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2008-01-26 12:01 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Extreme Veteran
Concord, NC
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
Those are some great recipe ideas!  Ok, I have to give myself kudos here.  My family ordered pizza last night for dinner, and I didn't have any!  Not one slice, taste, pepperoni, anything.  I had my baked salmon over brown rice and mixed veggies.    Woohoo!  I am sure I will have pizza again once I get to my goal weight, but just in moderation.  When we get pizza, I normally scarf down 3 pieces plus 2-3 pieces of cheese bread.....changing the lifestyle....

2008-01-26 1:56 PM
in reply to: #1177224

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
excited2tri - 2008-01-26 10:01 AM

Those are some great recipe ideas!  Ok, I have to give myself kudos here.  My family ordered pizza last night for dinner, and I didn't have any!  Not one slice, taste, pepperoni, anything.  I had my baked salmon over brown rice and mixed veggies.    Woohoo!  I am sure I will have pizza again once I get to my goal weight, but just in moderation.  When we get pizza, I normally scarf down 3 pieces plus 2-3 pieces of cheese bread.....changing the lifestyle....

WAY TO BE STRONG DIA!!!! i'm way impressed! you're awesome!!
2008-01-26 9:29 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Extreme Veteran
Vancouver, British Columbia
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
Turning down pizza.  WOW! 
2008-01-27 4:26 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Extreme Veteran
Vancouver, British Columbia
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

You guys are all my inspiration! Thanks!

I was able satisfy a vending machine sweets craving last night with a diet coke instead of chocolate or skittles. While I still think diet coke is probably really bad for you it was better than the sweets. 

I ran to the coffee shop to meet my friend for coffee (social outing and workout accomplished in one shot!) I may be becoming a bit to fond of wearing my running tights in public. BUT I'm super proud that I went for a multi grain bagel with cream cheese on the side instead of the best cinnamon rolls in town!  Now, if I can just turn down dessert tonight I will have eaten really well this weekend and be back on track!

 Hope your weekends were awesome

2008-01-27 5:53 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

I do the diet coke thing as well for sugar cravings... yes I will have to give it up eventually but Ive given up regular coffee and a whole bunch of other things so one step at a time...

On dessert I have a whole bunch of things that are ok: fat free jelly, small serve of ice cream.... you can get all sorts of single serves in bozes that are around or under 100 calories (I have to get the single serves as if its a tub and a serve myself Im sure I have too much!)... low fat mousse... whip it up with some milk and let it set in the fridge, and you can buy little pottles of it...

PLus there is always fruit... I find watermelon cold from the freezer is really good (although probably more if of a summer thing) or strawberries (sometimes with a little sprinkle of icing sugar)

In the pizza thing... Ive also solved that by making my own... you can eiher buy small individual bases or if you want to be even healthier use a pita bread... cover in tomato paste and whatever other toppings (choose lots of vegies and maybe a little meat, Im a simple girl I like chicken (already cooked) or ham with pineapple, tomato and mushroom as well sometimes Ill add things like broccolli) you want. I top with reduced fat cheese and making it this way gives me control over how much cheese is on the pizza too...  

Another nice snack using the same principle is pizza bread... Slice a baguette in half, slice that half length ways... once again top with tomato paste and whatever else you may want (just cheese can be yummy too) and bake until the cheese is melted...

One slice is good with salad for lunch and you can wrap it up in tin foil and take it to work too! 

2008-01-27 6:18 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

Yay to everyone of the food resistance and choices!!  Jeni- I hear you on the running tights--in the past there is NO WAY I would've ever been seen in public in them, now, no big deal, nice feeling isn't it!

To piggy back on Cat on the pizza-- tomatos are actually one of those veggies that canned have more nutritional value than typically the ones you buy fresh.  If you use whole wheat Pita like Cat said, or get the whole grain, low fat, flavored tortillas and just limit the amount of cheese you put on it, you can still get a great tasting pizza---add fresh veggies, some grilled chicken, and you still satisfy that pizza urging.  Dang, I may have to make that tomorrow!

Also, on the sweet cravings, I like to have grapes and cherries in the fridge if I can get them at a decent price and that totally helps, same with dried peaches and dried apricots.  Additionally, I sometimes simply have that chocolate craving (I'm a woman, it's going to happen)...and I go for the pudding as has been mentioned, or I eat a few (like 10) dark chocolate M&Ms.  That typically will do it.

