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2011-10-01 9:37 PM
in reply to: #3701518

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED
What is a periodized plan?I like the idea of the super group of combined older groups with some newbies.

2011-10-01 9:54 PM
in reply to: #3707869

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Sementi - 2011-10-01 9:37 PM What is a periodized plan?I like the idea of the super group of combined older groups with some newbies.

Periodization is just a method of structuring your training based on cycles designed to reach a peak for a specified event or time of year. If you look st BT's training plan you will see wording like "base 1" or "build 2" and of course "taper" those are periodization concepts.

2011-10-01 9:55 PM
in reply to: #3707702

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED
gdsemiller - 2011-10-01 2:37 PM

Hello All,

Well I'm beat tired and I hope I can stay up till about 10:30 tonight to see Alabama put a beating on the Florida Gators.  Well the race was fun but very brutal. The swim I was very happy with.  I actually swam most of it and I did a few odd strokes when i got tired and then back to freestyle.  Man the jellyfish were out today, but did not get stung Yeahhh.  Next race I plan to start in the front and not towards the back. I rather folks swim over me then have to stop for people going left, right and not going at all.  Once thing I'm happy about it my steering, I seem to keep a straight line. I would pop mu head up once in a while and I was still on the same path.  I finished the swim in just a little over 14 minutes (600yds Gulf of Mexico), but it took me about 2 minutes to make my way up the beach to the chip mat.  The bike, man it was brutal, had a stong headwind going out 9 miles and I thought I would kick it on the way back, but there was a headwind also, I guess the winds were shifting around.  Bike was good though, I finished 37 out of 81 in my AG.  The run, well just like the last 3 tri's this year it stunk.  I plan to start next week working more on the running and less on the bike and swimming since I have no more tri's this year and I need to get ready for my half marathon on 1/8/12.  Over all I was very pleased with my race considering I have been out for about 5 weeks.  Here is the link to my race report.

Johanne - Looks like you still have a busy year, good luck with all your training. 

David, If your race was today then I hope you were happy with it and if it's tomorrow then good luck.

Well I would chat somemore but I'm tired and ready for a nap. 

I hope everyone has a great Sunday

Sounds like a great race. Unfortunately I'm one of those swimmers who is all over the course. I really wish there were straight lines on the bottom of the lakes.
2011-10-01 10:04 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Here is a Wiki article on the subject:

And one written by a USAT coach:

It is hard for me to break the year up that way since there is essentially no 'off season" for me. When the triathlon stuff winds down around here the running events pick up steam on into the spring and overlapping those two seasons are cycling events.

2011-10-02 9:25 AM
in reply to: #3256772

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Jeff - Yard work and then a long run, WOW.  When I do yard work, I'm done for the day and we have a small yard.

I know there has been talk about half marathon and marathon training plans. Go everyone give me some insight to what plan you followed and how did it work and how many weeks it was.  I found a 12 week Hal Higdon Half Mary that looks pretty good and I like it because it does not start until 10/17 so that gives me a little time to start building up for it.  Here is the link

Well I hope everyone has a great Sunday.

2011-10-02 9:40 AM
in reply to: #3708025

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED
gdsemiller - 2011-10-02 9:25 AM

Jeff - Yard work and then a long run, WOW.  When I do yard work, I'm done for the day and we have a small yard.

I know there has been talk about half marathon and marathon training plans. Go everyone give me some insight to what plan you followed and how did it work and how many weeks it was.  I found a 12 week Hal Higdon Half Mary that looks pretty good and I like it because it does not start until 10/17 so that gives me a little time to start building up for it.  Here is the link

Well I hope everyone has a great Sunday.


We have been under drought conditions all summer, so nothing has grown, so no mowing. Mostly just cleaning up, composting, and some repairs I neglected when it got real hot and I was real busy. I tore down the old rabbit hutch, out of the rabbit game for now. Will be building a new garden shed in that location, possibly big enough for a small rabbitry as well. Need to get ready for spring chicks too.

