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2011-09-20 6:50 AM
in reply to: #3691368

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Was the 50-miler on the new bike? Is it even in your hands yet?

I toio have a cold, but just a head one. Lynn brought it back from North Carolina; ain't she kind and thoughtful? I probably shouldn't complain, though, as this is my first cold in about 18 months. I have had a few instances of throat tickles that were threatening, but then went away within a few hours. I sure don't want this with me in Buffalo this weekend, but right now we both have a cold so we will likely just keep passing it back and forth for a while. Rats.

2011-09-20 7:15 AM
in reply to: #3691368

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Be kind to yourself, and more patient, too. That pace improvement IS significant, and if you can stay healthy and focused it WILL improve. As for those peers who are running much faster than you are --- they have likely been running much, much longer. It's hard to believe sometimes, but the "running boom" is now well into its second or third DECADE, and many olderish folks have been doing it since the 90s or even the 80s. Compared with those wily veterans, your five years makes you a runnin' young'un', so keep plugging away at it. One thing in your favor (and this is a morbid thought) is that you will maybe hit your prime about the time some of the vets' bodies will have caved in on them due to all the miles they have subjected them to, so in time you should "leap-frog_ the ranks some.

As for faster feeties, work on cadence! I have said that many time sbefore and am a huge fan of it, but getting comfortable with a cadence of 87-90 or so should make a big difference. That is counting one foot, for a minute. When you start out, be happy with a minute or two at a time -- don't expect to be able to run even 5km with that cadence for quite a while! If you haven't done cadence work before, you will probably find it exhausting after a minute or two, and wonder how you will ever get to running any significant diatnce with a consistent high cadence. But it's like just starting running, period -- you do a half-mile, staggeringly, and think "How will I ever get to even two miles, or even ONE mile??" But you just keep chipping away at it, and in time it comes.

I'm torn about speed work for distance people who aren't looking to win their age group or set blazing PRs. I tend to view speedwork as something that shouldn't be done often unless it will be incorporated in races. That is, no sense in doing diabolical track repeats if all one wants is to run a steady personally-fast pace during a race. I know some people would disagree with me on that, but I also have some people in my corner, too, and that's pretty much how I do my own training. Part of tat is because speedwork puts me at too much a risk of injury; been there, done that!!!

My approach is lots of long tempo runs -- that is, if I have an oly coming up, I will run 10km at race pace, and maybe even a bit faster in spots. At Nation's I did NOTHING speedish except for a few 20-30 second accelerations around miles 3 and 4, and a subtle "pick-up" at the end. And that's how I do most of my triathlon runs -- and actually stand-alone running races, too. It's about a steady sustainable pace for me, and training that way doesn't put too much strain on my muscles and tendons and ligaments.

So, there are some thoughts for you! Also, look into Chi running, or any style that emphasizes more of a midfoot-contact point that is aided by a forward lean. Neither of those has to be dramatic (ask me for sordid details on what can happen when one gets too aggressive with either! ), but they should help your running a lot if you make them work for you!

Finally, how are the hip flexors today? When they get going, they can really be a problem; "zinging" is right!

2011-09-20 7:31 AM
in reply to: #3692702

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Sure glad to hear the back is letting you get active again; I think it's made you crazy to be so relatively inactive for the past few weeks. As for formal training and racing and all, remember that this is a long-term process and that you have many years ahead of you. I know how Beginner's Mind can operate, though, and so advising slow returns to activity often fall on deaf ears (my own included!). Are you still hoping to do some part(s) of the sprint in a week or two?

Tough luck on the scavenger hunt -- so near and yet so far! But a $12K diamond ring....I'm sure the one you bought a few years back was easily $20K, right?

2011-09-20 1:09 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Steve - Yes, I'm still planning on the sprint on 10/1.  I also plan to complete it as for time I really dont care, but this race I will get a medal because all finishers get a medal so if I have to bike at 5mph and walk the entire 5k, I will get my medal.  As for training, I do plan to ease back into it and not just jump back to where I left off.

