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2009-04-02 2:47 PM
in reply to: #2058073

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Glen Burnie, Maryland
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - FULL for now
gone - 2009-04-02 2:51 PM, I am beginning to feel that eating and sleeping have now become the hardest parts of my training.  The appetite is actually not that bad, there are just times where I cannot believe that I am ready to eat again so soon, but I am monitoring the calories in and out fairly well.

 My sleeping patterns lately have been a bit erratic.  I am getting about 8-10 on the weekends and on th weekdays, I go every other day witha  full night sleep.  WHat has been happening to me more often, is I fall asleep for about 2-3 hours, I get up feeling that I have slept at least 5-6, only to realize that I haev not.  Its a sucker punch.

I am getting a bit nervous now before my workouts being almost 2 weeks away from Petersburg...its exciting, I do feel that I ma getting enough rest, I rest as much as Ican, but the sleep patterns...I am atributing it a bit to the gels, suppplments, maybe just the workouts...

 I am dealing with it ok, I think, this is all just unchartered territory...I did pick rp the aero bars, I have not installed them yet.  I am glad to see everyone doing well out there...stay healthy...


Are you feeling tired with less sleep? When I get really into my training I have the same issue (but maybe not as bad). I'll wake and hour or two earlier than I want but feel completely rested. I just chalked it up to my sleep quality being better since I was usually exhausted by the time I went to bed and slept like a rock until I woke up.
When I'm not training hard I'll wake up a couple of times a night or think about work. During training I'm out for the whole night.

2009-04-03 12:22 AM
in reply to: #2058073

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - FULL for now
gone - 2009-04-02 2:51 PM, I am beginning to feel that eating and sleeping have now become the hardest parts of my training.  The appetite is actually not that bad, there are just times where I cannot believe that I am ready to eat again so soon, but I am monitoring the calories in and out fairly well.

 My sleeping patterns lately have been a bit erratic.  I am getting about 8-10 on the weekends and on th weekdays, I go every other day witha  full night sleep.  WHat has been happening to me more often, is I fall asleep for about 2-3 hours, I get up feeling that I have slept at least 5-6, only to realize that I haev not.  Its a sucker punch.

I am getting a bit nervous now before my workouts being almost 2 weeks away from Petersburg...its exciting, I do feel that I ma getting enough rest, I rest as much as Ican, but the sleep patterns...I am atributing it a bit to the gels, suppplments, maybe just the workouts...

 I am dealing with it ok, I think, this is all just unchartered territory...I did pick rp the aero bars, I have not installed them yet.  I am glad to see everyone doing well out there...stay healthy...


Hi Dave!

How often are you taking gels?  What is your last week of training looking like right before the race?  I don't want to see you trying to get any last minute cramming in.  There's a common mistake.  You should be tapering your workouts that last week.

Also, it might help with the nervousness if you make up your race checklist right now.  You could even pack it all into separate bags.  Having everything ready, can calm things down.  Once you have everything ready, all you have to do it show up.  The rest of the day is just going through the motions.  You've done all this swim/bike/run thing before.

But, it's pretty normal to be nervous.  I'm getting sort of anxious about my next half marathon as well.  I would like to do well in this one.  My race is the same day as yours.

I didn't answer your question about places you can go to see what pros are doing in their training.  I haven't found or looked for websites that monitor the pros daily.  I bet someone is using twitter though, or has a blog.  But I'm not sure I would follow them much anyway.  Their training program is going to be at such a higher level than I am doing.  When Michaal Phelps is eating 13,000 calories a day and swimming 10 miles, I just can't identify with that. :-)

But what I do search for is places where they interview pros, or have coaches giving advice.  I listen to the podcasts at  They have a weekly show.  SimplyStu is also a good podcast though it's not weekly, and this week's podcast has an hour long interview with Desiree Ficker.  There's a few other podcasts out there but those are my main ones.  Steve listed a few of his favorites early on in this thread.

Have you been practicing your transitions?  It's really common to take too long in the transition area when you are new.  You really need to get out of the water and onto your bike ASAP.  4.5 minutes can fly by really quickly if you are not keeping your head on getting out of there.  You can otherwise get on your bike within 1.5 minutes, though that is highly dependent on how far it is from the swim to the bike.  But look at that difference.  3 minutes that would cost you on the clock.  

