BT Development Mentor Program Archives » 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open Rss Feed  
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2016-04-27 4:15 PM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Challenge day 1, easy 30 minute run. About 4.5km Job done.

Long run tonight, should be just over an hour.

2016-04-27 5:01 PM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Hi All

It's great to see that our challenge is underway this week.

Yesterday I had a 35 minute run and a 30 minute gym session. I had planned to do an hour in the gym but had to cut it short as I was sore in a few places after working 8 hours stacking timber and loading shelves in my new job.

JohnDiaz00: Enjoyed the race report. Who would think up such a thing as to do a tri in reverse?

Robin: Hope you continue to recover at a fast rate

Rick: Sorry to read about your wife, hope she is on the mend.

2016-04-28 4:36 PM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

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Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Day 2 in the books. Another 30:00ish walk.

Keeping food logged. I really am not sure how I came in under yesterday... got to watch it better than that.
2016-04-29 11:51 AM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

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Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Wishing everyone a happy weekend keep up the challenges and if your logging food, keep it up. I will quote one of my favorite movies and also give you Kudos if you can guess where it is from. "Seeing is believing, Believing is seeing" When I see the food that I put in my mouth it helps recognize what is good and what is bad. Not saying I eliminate everything bad, but at least I know. For me, I spent way too many years believing I was eating alright, but the weight stayed on or kept getting higher. MFP has truly helped me stay consistent and a little more disciplined. I can tell you that when you do not see a completed diary for me, it is because I cheated and too ashamed to put it into my Diary. BUT everyday is a new day.
Swim: 2h 30m 14s - 7675 Yd Bike: 16h 30m 52s - 233.15 Mi Run: 5h 00m 52s - 24.65 Mi Device Upload: 2h 19m

Those are my April totals, but something screwed up on last Sunday and I think it keeps counting my tri twice. but it is close enough for what i am doing this month.

I am starting next month with a 1/2 marathon on Sunday. It is the OC 1/2/ It's on my birthday and I usually do something on my birthday like this. Ok, so some of the above is me reflecting on 42 years of life. It has been a wonderful journey and I swear every year just gets better. Looking forward to being 42. It is the year that answers everything. (Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy). This next year I want to get a 70.3 done, and many more steps behind me. I look forward to keep sharing this journey.

Have Fun Always,


2016-05-01 10:03 AM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

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Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Let's start with a bright spot this morning:

According to the scale, I am at 171.0. That's 6 down from 2 weeks ago.

Failed the 7-day challenge... Since it's Sunday, and the start of my week (sitting at work right now, btw) I'm going to implement my new, lighter schedule starting today,

Sun - Run
Mon - Rest
Tue - Run
Wed - Trainer Ride
Thur - Rest
Fri - Run, Swim
Sat - Long Ride

I have 14 weeks until Riverbluff. I am using the c210k formula since I can't run 6 days/week. I also incorporated 2 rest days into days where I work 14hrs. If I thought I could effectively train only Fri-Sun I would.
2016-05-01 1:12 PM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open

That is great news on the 6 # down!

2016-05-01 5:53 PM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Originally posted by WebFootFreak

Let's start with a bright spot this morning:

According to the scale, I am at 171.0. That's 6 down from 2 weeks ago.

Failed the 7-day challenge... Since it's Sunday, and the start of my week (sitting at work right now, btw) I'm going to implement my new, lighter schedule starting today,

Sun - Run
Mon - Rest
Tue - Run
Wed - Trainer Ride
Thur - Rest
Fri - Run, Swim
Sat - Long Ride

I have 14 weeks until Riverbluff. I am using the c210k formula since I can't run 6 days/week. I also incorporated 2 rest days into days where I work 14hrs. If I thought I could effectively train only Fri-Sun I would.

Congratulations on losing 6lbs. That's a fantastic change in 2 weeks.
2016-05-01 5:55 PM
in reply to: johndiaz00

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Originally posted by johndiaz00
Swim: 2h 30m 14s - 7675 Yd Bike: 16h 30m 52s - 233.15 Mi Run: 5h 00m 52s - 24.65 Mi Device Upload: 2h 19m

Those are my April totals, but something screwed up on last Sunday and I think it keeps counting my tri twice. but it is close enough for what i am doing this month.

I am starting next month with a 1/2 marathon on Sunday. It is the OC 1/2/ It's on my birthday and I usually do something on my birthday like this. Ok, so some of the above is me reflecting on 42 years of life. It has been a wonderful journey and I swear every year just gets better. Looking forward to being 42. It is the year that answers everything. (Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy). This next year I want to get a 70.3 done, and many more steps behind me. I look forward to keep sharing this journey.

