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2011-08-31 8:52 PM
in reply to: #3668301

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


I will probably sign up for Bassamn Int -- the 750/29/4.2 shaggy-dog thing -- and likely will do it tonight. Cool beans!!

As for Nationals, that was the day befoe Mossman. It is different from Nation's, which is an oly in D.C. It is an incredibly cool course -- check it out at I have done Chicago and NYC tris each twice, and as spectacular as those are, nation's looks even more so. I'm super-psyched about it!

I chose Mossman over Nationals, even though I qualified for Nationals and it is only about 3.25 hours away. That was absolutely the right thing to do, as I loved Mossman. My reservation about Nationals had to do with the RD, who has done siome blockhead things in the past. But I hear that nationals went fine (but maybe not quite so well for the USAT Sprint Championshoips later that same day).

Storm? What storm? And where? And when? Dare it not interfere with Nation's on the 11th!!!!

2011-08-31 9:00 PM
in reply to: #3668301

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Thank you for being so accommodating -- but you don't know what a noudge I can be with my wee-hours race stuff!

And I goofed this morning in posting about T1 times being so long for everyone. It must be that the timing mat is right out of the water, and then a looonnnng ways up to transition. That's the only way to account for the looonnng T1 times across the board. I have to remember that and be willing to go anaerobic in sprinting up there so I can gain time on the worthy opposition. Knowledge is power, yes?

I feel badly about not doing Lake George this year, which is in three days, but I really want to save myself for Nation's. So I had a big day today, and that will be the last of the big-big days betwen now and the 11th (or say I tell myself). I am a tad antsy about the prospect of three slack days before the race, but that little voice inside me is working hard to convince me that those days will only work to serve me well. We'll see!

It's gonna be fun!!

2011-09-01 5:52 AM
in reply to: #3668369

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

For yesterday.......

One-hour Yoga, about noon
Starting around two, my standard OWS of ~1750m, done in 33:36
Late afternoon brick: 32km ride in 57' (20.8mph), then a 10km run in 45:10 (7:15/mile)


Weight this morning was 162.4. Whoa! Last time I was here was about 40 years ago, I think!

Today is a Yoga, a swim, then probably a second Yoga. And hopefuly a decent sleep tonight!!

2011-09-01 2:12 PM
in reply to: #3256772

Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Remember we are coming off a summer where there were 4 (on average) 18 year old boys playing in our basement most nights.  They are like vampires they go to sleep when the sun comes up.


2011-09-01 2:31 PM
in reply to: #3256772

Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


I guess you saw that there will not be a swim on Saturday.  They said it is because of the opening of the Martin Luther King memorial.  I don't know why you can swim on Sunday but not Saturday but that is what it looks like.


2011-09-02 9:39 AM
in reply to: #3669475

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


I saw that about the swim and MLK, and that will only cramp my style a little. I was looking forward to a pre-swim, but if it ain't gonna happen it ain't gonna happen. The truth is that less than 20% of my races have involved a day-before swim, and were i to actauly tally it, the figure would likely be less than 10%. So, I will try not to be a big old pouty baby about this. Poo.

That said, the selfish thought occurred to me last week when I heard that the MLK dedication had to be postponed due to Irene, that maybe then it wouldn't happen until after race day, and we'd be fine for a pre-swim. I quickly shunted that thought to a back recess of my mind where I store all of my other neanderthalic thoughts.

Feeling good these days??

2011-09-02 9:51 AM
in reply to: #3667340

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


I'm in for Bassman! It was an ordeal, trying to get my dial-up system to make nice with Lin-Mark's over-complicated registration system, but it's done and I'm on the list. Right now it's just me in my a.g. for the international, although there is one M60-64 doing a du, and another as part of a relay. But that doesn't count, kind of like Saturn and Mercury being panets, but orbiting in different places. Or something like that.

There are only about 62 in the int......but that's still 31 times more than in the aqbk. But I think this has happened to them in the past, wherein numbers are small until the week before race day when a minor mob descends. He has also had race-weekend registration, and many people who used that option.

