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2010-06-18 12:20 PM
in reply to: #2929920

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
eliwashere - 2010-06-18 10:18 AM
Still up in the air about events this weekend. How about the rest of you? 

I think I have some goals for this weekend's race.  It was a little tough since:
  1. It's not a big race for me and I'm training for long course, not speed.
  2. The bike course is apparently quite dastardly according to a few folks I've talked to - only 5% of the riders have been 19+ on this 12 mile course the past 2 years.
  3. The run course is a lot of trail run with stumps, roots, etc.
  4. I know my transitions will be slow given that I'm practicing my 70.3 transition plan.  I'm wearing socks, changing shorts and shirts, using my comfy cycling shoes.
Ok, so now that all my excuses are in place - the whole thing worked out to 1:21:01 (Yes, the 1 second counts and yes, I'm a type A, at least for triathlon!).  So I'm on record.

It does sounds like it will be a lot of fun, and it's a very small event.

2010-06-18 12:22 PM
in reply to: #2772633

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Midcoast Maine
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
I know this is going to sound horribly wimpy to most of you, but it is H.O.T. here (for us)...high in the lower 80s with high humidity. We are all melting.  So, this weekend - doing whatever we can to keep cool (lots of time spent at the lake/pond/ocean/slip and slide/pool). I already told my husband I would be getting up first thing to try to get the workouts done before it was too bad (which means before 9am in my world).

So glad the swimming worked out for you Charlie - it really helped/helps me whenever I am suffering from back problems (about once a year, I get muscle spasms in the lower back that last for about a week - debilitating).

I know Warren's got his first race (a Sprint) this weekend - BEST OF LUCK! Enjoy!

Have a great weekend all
2010-06-18 2:36 PM
in reply to: #2772633

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
It's actually 90 right now down here in Southern NH, so we're melting as Jennifer said.  58 and drizzly for my run last night, 90 and humid today!  Ahh, New England.

Hopefully it won't be too hot for the race since it starts at 8.
2010-06-18 9:23 PM
in reply to: #2772633

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Olathe, KS
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
I also have formulated a goal list for this weekend.  I am racing in the Topeka Tinman in Topeka KS. (get it, the wizard of OZ!
                         500M Swim, 12min.
                         12 Mi bike, 40min.
                         3.1mi run, 26 min.
                         3 min. for transitions.
Total requested time................................sub 1:21!

We will see how this goes, I am shooting pretty high on the run, but I feel pumped.

Hey north eastern team mates, 94 in KC today with a solid 65% humidity, and it felt nice!

I feel for you guys though, any break from the norm is a shock and I hate the heat (relative term?).

Wayne, good luck this weekend my man!  And to anyone else who is racing (I forget sometimes) buena suerte.
2010-06-19 3:14 PM
in reply to: #2772633

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Olathe, KS
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
More later, including race report and why time and pace goals on triathlons that you haven't done before are about as good an idea as throwing darts blindfolded.
2010-06-19 6:32 PM
in reply to: #2772633

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
1:24:17.  I was right on pace until the run, and it was slow not really because I was gassed but because it was a treacherous trail and I went very cautiously.  Loads of fun, bike was brutal hills, learned a lot.  Race report later.  Thanks for all the encouragement.

2010-06-20 8:04 AM
in reply to: #2772633

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Syracuse, NY
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Congrats on the great races Warren and Dave.  I am truly impressed!!

Think I figured out the culprit for my back pain.   My Bike!!!   My back was well on to its way to recovery until I did a really easy bike ride Friday afternoon.  No real pain during or after but the next morning my back was on fire.  I really haven't had it fitted yet so I think it might be time time to do that.  Weird though that I have been riding for awhile before it started to bother me.  Although if I think about it I have had some pain after my longer rides, but it just felt like normal soreness.

Hopefully this will resolve in time for my race in July.  Yuck
2010-06-20 8:25 AM
in reply to: #2772633

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Midcoast Maine
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Fantastic job Dave! Look how far you have come! (I'm with you on the goal setting - there are so many variables that you can't possibly account for it is truly difficult)

Congrats to Warren as well! Very nice results. Did it feel good to be competing again?

Quick note to all you fathers - thank you so much for all you do. Kids desperately need strong male role models and you all are providing that to them...thanks!
2010-06-21 8:57 AM
in reply to: #2932418

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
chmoore2 - 2010-06-20 8:04 AM Congrats on the great races Warren and Dave.  I am truly impressed!!