Have Fun Always,


That looks like a pretty solid month to me. Good job.

So, how did the HM go?
2016-05-01 6:04 PM
in reply to: bulfrog

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
My April totals.

Swim: 540m 8:56 (The only swim I did was the OWS at teh sprint tri I did earlier this month.
Bike: 128km, 5:30:56
Run: 136km 15:28:50 (Can you tell triathlon season is over and running season is beginning?)

I'm still going strong for the challenge (assuming we are doing Wednesday-Wednesday (Monday was a day off) 5 runs and 1 bike for the week.

Sunday I raced a 5k, and had some success, I clocked 29:45 chip time, which is a PB for a stand alone 5k, Now, this is some low hanging fruit, I have done 5ks as part of a Tri much faster than this. But a win is a win. So I'll take it. This is the first PB I have broken since re committing to training last year. Now only 3 (HM, Sprint/Oly/70.3 tris) to go. And as it was set on a tough course I expect to break it again at the next race in 3 weeks time.

Keep up the good fight guys.
2016-05-02 2:12 AM
in reply to: bulfrog

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Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Hi All

Looks like the group has a lot of activity and great results so far this week.

I've managed a workout each day but admit the intensity on some of the workouts has not been 100% as I've been tired from heavy lifting at work.

Also coming to terms and accepting that every outing is unlikely to be a PB. When I was starting out a PB was the norm each session but now sessions are slower.
2016-05-02 1:20 PM
in reply to: bulfrog

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Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
My Birthday weekend was awesome. My GF came down and we spent a very nice day Saturday down in Orange County, did the Expo/Packet Pickup. We also were able to enjoy a lunch on the water at Duke's in Huntington Beach. We then previewed the course, which was a big bonus as it was a great pre-planner for me. I took notes on where the hills were.

My race went pretty much as planned. It starts with a decent amount of downhills so my 5k split was great. Then it just gets tougher from there I was able to hold a 11:00 for the first half, and then had some tough miles in the 12:00 and 13:00 for the rest of the race. It was beautiful. Probably the most scenic race I have ran. You had a wonderful ocean or bay view for most of the race. The weather was just about perfect with a little bit of humidity. I will definitely put this half on my radar every year. The course was well maintained, with perfect amount of water stops. The community comes out and supports it very well.

My finish time was 2:45 which was 2 minute faster than my previous 1/2 this year. Happy with that. My next HM is a speedster in June. So, I am hoping for a lot faster time there. The only factor in that one is HEAT!!! It is in Fontana, CA where it can be windy and HOT. We shall see.

All in all an awesome weekend.

Planning to swim lightly tonight, and maybe tomorrow morning. Ride Wednesday and Thursday, Run Friday. Gym workouts Wednesday and Friday. Sunday long ride. Saturday is YARD WORK day. 50 bags of mulch should be a good enough workout.


2016-05-02 1:23 PM
in reply to: bulfrog

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Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Awesome job on the PB. I am jealous, I have been working on getting my 5k down below 30:00 for along time. Was almost there then I hit an injury streak. GOOD Job.
2016-05-02 10:15 PM
in reply to: johndiaz00

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Originally posted by johndiaz00

Awesome job on the PB. I am jealous, I have been working on getting my 5k down below 30:00 for along time. Was almost there then I hit an injury streak. GOOD Job.

Congratulations on your HM!

Thanks, but like I said, that PB is low hanging fruit, I've never really run 5ks as stand alone events, which is why the bar was so low. For what it's worth my PB for a 5k in a sprint tri is 24:54. So I've still got a long way to get back to what I'm capable of, but slowly making progress.

If you want to make gains with your run, you have to run more. 5 hours running for the month just isn't enough imho. lots of EASY miles instead of fewer, but high intensity miles makes more gains, and reduces your injury chance. There is no substitute for mileage.

Of course for cycling there's also no substitute for time in the saddle, so you have to decide where to best spend your time.

You may find instead of 16 hours cycling and 5 running, 10 of each, with the cycling at a high intensity might be a better balance for you. Just an idea
2016-05-03 9:33 AM
in reply to: bulfrog

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Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Originally posted by bulfrog

Originally posted by johndiaz00

Awesome job on the PB. I am jealous, I have been working on getting my 5k down below 30:00 for along time. Was almost there then I hit an injury streak. GOOD Job.

Congratulations on your HM!

