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2009-11-05 5:39 PM
in reply to: #2498401

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
carteroak - 2009-11-04 4:53 PM I'm off to the big race!  First season of triathlon almost over - 6 sprints, 2 Oly, and now for the HIM!  I'm so totally hooked!  I don't want it to end!

Good luck on your race this weekend, Michelle!

It's going to be hard to avoid a great dessert to celebrate, but I need to stay focused on the big picture!

Thanks Karla!  Good luck to you and have fun ~ I want to hear all about it and since your log is private be sure to let me know when your RR is done!

2009-11-05 5:41 PM
in reply to: #2498758

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
grbfrog - 2009-11-05 3:05 AM 153/143.8/135 Woohoo! Down another 1.2 lbs from last week! I was shocked (had to double check!) because my birthday was on Halloween (cake AND candy, ugh!) and it was a busy, stressful week too so mot many workouts. I was preparing myself mentally for a gain.

Nice job and happy belated birthday!!
2009-11-05 5:51 PM
in reply to: #2426990

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Start      141/27
Week 1  137.5/27
Week 2  139/26
Week 3  138/26
Week 4  139/26
Today    139/26

I didn't really expect to see any change since only a few days ago I revamped things.  However, if I don't see a change next week I will be at a complete loss!!

2009-11-06 1:50 AM
in reply to: #2426990

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Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Some good numbers being posted by people here - looks like this is really paying off and keeping us motivated and improving.

Start:      201
Target:    175

Current:  183.5

Had a really mad few days overseas with work, and managed a run but nothing else. Had to focus on keeping my calorie intake under tight control, and it seems to have paid off... Importantly it feels like I have about 1/3rd of my target weight loss to go now, so feels like I have broken the back of it.
2009-11-06 7:40 AM
in reply to: #2426990

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
I haven't weighed myself since last week. Honestly, I don't want to see what the scale says. This past weekend was a huge sugar-fest when I was out of town.I think much of my not wanting to weigh myself is that I hurt my back. Normally, I wouldn't avoid the scale, or really anything, but I am not feeling the happiest right now. I just don't want to see anything else that may bring me down. I hurt the exact same spot in my back this summer, and it took me about three weeks to recover. Unfortunately, I have a half marathon next weekend. I had high hopes for it too! Right now, I'm not thinking I'll be doing much of anything as far as training goes. Walking feels better than sitting or being still, so at least I can walk. Maybe I can try to jog? Who knows.
2009-11-06 7:58 AM
in reply to: #2426990

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
I do have one positive to report. Today is day five of my self-imposed no bad sugar challenge. So far, all is going well! It really is amazing how not eating sugar over a period of time truly diminishes any cravings for it. Have a great day all

2009-11-06 11:38 AM
in reply to: #2500606

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
justtrichris - 2009-11-06 2:58 AM I do have one positive to report. Today is day five of my self-imposed no bad sugar challenge. So far, all is going well! It really is amazing how not eating sugar over a period of time truly diminishes any cravings for it. Have a great day all

I am so sorry about your back especially since you had a 1/2 mary's to a speedy recovery!!!
As for no sugar, great job!  You are off to a great start, keep it up!  It is amazing how you stop craving it and what's really nice is when you hit the point where you find things that were normally delicious are now too sweet!!
2009-11-06 12:18 PM
in reply to: #2499508

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Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
nevergivin - 2009-11-05 1:16 PM
d2lock - 2009-11-05 11:03 AM Start:  360
Week 1:  358
Week 2:  357
Week 3:  356
Last week:  355
This week:  354

One more pound.  If nothing else, I guess I am consistent. 

ETA:  29 lbs to reach my 325 goal...  4 lbs/week average loss isn't looking good compared to past performance.  Looks like I need to give up the daily trip to Starbucks.

NO NEED! I go to Starbucks all the time and get regular or decaf, even tea. But what allot of people dont know is that if you get a drink and limit the sugar and fat, you can add a scoop of whey protien for an extra 50 cents and nake it a great recovery,diet,healthy drink!

