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2009-02-11 3:52 PM
in reply to: #1957300

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Greer, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL

barqhead - 2009-02-11 4:14 PM It's hump day. How's your week going? I think I'm recovered from the half mary. My aches and pains aren't very pronounced today. I got in a 2 hour bike ride and a 2200 yard swim. Tomorrow is either aqua jogging or a very easy 3 mile run. If I can get out of bed without doing even the slightest version of the chicken walk, I will try running. But if I take one lurching, bacak step, I will aqua jog.

After three pretty intense days, I have decided to take a day off.  My legs are sore today.  It is a good sore.  I am going to give my legs a break again tomorrow by getting in the pool and and back running Friday.   I did get in some yoga today though. 


2009-02-12 5:38 PM
in reply to: #1857070

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Greer, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
I am PUMPED!!  I just the okay to take off Saturday, April 25 from work to compete in my first tri of the year!  It is also my first olympic.  Can't wait!!  Signing up tomorrow.
2009-02-13 11:35 AM
in reply to: #1857070

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
Hi, everyone. I got knocked on my butt yesterday by a fast moving stomach virus. My head still hurts today and the stomach is a little woozy, but at least I can stay awake. Valentine's Day weekend is here! I'm planning on a 25-30 mile ride tomorrow and a 5 mile run on Sunday. May swap those two if the weather looks yucky.

2009-02-13 11:36 AM
in reply to: #1959613

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
Jeepguy2358 - 2009-02-12 6:38 PM

I am PUMPED!!  I just the okay to take off Saturday, April 25 from work to compete in my first tri of the year!  It is also my first olympic.  Can't wait!!  Signing up tomorrow.

Congrats! I am on the waiting list for Parris Island. I was a bit too slow to sign up for that race
2009-02-14 11:14 AM
in reply to: #1960835

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Durham, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL

barqhead - 2009-02-13 12:35 PM Hi, everyone. I got knocked on my butt yesterday by a fast moving stomach virus. My head still hurts today and the stomach is a little woozy, but at least I can stay awake. Valentine's Day weekend is here! I'm planning on a 25-30 mile ride tomorrow and a 5 mile run on Sunday. May swap those two if the weather looks yucky.

I'm back!

Sorry to hear that you are sick now, hopefully it won't affect you for as long as it did me, I started feeling bad last Friday evening and am just now - 8 days later, feeling back 100%.

I tried going to the steam room at the YMCA that first Sat and sweating it out, but by that night I had to crawl into bed and I didn't get out of the bed till Sunday night.  I still felt so bad I didn't even leave my room till Monday morning and the first time out of the house was Tuesday morning.

I tried going to work because of a training class, but then called in sick again Wed.  Went to work Thursday but still was just a shell of my normal self.  Finally by this Friday I was feeling okay and went to the YMCA last night to get in a nice long soak in the jacuzzi and then a nice easy swim.

Swam longer than I should have but I felt so guilty and "fat" from having not worked out in almost a week and so swam about 1 hr and 15 mins or around 2100 yds.

Hopefully you won't be sick for as long, I think it hit me so hard because I was at the end of one of the hardest 2 weeks of training so far and I was really wore down and my defenses were weakened.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!

2009-02-14 1:15 PM
in reply to: #1857070

Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
Happy Valentines Day everyone! Such a halmark scam. I told my hubby to save on the valentine gift and bought myself a pair of cross country ski ! Aynthing to help the winter pass and make it a litlle more fun!

2009-02-14 3:43 PM
in reply to: #1962186

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
tri4mom - 2009-02-14 2:15 PM

Happy Valentines Day everyone! Such a halmark scam. I told my hubby to save on the valentine gift and bought myself a pair of cross country ski ! Aynthing to help the winter pass and make it a litlle more fun!

Yeah. But I do like the chocolate

Hubby still isn't home from his "epic" mountain ride so I will be running 5 miles today once he makes his triumphant return. I do hope it isn't in the dark

2009-02-14 6:29 PM
in reply to: #1962339

New user
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
hope everyone had a happy valentine's day! i took a body jam class at the gym yesterday after swimming and i am soooo sore today. :-( couldn't even get myself to workout. how pathetic. no excuses for tomorrow though. i have a new pair of running shoes and i'm hoping it warms up to at least 40 degrees so i can take them outside. have a good night!
2009-02-14 7:24 PM
in reply to: #1857070

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Durham, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL

Went out and got in a 7 mile run today.

