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2011-09-26 10:41 PM
in reply to: #3701454

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Ha! Funny, that comment about putting younger guys to shame; that only worked with some of them. The race had a few elite developmental youth types, and the overall winner was a 14-year old -- 5th best overall swim, 5th best overall bike, and FIRST overall run -- in 17:13!!! Ian Bean is the name -- remember it!

And coming in 10th overall was a guy 15-19, who looked maybe 15 or 16. He had 4th best swim and 5th best run....but needs a bit of work on the bike. But once he masters that, watch out for Nicholas Shea!

Sometimes people say we older folks are inspirtaional, but FWIW I get my inspiration from the younger ones who are devoting themselves to training rather than a cyber/socialnetworking lifestyle.

But! Many thanks for the big, glowing compliment; it is much appreciated!!

2011-09-27 7:20 AM
in reply to: #3256772

Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Great job Steve. I did not even know that you could be penalized for riding too far to the left.  I guess since I spend so much time hugging  the gutter I am not in any danger.    Nice to have you back Gene. I am working and doing a little training.  I too am looking for a winter plan.  I am going to concentrate on Eagleman in June of 2012.  It is hard to get started on a serious plan since it seems so far away.

I want to be in the new group.  We should be grandfathered.  What does that mean anyway?  Whose grandfather started that?

Gotta go to work now. 



2011-09-27 7:57 AM
in reply to: #3256772

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Taoyuan, Taiwan
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Great job Steve... that's amazing!


I'm getting back into running this week after 2 weeks totally off (I had my appendix taken out in a emergency surgery on 9/12) and am trolling around the boards looking for motivation.  Planning on doing a Half Marathon on 1/8/2012 and am really working towards that goal at the moment.  Cool thing is, my brother is gonna sign up with me, so we will be doing most of the run training together!

Hoping to get back on the bike on Sunday and do a ride with the club I just joined... they are planning on doing around 100k I think, but I'm gonna drop out early.  Not sure how my stomach will hold up to biking. (I mean if it feels OK running it should be fine right???)

2011-09-27 4:40 PM
in reply to: #3701643

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


I will google that about grandfathering. It seems like something I should know -- and maybe once did, but have since forgot?

I failed at getting a Nation's report up, and will try harder with the Nickel City races. But heck, I haven't even posted the numbers yet, so is there any real hope for me??

The oly was 39/121, the sprint was 10/158. Oly paces were 1:55/100m. 21.9mph, and 7:16/mile, and for the sprint they were 1:52/100, another 21.9mph, and an improved 7:03/mile. Amazingly, I came out of the weekend's efforts with abolutely no aches, pains, niggles, or wonks. Calloo, callay!!

2011-09-27 4:46 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

From Wikipedia: Grandfather Clause-

The term originated in late-19th-century legislation and constitutional amendments passed by a number of U.S. Southern states, which created new literacy and property restrictions on voting, but exempted those whose ancestors (grandfathers) had the right to vote before the Civil War. The intent and effect of such rules was to prevent poor and illiterate African American former slaves and their descendants from voting, but without denying poor and illiterate whites the right to vote. Although these original grandfather clauses were eventually ruled unconstitutional, the terms grandfather clause and grandfather remain in use, with no connotation regarding the justness of these provisions when applied in other areas.

Edited by Av8rTx 2011-09-27 4:47 PM
2011-09-27 6:52 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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San Jose
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

After a few weeks of this, that and the other thing and a bit of lurking, I apologize for not checking in sooner!

I did my last Oly of the season on 9/10. I did better then last year and over all it was a good race. We spent the night in Pacific Grove (down the road from Monterey) so we could celebrate our wedding anniversary with some friends who also raced (he did, his wife cheered us on) and had a wonderful dinner. The next day (our actual anniversary) we headed home, unpacked, repacked and got on a plane to England. Dave had a business trip and he asked me to go along so I said, sure! His office is about an hour out of London so I spent the days exploring. I ran along the River Thames, went to Windsor, Oxford, Eton and the little town of Marlow. We headed into to London for the weekend and had a great time there. I ran in Hyde Park and pretended I was one of the locals

Last weekend we went down to San Luis Obispo and rode our first century ride. It was a great day. I finished in 6 1/2 hours of riding time. The course, support and scenery made it a perfect first century.