Think I figured out the culprit for my back pain.   My Bike!!!   My back was well on to its way to recovery until I did a really easy bike ride Friday afternoon.  No real pain during or after but the next morning my back was on fire.  I really haven't had it fitted yet so I think it might be time time to do that.  Weird though that I have been riding for awhile before it started to bother me.  Although if I think about it I have had some pain after my longer rides, but it just felt like normal soreness.

Hopefully this will resolve in time for my race in July.  Yuck

Do you have pics of you on the bike? I have read that putting yourself more upright can help. Also, stretching and core work are HUGE once you start putting more bike time in. Made a big difference for me. 
2010-06-21 8:58 AM
in reply to: #2932035

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
wbayek - 2010-06-19 6:32 PM 1:24:17.  I was right on pace until the run, and it was slow not really because I was gassed but because it was a treacherous trail and I went very cautiously.  Loads of fun, bike was brutal hills, learned a lot.  Race report later.  Thanks for all the encouragement.

Awesome! a run like that sounds both fun, and treacherous. I think I have heard/read that you should estimate an extra minute per mile at least on trail runs, just to account for the footing.
Ping the group when the race report is up. 
2010-06-21 9:00 AM
in reply to: #2931859

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
outlawdave316 - 2010-06-19 3:14 PM 1:18:55!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
More later, including race report and why time and pace goals on triathlons that you haven't done before are about as good an idea as throwing darts blindfolded.

You are turning into a Triathlon MACHINE!!!!
I agree with the throwing darts blindfolded. I always have about 3 sets of goals.
1. Just finish!
2. What I expect
3. What will happen if everything works out great

As long as I make #1 I am happy.

I have to say that even when I miss the others (which has happened more than once) I generally take solace in the fact that I have rarely run a race where I didn't learn something that I could use to improve. That is really the goal for me.

Plus the shiny medals...I love shiny medals. 

2010-06-21 9:09 AM
in reply to: #2772633

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Hey All,
I had a crazy weekend!
We are still in the  "where does this go" phase of moving in to our new place. The hard part is that all the easy stuff is put away, so now we get to the "do I want that, and if so, where should we put it?"

Saturday, I got in a long workout. I left later than normal to meet up with my training group, but realized that on the bike, I have a lot less leeway for being with people at other fitness levels. I am really working hard on my bike, so if I am "just cruising" when I want to get in a workout, I feel like it is a waste of effort. However, it was hot as heck, and I did manage to bust out a 2 mile run afterward, so it worked out.
Then, my wife and I tried to make some plans for finishing out place. She went on an IKEA run (too much of that stuff in our house) and my daughter and I hung out (ok, I napped a little). Made the mistake of letting my daughter spend too long without an activity which always leads to grumpy family.

Sunday, my wife and I both slept in. Went to Home Depot to pick up some towel hooks for the bathroom and my wife and daughter found a great French bakery nearby. Power tools and pastries are my idea of a great fathers day.

Did some house work/assembly and cleaned up a bit. Some friends did a 1 mile ocean swim, but I wasn't in the mood. By the afternoon, I was aching to work out, so I went to the gym for about 1 mile in the pool. Felt great after. Got a haircut as well which nicely rounded off my fathers day.

Then, I decided to join a friend who was running 20 miles. Since he was running late, I figured I could meet him and pace him for the last 6-10. It worked out well, except he was feeling so good, he did 26.2!

It made me realize that on the run, especially anything over 60 minutes or so, I feel like I have a LOT more leeway in working out with someone who runs at a different pace. Not sure if it is my fitness level or the fact that a run is just so much more abuse on my body, but it was a great run. And, since we ran past midnight, I am counting it as today's workout.

OK, I guess my point in the post is that run training with others works better than bike training. Or maybe it is just you have to know what your goals are before you agree to train with someone else. If you want to feel good about your workout, you have to know what you were there for in the first place.

Have a great week everyone!!!! 
2010-06-21 11:17 AM
in reply to: #2772633

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Race report is up.  Kind of thin.

The bad news is more adversity hit yesterday.  I broke the toe right next to my big toe.  Doc says no big deal since it's just the very end, and shouldn't affect alignment or anything.  I'm cleared to train as pain tolerates after another day of RICE.  Looks worse than it is, but it hurts quite a bit to walk today.

Edited by wbayek 2010-06-21 11:40 AM
2010-06-22 4:09 PM
in reply to: #2772633

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Nice report. The trail sounds like loads of fun!