Thanks, but like I said, that PB is low hanging fruit, I've never really run 5ks as stand alone events, which is why the bar was so low. For what it's worth my PB for a 5k in a sprint tri is 24:54. So I've still got a long way to get back to what I'm capable of, but slowly making progress.

If you want to make gains with your run, you have to run more. 5 hours running for the month just isn't enough imho. lots of EASY miles instead of fewer, but high intensity miles makes more gains, and reduces your injury chance. There is no substitute for mileage.

Of course for cycling there's also no substitute for time in the saddle, so you have to decide where to best spend your time.

You may find instead of 16 hours cycling and 5 running, 10 of each, with the cycling at a high intensity might be a better balance for you. Just an idea

Thanks for the idea on balance. I am struggling with that a little (a lot). I am coming off a long period of running and running only. Truth be told, I am sick of running. But I spent three years concentrating on it and got slower. Bad training advise, other problems and injuries set me back quite a bit. Part of my unbalance right now also has to do with my training partner having a broken pelvis, and she is rehabbing that injury. So we swim and bike a lot. She is suppose to be released from that injury in June. Hopefully, we will see our running miles increase.

It sounds funny, but I am planning to plan a low mileage high intensity workouts for both of us in June. To stay injury free and to see both of us increase our speed over the summer.

If I could have run a 25:00 5k, in the last sprint tri I ran. I would have won a medal in my age group. It is a goal that I can achieve. I will keep posting and please keep giving pointers.

Thank and keep it up, its always great to see your post.

2016-05-03 5:36 PM
in reply to: johndiaz00

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open

Ummmm, hello?   I feel kind of like the guy who hasn't been in a church in so long he's waiting for the roof to fall in.

I fell off the radar for a spell.  Back around the beginning of March the "anticipated" opening at school became real.  I've been working full-time in one room ever since.  When I took over I looked at where they were on the curriculum map and where we were on the school year.  I had 95 days worth of material to cover and only 45 to teach it in.  Needless to say, that ISN'T going to happen.  But I have made the best possible effort.  And it paid off last night at 3:30 pm.  I am  now a permanent faculty member of Central Mountain High School.  I don't know what Science classes I will be teaching next year, but I am guaranteed a job.


Now for the bad news.  That effort has cost me dearly.  First, I completely abandoned my training.  Second, I gained weight back up to 385.  So Peasantman, that was supposed to happen this weekend, ain't gonna happen.  Instead, I  need to focus on getting back into training, of any kind at all.  And of course, this comes at the worst possible time of year for a teacher, I have 23 instructional days left in this year.  So bear with me and I will try to become a regular member of the team again.

2016-05-03 10:39 PM
in reply to: leatherneckpa

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Originally posted by leatherneckpa

Ummmm, hello?   I feel kind of like the guy who hasn't been in a church in so long he's waiting for the roof to fall in.

Welcome back Mike, good too see you're still alive and kicking.

Congratulations on the job! That's great news.

Does 23 teaching days left mean that in 4 and a half weeks you're off on summer holiday? Because that sounds like a perfect time to kick start your training again.

Until then tho, you should try to simplify, and set realistic goals. More working hours means less training opportunities. So wanting to train like you did before, 2 a days etc is a recipe for disaster. Especially for you, I've noticed in the past if you don't meet your goals you can get discouraged and drop off completely. Try and aim for something achievable, a 20 min run/race walk before work 3 days a week, (or something) If I were you I would stick to running as it's the least time invasive of the 3 sports. But it's really up to you, whatever goal that gets you out the door swim bike or run, go for it!

..... and don't disappear like that again.

2016-05-04 12:20 PM
in reply to: leatherneckpa

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Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Originally posted by leatherneckpa

Ummmm, hello?   I feel kind of like the guy who hasn't been in a church in so long he's waiting for the roof to fall in.

I fell off the radar for a spell.  Back around the beginning of March the "anticipated" opening at school became real.  I've been working full-time in one room ever since.  When I took over I looked at where they were on the curriculum map and where we were on the school year.  I had 95 days worth of material to cover and only 45 to teach it in.  Needless to say, that ISN'T going to happen.  But I have made the best possible effort.  And it paid off last night at 3:30 pm.  I am  now a permanent faculty member of Central Mountain High School.  I don't know what Science classes I will be teaching next year, but I am guaranteed a job.


