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2011-02-28 9:30 PM
in reply to: #3256073

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Hey everyone.I was in the middle of replying to the previous posts whe our power went out. Not sure why. I'm now on the iPhone so this will be brief and I'll elaborate tomorrow.Dave--I think you just gave your own motivational speech!Jan--Do not fear! It sounds to me that you are actually doing well.Manuel--a great February; and kudos on the swim improvement!

2011-03-01 7:25 AM
in reply to: #3374627

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
DaveBIM2010 - 2011-02-27 7:32 PM

Hope all is well everyone.
Motivation, wow Is it tough right now. I just can't seem to get motivated. Weather is crappy, aches and pains just won't go away. I know,I know, HTFU !
OK. I will be better I promise. Got in the pool today spent the whole time doing drills, they are painful to get thru but they help, so I'm told. I hope so. signed up for a couple races so I need to get my a@# going. Next week it starts ! start my 2 a days and  6 days a week training. Looking forward to it honestly. Hope you are all gettin gthru the winter blues, well for those that are indeed feeling winter.
Michael, got anything on motivation up your sleeve, tricks, speeches, swift kick in the pants, anything will help
So sorry for your loss Neil, I know training helps you cope. My wife battled and won a real nasty time (almost a year of chemo/radiation) with  breast cancer  a while back and the training I was doing was so theraputic. It allowed me to just get out for awhile and get out on my own and get my head right to help her and my kids with all that was going on. A better you is better for the whole family thats for sure.
train well all
talk soon

(All right.  We have power again, and I'll have another go...)

Dave, as I said earlier, I think you've got the makings of your own motivational speech right there!  My personal priorities are to be a good husband and father (my life) and to be a good teacher and researcher (my job).  I find that I am better able to do those things when I exercise, just as you were able to be more supportive of your wife (and God bless you that must have been tough) when you were able to remain active.   I love doing triathlon for its own sake, but honestly what gets me out the door more often than not is the knowledge that doing so better enables me to live up to my primary responsibilities more successfully than I did when I was a sloth, physically speaking.
2011-03-01 7:37 AM
in reply to: #3375330

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Jan, sounds like  fun trip to be sure!  I'll address your specific questions and concerns one by one.

1) water going up my nose from waves and then going down the back of my throat. I tried to spit it out but that involved some stopping and gagging, coughing, etc.

It'll get better.  One thing that you should learn to do is to slowly exhale through your nose all the time while swimming (except when you're breathing of course).  At the very least, tr to maintain some positive pressure.  That way, nothing can get up your nose.

2) sighting for waves-I guess you do that? I breath to both sides normally and by the time I turned to breath on the side to the open ocean I frequently would open my mouth to breath and find a wave crashing in my face or breathing toward shore a wave washing over me again water in my mouth or nose. This is swimming parallel to shore. Swimming out was easier to sight for waves.

I don't actually sight for waves.  If you pay attention to the swell, you can feel them coming without sighting.  Also, your ability to breathe to both sides is very useful, but you don't need to do it ll the time!  When the waves re coming at you from one side (swimming parallel to shore for example), breathe to the other side.  If you breathe every stroke cycle you'll get plenty of air.

3) swimming back in and sighting for waves-do you look behind you as you swim?

Nope.  You'll feel them coming.

4) swimming back in I found myself swimming and going nowhere or being sucked backwards as a wave was coming in but then the wave would give me a nice big push when it did come but I felt like I was wearing myself out like crazy in between.

Go with the flow!  Yes, the outgoing waves will suck you back to some extent.  Don't fight it.  Just keep swimming your normal stroke and you'll get there.

5) and just being totally worn out period from swimming just the little bit I did. I would swim about 25 yards away from my daughter and use her to sight to come back-so 50 yards-about- and I would need to tread water to rest a bit before doing it again.

It was new.  It always feel hard when it is new.  Keep swimming at the pool, and trust that your fitness in the pool will translate to fitness in open water.  It will.  You've overcome the hardest obstacle -- just getting out into the open water and doing it.  Now you know you can do it, and that fact, plus training in the pool, should give you a lot of confidence.  t get easier, not harder!