2011-09-20 3:34 PM
in reply to: #3693089

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New York
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

STEVE - Yes, the 50 miler was on the new bike.  It is an amazing bike, I love it!  I plan to post pictures but haven't had an opportunity.

Getting to my race report now...


2011-09-20 3:45 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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New York
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Westport Kiwanis Triathlon

16:41 | 880 yards | 01m 54s / 100yards
17:15 | 05.5 miles | 19.13 mile/hr 
44:59 | 02.2 miles | 20m 27s  min/mile

 Overall it was a good race, though the bike was way too short from my liking.

The swim was actually quite a challenge, even though I have done other swims in the LI Sound this one was very different in that there were quite large waves breaking as we swam out to the first turn.  I haven't experienced that before or the ebb and flow of the tide.  It was pretty crazy.  Just as I approached the first turn I got kicked in the chest and had to stop for a bit to catch my breath (not fun!) Hopefully I will learn from that experience and be more aware of my surroundings.

T1 was ok, I did finally get some tri-shorts that I like and feel like I can bike in so I used those and that cut down on my time a bit I think, but had problems getting the sand off my feet enough to get my socks on...I know I should consider going sockless but just can't bring myself to try it....

The bike went really well. I was happy with my average though I think I could have pushed it more, but was worried about the short run afterwards. In hindsight I should have pushed it since I don't think my run could have been much worse...

I didn't get my T2 time... not exactly sure why.  It may have gotten melded into my run time, but that would have been at most a minute or 2.  

The run.... I really have a mental block around running.  I hope to get in some good work this winter on overcoming that and getting into a position to run a 5k rather than walk/jog one...

Anyway... that is about it.  I was going to skip this short race but found out a friend of mine was doing it with a couple of her clients (she is a personal trainer) so I told her I would come down and race with them.


2011-09-21 5:59 AM
in reply to: #3693618

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


I don't know if you missed it or not, but Nation's did NOT have a swim this year. So, to my thinking it was a good year for you to miss it, as it would've been a long way to come for an "incomplete" race.

It was absolutely the right call to cancel the swim, as by Sunday morning the Potomac was not only full of very large refuse, but stank to high heavens. I'm sure the fecal coliform levels were off the chart; I may never have smelled a major river so rank and vike in my life.

I felt badly for all of the people there doing it as their first triathlon, and then not getting the true-tri experience. While I was slightly disappointed, it really didn't matter much to me, having done xxx races with the swims intact. In fact, in a perverse way I rather enjoyed it as a bike/run, as I have never done one of those before. I've had a few swims cancelled and the re-worked race was a run/bike/run duathlon, but this marked the first of its style for me. It was also interesting to see how they restructured the start, which I think was superbly planned and executed.

Finally, it was mobbed with Team in Training people; I have never seen half that many at a race before. And not only were they abundant as racers, but the on-course "cheerleaders" were plentiful. Pretty inspirational! And they announced that for this year alone, $2.3 million was raised, and that from '08 when the Team/Nation's partnership was founded, over $11 million has been raised. Wow!

Finally-finally, glad to hear you are planning to do the entire sprint. If in doubt with how it will go, just pick a couple of small focal points for each of the three disciplines and work at those. Even one per discipline would be fine -- just something to make it more of a learning experience. Over time, those mini-lessons turn into an entire curriculum in your brain and muscle memory!

2011-09-21 6:48 AM
in reply to: #3693953

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Good report -- but I skulked aorund the results myself, trying to fill in some of the blanks. Like, where you placed overall (impressive!) and where you placed in the a.g. (VERY impressive!). You really shouldn't be so modest about those accomplishments, and especially your overall bike placement -- 52/255. That's a fabulous placement, and that race had some very fast cats in it. I can see why you found the ride so short (which in fact it was), just cuz you probably wnated to be riding all day -- and no wonder!