I still have an HIM in October, a Turkey Trot in November and a half marathon in December. It seems like a lot of people are starting their off season and I think after the HIM I'll feel that way too.

I'm already planning next season and I'm pretty sure there is an Ironman in my future. I'm excited

I've missed a few of our groups races but with my stealth lurking it looks like everyone did great!

A new combined group sounds like a plus for all of us. I hope it works out.


2011-09-27 9:15 PM
in reply to: #3702695

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Ah, that rings some distant bells -- but maybe I'm just "inventing my memory"!

Speaking of memory......I had forgotten that I thought to myself a few hours ago that searching for its meaning might be a useful thing to do. So, in the absence of my remembering to do so, thanks for covering for me!

What are your thoughts on half-irons for next year....or at any other point.....or even an iron along the way? Was Branson positive enough for you that you want to do that distance again? Just curious!

2011-09-27 9:35 PM
in reply to: #3702994

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

stevebradley - 2011-09-27 9:15 PM JEFF - Ah, that rings some distant bells -- but maybe I'm just "inventing my memory"! Speaking of memory......I had forgotten that I thought to myself a few hours ago that searching for its meaning might be a useful thing to do. So, in the absence of my remembering to do so, thanks for covering for me! What are your thoughts on half-irons for next year....or at any other point.....or even an iron along the way? Was Branson positive enough for you that you want to do that distance again? Just curious!

I'm quick with the Wiki when stuck behind the computer all day!

My primary goal is an iron distance race in 2012, to that end I would like 1 maybe 2 HIM's, perhaps Ks 70.3, and a few others. My in laws are suddenly realy into me doing this stuff for some reason and they want Branson again, Muncie and Racine-I don't know why, neither of the latter two cities interest me much. I am amenable to Branson again depending on the calendar. IM options at the moment include Texas which still has openings, KY which occurs at a pretty good time of the year for me-my best cycling months volume-wise are from May to July. Also Fla, and Az obviously of the IM Branded events. The only non-branded race I am considering (in range) is Redman in my backyard so to speak. The final choice will come down to what is still available when I repair the big impact to our savings account and some other financial issues. After the iron distance race is selected and funded the shorter event options will become clear. If I drop the iron distance idea for '12 I would entertain 3 HIM's appropriately spaced or even making a serious focus at really conquering sprint distance races.

October 15th I am looking at doing back to back 5k's one in Pottsboro at 9am and the other in Denison 10am..(8 miles apart) sounds like fun.

I wish someone could organize a race based at Lake Texoma (not me though!-no patience)

2011-09-28 7:38 AM
in reply to: #3703018

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED



As for those 70.3, KS has its friends and its foes. The latter are really those people who come there expecting flatflatflat and are flummoxed that it's not that way at all; therefore, their opinions don't count! I think it sounds like a great bike course, rollers and somewhat technical for gearing and challenging without being a leg-eater.

A woman in my other active group did Racine as her first HIM and loved it. The only raps I have heard about it are the lake if it is "active" (i.e., pesky chop or big waves), and the run for a reason I can't remember now.

I did Muncie in '03 when it was just an independent, and also when it had its old course. It changed a couple of years ago to one that included downtown, but I think tere were rumors of it switching back. I also think I heard that the lake was very skanky this year, but when I did it it was fine. I think also it was non-wetsuit this year; in '03 it was wetsuit-legal.

What about Buffalo Springs Lake, out around Lubbock, I think. It is late June, and is known for heat and a wicked bike course; yet, people flock to it. Well, that was a few years ago when it had Kona spots (might still have some, along with Eagleman), and when there weren't such an abundance of half-irons, so I don't know how popular it still is.