So, I am traveling for work the rest of this week and next Mon, Tues and Wed. I think I found a gym to work out in, so we will see how it goes. I want to get at least 1 bike or sping bike or something in while I am away.

I am thinking about looking for a July 4th race.

How is everyone this week? 
2010-06-23 7:16 AM
in reply to: #2772633

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Midcoast Maine
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Good luck on the business trip. I think finding a good place to workout is probably one of the biggest challenges with travel.

This week (so far) has been both good and bad. I have my mojo back - so I'm am psyched to be training and looking forward to each workout...the bad news is both my girls are at home all day (their summer camps start next week) and I work from home so my productivity has gone WAY down. I keep telling myself that next week will be better and before I know it, summer will be over.

Charlie - how's the back?
Jenna - how's the knee?
Warren - how's the toe?

(wow! we've got quite the injury list, eh? Stay healthy.)
2010-06-23 10:06 AM
in reply to: #2772633

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Thanks for asking - the toe is getting better for sure.  It's a very minor injury, but I really have empathy for those of you with more serious issues.  I feel like a TOTAL slacker taking a few days off.

I'll try swimming again today.  I was planning another attempt at riding tonight, maybe on the trainer so if the toe acts up I won't have far to go to get home!

2010-06-24 6:47 AM
in reply to: #2772633

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Hey All,
Sorry I haven't been giving you any shout outs in the inspires. I am traveling and internet is iffy. I have to lug my laptop to starbucks, and just couldn't get the motivation last night after my run.
However, my run was motivating.
I am in NYC for work. I grew up here and lived here most recently from 2000-2003. In fact, I trained for my first marathon almost excluseivly by running around central park and on a treadmill.
So it was great to run around central park last night. It is about a 6 mile loop. I was thinking I would just do an out and back, as I slept about 4 hours the night before, but once I got on the path, I was so motivated I ran my hardest. I wish it had been a race, as I think I would have gotten a PR.
I am sure I will be paying for my enthusiasm today while teaching my class. Luckily, you can't swing a laptop in NY without hitting a place that sells coffee, so I will be highly caffeinated today.
Hope everyone is well and that everyone is healing.
2010-06-24 7:20 AM
in reply to: #2772633

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Midcoast Maine
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Eli - how nice to go back to the scene of the crime and have such a great run! Good luck and enjoy the city (I love to visit NYC - but can't imagine living there - especially now after living in the boonies for 10 years).

I have a question for the group - has anyone had any experience with a sinus allergy to chlorine? The last 2 months or so  I have been swimming, after leaving the pool, my sinuses are REALLY active - lots of blowing of my nose, sneezing, itchiness. I thought it was allergies to all the pollen in the air for a while - but it is so tied to swimming at the pool, that I'm thinking it might be the chlorine (or some other chemical they are using in the water). Any suggestions? Can I still swim in the pool, or does this mean I can really only train for the swim in the open water?

Any and all feedback is most appreciated.

Hey Dave - how are you feeling a few days out from the race? How was the recovery? Are you ready for the next one?
2010-06-24 7:47 AM
in reply to: #2772633

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Jennifer, I've heard that true chlorine allergies are pretty rare.  Could it be that your allergies are active with all the pollen we're having this year and the chlorine is just adding enough irritation that they are becoming overactive? 

I know you can get chlorinated water in your sinuses while swimming and that can causes irritation issues, mainly because chlorine is so strong, but it sounds like that is not likely your problem.  Sorry to not be of more help.

Awesome times Eli.  Cool running around Central Park.  I'm with Jennifer on that I love to visit friend in NYC, but after a weekend I''m ready to come home to trees, wildlife, and one lane roads.  Don't worry at all about being off the grid.  We'll carry the torch until you get back!
2010-06-24 9:10 AM
in reply to: #2772633

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Syracuse, NY
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Hey everybody!!

Sorry to have been MIA lately.  I am on business travel and the long hours and lack of internet access in hotel have prevented me from logging in for some time. 

I have been only able to get in a couple of runs this week, my back is feeling pretty good.  A little stiff when standing for long periodd but not out right painful.  During the runs the back does not seem to be an issue at all so I have been going pretty hard but my Asthma is also slowing me down.   Feel like a walking hospital right now.

I am scheduled for a professional fitting on my bike on Friday, I am hoping we can fix any of the issues causing back pain on the bike.  I am also thinking of going to see a Dr for the back as I think some PT may do some good.

