious what you're training for with an 11 mile run and 85 mile ride the same week?

Edit: My goals:  Today starts my 16 week training plan for a 70.3 in Kerrville, Tx.  I haven't done this one yet and have it tentatively on my schedule.  Finding a half distance on a weekend I'm off isn't easy.  So, 4750 yards in the pool, 50 minutes on the treadmill, 20 minutes of stretching, and some light weight work.  Nasty storm outside.

Edited by HelmoAlkou 2014-06-09 7:35 AM
2014-06-09 8:03 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
I am not in love with it either but like to give it a chance each time I see a new one or a seasonal sampling comes out. I hadn't had Mostly Cloudy before so I thought I'd give it a try. It's okay. Frankly I'd rather have a Yeungling over a regular Long Trail. Long Trail's not bad, but not my go-to beverage by any means. I also find I like different beers depending on what's going on, what the temperature is outside, what I'm doing. If I'm working in the yard, I'm happy with something very light like Corona with lime, if my focus is sitting and enjoying just that beer - Switchback all the way. I don't care for Red Stripe at all but see it's appeal if I'm hanging in the Caribbean. When I was in Accra, Ghana in Africa everyone was drinking Star Beer - again, a lawn mowing beer but when it's the only game in town it becomes tasty. We have a nice little pub in town called the Vermont Pub & Brewery which has some fantastic beers (I'd underline and bold face that if I could) but they don't bottle so I haven't mentioned any of them. Magic Hat Brewery is nearby also but i have to admit I don't care for any of their beers and many here like them. Blech. Hocus Pocus tastes apricoty to me - not what I'm looking for. I want something I can chew on. I do like Trout River Brewing Co.'s Rainbow Red. They also have a Brown Trout Ale as well - haven't had that one because I like the Rainbow Red (particularly after skiing). I'm a big fan of German Hefe-Weisse beers and relished every time I flew to Germany.
Anyway, point being is that you haven't missed anything with not loving Long Trail! haha Hey, you ask a woman a one line question and you get a one paragraph answer...what can I say. On a sidenote - a friend has a brewery in his basement - no small operation - and is having a group of us over after our sprint-tri as he will be revealing his latest concoction. This man makes some very good beer...looking forward to it.

6/28 done today with a 30 minute run. Was hoping to get a swim in today but no lanes open when I can go. Personal plank challenge complete today and PT. I'll continue to lift at home this morning though I know this doesn't count.

2014-06-09 8:28 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

Well got a couple of bikes in this weekend. Some great biking weather! Went for a swim this morning. Really enjoyed it. Just swam for just over 30 minutes. No counting laps, just swimming. Guestimate... on lap count. Nice to just swim. Achilles feeling better so run on tap for lunch time. Will put me at 12/30.

Hope everyone gets off to a great start this week!

2014-06-09 8:49 AM
in reply to: thor67

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Great weekend! No workouts that count this weekend as I was too busy with kids events. Did a couple of rides with my kids & wife but not enought to really count as a training ride.

Cheered on my oldest 2 children, 5 & 6, as they completed their first triathlon! It was a Kids of Steel event at the University of Calgary and they loved it.

Enjoyed a Rutting Elk Red from Grizzly Paw Brewing in Canmore. Decent beer, a bit light on the hops, but all around pretty good.

11/28 Workouts done. Completed a bike/swim brick this morning. Nothing forgotten and no crap in the pool

Goals for the week
– 2 swims (one done!)
– 2 Runs
– Bike commute 5 days

2014-06-09 9:00 AM
in reply to: Jeakins

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Interesting weekend of training. Saturday morning I get up and go for my run. I purposely held back, took plenty of water, yet the heat and humidity still killed me and I had my slowest run in a very, very long time. Still managed 7 miles. Sunday, the sky was completely overcast and there was a breeze for my 60 minute bike ride. Honestly, I wish I had reversed those two workouts, but you never know what tomorrow's weather will be. I also swam this morning, finally getting to 1000 yards straight! I'm at 9/28 and right on track.
2014-06-09 9:04 AM
in reply to: thor67

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Auburn, AL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

After my swim this morning I'm 9/28 in the monthly challenge.  Things are moving along quite swimmingly!

2014-06-09 9:08 AM
in reply to: Omne38103

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Auburn, AL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

Originally posted by Omne38103  I also swam this morning, finally getting to 1000 yards straight! 

I hit 1000 yards straight for the first time this morning too.  It's a pretty good feeling!

