BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2011-09-06 10:01 AM
in reply to: #3256772

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San Jose
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Great rr Jeff. You're moving up!

George, what's new? Feeling better? Did the game help

Ellen, my friends son is an engineering student at Lehigh. He loves it!

Alex, really nice bike! Good timing in getting it too. You'll have all 'off' season to ride and hit next year so strong.

Steve, I think we're all guilty of either adding junk miles or no miles. It's just human nature  

David, good swimming. Hope you didn't get dizzy turning so many times int he short pool.

Hope everyone had a great long weekend. We had a good mix of bbq's, fun with friends and good workouts. I'm having a taper week heading into my oly next Saturday. Then Sunday, I'm going on a business trip with Dave to England! The last business trip I took with him was 24 years England. That time we took our 5 month old son with us since I was his nutrition. This time, no kids!

2011-09-06 7:39 PM
in reply to: #3672876

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

GANG again!

I'm back....and feeling slight agitation about running out of time in prep for Nation's. I mentioned the flat brick I had on Saturday as a result of the "junk" ride on Friday, and then my swim on Sunday was also falt. That told me something or other (fatgued? overtrained?), so I did nothing yesterday. Today's swim was really fine, but now I'm left with the likelihood of just-tomorrow for -- what, as my final prep? Another swim? A bike? A brisk run? Spread all three out over the course of the day? (There will be a Yoga as well.)

I might bag the bike tomorrow and try to find some spot to do it instead Friday morning as I leave Harrisonburg (where I will have deposited Lynn with a friend) and head into DC, but there is an element of risk to that (like, where do I find a suitable place??). BUT, I can also try practicing what I preach, that it's taper week and I should realistically go with the training I have done, as nothing I doi between now and then will make any demonstrable difference. That siad, though, this is kind of a long and kind of a slack taper week, if it peters out with a few lame efforts tomorrow!

2011-09-06 7:44 PM
in reply to: #3672876

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

GANG again!

I'm back....and feeling slight agitation about running out of time in prep for Nation's. I mentioned the flat brick I had on Saturday as a result of the "junk" ride on Friday, and then my swim on Sunday was also falt. That told me something or other (fatgued? overtrained?), so I did nothing yesterday. Today's swim was really fine, but now I'm left with the likelihood of just-tomorrow for -- what, as my final prep? Another swim? A bike? A brisk run? Spread all three out over the course of the day? (There will be a Yoga as well.)

I might bag the bike tomorrow and try to find some spot to do it instead Friday morning as I leave Harrisonburg (where I will have deposited Lynn with a friend) and head into DC, but there is an element of risk to that (like, where do I find a suitable place??). BUT, I can also try practicing what I preach, that it's taper week and I should realistically go with the training I have done, as nothing I doi between now and then will make any demonstrable difference. That siad, though, this is kind of a long and kind of a slack taper week, if it peters out with a few lame efforts tomorrow!

2011-09-06 7:45 PM
in reply to: #3675403

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Man, I HATE when that happens!! (Double-post, that is.)

Edited by stevebradley 2011-09-06 7:50 PM
2011-09-06 7:48 PM
in reply to: #3672876

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Excellent! Did it come with a 21 or 23 as a big cog? If he changes the cassette and your go up to a 25, that should be perfect for Westchester. If he goes up to a 27, you'll be cruisin' on the climbs around there!

2011-09-06 8:01 PM
in reply to: #3673471

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


That's good for the kid; no, it's GREAT for thr kid! As you know, when you get to that level the cross-country competition is never peanust, so to finish 1/105 is colossal. Heck, even if it had been 15/105, that would've been pretty huge.

We have counter-balanced each other -- I have psychically suggested to him that he spend more time running and less time in the library! That's the darnedest thing, eh?

Any talk of Katia rolling through there on Saturday or Sunday. One proposed path I saw had it bopping into Hatteras on Friday, but I haven't dared check since then as I could see a trajectory that might put DC right in the path. I guess I should be a big boy and check it again.