The last HM plan I followed had a triathlon stuck in it. I did my first HM on 1-1-11 but had tore some sort of hip or quad muscle and just struggled through it, not well trained, then I did one 2-19-11 3 weeks after spraining my ankle on ice, once again-not well trained or ready. so my advice would be to not sprain, tear or twist anything you need for running!

Right now I am running daily-Mon easy ad lib, Tuesday tempo pace-3-4 miles, Wed medium distance Z-2, Thursday is speed work-typically 400 or 800 repeats or intervals on the road, Fri is easy ad lib, Sat long run, Sunday 1-3 easy.

Maybe start your long run at around 5 or 6 miles, make Wed be 4 Tuesday and Thu be 3 and do whatever you feel on the other days. add a mile or so each week for three weeks then pull back a little for a week then do it again.-See what Steve says it's a pretty basic concept though.

2011-10-02 5:22 PM
in reply to: #3707882

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED
Av8rTx - 2011-10-01 8:04 PM

Here is a Wiki article on the subject:

And one written by a USAT coach:

It is hard for me to break the year up that way since there is essentially no 'off season" for me. When the triathlon stuff winds down around here the running events pick up steam on into the spring and overlapping those two seasons are cycling events.

The web site helps, thanks. I'll have to ponder it a bit.
2011-10-02 5:25 PM
in reply to: #3708025

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED
gdsemiller - 2011-10-02 7:25 AM

Jeff - Yard work and then a long run, WOW.  When I do yard work, I'm done for the day and we have a small yard.

I know there has been talk about half marathon and marathon training plans. Go everyone give me some insight to what plan you followed and how did it work and how many weeks it was.  I found a 12 week Hal Higdon Half Mary that looks pretty good and I like it because it does not start until 10/17 so that gives me a little time to start building up for it.  Here is the link

Well I hope everyone has a great Sunday.

The Higdon plan is the one I just. Gone done using, I recommend it highly. You can wait until the 17th or start now and build in a couple of recovery weeks.
2011-10-03 8:57 AM
in reply to: #3256772

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New York
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Hope everyone had a good weekend racing and training.... STEVE -- sorry I missed you this weekend.  I hope you had a great race.  I was home nursing a jaw problem, couldn't get in to see the dentist until today.  Haven't been able to eat since Thursday... only liquid...  so needless to say there was no way I could get down for the race... I hope there isn't a root canal in my near future....  

Well... off to work!


2011-10-03 9:47 AM
in reply to: #3708025

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San Jose
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED
gdsemiller - 2011-10-02 7:25 AM

Jeff - Yard work and then a long run, WOW.  When I do yard work, I'm done for the day and we have a small yard.

I know there has been talk about half marathon and marathon training plans. Go everyone give me some insight to what plan you followed and how did it work and how many weeks it was.  I found a 12 week Hal Higdon Half Mary that looks pretty good and I like it because it does not start until 10/17 so that gives me a little time to start building up for it.  Here is the link

Well I hope everyone has a great Sunday.


I've used a Hal Higdon plan for a couple of runs. I like them a lot. Good variety and it got me ready for the races. 

Great job on your tri too!


2011-10-03 10:53 AM
in reply to: #3709016

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED
Hey Gang!
I am back from Pinehurst and I must say I really enjoyed my first International distance event! Pinehurst was a great venue and I understand why it is such a difficult course. Hills are everywhere!!! But I did manage to beat my goal time and felt really good about that. I plan on working on my race report this week, but here is a breif snampshot of the event:

Swim: 39:24 (2:24/100yd) AG: 41/44
T1: 2:26 AG: 18/44
Bike: 1:49:29 (official), 1:42:29* (unofficial) 17.56mph AG: 31/44
**Lost my aerobottle on a major bridge crossing and spent 7 minutes trying to reattach it to the bike**
T2: 1:30 AG: 27/44
Run: 53:15 (8:35/mile) AG: 32/44
Total: 3:26:03 (official) and 3:19:03 (unofficial) AG: 32/44

More details on the aerobottle incident in my race report...but that was the first time I ever had to get off the bike for repairs and what an awful feeling to hear everyone zooming past you...I was sick to my stomach!!!