2014-06-09 10:02 AM
in reply to: Omne38103

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

Originally posted by Omne38103 Interesting weekend of training. Saturday morning I get up and go for my run. I purposely held back, took plenty of water, yet the heat and humidity still killed me and I had my slowest run in a very, very long time. Still managed 7 miles. Sunday, the sky was completely overcast and there was a breeze for my 60 minute bike ride. Honestly, I wish I had reversed those two workouts, but you never know what tomorrow's weather will be. I also swam this morning, finally getting to 1000 yards straight! I'm at 9/28 and right on track.

Slow/walk/dance/ did it and that is what matters! Good job.

2014-06-09 10:08 AM
in reply to: podemma

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

Originally posted by podemma

After my swim this morning I'm 9/28 in the monthly challenge.  Things are moving along quite swimmingly!

Nice work!

2014-06-09 10:12 AM
in reply to: Jeakins

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

Originally posted by Jeakins Great weekend! No workouts that count this weekend as I was too busy with kids events. Did a couple of rides with my kids & wife but not enought to really count as a training ride. Cheered on my oldest 2 children, 5 & 6, as they completed their first triathlon! It was a Kids of Steel event at the University of Calgary and they loved it. Enjoyed a Rutting Elk Red from Grizzly Paw Brewing in Canmore. Decent beer, a bit light on the hops, but all around pretty good. 11/28 Workouts done. Completed a bike/swim brick this morning. Nothing forgotten and no crap in the pool Goals for the week – 2 swims (one done!) – 2 Runs – Bike commute 5 days

Nice work on the pre work brick!

Great to see the kids competing in the KOS.

Are they doing anymore races? At the heart of the rockies tri in Invermere, they put all the kids(and a lot of parents) on a barge, head out 50 meters and start the race so it is a straight race to shore. Great race if you are looking for another race for your kids!

Were you in Canmore? Is the Brewpub still downtown or did they move it by the highway?

2014-06-09 10:14 AM
in reply to: thor67

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St Catharines, Ontario
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Race report here:

Overall summary:

Honest summary:

My main targets were to swim without freakouts. To bike under an hour and to finish without walking. I hit all those targets! Yay me!

However the run was a mess and I am now in massive pain from calf injuries (tears? cramps?).

Not dead last in my agegroup thanks to 2 DQs and one other first timer. About 230 in the event and all of them better than me. Just managed to beat the woman with an artificial limb.
2014-06-09 1:02 PM
in reply to: HelmoAlkou

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by HelmoAlkou

Your caloric deficit could be responsible for your fatigue.  The daily calories I put in while training for last years marathon was incredible.  I counted calories for two years starting but now I just use the scale.  When I see my weight starting to dip I just add an extra snack , small meal, or health drink to my day.  If my weight trends up over a 3-4 day period I take some off.  I'm OCD so when I count calories I spend WAY too much time on it.  

I think I read that you're getting close to your race?  If that's the case then fatigue can be expected due to the work load.  The last week before tapper wears me out!  Then I can't sit still during my taper weeks.  I am curious what you're training for with an 11 mile run and 85 mile ride the same week?

Edit: My goals:  Today starts my 16 week training plan for a 70.3 in Kerrville, Tx.  I haven't done this one yet and have it tentatively on my schedule.  Finding a half distance on a weekend I'm off isn't easy.  So, 4750 yards in the pool, 50 minutes on the treadmill, 20 minutes of stretching, and some light weight work.  Nasty storm outside.

The fatigue very well may be from the nutrition... I'm really good at losing weight but training for an Ironman is new to me. With 69 days until race day - I've got plenty of time to figure it out. I'm with you about counting calories but being compulsive about it helps me stay focused on the goal several time each day. SO I spoke to my coach today and he told me I should be eating 3500 calories during the week and 4500-5000 calories on the weekend. He told me to each six meals a day but at 600 calories this seems crazy to me. But I will give it a try. If I feel better on this weekends workouts then I will know that nutrition is one of the causes of my fatigue.

I just bought 10 pounds of fresh picked strawberries. Strawberry chocolate milkshakes anyone?
2014-06-09 1:08 PM
in reply to: Jeakins

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by Jeakins

Great weekend! No workouts that count this weekend as I was too busy with kids events. Did a couple of rides with my kids & wife but not enought to really count as a training ride.

Cheered on my oldest 2 children, 5 & 6, as they completed their first triathlon! It was a Kids of Steel event at the University of Calgary and they loved it.

Enjoyed a Rutting Elk Red from Grizzly Paw Brewing in Canmore. Decent beer, a bit light on the hops, but all around pretty good.

11/28 Workouts done. Completed a bike/swim brick this morning. Nothing forgotten and no crap in the pool

Congrats on getting the kids into triathlon. That's awesome. It will be fun to get them out there with you on rides and it won't be too much longer before they're faster than you. Nice job of getting the swim in!
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