BT Development Mentor Program Archives » ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2013-06-02 8:47 PM
in reply to: pistuo

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Dirk great ride today and that is some pretty good elevation that you got in there as well. Riding hills and that kind of elevation pays dividends and the wind is the added bonus to that as well.

I hear you and I am pretty used to riding in the wind. It's pretty much windy every time I ride my neighborhood route since I'm right by the water and I usually take it down to the bay where it's always very windy. Today was as bad as I've ever had to ride in it. It's like Derek said I basically had to stay in my 39 ring even going down hill LOL. It was like riding a stationary bike, I was pedaling to nowhere.

Needless to say I was very fustrated on this stretch which is not very long on the loop I was riding. However I do agree riding in the wind is necessary although not a whole lot of fun when you are riding for 5 or 6 miles going predominately uphill in a 20 to 25 mph headwind. I did two loops on my solo portion of the ride and the first loop was bad but the second time was even worse if that is possible. I typically would not complain about this but I would like to get one long ride in where I don't feel like I'm gonna get blown off my bike! Maybe next weekend possibly?

2013-06-03 4:46 AM
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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Originally posted by pistuo Dirk, when I saw the pic of the telephone pole, I pictured you just walking up to it and standing it back up... Saw this run to support Boston and thought you might want to check it out... The Texas section is no where near me.

I am so glad you posted that link!!  I am going to discuss it with Lis because the event goes right through Zanesville, Ohio, where my extended family lives and where Lis and I met.  I would really love to do this event!  The only issue is that it's on a Tuesday, late in the afternoon but that really is less of an ordeal than even mentioning it.  I would have to take a couple of days off work to complete it.

I just started to follow @onerunforboston on twitter to keep up with the relay.


BTW, do you see any telephones on that pole?  Me either.  That's not a telephone pole.  It's a utility pole with electric and cable TV. Wink

Edited by DirkP 2013-06-03 4:47 AM
2013-06-03 6:18 AM
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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Congrats on your race, DEREK!   I'll look forward to reading the RR.  How'd it go for you, JEFF?  Sure hope no issues like last race.

Sorry you had problems on your swim, TONY.  The fact that you kept at it shows how determined you were and that's commendable.  Yay on the new wetsuit feeling awesome!  Chalk it up as a good learning experience.  Getting in 70 miles on the bike has got to be a good boost to your confidence.  You're doing great! 

I'm impressed with you being able to run and snap pictures at the same time, JEN.   Do you wear running skirts a lot?   You
look adorable, unlike DEREK who looks awful in his face shot. Foot in mouth

Isn't volunteering a blast, TRACY?!   I'm sure the RD and kids appreciated your help.  Hope your baby boy is feeling better.

Although I'm late, I'll join in the game of "Monthly May Distances":

               Swim - 5 hrs 33 min - 14100 yds

               Bike - 8 hrs 21 min - 314 miles

               Run - 6 hrs 12 min - 37 miles

A couple comments before you get on my case:                (1) Even if I spend 20 hrs in the pool I'll still average 2:20ish per 100 yds.  I've not improved in the last 4 years of trying, so I'm throwing up my hands and just going to be content that that's what I'll always swim. Of course, compared to WARREN, I'm doing great on the yardage.                (2) In April I ran 94 miles so I purposely backed down May and did slower than normal recover runs.    

So DIRK goes on a long bike ride, gets his legs "trashed" then goes home, does all this yard work as "rest" and then goes on a run.   Slacker.  

Can someone (DINA seems good at this stuff) give me a quick lesson on how to put a picture in your post?   I can't figure it out.  Don't make fun of me...I'm old.    

Edited by bswcpa 2013-06-03 6:19 AM
2013-06-03 6:51 AM
in reply to: wbayek

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Sounds like everyone got in some great rides and or runs this weekend! I took it kind of easy and will probably take most of this week as a recovery week. I know what your thinking, recovery from what ha ha ha .

Quick question, the bike shop was not happy with my lube job on the tri bike. They said I had too much wet lube (I put a drop on each link then wiped with a cloth) and it will make a mess of things. I probably lubed up the road bike that I sold to my friend the same way so can she just run the chain through a cloth to get any excess lube off or does it need to be totally cleaned and relubed? I don't think she has had it on the road yet. She knows nothing about how to care for this bike. I don't even think she has a bike pump to put air in the tires. I would want to go do it for her since it is my mistake. 

