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2008-04-17 10:39 PM
in reply to: #1346253

Subject: RE: First Season of Swimming
John, No doubt in my mind by the end of the season you could go for an OLY.  Way to kick butt...

2008-04-17 10:44 PM
in reply to: #1346282

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Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Subject: RE: First Season of Swimming
Thanks for the encouragement Greg. Something I don't think I have shared with you guys, but I am a smoker. I'm trying to quit, but I am having a hard time breaking the habit. If I can quit I am really wondering how far I can truly go in a tri. My coach told me I am the only person he has ever known who smokes a pack a day and can still run a half mary with ease.

Edited by Blueraiderzone 2008-04-17 11:02 PM
2008-04-18 12:43 AM
in reply to: #1123186


Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
Haven't been posting since I joined the group but that is going to change. Been averaging 100 - 150 a week on the bike, about 5 -10 running and 3-4 miles a week swimming. First race of the season is this weekend - Toyota desert sprint tri near Palm Springs. Have high hopes for the swim and bike hope to break 30 min for the 5K. Will post after the race and be more active in the group.



To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift - Pre
2008-04-18 6:25 AM
in reply to: #1123186

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Columbus , OH
Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
Thank you for the welcome.
I am really looking forward to having a great triathlon season and hope you all have one as well. I am quite confident in swimming because of my background, and biking is no problem for me. I have a great bike (cervelo p2sl) and get it out around 100 miles a week. The problem with my feet lies in genetics. I have very flat feet and accompanied with my weight (228) I have big foot pains which radiate up my shins and knees to make a very painful experience. I hope my podiatrist can help me out, but if not I'll just have to deal with the pain.

Everyone, good luck on your races.
Mike, good luck in your Marathon.
2008-04-18 10:53 AM
in reply to: #1346397

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Riverside, IL
Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
dlswimmer - 2008-04-18 6:25 AM

Thank you for the welcome.
I am really looking forward to having a great triathlon season and hope you all have one as well. I am quite confident in swimming because of my background, and biking is no problem for me. I have a great bike (cervelo p2sl) and get it out around 100 miles a week. The problem with my feet lies in genetics. I have very flat feet and accompanied with my weight (228) I have big foot pains which radiate up my shins and knees to make a very painful experience. I hope my podiatrist can help me out, but if not I'll just have to deal with the pain.

Everyone, good luck on your races.
Mike, good luck in your Marathon.

Hi David,

You're not alone in the "foot pain" department...I'm right there with ya! I have constant, terrible heel pain (most likely PF) in my left foot and tingly/numb toes on my right foot. I've tried a slew of different running shoes over the past year. I swear...the employees at my local running shoe stores cringe whenever they see me walking in, because they know that I have big problems getting fitted properly and usually end up returning every pair that I buy. I'm currently wearing Superfeet insoles in my Adidas Supernova Control shoes right now, and unfortunately...they are not helping as much as I expected them to. I haven't been to a podiatrist yet, because...well, I'm stubborn and I kept thinking it would just "go away". But the reality's not improving (getting worse, infact) and I need to see a foot doctor, pronto. I'm curious...what are some of the remedies you have tried in dealing with your foot pain? Do anti-inflammatory meds help any? I ice constantly, and it feels pretty good for a short while...then the pain returns with a vengeance.

2008-04-18 11:17 AM
in reply to: #1347051

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Columbus , OH
Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
There are quite a few things that you can do to help out the foot pains. Especially with PF, you have to stretch like nothing else. There are a few torture devices you can get to help out as well. I rarely use any medicine to help out with the pain as I want to be able to feel the difference in the pain level if anything works. The shoes I am using right now are Brooks "The Beast". They are very comfortable, but alas my feet still hurt. I have had custom orthodics made and they are currently being adjusted so we'll see if that helps. I know that I don't do enough to help my condition but that is because I am a very stubborn person and I'm very resentful of my feet
I would definitely suggest getting to a foot doctor as it might immediatly help you. Good luck and let me know how things progress.

I'll be back on after tomorrow to let everyone know how my tri went. Have a great weekend


2008-04-18 12:41 PM
in reply to: #1346286

Subject: RE: 1/2 Mary work into schedule

Blueraiderzone - 2008-04-17 8:44 PM Thanks for the encouragement Greg. Something I don't think I have shared with you guys, but I am a smoker. I'm trying to quit, but I am having a hard time breaking the habit. If I can quit I am really wondering how far I can truly go in a tri. My coach told me I am the only person he has ever known who smokes a pack a day and can still run a half mary with ease.