Overall solid race...enjoyed the distance and was really happy with my run. First time I ever broke the 1hr mark on a 10k!

Thanks for all the MOJO!

2011-10-03 11:06 AM
in reply to: #3709147

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

triwolfpack - 2011-10-03 8:53 AM Hey Gang! I am back from Pinehurst and I must say I really enjoyed my first International distance event! Pinehurst was a great venue and I understand why it is such a difficult course. Hills are everywhere!!! But I did manage to beat my goal time and felt really good about that. I plan on working on my race report this week, but here is a breif snampshot of the event: Swim: 39:24 (2:24/100yd) AG: 41/44 T1: 2:26 AG: 18/44 Bike: 1:49:29 (official), 1:42:29* (unofficial) 17.56mph AG: 31/44 **Lost my aerobottle on a major bridge crossing and spent 7 minutes trying to reattach it to the bike** T2: 1:30 AG: 27/44 Run: 53:15 (8:35/mile) AG: 32/44 Total: 3:26:03 (official) and 3:19:03 (unofficial) AG: 32/44 More details on the aerobottle incident in my race report...but that was the first time I ever had to get off the bike for repairs and what an awful feeling to hear everyone zooming past you...I was sick to my stomach!!! Overall solid race...enjoyed the distance and was really happy with my run. First time I ever broke the 1hr mark on a 10k! Thanks for all the MOJO! David


Sounds like great ay.  What exactly are the international distances?

2011-10-03 11:28 AM
in reply to: #3709170

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED
Sementi - 2011-10-03 11:06 AM

  What exactly are the international distances?

I think "international distance" is used interchangeably with "Olympic Distance" -1500 m swim, 40K bike, 10K run

2011-10-03 12:27 PM
in reply to: #3709202

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED
I think "international distance" is used interchangeably with "Olympic Distance" -1500 m swim, 40K bike, 10K run

You're right about the distance...although for whatever reason the bike on this was 30 miles (50k-ish?)....but usually the Swim and Run are pretty consistent...the bike always seems to differ depending on the race.
2011-10-03 3:25 PM
in reply to: #3709307

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Back late-late last night from my weekend's adventures, and a busy day today, and I'm really feeling the fatigue now. It was about 9 hours driving each way, and that combined with the two all-out races has done me in. Mercy!

Very pleased with my results, with numbers below. This was the first time I have raced four times in two consecutive weekends, and right now the end-of-season is very welcome!

Saturday -- CLAM MAN (0.4/10/3.5 -- oddball distances!)

SW -- 13:17 (25th o.a.)
T1 -- 0:54
BK -- 28:58 (11th o.a.) (20.7mph)
T2 -- 0:51
RN -- 25:14 (22nd o.a.) (7:13/mile)


13/67 overall
1/2 M60-64

Sunday -- BASSMAN (0.5/29/4.2 -- more oddball distances!)

SW -- 17:08 (40th overall)
T1 -- 1:12 (15th o.a.)
BK -- 1:20:23 (17th o.a.) (21.6mph)
T2 -- 1:05 (52nd o.a.)
RN -- 28:45 (29th o.a.) (6:50/mile)


22/125 overall
1/2 M60-64

Um.....details later???

Edited by stevebradley 2011-10-03 3:58 PM
2011-10-03 3:29 PM
in reply to: #3709659

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

GANG again --

I owe lots, hope to complete it all by tonight.

GEORGE and DAVID -- well done, with comments to follow!

GENE -- terrific photo!!!!!

ALEX -- I kept looking for you at spot 108....and no you. Hope you're better!