I have arranged to take a few swimming lessons from a triathlon coach I know but I only have 2 months!! I am kind of freaked out now. I am not worried about drowning or the water, etc. just not being able to finish in the hour you are required to finish in or be disqualified and not be able to do the rest of the race. I can breast stroke really well and forever so that ends up being my rest stroke so I think I will finish but what a bummer not to be able to finish in the time allotment. Any help, advice, anything would be helpful!

You are doing all the right things -- you've acclimated yourself to open water; you are taking lessons; you are training in the pool.  That's the right plan.  Trust the plan! 
2011-03-01 7:40 AM
in reply to: #3375411

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
mdetuya - 2011-02-28 11:22 AM Hello. 

Good to see some of you back on the forum. Today is the last day of February and here are my totals vs my goals. I feel very happy with my progress and I have received great info and encouragement from this group. I still need to work on my biking mileage (I got a mag trainer) so that will be my main focus in March. The run is fine and I think I will start increasing my wkly mileage this month as well. The swim? I swam 600m non-stop this morning and thought that I could have gone for another 300-400 so I am pleasantly surprised. 

Take care,
- Manuel  

February's totals:
Bike:5h 59m  - 80 Mi ---- Goal: 120 Mi 
Run:6h 32m  - 41.2 Mi --- Goal: 50 Mi
Swim:7h 10m  - 12591.69 Yd ---- Goal: 12000 Yd


Way to go Manuel!

It sounds like you made a swimming breakthrough.  Those always feel good.  I think it is true for everyone that one day you get in the water and POOF! suddenly you feel like you can go for much longer than you thought possible.  It sounds like you've had that moment.  Keep it up and you'll only get better!
2011-03-01 7:42 AM
in reply to: #3256073

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Hey everyone,

I didn't post individual goals after my initial SNAFU with that because I got the sense that people weren't so keen on that (sorry if I misread you all).   But everyone should feel free to post your own!

Manuel already posted his.  I'll share mine -- it was a mixed bag.  February was a really rough month for me personally, and I am dealing with a few minor injuries that are affecting my running.  I sort of fell down on my core exercise goal.  I think I did about half of what I had pledged.  So I've got some make-up work to do there.  On the weight loss, I was shooting for 5 lbs and made 4, so I feel OK about that.

Here's to a better March! 
2011-03-01 12:22 PM
in reply to: #3256073

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Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Thanks for the feedback, Michael. Training has been rewarding the past few weeks. Swimming breakthrough, my first sub 9 minute mile and most important, no aches and no pains. 

Here's my list of goals for March:

Swim: 16,000 meters
Bike: 130 miles - Let's see if the new trainer is enticing enough. 
Run: 60 miles

 Have a great training month everyone. 

- Manuel  

2011-03-01 2:59 PM
in reply to: #3256073

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Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
I'll bite for posting March goals:

swim: 15,000+ meters
bike: 100+ miles
continue to get at least 1 strength/core/good stretching day in a week
weight: get to 180 by the end of the month

No run goals; I'm still on a no-running, no-hockey (and kind of no Martial Arts) restriction because of my knee.  Hopefully my 2nd visit to the orthopedic doc on the 9th doesn't put the kibosh on my swim/bike goals.
2011-03-01 7:22 PM
in reply to: #3256073

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Manuel, you've got me beat on the 'no aches and pains'.  I seem to be a basket-case right now.  Nothing is so bad that it will bring me down, but I have a lot of little 'issues' going on in my weaker leg.

Some great goals posted above!

My March goals:

Swim:  Do it.  More.  I'm going to try for 4x/week in March.  Honestly, I could have done 4x/week in Feb if I had just been more dedicated to getting it done...  There were some days where I just bagged it.

Bike:  Do an honest to goodness FTP test (1 hour as hard as possible) late in the month as a benchmark for my April HIM.

Run:  Get my run mileage back up to 50+mpw without hurting myself.  Do at least one running race in March.
2011-03-02 6:00 PM
in reply to: #3256073

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Griffin, Georgia
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Hello everyone.  It has been a busy month for me.  I have made some good gains in my training throughout February but I did not meet my goals for weight loss in February.   In retrospect, I should have chosen something other than weight as my goal.  When I started this journey, I just wanted to train to complete a sprint triathlon.  I knew that weight loss would come but I was not going to focus on that.  Sooo, as of today I am bouncing around between 241 and 244.  At the beginning of February I was bouncing around between 248 and 252.  So I have lost weight and it feels great.  I also have made some new PR's.  Here they are:

Run 2.84 miles at 12m 43s pace
Run 2.25 miles at 12m 22s pace
Run 1.42 miles at 11m 28s pace and I ran the whole way on all of those.
I remember just recently being happy when I got sub 13 on the 1.42 mile loop that I run.