Another rwce I'm looking at, a half-iron in N.C. on Oct 29, is currently only at 16%, or 32/200, I think it is. Last year was its first year, and it ran similar to Bassman -- pokey entries until the final week, and then a deluge to produce decent numbers. I didn't do it, but eyed it suggestively for many months before deciding against. This year is different --- haven't thought once about it until today, but already the wandering eyes will begun doing their thing. Oh, my!

We will be staying in the North Shore Campground, unless we have the dog with us and that'll mean the South Shore one instead. The place suffered power outtages for a couple of days, and water still isn't back in the North Shore sites, but the person I talked to figures thta's just a small problem that will be solved soon.

Any big rides this long weekend??

Edited by stevebradley 2011-09-02 9:52 AM
2011-09-02 10:38 AM
in reply to: #3670619

Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Feeling ok.We are off to Lehigh to watch the kid run a cross country race at 5:30 tonight.  Tomorrow I will run and Sunday. I will swim the rest of the week with a medium bike on Wednesday if I can.  I have  no illusions about the race on Sunday but it will be fun.



2011-09-02 2:24 PM
in reply to: #3670651

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New York
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

STEVE - Awesome, I look forward to seeing you again.  In terms of training... I have been rather lazy the last week or so... I am planning a 30-40 mile ride tomorrow and then another one for Sunday.  If the weather holds I will also do a long ride Tuesday morning as I am taking the day off from work.



2011-09-02 3:16 PM
in reply to: #3670651

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED
Another race I'm looking at, a half-iron in N.C. on Oct 29, is currently only at 16%, or 32/200, I think it is.

Steve, et all!
Is that the B2B you are talking about? I heard it was a great race....logistically it can get a little goofy but a think they get better every year. That is a race I looked at for my first half next year but the timing didn't work out (Disney trip later that year) and I wanted to get the half behind me before vacation (hence Augusta in Sept.).

Been a busy week in the pool for me...we are heading down to Ocean Isle, NC all next week on vacation and then I am leaving from Myrtle Beach right after to head to New Orleans for business (if it isn't flooded out). I'm taking my bike with me to Ocena Isle so I plan on getting alot of bike/run bricks in next week, hence the hectic pool schedule this past week. The pool at the place we are staying is dare I say a 12.5 yd pool or something...and I shutter at the fact of having to do any kind of workout in that!

Speaking of pool swims this week...I did a 2k straight last night (kind of in between easy and TT). I did it in 45:15 which was ok, but I was more impressed with my split times per 500.
1st 500 - 11:12
2nd 500 - 11:12
3rd 500 - 11:27 (had to stop at one point and sneeze due to water up the nose)
4th 500 - 11:20

I was never out of breath at all and could have kept going, but I could tell my arms were feeling it a little. I think this means some weight training for me this offseason...

Enjoy the long Labor Day weekend everyone...train hard....race harder for those who are racing!


2011-09-02 4:10 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Wow, looks like a lot of folks have been busy.  It's almost been a week and we are still stuck on the same page, maybe this post will roll over to the next page.  Well no training for me in almost a week and really no training in about 2 weeks.  Last week I did a 12 mile bike, plan was for 20 since it was a work day but after about 8 miles my chest started to hurt and got light headed, this was Monday 8/22.  Then on 8/24 did a 2 mile run, plan was to go further but had to stop due to the same issue as the bike, then on 8/27 I went to the pool and planned for 2000 yards but after 1250 I had to stop because was really tired, normally I can do 1800 pretty good.  On the way out of the gym from the swim, my chest started to hurt and got light headed, went to the car and called the wife to be on call in case I could not drive.  After sitting in the car for about 5 minutes I started to feel better.  Since all this happened I thought I better get a checkup with a dr to make sure my ticker is still good.  Wednesday I went to my primary Dr. and what he saw was ok, he did some blood work and I guess since I have not heard from him it must be good.  I went to my cardiologist yesterday and she scheduled me for a cardiac calcium test on tuesday 9/6 and she changed my meds.  If the test comes back ok then I will ease back into it to see how the chest feels.  What stinks is I have a sprint that I have already paid for on 10/1.  I just hope I can get back to it where I can atleast complete it.  I hope everyone has a great weekend and dont forget this weekend is College football so ROLL TIDE ROLL. Yeahhh Whooooo!!!! 

