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2007-10-11 11:22 AM
in reply to: #984897

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Oceanside, CA
Subject: RE: The Things That Go Bump In The Night Team Thread
There's such a vicious cycle in the morbidly obese population...they're depressed because they're fat which contributes to eating out of all the wrong reasons, they're immobile because they're fat and fat because they're immobile. I've heard of pts who take offense when we don't have supplies large enough to fit them properly to do the job.

I am morbidly obese. I can really relate to the above comment as far as my attitude. To make me feel even worse, my husband is a fitness king. I always felt he was somewhat embarrassed to have a fat wife. I had major surgery this past December and while I didn't take offense, I was very embarrassed that I couldn't wear some of the surgical clothing provided. Immediately after my surgery, while in the recovery room, I realized that I felt good (or as good as I could feel considering) and it was almost that moment I realized that what was going on with me before surgery had been contributing to my inability to lose weight through exercise. I just felt like crap all of the time but didn't realize how bad until the problem was no longer there! One of the first questions I asked my doctor was when would I be able to start walking, strength training, etc. It was rather discouraging to be told I had to wait 6 months, but baby once that six months was over, I got focused on what I wanted for my future. It took me 3 months of walking to even feel like I could start running, but I was so determined, and I've never been this determined before. Because of my situation I try to be understanding of others, but I get really po'd when I hear someone say "what's the use." You may never get thin, but you should never give up trying to get healthy.

So that's my soap for the day. Sorry to get off subject, but this really is personal for me.

2007-10-11 11:33 AM
in reply to: #984897

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Subject: RE: The Things That Go Bump In The Night Team Thread

Bonus points for Terri for honesty, commitment, and feeling GOOD about herself!  You go, girl!


2007-10-11 11:55 AM
in reply to: #1002757

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: The Things That Go Bump In The Night Team Thread
gailg - 2007-10-11 11:33 AM

Bonus points for Terri for honesty, commitment, and feeling GOOD about herself!  You go, girl!


I second that emotion!!!

2007-10-11 12:18 PM
in reply to: #1002814

Subject: RE: The Things That Go Bump In The Night Team Thread
lastcall2003 - 2007-10-11 12:55 PM

gailg - 2007-10-11 11:33 AM

Bonus points for Terri for honesty, commitment, and feeling GOOD about herself!  You go, girl!


I second that emotion!!!

Definitely! The fact that you're here and doing stuff to keep yourself healthy is SUPER, and way more than a lot of people can say for themselves!
2007-10-11 1:28 PM
in reply to: #1002757

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: The Things That Go Bump In The Night Team Thread
gailg - 2007-10-11 12:33 PM

Bonus points for Terri for honesty, commitment, and feeling GOOD about herself!  You go, girl!


x4 right here. MrsUSMC, you do us all a world of good. It's very nice to watch the tight rubber band boys zoom around a course, but I always find it much more inspiring--and closer to home--when I see someone who is large but out there moving and having a good time.

Clinically I'm still classified as obese (and not near the "overweight" border, either) ... Gail, having met me, finds this hard to comprehend but dem's de facts!! It's been a long, strange trip from being 5' 4" and somewhere over 240 lbs, and worth every step of the way, even (perhaps especially) the hard ones. 

2007-10-11 2:11 PM
in reply to: #984897

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: The Things That Go Bump In The Night Team Thread
I can relate on so many levels. I'm also still in the morbidly obese category, but I'm more than 75 pounds lighter than I was at my heaviest weight about 5 years ago. About 3 years ago, I was down 135 pounds and was actually training for a half mary. Unfortunately, I then ate my way through a VERY messy divorce. I was angry, frustrated, and depressed and ended up gaining about 25 pounds.

About the time I finally got to the point where I was ready to deal with my weight again, I started having health problems which ultimately resulted in multi-level spinal fusion and ulner nerve decompression surgeries 6 months ago. I ended up having several months of basically being unable to do anything due to the severe pain I was experiencing and then recovering from my surgeries. I ended up gaining back even more of what I'd previously lost and got even more depressed. This lead me to a lot of the cycle of hopeless thinking mentioned earlier resulting in the feeling that I was just destined to be fat and would always be that way.