I'm sorry you got kicked, but those things do help with minimizing them in the future -- as you say, being more aware of your surroundings. I don't know where you were in relation to others when it happened, but whenever I get in a crowd I bring my entry in closer to my midline, just so there is less of an "open passage" between my hands and my face. I guess it's kind of like a boxer who wants to keep his hands up to protect his face by deflecting the blows. That startaegy might not have helped with you getting kicked in the chest, which might been from someone with a ferociously-open scissor-type of kick; maybe?

Going sockless.....if you can work up to doing it on the bike, then you can still put on socks for the run. In that case your feet will have dried during the bike, and the sand that was on them will have shawled down to the end of your bike cleats. That was my foirst "transition" to racing sockless -- going without on the bike. I too had plenty of races in which putting socks (even the really short ones I wore) on wet feet was a hassle, so I decided that if I was going to wear them mostly for the run....why bother with them during the bike? And then over the eyars I just stopped with socks altogether, except for some half-irons.

It's pretty hard to get blisters in bike cleats, as they are usually pretty snug. But if you are concerned with that, just use a thin layer of BodyGlide along the seams and other potential trouble spots in the insides of the cleats. Or, lightly BG your feet before the swim. The small downside to this is that sand can get stuck on the BG, but that has never been a problem for me. And even after a swim, there is still enough BG on my feet to help with chafing or blisters on my feet.

Top half placement for the swim -- good stuff, Alex, especially having to regroup after the kick. And in tough conditions, too. (Speaking of which, did you see the post on the main BT forum about the swim at Atlantic City?? Mercy! Check that out; it is probably on the first couple of pages still.)

Check back for a brief thought about running, okay?

2011-09-21 2:47 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Hello Everyone, I hope all is well.

Alex - Awesome job on the swim and you were also kicked and had to stop which means you get Awesome Awesome!!!.  The bike, let me see you new nickname is speedy, did you have a motor on the bike, all I can say is WOW.  As for the run, sorry it did not go your way, but you rocked in the race and that is all that matters. Great job.

I have always biked with no socks and I really like it.  I have not moved over to sockless running yet, but I do plan to start trying.  In the races I always have a bottle water that i use to squirt on my feet before stepping on the towel to put on my bike shoes, this way I can get most of the sand off my feet.  My 1st 2 races I did have a problem putting on my socks after the bike but the last last race I put some powder in my socks before the race started which helped when I slip them on and also absorb the sweat.  I forgot what it was called it was in a mustard color container that I got from a friend at the race, he also said baby powder also works.

Well I hope everyone has a great day.

2011-09-22 2:37 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

This link should take you to my current training calender.

I borrowed from Higdon and tweaked it a bit to include daily runs. I will likely follow this pattern with varying distances: Tuesday-Tempo, Wed-medium distance/intensity, Thursday-Speed work-intervals Sat-Long slow run. M/F/Su will be easy ad-lib type runs. The plan has only one 20 miler scheduled and I am thinking it should be at least two, what do you think? Leading to my HIM I had many runs at or over the 13.1.

I will likely only swim 1x week until Dec 4. Should I just wing it and do what I feel? I am thinking I should focus on form drills and throw in a couple of 300-500 yard sets so that when I focus on tri training again I can make the jump "fluidly" so to speak.

2 three mile runs so far this week. Feeling like a slacker and a little lost-disoriented. Some little twinges of pain in my right quad while I run and a tiny twinge in my left thigh after. Feeling much stronger and comfortable than I did say, Monday.

Edited by Av8rTx 2011-09-22 7:45 PM
2011-09-22 7:18 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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Cheesehead, WI
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Hi Steve - yeah, the hip flexors are doing much better now. I've been sleepy lately with this chest cold. Odd cold too... feel sick to my stomach one minute, fine the next, then a headache...then fine... actually today is the first day I've felt pretty good except terrible chest pains which I think are heartburn due to not eating much til lunch time today.

