BT Development Mentor Program Archives » bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session) Rss Feed  
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2012-03-03 7:09 PM
in reply to: #3949904

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)
Thanks Ali,

It will be my first HM, my wife is doing great and we are both pretty excited and a little scared!

I am excited about a new bike too (not as excited about the new addition to the family of course). But there is only one bike shop in town, and I am not thrilled with their service or selection. So it will be either a 4+ hr drive to a larger town or ordering online which I am not sure about, since I am gathering that a bikes fit is the most important thing. Anyone have any advice on this aspect of bike purchasing?

2012-03-03 7:17 PM
in reply to: #3949904

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)
So we are on the edge of all the storm systems that have destroyed huge chunks of the midwest. Fortunately no tornados here. What we did have was winds of 30-40 miles/hr this morning with a temp about 32 and snow flurries. I thought I was wimping out by deciding to do my previously mentioned long run for the week on the treadmill. Well, I did it. 21 miles on the treadmill at 8.7-8.8 mph with a rolling hill program. That was tough. Furthest I have ever run on a treadmill and I don't want to repeat the performance if I can avoid it. I kind of feel achy all over and kind of empty, like all of my glucose is gone. Hope I am recovered by tomorrow.
2012-03-03 7:21 PM
in reply to: #4079023

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)
justinfss - 2012-03-03 8:09 PM

Thanks Ali,

It will be my first HM, my wife is doing great and we are both pretty excited and a little scared!

I am excited about a new bike too (not as excited about the new addition to the family of course). But there is only one bike shop in town, and I am not thrilled with their service or selection. So it will be either a 4+ hr drive to a larger town or ordering online which I am not sure about, since I am gathering that a bikes fit is the most important thing. Anyone have any advice on this aspect of bike purchasing?

I have bought bikes both ways. I greatly prefer buying from a local bike shop. In your situation I am not sure how much you are gaining because the bike shop is not really local. If you know your size I would be tempted to consider the online purchase route. You will probably get a better deal and it will be easier than 8 hours of driving to buy a bike. Realize however, that to really optimize your bike experience you are going to have to find someone to "fit" the bike to you.
2012-03-03 11:16 PM
in reply to: #3949904

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Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)

I can't imagine buying a bike without riding it.

When I started tri bike shopping I was very disappointed shops with only a few new tri bikes weren't even offering rides, since the often proprietary seat post would have to be cut. Was not amused.

Had to find larger shops with demos and certainly glad I did since riding a tri bike was even more different than I'd been prepared for.

If this is not your first tri bike, and if you know what you prefer in terms of long and low or short and compact, then you make be one of the few who can order successfully online. I know I couldn't.

2012-03-04 7:27 AM
in reply to: #3949904

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)
thanks for the advice folks, I may be down in Toronto in May, any recommended on shops there Marvintpa?
2012-03-04 9:42 AM
in reply to: #3949904

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Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)

Endurosport is likely the best known tri shop in the area, lots of fun toys there and some very skilled staff.

I still like Impala in Richmond Hill, they have some good bike guys. They also carry Cervelo (I'm biased) and Giant.

2012-03-04 10:55 AM
in reply to: #3949904

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)
I'm leaning towards Cervelo too since it is a Canadian company, I also saw a sweet setup on an S2 with aerobars that looked pretty versatile for all the things I would be using it for.

2012-03-04 2:13 PM
in reply to: #3949904

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)

Seems like everyone is having some great training going on right now. I just booked a solid 11 mi run and was able to pull myself out of a sluggish warmup, then hit a 15 min intervals of increasing intensity.

As for the weather, this will be our first look at spring with no temps below 40. I feel that we here in La Crosse, WI have been isolated into some sort of snow bubble around the state. Madison, Milwaukee and virtually everywhere else got pounded. Heard of some tornadoes popping up too. 

2012-03-04 2:16 PM
in reply to: #3949904

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)

Did my first indoor triathlon yesterday(10' sw, 20' bike, 15' run). Went good for the most part but I think I rode my spin bike incorrectly. Swam 700 yds, bike 8.31 miles, and ran 2.1. The reason I think I biked wrong was just about everyone biked between 9-12 miles and I was almost dead last on the bike, top 3 on the swim and run. This never happens on the bike for me, usually I am a solid MOP'er. I felt like I was putting in a good effort, HR was up, effort level was up, but I guess I was slow? it was my first time on a spin bike ever so maybe I had my resistance wrong. Noticed everyone was bouncing in their saddles and I was very controlled so maybe there is a different way to ride those bikes? 