Right now I just want to give a big public THANK YOU to Terri for being such an amazing friend and encouraging me. If it weren't for seeing her motivation and having her believe in me, I'm not sure I would be where I am right now. I definitely wouldn't have been on the boards here since she's the one who introduced me to the BT site. So, if you don't like me, you can blame her.

Anyway, I feel a renewed sense of hope. I've been back on track for a couple of months now and have NO intention of stopping! I've lost weight and I'm LOVING being active again! I'm also only 5'4" tall and come from a family of curvy women, so I'll never be a skinny minnie, but I can bet fit. I may be slow, and I may be fat (for now), but I'm an athlete. Oh, did I mention I LOVE TO RUN!!

2007-10-11 2:15 PM
in reply to: #984897

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Subject: RE: The Things That Go Bump In The Night Team Thread

Yanti's right; I find it hard to believe.  But, some words from the other side of the scale, so to speak --

I graduated from high school at 89 lbs -- not clinically anorexic for someone my height, but still extremely thin, and although now I am a healthy weight for an athletic woman my age, I have my own set of issues with it.  I regularly consider quitting BT because of it, with so many people (heavy ones but also very thin, fit ones) talking constantly about losing weight and reducing body fat to unhealthily low percentages and logging intricate details of menus, caloric intake, etc. 

Whatever size you are and/or want to be, it is best to focus on health more than a "look" or a scale number or a body fat percentage. 

Sincerely, your team cheerleader and poolside (bike-side, run-side) psychology professor. 

2007-10-11 2:23 PM
in reply to: #984897

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: The Things That Go Bump In The Night Team Thread

Very, very touching words from you BunnyB ... you really are a front of pack friend, and apparently you learned some good stuff about that from MrsUSMC!!!

I'm over the tail end of my cold, and am off for a 4-mile run.

2007-10-11 2:36 PM
in reply to: #984897

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Oceanside, CA
Subject: RE: The Things That Go Bump In The Night Team Thread
Thanks everyone. I didn't mean to get our thread so off topic.

And Melissa you had my eyes tearing up until you put the part about blaming me that you're here!

I ran 1.53 miles last night in my new running shoes. I can really tell the difference and am looking forward to tomorrow's run. I've skipped a week in my training because my heel is doing better and I'm looking forward to ratcheting it up over the next couple of weeks. If I can just get Murphy to cooperate so I can get out there on the bike, I'll be one happy runner/biker girl!
2007-10-11 2:44 PM
in reply to: #984897

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Subject: RE: The Things That Go Bump In The Night Team Thread
Well, I am not sure who decided that posting pictures of our wonderful (whatever-size) triathlete bodies should be punishment for working hard to achieve (safely) our monthly swim/bike/run goals, but maybe we should just all buck the system ... Now that you all are runners , are you willing to post here (or in your private albums) your favorite pic of you running?  Let's take pride in how we all look!
2007-10-11 2:49 PM
in reply to: #984897

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Oceanside, CA
Subject: RE: The Things That Go Bump In The Night Team Thread
I have no problem with it, but I don't have one right now. I will on November 22 though and will post it with pride.

2007-10-11 2:53 PM
in reply to: #1003251

Subject: RE: The Things That Go Bump In The Night Team Thread
gailg - 2007-10-11 3:44 PM

Well, I am not sure who decided that posting pictures of our wonderful (whatever-size) triathlete bodies should be punishment for working hard to achieve (safely) our monthly swim/bike/run goals, but maybe we should just all buck the system ... Now that you all are runners , are you willing to post here (or in your private albums) your favorite pic of you running?  Let's take pride in how we all look!

Oh, they took a good one of me at the end of my run at Giant Acorn, but I can't download it for free, so I'll have to order it. Otherwise, my avatar is of me running through the finish of my first triathlon in August

I generally work out alone, and I've only done two races so far, so I don't have a lot of "in action" pics yet. My friend who came to Giant Acorn with me, got a really bad pic of me running, but I'm not posting it

Actually, come to think of it, I can post the link and y'all can see some of my pics - it's all marked with copyrights, so I think it's fine to post the link. You can't download the pics and the email I got from them said "forward this to your friends/family so they can see you in action". Give me a second to dig it up.

