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2009-07-14 8:23 AM
in reply to: #2071361

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somewhere in the northwest
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL

Good morning everyone :
Well I finished the Missoula marathon it was not pretty but it's in the books now. I ran all the way to mile 16 then had to walk for just a minute, I then did a mile run then walk for 2 min, at mile 21 I was so sick to my stomach I could not run at all without wanting to puke so I walked as fast as I could withou jaring my stomach to much. at mile 25.5 I burped a few times this seemed to calm my stomach down a little at least enough to let me run the rest of the way in. I will try to get a race report done after work tonight.

2009-07-14 7:56 PM
in reply to: #2283587

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In the Shadow of the Big House
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
Done is Done.  Congrats on finishing, no matter how ugly.Smile
2009-07-15 2:18 PM
in reply to: #2278548

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Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
gobluedds - 2009-07-11 7:11 PM

Raced today in a thunderstorm.  Once again I blew the swim.  I don't get what is going wrong here.  I am beginning to think it may be my tri suit. I have been doing OWS with my wetsuit without the trisuit with no probs. It is pretty tight across my chest and I think it is restricting my breathing. I was never able to catch my breath after the first 100 yards or so even breathing every stroke.  This should have been an easy swim for me.  The water was relatively warm, there were few waves and I was out in front of the vast majority of the pack.  I ended up swimming breaststroke through a good portion of the race in order to keep my breathing even. Because of that, I was a good three minutes off my pace for this leg.  The bike was tons better even with the slick pavement and pouring rain. Thank goodness, almost made up for the sucky swim.

Any thoughts from the peanut gallery?

BTW, I have photos posted in my album

Your pics are crazy, looks like it was really dumping on you.

I guess your tri suit could have been constricting, but I wonder if it could be just the excitement of the race. I have had that same problem before. For me, I get all caught up in the start and go out way to hard. End up jacking up my heart rate and it takes forever to get things to calm back down. Just a thought.

And if you are telling me that the water was relatively warm, I am never doing a tri in MI. I have been in those lakes before..... up to my ankles. That stuff is COLD!!!!!!!
2009-07-15 2:21 PM
in reply to: #2283587

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Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
gslye - 2009-07-14 8:23 AM

Good morning everyone :
Well I finished the Missoula marathon it was not pretty but it's in the books now. I ran all the way to mile 16 then had to walk for just a minute, I then did a mile run then walk for 2 min, at mile 21 I was so sick to my stomach I could not run at all without wanting to puke so I walked as fast as I could withou jaring my stomach to much. at mile 25.5 I burped a few times this seemed to calm my stomach down a little at least enough to let me run the rest of the way in. I will try to get a race report done after work tonight.

Way to go! I have heard that marathon running is about mental toughness. Looks to me like you were gonna finish that race no matter was happened.
2009-07-15 2:38 PM
in reply to: #2071361

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Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
It's me again. Good News to report, finally I have had a bike fit done. Went in on Monday to the LBS. The first comment I got was this: "That frame is to big for you" Not a very promising start I must say. After we talked for a bit and he saw me on the bike, the fitter did say that he thought he could make it work. Now I thought I kind of knew what I was doing when I set it up months ago. Boy was I wrong. There was not a bolt that could be adjusted that the fitter didn't turn. My bike was WAY OFF!!!! He told me that my aero position was basically the same a my road position. Anyway, he raised my seat about 1-1/2" and flipped my stem and adjusted the risers. My cleats were also adjusted. I am gonna ride on this for the next 3-4 weeks so my body can adjust to the drastically new position and then go back to spend more time adjusting.

Rode my bike this morning for the first time, and it felt weird. My leg extension is a lot more comfortable. My seat hurt my butt a bit, but it is only a week old so I think my butt will adjust. My upper body is in a completely different position now. I feel very truncated when in the aero position, but I think the plan is to stretch me out more after I have adjusted to this new position. Just wanted to update you all and thanks for pushing me to get this done. I did a really easy spin, but could already feel the added power I have with this new position.