Swim 700m at 2m 22s pace.  Have been able to swim the first 200-300 meters freestyle.  I then go to 75 free and 25 elementary back.  I can swim forever (sort of) doing that.

Bike at over 14 MPH.  I beat my best time on one of my big loops by a couple of minutes.

All that said I am making progress and that is what this is all about.  I got to be in the shape that I was over many years.  I have only been training since mid October and I am way better off for it.  Since that time I have ridden my bike 307 miles, ran 96 miles, and swam 17 miles.  That is more in the last 4.5 months than I have done in the total last 15 years.  If I had just done that much throughout the year each of the last 15 years I would have been better off than I was.

So what are my goals now?  I have given this a lot of thought and I think I just want to finish what I started, which is completing a sprint triathlon at the end of April.  So here are my goals to do that.

Continue to train consistently.
Continue to follow the plan that I have because I know it will get me there.
Continue to be aware of my eating and use food as a source of energy rather than a source of "feel good."
Keep a balance between family, work, and training.
Enjoy this journey and Have FUN!!!

Long term goals:  After my first race, I am starting a 20 week training program for an Olympic event in the fall.  Along the way I will race another sprint in June.  Next year I will do another sprint, another Olympic and in the fall I will complete the Augusta 70.3.

My wife gave me some great words of encouragement lately.  She had jokingly asked me when I started if I was trying to have a heart attack.  Just the other day she told someone in front of me that she was happy that I was sticking with this and that she was proud of the progress that I have made.  She also said to me that sometimes she has wondered why I am training when there are more important things to do.  Then she reminds herself that this is important for me and that the changes that it has brought in me have been good for all of the family.  Like Michael, I am a better husband/father/worker/me when I am in better physical shape.  I also have had the energy to get some things done around here for my wife that I have put off for a long time so that has made her happy also.

Well, that is all for now.

2011-03-02 7:01 PM
in reply to: #3256073

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Wow Bill.  That is truly fantastic.  I was smiling the whole time I read your progress report.  You've got a great attitude, and you will definitely continue to enjoy the journey.  You've made great gains in a short time.  Very impressive.
2011-03-03 4:32 AM
in reply to: #3256073

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Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Hi Guys,

Just an update, Amy was born 15/2/11, 7 weeks early, fit and healthy just a tad undercooked. She is out of intensive care now and in a nursery ward, she feeds through a tube into her tummy through her nose because she has not got the suckling instinct yet, we are slowing getting her interested in breast feeding and once that is established and she puts on weight from breast feeding only, she will come home. eta 2 or 3 weeks.

So my days are currently up at 7, working till 11am at home, then driving Mrs T to the hospital as she had an emergency section and cant drive for 6 weeks, then i get into the office for 12pm, stay in the office until 3.45pm, then back to the hospital to help with the 4pm feed, then we get a bite to eat and back to the hospital or the 8pm feed, we eventually roll in the door at home at about 10pm by which time I am pooped and cant find the energy to train.

I plan to get a solitary bike and a run in each week while Amy is still in hospital, probably at the weekends, i dont expect this to maintain my fitness which i think has gone somewhat, but atleast it keeps me active. When she is home, I will have a week off work and things will definately be easier but different ot they are now and settle down and then we can plan our days better and eat healthier,

Its my birthday this weekend so i am treating myself to a me day and going to see amy in the morning, then go play rugby in the afternoon and wet her head saturday after rugby.

Good to hear everyone is cracking on and setting new targets


2011-03-03 10:37 PM
in reply to: #3380485

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Tiesim - 2011-03-03 5:32 AM Hi Guys,

Just an update, Amy was born 15/2/11, 7 weeks early, fit and healthy just a tad undercooked. She is out of intensive care now and in a nursery ward, she feeds through a tube into her tummy through her nose because she has not got the suckling instinct yet, we are slowing getting her interested in breast feeding and once that is established and she puts on weight from breast feeding only, she will come home. eta 2 or 3 weeks.