For those irons, Louisville is always killer-hot and never wetsuit-legal; it nevcer fills quickly. Surprised that TX still has openings...but isn't that too soon for you? AZ and FL are great dates for you, but unless you volunteer there you might have to be quick on the computer to nab a spot when on-line registration opens the day after the race.

As for Redman, it has a great rep over the years, but when it happened last week there was virtually no really good water in which to swim. I'm sure that doesn't surprise you, given the water levels you dealt with over the summer, yes? The idea of swimming 2.4 in hot, smelly mud, almost, is a little tough to contemplate, and I think weather long-range weather predictions have another similar summer next year. Oh, my!

Finally, building yourself with half-irons is ultimately a smart way to do it -- and then look ahead to an iron when you have a better grasp on doing 70,3. Of course, there is absoluitley no way that doing even a bunch of half-irons can truly prepare one for an iron, as it is very far from being "just twice the distance". Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

In my case, by the time I did IMLP in '04 I had done 9 half-irons, so I did have a good sense of what it felt like to work pretty hard for 5+ hours ---- just no sense of what 12 hours felt like! But at least I knew how to pace, and mostly how to fuel myself, and I was just very thankful to have had that experience behind me. Beyond those nine HIM, there were 18 othertriathlons under my belt; IMLP was my 28th.

And rest assured that these things aren't going anywhere. In fact, if you wait until '13 there might even be a couple more from which to choose!

2011-09-28 8:52 AM
in reply to: #3703218

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

stevebradley - 2011-09-28 7:38 AM JEFF - Intriguing! As for those 70.3, KS has its friends and its foes. The latter are really those people who come there expecting flatflatflat and are flummoxed that it's not that way at all; therefore, their opinions don't count! I think it sounds like a great bike course, rollers and somewhat technical for gearing and challenging without being a leg-eater.

Being originaly from Kansas and having seen truly flat-west Texas-East Colo etc I know what to expect there. Technical is ok with me, makes the course more interesting. My mind has the entire city of Muncie red flagged as "skanky"-probably unfairly. In either case I have to consider the travel time as well as the event.

Any Texas event is on the table, Buffalo Springs Austin etc

May is early for me but I could still ride the momentum from this season toward that one. Ky is hot I know and didn't know about the wetsuit part, but maybe I can be ready for that. The lake levels in this part of the country can be unpredictable. This week the remains of a town that has been submerged for 70 years when the lake was built began to appear. In summer 2009 the lake flooded over the spillway for only the second time in the lake's history.

I admit I am relying, perhaps too much, on memories of racing for 24 hours and double centuries that lasted 12+ hours

2011-09-28 2:28 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Hello Everyone,

Gene - Congrats on the Half Marathon.

Steve - You DA Man.  Your time on your sprint is faster than my bike time on a sprint

Duncan - I hope you are getting better. Thats cool that you are running a Half Marathon on 1/8/12, I'm also doing a Half Marathon on 1/8/12 which will be my first. Ha when you are about to start your race I will be going to bed to get ready for my race.  I will give you a shout on 1/8/12 US to see how your race went and for any advice

Steve -  I like the idea of shutting it all down and moving it over to SUPER MOJO TEAM.  Are their any newbies on the other teams? It looks like I'm the only one hear that has not done a half marathon and I feel sad unless Duncan has not done one before then that would make double sad. 

I got an email today from the race director for my sprint this weekend and they said they measured the swim again and found in the past it was shorter than 600yards, so they are moving the bouy's out so the swim will be 600yds, man that stinks, I would love something less than 600 oh well.  Man this race is going to kill me, I'm not ready, but I will complete it.

I hope everyone has a great day

2011-09-28 2:37 PM
in reply to: #3704043

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New York
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

George -- I haven't done a half or marathon either... not sure I even have the inclination to want to..  Surprised

Good luck on your race!  You will do great... 

Steve - let us know about the move to a new group... I like the SUPER MOJO TEAM!  Now I need to get well enough to travel down to NJ for the event this weekend... not feeling great at this time...