Now for the bad news.  That effort has cost me dearly.  First, I completely abandoned my training.  Second, I gained weight back up to 385.  So Peasantman, that was supposed to happen this weekend, ain't gonna happen.  Instead, I  need to focus on getting back into training, of any kind at all.  And of course, this comes at the worst possible time of year for a teacher, I have 23 instructional days left in this year.  So bear with me and I will try to become a regular member of the team again.

I feel you, brother. I think bulfrog has the right of it here.

And welcome back, Mr Kotter!
2016-05-04 4:11 PM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open

Thanks Andrew and Rick.  And BOY have a I got some Sweathogs!


  • 37m 37s
  • 2.00 miles
  • 18m 48s /Mi



1/20 - Nothing impressive, other than FINALLY doing a workout after school.

2016-05-04 7:16 PM
in reply to: leatherneckpa

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Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Hi All

Welcome back Mike & well done on the job. Time to get back in the saddle.

How did everybody go on the challenge? I trained for 9 days straight but didn't get a workout in on the last day of the challenge. How about somebody else come up with the next challenge.

I came across this quote the other day, what do you think?

“You don’t play triathlon. You play soccer; it’s fun. You play baseball. Triathlon is work that can leave you crumpled in a heap, puking by the roadside. It’s the physical brutality of climbing Mount Everest without the great view from the top of the world. What kind of person keeps coming back for more of that?” - Chris McCormack (Two-Time Ironman World Champion)
2016-05-05 5:40 AM
in reply to: leatherneckpa

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open

Originally posted by leatherneckpa

Thanks Andrew and Rick.  And BOY have a I got some Sweathogs!


  • 37m 37s
  • 2.00 miles
  • 18m 48s /Mi



1/20 - Nothing impressive, other than FINALLY doing a workout after school.

I am so GLAD you are back on track! Congratulations on the job. NOW....Listen to the Bullfrog for he is wise. (especially the last order!)

2016-05-05 5:44 AM
in reply to: AussieTurtle

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open

Originally posted by AussieTurtle Hi All Welcome back Mike & well done on the job. Time to get back in the saddle. How did everybody go on the challenge? I trained for 9 days straight but didn't get a workout in on the last day of the challenge. How about somebody else come up with the next challenge. I came across this quote the other day, what do you think? “You don’t play triathlon. You play soccer; it’s fun. You play baseball. Triathlon is work that can leave you crumpled in a heap, puking by the roadside. It’s the physical brutality of climbing Mount Everest without the great view from the top of the world. What kind of person keeps coming back for more of that?” - Chris McCormack (Two-Time Ironman World Champion)

I got all my days in but one. That day was a surprise day of meetings all day. What the heck, I am retired! I am not supposed to be doing that. Sigh, these volunteer orgainzations suck up lots of time.

We need a new weekly challenge. I have a personal one of doing my 10 minute strength workout each day. It is easy to do but it is pretty powerful when I do it each  day.

Any ideas anyone?


2016-05-05 1:54 PM
in reply to: leatherneckpa

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Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
Originally posted by leatherneckpa

Thanks Andrew and Rick.  And BOY have a I got some Sweathogs!


  • 37m 37s
  • 2.00 miles
  • 18m 48s /Mi



1/20 - Nothing impressive, other than FINALLY doing a workout after school.

Ditto to those above, welcome back. Keep it up, something is better than nothing.

HUGE CONGRATS on the New Job. Constancy and knowing you have a job will also help your ability to focus on training.

Your job is so important thank you for what you do!


2016-05-05 9:12 PM
in reply to: AussieTurtle

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Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
I'm doing pretty good this week. Diet isn't great, or horrible either. Got my first 2 "runs" in on Sun and Tue, but missed my trainer ride yesterday. Since today is rest day #2, I'll make it up tonight.

Got some good and bad new at the Dr this morning. The bad news is about the persistent cough I've had for almost 2 weeks: Bronchitis. Yay... So I'm on an inhaled steroid and antibiotics for the next little bit. There actually was a silver lining to all of this, however. Even though I gained back to 280, my A1C is still in the normal range... Diabetes didn't rear it's ugly head again as I was afraid it had. Annnnd since I am on the way down the scale again, I shouldn't have to worry about that too much.

Originally posted by AussieTurtle
How did everybody go on the challenge?

I crapped out the 3rd day...
2016-05-06 12:12 PM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open

Okay all. Let's try it again. Let's get 30 minutes of something each day for a week. Even rest days.

2016-05-06 4:46 PM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: 2016 Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4-Weight Loss Mentor Group - Open
  • 37m 12s
  • 2.00 miles
  • 18m 36s /Mi



2/20 - Nothing special. Just two miles in the 50* drizzly rain.

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