2013-06-03 7:21 AM
in reply to: bswcpa

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Cairo, GA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by bswcpa

Congrats on your race, DEREK!   I'll look forward to reading the RR.  How'd it go for you, JEFF?  Sure hope no issues like last race.

Sorry you had problems on your swim, TONY.  The fact that you kept at it shows how determined you were and that's commendable.  Yay on the new wetsuit feeling awesome!  Chalk it up as a good learning experience.  Getting in 70 miles on the bike has got to be a good boost to your confidence.  You're doing great! 

I'm impressed with you being able to run and snap pictures at the same time, JEN.   Do you wear running skirts a lot?   You
look adorable, unlike DEREK who looks awful in his face shot. Foot in mouth

Isn't volunteering a blast, TRACY?!   I'm sure the RD and kids appreciated your help.  Hope your baby boy is feeling better.

Although I'm late, I'll join in the game of "Monthly May Distances":

               Swim - 5 hrs 33 min - 14100 yds

               Bike - 8 hrs 21 min - 314 miles

               Run - 6 hrs 12 min - 37 miles

A couple comments before you get on my case:                (1) Even if I spend 20 hrs in the pool I'll still average 2:20ish per 100 yds.  I've not improved in the last 4 years of trying, so I'm throwing up my hands and just going to be content that that's what I'll always swim. Of course, compared to WARREN, I'm doing great on the yardage.                (2) In April I ran 94 miles so I purposely backed down May and did slower than normal recover runs.    

So DIRK goes on a long bike ride, gets his legs "trashed" then goes home, does all this yard work as "rest" and then goes on a run.   Slacker.  

Can someone (DINA seems good at this stuff) give me a quick lesson on how to put a picture in your post?   I can't figure it out.  Don't make fun of me...I'm old.    

Brenda - I love your post; I think you covered just about everyone. Yes, I wear running skirts pretty often. My 2 yr old lil girl and 4 yr old lil girl believe skirt day is run day, so I try to keep the love of running in skirts going.

As for adding a picture, when you are typing a post, check the box "Attach file after posting" and upload the pic. Before you do so, try saving a copy of your pic at a smaller size.
2013-06-03 7:26 AM
in reply to: Jo63

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Cairo, GA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Originally posted by Jo63

Dina how's your sister? Hope she didn't get hit too hard.

Jen...look at you taking pictures while you are running! Thats awesome. Did you ever decide if you are coming to Milwaukee in August?

So yesterday i couldn't get it together. finally in the afternoon I got ready to run, sat down for just a minute and fell asleep for about and hour and a half, So I missed my run and swim. Then I went to bed at 10 and woke up this morning at 8. OMG I guess I was just plain old tired lol, I feel amazingly better today. I need to learn how to listen to my body better, Iam so worried that I will end up like I did last year, that I have to keep reminding myself how much I have learned about keeping myself healthy.

I'm going to have to pass on Milwaukee in August. Not in the budget this year. Maybe next year.

2013-06-03 7:33 AM
in reply to: jenbmosley

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
I'm praying for everyone in OK and surrounding areas with all the storms going thru the area.

GREAT totals everyone, ya'll are training hard!

Matt congrats on the 5k, that is a fast time.

Will, pull the trigger, I love hearing others training for IM lol

Jeff, how was the race?

Little training for me this weekend as I was w/ son at baseball and we hve baseball every night this week except Wed and I'll be out of town next week...getting so tired!
2013-06-03 7:34 AM
in reply to: strikyr

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Cairo, GA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Tony - Congrats of the 70 mile ride and OWS! The way you feel about running is how I feel about biking.

Derek - Congrats on the race, I am interested to read about why the transition took longer than you anticipated.

Dirk - I spit out my coffee, I mean protein shake, from laughing so hard when I read your statement "Hot? Psh! Ain't nobody got time for dat! Suck it up and put on your big boy pants because in a few months you'll be panicking and wondering why you didn't start running sooner. Maybe you can have your wife ride next to you on her bike with a 2 gallon yard sprayer filled with water to keep you cool during your runs." Our Saturday run was about 77 degrees with 80% humidity.

Jeff - Let us know how you are doing and how your race went.

Matt - Congrats on the 5k!

2013-06-03 7:41 AM
in reply to: jenbmosley

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Cairo, GA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

I backed off swimming in May and am getting my booty back in gear. I did a short swim on Saturday and then did a 2500 yard swim this morning. Whenever I start to push longer swims, I notice that my pinky finer and ring finger sometimes start to cramp up as I get near the end of my swim.