Edited by wurkit_gurl 2007-10-11 2:56 PM
2007-10-11 3:03 PM
in reply to: #984897

Subject: RE: The Things That Go Bump In The Night Team Thread

Okay, here are some pics from my latest tri - again, they're all watermarked, you can't download them, the email said "send this link to your friends/family" and the website says posting on blogs, etc is okay as long as they bear the watermark or reference TriDuo in some way, which by going directly to the site, it does. I just can't use them for business purposes Anyway, there are two pics that are obviously not me, but they had similar bib numbers. I am in the green/black trisuit. I like the one of me smiling and running - there is also one that is bad. And the trisuit makes my legs look really large, I noticed, compared to the rest of me; I assure you I am more proportioned
ET: I have no affiliation with this photographer - not a shill, just posting my pics

Edited by wurkit_gurl 2007-10-11 3:07 PM
2007-10-11 3:15 PM
in reply to: #984897

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: The Things That Go Bump In The Night Team Thread

Hey gang,

I didn't mean to offend anyone with my rant on work yesterday or comments on obesity.  FWIW I was obese at one point and though I've lost 75 lbs I struggle with both keeping the wt off and not focusing on the scale number but my overall fitness.  I think that's why my logs look so insane with  exercise days, I know the "moderate" 2-3 day a week exercise that AHA guidelines call for just isn't enough to keep my wt at a good level so I plan on something every day except those that I work 12 hr shift on. I keep my "fat picture" in my exercise log at home because people at the gym who didn't know me in those days will stop and talk to me and it IS encouraging when a before/after picture is seen.  It also motivates me to NOT want to go there again...

I have a family full of obese people.  My dad was obese before he died last summer, mom is, older brother had gastric bypass and did well when he was riding his bike like a maniac but since he's changed jobs he hasn't gotten on the bike and he's put a lot of weight back on, my older sister is bigger than mom (and that's pretty big).  My younger sister struggled with anorexia/bulemia all through HS/college--she now maintains a healthy weight.  My younger brother spent most of his army carreer on the "fat boy" program and the only time he wasn't was when he came home from Iraq. He's now retired and getting bigger each time I see him...So weight will probably always be an issue on some level for me and I accept that but focusing on a lifetime of overall fitness is a big step away from looking at the scale (or % body fat) as the thing that makes my day.

I applaud each of you making the effort to lose the weight and get healthy.  It's a lot of hard work, sweat, sometimes tears--but a journey worth taking for yourself


2007-10-11 3:26 PM
in reply to: #1003251

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Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: The Things That Go Bump In The Night Team Thread
Mine is already there.


gailg - 2007-10-11 2:44 PM

Well, I am not sure who decided that posting pictures of our wonderful (whatever-size) triathlete bodies should be punishment for working hard to achieve (safely) our monthly swim/bike/run goals, but maybe we should just all buck the system ... Now that you all are runners , are you willing to post here (or in your private albums) your favorite pic of you running? Let's take pride in how we all look!
2007-10-11 3:48 PM
in reply to: #984897

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: The Things That Go Bump In The Night Team Thread
I'll get DH to get a shot of me with Saturday's race and we'll try to edit it for the boards. The one posted was taken at my last race and I love the determination on the face as I headed out on the bike

2007-10-11 3:51 PM
in reply to: #984897

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Oceanside, CA
Subject: RE: The Things That Go Bump In The Night Team Thread
2007-10-11 4:14 PM
in reply to: #1003447

Subject: RE: The Things That Go Bump In The Night Team Thread

I like this one - although my face looks weird. I am NOT an attractive triathlete - without make-up and my hair, which is curly, gets gross and frizzy when it is wet and then jammed under a helmet.
2007-10-11 4:19 PM
in reply to: #1003512

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Subject: RE: The Things That Go Bump In The Night Team Thread

wurkit_gurl - 2007-10-11 2:14 PM http://gallery.triduo.com/p/finish_b_giant_acorn_2007/1484-4014-678... I like this one - although my face looks weird. I am NOT an attractive triathlete - without make-up and my hair, which is curly, gets gross and frizzy when it is wet and then jammed under a helmet.


Okay, leader, I love you, but you are missing my point that we should all quit apologizing and/or complaining about our bodies/appearance and celebrate who we are instead.  Your legs do not look out of proportion, and your face does not look weird, and you ARE an attractive triathlete, and your hair is not gross.   

Penalty points -- today, tomorrow, and Saturday, post ONLY POSITIVE THINGS ABOUT YOURSELF!!!!!   