I downloaded a 'coaching / music ' session for running  - Audiofuel. I ran with it today. It's not bad! The coaching is pretty simple and generic but things like shoulders down, cues for cadence, breathing, etc... helped keep me focused better. It was an interval pyramid with bpm from 150 (easy) to 180 for 3 mins each and then repeated. From my garmin, overall my pace was about the same however, I hit 6/mile pace!! Wooooohoooo! Granted, it was fleeting but heck I'm smilin'! 

And yes, I won't do 'speedwork' per se, but intervals, running faster from tree to tree etc...and likely once a week. As a matter of fact, after the 1/2 and now this interval thing today, my ankle is a bit twing-y. I think it may be a touch of posterior tibial tendonitis or maybe its just because I've run a few times in show without my orthotics. In any event, I'd be a fool to injure myself at this stage because A). I should know better and B). it takes too dang long to rehabilitate! So... I"ll heed your warning about speedwork


And George - I like that idea about powder in shoes for socks/transition!! Great idea!



2011-09-22 7:57 PM
in reply to: #3696823

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


I will get to the training calendar soon, but likely not until I return from Buffalo on Monday (home latelatelate Sunday). But until then.......

I shouldn't question Higdon, but I think you can get in at least two 20-milers -- if you are running mostly injury-free. It will help you that you have just trained for and completed a half-marathon, and I wonder at what point in his plan he has people doing 13 miles. I think you might be ahead of the game by a few weeks?

I will go further and say that IF you can manage a 22-miler......that might be great for your confidence. i think that is what I hit in ttraining for my first-ever marathon, and was laos what I hit in training for my most recent one. I should go back and check, but I think it was maybe three runs over 20, and possibly one at 23. I'll try to get that info to you, just FYI.

Two three-milers since Branson is good -- nothing slack about that at all! I would even feel that, only five days out from it, just one 3-miler would be ambitious. And with nothing on your race-slate until the marathon, you have time to get fully recovered and feel rady to train again - both physically AND mentally. Which brings me to......

Many, many people suffer a bit of psychological letdown after an iron or half-iron, so what you say about feeling "lost-disoriented" sure rings true to me. It's all just the by-product of months of focused goal-based training, and when the race is over ----- NOW what?? The toughest ones I have faced are when half-irons are the end of a season, but for you there is the marathon -- still a fair ways off, but it's out there and within a week or two you should get your mojo back and find the transition to a marathon run-focus something you are eagerly ready for. For now, though, let this process unfold, and put no pressure at all on yourself to perform at a level that is either painful or even simply apathetic about.

As for swimming, for now do what will make you feel good. That can be drilss, it can be diatnce, it can be whatever you bloody well feel like doing at the given time. Here's a thought, though -- spend some time with the pull-buoy, thus making your arms do most of the work. A marathon requires a decent amount of arm strengthand shoulder strength, and a real hindrance for some is when they hit abouit mile 21 and their arms are killing them. It's fairly common to see people in a marathon running with their arms at their sides in the later stages, just because it requires to much effort to keep them held up and helping to balance the leg movements. And doing this will at least have you working on breathing and body rotation, so when tri-training begins for you that stuff will be in place. Make sense?

2011-09-22 8:04 PM
in reply to: #3697157

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Off to Buffalo tomorrow for the Nickel City Triathlon --- olympic Saturday, sprint Sunday. I won't be back here until Monday, probably.

It's been a tough week of "training".. I contracted my first cold in 18 months on Sunday, and while it is improveing some, I am still not at even 85%. My training since Nation's has been a couple of 10km runs, a few 40km rides, and about seven mile-long openwater swims. But sicne Sunday, it's been three swims , thee rides, and only one run. I took today off, having swam and run yesterday, so what is here now will be there on Saturday morning.