One of the things that helped me in transition is that I no longer care about getting something to drink in transition.  I leave it on the bike and drink while riding.  I find that if I try to drink in transition, then it is easy to not be in a rush to jump on the bike.  You do need to drink a lot out of the water though, so make sure you start drinking as soon as you get on that bike.

If you are as fast as you've been training, and this race goes well, maybe I'll start going over how to keep your bike shoes on the bike before you get on the bike, and after you get off.  Super cool to do.  But you should not worry about that now, being new.  Took me 2 years to worry about that.

We are getting close enough to race day now that it might not be good to be getting used to the aerobars.  It can be pretty unstable.  No harm in installing them though.  Just only go onto the aerobars if you are really confident with it during the race.



Edited by kalalau 2009-04-03 12:25 AM
2009-04-03 3:57 PM
in reply to: #1876643

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - FULL for now

Thanks guys...I think I have been resting better due to exhaustion.  I do not feel tired initially when I wake up, but I do get strung out during the day and I start to feel the fatigue later.  But last night, got a solid 8 hours.  It really does go every other day.  I would normally function great on 5-6 hours.  Now I am really focusing on my rest because I know I need it.

 I started this week with the Intermediate Olympic workout program (HR based) as found on this site.  So I have jumped up with workouts, both time and intensity.  I am on day 5 going on 6.  It is a HR based work out plan made to help with speed and efficiency.  I have mixed and matched though a bit.  I just completed the the 3750 yd workout yesterday in the pool and felt great, pretty zapped afterwords.

I will usually take 1/2 a gel before my workouts and a 1/2 during.  I am doing this both because I need it and also to build the "iron" stomach so that I am used to it during the race.  I am still drinking the gatordae during the workouts too.  I feel like I have the "during the race" nutrition down.

 I will look into those podcasts, thanks for that info.

I have practiced transitions a little bit.  The problem is I think I am going to do the sprint a.) without a wet suit and   b.) with out bike shoes.  I am putting power grips on the bike and biking with my running shoes.

So for the sprint, I will swim with just tri shorts on at T1, socks, running shoes and a skin tight REI mid thermal, glasses, gloves and helmet.  At T2 I am just taking off helmet and gloves and grabbing my  5oz. bottle.  I will take your advice on waiting to drink on the bike for sure.

As for biking, shoes, I am going to wait until I am in AZ to get outfitted with those and then crank on the bike  and get used to them.  I know that is pushing it close to the start of Tempe to get into new things, but I almost have no choice.  I know what you mean with the aero bars, I am putting those on tomorrow and will see how that goes.

I will be doing some work with a wetsuit after the sprint, I just do nto want to mess with that right now.

 You guys are awesome, this mentor program has been great and I am very glad to have you all as a resource...thank you.

2009-04-03 8:59 PM
in reply to: #1876643

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - FULL for now

Wow 3750 yard swim for an OLY workout, and you do 20mph bike rides with flat bike pedals and no aerobars.  You are hard core. :-)  It will be interesting for sure to see how well you do in Tempe, and to compare it to this first sprint.  Make sure you get those pedals on your bike in Tempe as soon as you get there, and ride as often as you can.  You want to be used to those things by race day.  There is an almost mandatory embarrassing fall that you will do when you are first riding with them.  It's very funny to watch.  But once you do it, you can consider yourself part of the club.  You also want to have plenty of time to make adjustments to them.  You don't want to find out that they are too tight on race day.

If you end up doing this first race without aerobars, just try to get yourself into a more streamlined position on the bike as you ride.  But not so much that you take power away from your legs.  It's a balancing act.  Try to get down on the bars, tucking your body in.

You might consider not even wearing gloves for this sprint tri.  It's just an extra thing to remember, and you won't be on the bike for much longer than 45 mins anyway.  Judge it based on what you think you need.  And if it rains, gloves are probably good anyway.

On the run, you can easily ditch your bottle at an aid station at any time once you are done with it.

I had no idea what Power Grips were for pedals until you made me look them up.  Pretty interesting.  I think I like those a lot better than "pedal baskets."

It's a pretty exciting time!  Our group is starting to hit their racing schedule.  Might even have to dig up Mike from the Poconos pretty soon and get an update on his half marathon.


Edited by kalalau 2009-04-03 9:01 PM
2009-04-03 9:53 PM
in reply to: #2061944

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Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - FULL for now

kalalau - 2009-04-03 9:59 PM

There is an almost mandatory embarrassing fall that you will do when you are first riding with them.  It's very funny to watch.  But once you do it, you can consider yourself part of the club.