Next: Tune up!

Arron: Thanks for the breathing advice. I will put it into practice at Rivercities in 2 weeks!
2009-07-15 7:47 PM
in reply to: #2287518

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In the Shadow of the Big House
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
Your pics are crazy, looks like it was really dumping on you. I guess your tri suit could have been constricting, but I wonder if it could be just the excitement of the race. I have had that same problem before. For me, I get all caught up in the start and go out way to hard. End up jacking up my heart rate and it takes forever to get things to calm back down. Just a thought. And if you are telling me that the water was relatively warm, I am never doing a tri in MI. I have been in those lakes before..... up to my ankles. That stuff is COLD!!!!!!!

The water was almost 70 degrees, so yeah, it was relatively warm.  We had a shift in the wind to bring some warmer water up from one of the rivers.  That's about as warm as it ever gets.  In the same place the temp was 59 the week before. The rain was pretty intense during the bike, at one point I couldn't see my front wheel it was coming down so hard.  Thankfully it let up before we got to any cornering.

Edited by gobluedds 2009-07-15 7:48 PM

2009-07-18 8:46 PM
in reply to: #2071361

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In the Shadow of the Big House
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
Hmmm... three days without a post.  Seems we have either lost everyone, or everyone is REALLY busy training.
2009-07-20 1:14 AM
in reply to: #2071361

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
I'm thinking everyone is lost!

Just as I started my training back up after my foot mishap, I got really, really sick and spent 9 (yes, 9!) days totally laid up.  I've finally started training again but now I'm scared to death as I have my first ever Oly coming up Sunday (the 26th) and my training has been all but nonexistent the last month!  Needless (and sad) to say my goal has changed to (literally) just wanting to finish!!
2009-07-20 8:57 AM
in reply to: #2293853

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Denver Area
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL

gobluedds - 2009-07-18 7:46 PM Hmmm... three days without a post.  Seems we have either lost everyone, or everyone is REALLY busy training.

Or just really busy overall---I can't figure out HOW I got so busy, it's a struggle sometimes to remain present and enjoy it.  Since my volume has lightened up it's easier to get it all in---freaks me out a bunch 'cause I'm at that stage in The Plan that I feel I haven't done enough (which is plausible considering my terrible record this time 'round), that I'm not doing enough currently, that I'm ridiculous for attempting this at all....

overall training has been fine. Got a 52 bike in yesterday, but cut the run short this it goes.  The Dragon Boat Festival is next weekend, and then that's one less thing I'll have to fit in.

I hope everyone else had a super-fantastic weekend!

2009-07-20 9:03 AM
in reply to: #2295240

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Denver Area
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL

Happychick - 2009-07-20 12:14 AM I'm thinking everyone is lost!

Just as I started my training back up after my foot mishap, I got really, really sick and spent 9 (yes, 9!) days totally laid up.  I've finally started training again but now I'm scared to death as I have my first ever Oly coming up Sunday (the 26th) and my training has been all but nonexistent the last month!  Needless (and sad) to say my goal has changed to (literally) just wanting to finish!!

I think just wanting to finish is as great a goal as podium.  Remember we triathletes are in an extreme minority, there are very few people who would attempt what we do, or even consider it for that matter! 

Something I've forgotten time to time, 'cause training gets so commonplace for me:

---->Finishing any race is an accomplishment!<---- 


2009-07-20 12:58 PM
in reply to: #2295579

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The Woodlands, TX
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
AdaBug - 2009-07-20 9:03 AM

---->Finishing any race is an accomplishment!<---- 


So true! I laugh when my coworkers ask if I'm "Going to win" an event like a marathon or tri (or just about anything!).

I had an awesome training weekend and am now on to a rest week. I'm sore today for the first time in a while, so it's a good thing this week is a rest week. Happy training everyone!