On my accomplishment side-- I ran my 22 miler today--that's the last LONG LONG run prior to my marathon.  I truly think the marathon training with the 18-22 milers has been one of the hardest things I've ever done on my own--which may sounds ludicrous after two tours in Iraq and college at West Point--but I had outside motivators for those things--plenty of people all around me holding my feet to the fire and giving me guidance.  This running has JUST been me...I had to make myself run that far and not stop.  It's been incredibly rewarding and has really helped me discover that I am capable of so much more than I even thought because if I can make myself self-disciplined to run for 3 hours, then I have the capability to apply that to other areas of life.  Now I just must apply it more!

2008-01-27 7:22 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
Way to go, Brit! Very nice run.

Yay to Dia, Jeni and Cat for excellent food choices!

I refused pizza at work today. We had our monthly in-service training and we usually have pizza. Even though I finished a 45 mile training ride just an hour before the training and was starving, I didn't eat any! I waited and had a piece of salmon, some rice and stewed tomatoes. My weight is has been staying put, but that is much better than gaining. Inever know what it will be tomorrow, because I tend to gain after riding with the sports drink and clif blocks. But I know those bumps are temporary and necessary so that I can get the best out of my workouts. Hope everyone's weekend was wonderful!

2008-01-27 8:12 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
me too
me too
me too
on everything.
i make pizza myself, on pita,
i drink diet coke for sugar cravings
when i want chocolate i'm super naughty, i won't even TELL you what i do, since i don't want to make anyone stumble
i've been really good with my choices though lately. although, i've caught myself skipping b-fast lately, and i don't want to get in to that habit.
on the running. brit, you're my hero. i want to be you soon. and i WILL match you mile for mile one day, but the thing i wanted to comment on was the whole-self motivation-thing.
THIS is why i like triathlon. i don't necesarilly feel like i'm competeing against anyone except my own expectations. *I* have to get my butt out to run. *I* have to get my butt in the lake and swim and *I* have to get my "time in the saddle" or else my time will suck, and i'll have no one to blame but myself. you know? i LOVE this sport! but mostly i love running. i have a crappy bike, so i clearly don't love biking. and although i JUST learned to swim, and i enjoy it, i don't get to too much, since it's too freaking cold out.
anyway, i just wanted to say that i pretty much mirror everything you all just said.

i'm SUPER hungry now, so i need to go find something to eat
something HEALTHY to eat
2008-01-27 8:46 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Greenbelt, MD
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

Heya folks...way to go on all that diet (as in eating well, not crazying dieting). Did I mention my new sweets find? Kozy Shack sugar free pudding? It's relatively low in calories and actually has fiber and protein...and then I just tried the Trader Joe's extra chocolate soymilk (or something like that) about great tasting! And no nasty aftertaste either.

Thanks for the reminder of good pizzas there Britt...might have to pick up the stuff to make that tomorrow after work...nice thing is it's quick too...since I workout in the afternoon dinner has to be easy and quick or I just relent and eat out.

Anyway, been plugging away a bit on the training. Kinda slacked a tad last week on the swimming mostly just for not having time for it...this week is going to be tough to get in the pool on Wed too since my mother decided she needed to spend the night Thursday so I'm kinda in panicked cleaning mode!

I went to the info mtg for my tri club's new triathlete program...yeah, I was by far the largest person there...I think there was one other athena in the room and she was definitely not more than a few pounds overweight. It was like attack of the skinny people! I guess I could be good for everyone else's self esteem! It was an amazing turnout though...they don't advertise other than the website and there had to have been almost 150 people there. So cool to see so many people wanting to get into triathlon. They cap the program at 125 people and last year the registration closed in 3's going to be like registering for an Ironman!

Well have a great week everyone! Keep up the good work (and once the stress of mom is past I'll be back on the super good eating bandwagon).

2008-01-27 9:25 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

oh on the chocolate thing... I have found here down under the most rich divine tasting hot chocolate powder... when Im at work I actually have one most days (instead of coffee its a relatively new habit) for a total of 42 calories.... nothing right?

I pay the little bit more to get it in individual sachets rather than a tub as I cant be trusted with a tub not to completely overdo the amount of chocolate powder!