I live in Seattle and did not know that... Learn something new everyday, thanks!  I don't like coffee so I always get a frappucino; I'll have to start getting it with the whey and without the whipped cream, and maybe go from a grande to a tall.
2009-11-06 5:36 PM
in reply to: #2426990

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Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Oops late again. I'm the same though so I'm very boring. However, I can feel more muscle in my legs, so that's good.


I'm going to start limiting myself, though. I really want to cut our processed foods (except Peanut Butter Puffins which are made of pure deliciousness)

I added power yoga back in this week and it feels great. I think I'll focus on strength for the rest of this month and then start working on base building.

Hope everyone has a great week!
2009-11-09 9:22 AM
in reply to: #2498864

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Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
michlong - 2009-11-05 9:45 AM 10/22/09     224.2/219/200
10/29/09     224.2/219.8/200
11/05/09     224.2/219/200

ok so going back in the right direction, but seem to be stuck in a bit of a rut at the moment. i've been really lite on training this week, pulled something in my calf muscle last friday, so had to take a few days of running, started again yesterday.


so i was looking back over the last few weeks and i seem to have reached a bit of an impass. when i started this whole training and loosing some weight thing back in july i was 242.2lbs. the first 20 dropped off pretty easy.
7/24/09 242.2
8/12/09 234.6
9/19/09 230.2
10/16/09 220.8
11/6/09 219.8

so the last 3 weeks has only been a solitary 1lb. i am guessingmy diet of just cutting out the snacks and actually exercising has reached its limit. so this week i am trying something different, i bought the Power 90 program, which came last week, so starting this morning i am on the fat burning 6 day quickstart, lets see how that goes. can't wait for my 20 almond mid morning snack!!!!
2009-11-09 6:34 PM
in reply to: #2504545

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
michlong - 2009-11-09 4:22 AM
michlong - 2009-11-05 9:45 AM 10/22/09     224.2/219/200
10/29/09     224.2/219.8/200
11/05/09     224.2/219/200

ok so going back in the right direction, but seem to be stuck in a bit of a rut at the moment. i've been really lite on training this week, pulled something in my calf muscle last friday, so had to take a few days of running, started again yesterday.


so i was looking back over the last few weeks and i seem to have reached a bit of an impass. when i started this whole training and loosing some weight thing back in july i was 242.2lbs. the first 20 dropped off pretty easy.
7/24/09 242.2
8/12/09 234.6
9/19/09 230.2
10/16/09 220.8
11/6/09 219.8

so the last 3 weeks has only been a solitary 1lb. i am guessingmy diet of just cutting out the snacks and actually exercising has reached its limit. so this week i am trying something different, i bought the Power 90 program, which came last week, so starting this morning i am on the fat burning 6 day quickstart, lets see how that goes. can't wait for my 20 almond mid morning snack!!!!

I'm just curious...what is the Power 90 program?

2009-11-09 7:22 PM
in reply to: #2426990

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
^^^ Looks like this is/was the start of P90X??
2009-11-09 8:42 PM
in reply to: #2426990

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Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Well I just got a call from my doc. I had some blood work done last week for my yearly physical and apparently I'm a bit hypothyroid. I just did a bit of reading about it and it makes so much sense. I'm wondering if my difficulties losing weight on this challenge and gaining a bit of weight the past few months has been partly because of a sluggish thyroid.

She doesn't want to do anything about it right now, instead I'll retest in January.

Does anyone else have this problem? Any advice? It kind of bums me out knowing I might be going through the holiday season with an even more messed up metabolism.

Well, at least I know why I'm exhausted and cold all the time.
2009-11-09 10:08 PM
in reply to: #2500003

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Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Happychick - 2009-11-05 6:39 PM
carteroak - 2009-11-04 4:53 PM I'm off to the big race!  First season of triathlon almost over - 6 sprints, 2 Oly, and now for the HIM!  I'm so totally hooked!  I don't want it to end!

Good luck on your race this weekend, Michelle!

It's going to be hard to avoid a great dessert to celebrate, but I need to stay focused on the big picture!

Thanks Karla!  Good luck to you and have fun ~ I want to hear all about it and since your log is private be sure to let me know when your RR is done!