Which chowderhead chose Katia as a name, anyhow?!? Even lower lifeforms can see how closely it resembles "Katrina", and that's just malicious mojo. What, there aren't other "K" names they could've chosen instead? How about Kryptonia and Kleptomella and Kissypoo? I mean, this isn't exactly rocket science, you know?

Feeling fine, Ms. 2034? IT'S GONNA BE FUN!!!

2011-09-06 8:52 PM
in reply to: #3673615

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


It took me a while, but BT finally "allowed" me into your report (actually, I am having a lot of trouble getting my posts psoted this evening.) BUT!

That is definitely a MOP perfomance, and one more to the sweet end of MOP -- very fine!

I was thinking about seeding yourself higher in your pool races.....and then you mentioned the same conclusion at the end. If you felt just about ANY part of the swim being impeded by even one or two people ahead of you, you deserve the right to seed higher. Don't be so self-effacing next time! (And treading water waiting to get out is just plain annoying!!)

As for the tri-top creating drag, maybe have a look at the DeSoto "Forza 78-degree Swim Top. The catalogue shows a guy running his bike out of T1, so even though it is called a "swim" top it is designed to be worn throughout a triathlon. I ahve been a DeSoto since I began in '00, and think their stuff is superb. Go to and see if it would suit you. DeSoto also has superb customer service, so if there are any snafus they will correct them in double-time.

You might not be happy with T1, but 2:08 isn't bad given longish runs. And T2 at 1:08 is great.

New bike, new wheels.......yup, those will ALWAYS help!

Your run time was good for off the bike; just be patient with that while the gap between a stand-alone run and a comparable tri run continues to inexorably close. Check back in a year, and I'll bet me left elbow you're sub-25 -- and with a fair bit of room to spare!

So at this point ------- it's B--R--A--N--S--O--N!!!!!!!!!

2011-09-06 8:59 PM
in reply to: #3674057

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


I'm not sure I'd catagorize your long miles as "junk" miles. Maybe "not-the-wisest miles"....but not necessarily "junk" miles. But you seem to have emerged from those runs un-injured ("sore" doesn't count -- until it becomes debilitating ), so you managed to build up the mileage successfully. Whew??

Overall this season, my volume was down but the quality was up. I'm sure in the past I have done many more aimless swims and rides and runs, but this year almost all had a purpose or good intensity, nd I think that has served me well. It may be the best solution for someone who is aging, and who seems to not recoveer so quickly anymore.

But you're still a young pup, so you can take more risks with pushing the envelope in terms of volume and distance. Woo-hoo!!

2011-09-06 9:04 PM
in reply to: #3674482

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Fine line -- "...since I was his nutrition"!!

2011-09-07 3:10 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Alex - Nice sweet ride, I bet you cant wait to ride it.

The Bama game was what the Dr ordered and it was great to be in T-Town for kickoff to the College Season.  Bama 48  Kent State 7.

Went to the Cardio Dr yesterday and did a Cardiac Calcium test and it came back good, I have no old plaque, YEAHHH.. The Dr thinks that since I went off my cholesterol meds that it could have resulted to the chest pains where my arteries were under stress and was used to being on the meds.  Well I'm back on Meds and will stay on them. Problem is the back is still out of wack and its driving me crazy since it hurts to walk & sit.  It's feeling better today so I might try to do a short easy bike ride or swim tomorrow but will wait a little longer before I start pounding the pavement with the running.

Glad everyone is doing well.  Steve and Ellen good luck on Sunday at Nations.  Anyone else racing this weekend.  There is a tunnel to tower 5k run in Mobile on Sunday which I really wanted to do because I think it would be cool to run through our tunnel, but oh well.

2011-09-07 5:56 PM
in reply to: #3256772

Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Thanks for the good wishes.  We will miss you.

I am very glad that there is nothing seriously wrong with your heart.  That could have been a long recovery.  It sounds like you did all the right things in getting it taken care of. 

Alex, I love the new bike. 

Good work on your race Jeff. 

I swam today and had to leave the pool due to thunder.  It is supposed to clear up for the weekend.  We'll see.