I know that I am not dehydrated or definicient in fuel, I am wondering if there is something wrong in my form, or if I could just be tensing since I know I am getting near the end of my workout.

Has anyone ever experienced this?

2013-06-03 8:39 AM
in reply to: jenbmosley

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by jenbmosley

Tony - Congrats of the 70 mile ride and OWS! The way you feel about running is how I feel about biking.

Derek - Congrats on the race, I am interested to read about why the transition took longer than you anticipated.

Dirk - I spit out my coffee, I mean protein shake, from laughing so hard when I read your statement "Hot? Psh! Ain't nobody got time for dat! Suck it up and put on your big boy pants because in a few months you'll be panicking and wondering why you didn't start running sooner. Maybe you can have your wife ride next to you on her bike with a 2 gallon yard sprayer filled with water to keep you cool during your runs." Our Saturday run was about 77 degrees with 80% humidity.

Jeff - Let us know how you are doing and how your race went.

Matt - Congrats on the 5k!

Jen I love to run that is my first love and what got me to triathlon. Now swimming that is another story as witnessed this weekend with the lake swim. I know what you mean though we probably all have one sport where we struggle a bit but would love to improve. All I can say is I think it will be years before I ever become a respectable swimmer but I'll keep trying.

Congrats on your trail run this weekend. I'm glad to hear that you felt good and didn't have any problems with your ankle. You made it look too easy running with the camera and taking pictures.
2013-06-03 8:44 AM
in reply to: strikyr

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
I can't believe it I looked at my totals for last week and I had over 17 hours of training, all S/B/R. I've never done that much in a week and I'm actually very suprised because I didn't think I'd hit those totals until I hit the peak phase of my training. I really took advantage of the time I had last week. I don't think I'll be doing that this week because I'm feeling every minute of that training this morning but I don't want to make this a recovery week since I'm going to miss 3 days of training next week. I will back down a bit though this week. Today I'll just swim this afternoon as a little recovery workout.

2013-06-03 8:48 AM
in reply to: jenbmosley

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by jenbmosley


I backed off swimming in May and am getting my booty back in gear. I did a short swim on Saturday and then did a 2500 yard swim this morning. Whenever I start to push longer swims, I notice that my pinky finer and ring finger sometimes start to cramp up as I get near the end of my swim.

I know that I am not dehydrated or definicient in fuel, I am wondering if there is something wrong in my form, or if I could just be tensing since I know I am getting near the end of my workout.

Has anyone ever experienced this?

Jen I know this has come up before but I'm not sure if anyone has ever brought up cramping in the hands when swimming. If I am not well hydrated I know I used to get some cramps in my legs and feet so I make sure I bring water with me and drink in between sets. It doesn't happen as often anymore plus I think the pool water isn't as warm as it was last year so I think that has helped to. I've never had the issue though with my hands. I'd have t defer to the experts here on that one.
2013-06-03 9:07 AM
in reply to: strikyr

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Nova Scotia, Canada
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Race report is up!
2013-06-03 9:55 AM
in reply to: jenbmosley

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Jenn a couple of thoughts about the swim, I had an expert swimmer in our area look at my stroke last winter and one of the things he noticed was that my arm was stiff and rigid when it was out of the water during the recovery phase of my stroke. He said I was wasting energy and should keep my arm relaxed. He coaches the kids local public pool and Y swim teams and for the kids he uses the analogy of drawing a rainbow with the arm during recovery, the whole time keeping the arm relaxed until beginning the power phase of the stroke.

Some things I notice when watching others swim is a lot of different hand positions. My training friend had me watch her stroke the other day. I noticed she dives her hand, not arm, just her hand bent at the wrist upon entry and then her pull is coming from a cupped hand with her elbow dropped during the power phase of her stroke. A lot of people give an extra flick or turn of the wrist or turn their hand out to the side before hand entry that they are not even aware of.

Just some things off the top of my head. Is there anyone who can watch your stroke and give you some feedback? Or maybe you can have someone take a video and post it to the group.

2013-06-03 10:19 AM
in reply to: trigal38

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Jen, mine does it EVERY time but just on 1 hand...I thought I was just abnormal...I guess we are both
2013-06-03 10:31 AM
in reply to: trigal38

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Cairo, GA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by trigal38

Jenn a couple of thoughts about the swim, I had an expert swimmer in our area look at my stroke last winter and one of the things he noticed was that my arm was stiff and rigid when it was out of the water during the recovery phase of my stroke. He said I was wasting energy and should keep my arm relaxed. He coaches the kids local public pool and Y swim teams and for the kids he uses the analogy of drawing a rainbow with the arm during recovery, the whole time keeping the arm relaxed until beginning the power phase of the stroke.