So my days are currently up at 7, working till 11am at home, then driving Mrs T to the hospital as she had an emergency section and cant drive for 6 weeks, then i get into the office for 12pm, stay in the office until 3.45pm, then back to the hospital to help with the 4pm feed, then we get a bite to eat and back to the hospital or the 8pm feed, we eventually roll in the door at home at about 10pm by which time I am pooped and cant find the energy to train.

I plan to get a solitary bike and a run in each week while Amy is still in hospital, probably at the weekends, i dont expect this to maintain my fitness which i think has gone somewhat, but atleast it keeps me active. When she is home, I will have a week off work and things will definately be easier but different ot they are now and settle down and then we can plan our days better and eat healthier,

Its my birthday this weekend so i am treating myself to a me day and going to see amy in the morning, then go play rugby in the afternoon and wet her head saturday after rugby.

Good to hear everyone is cracking on and setting new targets



You've got a full plate!


I'm so glad that she is basically healthy coming so early.  Some people are so strong they just can't wait to be born!


Good on you for figuring out how to be a Dad under demanding circumstances.

2011-03-05 12:01 PM
in reply to: #3256073

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Hey everyone. Just a quick note (from my phone) that I'm about to be out of contact until tomorrow afternoon or evening. Beware in the mountains (where I was hoping to get in a good rude but it is pouring rain!)Hope you are all well. I'll check back tomorrow.
2011-03-06 7:36 PM
in reply to: #3256073

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Back from the mountains, where they had epic rain storms -- floods, etc.  So I drove all the way to the mountains and ended up riding my trainer in the basement!  I did get in a long trail run in the rain and saw three other people doing the same thing!


I hope everyone had a great weekend.   More anon...

2011-03-07 9:12 AM
in reply to: #3256073

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Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Hi, everyone. 

I set up my bike on the trainer last week. I have had 3-4 workouts on the trainer and i think I finally got a good sense about increasing resistance, and having a good workout at the same time. I have been playing with the seat height and position and tilted the handlebars so I could reach them better. Overall, I think I have found a comfortable position to ride. I also installed clip-on aerobars and last night I was able to get into aero position for 2-3 minute periods. Now I have a few questions:

1. What is the correct alignment of the elbows vs the shoulders on the aerobars? I have read that elbows should be below the shoulders ... does this mean in a straight line? If I enforce this principle, the aero position becomes really uncomfortable. 

2. Is it normal that my knees are touching my elbows when I get into the aero position? I think the seat is not set up correctly (I should move it back a little bit to account for the aero pads position). 

3. How close to each other should the aerobars be set? I had to separate them so my hands do not touch each other. I felt that I was squeezing my shoulders way too much and it was uncomfortable. 

Any assistance will be greatly appreciated. 

Take care, 

- Manuel 

2011-03-07 9:43 AM
in reply to: #3376917

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Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Busy,busy!Michael, thank you so much for your encouraging words about ocean swimming. You are right, I have a plan and I will follow the plan and trust the planSorry you got rained out of biking in the mountains.I have been reading everybody's goals, accomplishments and struggles. It seems everyone is progressing and setting new goals, and that is awesome. And even through tough times and busy times we are all still thinking about and planning our training. That is awesome too.I did not reach Feb goals. I think 3 runs, 3 swims and 3 bikes a week is still going to be my goal for March and I will just keep trying since I think I need to be doing at least that to be able to do this race. I am signing up for a duathlon fo April 2nd as practice. I also believe I will do the Innsbrook tri- the one I did last year-in June and the New Town tri in St Louis, also in June. After that, I will see. Well, better get going so I can get a good brick in today- bike on the trainer- it is in the 30's-hate that. Jan

2011-03-07 7:23 PM
in reply to: #3386052

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
mdetuya - 2011-03-07 10:12 AM

Hi, everyone. 

I set up my bike on the trainer last week. I have had 3-4 workouts on the trainer and i think I finally got a good sense about increasing resistance, and having a good workout at the same time. I have been playing with the seat height and position and tilted the handlebars so I could reach them better. Overall, I think I have found a comfortable position to ride. I also installed clip-on aerobars and last night I was able to get into aero position for 2-3 minute periods. Now I have a few questions:

1. What is the correct alignment of the elbows vs the shoulders on the aerobars? I have read that elbows should be below the shoulders ... does this mean in a straight line? If I enforce this principle, the aero position becomes really uncomfortable. 