2011-09-28 3:59 PM
in reply to: #3704057

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED
Super Mojo Team...I like it!!

Sorry...been lurking for the past couple of weeks....working tapering hard for my Int'l this weekend. Pinehurst here I come (or as they call it PineHURTS)! I heard this is a very hilly course so we'll see how I do, but I am hoping to finish in under least that is my goal! Luckily it appears this is going to be a wetsuit friendly a little less to worry about. Keep an eye out Steve...I'm #34...not sure how lucky that number is, but if anyone in this group can find some Mojo in that can!

Swim wave goes off at 8:10am on Saturday.....and hopefully by 12:30pm my beer wave will start at the local watering hole! Luckily my wife is going with me on this "Race-cation" so we are looking forward to a little QT over the weekend! Good luck on anyone else racing this weekend....I'll check back in next week with a race report....hopefully!

2011-09-29 8:09 AM
in reply to: #3704043

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Yes, there are, so You Are Not Alone! And my thought is to also just have a certain number of completely new-to-me people, so some of them will likely be new-to-racing, too.

BUT! Never feel bad about not having achieved a certain distance. First, there is no real magic in any of these distances, and second, we are all just experiments of one, and third, there is lots of times to work towards whatever goals we might have for ourselves. Some people can just romp through the distances with impunity, while others need time to build towards them. Either way, these races are not going away in our lifetimes, so you can approach them at your own pace, whatever works best with family and work and your own inclinations.

I know what you mean about someday wanting a swim to be measured short, and more often than not it happens the other way. But at Mossman I thought the swim was measured short, and then I wonder about how vaild my time for it really was. Bah!

Have a blast a your race -- even if you'e not really ready for it. Think about pacing the bike to some degree so that the run is not so demanding, and as I said last week -- learn from it whatever you can.

I've got two more this weekend; see below.

2011-09-29 8:18 AM
in reply to: #3704747

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


For me this weekend --

BASSMAN (international)
0.5-mile swim, 29-mile bike, 4.2-mile run
Pine Barrens area of NJ

This is one I'm registered for, and it will be my third Bassman event. There was the half-iron in '07, with it's "signature" 58-mile bike (rather than standard 56-mile), and then the international in '09. At both I had problematic runs, and while I need to avenge nyself on that course and should probably focus exclusively on Bassman, I have recently learned of.....

0.5-mile swim, 10-mile bike, 3.5-mile run
Bayville, NJ

I haven't signed-up yet, but race-day registartion will be available, and right now I am planning to leave tomorrow morning and do both races. I worry some that Clam might compromise Bass, but seeing as how this is likely the end of the season for me, I'm prepared to let it all hang out at Bassman. Easier said than done, though, so we'll see what happens.

ANYHOW, if I'm away for a few days, that'll be why. I'm definitely gone Saturday and Sunday, but if I do Clam Man I have to leave tomorrow morning. Clam Man features a clam bake post-race......but sadly I don't like clams. Boo-hoo! Neat webiste:

2011-09-29 8:20 AM
in reply to: #3704057

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Ack! Hope you can make it!!

When I mentioned something last week about running thoughts, it was mostly that if you'd like to do a small run after the race, I'm game. I don't know if I can help with your mental block about running, but I'd be more than happy to watch you and see what I can see about your running techniique. Think about it, okay? And get well!!!

2011-09-29 9:33 AM
in reply to: #3704162

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


The word on the street is that the Pinehurst bike course HAS to be respected, so work hard at staying within yourself. It's no course for false bravado, as most people who shoot for that end up paying dearly on the run.

Will you have a chance to drive the bike course beforehand? I thjink it would be a great course on which to do that, just to try and figure out how many of the climbs can be attacked, and which ones just need to be grinded up (ground up?).

No fears about 34 -- it's a good number. I have a fine relationship with the number 34, so I think I can help with some workable mojo!