Some things I notice when watching others swim is a lot of different hand positions. My training friend had me watch her stroke the other day. I noticed she dives her hand, not arm, just her hand bent at the wrist upon entry and then her pull is coming from a cupped hand with her elbow dropped during the power phase of her stroke. A lot of people give an extra flick or turn of the wrist or turn their hand out to the side before hand entry that they are not even aware of.

Just some things off the top of my head. Is there anyone who can watch your stroke and give you some feedback? Or maybe you can have someone take a video and post it to the group.

It's been awhile, but I might get the hubby to walk alongside the pool and get a quick video of my current stroke. I do wonder if I am tensing up my arms as I get to the later portion of my workout. I will think about drawing a rainbow the next time I swim. I have seen another gal in the pool who flicks her wrist out of the water all the time. She is super fast and I kinda thought it was her thing that made her even faster.  

Karl - Glad to know I'm not alone.  

2013-06-03 5:10 PM
in reply to: jenbmosley

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Nova Scotia, Canada
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
I added a few pics to the race report.

Jen, not sure about your hand, but I sometimes get foot cramps after about 40min or so of swimming. Ive been told its due to pointing my toes too much. I have to do something to get my big flippers out of the way or else they act like a big sea anchor, It could be to holding your hand in too stiff a position, but tha'ts just a guess.
2013-06-03 6:02 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by strikyr

Dirk great ride today and that is some pretty good elevation that you got in there as well. Riding hills and that kind of elevation pays dividends and the wind is the added bonus to that as well.

I hear you and I am pretty used to riding in the wind. It's pretty much windy every time I ride my neighborhood route since I'm right by the water and I usually take it down to the bay where it's always very windy. Today was as bad as I've ever had to ride in it. It's like Derek said I basically had to stay in my 39 ring even going down hill LOL. It was like riding a stationary bike, I was pedaling to nowhere.

Needless to say I was very fustrated on this stretch which is not very long on the loop I was riding. However I do agree riding in the wind is necessary although not a whole lot of fun when you are riding for 5 or 6 miles going predominately uphill in a 20 to 25 mph headwind. I did two loops on my solo portion of the ride and the first loop was bad but the second time was even worse if that is possible. I typically would not complain about this but I would like to get one long ride in where I don't feel like I'm gonna get blown off my bike! Maybe next weekend possibly?

Riding in the wind can be the hardest thing to do mentally. At least going up a hill you have tangible evidence why you're going 7.2 mph. But I have completely changed my outlook and training since last spring and now I just look at every training ride as a way to do more work. So the more hills, the better. The more wind, the better. Keep the training tires on, and don't worry about carrying too much water. Just work baby.

But I do get that you have to spend some time in a race specific position and with heavy winds, particularly gusty winds, it's tough to do.
2013-06-03 6:46 PM
in reply to: jenbmosley

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Originally posted by jenbmosley SWIMMING QUESTION... I backed off swimming in May and am getting my booty back in gear. I did a short swim on Saturday and then did a 2500 yard swim this morning. Whenever I start to push longer swims, I notice that my pinky finer and ring finger sometimes start to cramp up as I get near the end of my swim. I know that I am not dehydrated or definicient in fuel, I am wondering if there is something wrong in my form, or if I could just be tensing since I know I am getting near the end of my workout. Has anyone ever experienced this?

It is likely that you are trying to hold your hand in a particular position for the entire work out and you are feeling the result of fatigue.  I suggest you focus on relaxing your hands through your work outs.  If you are focused on keeping all of your fingers aligned and straight to add more power or a sort of paddle you're really just wasting energy.  Allow your hand and fingers to fall where they may, so to speak, and you should see a positive result.  Try it for the next few swims and report your findings so we know if that was the issue.  If not we can look at something else.

2013-06-03 6:51 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Originally posted by strikyr I can't believe it I looked at my totals for last week and I had over 17 hours of training, all S/B/R. I've never done that much in a week and I'm actually very suprised because I didn't think I'd hit those totals until I hit the peak phase of my training. I really took advantage of the time I had last week. I don't think I'll be doing that this week because I'm feeling every minute of that training this morning but I don't want to make this a recovery week since I'm going to miss 3 days of training next week. I will back down a bit though this week. Today I'll just swim this afternoon as a little recovery workout.