2009-07-21 3:17 AM
in reply to: #2071361

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
Thanks gals!  I never had the (false) aspirations of a podium finish...only a time goal but you are absolutely right in saying that finishing is a great accomplishment ~ I just need to remind myself of that!!
2009-07-22 2:48 PM
in reply to: #2071361

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In the Shadow of the Big House
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
Anybody else following the Tour de France?  Are you watching these guys flying up the mountains?  They were going up 10-11% grade today at speeds that I wish I could maintain on the flats.  Inspiring or demoralizing to watch? 
2009-07-22 6:46 PM
in reply to: #2302208

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
gobluedds - 2009-07-22 9:48 AM Anybody else following the Tour de France?  Are you watching these guys flying up the mountains?  They were going up 10-11% grade today at speeds that I wish I could maintain on the flats.  Inspiring or demoralizing to watch? 

The funny thing is that this is my first year watching it (or realizing it's even going on) and being in the TdF Challenge is what got me to sit and watch the first stage.  My hubby looked at me like I was nuts and asked "what's with the sudden interest?"  When I told him I was part of a challenge here on BT and wanted to see what the actual TdF is all about he just rolled his eyes.  Needless to say, HE is the one who has it set to record every stage and complains when I watch it without him!   Anyway, I still have to watch the last two days worth (gotta love DVRs!) but it is amazing to watch them fly up those mnts ~ especially when they do it and make it look like the other riders are standing still!
2009-07-23 6:06 PM
in reply to: #2302208

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Denver Area
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL

gobluedds - 2009-07-22 1:48 PM Anybody else following the Tour de France?  Are you watching these guys flying up the mountains?  They were going up 10-11% grade today at speeds that I wish I could maintain on the flats.  Inspiring or demoralizing to watch? 

a little of both I think

2009-07-24 7:20 PM
in reply to: #2071361

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In the Shadow of the Big House
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
Training question for coach Aaron. 
This week has been super busy for me getting my son ready for his big competition of the year (he competes in equestrian events), so my training has slacked somewhat.  Next week is the actual competition and I know that I am going to have minimal time to devote to swim bike run. (up by 5 to get to the barn by 6 and home around 9- 10 at night if we are lucky) The following week I am going on vacation with my family, so I will have more "free" time to get back in to the swing of things.  I will have the opportunity to OWS everyday that the surf permits and will have access to a great bike course and beautiful trails to run on.  My question is, should I even try to get some "workouts" in this week, or just say forget it and focus on the following week to put together some serious double or triple workouts?  My HIM is 7 weeks from tomorrow.

2009-07-24 9:43 PM
in reply to: #2304728

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Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
AdaBug - 2009-07-23 6:06 PM

gobluedds - 2009-07-22 1:48 PM Anybody else following the Tour de France?  Are you watching these guys flying up the mountains?  They were going up 10-11% grade today at speeds that I wish I could maintain on the flats.  Inspiring or demoralizing to watch? 

a little of both I think

Those guys are just amazing. Contador is unreal and Lance, the guy is 37 years old and 3 years out of the sport and he is still finishing in the top ten of any race he enters. AMAZING. This tour has definatly been exciting. I can't wait to watch the big mountain stage. Gotta watch it on DVR cause I am doing the Goatneck 70 miler tomorrow morning. Me thinks my butt is gonna hurt.
2009-07-28 12:53 PM
in reply to: #2071361

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
Well after a horrible month (with my foot injury then being sick) I am sooooo happy to say that I finished my 1st Oly on Sunday in 2:49!  I can't even begin to say how happy I am with that!
I hope you are all doing good ~ we are all so quiet...
2009-07-28 11:35 PM
in reply to: #2307019

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Denver Area
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL

sympatric - 2009-07-24 8:43 PM
AdaBug - 2009-07-23 6:06 PM

gobluedds - 2009-07-22 1:48 PM Anybody else following the Tour de France?  Are you watching these guys flying up the mountains?  They were going up 10-11% grade today at speeds that I wish I could maintain on the flats.  Inspiring or demoralizing to watch? 