LOL.  Ah yes, the "slow motion tumble."  I could be president by now if it's based on number of incidents...

Might even have to dig up Mike from the Poconos pretty soon and get an update on his half marathon.

Have you heard from Mike?  I wanted to give encouragement, but wasn't sure he was still following us...

2009-04-03 10:00 PM
in reply to: #1876643

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - FULL for now

The "slow motion tumble" - I like that, I've needed a name for it.

Nope, haven't heard from Mike since he last posted saying that his training was falling off due to sickness.  He might be having a hard time getting back on track and is getting discouraged.  I'm sure we can bring him back if we scream loud enough. :-)  I think he should do the half marathon even if it means walking most of it (if that's what it's come to).  It's an experience just to be out there.

2009-04-05 7:29 PM
in reply to: #1876643

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Glen Burnie, Maryland
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - FULL for now
SBR this weekend. I'm officially in tri training mode.

How was everyone's weekend?
2009-04-05 9:36 PM
in reply to: #2064298

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - FULL for now

SCamp07 - 2009-04-05 8:29 PM SBR this weekend. I'm officially in tri training mode. How was everyone's weekend?

Way to go Steve!!

I have a good bike ride on Saturday, 4 hours.  But blew Sunday by messing around with my bike and then having the bike shop fix my mess.  But at least now my tri bike is back to functional.  I was hoping to have a great weekend because my week is getting filled up with non-tri events.

On Monday I will be running 13-17 on the BWI Trail with a friend from work, after work.  You are welcome if you want to come for a loop or whatever.  We haven't settled on a time yet but I imagine it would be around 5:30.  Not sure you are looking for those kinds of miles right now since you have switched modes though.

2009-04-05 9:42 PM
in reply to: #1876643

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - FULL for now

Haha.. I know who had a great weekend... Abby ordered her new bike, and rode her existing bike on Friday and Saturday!!  She's getting back!!! Yeah!!

And Becky had a PR 5k, as well as a 1.5 mile swim, and that's only about half the training she got in over the weekend!  Wow.  

Edited by kalalau 2009-04-05 9:45 PM
2009-04-05 10:44 PM
in reply to: #2064626

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - FULL for now
kalalau - 2009-04-05 10:42 PM

Haha.. I know who had a great weekend... Abby ordered her new bike, and rode her existing bike on Friday and Saturday!!  She's getting back!!! Yeah!!

And Becky had a PR 5k, as well as a 1.5 mile swim, and that's only about half the training she got in over the weekend!  Wow.

Yes, it was a busy training weekend, but it felt pretty good.  My body is tired for sure and ready for the day off tomorrow.  To top it all off, we went out with friends last night for Mexican and bowling (not at the same time) and didn't get home 'til 1am.  Definitely not the norm for us these days.  It was a loooooong day, but fun!  My swimming is sucking, but we'll discuss that later.
2009-04-06 9:17 AM
in reply to: #2062017

Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - FULL for now
kalalau - 2009-04-03 10:00 PM

Nope, haven't heard from Mike since he last posted saying that his training was falling off due to sickness.  He might be having a hard time getting back on track and is getting discouraged.  I'm sure we can bring him back if we scream loud enough. :-)  I think he should do the half marathon even if it means walking most of it (if that's what it's come to).  It's an experience just to be out there.

Hi everyone.  I'm still following the posts, but I haven't been training.  After my last run (weeks ago), my runners knee had come back.  What really worries me is that there was nothing noteworthy about that run.  I didn't push myself in any way (speed or distance).  I think I'm just genetically limited to a distance of 6 miles max.

For a while, I was considering doing the race anyways, damaging the knees further, and taking the rest of the year off to heal.  But now I'm thinking I'll just skip the race and concentrate on weights and swimming.  Maybe that will make me more "durable" for next year.

If anyone else has struggled with knee problems, please let me know.  Is this something I just have to endure or is there a "cure"?  Will I just have to accept that "races hurt"?

2009-04-06 10:43 AM
in reply to: #2065158

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - FULL for now
Mooney - 2009-04-06 10:17 AM kalalau - 2009-04-03 10:00 PM

If anyone else has struggled with knee problems, please let me know.  Is this something I just have to endure or is there a "cure"?  Will I just have to accept that "races hurt"?

I've never had "knee problems" per se, but they tend to start getting sore when I need new shoes.  I keep track of the mileage on each pair, but usually my knees start to tell me it's time before I look and see that I need for a new pair.  This may not be your problem at all, but in coaching a couch to 5k program, I had a LOT of complaints about sore knees that were resolved with a well-fitting new pair of running shoes.