Thinking about Pinehurst, I haven't had a Pinehurtst-type course this year. West Point was challenging, but not like Pinehurst, and also half the distance of Phurst. But the rest were flat to mostly flat, and I kind of missed racing on some of the tougher bike courses. I do comparatively well on hills, so I have kind of put my skillset on the back burner. DOH!

Have a great day out there, and also try to appreciate the New England architectural flavor that Pinehurst is known for. (Damn Red Sox...... )

2011-09-29 9:39 AM
in reply to: #3703366

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Muncie was a bit down in the dumps in '03, and probably isn't much better now. There were parts of it that are quite pretty, and several of the downtown streets looked quite nice. It probably helps the city a lot that Ball State University is there.

That said, while in getting her race stuff and doing the pre-race briefing at the convention center, a woman's car windows were smashed and stuff was stolen from her front and back seats -- in broad daylight!

Check out the nature of the IMLOO swim, which is time-trial and has an odd course that is easy to misnavigate. But the finish is superb, right downtowm along the stretch known as "Fourth Street Live!" Something to work into the evening for, I guess!

2011-09-29 10:25 AM
in reply to: #3704934

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

stevebradley - 2011-09-29 9:39 AM JEFF - Muncie was a bit down in the dumps in '03, and probably isn't much better now. There were parts of it that are quite pretty, and several of the downtown streets looked quite nice. It probably helps the city a lot that Ball State University is there. That said, while in getting her race stuff and doing the pre-race briefing at the convention center, a woman's car windows were smashed and stuff was stolen from her front and back seats -- in broad daylight! Check out the nature of the IMLOO swim, which is time-trial and has an odd course that is easy to misnavigate. But the finish is superb, right downtowm along the stretch known as "Fourth Street Live!" Something to work into the evening for, I guess!

There is no logical reason for Muncie to be in my head, as anything, but it is, as is Gary in, somehow I internalized those cities as having a bad reputation. Odd considering that in my own town of 25k someone came in my house last Friday night stole my laptop and about 3 old cell phones.

2012 will work itsself out some way. A river swim sounds interesting, a Texas IM debut fits well with my own Texas bravado-who knows

2011-09-29 10:56 AM
in reply to: #3705014

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


I don't know Muncie's history, but maybe automotive-based? It now seems to be farm-country/light-industry, but whatever -- it is far remobved from the hellhole of Gary. That said, I have never ventured into Gary, but many times have driven past it on the expessways. Yikes.

We loved Buffalo last weekend, but the extent of factory abandonment is vast. It is hard to see how a city can survive losing THAT much overt he past few decades, but just yesterday the NY Times told me that in some regards Buffalo and Rochester are recovering better than NYC, and the same goes for Youngstown and Akron when compared with Colorado Springs and Tucson. I don't know what indicators are being used, however.

The IMLOO swim used to be upstream and around an island and then back again past the swim start, with the trick being going around the island. I think it's that it gets narrow and shallow, and in a semi-low year people can get "grounded" if they stray too far from the narrow, deeper channel. It can also be yechhy water; but what else can be expected from the Ohio down thattaway?

Sorry about the burglary. Sheesh.

2011-09-29 2:28 PM
in reply to: #3704043

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Taoyuan, Taiwan
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED
gdsemiller - 2011-09-29 3:28 AM

Hello Everyone,

Gene - Congrats on the Half Marathon.

Steve - You DA Man.  Your time on your sprint is faster than my bike time on a sprint

Duncan - I hope you are getting better. Thats cool that you are running a Half Marathon on 1/8/12, I'm also doing a Half Marathon on 1/8/12 which will be my first. Ha when you are about to start your race I will be going to bed to get ready for my race.  I will give you a shout on 1/8/12 US to see how your race went and for any advice

Steve -  I like the idea of shutting it all down and moving it over to SUPER MOJO TEAM.  Are their any newbies on the other teams? It looks like I'm the only one hear that has not done a half marathon and I feel sad unless Duncan has not done one before then that would make double sad. 

I got an email today from the race director for my sprint this weekend and they said they measured the swim again and found in the past it was shorter than 600yards, so they are moving the bouy's out so the swim will be 600yds, man that stinks, I would love something less than 600 oh well.  Man this race is going to kill me, I'm not ready, but I will complete it.