Alright, I made page 194.. YES

Edited by gdsemiller 2011-09-02 4:11 PM

2011-09-02 5:38 PM
in reply to: #3671228

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


I have been worried about you....and it looks like I had some just cause. However, the preliminary reports sound promising, and I hope it was just something minor, and maybe actually related to breathing as opposed to the heart. Please keep me posted, as you deem appropriate.

You did the right thing, 100%, in curtailing those workouts when things weren't seeming right. That sort of discipline is key in several different ways, as little is ever accomplished when things are going wrong --- and contuing can quickly result in true problems. In your most recent cases it was heart concerns, but for thousands of triathletes it is as simple as continuing a run when the back of the ankle/heel is tender......and ending up with a full-blown Achilles issue. Or..... Or..... Or..... The scenarios are endless.

How far away from home is the sprint on 10/1? If it's relatively close, and if you feel you aren't in across-the-board shape for the whole thing, then you can do whatever seems doable. If that's just the swim, fine -- that experience will help that much more. If it's the swim and the bike, then it becomes an informal "aquabike" and you just bag it once in T2. (But remember to return your timing chip!!! )

In '06, which was my aquabike season due to a torn meniscus, half my aqbks were true ones, and the other were ones in which I just stopped after I got back to T2. Way before aquabikes came into existence, people prepping for an ironman would eneter a half-iron the weekend before and do only the swim and bike -- and then stop. They would use the "race" as a pacing.nutrition/fitness-enhancing session, and be pleased with it on those merits alone. In fact, many people have done the same thing in prepping for an "A"-priority half-iron -- enter another half-iron the week before and do just the swim and bike.

Hopefully, though, you'll be able to fully "represent" on 10/1!

Finally, do I have to "Roll Tide Roll"???

Edited by stevebradley 2011-09-02 5:39 PM
2011-09-02 5:55 PM
in reply to: #3671382

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

GEORGE again -

Traditionally, I have not had a college football team to care about overwhelmingly. Remember, I'm a New England boy......and you know just how insignificant that area is in terms of college football. Growing up, at times I cared about Notre Dame, and for a while was smitten by the Sooners; I guess it was that kinda cool name. I also liked UCLA, cuz they were the Bruins and I was a big Boston Bruins fan. Michigan had those nifty helmets, even back then. For a while in my teens I was hanging around with some Mormon kids, and that got me thinking about BYU. Also in my teens -- and you're not going to like this one!! -- I had a long-distance puupy-love with a girl from Auburn whose dad taught there....and I evn went to visit her once....and we strolled around the stadium. So, there's that, I hate to tell you!!

My summer ('73) at Oregon Institute of Marine Biology, which is an arm of U. Oregon, has since made me partial to the Ducks. My coupla years in Texas got me interested in the Longhorns, partly because Austin is just such an incredible place. But I don't like this big TV deal they have, and see it not helping college football at all for most teams. And as I almost went to Kansas for a Ph.D., well, that swung me towards things Jayhawk.

My own actual college/university experiences don't help much. There was a term at Boston University (Go Terriers!), and 2.5 years at Unity College (Go Rams!). I then migrated to Canada, first to U. of Alberta (Go Golden Bears!) and then for grad school at U. Saskatechewan (Go Huskies!). The common thread amongst those four institutions of higher learning is THAT THEY DON'T AMOUNT TO A PINCH OF GOPHER POOP IN THE WORLD OF U.S. COLLEGE FOOTBALL!!!! Sad to say....but there it is, and I remain a man without proper affiliations.

2011-09-02 6:03 PM
in reply to: #3671405

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Right church, wrong pew!

B2B is full, even the charity spots, but operating the same day is Washington Half, out of (you guessed it) Washington, NC. This'll be its second year, and having read the post to Alex you can see that it is having trouble attracting people. The big problem is that they are going up against B2B with its current-enhanced swim, and it would help them a lot to change weekends and not count of folks who couldn't get into B2B.