It was really SLOW though, took me 1 hr 29 min which is about a 12:50 min/mile pace .. didn't intend for it to be so slow but that is just the way it turned out.

I was really worried my run fitness may have fallen off somewhat sharply after being out for a week but I actually felt pretty good.  Lungs/breathing was great and legs and feet felt great, just a little pain in my feet/ankles toward the end.

If this nice weather holds up tomorrow then I plan on getting in some miles on the bike.

Edited by klowman 2009-02-14 7:27 PM
2009-02-15 6:02 PM
in reply to: #1857070

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Durham, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL

Got in a nice 23 mile bike ride today, much better average pace today.

This was probably because I went a little different route, more flat roads coming back and I was able to get into a rhythm and really keep the legs pumping.

My old route has lots of hills but it seems that for how fast I do down them, it doesn't compensate or average back out for how slow I come back up the hill, so my overal average mph suffers.

Has been around 15.6 or so the last couple of rides - today it was 17.25 mph for 1 hr 20 minutes.

Also, was surprised how well my azz and perineum felt after having not been on the saddle for over a week.

Edited by klowman 2009-02-15 6:03 PM
2009-02-15 6:33 PM
in reply to: #1857070

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
Well I crashed and burned on my run yesterday. I felt terrible starting out, but I don't quit before 10 minutes. I kept hoping things would feel better once I warmed up. It didn't. In fact, it got worse. I had fiery hot pain shooting down my right hip so I bagged it at about 2 miles and walked home

Today I did intervals on my TT bike. Got in 33.5 miles total. Felt good. No weird hip pain. Did some pretty good speed during my intervals, too. Just need time off running to get everything all healed up so I can continue to build up to ironman!

2009-02-16 9:03 AM
in reply to: #1857070

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Greer, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
I just joined our local bike club.  My hope is that will get me on my bike more.  My plan is to ride two days per week with them and one on my own (all aero).  It looks like there are different groups that average anywhere from 20-50+, depending on the group.  This is exactly what I need!
2009-02-16 9:40 AM
in reply to: #1964174

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL

Jeepguy2358 - 2009-02-16 10:03 AM I just joined our local bike club.  My hope is that will get me on my bike more.  My plan is to ride two days per week with them and one on my own (all aero).  It looks like there are different groups that average anywhere from 20-50+, depending on the group.  This is exactly what I need!

That's great!  Should be good motivation to get out on the bike. 

I really wish I could do group rides but I work 2nd shift so when everyone is riding I'm working.  And on the weekends, I'm still in bed when they go out for morning rides.  I am the lone wolf on all my rides.  On the plus side, I'm always the fastest one in the group!

2009-02-16 5:01 PM
in reply to: #1964262

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
esc - 2009-02-16 10:40 AM

Jeepguy2358 - 2009-02-16 10:03 AM I just joined our local bike club.  My hope is that will get me on my bike more.  My plan is to ride two days per week with them and one on my own (all aero).  It looks like there are different groups that average anywhere from 20-50+, depending on the group.  This is exactly what I need!

That's great!  Should be good motivation to get out on the bike. 

I really wish I could do group rides but I work 2nd shift so when everyone is riding I'm working.  And on the weekends, I'm still in bed when they go out for morning rides.  I am the lone wolf on all my rides.  On the plus side, I'm always the fastest one in the group!

It's not the end of the world to train alone for triathlon. The hardest part for me is to continuously push out of my comfort zone so I improve. It is easier to do that in a group ride, especially when the group is starting to drop you!

2009-02-17 5:33 AM
in reply to: #1857070

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Richland, MS
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL

Hi guys, how is everyone....sorry for being MIA for the pst few days.  I had to move and spent my whole 4 day weekend packing moving and unpacking.....I would rather pluck out my fingernails.  I have managed to still get in "most" of my training, although I missed several very important group rides Saturday (and of course the weather was a perfect 65-70 degrees).

All I can say is thank God for recovery weeks.  I have had some soreness in my left knee after a 60 min run on the treadmill the other day.  I HATE THE TREADMILL!!!  Not to mention that was the first time I ran that long in about 15 years or so.  Although I was proud for making the run, I have had soreness in my ankles and knees since.

I hope everyone has a good week of training!

