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2011-09-16 12:29 PM
in reply to: #3689033

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Same messaage to you as to Alex, which is: splish-splash, get thee to a pool asap!!! It's good for the body, good for the soul, good for the head!

Sorry, of course, to hear about the back, which is suffering more extendedly this time. We have a product up here -- Robaxicet and Robaxisal -- that works well for back issues. If you want, I can send you some to try out. The one ending in -cet is for people who work best with acetominophen, -sal is for those who can handle acetosalicylic acid. Let me know, okay? I'll be very pleased to do this for you -- it's one of my jobs ;s a Full Service Mentor!

Illegitimum non carborundum!

Edited by stevebradley 2011-09-16 12:30 PM

2011-09-16 1:28 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED
6ish hours I think. I am on which should post to my facebook page as well. That is set up as a public page, you do not have to be a "friend"
2011-09-16 1:38 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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New York
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

I hope to get into the pool sunday morning before my ride...  

George, I do need to get my race report out from last weekend.  It was an ok race, I had a lot of fun with my friends who did the event as well.

I have a 50 mile ride scheduled for tomorrow...  here is the route.. only a few of the hills I am worried about.

2011-09-16 3:01 PM
in reply to: #3256772

Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Steve, The pain does seem to be on the outside of the knee.  Definitely not behind the kneecap. I will try ice. I am doing a 50 mile ride on Sunday and Iwill see what happens then. I am thinking about swimming today or tomorrow.

New Jersey is close.  Since I spend everyother wekend at Lehigh watching my son run into the wood only to emerge and I see him for another 30 seconds , I guess I could mosey on up teh road and do a different kind of triathlon, 

I spoke to someone about the DC tri and they did not like the bike. Too many turns with lots of people.  I guess you need to do some looking into that.

Later.  Jeff we'll be watching for you. And then it's Alex's and Steve's turn at Bassman. 





2011-09-16 6:43 PM
in reply to: #3689882

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Well, if you're willing to mosey up one road, I know of lots of other races that are also just mere moseys. I'll get a list to you sometime soon.

I went to the DC Tri website and was kind of flabbergasted by the bike course myself. It is serpentine and convoluted AND done twice for olyfolks. I can't say it struck me at all positive.

The run, though, seems much more monument/history-oriented than Nation's. But that's one of the things that sounds nifty on paper, and then come race day it is all lost on me, mostly. I did notice Wash. Mon. on my first time past it.....and then a few minutes later it didn't even register. What's up with THAT?

It was nice seeing it in my photo set, even though the photo of me with it isn't one of my best. And trhen there are my finish line ones, where each of them has the upraised left hand of the guy just in front of me obscuring my face. I knew he had his hands up, but just didn't know they were so strategically-placed. But that's okay, because I'd never order a photo with a skewy finish clock so obvious. It was skewy because the time shown reflected that of the first finsiher from the first wave, so it was something like 13 mninutes different from my actual finish time. So, ket that guy's paw block my face -- see if I care!

Esay of the knee-strengthening while pain is still present!! If it's ITB, strength work might not hurt it too much more, but many knee problems react very poorly to knee-strengthening work. In fact, from the time I had my torn meniscus in '06, I NEVER once did leg-work in the gym again. Not once! It just wasn't worth the risk to tear it again -- even though it wasn't leg-work that was responsible for the tear. Just my two cents worth!

2011-09-16 6:45 PM
in reply to: #3689882

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Ah-ha! So you DID do something last weekend!. You weasel, I thought since you didn't make ANY comments, you'd decided to bag it. I'm glad you report "ok" --- but now let's hear at least just a bit of supporting evidence!

2011-09-17 5:20 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Correction! I am bib #207! 207 207 207..sorry

We are at Branson! Cold and damp, which is ironic since I spent all summer worrying about a hot humid race, we have pretty much steady rain and temps in the low to mid 50's! The same is expected for tomorrow morning, hopefully no lightening! My bike is at T-1 in the rain but it was rained on all the way through Arkansas and into Missouri anyway! A quick trip to Wallmart to augment my clothing and I am as ready as I can be. I'm pretty sure we have seen more rain today than I did all this year in Texas!