It's a good organization that runs Washington, and i hope they can succeed with the event. The website is

B2B misread tide tables or sowmthing last year, because the swim was not at all current-assisted. So lots of folks for both events showed up sans wetsuits figuring they'd be out of the water just about as quickly as they got in....and that didn't happen.....and there were a lot of very cold and possibly hypothermic athletes shivering up a storm on the bike. Or that's how I heard it, anyhow, which may have been stretched a bit in thre repeated telling before it got to my ears.

2011-09-02 6:16 PM
in reply to: #3671228

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

DAVID again -

NOLA, possibly flooded again? Is this a threat from another hurricane?

Good pool session with the 2000! Looking at the 1500, that would make for a decent swim split for an oly, and you did it (a) without the benefits of any drafting, (b) without the benefits of any added adrenaline, and (c) having to worry about knocking off another 500 after the 1500 was completed. So, take off 40" for (a), 40" for (b), and maybe about 100" for (c)....and that gets you close to 33:00 for an oly swim. Sweet!

As for trying to train in the small pool, well, drillwork is about all you could do. It's actually not a horrible setting for one-armed drills, or maybe easy kick sets. In fact, for the latter it is maybe ideal. Focus on generating the kick from the hips, and you can probably hold that for a length without your kicking form falling apart --- as it does for me in the 25m pools up here. If we had half-length ones, though, i would periodically kick-set in those, and feel good after each length about my form, and hope that muscle-memory over that shorter distance would, in time, be transferrable to longer distances. If you do that, don't scrimp on rest at the end of each length; that rest will give your hips time to re-set themselves, and your brain time to analyse how the previous 12.5 had gone for you.

Glub, glub!

2011-09-03 5:41 AM
in reply to: #3256772

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Steve - since you spoke of Auburn I guess i will have to look for another mentor group   Just Joking. I'm not one of those psycho tree killing Bama fans.  I like Auburn, just not when they are playing Alabama, but please dont tell my friends or I will not have any. I even liked Auburn last year but I hated Cam Newton, he was a 1 man team and it showed on the field, I dont like that, I feel its everyone or no one when it comes to sports.  The race on 10/1 is in Pensacola Fl which is about 1 hour 15 min drive so If I'm feeling 60% then I will go and do what I can and come home. I hope I can atleast get the cycling in, that is what I really enjoy the most, I feel at peace when on the bike, even though we have a lot of crazy folks in cars down here. Oh well.

Is anyone racing this weekend, if so good luck, have fun and be safe.  Well I have to head out, going up to Tuscaloosa for the Alabama game.  Have a great weekend everyone.


2011-09-03 1:32 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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New York
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Finally bit the bullet on a carbon bike... here is a pic....


Valueroad_7.jpg (91KB - 9 downloads)
2011-09-03 6:32 PM
in reply to: #3671986

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful......but how did you get from the holy trinity of Felt/Trek/Cannondale to Ridley? Nothing at all wrong with Ridley, and at least one professional team rides Ridley every year. It's just that I remeber something like your bike shop having Felt and Trek, and a freind with connections with Cdale.

Is the one in the photo yours? Now? Completely in your possession? And will it be making its Performance Debut at Bassman?


2011-09-03 8:12 PM
in reply to: #3671986

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED
astorm65 - 2011-09-03 11:32 AM

Finally bit the bullet on a carbon bike... here is a pic....

Very cool, looks pretty high end.
2011-09-04 9:15 AM
in reply to: #3672277

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

ALEX again -

From this year's Tour de France, Ridley was ridden by Vacansoleil-DCM. This is a team based out of the Netherlands, and is sponsored by firms that deal with European campgrounds on one hand, and plant food production on the other. Go Alex! Go Ridley! Go Vacansoleil-DCM!!

And if you followed the TdF, you saw that mind-boggling crash that was instigated by a camera car veering into the one rider, and a second rider a few meters back catapulting off his bike and into a barbed-wire fence. The latter was Johnny Hoogerland, I think, who is a V-D guy.

