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2008-07-11 9:24 AM
in reply to: #1038503

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Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid
Oh my gosh - I'm in the same boat - paranoid about getting sick! In fact, I'm considering working from home for the 3 days next week that I have to work - in order to avoid any "carriers"!!!!

2008-07-11 9:28 AM
in reply to: #1522532

South Jersey
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid

Tamio - 2008-07-11 10:24 AM Oh my gosh - I'm in the same boat - paranoid about getting sick! In fact, I'm considering working from home for the 3 days next week that I have to work - in order to avoid any "carriers"!!!!

I wish I could work from home. I don't have that option!

I am only in today and Monday, so I need to get work done. But I am so stressed sitting here listening to the sick girl that I can't get anything done .

I feel like I am going to cry, that's how sick she is and how nervous she has me .

2008-07-11 9:32 AM
in reply to: #1038503

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Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid
Get a can of lysol and some anti-bacterial wipes (she'll get the hint)....also - if there is a conference room available, I'd just go hide in there and put a note in your cube on where to find you...
2008-07-11 9:39 AM
in reply to: #1522563

South Jersey
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid

Tamio - 2008-07-11 10:32 AM Get a can of lysol and some anti-bacterial wipes (she'll get the hint)....also - if there is a conference room available, I'd just go hide in there and put a note in your cube on where to find you...

Yeah, we're disinfecting in here. Even my boss is doing it for me. I am sure she hears me stressing about getting sick. Unfortunately, all my work needs to be done on my computer, so I can't retreat to a conference room .

I have an 11 a.m. appt, so I am heading out for an hour or so. The fresh air will be good.

2008-07-11 9:47 AM
in reply to: #1522606

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Cycling Guru
Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid
Wash your hands often (don't go all OCD on us though!)  Avoid direct contact with her.  Suck it up buttercup!!  You'll be fine ......
2008-07-11 10:50 AM
in reply to: #1522606

portland, or
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid
I'm not a germaphobe, but during taper I get pretty compulsive about washing my hands and using disinfectant wipes. I also increase my vitamin C intake and take a zinc supplement. I have no idea if it works, but I've been fortunate to never get sick (knock on wood) during a taper.

My biggest concern is somebody hacking on my flight tomorrow. There isn't an empty seat on the plane, so it should be fun times.


2008-07-11 11:24 AM
in reply to: #1522850

South Jersey
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid

yaqui - 2008-07-11 11:50 AM I'm not a germaphobe, but during taper I get pretty compulsive about washing my hands and using disinfectant wipes. I also increase my vitamin C intake and take a zinc supplement. I have no idea if it works, but I've been fortunate to never get sick (knock on wood) during a taper. My biggest concern is somebody hacking on my flight tomorrow. There isn't an empty seat on the plane, so it should be fun times. scott

Wear a mask!

I just took a longish lunch. I visited with my PT and he said I'll be fine. He also said not to be alarmed if I wake up one day with a slight sore throat, a little congested, etc. It's normal during taper. I won't catch what the sick girl has.

Anyway, I think the sick girl went home. Her desk looks pretty clean and the monitor is off, etc. She might just be out for lunch, but it looks a lot like she left for the day. Let's hope!

I do my dark berry smoothie each day, which is high in antioxidants and good for the immune system. When you stress, your body releases cortisol into the blood, which actually weakens your immune system. So, I am trying not stress. I was really worked up over it, though. Nervous stomach, shaking, etc. I am staying away from everyone this weekend. Just me, my house, and lots of packing, resting, etc. One of my best friends is coming home on Sunday from 6 months in Abu Dhabi and 2-week long trip to Jordan (there now). I told her no hugs before LP as I don't want to catch any traveling bugs she might be carrying .

2008-07-11 3:52 PM
in reply to: #1038503

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Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid

It could be worse! You could have my job in a hospital and be surrounded my sick people all day! Lots of pus and phlegm, etc, etc. Plus the crazy hours, poor sleep. 

Now I am feeling a little worried...

2008-07-11 8:48 PM
in reply to: #1038503

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2008-07-11 9:53 PM
in reply to: #1522929

Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid
LaurenSU02 - 2008-07-11 12:24 PM

He also said not to be alarmed if I wake up one day with a slight sore throat, a little congested, etc. It's normal during taper. I won't catch what the sick girl has.

Yup, I can attest to that. I've been feeling congested with a runny nose for about a week now but mid morning I'm perfectly fine. I keep feeling like I'm the verge of getting a cold but I think you're right, it's just the taper.

2008-07-12 8:59 AM
in reply to: #1038503

Cycling Guru
Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid

Last "real" workout done today.  Next week will just be race prep. stuff like testing out wetsuit, shoes and bike set up.

Bring it on LP!!

2008-07-12 10:24 AM
in reply to: #1524180

Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid

PennState - 2008-07-11 9:48 PM or.... you could be on-call starting saturday am until monday am sleep deprived etc

You couldn't have arranged your schedule any better than that? 