I suggest you not take any time off this week and allow the hammering to take place all this week.  If next week is going to be a recovery week or if you're going to be restricted to lower volume you can allow the recovery to occur then.  It will teach your body it can build and rebuild over and over.

My strategy during build phases is to tax my body until I hurt and beat it down more, then relax and recover, heal and rest for the recovery week.  If you try to recover to frequently your body won't see the fitness gains as quickly and you'll suffer from that later.

2013-06-03 7:29 PM
in reply to: DirkP

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by DirkP

Originally posted by strikyr I can't believe it I looked at my totals for last week and I had over 17 hours of training, all S/B/R. I've never done that much in a week and I'm actually very suprised because I didn't think I'd hit those totals until I hit the peak phase of my training. I really took advantage of the time I had last week. I don't think I'll be doing that this week because I'm feeling every minute of that training this morning but I don't want to make this a recovery week since I'm going to miss 3 days of training next week. I will back down a bit though this week. Today I'll just swim this afternoon as a little recovery workout.

I suggest you not take any time off this week and allow the hammering to take place all this week.  If next week is going to be a recovery week or if you're going to be restricted to lower volume you can allow the recovery to occur then.  It will teach your body it can build and rebuild over and over.

My strategy during build phases is to tax my body until I hurt and beat it down more, then relax and recover, heal and rest for the recovery week.  If you try to recover to frequently your body won't see the fitness gains as quickly and you'll suffer from that later.

Dirk I agree and that is the plan for this week however I did take today off as much as it pains me to do so I was just too tired to really do anything today. I'll be back it tomorrow and the rest of the week.

2013-06-03 7:34 PM
in reply to: jenbmosley

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by jenbmosley
Originally posted by trigal38

Jenn a couple of thoughts about the swim, I had an expert swimmer in our area look at my stroke last winter and one of the things he noticed was that my arm was stiff and rigid when it was out of the water during the recovery phase of my stroke. He said I was wasting energy and should keep my arm relaxed. He coaches the kids local public pool and Y swim teams and for the kids he uses the analogy of drawing a rainbow with the arm during recovery, the whole time keeping the arm relaxed until beginning the power phase of the stroke.

Some things I notice when watching others swim is a lot of different hand positions. My training friend had me watch her stroke the other day. I noticed she dives her hand, not arm, just her hand bent at the wrist upon entry and then her pull is coming from a cupped hand with her elbow dropped during the power phase of her stroke. A lot of people give an extra flick or turn of the wrist or turn their hand out to the side before hand entry that they are not even aware of.

Just some things off the top of my head. Is there anyone who can watch your stroke and give you some feedback? Or maybe you can have someone take a video and post it to the group.

It's been awhile, but I might get the hubby to walk alongside the pool and get a quick video of my current stroke. I do wonder if I am tensing up my arms as I get to the later portion of my workout. I will think about drawing a rainbow the next time I swim. I have seen another gal in the pool who flicks her wrist out of the water all the time. She is super fast and I kinda thought it was her thing that made her even faster.  

Karl - Glad to know I'm not alone.  

I really need to get someone to the pool with me too.  I tried to get some underwater video with my phone a while ago but it was horribly unsuccessful.  I actually think I can have someone get some video from high enough above the water that I can learn a lot from that.

2013-06-03 8:21 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by strikyr

I can't believe it I looked at my totals for last week and I had over 17 hours of training, all S/B/R. I've never done that much in a week and I'm actually very suprised because I didn't think I'd hit those totals until I hit the peak phase of my training. I really took advantage of the time I had last week. I don't think I'll be doing that this week because I'm feeling every minute of that training this morning but I don't want to make this a recovery week since I'm going to miss 3 days of training next week. I will back down a bit though this week. Today I'll just swim this afternoon as a little recovery workout.

Tony that is awesome, all those hours will definitely pay off come September!!!
Nice ride and swim over the weekend too.
2013-06-03 8:26 PM
in reply to: Jo63

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Matt and. Derek congrats on your races! Iam looking forward to reading the RR's

Dirk wow....long ride, yard work then a run. Iam feeling tired just thinking about it.

I get cramps in my feet sometimes too I wasn't sure what it was from I will try to see if I point them too hard thanks Derek.

2013-06-03 11:41 PM
in reply to: Jo63

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
To those that are getting cramps in the pool... I get them when I have failed to drink enough water. So make sure you are drinking plenty of H2O... of course, we're supposed to be doing that anyway... ha!
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