And now you know!!

Edited by stevebradley 2011-09-04 9:15 AM
2011-09-04 9:26 AM
in reply to: #3672580

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


George, congrats on the Tide's win. (Did you behave yourself there?)

Ellen, I hope "the kid" had a good cross-country meet. Is that the Lehigh, as in engineering and maths, in PA? Apples don't fall far from the tree, if it is!

As for me, I'm off shortly to Lynn's brther's wife's cottage until tomorrow evening. I'll check in then, and return fully Tuesday evening.

I'm then off again on Thursday morning, heading first to Harrisonburg, VA, to deposit Lynn with a friend who will then take her down to Asheville, NC, while I head into DC to get redy for Nation's Tri on Sunday.

In prep for Nation's.....I think I am into taper week. My brick yesterday was okay, but quite "flat", and doing a fairly fast-paced 32km ride the evening before was a mistake. I didn't punish myself on it, but I clearly wasn't fully recovered for yesterday's brick -- further evidence that I'm generally not recovering as well nowadays as I used to. Boo-hoo!

That does show, however, that "junk miles" should never get in the way of a planned quality workout. While my brick from Wednesday was the toughie, I knew all week that I wanted a second good one yesterday.....and I sacrificed it for a "junk miles" ride Friday evening. I am far, far, far from the first person to do similarly, and just by myself alone, I have committed this error scores of times before. Slow learner, much??

So, dear folks -- see you in about 36 hours!!

2011-09-04 4:43 PM
in reply to: #3672580

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New York
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

The one in the picture isn't mine, just an image I found online of it.  I pick mine up next Saturday, so the Bassman will be its race debut... at least that is the plan at the moment.  I was looking at either Felt/Trek/Giant or CDale but went into my LBS and talked to the owner... what I was looking for, what riding I do and my budget.  We got to looking at Ridley, I didn't even realize he sold them.  He really sold me on it, besides the fact that I love the subtle color scheme  we talked about Belguim and how it is built for riders there and that the terrain is similar to what we have here in westchester... it just sort of made sense.  He is going to change the gearing a bit for me as my hill climbing still work and I need a good low gear for that but with only a couple of other tweaks I should have it fitted and out the door on Saturday!  I can't wait!


Good luck everyone with training and racing this weekend.  I got in a 35 miler yesterday and another one today...


2011-09-05 11:28 AM
in reply to: #3256772

Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Yes the kid is at Lehigh in PA.  He is in the business school though; although he is pretty good at math.  He won his first college race on Friday.  It was a field of about 105 runners  and he came in first.  It was pretty cool to watch.  They run a 6K their first race then move to 8K and then 10K.  He did pretty well as a freshman but we did not expect him to be where he is now.  He actually trains and runs the miles the coach tells him to run.  See what happens when you actually follow the plan.  I should follow his example.  I actually want him to spend more time in the library and less time running.  But that is the mother in me, I guess. 

I suppose I shoud go out and do some swimming, biking or running.  It is hot here again and it is supposed to rain most of the week, starting tomorrow. 

George, Are you feeling ok? 



2011-09-05 2:30 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

My race report for this morning. I finished 19/42 ag and 116/404 OA. My swim looks worse than it was because of traffic in the pool and having to tread water till I could get out. It still wasn't a great swim though.

2011-09-05 9:26 PM
in reply to: #3671290

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Cheesehead, WI
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

George! You take care y'hear?! That must have been scary. Hope the doc gets it all cleared up and it's nothing. 

Alex - nice bike! I may have to take a look at those myself.

Jeff - nice race!

Steve - I'm guilty of junk miles too. Crazy thinkin'. Like I pushed hard to get my training miles in for my upcoming half. I jumped up a little more than 10 percent in volume and I can attest that my legs feel it!!! Whew! But I have some time to recoup in taper mode but in all honesty, I will lay odds that I run a little more than taper dictates...just to make sure However, not so much to undo my training or risk injury. 

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