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2010-01-29 12:57 PM
in reply to: #2559122

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Hendersonville, NC
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
Dineen: I think I will rest for a few day and then start again, but slower this time.
Just do 15-20 min of run/walk. It goes away after a few day and doesn't come back if I just walk slower or run (fast walking is what causes it) and if I only do 5K it's ok.

2010-01-29 7:49 PM
in reply to: #2559122

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed

Yanti!  YOO HOO??!!

2010-01-30 10:00 AM
in reply to: #2559122

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Extreme Veteran
Eastern Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
Hi everybody!

So it's almost the end of January, do you believe it?

I was supposed to do a swim workout and 5 mile run yesterday and time got away from me so...since it was 20 degrees F and windy here at 6:00 yesterday (Melyssa you'll have to do the conversion but it was cold!), I decided to do the swim and make up the run today. I go to the pool and there is a sign "Pool Temporarily Closed". Turns out a kid threw up in it. Great.

Driving back home I'm trying to decide what to do. I didn't want to bail on the workout but 5 miles on the treadmill wasn't going to happen. So I got changed and headed outside. It was cold for the first couple of minutes until my face and arms got numb. After about 20 minutes I'm laughing at myself for prefering to run in freezing temps, in the dark, with blinking lights like a Christmas tree so I don't get run over....

About a half hour after I get home I realize I can feel my face....and l get to laugh at myself again when I think, "it wasn't THAT bad".

Have a great weekend!

2010-01-30 11:20 AM
in reply to: #2559122

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
Sorry! Beth out, Yanti in. I'm here! And listening! It's with tremendous admiration and delight I've been reading your posts. We have some serious HTFU athletes here.

Art--that would be you! BRRRRR! Although I do remember this one marathon where it was so cold and windy my legs went numb, and by mile 22 or so I was thinking, I'm really glad my legs are numb.

Phil--you have Manatee flippers under all that donkey fur, I know it! {{{MELON PRESS}}} Thanks for paging me.

Mia--congrats on a great 10K! I hope your hip heals soon, and yes, rest and ice and easing back into it are all good. Good luck with finding a bike.

Melyssa--you are my hero! THANK YOU for your wonderful support, and your words of wisdom in this thread, and your example. I am very happy about your new bike, too ... are you going to name it? Psssst--blue bikes are fastest.

Rebecca--I love how you've thrown yourself into BT, and I too am in awe of all the plates you're spinning. Well done! And ALL of us are proud of you for going from 0/wk to 4/wk. Yes!!!

Lynne--thanks for always posting your status, the good, the difficult, everything--you're an inspiration to me!

Lisa--great links, tips and gadgets!

Dineen--if you're swimming far enough to lose count of laps--you're doing GREAT! BTW I was a competitive swimmer for years, and I never did figure out how to count laps.

Lynn--SESAME STREET! I love it. I don't think it would help me keep track of laps, but ... I *always* need new games for long runs. Especially now that there are more "things" to count since I'm running in km instead of mi.

Bethie Love--for when you get back to us and read this--what more can I offer you than my eternal love and devotion? Wishing you a great trip and safe journey back.

ALL of you make me proud to be a Manatee.
2010-02-01 10:12 PM
in reply to: #2559122

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
Have I told any of y'all that you're awesome lately? Because you are!

I'm officially old. Not only is it 11 PM and I'm exhausted, I like getting up early in the morning to exercise.Triathlon is a lifestyle, eh?

2010-02-02 3:54 AM
in reply to: #2649019

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New Zealand
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
Silver Bullet - 2010-02-01 10:12 PM Have I told any of y'all that you're awesome lately? Because you are!

I'm officially old. Not only is it 11 PM and I'm exhausted, I like getting up early in the morning to exercise.Triathlon is a lifestyle, eh?

I'm so with you!!  Just lately I've been feeling so happy that I stuck with the training and am now at the point I can enjoy it, gives me a real sense of achievement and focus... my first race with OWS in two and a half weeks.... maybe I can focus on reducing the chocolate?


2010-02-02 7:34 AM
in reply to: #2559122

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Hendersonville, NC
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
Oh, I'm not there yet. I'm still in bed before 10 pm but I like to sleep in in the morning too. I need about 8,5 or 9 hours of sleep to feel rested.
I wish I needed less, 6 hours would be good.

My hip is still hurting a little and my plan to start the 13 week original sprint training plan is not on schedule.

It snowed here Friday and also some on Saturday and I think we got about 7 to 8 inches. Yuck! I was so looking forward to spring, not more snow.

Maybe I'll be good and go to the gym today instead.

2010-02-02 8:39 AM
in reply to: #2559122

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed

Morning Tinky and Yanti!

2010-02-02 2:57 PM
in reply to: #2559122

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed

Please help.  My eating is getting out of control.