I have a very good friend that could not break the habit and he alway ran long distances. (Best to quit but it does happen)

 I just ask the same question this week for the Pre and  Post 1/2 Mary and here is the answer I got:

Leading up to the 1/2

Wednesday make your long run.

Thursday take off

and a light run on Friday 30-40'

Race at Zone 3-4 (workout)

Monday - easy swim or off
Tuesday - easy bike or off
Wed - easy bike. easy swim
Thursday - run

rest of week, on schedule.


2008-04-18 12:47 PM
in reply to: #1346337

Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open

UndeadZed - 2008-04-17 10:43 PM  First race of the season is this weekend - Toyota desert sprint tri near Palm Springs. Have high hopes for the swim and bike hope to break 30 min for the 5K. Will post after the race and be more active in the group. Cheers Z

Z: let us know your race schedule I will add in, to our Peep's list.

Good Luck with your tri.



2008-04-18 3:58 PM
in reply to: #1346286

Subject: RE: First Season of Swimming
Hey BR, I smoked 5 packs of Marlboro Reds a day when I was an over the road truck driver. I know how hard it is to quit, because I actually LIKED it. When my wife became pregnant with our first child I carried around the sonogram picture and knew I wanted to be around for a long time to watch her grow up. It took about 4 months, starting with going to Marlborto mediums, then lights, and one day I just stopped. about 30 days and 16 years later I haven't looked back since. If you need support quitting let me know, it is the best thing you can do for your family and from the picture you have I can see that family is important to you, good luck.
2008-04-18 3:59 PM
in reply to: #1346337

Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
Good Luck on this weekends tri!
2008-04-19 9:23 AM
in reply to: #1348075

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Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Subject: RE: First Season of Swimming

firefighter5765 - 2008-04-18 3:58 PM Hey BR, I smoked 5 packs of Marlboro Reds a day when I was an over the road truck driver. I know how hard it is to quit, because I actually LIKED it. When my wife became pregnant with our first child I carried around the sonogram picture and knew I wanted to be around for a long time to watch her grow up. It took about 4 months, starting with going to Marlborto mediums, then lights, and one day I just stopped. about 30 days and 16 years later I haven't looked back since. If you need support quitting let me know, it is the best thing you can do for your family and from the picture you have I can see that family is important to you, good luck. Andrew

5 packs a day? I didn't know that was physically possible, lol. Thanks for the encouragement. If you were able to break a 5 pack a day habit then it gives me encouragement to handle my pack a day habit. I am like you. I know smoking is bad for me, but I like to smoke.

No kids or girlfriend at this time so the "family" doesn't come in to play yet (the picture in my avatar is me with my ex-wife's grandaughter). Hopefully that will be a reason for me to be inspired one day. Right now I will just have to inspire myself by knowing I could be so much better at the races if I gave up smoking.

2008-04-19 12:04 PM
in reply to: #1123186

Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
Well gang the second 5K of the year is history and what a good one it was. I managed to knock about 2 minutes off the one from last weekend for a time of 29:41 and I felt great when I crossed the finish line. This one was a little less organized but overall it was a good race. We were not able to see the finish line in time to get a good sprint and shave some time off the clock. Next year I am sure they will have worked the bugs out and it should be even better.

How did everyone else do this weekend?

2008-04-19 5:20 PM
in reply to: #1348833

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Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open

Great job Andrew!! 2 minutes off your last time is awesome!!.

I made my last group run today. We went 5 miles in anticipation of this coming Saturday's Country Music Half Marathon. This will be my first race this year. Me and 37,000 of my closest friends will be running in this event. I am very much looking forward to Saturday.

2008-04-19 6:47 PM
in reply to: #1123186

Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
Thanks J.T. How did your 5 miler go today? Was it an LSD day or were you going hard?

2008-04-19 7:01 PM
in reply to: #1349134

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Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open

I'm not sure what LSD is. I'm assuming it means a light work-out. My coach is a big believer in tapering 3 weeks before a race. Therefore, it was an easy run. He was very adaminate about us only going for 45 minutes and no way were we to go longer than an hour. We did 45 minutes and called it a day.

The reason why I entered this race was to raise money for Special Kids ( By training with them I receive coaching (heck, I'm too cheap to pay for a personel coach). He has given a lot of great advice.

You must feel great after setting your PR in the 5K.

2008-04-19 7:53 PM
in reply to: #1349146

Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
Well, I am about a minute off my PR of 28:28 but it is my best in a few years, either way though it still felt pretty good

LSD=Long Slow Distance.