Will be a good tip for winter too.... there are a few flavours... toffee, double chocolate, chocolatte.... must be something like that in the US too I would imagine! 

2008-01-27 11:12 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
Pam - Yes, it's kind of Victoria Beckham-esque, but not quite as sharp of an angle as hers and mine flips out in the back so it has a lot of movement. I can't seem to get it to look quite like my stylist did, but I'm working on it. Isn't that the way it always goes?! Overall, I still like it though.

BTW, I just have to ask you something, Pam. Are you a Stephanie Miller fan? I saw a comment you made in the Feb. challenge thread that makes me think perhaps you are.

Dia - I am so annoyed at myself for forgetting about the movie. It was playing at Downtown Disney which is only about 4 or 5 miles from me. I noticed on their website that they are doing an encore presentation on February 21st. I've already emailed a couple of local friends of mine about it and we're going to make it a girl's night out event.

My switch back to Weight Watchers paid off this week. I was down 2.4 pounds at weigh in yesterday!! WOOT! With my loss this week, I met my goal of dropping 5 pounds in January.

My training schedule this week will be a bit lighter than normal. I'm doing the Surf City 5k in Huntington Beach on Sunday. My plan is to get in a few short walk/runs and some light strength training through Thursday and then just take it easy on Friday and Saturday.

Hope everyone has a great week!

2008-01-28 12:07 AM
in reply to: #1091616

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
you guys are good for me.

i was going to go on a chocolate binge, i really was. i want to. but i'm not.
i didn't eat dinner with my kids (macaroni and cheese--so not my fav) so then after i got everyone to bed, i got hungry (after bed is hard for me anyway, as dh works swing, and isn't around, and i ALWAYS snack after i get everyone to bed) i wanted a choco binge, BUT instead i had a hard boiled egg and some cheese, and like 3 diet cokes
i know it's probably not the HEALTHIEST dinner of the week, but it wins out over the giant choco binge i'd been planning almost all day
my 6's fit right out of the dryer, but after a day or two, are GETTING TOO BIG!!
i'm not ready to buy a 4 yet, BUT maybe if i'm REAL good, by the time my tri comes up in april, i'll be getting in to a 4!!
thanks for being here to keep me accountable!!
2008-01-28 10:55 AM
in reply to: #1091616

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
i got my new victoria secret pants last night in the mail.

good thing i didn't have that choco binge last night!! LOL
am down to 147 hoping to hit anywhere in the 130's sometime in my life.
2008-01-28 12:14 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Extreme Veteran
Concord, NC
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
Those pants look great!  I don't think you need to lose any weight at all!  If I looked like that at 147, I would be a happy camper.   
2008-01-28 12:19 PM
in reply to: #1179824

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
excited2tri - 2008-01-28 10:14 AM

Those pants look great!  I don't think you need to lose any weight at all!  If I looked like that at 147, I would be a happy camper.   

thanks! i'm pretty happy where i am, i've worked REALLY hard to get here. but i still have a saggy tummy, and love handles that i'd LOVE to be rid of. i jokingly told dh that after ONE more baby (maybe next year) i want plastic surgery to put everything back where it belongs!! i have lots of......looseness if you KWIM??
i've worked REALLY REALLY hard though, and i love that it's really started to pay off. i LOVE buying new clothes!!
2008-01-28 4:52 PM
in reply to: #1179824

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

excited2tri - 2008-01-29 5:14 AM Those pants look great!  I don't think you need to lose any weight at all!  If I looked like that at 147, I would be a happy camper.   

x 2 Lyssa - VERY NICE!

2008-01-28 5:55 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

Hiya everyone - I know we have covered swimming a lot in here but I just posted the below in Tri Talk and although most of it is a repeat of things we have already covered... I thought there might be a few interested...