2010-02-02 2:58 PM
in reply to: #2650655

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed

Triathlynne - 2010-02-02 2:57 PM

Please help.  My eating is getting out of control.

Don't eat?

2010-02-02 3:06 PM
in reply to: #2559122

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Extreme Veteran
Wesley Chapel, Florida
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
Lynn, out of control in what way?  I wish it were as easy as "stop eating."  Do you keep a food diary/log?  I keep trying to do so, and leep failing miserably.  I know that is the key...

I was sick yesterday, but feeling better today and got out there in the pool this morning.  It makes me feel so hard core, showing up at the pool at 6 am, in the rain!  It was 60 degrees, so warmer than it has been.

2010-02-02 4:51 PM
in reply to: #2559122

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed

I do keep a food diary. It's miserable.  Siiiigh.  I will have to do a complete 360 now.

2010-02-02 5:05 PM
in reply to: #2650929

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Hendersonville, NC
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
What kind of food is your out-of-control-food?
There is usually substitutions you can make that enables you to still eat something similar.

If you want help to come up with someting I'm in.

2010-02-02 8:13 PM
in reply to: #2559122

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
The only thing that's ever consistently worked for me is just not having junk in the house... 

it doesn't really stop me from eating lots of a substitute food, though.  

I'm sorry Lynne, I got nothin :/  
2010-02-02 8:30 PM
in reply to: #2559122

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Hendersonville, NC
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
I got of to the gym today! Yeah! :D
I did 1 h of mixed cardio, 20 min warm-up on the arc trainer, 20 min biking and finally 20 min rowing.
My hip did not hurt from any of it.
I tried to walk a little on the treadmill, but that hurts my hip, so no go for that.

2010-02-02 8:40 PM
in reply to: #2559122

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Extreme Veteran
Wesley Chapel, Florida
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
Lynne, can you share a sample food diary day or two?  that might help us help you.

Not that I am one to talk.  I fail miserably at keeping a food diary.  I am terrible about eating lunch appropriately, then gorge in the evenings.  I know all this, but can't seem to stop myself!

2010-02-03 5:43 AM
in reply to: #2559122

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
Morning people!

I have been working on running/walking. its still effing hard but I am trying. The longest I could run was about 2 minutes at 4.3 pace on the treadmill. then I walk at 3.3 pace. Last night I did cycling endurance setting on level 3 for 20 mins. It got me 5 miles and average speed was 15. I am not sure how I did in that case? I need to get to 12 miles cycling for dua. I was pretty beat after 20 mins so I need to work on that. I definetly cycle better than running. 

Eating habits....  Mine goes up and down, lately I have been doing really well here at work, keeping the junk out, no change for vending machine. I bought the 100 calorie kettle corn popcorn bags here at work to replace my chocolate candy addiction. 

It is hard to maintain control at home...  I have 3 kids under age 6 and of course theres snacks and etc all accessible. I try to keep it healthy but once in awhile I do buy sweets for them like oreo cookies which I had 4 lastnight! grr! They are so good! If I dont eat any sweets, I tend to eat bigger meals at dinner.  Its like catch 22!! 

I am still struggling with dry throats... someone told me to suck a hard candy while I run. so I will try that and try not to choke lol

Art- Glad you still went for it! Running out in the cold is hard to get started! I cant do it if its 35 degrees out or lower. I dont run consistently enough to stay warm!  Come spring.. sooon I hope!
I need new sneakers. You guys have any favorites? My feet are wide and flat. I barely have any arch. I am a heel walker and Ive been trying to remind myself to hit my midfoot when Im running. and breathe!

I hope Beth is having a good time!

I think you guys are doing great! I bet we will really start rocking when the weather warms up a bit!

My co worker wants me to do a 5K in May with her. and I want to do the Dua sprint in June. I hope I can do this!


Edited by Marcea 2010-02-03 5:44 AM
2010-02-03 8:10 AM
in reply to: #2650958

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed

ladylucky - 2010-02-02 3:05 PM What kind of food is your out-of-control-food?
There is usually substitutions you can make that enables you to still eat something similar.

If you want help to come up with someting I'm in.



Thank you.  Well I've gained about 20lbs since last July.  I also quit smoking last July.  My trouble is portion sizes which I am working on, eating more fruit n veg etc.  I work 12 hours a day and get home latish and I think what I eat when I get home is too heavy so I am figuring out things to have ready like soup or even cereal.   I just eat all the wrong things and think it's ok because I am exercising so much.  Need to educate myself into healthier eating. I have been tracking what I eat and the amount of junk I snack on during the day is terrible! I have a brand new shopping list and as mundane as it sounds I'm going to start measuring/weighing everything before I eat it!


Downfall are things like chocolate covered pretzels, flamin hot cheetos *mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm and generally other crappy foods like that.