2008-04-20 6:01 AM
in reply to: #1123186

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Columbus , OH
Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
alright, well I have my first triathlon under my beslt for the year and it was a good one. I really relaxed the swim, which I shouldn't have done, so I could have gone much faster. My transitions were relaxed and definitely can be improved. The bike felt great and was only passed by 2 bikers and I passed many myself. The crappy part definitely has to be the run. My body just didnt' want to go any faster even though my legs did. Not only that but I can barely walk today because of pain in my foot. The results for the race are not posted yet, but I'll be sure to let you know my splits when they are. I really need to work on the running and just suck up the pain.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
2008-04-20 6:41 AM
in reply to: #1123186

Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
Great job David, way to stay with it, and remeber "Pain is temporary, quitting lasts forever"!

2008-04-20 1:16 PM
in reply to: #1123186

Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open

2x on the pre run getting ready for the 1/2 mary next week end. I went 52 mins for 6 miles. HR a little high at 154 but ok. Still need to get in a 2 h ride.

It will be nice to see all the results from this weekend.



Edited by gparris 2008-04-20 1:17 PM
2008-04-20 4:31 PM
in reply to: #1123186

Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
Can anyone suggest a good wet/dry road tire? I went out riding on some wet road with Vittoria Diamante Pro Slick tires and just about broke my A$$. I was wondering if there is a tire that will work well on wet roads should I get stuck riding in the rain again.


2008-04-20 5:51 PM
in reply to: #1123186

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Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
I went for a 23 mile ride today. Felt good. I will probably swim and ride a little this week, but I'm only planning on a 4 mile run on Monday or Tuesday. I want to keep my legs fresh.

2008-04-20 11:58 PM
in reply to: #1123186

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Extreme Veteran
Kelowna, BC
Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open
Hi everyone, I haven't posted lately but I've been busy training, up until this weekend actually. I got tired and I think I was fighting off the bug my hubby had so I ended up not doing much of anything for a change. Plus it's been unseasonably cold and we actually had 4" of snow on Saturday morning so I didn't even bike this weekend. (last Saturday it was in the 70's and I got a sunburn...)

Good luck with the training and the races this week, everyone!!
2008-04-21 7:23 AM
in reply to: #1350107

Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open

Blueraiderzone - 2008-04-20 3:51 PM I went for a 23 mile ride today. Felt good. I will probably swim and ride a little this week, but I'm only planning on a 4 mile run on Monday or Tuesday. I want to keep my legs fresh.

JT: I just move my schedule around this morning to  fit in the 1/2 mary. Swim on Mon and Wed, Bike Tue and Thur(easy), and a light run on Friday maybe 30-40' "Race on Saturday" Off Sunday, light swim Mon, light ride Tue and light swim & bike Wednesday.  Back to schedule on Thursday...... At least that is the plan.


2008-04-21 7:29 AM
in reply to: #1345366

Subject: RE: Mike's Peeps Current race Schedule

Cool  Leanne:April 19th Belew's Lake Sprint

Cool  Andrew:April 19th Marti Estates 5K,

Cool   Mike: April 21st: Boston Mary 

Cool   David:dlswimmer Miami University Student Foundation Triathlon (Triathlon) 4/19/2008 in Columbus , OH

Cool  Z: Toyota desert sprint tri near Palm Springs

Good luck to you all this weekend: Mike we will be watching for you. All the best. 

Greg (gparris): April 26th: Signed up for Mary but most likely will only do a 1/2. (BT coach advice)

John (BlueRaiderZone): April 26: Country Music Half Marathon (Nashville). This will be my first 1/2 Mary.

David: Ohio State Triathlon (Triathlon) 5/4/2008 in Columbus , Ohio

Leanne (canadarn2001):May 3 White Lake Sprint

Barb (Kelownagirl): May 11: duathlon: maybe

Greg (gparris): May 17: HIM Taylorsville Lake KY (Maybe

John (BlueRaiderZone):May 26: GJCC Beginners tri,

Barb (Kelownagirl): May 27: Metric Century (for fun only), possibly some time trials this spring.

Andrew ( firefighter5765):May 31st Godstock Triathlon (first one ever for me)

John (BlueRaiderZone):June 7: Mach Tenn Sprint Tri

Barb (Kelownagirl): June 8: Women's 5k,

Barb (Kelownagirl): August 17: 1st Sprint Tri,

Greg (gparris) : August 31: IM LOUISVILLE 

Andrew:Sept 14th for the Angel's Race Triathlon. 

Leanne:Sept 14 Muskoka 70.3

Barb (Kelownagirl): Oct.12 half marathon (or 10K

Send me your updates and I will add .....greg

Edited by gparris 2008-04-21 7:39 AM
2008-04-21 7:35 AM
in reply to: #1123186

Subject: RE: MIke Danko's Group-open

Remember Mike today; He is running the Boston MARY .............


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