2007-10-11 4:22 PM
in reply to: #984897

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: The Things That Go Bump In The Night Team Thread
Gail - I can relate in many ways. I was a healthy weight through high school and early college years. Unfortunately, I spent the next several years after that dealing with an ED. I don't talk that much about it anymore because people look at me at my current weight and, in my head, I can hear them saying to themselves, "YOU had an ED?!" Even though I've been in recovery from it for almost 10 years (coming up in April), there are times I still have to be very careful. When I'm trying to lose weight, I can find my head going back in that direction and it's NOT a path I want to go down again.

Yanti - Enjoy your run.

Terri - Now you know the blaming you part was just a big ol' joke.

Judi - I wasn't offended in the least either.

Chrissy - I agree with Terri. I love the one of you crossing the finish line with your hands thrown up into the air. That's an awesome pic!!

I don't have a favorite running picture yet either. I do have one of me running in the OC half mary a couple of years ago, but I was sick and the picture was taken within about 1/2 mile of me bailing out of the race as a DNF. To say it's not flattering would be a vast understatement. LOL I'm running the 5k with Terri on Nov. 22 so I'll hopefully have a pic after that, too. Who knows, maybe we'll end up with one of us running together.

Edited by BunnyB 2007-10-11 4:27 PM
2007-10-11 4:47 PM
in reply to: #1003526

Subject: RE: The Things That Go Bump In The Night Team Thread
BunnyB - 2007-10-11 5:22 PM

Chrissy - I agree with Terri. I love the one of you crossing the finish line with your hands thrown up into the air. That's an awesome pic!!

Hehe, yeah, this race, I thought I'd go for broke since I didn't feel like I was gonna die at the end! I had planned on doing the same at Luray (my first race), but I was so intent on crossing that finish line and making sure I hit the timing mat, I forgot!

2007-10-11 4:53 PM
in reply to: #1003512

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: The Things That Go Bump In The Night Team Thread

wurkit_gurl - 2007-10-11 4:14 PM http://gallery.triduo.com/p/finish_b_giant_acorn_2007/1484-4014-678... I like this one - although my face looks weird. I am NOT an attractive triathlete - without make-up and my hair, which is curly, gets gross and frizzy when it is wet and then jammed under a helmet.

I beg to differ, you are beautiful!  and so are the rest of us!  Cool

that goes for the guys too (guys can be beautiful, right?)

2007-10-11 4:58 PM
in reply to: #1003251

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: The Things That Go Bump In The Night Team Thread

gailg - 2007-10-11 2:44 PM Well, I am not sure who decided that posting pictures of our wonderful (whatever-size) triathlete bodies should be punishment for working hard to achieve (safely) our monthly swim/bike/run goals, but maybe we should just all buck the system ... Now that you all are runners , are you willing to post here (or in your private albums) your favorite pic of you running?  Let's take pride in how we all look!

I only have one pic, so I guess that makes it my favorite - lol

I'll see if I can find it - knee braces and all :-)

2007-10-11 5:04 PM
in reply to: #984897

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: The Things That Go Bump In The Night Team Thread

Man, what a chatty group! I rrrrrruv it!

The run was pretty hideous. I have a 23-miler coming up on Saturday and will probably just try to go for an easy minimum 18 and see about the rest. I feel like crud (just sickness, Gail ... not anything personal!) However, I have always had a really terrible 23-mile run before a marathon ... funny how you notice these patterns if you keep at something long enough.

wurkit_gurl: penance, penance penance! The pics are great ... arms flung out, free, victorious. Beautiful!

The spirit of this team is amazing. I feel very privileged to be a part of your lives right now.

The pic below is me finishing my first marathon. I will never forget that moment.



Honolulu.jpg (39KB - 8 downloads)
2007-10-11 7:35 PM
in reply to: #984897

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: The Things That Go Bump In The Night Team Thread
That's awesome, Yanti! I can't wait until I will one day cross the finish line of my first half mary (baby steps ... baby steps). I've completed 5k, 10k, and 15k races in the past, but I've never done a half.

I have to agree. It's be awesome to getting to know you guys better. Prior to this challenge, the only folks on our team that I knew were Terri (who is my best bud in real life) and Beth who I'd gotten to know recently in the Weight Watchers thread in the Tri'ing for Weight Loss forum. I feel very fortunate to have "met" you all through this team.
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