Hoping to get home in time for a swim tonight it has been over a week without a pool session.  Need to maintain the forward progress made in the pool.

Sounds like we had a good weekend of races last weekend, congrats!!

So overall with about 2 weeks to my race I have been missing training left and right due to work and back.  Hopefully I can get back on track and still have a sucsesful race. 

I have also been eating like crap this week with 3 full meals taken in after 9:30 due to not getting out of our lab until late in the evening.  One week won't derail me though and I will get back on the horse.

Went to my fat doc last weekend and found out my weight gain was actually a good news story.  I had lost 2 lb of fat, and gained 2lb of muscle, and 4 lb of water.  So I was pretty happy about that.  I am sure I have eaten into those gains a bit this week but oh well.

Have a great end of the week everybody.
2010-06-24 10:41 AM
in reply to: #2772633

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Sounds like you're on the road to recovery Charlie even with all the interruptions.  Good luck next week, just race your own race.

At your fitting be sure to have a lot of dialogue with the fitter about what you're after.  Some fitters like to get everyone into a max competitive position which isn't right for everyone.  For my money, comfort > speed until you are really a competitive cyclist, since if you're not comfortable you won't spend as much time in that aero position and that negates why you're getting the fitting in the first place.

2010-06-25 3:25 PM
in reply to: #2772633

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Olathe, KS
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
I finally finished my race report />
I am feeling pretty good this week, have had a couple of hard workouts including yesterday.  I really didn't feel any soreness, just a little fatigue.  I start my sprint to olympic bridge plan maybe tomorrow!  I still need to drop about 30 more lb's but that will come as I keep trying to watch how much I stuff in between my cheeks on a daily basis.

Jennifer, I have never heard of a pool allergy, but I do know that I feel much better after an open water swim than I do after a pool swim, mostly eyes and ears though, I have never had a bad reaction with my sinuses, good luck with that!

Keep on keepin' on guys, this training season is shaping up to be one of the best ever!

2010-06-26 1:38 PM
in reply to: #2772633

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Awesome race Dave!  Looks to me like you nailed all of them.  How the heck do you pull off a 32 second T1?  It takes me 32 seconds to remember what I have to do in T1!  I need video to help me train.
2010-06-26 2:09 PM
in reply to: #2945535

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Extreme Veteran
Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Hi all!  Sorry I have been MIA.  Monday is my first day of cub day camp and every spare minute has been spent prepping for me.  I did manage to sneak off to the Y on Tuesday and swam 1000yds in 25 minutes.  And to think I was beginning to worry about the swim part of the sprint tri relay in July.  Now I really don't feel concerned since I swam 1800 nonstop this afternoon. I just need to maintain an easy pace and not go out to fast to start.

I did notice you guys posting some info about needing to warm up for about 200 yds and after that discussion started paying more attention to what my body was saying. I   REALLY noticed it today.  First 250 was a struggle and almost quit but stayed with it and look at the result. I even think that I could have kept going except my goggle strap was starting to irritate my ears since it had slipped down.

Going out for a bike ride tomorrow on the triathlon course for July for a practice ride.  Looking forward to that since I have not been on my bike since the aquabike.

Still have tons to do and will probably not be around too much next week but will try to keep up on the posts.
2010-06-26 2:15 PM
in reply to: #2940681

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Extreme Veteran
Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
itsallrelative_Maine - 2010-06-24 8:20 AM
I have a question for the group - has anyone had any experience with a sinus allergy to chlorine? The last 2 months or so  I have been swimming, after leaving the pool, my sinuses are REALLY active - lots of blowing of my nose, sneezing, itchiness. I thought it was allergies to all the pollen in the air for a while - but it is so tied to swimming at the pool, that I'm thinking it might be the chlorine (or some other chemical they are using in the water). Any suggestions? Can I still swim in the pool, or does this mean I can really only train for the swim in the open water?

Hey Jennifer,  I had the same problem for a while and even ended up with sinus infections.    I have been told that if you blow bubbles out your nose when your face is in the water since you are supposed to exhale then anyway that it would keep the water out but it still did not help.  My Dr. told me to use a nose plug when swimming in the pool.  It meant having to alter my breathing to exhale and inhale through my mouth but with a little practice I was doing well with it and no more sinus problems.  If it meant no swimming vs using the plug, I will go with the plug every time.  It is not an allergy, just an irritation - chlorinated water is not meant to be in your sinuses.

Hang in there.
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