"Drills: Goal to practice specific areas of of technique. Think of this as the same as a one legged drill on the bike, or (with paddle work in particular) hill or LCR (strength) training on the bike

Benefit: To make you both faster and a more efficient swimmer. Efficiency is key for a triathlon because by expending less energy in the swim you will have more to burn on the bike and in the run (you may not go faster in the water but you will be able to puse faster out of the water)

Use: If you are already a good swimmer (judging from your swim background) drills would generally make up a small proportion of most of your workouts as they are used to refine weak areas of your technique... these are then put into practice while swimming longer distances with the full stroke (its no good drilling if you dont then swim the full stroke to get your body used to putting it all together)


Swim Sets: Goal: To practice going faster, raise your heart rate, teach you to hold steady pace in a race environment etc Also effiency work (swim golf - looks at time versus the number of strokes it takes to swim a set distance)

Benefit: Think of this as interval training and to a lesser extent tempo training on the bike and the run. You will learn to hold your pace in the water (knowing what it feels like to regularly swim a certain distance in a specific pace means you are more able to hold this pace in a race), increases overall fitness by raising your heart rate above its comfortable range in the water, be able to cope with the high speed and chaos of a mass swim start better by sprinting out to clear water before settling down and... if you want to go faster over longer distances your body needs to practice swimming fast...

Use: Most sessions will include some form of set work but depending on the goal of the session and the swimmer the distances and paces set will vary to practice tempo (even or negative splitting), speed, efficiency etc


For what its worth, based on advice i was given,  my long distance work is usually my warm up which can be up to 2.5kms in length when Im in the middle of a swim focus. With a focus on negative splitting each 500m as I warm up.

The other thing with swimming is that often your speed, technique and pace work can all be in one workout (sets, drills and distance swim) which can be different from the run and bike where they may be set across seperate sessions..."


2008-01-28 6:09 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Extreme Veteran
Vancouver, British Columbia
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

WAY To go on the 147. Brit you're my running hero too. Great suggestions on food to satisfy cravings... My fridge is now stocked with diet coke.

unfortunately my problem is still that dessert is provided 5 nights a week- last night was mocha chocolate chip ice cream and your choice of toppings. then you sit in the dining hall chatting and everyone eats dessert and when you pass on it for an apple and they tell you how good it is and pull out the line "come on Jeni you (insert the workout I did that day) so you totally deserve it." And I have an all or nothing personality... if I totally pass on it I'm good, if I try to go for a really small portions, I go back for seconds... and thirds... Embarassed

More importantly- anyone have tips on stress eating? I am now going to finally admit that I am a stress binger. I had a meeting today that I was worried about last night and this morning and it went just as badly as I thought. Long story short, I am trying to organize my thesis and it's a two steps forward three steps back kind of process.. I took 3 steps back today. So that was part of my 3 trips to the ice cream bar last night, my muffin and banana bread and hot chocolate this morning. Then immediately after the meeting I went to go find someone and leftover baked goods from breakfast were there so an apple turnover and another muffin found their way into my stomach.

But I guess I am also making improvements.. Step One:  I am becoming a lot more aware of my eating habits and what triggers it. and Step Two: Immediately following my baked good binge, when I usually would have gone searching for more chocolate or junk food, I decided to head to the pool. I don't recommend sugary items in your stomach while swimming, but it totally relieved the stress and made the binge urge go away. Tonight I am planning on grabbing our dining hall dinner to go and working in my room so I will avoid the dessert tonight definitely.

Any suggestions on what to do that moment when you're brain goes.. "ahhh.. food will comfort you"?

Edited by Out4atime 2008-01-28 6:11 PM
2008-01-28 6:22 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
find a not so naughty stress food?? i still go to the diet coke when i'm stressed. but i like cheese sticks, and well, to be honest, i'm a bit of a baked goods junkie, so i'm PROBABLY not the best person to ask,
but i think if you HAVE to have baked goods, go to the store, buy ONE out of the bin, then leave the store to eat it. then WHILE you're eating it, realize that you're stressing, go swimming/cycling/running whatever. i really think we have to give ourselves permission to behave that way sometimes you know?? i'm all for healthy eating, and i LOVE to run and i feel GREAT when i work out, but there are times when i need to sit and eat a pound of chocolate chips or something, and i really think that as long as we're not doing those things everyday, and i think if we REALIZE that we're stress eating, that it should TOTALLY be allowed.

just my two cents,
2008-01-28 6:36 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

Im a stress eater... and a boredom eater... and an emotional eater (which covers the previous two statements I guess)

Some of the tricks I use are: Diet Coke of skim latte's (I use this before work presentations when the nerves are going - sounds counter intuitive since its caffiene but seems to work for me) or low fat hot chocolate (low in cals, filling), keeping small single serve snacks on hand (under or around 100-150 cals), stay well hydrated all the time.