What am I missing on this?

2012-03-04 2:21 PM
in reply to: #4079036

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)

wannabefaster - 2012-03-03 7:21 PM
justinfss - 2012-03-03 8:09 PM Thanks Ali,

It will be my first HM, my wife is doing great and we are both pretty excited and a little scared!

I am excited about a new bike too (not as excited about the new addition to the family of course). But there is only one bike shop in town, and I am not thrilled with their service or selection. So it will be either a 4+ hr drive to a larger town or ordering online which I am not sure about, since I am gathering that a bikes fit is the most important thing. Anyone have any advice on this aspect of bike purchasing?
I have bought bikes both ways. I greatly prefer buying from a local bike shop. In your situation I am not sure how much you are gaining because the bike shop is not really local. If you know your size I would be tempted to consider the online purchase route. You will probably get a better deal and it will be easier than 8 hours of driving to buy a bike. Realize however, that to really optimize your bike experience you are going to have to find someone to "fit" the bike to you.


I buy a lot online, but at the LBS for bikes is one thing I find very important. You get to know the staff, they get to know you, so its more personalized. You also haver a great chance to build a solid relationship with them, thus you will get better deals and just have a trusting relationship. They will usually include the fit into the purchase too. With you being 4 hours away might change it a bit. If you are a good mechanic with bikes, then that should give some more lee way towards the online option.

2012-03-04 2:22 PM
in reply to: #4079033

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)

wannabefaster - 2012-03-03 7:17 PM So we are on the edge of all the storm systems that have destroyed huge chunks of the midwest. Fortunately no tornados here. What we did have was winds of 30-40 miles/hr this morning with a temp about 32 and snow flurries. I thought I was wimping out by deciding to do my previously mentioned long run for the week on the treadmill. Well, I did it. 21 miles on the treadmill at 8.7-8.8 mph with a rolling hill program. That was tough. Furthest I have ever run on a treadmill and I don't want to repeat the performance if I can avoid it. I kind of feel achy all over and kind of empty, like all of my glucose is gone. Hope I am recovered by tomorrow.

OMG, well done, both from a mental and physical performance. How are you feeling prep wise for Boston now?

2012-03-04 4:17 PM
in reply to: #3949904

Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)

It will interesting to see what weather Mother Nature throws at Boston for the marathon.  I live about 3 mi from the halfway point, and go to watch the race every year I can (great motivator!); I hope to run it someday.  Hopefully the weather is nice; we've had an incredibly mild winter here.

Finally settled on race one for the year; the Boston Run to Remember half marathon, 12wks out.  Looks like a great race course, and I have wanted to do a half (outside of a tri) for a while.  Hope everyone's weekends are going well!

2012-03-04 4:18 PM
in reply to: #4079688

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)
bcagle25 - 2012-03-04 2:16 PM

Did my first indoor triathlon yesterday(10' sw, 20' bike, 15' run). Went good for the most part but I think I rode my spin bike incorrectly. Swam 700 yds, bike 8.31 miles, and ran 2.1. The reason I think I biked wrong was just about everyone biked between 9-12 miles and I was almost dead last on the bike, top 3 on the swim and run. This never happens on the bike for me, usually I am a solid MOP'er. I felt like I was putting in a good effort, HR was up, effort level was up, but I guess I was slow? it was my first time on a spin bike ever so maybe I had my resistance wrong. Noticed everyone was bouncing in their saddles and I was very controlled so maybe there is a different way to ride those bikes? 

What am I missing on this?