Edited by Av8rTx 2011-09-17 5:22 PM
2011-09-17 10:03 PM
in reply to: #3690721

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


All of you drew the long straw with the weather, even if you think you don't like damp and cool. At the half-iron level, nothing can be more draining than hot and humid, so thank god for small mercies that it's not that. But I do hope for your sake that it's not too radically northernish for your comfort!

Augment clothing? At Wal-Mart? ???

And thanks for the witcheroo to 207 -- which I will now totally assume is the number that you will be sporting. May your sleep be sound, and may your breakfast sit benignly in your stomach! Have a great experience out there, Jeff!

Edited by stevebradley 2011-09-17 10:04 PM
2011-09-18 3:34 AM
in reply to: #3690868

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

stevebradley - 2011-09-17 10:03 PM JEFF - too radically northernish for your comfort! Augment clothing? At Wal-Mart? ??? And thanks for the witcheroo to 207 -- 

The crazy thing is I am from Missouri (KC) originally but have been a naturalized Texan for 30 years. My wife grew up just up the road in Springfield though she was born in San Antonio. But despite all this I did not pack for coolish weather so we stopped in a Walmart and got some disposable, if needed, wind pats and light jacket for standing around outside in when not racing and the jacket Ill place at T-1 for the bike if I need/want it.

Slightly better this AM not raining and not quite as cold..on our way now

2011-09-18 7:54 AM
in reply to: #3690926

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Mouiseur Early Bird, which is a page from my own book of ridiculously early race-day wake-ups. The rain/wind gear makes sense, even from WM!

Stay warm, stay dry.....stay hydrated!!

2011-09-18 7:57 AM
in reply to: #3690969

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

No JEFF out of the water yet. The first three guys in his age group (45-49) are out, however, and they are REALLY fast swimmers. One of them was out in 27-something, the other two in 28-something. Holy-moly, that's fast for 1.2 miles!!!!

Edited by stevebradley 2011-09-18 2:46 PM

2011-09-18 2:47 PM
in reply to: #3690973

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Back from a bunch of hours in Ottawa, and JEFF is somewhere on the run. Four splits down, one to go -- hang tough, JEFF!!!

2011-09-18 3:37 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED
20748Denison TX USA 
Details to follow after I re-group and get my in laws out of my hotel room
2011-09-18 3:50 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED
45/71 Age group-53/46/45 I guess that's my ranking for each split
2011-09-18 5:44 PM
in reply to: #3691200

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

2011-09-18 5:49 PM
in reply to: #3691301

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Hey, 70.3er!!!!!

Well done, especially the run. You have to be pleased with that, yes?

As for those numbers, yes, they should be the splits. But often they are off, especially the run. And sometimes they refe not to your place in each discipline, but to your cumulative place after the swim, or bike, or run. I see a 45 for the run and a 45 for the overall age group, and I think the 45 in the run place reflects the overall a.g. placement. I will go and check that momentarily, but my gut feeling is that with a 2:10, your run was higher in the a.g. than 45th.

I shall return --- and maybe by then you will have successfully evicted the in-laws!

2011-09-18 6:36 PM
in reply to: #3691303

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

JEFF again -

A quick count-through of run times for your a.g. had you at 38th. This is from th toatl list at The list there has the third number going sequentially from 1st on down, so that's that part of the puzzle, anyhow. I'll study them more later when I have more time.

In-laws gone yet? If not, maybe try projectile vomiting; desperate times call for desperate measures!

And enjoy devouring dinner tonight. you earned whatever feast you treat yourself to!!

2011-09-18 7:05 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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Cheesehead, WI
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Hi Gang!

I'm sorry I've been out of the loop but from a quick glance - Ellen - hope your knee is nothing serious and just one of those things that can work itself out.  Jeff - you are one fast dude! Congrats!  George - hope the back is better and that you got into that pool.