Beach2Battleship was GREAT!!!  For anyone looking for a first half and who is weak on the swim (like me) this is the one! I finished the swim in 30:22 including getting wetsuit stripped and running about 100 feet to the timing mat!  There is no way in God's name that I could average a 1:25/100yd pace, so there was a SERIOUS current the whole way!!  I was ranked 87/163 women in the swim, just to give you an idea of how fast the pack was.  The bike was relatively flat w/a decent head wind for the last 16 miles, and the run was not flat, but very scenic along the water.  I finished in 5:40:15 which put me 29th woman overall.  It was soooo much fun!  I can't wait to do another.

Michelle - I didn't realize that my log was private.  I will try to change the settings.  I would have loved to have feedback from people, but I didn't realize!  : (   Let me know, when you get a chance, if it looks fixed.  How was your race?
2009-11-10 8:47 AM
in reply to: #2505774

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Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Happychick - 2009-11-09 7:34 PM
michlong - 2009-11-09 4:22 AM
michlong - 2009-11-05 9:45 AM 10/22/09     224.2/219/200
10/29/09     224.2/219.8/200
11/05/09     224.2/219/200

ok so going back in the right direction, but seem to be stuck in a bit of a rut at the moment. i've been really lite on training this week, pulled something in my calf muscle last friday, so had to take a few days of running, started again yesterday.


so i was looking back over the last few weeks and i seem to have reached a bit of an impass. when i started this whole training and loosing some weight thing back in july i was 242.2lbs. the first 20 dropped off pretty easy.
7/24/09 242.2
8/12/09 234.6
9/19/09 230.2
10/16/09 220.8
11/6/09 219.8

so the last 3 weeks has only been a solitary 1lb. i am guessingmy diet of just cutting out the snacks and actually exercising has reached its limit. so this week i am trying something different, i bought the Power 90 program, which came last week, so starting this morning i am on the fat burning 6 day quickstart, lets see how that goes. can't wait for my 20 almond mid morning snack!!!!

I'm just curious...what is the Power 90 program?

is the lightweight version of the P90X, i was looking at the P90X then after reading decided it was going to be too much for me to commit to right now, the power 90 is about 30mins a day.

2009-11-10 5:25 PM
in reply to: #2505951

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
firenze11 - 2009-11-09 3:42 PM Well I just got a call from my doc. I had some blood work done last week for my yearly physical and apparently I'm a bit hypothyroid. I just did a bit of reading about it and it makes so much sense. I'm wondering if my difficulties losing weight on this challenge and gaining a bit of weight the past few months has been partly because of a sluggish thyroid. She doesn't want to do anything about it right now, instead I'll retest in January. Does anyone else have this problem? Any advice? It kind of bums me out knowing I might be going through the holiday season with an even more messed up metabolism. Well, at least I know why I'm exhausted and cold all the time.

To be honest with you, I know very little about it but I will say to keep your head up.  Your doc isn't doing anything about it right now so she obviously isn't too overly concerned ~ at least until your re test.  In the meantime, keep doing what you're doing and stay positive as you have made progress and that's what will keep you motivated and feeling better overall!!

2009-11-10 5:32 PM
in reply to: #2506038

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
carteroak - 2009-11-09 5:08 PM

Beach2Battleship was GREAT!!!  For anyone looking for a first half and who is weak on the swim (like me) this is the one! I finished the swim in 30:22 including getting wetsuit stripped and running about 100 feet to the timing mat!  There is no way in God's name that I could average a 1:25/100yd pace, so there was a SERIOUS current the whole way!!  I was ranked 87/163 women in the swim, just to give you an idea of how fast the pack was.  The bike was relatively flat w/a decent head wind for the last 16 miles, and the run was not flat, but very scenic along the water.  I finished in 5:40:15 which put me 29th woman overall.  It was soooo much fun!  I can't wait to do another.

Michelle - I didn't realize that my log was private.  I will try to change the settings.  I would have loved to have feedback from people, but I didn't realize!  : (   Let me know, when you get a chance, if it looks fixed.  How was your race?