Good job on your indoor tri. What are you missing??? Um they weren't really biking and you were!!! If you are bouncing the resistance is too low or not on at all and the flywheel is spinning them! I guess you would end up with more miles, but in terms of getting a bike workout in (or how it would relate to real miles) it's worthless. It's also possible your resistance was too high as well, but they were drafting in a non-drafting race (or playing unfair). That's too bad, but just know your effort was better than theirs, and once you get outside it will show!
2012-03-04 4:30 PM
in reply to: #4079033

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)
wannabefaster - 2012-03-03 7:17 PMSo we are on the edge of all the storm systems that have destroyed huge chunks of the midwest. Fortunately no tornados here. What we did have was winds of 30-40 miles/hr this morning with a temp about 32 and snow flurries. I thought I was wimping out by deciding to do my previously mentioned long run for the week on the treadmill. Well, I did it. 21 miles on the treadmill at 8.7-8.8 mph with a rolling hill program. That was tough. Furthest I have ever run on a treadmill and I don't want to repeat the performance if I can avoid it. I kind of feel achy all over and kind of empty, like all of my glucose is gone. Hope I am recovered by tomorrow.
Definately one of those if I can do this I can do anything workouts!! You know how I feel about the treadmill, I honestly think 21 miles on the treadmill would kill me!! Very impressed!! I hope you are feeling better today. So the 30-40 mph winds you were talking about came to NE today and I had a 2 hr ride in it!!! It was crazy. Because of how it was blowing, spent 70% of the time driving into the wind, 30% flying, and 50% trying to keep upright. At one point I had stopped for a second and was almost blown over just straddling my bike. But it was 50F, partly sunny and believe it or not fun, I knew what I was in for and mentally prepared so that helped!!
2012-03-04 6:40 PM
in reply to: #3949904

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)
Went for a beautiful run today! Minus 17ish and some wind made it a little chilly, my little lady was staring at me with her big sad brown Eyes so I just had to take her along. Only made it 8.1km in 56 minutes but it felt very good. It slows me down a little having the puppy in tow, but she is really great company when I cant con anyone else out into the cold!
2012-03-04 7:29 PM
in reply to: #4079033

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Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)

wannabefaster - 2012-03-03 7:17 PM So we are on the edge of all the storm systems that have destroyed huge chunks of the midwest. Fortunately no tornados here. What we did have was winds of 30-40 miles/hr this morning with a temp about 32 and snow flurries. I thought I was wimping out by deciding to do my previously mentioned long run for the week on the treadmill. Well, I did it. 21 miles on the treadmill at 8.7-8.8 mph with a rolling hill program. That was tough. Furthest I have ever run on a treadmill and I don't want to repeat the performance if I can avoid it. I kind of feel achy all over and kind of empty, like all of my glucose is gone. Hope I am recovered by tomorrow.

That had to take some serious mental toughness, put that workout in the confidence bank to be withdrawn when needed in Boston.  Great job!

Edited by mdfahy 2012-03-04 7:30 PM

2012-03-04 7:37 PM
in reply to: #3949904

Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)
I read somewhere that Dave Scott used to do indoor bike workouts for hours staring at a blank wall to build toughness; completely agree that that kind of workout can be a huge asset.
2012-03-04 8:31 PM
in reply to: #4079994

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)
jsenc2002 - 2012-03-04 8:37 PM

I read somewhere that Dave Scott used to do indoor bike workouts for hours staring at a blank wall to build toughness; completely agree that that kind of workout can be a huge asset.

I was watching golf on tv. That may have been more challenging/harder than staring at a blank wall.

To answer others questions: the prep for Boston seems to be spot on. I am hoping that the elements cooperate so I can make a serious assault on a three hour marathon. It will happen or it won't but I have got to give it an attempt.

Part of me wishes I would have just run outside. The bike ride in the wind sounds pretty darn fun. I really had some specific paces I wanted to hit that I know the wind would not have allowed but the effort would have still been there. What is done is done.

Ben, as far as the spin bike goes-if they didn't calibrate everyone's resistance the same then the rides were certainly not equivelant. I used to go to a spin class where the woman next to me would spin along at about 150 rpm with essentially no resistance. I'm sure if you measured the distance her flywheel went it was much more than mine but if you measured her effort I am sure it was much less. Live and learn I guess.
2012-03-04 8:49 PM
in reply to: #4079688

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)
bcagle25 - 2012-03-04 3:16 PM

Did my first indoor triathlon yesterday(10' sw, 20' bike, 15' run). Went good for the most part but I think I rode my spin bike incorrectly. Swam 700 yds, bike 8.31 miles, and ran 2.1. The reason I think I biked wrong was just about everyone biked between 9-12 miles and I was almost dead last on the bike, top 3 on the swim and run. This never happens on the bike for me, usually I am a solid MOP'er. I felt like I was putting in a good effort, HR was up, effort level was up, but I guess I was slow? it was my first time on a spin bike ever so maybe I had my resistance wrong. Noticed everyone was bouncing in their saddles and I was very controlled so maybe there is a different way to ride those bikes? 