I ran my half marathon today. Well, not what I had hoped for but considering I have a cold and my training has not incorporated any speed work - I finished. I had ran this last year at 2:08 and was hopeful to get to 2:00 but wound up with 2:17. I really was hurtin' the last couple miles - hip flexors were zinging! I took a 'running 101' course Friday night through NETA to get CEC's to keep my cycling certification current with the YMCA; and during that I learned that I REALLLLLY need to add speed work and even plyometrics in order to gain speed and power. I started running about 5 years ago on Nike sneakers I bought on Ebay (that didn't fit properly and wound up with achilles tendonitis) and altough I have probably gotten a tiny bit faster (11 min mile to 10 min mile ave) it just is not really much of an improvement. I may be 48 but dang, many 48 year olds and older are kickin' my butt!!!! WAAAAAH! I want faster feeties and just would love to be able to run at 8:30/pace or even 9/min pace or even 9:15 pace! mojo is gonna be working on this over the winter. I run outside so not sure if that may even be a hindrance for speed (with ice and snow) but I'm hoping by next season, I've got some faster feet.

2011-09-18 9:22 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Race report is posted:

More stories and details available as indicated.

2011-09-19 6:17 AM
in reply to: #3256772

Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Jeff, Great race. Your runtime is fantastic.  I will read your report tonight.

Sarah,  I think that taking 1 minue off your time is pretty good.  I do agreed that there are some things you can do to improve more. I don't actually do any of those things but speed work and plyometrics are a good start  I'm sure Steve has a good solution also.  I am determined to work on the run this year.  My knee is feeling better. I don't know why. I rode 50 miles yesterday on a pretty hilly course but all is well this morning.

George, Glad you are back.  I hope your feeling better.

Must go to work now. 


2011-09-19 8:49 AM
in reply to: #3256772

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New York
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

CONGRATS!!! JEFF!  Awesome job.  

Hope you are doing well and recovering!


I've been MIA for a while... did do a 50 mile ride on Saturday but took yesterday off and seem to have gotten a chest cold.  took today off from work to rest and see if I can get rid of it.  I am suppose to swim tomorrow morning so we'll see how it goes.

I do owe a race report from last weekend.  I hope to get it out today!

Happy training!

2011-09-19 9:27 AM
in reply to: #3691481

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Really fine race report, and so puctual, too. I'm now eight days out from Nation's, and still haven't typed a thing beyond the raw numbers. My bad!

At some point I would be curious about your bike nutrition. You seem to have locked0-in a very good run nutrition plan, but ther's no mention of the bike. just curious!

Do you think your previous-life bike racing helped you establish a wise pace yesterday, given the need to run 13.1 off the bike? You sure did set yourself up wisely for a good run, and as you know -- it really paid off!

As for the specifics of the run, the best part to my eyes is the final 1.8 miles, where you brought the pace back to a very solid 9:32. Most people have a rougher patch where you did (miles 8-11), and many of them will not be able to stem the slide for the last two miles. But you rebounded great, with those final 1.8 being your strongest pace other than for the first 2.2. Fabulous way to finish!!

Good swim, too, epscially doing it virtually with no breaks in stride/stroke. You kept with the other blues, passed some pinks, and were nabbed by some yellows -- probably punks in the 30-39 range! My study of the swim times suggests that it was not an easy course, which could means calm water, or measured short, or truly uncrowded. I know the crowds were big yesterday, but i also suspect one of the other two were opposites -- either roughish water, or measured true or even slightly long. Just a guess!

Be kind to yourself about transitions, as the very nature of half-iron tansitions is that they have every good reason to be dragged out some. Most peole can romp through a sprint transition and not pay dearly if something is neglected, but the price that can be paid by a careless and hasty HIM transition can be critical. So, whatever time you took, consider it "time well wasted"!

Funny account of pussyfoting through the water early on. I too have done that, realizing that such efforts are doomed to futility. The only way they might pay off is in longer races (Branson would be in that category) when you want to delay the onset of blisters as long as possible. I know I can survive with soaked shoes for sprints and olys, but have less confidence when the distances lengthen. Fortunately, I don;'t think i have ever done a half-iron in heavy rain; have to think about that a bit!

How are you today? Be aware of DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) over the next couple of days, but if it set in be confident that it will be gone by Thursday or Friday -- and then you can resume normal walking posture, which will no lopnger resemble that of a 107-year-old.