2011-09-07 10:13 PM
in reply to: #3676914

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Whew, whew, WHEW! I agree with Ellen that you have done everything wisely and prudently, and it is good that with the proper meds you can continue doing thr stuff you have grown to enjoy so much. (Now we just have to resolve this current back bout!)

I also agree with her that you will be missed at Nation's. Maybe another year?

2011-09-07 10:18 PM
in reply to: #3677193

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


How about I call you en route from Harrisonburg to Washington, and maybe we can meet up at the expo/packet pick-up. BUT -- were you even thinking of going in there on Friday?? If not, I can easily meander my way up to your curiously-named little town later in the day or evening.

My agenda at the expo is not huge, mostly because i will be trying to exercise some frugality. That doesn't mean I will succeed....but at least going in, that is my goal. (And, of course "exercise some frugality" is quite subjective, isn't it? )

I will try to check this before we leave in the morning. Sleep well, cuz these few days leading up to a race are the ones that count!

2011-09-07 11:05 PM
in reply to: #3677201

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Off to Nation's Tri early tomorrow morning, and won't be back until Monday evening, probably. My number is 2157, Ellen's is 2034, so send mojo in care of those numbers. And any extra mojo you might have, PLEASE send it in support of me not having any bike mishaps. Thank you in advance for this!

Edited by stevebradley 2011-09-07 11:06 PM
2011-09-08 5:53 AM
in reply to: #3677201

Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


I won't go to the expo on Friday since I have to go there on Saturday to drop off my bike.  So I will do it all on Saturday. 

You think Ijamsville is a funny name?  I actually don't know where downtown Ijamsville is.  I think it is just  a wide spot in the road.


2011-09-09 7:39 AM
in reply to: #3677320

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


I just saw that the swim was cancelled --as I feared. To that end, I knocked off a little 30-min run an hour ago.

I went to the race website and saw nothing, but then came across a post here from one of my other groups. She lives in Reston and said nothing about how Rseton Tri might be affected, only that "our" swim has been cancelled. I guesss I will go back to the webiste and poke around some more -- but nothing was on the webiste moments before I bopped over to here.

Did you make it through last night okay? We heard about flash floods around Frederick, but no real details.

We had a hellacious ride down, possibly hust staying ahead of a few road closures. Our route took us right past Binghamptom, which had a sense of quiet, and low traffic around it, but at that time we knew nothing about the flooding. Just into PA we could see flooded streets and parking lots, and then at Wilkes-Barre the tone was much like Binghampton. We next saw a sign sayiing that I80 westbound was closed, and when we apporached that there were a couple of miles of trucks by the side of 81 --- I guess waiting for however long for it to open again.

I could go on, including Harrisburg and the massive back-ups there.....but i will save it until we meet.

I'm heading to DC now, and will phone later this afternoon. I really wanted that swim, of course, but will work to suck it up and accept what is given me -- keeping in mind, too, that what is behind the swim cancellation is affecting so many people infinitely more than it is affecting me and my self-absorbed race goals. There! I've said it! (Now to live it....)


2011-09-09 8:13 AM
in reply to: #3678979

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New York
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

STEVE and ELLEN -- GOOD LUCK AT NATIONS!!!  sorry to hear about the swim being cancelled.  I have my little tri this weekend a sprint with a very short bike.  I thought about skipping it but found out a friend of mine is doing it as well and she wants me to come down and complete it with her... 

Pick up my bike tomorrow!!!! YEAH!!!!

Hope all have a safe and fun weekend!


2011-09-09 9:00 AM
in reply to: #3256772

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Steve and Ellen - Good luck out there and have fun.  So was the swim cancelled on race day or was it the warm up swim on Sat?  If it was the race day swim, why did they cancel it?

Alex - Make sure you take lots of photos of your new baby and post them here on BT.  So are you going to race on the new bike or use your old one? Good luck at your race, its it Sat or Sun.

I want to thank all of you for your concerns about my health and I'm really glad it was nothing serious.  I will try to do a short swim tomorrow since my plans this week to do something fell through due to the back.