2008-07-12 11:32 AM
in reply to: #1524809

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2008-07-12 12:06 PM
in reply to: #1524855

Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid
PennState - 2008-07-12 12:32 PM
oceanannie - 2008-07-12 11:24 AM

PennState - 2008-07-11 9:48 PM or.... you could be on-call starting saturday am until monday am sleep deprived etc

You couldn't have arranged your schedule any better than that?'s just life.

Maybe it will be a quiet baby weekend

I think they should all wait until Monday to make their entrance into the world. 

2008-07-13 6:45 AM
in reply to: #1038503

Newark, Delaware
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid
Does anyone know what the deal is with the Friday night dinner - if it's sold out or not?  I was talking to my family this weekend and it turns out they all want to go.  I warned them that the food is probably mediocre at best, but they're more interested in the pep rally aspect (as am I).  I sent an email into NAS, but couldn't find anything on the website.

Good thing we have a kitchen at our house...some real food to eat afterwards!'s kind of like a TNT pasta party.
2008-07-13 7:45 AM
in reply to: #1525494

Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid

JessXU00 - 2008-07-13 7:45 AM Does anyone know what the deal is with the Friday night dinner - if it's sold out or not? I was talking to my family this weekend and it turns out they all want to go. I warned them that the food is probably mediocre at best, but they're more interested in the pep rally aspect (as am I). I sent an email into NAS, but couldn't find anything on the website.

Good thing we have a kitchen at our house...some real food to eat afterwards!'s kind of like a TNT pasta party.

When I went to IMLP they sold tickets at registration. I assume they do the same here. 

2008-07-13 8:31 AM
in reply to: #1038503

Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid
Last year, they sold tickets at registration and also at the door from what I remember.  NA Sports never misses a revenue opportunity.
2008-07-13 9:28 AM
in reply to: #1524180

Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid

PennState - 2008-07-11 9:48 PM or.... you could be on-call starting saturday am until monday am sleep deprived etc

Ugghh..that does suck.

At least I was able to come home yesterday after a 27-hour shift. And even though Friday night was pretty wild, at least I was eventually able to come home, do a workout and sleep without worrying about the pager going off.  

(I have a friend who is doing LP too who is also on call this weekend so I feel for you guys. Hope it's a quiet one for both of you)

2008-07-13 10:06 AM
in reply to: #1525672

South Jersey
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid

Oh man, I feel awful for those of you on call.

What is the dinner like on Friday -- pasta? I still don't know if I want to go or not. I'm already pepped up enough about IM, so I don't need a pep rally to get me in the mood. I don't like being around other athletes before the race. I've never even walked around a race expo. Whenever I go to check in for a race, I pick up my packet and get the heck out there! I hate that atmosphere. After the race, I am fine; but I hate it beforehand.

2008-07-13 10:12 AM
in reply to: #1038503

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2008-07-13 10:16 AM
in reply to: #1525731

South Jersey
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid

PennState - 2008-07-13 11:12 AM I'm with you Lauren.... don't want the increased anxiety of the pre-race dinner. However, part of me thinks that I should attend the meeting...

I'm going to the pre-race meeting. I don't want to (especially because it's so late), but I am afraid I'll miss something important. The girl I'm sharing a condo with has done seven IMs so far. She's going to the meeting (and dinner), and also hates that it's so late. She said, "We'll high tail it outta there and get to bed by 9." Although, if I skip the dinner, we'll coming home separately I guess. I'll be standing by the door at the meeting. i want to get out of there quickly!

2008-07-13 10:19 AM
in reply to: #1525731

Cycling Guru
Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid

It's fun, it's free (for the athletes) and if you planned on going out with the family to dinner you'd still end up spending probably the same amount.  But if you think it would be stressful, then by all means, do what feels best!

I had a good time as well as many of the other people who went.  Plus with the Gatorade, breakfast cookies and bananas they had on the table you can get even more free nutrition out of it!

2008-07-13 10:24 AM
in reply to: #1525739

South Jersey
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid
Haha. I'll be a loner on Friday night if I don't go to the dinner. I have a kitchen at my place, so I would just stay in and cook. My parents aren't coming into town on Saturday and if my coach comes up (might not be able to make it now), he's not coming until Sat either. My condo mate wouldn't be around since she's going to do the dinner. So, I won't be going out or anything.
2008-07-13 10:39 AM
in reply to: #1038503

Lansdale, PA.
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid
I don't want to tell anyone what to do, and you all know what works for you, but personally I found the electricity and energy of being in the area of the transition and the various things going on there to be a major motivator. I felt like I was picking up all kinds of good vibes (geez did I just type that?) All part of the big picture that makes an IM more than just a 140.6 mile race. You can always leave if it is too much or you don't like it...Just a thought...
2008-07-13 10:39 AM
in reply to: #1038503

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