Finally, great photo of you in transition. Three of them didn't come up on my machine. Is that just me, or some universal gremlin?

2011-09-19 4:56 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Hello Everyone,

Jeff -Congrats on the HIM and the numbers which are AWESOME. But then again the way you have trained I would not expect anything less, you are one tough machine.

Sarah - Congrats on the Half Mary, yes it may have been slower than last year, but you were under the weather and to me you kicked major butt.  You did 13.1 miles in a little over 2 hours where as I would have been at mile 8 if I was lucky, so congrats.

Well My back is better and I plan to start back running tomorrow.  Me and the wife did some running last sat, there was a scavanger hunt here in downtown mobile with 200 teams out to win a $12K diamond ring.  Well me and the wife came in second, but I'm stil trying to fight it since our last clue was texted to them before we received a text saying the game was over.  The winner had 37 points and we had 36.  I really think they gave it to the couple because they had a really nice story.  I would not want them to take the ring back from them if I do win, but I want them to be straight and honest with us.  Will keep yall posted.

2011-09-19 8:14 PM
in reply to: #3691886

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

stevebradley - 2011-09-19 9:27 AM JEFF!  At some point I would be curious about your bike nutrition. You seem to have locked0-in a very good run nutrition plan, but ther's no mention of the bike. just curious!

Sorry about that. I have trained pretty much with Gu (Just Plain) and Gatorade. These products I know from my past and am familiar with. I remember Gu when, I think, it was the only energy gel out there. I went by roughly 1 Gu every 45 minutes or so. The bike course had absolutely no truly level portions, that is not an exaggeration, so finding a safe area to manage a gel packet and not litter was a bit of a bother but I managed. Reflecting, I could have relied on the aid stations for fluids more. I had enough water/gatorade for a century in those conditions but had my mind locked on hot.I carried the same pattern into the run but I used the aid stations for fluids and gel packs basically 1 per lap

Do you think your previous-life bike racing helped you establish a wise pace yesterday, given the need to run 13.1 off the bike? You sure did set yourself up wisely for a good run, and as you know -- it really paid off!

Probably so, maybe not as much from racing as when I did ultra distance riding and 24 hour rides. I tried to keep my run at the forefront of my mind and not get too caught up in "racing" other riders. Even if I had tried I probably would have only gained an extra 1 to 1.5 mph in average speed and would likely have paid for it on the run. On the bike I made one quick bathroom stop and stopped once on a hill to help some hapless girl/lady (34 on her calf) get her bike to shift to her small chainring, a tripple.

As for the specifics of the run, the best part to my eyes is the final 1.8 miles, where you brought the pace back to a very solid 9:32. Most people have a rougher patch where you did (miles 8-11), and many of them will not be able to stem the slide for the last two miles. But you rebounded great, with those final 1.8 being your strongest pace other than for the first 2.2. Fabulous way to finish!!

My original plan was to walk one minute at each mile mark and try for an 8 minute run to the next. I followed my run/walk plan to the end and I think I came close for a bit to my target pace. I made one bathroom stop on the run at mile 11. I began to have some pain in my right hip/buttocks and I dialed it back for the bulk of the run with the intent of really running the final 2 or 3. Well that became the final 1 but that's okay. I have no complaints about my run performance from an intellectual stand point. Emotionally I wanted 2 hours but I have never come close to that training so it made no sense to look for it there. The ability to adjust and re-set my goals on the fly (from a 2 hour HM to a sub 7 total) helped me stay motivated.

Good swim, too, epscially doing it virtually with no breaks in stride/stroke. 

Yes I have improved mentally on the swim and have gotten use to the sensory deprivation. Mostly I just stayed in "my box" and focused on what I could control-form, breathing, counting my strokes. The water was not rough, maybe a bit choppier at the far end but it didn't register with me as an issue. Early I was swam over once and there was some jostling around but nothing traumatic and I was prepared for what I experienced. One of the OW sprints I did this spring was more combative than this one was.

Be kind to yourself about transitions, as the very nature of half-iron tansitions is that they have every good reason to be dragged out some.