Good Luck to everyone who is racing this weekend and be safe out there.


2011-09-09 9:06 AM
in reply to: #3679129

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New York
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

George - my race is on Sunday and depending on how my ride goes tomorrow I will decide if I want to ride the new bike or stick with the old one.  I am not sure I will have enough of a comfort level on the new bike to use it in a race but will see.  

Good luck with your swim, I hope your back loosens up!



2011-09-09 10:07 AM
in reply to: #3256772

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

I picked up a new rear wheel today for Branson. Nothing sexy just your basic rim, 32h 3 cross. Better than worrying about my old one and watching it slip further out of true. A bit sad. I built my old wheelset myself, for a previous bike, and was very proud of them but they are over a decade old with who knows how many thousands of miles.

I'm a bit off my plan this week. This was supposed to be one last build week then taper. Work has me running ragged and stressing over my wife's car, coordinating vehicles etc has thrown me off. Hopefully I will structure my taper right. A long ride/run/swim this weekend, watch The Cowboys Sunday and start getting the details together for Branson then next week-shorter, sharper workouts and travel.

2011-09-09 12:51 PM
in reply to: #3679219

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Got my stuff and been bodymarked. (Does this mean I don't shower until post-race? Oh, my!!)

On the host-hotel computer, stealing time from "legal" guests. Oh, my!

2011-09-09 2:01 PM
in reply to: #3679513

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

stevebradley - 2011-09-09 12:51 PM Got my stuff and been bodymarked. (Does this mean I don't shower until post-race? Oh, my!!) On the host-hotel computer, stealing time from "legal" guests. Oh, my!

Have fun

2011-09-11 8:18 PM
in reply to: #3679598

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


I am so sorry I couldn't find you post-race - so much to go over, so much to thank you for!!!

You have to be hugely pleased with your results, especially the bike -- 2nd in the age group. I don't want to hear ANYTHING more about you not being a triathlete. If there was any doubt at all, you dispelled that today. And you have worked hard with the swimming, so that would've gone well for you too, I am sure.

The phone surfaced, in the bottom of my transition bag; I have no idea how it got there. well, I can take some guesses, but it's mostly just ludicrous, overall. But the good thing is that I discovered it while rearranging the car, waiting for Lynn, so shye has no idea that it was "lost" for about 4O hours. WHEW! Whew, whew, WHEW!!

My race went really well; a quick summary will be in the next post.

2011-09-11 8:26 PM
in reply to: #3681563

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Nations Triathlon numbers (and pertinent factoids)

No swim, due to an unbelievable foul and debris-laden Potomac. It was just a 40km bike and 10km run, with a run-in to the bike which served as T1

T1 -- 1:17
B -- 1:05:07 (22.9mph)
T2 -- 1:58
R -- 43:29 (7:01/mile)

1/32 M60-64 (2nd was 1:58:19, 3rd was 2:01:37)

Not great bike nutrition - again!! - but great run-course support bailed me out. I was very smart to dial it bike some on the final 8km or so of the bike, which allowed me to have a strong run -- I think my best ever olympic-distance run.

Terrific race, and the organizers did a superb job of adjusting things when the swim had to be cancelled. That decision was made on Wednesday or Thursday, and was very, very wise -- essential, in fact.

More later. Good night!!

2011-09-12 6:06 AM
in reply to: #3256772

Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Congratulations.  You had an awesome race.  Your run time is so incredible.  Yesterday was a good run day. Not too hot and you are right the course support was there.  I looked for you after the race but when I got back to the bike racks your bike was gone and I knew you were  anxious to get to Harrisonburg.  I left the finish line with my chip still on my leg so I had to go all the way back to return it.  I feel pretty good today.  Off to work and then home to grade tests.  The real world has returned.  I think that may be another aspect of triathlon that is good for the soul. You get to be focused somewhere else for a while. 

Gang. It was wonderful to actually meet our mentor.  I think we are very lucky to be in a group with a mentor who has thought so much about triathlon and is so willing to share what he knows.



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