2010-02-03 9:11 AM
in reply to: #2651814

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Hendersonville, NC
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
Lynne: I think you are doing good in keeping the diary and then seeing where the faults lie.

Now you just have to change it. OK, so you love chocolate, who doesn't so buy some really dark good one, like 70% and only eat one or two squares (thats like 50 calories per square).
If you let it melt in your mouth it takes longer to eat and you get satisfied with the taste.

Cheeto's, stop that cold turkey, thats just tons of bad stuff like chemicals and will only make you sick. So think of them as bad as cigarettes.

Great job by the way to quit smoking!

OK, back to food, so now you have your chocolate, find some fruit you love. Something that is easy to eat and is sweet and tasty.
You can use this as the indulgence when you feel like spoiling yourself and make a fruit salad.
I love kiwi, star fruit and pineapple.
Then if you want some salty snack (to replace the Cheeto's) buy cashews or almonds, roasted and salted. Mmmm thats yummy, but a lot of calories if you eat to many.

Are you eating enough fat?

That is one thing that can make you hungrier if you don't get enough of it.
Eat good fat as the ones from avocados, nuts and olive oil. And eat full fat milk products, they have less chemicals in them (try to get organic) and are a lot better for you and keep you full longer.
Skip all that says diet, usually it has more chemicals in it than you want to know.

Drink only water or unsweet ice tea (coffee and hot tea is OK too).

I think if you start with that it will get better.
2010-02-03 9:19 AM
in reply to: #2651610

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Hendersonville, NC
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
Marcea: Why do you buy the chocolate cookies for the kids?
They don't need it, just like you don't need it.

So buy some fruit instead for them, they will get cookies from their friends at school and don't need to have it at home.

It is up to you to get your kids in to healthy eating habits when they are young. It will be so much easier for them later on then.
So stop buying stuff for them that you know is not good.

When I was a kid we used to have Saturday candy day. We could buy a little bit of candy or ice cream and soda on Saturday and eat it only then.
I think that is a great idea.

And if you eat some just on Saturdays it's probably fine, right?
2010-02-03 9:39 AM
in reply to: #2652002

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed

ladylucky - 2010-02-03 7:19 AM Marcea: Why do you buy the chocolate cookies for the kids?
They don't need it, just like you don't need it.

So buy some fruit instead for them, they will get cookies from their friends at school and don't need to have it at home.

It is up to you to get your kids in to healthy eating habits when they are young. It will be so much easier for them later on then.
So stop buying stuff for them that you know is not good.

When I was a kid we used to have Saturday candy day. We could buy a little bit of candy or ice cream and soda on Saturday and eat it only then.
I think that is a great idea.

And if you eat some just on Saturdays it's probably fine, right?


Sorry I've not been posting much, but just wanted to offer 2 cents worth on the eating thing. I think Mia has some great suggestions. First one needs to know exactly what it is you're eating. Out of control can mean different things to different people. Use the BT log on here or the Lose It App for smartphones (free) to figure out and track calories expended and calories burned. Once you know where your weakness are (sounds like some non-regular planned meals and junk food and a sense of entitlement) you can plan your attack. Also for me reminding myself I'm fueling my body helps turn my thinking around. Plus, Lynne, give yourself a break, girlfriend. You quit smoking!!!! That will gain you health beyond what you even know. You've quit one of the most addictive habits known, so I KNOW you have what it takes to get the eating portion under control.

Speaking of portions, if you like larger portions (and I do) go for more fiber filled, air filled and/or water filled foods and lean proteins. Think popcorn (lower fat or air popped), puffed whole grain cereal without added sugar, strained greek yogurt with fresh or frozen fruit, lots of fruits and veggies, egg whites with one whole egg thrown in, wild salmon and halibut and other lean proteins.  And, your idea of a shopping list and preparing snacks is a great one. You can even get small zip bags and portion out your snacks into 100-150 calories each to take with or grab on the go.

One thing that helps me is I think "How will I feel if I eat this, how will I feel if I don't?" Don't sacrifice what you want most for what you want in the moment.

After yo-yoing with my weight since I was 19, I lost 30# 9 years ago. Keeping it off has involved believing I'm worth it, changing my lifestyle to add the activity (can you say triathlon and marathon?) and just remembering this is a lifelong process, there really is no "finish" line, it's an on-going journey. So, if you have a cookie or some cheetos, have SOME, don't beat yourself up and remember it's the long haul. Even giving yourself permission on one day a week to "take  a break." Remember progress, not perfection and no deprivation. It won't work in the long run. I also have worked for a national weight loss corporation for 8 years but this is my take-away from my personal experience and those of others who've lost weight and have kept it off.