Yeah it's cool. A killer long run at T-1 and simply unpacking etc. T-2 I was a bit disoriented, a different location all together and when I put my stuff there it was virtually empty, when I arrived it had a whole different look and my assigned spot was badly encroached on so it added a few seconds.

Funny account of pussyfoting through the water early on. I too have done that, realizing that such efforts are doomed to futility.  How are you today? Be aware of DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) over the next couple of days, but if it set in be confident that it will be gone by Thursday or Friday --

My big fear about running in the puddles was pot holes I could not see. The pavement was pretty marginal at one end, a construction area and RV park and I didn't know what was in the water. I also don't like getting wet at first, but once you are wet-well what can you do? There was simply too much water rushing across the course, puddling and pouring down.

 I have been moving slow. We stayed Sunday night in Branson, wife drove me back to the hotel and we drove to dinner, just I-Hop. Today I made the 6 hour drive home. Felt fine driving but would be stiff getting out for gas or what have you. I will try a light jog tomorrow night. I have nothing scheduled training wise this week. Next week I begin my marathon focus but it starts pretty light compared to what I have been doing.

Edited by Av8rTx 2011-09-19 8:25 PM
2011-09-20 6:43 AM
in reply to: #3692860

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Thanks for the responses and comments!

Great fueling throughout, and that -- combined with the fine run time off the bike -- ought to boost your confidence hugely as you look to the marathon. Which is Dallas White Rock? Which is when? And will you start the training for that as soon as you get completely (well, at least 93%) recovered from Branson? Oh, wait -- I see in your bottom line what the timeline is. Allrighty, then! Sounds good!

Are you still aiming for a light jog tonight? That should work, but keep it short and loose strides and just flow with your legs and feet. Your body would probably also love an easy bike ride, or a loosey-goosey swim. Between now and next week, don't let your body be a slave to anything or any plan; just do what you think will feel good!

You're right, back when Gu was the only act in town. I never knew about it until one day in a sporting goods store, buyng sneakers or hockey gear for the kids, some was there on the check-out counter. That must've been about '93-'96, so it goes back a fair ways. Probably PowerGel came along next, then maybe Hammer in its initial jug/flask combination, and then others piled on. Actually, I'm not sure too many upstarts have come aboard in the past couple of years; new flavors for the old palyers, but no newcomers. Could it be?

Terrific strategy on the swim, staying inside your "box". That is the ideal way to do it, although of course there are always instances where others try to jostle with your box. I'm pretty immune to all of that stuff nowadays, but back when my approach was to view it as bumper cars, where the contact is always incidental, and the response of those involved is to carom off the other way immediately. So I'd just accept the bump, and carry on. But if you can stay boxed and focus on breathing and stroke count, that's great.

Good karma for helping the person with her shifting. Alex helped the guy with his flat in her first tri, and now you helping her. At my first half-iron, I helped a guy with his flat. I got his levers on and showed him how to proceed.....and then I left the next step either for him to figure out, or for the next good samaritan to help him with. (My generosity extends only so far.....)

Encroached transition space is the devil's work, and I understand how thta affected you. On a slightly related note, at Nation's the individual rack spots were not identified, but just whole racks for designated waves. It was day-before racking, and I got there at 10:05 saturday morning, five minutes after it opened. I was the second in my wave there, so I cl;aimed the second spot in from the central runway -- primo spot! But when I got there first thing the next morning, some SOB or two or three had moved my bike to the 7th or 8th spot down. That is like a cardinal sin, and I was very ticked, and after thinking about it a bit I moved my bike back to the third spot. I decided to assume that it was a "newbie" who didn't know any better, and rather than make a scene I just decided to compromise. And on racks that should've had eight bikes, ours had twelve -- so encroachment was the name of the game. But I was first one back from the bike, so it was no problem for me to rack it and get my running stuff. BUt after the race, it looked like an earthquake had hit, with stuff (not mine) strewn everywhere. I'm sure several guys just pitched their bike stuff anywhere, maybe in response to the overcrowding. Glad I was first off the bike!

Hope you're feelin' good today -- and i hope too you are very pleased with how Branson wnet for you. Has it indeed all sunk in yet?

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