Edited by ras26 2009-04-06 10:44 AM
2009-04-06 3:21 PM
in reply to: #1876643

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - FULL for now

I don't think anyone is genetically limited to their distance.  Knee problems can usually be attributed to one issue or another.  Next time, I would start out with low distance and follow a plan to a tee and don't boost up your mileage too quickly.  Bec also has a good tip with changing your shoes every 300-500 miles.  It could be your shoes, it could be your schedule, it could be a lot of things.  I would head into a good running store, throw everything you can think of that has happened at them, and see what they think.  You might want to write down everything that you want to point out so you don't miss anything.  You live darn near THE Runner's World, so I'm sure there are lots of experts around.

Sorry to hear about the issues.  I can understand why you'd want to not do the race at all.  It's a bummer.

2009-04-06 11:45 PM
in reply to: #1876643

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - FULL for now
RE: Mooney's knee problem...If I may interject, having gone through many knee issues myself through soccer and running and having had access to doctor's over the years.  Usually speaking problems with your knees are usually not your knee but rather the supporting muscle groups, tendons, ligaments, tissues and the way they work with each other.  

I suffer from tendonitis of the patellar tendon, a condition known as patella alta.  Which means I have a longer than usual patellar tendon, which is the big tendon that connects your knee cap to your tibia.  When I run that tendon has a bit of slack through the impact that just gets inflamed.  SO I ice it and do exercises that strengthen the supporting ligaments and tendons so that it reduces the work my patellar tendon has to do to keep my knee stable.  I have picked up a bunch of knee exercises that are tedious, boring, but very much needed in order to keep my knees strong.

It could be that simple, or it could be, for example, that you have, over time, eroded some of the cartilage, which can be a more serious issue.  Either way, I think Dave is right to seek the advise of running experts and see if they can help you resolve the issue, but be honest with yourself and see a doctor if the pain persists or gets worse.  The real trouble with knee issues is that sometimes x-rays or MRIs could be necessary to be 100% sure as to exactly what the ailment is.  

My humble opinion...
2009-04-07 7:56 AM
in reply to: #1876643

Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - FULL for now
Thanks.  Good advice, all.

My shoes are relatively new (bought in January), but as I think back, I can't remember how I came to the conclusion that I need motion control shoes (ie. Saucony Omni 7).  It could be that I have run for years with shoes that are inappropriate for my stride.

I foolishly thought that my leg muscles were not the problem because I enjoy weight lifting in the off-season.  Perhaps the traditional extensions, curls, and squats are not sufficiently targeting the problem.  Strong leg muscles in the wrong areas may even contribute to the problem.  I'll look into knee-specific exercises.

I have experimented with Glucosamine and Chondroitin suppliments to help the cartilage, but I didn't stay with it for long, so I saw no noticable results.  A collegue of mine (cyclist) claims it helped him so I may give that another try.

Thanks for the support.
2009-04-08 11:10 AM
in reply to: #1876643

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Glen Burnie, Maryland
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - FULL for now
Woah!!! I thought we got deleted!

2009-04-08 12:46 PM
in reply to: #1876643

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - FULL for now


I believe in the muscle strengthening and stretching to resolve issues, but I have a hard time reading and finding out which ones cause which problems.  I think I am going to work on my quads for my current knee issues; hopefully that will work out.

MRIs and such are good to have, but it's a huge pain when they don't show what you want.  I have a hard time making people believe my shoulder is in pain because the MRI shows nothing huge! :-)  But MRIs and xrays are all we have before exploratory surgery.

2009-04-08 4:26 PM
in reply to: #2064626

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Randolph, NJ
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - FULL for now
kalalau - 2009-04-05 10:42 AM

Haha.. I know who had a great weekend... Abby ordered her new bike, and rode her existing bike on Friday and Saturday!!  She's getting back!!! Yeah!!

And Becky had a PR 5k, as well as a 1.5 mile swim, and that's only about half the training she got in over the weekend!  Wow.

OK I tried to go back to training but it didnt last. Decided to go away for a few days instead. NOW I feel great and I am ready to get serious again. So - turns out that I had this parvovirus which can last up to 6 weeks - but before I was diagnosed (10 days) I was given antibiotics in case it was Lymes...well to make a long story short i had a serious allergic reaction to the antibiotic...but no one figured out that was why I kept getting sicker and sicker - luckily...i suppose I got too sick to hold anything down and had to stop taking it. Its finally out of my system and I have been able to put the weight back on and figured out I need to find a new DOCTOR! I will keep you updated on the training!