I ned the cold to be gone, and my back to feel better, and a groing issue to be 117% resolved -- other than that I'm perfect! We'll see where this current bout of under-training puts me, in two races that are hugely important for USAT rankings purposes. Not an ideal time to come up feeling lousy on several different fronts.

But! I'll make the most of it, and hope that I'm peachy by 7 on Saturday morning. See you in a few days! (Results should be quickly up on; they're usually quite prompt.)

2011-09-23 2:30 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Hope your race goes well!

First day of Fall and we are looking at 90+ degrees and mid 90's all weekend. The little cool snap was fun while it lasted

2011-09-23 3:08 PM
in reply to: #3697162

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New York
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED
STEVE -- GOOD LUCK with your race!
2011-09-24 10:50 AM
in reply to: #3256772

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Jeff - Great job on the runs coming off your HIM.  Knowing you, you will be back to biking 100 miles, and running 13 oh I forgot swimming 5 miles.  Keep it up you are amazing.

Sarah - I hope you start to feel better and great job on the run.

Steve - Good luck with your 2 races this weekend, wow an oly and a sprint, heck I will be happy with just a mini sprint

Well today I went running with my son, we only did 1 mile since we both been couch potatoes for 1 month, but it really felt good getting back into it and also running with my son, he really amazes me.  I have a sprint next saturday and he has a kid tri on Nov 12th (100yd swim, 3 mile ride and 1 mile run). 

When did they update the training log, I noticed that there is a cadence section now on the bike where you can log your cadence.

Well I hope everyone has a great day today

2011-09-26 3:28 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Hey everyone,

Been out of the loop for awhile.  Working 60-80 hours a week and training for a 1/2 marathon.  Ran the Indian Summer 1/2 Marathon on Saturday in Richland WA, a beautiful out and back course along the bank of the Columbia River.  By the end of the race the temp was in the mid 80's, I drank 84 pounces of various liquids before I went to the bathroom following the race, had that dull de-hydration headache the rest of the day.  My longest training run had been 10 miles, 13 miles in the heat seemed like it was at least 6 miles longer than 10 miles, if that makes any sense. 

Now that my racing season is over I'm wondering, does anyone have a maintenance program that they like?

2011-09-26 3:29 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


When you close this group and open a new one for next season will you let us know so we can follow you?  When do the new groups open up?

2011-09-26 3:35 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED
It looks like Steve got second in his AG 2:31:16 and 39th overall!
2011-09-26 5:30 PM
in reply to: #3701037

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Yup, that was Saturday.....and I was a BAD BOY! Did you see the 2-minute penalty? That was for position, which meant I was riding too far to the left too often. I should know better, but just got stupid. My actual clock time was 2:29:16, and I was very pleased with that; my goal is to always do sub-2:30 in an oly.

Yesterday was better, or at least smarter, with no dopey penalties. I was 15th, in 1:14:41, I think, and had to put in much more effort for USAT points purposes, given the loss of the two minutes the day before.

More on all this later, but overall they were two good days. See you all in a while!

2011-09-26 9:19 PM
in reply to: #3701025

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Cheesehead, WI
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED
Sementi - 2011-09-26 3:28 PM

Hey everyone,

Been out of the loop for awhile.  Working 60-80 hours a week and training for a 1/2 marathon.  Ran the Indian Summer 1/2 Marathon on Saturday in Richland WA, a beautiful out and back course along the bank of the Columbia River.  By the end of the race the temp was in the mid 80's, I drank 84 pounces of various liquids before I went to the bathroom following the race, had that dull de-hydration headache the rest of the day.  My longest training run had been 10 miles, 13 miles in the heat seemed like it was at least 6 miles longer than 10 miles, if that makes any sense. 


Gene - I can FULLY relate to the heat and running. I did a half a week or so ago and a couple of those training runs were done in the heat and humidity. Those were the times when I honestly felt that there was no way in hell that I'd finish the half. Now that I live in WI...I guess I'm becoming less tolerant of humidity and heat. Dry heat is ok, but humid heat just sucks the life outta ya! Good job!