a little of both I think

Those guys are just amazing. Contador is unreal and Lance, the guy is 37 years old and 3 years out of the sport and he is still finishing in the top ten of any race he enters. AMAZING. This tour has definatly been exciting. I can't wait to watch the big mountain stage. Gotta watch it on DVR cause I am doing the Goatneck 70 miler tomorrow morning. Me thinks my butt is gonna hurt.

pro'lly just my perception, but I got the feeling that Lance was just hangin' around, kind of there to act as a threat...

like Dash in the Incredibles movie; last scene at a track meet, his parents yelling at him to "make it second, a close second"

do ya'll think he was as serious this time around, in it to win it? or just there as proof that he's a bad finishing top 3? (as if we needed any more proof)

p.s. took me til the very last stage to figure out that the polka dots were for "King of Mountains", then I didn't watch every single one though.

2009-07-30 10:51 AM
in reply to: #2071361

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In the Shadow of the Big House
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
Got a few photos posted in my album showing what I have been doing with my son over the last week and why I haven't been doing much training.  The work with the boy has been paying off.  So far,  Reserve champion, a first and 2 third place finishes.  Two more events today and then we are done for this competition.Laughing
2009-07-30 1:44 PM
in reply to: #2317340

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The Woodlands, TX
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
gobluedds - 2009-07-30 10:51 AM

Got a few photos posted in my album showing what I have been doing with my son over the last week and why I haven't been doing much training.  The work with the boy has been paying off.  So far,  Reserve champion, a first and 2 third place finishes.  Two more events today and then we are done for this competition.Laughing

He's so cute! You must be so proud of him doing so well

2009-07-31 1:57 AM
in reply to: #2317340

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
gobluedds - 2009-07-30 5:51 AM Got a few photos posted in my album showing what I have been doing with my son over the last week and why I haven't been doing much training.  The work with the boy has been paying off.  So far,  Reserve champion, a first and 2 third place finishes.  Two more events today and then we are done for this competition.Laughing

Those are great pics, thanks for sharing Scott!  I know you must be sooooo proud and moments like those make missing training worth every second, huh?!
2009-08-03 7:30 PM
in reply to: #2071361

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL

I'm stuck...or at least feeling that way.  Since my last planned tri is no longer happening I am somewhat at a loss.  I'm getting ready to start a 1/2 mary plan (for Nov race) but feel like I will loose all the efforts I put forth towards my bike and swim.  Yea, I plan on still doing them but nothing like I have been...what do you have to do to maintain?!
2009-08-03 7:37 PM
in reply to: #2325395

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Denver Area
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL

Happychick - 2009-08-03 6:30 PM Hellllllo?

I'm stuck...or at least feeling that way.  Since my last planned tri is no longer happening I am somewhat at a loss.  I'm getting ready to start a 1/2 mary plan (for Nov race) but feel like I will loose all the efforts I put forth towards my bike and swim.  Yea, I plan on still doing them but nothing like I have been...what do you have to do to maintain?!

me? I just jump in the pool couple times a week & commute on the bike a lot.  sometimes I'll go back in my archived emails and pick-a-day-any-day and do the workout that was emailed to me.

otherwise I relax and don't worry about it.  some is always better than none. 

2009-08-04 3:10 PM
in reply to: #2325395

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Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - FULL
Happychick - 2009-08-03 7:30 PM


I'm stuck...or at least feeling that way.  Since my last planned tri is no longer happening I am somewhat at a loss.  I'm getting ready to start a 1/2 mary plan (for Nov race) but feel like I will loose all the efforts I put forth towards my bike and swim.  Yea, I plan on still doing them but nothing like I have been...what do you have to do to maintain?!

Sucks about your Tri. I don't know what I am gonna do either. I know there are maintenance plans here on BT, but I have not really looked at them. Usually I just train for a marathon in December, hurt myself playing soccer and do nothing until Feb.
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