2. Is it normal that my knees are touching my elbows when I get into the aero position? I think the seat is not set up correctly (I should move it back a little bit to account for the aero pads position). 

3. How close to each other should the aerobars be set? I had to separate them so my hands do not touch each other. I felt that I was squeezing my shoulders way too much and it was uncomfortable. 

Any assistance will be greatly appreciated. 

Take care, 

- Manuel 


I'll try to address your questions, but let me preface this all by saying that fit can be complicated, even more so when trying to find a good aero position on a road bike with clip-ons.  I spent a LOT of time working this out for myself (reading and experimenting) and I'm going to be honest with you -- it is not easy.

So first I'll address your questions, and then make some further suggestions.


1.  Yes, your elbows should be directly below your shoulders.  The reason is that otherwise you are putting unnecessary pressure on your shoulders -- you are supporting your weight with your shoulder muscles (and to some extent triceps) when you could be supporting it with your skeletal system.  Here's an experiment to illustrate the point.  At a kitchen counter (or some other surface if that's too high), put your forearm on the surface with your elbows right below the shoulders.  Put a decent amount of weight on your forearms, but relax as much as possible -- try to let your skeleton and connective tissue handle the weight.  Now step back so that your elbows gradually move out in front of your shoulder.  You will feel your shoulders and triceps (and maybe even lats) engage.  Now imagine holding them in that tensed state for 30 minutes or an hour, or 5 hours.  Ain't gonna happen!

Of course, if it is uncomfortable for you this way (elbows straight beneath shoulders), then something needs to be done, but the problem lies elsewhere, not with your elbow placement.  The funny thing about bike fit is that a small change in one place can wreak havoc in other -- often apparently unrelated -- places.

2. No, it is not normal.  Depending on how aggressive your position is, your knees might come quite close to your elbows, but they should not touch.  And given that you are not yet used to the aero position, I'd say that you should not try for an extremely aggressive position, which means that your knees really should not come close to your elbows.

Also, you should not normally move your seat to accommodate the placement of the pads, but rather vice versa.  Indeed, in general, the FIRST order of business should be to get your seat in the right place, and then we worry about other things.  When it comes to the placement of the pads, you generally want them hitting just in front of your elbows, and not right on the elbows, but this issue can be personal.

3. In general (but generalities can often be wrong in bike fitting!) the narrower the bars, the more aero the position.  However, as you discovered, making them too narrow can create discomfort.  It can also constrict breathing, and force you into a more upright position, which defeats the point.  I would say, as a first approximation, that you should make them as narrow as you can consistent with comfort, ease of breathing, and not being forced upright.


If you don't want to post a picture of yourself on the bike, I understand.  If you are willing to, it can be tremendously helpful for giving advice.  I gave some instructions for how to do it in a previous post, I think.  It's hard to know, from your description, what the problem is, but it sounds like there definitely are some problems.  If you post the pic here, likely no-one but us will see (and therefore comment on) it.  If you post on the main forum, you're likely to get many responses, of varying quality (but probably some very good one -- there are some very knowledgeable people here when it comes to bike fit).

If you've got some spare cash (I know, no such thing...) you can also get a professional bike fit.  Don't just go down to your LBS to get it done, though.  They may or may not have a qualified fitter.  If you want to go that route, two possibilities are to get some recommendations from experiences triathletes in your area, or to make sure that the fitter is FIST qualified (see link below).

Alternatively, spend some time reading everything here and starting to apply it to your own fit.  With some work and attention to detail, you can get there!

Edited by Experior 2011-03-07 7:26 PM
2011-03-08 7:47 AM
in reply to: #3256073

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Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED


Thanks for the input. 
I will try to make a quick video clip of myself on the trainer over the weekend. I agree with you: the best way to describe my issues and give you a chance to comment is with pictures/video.

I will try one more seat adjustment and move it back a little bit. although I am sure that will mean that I will not be able to reach the bars in the correct position (elbows below shoulders). Well as you said, trying to fit clip-ons on a bike that is not designed for aerobars is quite an endeavor.  