Karla ~ that is awesome!!! Congrats on beating your goal!!!!
My 1/2 marathon was great!  I had such a great time that I'm kind of kicking myself in the butt for not signing up for the full in Dec.  My time was 1:59:29 and I was 17/77 in my AG. 
Here is the link to my RR if anyone is interested!
2009-11-11 8:50 AM
in reply to: #2507759

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Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself

Here is the link to my RR if anyone is interested!

Michelle: Congrats!  That's awesome!  And that was your first half-marathon?  I'm impressed!

I'm sort of forcing myself to chill this week.  I think in my sudden jump into tri training this year, and some pretty high volume weeks along the way, I went to the edge of over-training and re-injury a few times.  I will start back next week and my new training goal for the off season is to work on body composition.  My recent caliber test showed 26% body fat, so I'd like to get that down to 20%.  Anybody have any idea what a realistic time frame is for that kind of goal?
2009-11-11 7:18 PM
in reply to: #2508444

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
carteroak - 2009-11-11 3:50 AM
Michelle: Congrats!  That's awesome!  And that was your first half-marathon?  I'm impressed!

I'm sort of forcing myself to chill this week.  I think in my sudden jump into tri training this year, and some pretty high volume weeks along the way, I went to the edge of over-training and re-injury a few times.  I will start back next week and my new training goal for the off season is to work on body composition.  My recent caliber test showed 26% body fat, so I'd like to get that down to 20%.  Anybody have any idea what a realistic time frame is for that kind of goal?

Thanks! and yes, that was my first 1/2.

I hear ya on the training front.  I have 6 weeks of unstructured training planned.  I'm not sure how I'm going to do with not having a schedule to follow but I need to give myself a break...both mentally and physically.  Plus, like you, I want to work on body comp so I'm anxious to hear what others think of the time frame as I have no clue!
2009-11-12 6:42 AM
in reply to: #2426990

New user
Boston, MA
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself

10/29: 149.6/146.4/140.0
11/5: 149.6/146.2/140.0
11/12: 149.6/150.2/140.0

I don't even know how it is possible to do this in a week. I am assuming the fact that I have not been active might have a bit to do with it (I fell down the stairs on friday) but attributing all 4 pounds to that would be crazy. I also think it might be some water retention (time of month) and overall just having a lot of stress. I don't 'feel' that much different in terms of the way my clothes fit so I am hoping once i get back to moving around that it will just drop off. In the meantime this seems like a huge step in the wrong direction and I am a bit discouraged (which cycles back to being stressed :-) ) Any words of encouragement?
2009-11-12 7:25 AM
in reply to: #2426990

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Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Key: Start/Current/Goal
Batlou: 179/174/165

1 more down 9 to go!  I am going to have to negative split this challenge though if I plan to make my goal. 

2009-11-12 7:33 AM
in reply to: #2426990

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Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself

MMMK.  Well, I haven't budged.  But now the big race is over and I can focus 100% on body composition.  I don't know if 11.5 lbs is realistic by Christmas at this point, but I need to head in the right direction!
2009-11-12 7:39 AM
in reply to: #2426990

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Longview, TX
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself

Still inching closer to my goal...although this week was a very small inch, but I still lost which is better than a gain so I'll take it!
2009-11-12 8:38 AM
in reply to: #2426990

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Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
10/22/09     224.2/219/200
10/29/09     224.2/219.8/200
11/05/09     224.2/219/200
11/12/09     224.2/216/200

i'll take that this week, definate change in diet is helping. so now on less snacks and much less carbs, fat etc etc. 200lbs by xmas may be a lofty goal, especially since we are going back to the UK for 3 weeks vacation, staying with family etc etc.


Edited by michlong 2009-11-12 8:52 AM
2009-11-12 8:50 AM
in reply to: #2426990

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: 2nd Annual Merry Christmas to Yourself
Started at  195 Goal  170
1st week   191
2nd week  190.5
3rd week   189
4th week   191
5th week   189.5
6th week   188

My training and diet is paying off, increased my carbs this week and workout intensity. Three more
to go at Ill be at the 10 pound mark!

Are we at the halfway point?
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