I hope everyone has a great day



You're not alone.  It's my first Half Mary too!  I will definitely try to log in and give you any 'last minute' advice I can think of... that is of course assuming I can still make it up the stairs to my computer by that point.  I'm pretty excited about it, but also full of self doubt over a new distance.

I'm sure you'll rock your event this weekend!  Good Luck!

2011-09-29 8:56 PM
in reply to: #3705096

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Sigh.......still no race reports from Nickel City last weekend. So, in lieu of those (for now?) here are the raw numbers:

OLYMPIC (Saturday)
SW -- 32:53 (2nd age group, 68 overall) -- 1:55/100m
T1 -- 1:13 (2nd a.g., 37th o.a)
BK -- 1:08:55 (1st 1.g., 26th o.a.) -- 21.9mph
T2 -- 1:14 (3rd a.g., 82nd o.a.)
RN -- 45:01 (1st a.g., 35 o.a.) -- 7:16/mile

2:29:16 (perfomance) ------ but officially 2:31:16 for 2-minute penalty for "Position"
2/5 M60-64
39/121 overall

SPRINT (Sunday)
SW -- 15:59 (1st a,g,, 46th o.a) -- 1:52/100m
T1 --1:04 (1st a.g., 17th o.a.
BK -- 34:34 (1st a.g., 31st o.a.) -- 21.9mph
T2 -- 0:55 (1st a,g,. 82nd o.a.)
RN -- 21:52 (1st a.g., 20th o.a.) -- 7:03/mile

1/3 M60-64
15/158 overall

Additional comments later (????)

Edited by stevebradley 2011-10-02 11:50 PM
2011-09-29 9:39 PM
in reply to: #3256772

Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Steve, George,

I registered for Nations next year.  Hope to see you there.  Life is complicated, I will elaborate later.


2011-10-01 4:37 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Hello All,

Well I'm beat tired and I hope I can stay up till about 10:30 tonight to see Alabama put a beating on the Florida Gators.  Well the race was fun but very brutal. The swim I was very happy with.  I actually swam most of it and I did a few odd strokes when i got tired and then back to freestyle.  Man the jellyfish were out today, but did not get stung Yeahhh.  Next race I plan to start in the front and not towards the back. I rather folks swim over me then have to stop for people going left, right and not going at all.  Once thing I'm happy about it my steering, I seem to keep a straight line. I would pop mu head up once in a while and I was still on the same path.  I finished the swim in just a little over 14 minutes (600yds Gulf of Mexico), but it took me about 2 minutes to make my way up the beach to the chip mat.  The bike, man it was brutal, had a stong headwind going out 9 miles and I thought I would kick it on the way back, but there was a headwind also, I guess the winds were shifting around.  Bike was good though, I finished 37 out of 81 in my AG.  The run, well just like the last 3 tri's this year it stunk.  I plan to start next week working more on the running and less on the bike and swimming since I have no more tri's this year and I need to get ready for my half marathon on 1/8/12.  Over all I was very pleased with my race considering I have been out for about 5 weeks.  Here is the link to my race report.

Johanne - Looks like you still have a busy year, good luck with all your training. 

David, If your race was today then I hope you were happy with it and if it's tomorrow then good luck.

Well I would chat somemore but I'm tired and ready for a nap. 

I hope everyone has a great Sunday

2011-10-01 6:19 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Good race George, especially considering everything you have been through-even a 2 week set back seems to really slow me down.

I am about to get my long run in that I have had scheduled for this morning! I got tangled up in yard work I had put off all summer  and I rediscovered my work shop and put some time into an end table my Mom requested a year ago! A few hours with my table saw and router  was very therapeutic I think. all summer long I had some rough cut pieces and a sketch on my workbench-now I have the carcass built up, a drawer made and the top glued up and drying. That's what happens when the temps drop a little and you don't have a race scheduled for 3 weeks!

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