I will keep you posted on the progress

- Manuel 

2011-03-08 8:30 AM
in reply to: #3387801

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
In the video, do some normal pedaling, some hard pedaling, and stop it once or twice with your camera-side crank in line with the seat tube.  Then I think we'll be able to get you sorted!
2011-03-10 6:44 PM
in reply to: #3256073

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED

I hope everyone is well.  It has been incredibly windy here lately, especially in the afternoons.  I did a workout at the track yesterday (flat, no trees) and the wind was howling -- I was getting blown around!

What's on tap for this weekend?  I'll be doing a long ride on Saturday and a long run on Sunday, hoping as well to get a swim in one of those two days.  Other than that, we have friends coming over for dinner so I'll be cooking most of Sunday afternoon.

2011-03-11 9:48 AM
in reply to: #3392837

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Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
This weekend? I am so excited. I am going to join up with some other members of the multisport club I belong to (but hardly ever get to join in their events because of my weird work hours) and do a 2 hr spin and brick. I love to get together with them, they are more obsessed than me! Sunday I will swim. Supposed to hear from the swim instructor soon about setting up lessons. Happy weekend!Jan

2011-03-11 1:36 PM
in reply to: #3392837

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Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED

We've had some crazy wind here lately, too, and record rains over the weekend and yesterday, which equates to a wet basement which will need some attention tomorrow.  But after every storm comes the sun, and it appears we are finally going to have a nice weekend!  High of 57 F tomorrow (still a bit windy - 16 mph) and mostly sunny, high of 52 F Sunday.

Hoping to finally meet up with a local tri club I joined but never got a chance to get together with yet.  It sounds like some members want to do a bike ride Saturday on one of the upcoming triathlon courses and I suppose do the usual swim on Sunday.  I'd like to try to get to both outings.

2011-03-11 3:32 PM
in reply to: #3392837

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Griffin, Georgia
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Doing well!  Still fighting a little congestion but not bad enough to miss any more training.  Missed yesterday to help out the wife.  That is always worth it.  Got in a bike/run brick today.  Pretty windy out.  Seemed like no matter what direction I was going the wind was in my face.  9.7 mile bike and 3.15 mile run (if you can call it a run, it is to me though).  Average 14 mph on the bike and 13m 23s / mile on the run and ran all the way.  Tomorrow is a swim/bike brick  just to make up for some missed training this week.  Longer swim, medium bike.  Saturday evening is poker with the local poker club.  Gonna play some Crazy Pineapple, tournament style.  We just play for points and fun, no cash involved so it makes it pretty interesting.  People play a pretty wide variety of hands.  Sunday is Swim/Yoga/Run.  All in all looks like a busy weekend but a lot of fun!
2011-03-11 7:53 PM
in reply to: #3393617

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED

davisjanis58 - 2011-03-11 10:48 AM This weekend? I am so excited. I am going to join up with some other members of the multisport club I belong to (but hardly ever get to join in their events because of my weird work hours) and do a 2 hr spin and brick. I love to get together with them, they are more obsessed than me! Sunday I will swim. Supposed to hear from the swim instructor soon about setting up lessons. Happy weekend!Jan


Sounds like fun!

2011-03-11 7:55 PM
in reply to: #3394055

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
melbo55 - 2011-03-11 2:36 PM

We've had some crazy wind here lately, too, and record rains over the weekend and yesterday, which equates to a wet basement which will need some attention tomorrow.  But after every storm comes the sun, and it appears we are finally going to have a nice weekend!  High of 57 F tomorrow (still a bit windy - 16 mph) and mostly sunny, high of 52 F Sunday.

Hoping to finally meet up with a local tri club I joined but never got a chance to get together with yet.  It sounds like some members want to do a bike ride Saturday on one of the upcoming triathlon courses and I suppose do the usual swim on Sunday.  I'd like to try to get to both outings.


Ugh.  When I lived in Indiana I was constantly fighting floods in the basement.  Here -- well, no basement, which is a mixed blessing.

Group rides are really fantastic.  I stayed away from them for a long time, but now I wish I had started doing them sooner.  Sometimes its fun to ride easy and chat, sometimes its fun to push each other.

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