I know it's long, but I understand the struggle and offer you and anyone else wanting to eat healthier my support. Manatee flipper hug {{{{{{}}}}}}


2010-02-03 11:03 AM
in reply to: #2559122

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed

Thank you for the advice, I really appreciate it.  I do use the Lose it APP.  Well now I make sure to use it everyday.   I have a small list of things I am going to buy tomorrow.  One thing I do love is the bags of sliced apples from Costco.  I know they cost more etc but they last much longer than regular apples do and they are all ready to go.   I love greek yogurt and I've recently discovered my hate for cottage cheese has gone. Funny that you mention dark chocolate as on my list is a bag of hersheys dark nuggets with almonds. Nom.  Those are good.   I like my oatmeal in the morning and I add a little brown sugar and normally a whole banana and that does fill me up. It's the hours between 6-9 that are the hardest because I'm making the kids breakfast and their school lunches.  But have to learn to snack better.

2010-02-03 11:12 AM
in reply to: #2652406

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Extreme Veteran
Wesley Chapel, Florida
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
One recent discovery that i adore:  Emerald cocoa roast almonds, dark chocolate flavor.  They taste SO yummy and chocolatey, but it's a powdered cocoa covering not chocolate covering, so much less sugar (1g sugars, 6g carbs total per 1/4 cup serving).  Also, they have less than a third of the salt of normal roasted almonds, 25 mgs of sodium for a whole serving (and 13 g fat, 6 g protein).  So a great snack, as long as you maintain portion control -- hits my chocolate craving very well.

 And Lynn, what others said about quitting smoking: that is HUGE.  It is hard not to gain weight when you do so.  Have you trie dchewing gum to try to quell the hand-to-mouth craving? 

Also, baby carrots really hit almost the same crunch factor as cheetos, for me at least, though obviously not the cheese flavor or saltiness.  Keep those handy at all times!

Edited by dinabean 2010-02-03 11:14 AM
2010-02-03 12:06 PM
in reply to: #2559122

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
LadyLucky- We are already a big fruit and veggie eaters. I have to say Grandma is the one that bought the oreos yesterday! We are healthy eaters, thats why I dont feel too guilty about having few sweet stuff for them. When they ask for dessert, there is a limit to how many they can have. for instance they are only allowed to have 2 oreos if they ate their dinner well.

And we do have 5 or 6 family lunches/dinners at home instead of take outs or drive thru foods. However we do have big breakfast over the weekends, homemade pancakes or crepes or french toasts, susausages or bacon, and eggs. I try to limit myself to one or two of each for now while on my weight loss journey.

Amescott- I agree with what you said, thats what I have been replacing throughout my eating habits too, trying to add more protien, fiber in my diet.  We love fish but cant always have it due to cost of it. we typically eat white fish like Cod and Haddock. We do have salmon once in awhile but the hubby and one son are pretty much the only ones that like it. We however love shellfish. its just too costly for my budget right now.

I did quit smoking when I got pregnant with my firstborn. I had smoked half to full pack for 12 years prior. it is TOUGH and worth it too. It never really goes away the craving for it but it does get better. My parents finally quitted a year ago too, I was so proud of them! They look so much better now! and smell better too!! I never realized how much we stank till I quit. omg the house, EVERYTHING you owned just stunk! ha. Anyway, it is sooo easy to replace the habit with snacking, keeping your mouth and mind occupied....  start chewing gum helps. I suggest Stride Gum. the flavor lasts a long time!

Small steps is the way to go. replace one thing here and there with something else. It is much more difficult if you try to do it at all once and quickly! when you replace, give it two weeks and you will pretty much realize you dont miss it anymore. I have serious sweet tooth and I went without choc for two weeks and I didnt miss it anymore.  I still love it but I dont crave it as much anymore and I do indulge in it once in awhile these days. Hey I only live once... I deserve a chocolate here and there!

whoo! rambling off here! sorry!  its been a long long day. and its only 1pm.

2010-02-03 12:46 PM
in reply to: #2652583

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Hendersonville, NC
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's 2010 Manatees--Closed
Marcea: Great job on quitting you too!

Thats so good to hear that you and your family have a healthy eating habit.
And grandparents tend to like getting sweets for the grandkids.

Thats what my grandfather (on my moms side) always did for us too. He loved to bake and always had home made cookies with tart cherries and home made lemonade (made from goose berrys) when we came over.

I just wish my parents had been a little more strict about sugar intake. We had a lot of sugar on our cereal in the morning and hot chocolate and I guess thats why I became a sugar addict.

It really got out of control when I started college and I gained about 50 lb in 2 years and developed bulimia.
Now 10 years later I'm finally free from the eating disorder and no longer a sugar addict. :D

It took me most part of last year to really kick the sugar addiction and I did it with an Atkins inspired diet for about 5 months and then slowly went back to eating carbs again.

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