If I do have a big pig out I just try to limit that damage... ie a packet of marshmellows is better than an entire family size block of chocolate (in terms of calories) or a box of chocolate biscuits. A packet of rice crackers is better than a packet of chips... home made wedges baked in the oven is better than sotre bought... (no it doesnt always work but having the healthier options in the cupboards or my handbag mean that I have to leave the house or go to a shop to get junk - so I have to consciously think about what Im doing... doesnt always work but its about damage limitation)

And... one little trick... CHEWING GUM - you are eating without eating.... NEVER leave home without some low cal snacks, a bottle of water and some chewing gum in your handbag!!!

On the ice cream - as far as junk goes if you can train yourself to have a small scoop and no seconds (hard I know) you would be doing just fine! If you feel like you are always missing out it will become to hard for you... gotta have some fun too!

2008-01-28 6:37 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
Just a thought - what are your favourtie stress out foods? Maybe we can help you find some alternatives???

2008-01-28 6:53 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
I am a huge emotional eater, too. The best thing I can do is get away from the food. I know it sounds dumb. But if you're in one of those moods, leave the cafeteria. Finish your dinner and get out of Dodge! Go read a book, paint your nails, go for a walk, call a friend, drink some water, watch a movie, play on BT Anything that is a way from the food.

Binge foods for me : Peanut butter, skittles, bread (good bread like sour dough, rye, cracked wheat, etc) pretzels, granola, just about anything that isn't tied down when I'm stressed, depressed, bored, disappointed, insecure, etc, etc...

The surest way to start a binge for me is to eat a processed, sugary sweet, whether I am in a binge mood or not. That sugar starts the craving process. Then look out. One week at WW, I shared this during the meeting. My leader took me aside afterwards and told me to bake a lowfat chocolate cake and gave me a recipe. Then she told me to eat 1 slice per day for 3 days. 1 slice only. I did it and had a loss. She was trying to teach me that a sweet treat is ok, in MODERATION. So even if you do indulge, you haven't "runied everything". I love Weight Watchers. There is no cheating, just eating

2008-01-28 9:02 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

I can definitely be an emotional eater for sure...I don't know that there is anyone thing I go for though.

I second the gum--that helps tons.  The other thing, CARRY WATER WITH YOU.  Get a good size water bottle (32 ozs or so) and keep it full as much as you possible can.  When you get munchy you're often just thirsty, so drink water.  If you're like me and you like flavor, try the carbonated flavor waters (I love the Sam's Choice water good) or do Crystal Light or other drinks like that.

A handful of nuts usually help me with the salty cravings--and sometimes the sweet if I get a few honey roasted ones.  Again, dried fruit is a big help for me, and sometimes I can over do that...but I'm reminded of it later.

The drink water thing is way huge though, and it'll totally help you out in all aspects.

On a side--thanks for the kind run comments ya'll...I'm pretty much by myself in this town, and my running buddy is out with a bum knee right now, so I don't talk to him about it much because I know it drives him nuts he can't run.  Anyhow, the only outlet with people who really understand it is on here.  The encouragment rocks, and don't think I'm lying when I say I totally think about it when I'm pounding the pavement.

Now, put the donut down and drink some water!

2008-01-28 10:16 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Extreme Veteran
Vancouver, British Columbia
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

Thanks for all the support and advice.  I need to start bringing gum with me to meals.  and I think the get the hell out of dodge is going to have to be the one I use the most.  It's partially a grad student and free food survival mechanism I think.  If I have to buy it, I can control myself, but if it's free and it's there...

 I GET to go on my group run at 7:30 in the morning. Cool It's gonna be about freezing and could be snowing- but 19 days until my 8.5k and my first race ever.

2008-01-28 11:53 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
yahoo on a group run. that sounds like so much fun! i have always run alone, and i think it's be really cool to run WITH an actual person! my friend that got me going on triathlons lives a little over an hour away, so we don't train together, we just gab on the phone, and encourage one another, we're planning out first "together" race that's the one in april. can't wait can't wait can't wait.
she has REALLY bad arthritis (diagnosed at age 2!!) so running in cold weather is just something she CAN'T do, the rest, she's a swimming CHAMP!!
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