2009-02-17 7:13 AM
in reply to: #1965729

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
msfugitivehunter - 2009-02-17 6:33 AM

Hi guys, how is everyone....sorry for being MIA for the pst few days.  I had to move and spent my whole 4 day weekend packing moving and unpacking.....I would rather pluck out my fingernails.  I have managed to still get in "most" of my training, although I missed several very important group rides Saturday (and of course the weather was a perfect 65-70 degrees).

All I can say is thank God for recovery weeks.  I have had some soreness in my left knee after a 60 min run on the treadmill the other day.  I HATE THE TREADMILL!!!  Not to mention that was the first time I ran that long in about 15 years or so.  Although I was proud for making the run, I have had soreness in my ankles and knees since.

I hope everyone has a good week of training!

Please be careful. You may want to get a massage to help ease the soreness. This is how my troubles started this time. An ankle that ached a little after running, which became an ankle that ached a little while running which caused my gait to shift which caused the tendonitis in my hip to flare and now I'm not running for at least 3 weeks

Glad your move is over. I haven't moved in over 10 years. I'm afraid I would need a backhoe and dump truck to relocate at this point

2009-02-17 8:26 AM
in reply to: #1857070

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Richland, MS
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL

Thanks Pam, I only ache when I run on the dang treadmill.  I can go out and run on asphalt with very little soreness and when I do have soreness, it's in my quads where it should be.  But each and every time I step on that treadmill somethings aches.  Something about the treadmill screws up my stride or where I am striking on my feet or something..... guess I need to make sure from now on to do my long runs outdoors.  With daylight savings coming back soon that will be easier.

2009-02-17 1:27 PM
in reply to: #1857070

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
I swear I would ride my bike every day if my coach would let me (and if it's not raining and frigid). I went out today on my roadie and even though I'm really not in good form and am working hard for low average speed, I had a total blast! I love the feel of the sun and the wind. I love to dive bomb downhills and torque it up the climbs. Cycling is da bomb, baby!!!
2009-02-18 8:06 AM
in reply to: #1966604

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Richland, MS
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL

barqhead - 2009-02-17 1:27 PM I swear I would ride my bike every day if my coach would let me (and if it's not raining and frigid). I went out today on my roadie and even though I'm really not in good form and am working hard for low average speed, I had a total blast! I love the feel of the sun and the wind. I love to dive bomb downhills and torque it up the climbs. Cycling is da bomb, baby!!!

 Cycling is definitely da bomb!  I never knew it could be so much fun until I bought my Moto!

2009-02-18 11:11 AM
in reply to: #1857070

Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
Okay I think I need to find the love of my bike. When racing I seriously can't wait to get off the dang thing and run. Its where I'm able to change my results of my race. I hope to change it up this race season. I am spending more time on the bike and less running. I suck at hills and plan on riding a lot of them this late spring. when road are clear. I just got my road bike last spring and was just learning to ride. I had this love hate thing going on. I also did a marathon in the middle of my tri training so it didn't help much on the bike( Lack of time spent biking)So I will wait to see if I ever get The Love of biking!!!
2009-02-18 2:34 PM
in reply to: #1968515

New user
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
I'm jealous that you all have nice weather! I got a new road bike in the fall and have only used it a handful of times. It's snowing in MD today. :-( Hopefully once March is here I'll have an opportunity to go for some nice rides. Until then, I'll keep using the trainer!

2009-02-18 9:36 PM
in reply to: #1857070

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Durham, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
Gave my legs a rest tonight and did just a swim workout - 2300 yds by doing 8 x 100 Drills, a main swim of 1300 yds, then warmdown of 2 x 100 Drills.
2009-02-19 8:22 PM
in reply to: #1857070

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Durham, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
I'm so ashamed - I didn't do anything tonight!
2009-02-21 8:15 AM
in reply to: #1857070

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
It has been a busy few days around here. My son is in a play and today is the final performance. So between shuttling him to rehearsal, normal mom duties, and training, I haven't been around much. I had my hip worked on by my massage guy and boy it was tender yesterday. On Thursday, I took a few running steps to chase down my son with a jacket, and ouch! Still not ready to run, that's for sure!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend.
2009-02-21 9:41 AM
in reply to: #1857070

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Durham, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL

Hope your hip gets to feeling better!

It's funny about injuries like that, you can ride just fine on the bike, but then try to run and it hurts.

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