What am I missing on this?

To reiterate, between 9 and 12 miles in 20 minutes........ This means they averaged somewhere between 27 and 36 mph....... Pro cyclists would be working hard to lay down that kind of pace. You can't fudge things on the swim or the run so your fitness is accurately reflected in those top 3 results.

I think you should feel good about your effort even if the results don't reflect it.
2012-03-06 9:03 PM
in reply to: #3949904

Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)
I had my first great run outside in a while tonight.  I have been working to move my foot strike from heavily heel to mostly forefoot.  Banged out a solid 6.5 mi in 30 degree weather, with pretty good hills.  Never felt fatigued, and negative split it.  Really nice to have one of those!  I hope everyone else is having as much fun.
2012-03-06 9:17 PM
in reply to: #3949904

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)
Just finished a wicked masters class, solid 3100m effort with some kicking and pulling for the first time, it was great!

have a question for you guys, not sure if I have already asked this here but on my runs when I go anything over 5K I start losing sensation in my right foot, and this numbness spreads up my foot into my leg until I have to either slow down or walk for a bit to get the feeling back. Any ideas on how I can fix this?

2012-03-06 11:43 PM
in reply to: #3949904

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Roseville, CA
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)
All of you Northerners are really making me feel guilty for running on the treadmill! Well I officially signed up for my first tri on April 22nd which will be an olympic distance. I am feeling fairly confident but definitely need to log in some pool hours.
2012-03-08 7:14 PM
in reply to: #4084110

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)
BMiller71 - 2012-03-07 12:43 AM

All of you Northerners are really making me feel guilty for running on the treadmill! Well I officially signed up for my first tri on April 22nd which will be an olympic distance. I am feeling fairly confident but definitely need to log in some pool hours.

I am a Northerner who spends a lot of quality time on my treadmill. I refuse to be ashamed of my love of the tready.

Congratulations on signing up for an Olympic. I find that it is always easier to put in the work when there is a definite goal in sight.

As for me, I have abruptly run out of energy. I am suddenly running on fumes. This weekend is going to be rough with a lot of work and a lot of training but I am going to try to push through. If it doesn't kill me it should make me stronger

Does anyone else have plans for the weekend?
2012-03-08 8:24 PM
in reply to: #4087688

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)
BMiller71 - 2012-03-07 12:43 AMAll of you Northerners are really making me feel guilty for running on the treadmill! Well I officially signed up for my first tri on April 22nd which will be an olympic distance. I am feeling fairly confident but definitely need to log in some pool hours.
Hey, it's all relative, Brian! It was 70 here on Tuesday, and I choose to run on the treadmill! Granted it was only because I wanted to take the treading class I haven't done in a while, but still. If it's cold or windy, I'll usually run inside on the track. Congrats on signing up for the tri in April, that will keep you motivated! --Ali
2012-03-08 8:28 PM
in reply to: #4087688

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)
wannabefaster - 2012-03-08 7:14 PMI am a Northerner who spends a lot of quality time on my treadmill. I refuse to be ashamed of my love of the tready.Congratulations on signing up for an Olympic. I find that it is always easier to put in the work when there is a definite goal in sight. As for me, I have abruptly run out of energy. I am suddenly running on fumes. This weekend is going to be rough with a lot of work and a lot of training but I am going to try to push through. If it doesn't kill me it should make me stronger Does anyone else have plans for the weekend?
Jason, do you EVER take a day off?!? Maybe the reason for running on fumes? For me, having a day off is as much if not more of a mental break as physical, even if it means fitting more in on another day. Sometimes it's hard to do, but really gives me a fresh start for the week. Plans for the weekend? It's the weekend already?? Moved my workouts around this week so the bigger ones are during the week (Thurs & Fri), so just a hour bike and 30 min run Sun. Hoping it's not windy Friday for my bike ride like Sunday was! I hope you can find some energy and have some good sessions this weekend.--Ali
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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session) Rss Feed  
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