Any advise regarding "the slow motion tumble"? The bike store said I will spend about an hour in the shop riding and adjusting the fit. The suggested riding in a grass field for the first day.
2009-04-08 8:55 PM
in reply to: #1876643

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - FULL for now
You feel great like completely recovered or just great as compared to before? Either way it's great news! To avoid falling, make sure the tension isn't too tight, and get your feet out of the pedals long before you get near stopping. Part of the problem is just forgetting to unclip. But there's just a learning process. You don't really hurt yourself when you fall over unless you are in traffic. It just feels embarrassing. Being in the grass seems like a good idea. When do you get your bike?
2009-04-08 8:59 PM
in reply to: #2067653

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - FULL for now
Mooney - 2009-04-07 8:56 AMThanks.  Good advice, all.

My shoes are relatively new (bought in January), but as I think back, I can't remember how I came to the conclusion that I need motion control shoes (ie. Saucony Omni 7).  It could be that I have run for years with shoes that are inappropriate for my stride.

I foolishly thought that my leg muscles were not the problem because I enjoy weight lifting in the off-season.  Perhaps the traditional extensions, curls, and squats are not sufficiently targeting the problem.  Strong leg muscles in the wrong areas may even contribute to the problem.  I'll look into knee-specific exercises.

I have experimented with Glucosamine and Chondroitin suppliments to help the cartilage, but I didn't stay with it for long, so I saw no noticable results.  A collegue of mine (cyclist) claims it helped him so I may give that another try.

Thanks for the support.
Oh I should note that I think I screwed my knee up too because I wore motion control shoes at the Disney Marathon and the running store said I don't look like I need special shoes.
2009-04-08 10:12 PM
in reply to: #2071049

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - FULL for now
SCamp07 - 2009-04-08 12:10 PM Woah!!! I thought we got deleted!

Seriously, I almost freaked out before I discovered the archives.  We don't HAVE to disband, right?

2009-04-08 10:25 PM
in reply to: #2072003

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - FULL for now
abbiesue - 2009-04-08 5:26 PM
Any advise regarding "the slow motion tumble"? The bike store said I will spend about an hour in the shop riding and adjusting the fit. The suggested riding in a grass field for the first day.

It's going to happen; there's no avoiding it.  Here's a pic showing the result of my first 30 seconds on my bike.  It wasn't bad, I clipped back in (after getting off the ground) and rode a few miles just fine.  Like Dave said, when it looks like you are going to have to stop, unclip at least one foot early.  At like a stop sign, you don't really need to unclip the second foot.  Just make sure when you unclip one foot that when you slow down to hop down off your seat that your slight lean to put your foot on the ground is to the UNCLIPPED side.  It really sucks when you fall the opposite way on top of the clipped in foot.  That's about all the advice I have.  Practice practice!!

Edited by ras26 2009-04-08 10:38 PM
2009-04-09 8:11 AM
in reply to: #1876643

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - FULL for now
Oh yes I had forgotten about falling because of leaning to the clipped side. :-) Free extra embarrassment for you. It's so fun.
2009-04-09 8:15 AM
in reply to: #2072785

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - FULL for now
ras26 - 2009-04-08 11:12 PM
SCamp07 - 2009-04-08 12:10 PM Woah!!! I thought we got deleted!

Seriously, I almost freaked out before I discovered the archives.  We don't HAVE to disband, right?
Oh I didn't even notice that we moved to archives. I think we will always be here as long as we are interested.
2009-04-09 11:40 AM
in reply to: #2072619

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Randolph, NJ
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - FULL for now
kalalau - 2009-04-08 9:55 AM You feel great like completely recovered or just great as compared to before? Either way it's great news! To avoid falling, make sure the tension isn't too tight, and get your feet out of the pedals long before you get near stopping. Part of the problem is just forgetting to unclip. But there's just a learning process. You don't really hurt yourself when you fall over unless you are in traffic. It just feels embarrassing. Being in the grass seems like a good idea. When do you get your bike?

I feel great as in 98% recovered! I tied on the running shoes for the first time in a long time. Took it pretty easy though didnt want to push myself too hard...YET! They thought my bike might be in by tomorrow.

Thanks for the picture Becky!
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