2011-09-26 9:26 PM
in reply to: #3701205

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Cheesehead, WI
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

stevebradley - 2011-09-26 5:30 PM JEFF - Yup, that was Saturday.....and I was a BAD BOY! Did you see the 2-minute penalty? That was for position, which meant I was riding too far to the left too often. I should know better, but just got stupid. My actual clock time was 2:29:16, and I was very pleased with that; my goal is to always do sub-2:30 in an oly. Yesterday was better, or at least smarter, with no dopey penalties. I was 15th, in 1:14:41, I think, and had to put in much more effort for USAT points purposes, given the loss of the two minutes the day before. More on all this later, but overall they were two good days. See you all in a while!

Wow! Steve that is AWESOME! You sure put those younger guys to shame too! I would bet you've got lots of natural talent but by all the wisdom you've shared here you also have put in a lot of heart work and training. Good job! 

2011-09-26 10:21 PM
in reply to: #3701025

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Yes, that (13hot = 10+6) makes perfect sense. Some people can do a half marathon with 10-11 miles training maximum, but that can more often than not get thrown out the window when heat (or wild wind) rear their heads on race day.

84 is really at my limit for any sort of serious effort in a race, and it would be very taxing for a half-marathon. At Boston marathon '04 it was 83 at race start at noon, and coming out of a northern winter I was not at all acclimated. Seeing as how Boston isbn't a PR course anyway, I just decided to stay well within my limits for the whole thing and just enjoy the incredible spectacle that is the Boston marathon --- and while I suffered some, at least I didn't end up in hospital, or hooked to an IV in the overflowing medical tent post-race.

But that's a digression by way of saying that, yes, a half marathon in heat could be awful. the amount you drank testifies to that, but what loms largest in my mind is that you succeeded in keeping yourself well-hydrated -- well done!! And I see you say "various liquids", and that's good because had it been 84 oz of just water, you very well might've severly diluted your electrolytes -- and suffered severely, ranging from cramping to flat-out bonking. Don't want to go there and do either of those!

I do not have a maintenance plan per se. Well, no "per se" about it, what I really do is just keep heavily active with pool swimming, outdoors running, and biking on my trainer or rollers indoors from about nov until March or April. Along about then I can ride outside, by open water swimming can never start up here any earlier than about May 15, with about may 25 being more realistic (but still quite frigid! ).

Have you ever attempted a Periodized plan? Let me know if not, okay?

2011-09-26 10:24 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED
I love these cool 84 degree fall days! Feeling faster
2011-09-26 10:33 PM
in reply to: #3701502

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

GENE again -

Interesting you ask the question about another group, because I've beejn thinking about that lately.

This group was my third, and begun while two were still extant, but each with only a "skeleton crew". And then in March I got the bright idea to start another ( thr fourth) one, but by then the first was down to just 2-4 others, and the second group had just passed on its own, really. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but it quickly became too overwhelming, with a brand-new group and you guys, only about four months old yourselves.

For a while I decided that I would let '12 pass without another group, and just let you and the other two carry on. But recently I have thought of forming kind of a "super-group", made up of whomever wanted to come over from the current groups, plus a handful of new people. I guess there are about 6-8 of your gfroup still hanging around, and maybe about 6 in the newest group. There are really only two others in the first group, and I think both of them have pretty much moved on to other things -- still tri, but local clubs and such for each.

The newest group had about five or six come over from the second group, but of those only three are still around; it's fun watching the dynamics of these groups! That worked well, though, and for them it was nice having a few friends from the old group, plus the new playmates. So, that is what I'm inclined to do come December, when new groups are formed.

Also, I find keeping track of a few groups kinda difficult, and so I'm willing to fold everything and begin anew with some from here, some from there, some from somewhere else. I will keep you all posted as winter approaches!

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