2011-10-03 3:29 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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San Jose
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED
Wow Steve! You can really race! Faster the second day at a longer distance. Truly amazing.
2011-10-03 3:36 PM
in reply to: #3709663

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

GANG once more --

Yes, sometimes olympic and international are interchengeable, but technically if it isn't 1500/40/10, it isn't olympic. So for my Bassman, set at a sprint swim (0.5 mile) and an obverlong bike (29 miles) and an underlong run (4.2 miles), it would be international -- or to confuse things more, intermediate.

There is no other name for un-sprint "sprints". So, Clam Man had a shorter swim (0.4), a shorter bike (10 miles) , and a longer run (3.5 miles). It was certainly within their powers to have it a regulation sprint, but because they also ran a simultaneous race at shorter distances (0.25/10/3.0) than most of the above, they just wanted to make the two demonstrably different. As it was, I loved the distances of my event -- just something different, i guess!

Clam Man was a fabulous event, and I'll say more about it later.

2011-10-03 3:42 PM
in reply to: #3709683

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

stevebradley - 2011-10-03 3:36 PM GANG once more -- Yes, sometimes olympic and international are interchengeable, but technically if it isn't 1500/40/10, it isn't olympic. So for my Bassman, set at a sprint swim (0.5 mile) and an obverlong bike (29 miles) and an underlong run (4.2 miles), it would be international -- or to confuse things more, intermediate. There is no other name for un-sprint "sprints". So, Clam Man had a shorter swim (0.4), a shorter bike (10 miles) , and a longer run (3.5 miles). It was certainly within their powers to have it a regulation sprint, but because they also ran a simultaneous race at shorter distances (0.25/10/3.0) than most of the above, they just wanted to make the two demonstrably different. As it was, I loved the distances of my event -- just something different, i guess! Clam Man was a fabulous event, and I'll say more about it later.

Great explanation.

What an odd distance-a ten mile bike sounds hard to me actually given it takes me about 6 or 7 miles to get warmed up

2011-10-03 4:02 PM
in reply to: #3709699

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


That's partly true. It was windy on the out part, and at that distance I felt I had to fight the wind; waste too much time warming up and adjusting....and the bike leg is over!

I felt pretty taxed by the turnaround, and in the way that ocean breezes can work, it was whirling and even seemed tough on parts of the the return. The run, though, seemd to give back on the return, following virtually the same route as the bike. The wind was a factor heading out, but negligible on the return. Whew!

2011-10-03 4:13 PM
in reply to: #3709667

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Yes, it worked out nicely that way. I wasn't sure how it would turn out, as genrally when I do back-to-backs I like having the long one first -- less suffering on the second event! Thatwas a good thing about the previous weekend in Buffalo, with the oly on Saturday and the sprint on Sunday.

I didn't really hold anything back at Clam Man, and for Bassman I just felt that it was the last race of the season, so I might as well bury myself in a total effort. At times on the bike I felt I didn't have enough "snap" in my legs, but then I'd just mix up my gearing for about 20-30 seconds and would be fine again.

The only real concession I made to all-out was at the end of the bike, where for the final 2-3 miles I eased up some. That worked well for my run at Nation's (7:03/mile), and it worked even better yesterday (6:50/mile)......although Nation's was 6.2 miles and Bassman was 4.2 miles. (But Bass bike was about 4 miles longer than Nation's.)

My two previous forays at Bassman (HIM in '07, int'l in '09) were marred by problematic runs, so I was kind of spooked by the run yesterday. Thatwas part of the reason I backed off some on the bike, just to improve my chances at having a happy run. It took me about a nile to find my groove, and then for the rest I was quite supercharged. It was a very good feeling -- ans sweet redemption on my other Bassman races!

2011-10-03 4:22 PM
in reply to: #3707702

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


I GUESS you have to be pleased with how the race went!! (See? The layoff hardly hurt you at all! )

Great account of the swim, and as you're learning -- steering matters. And FWIW, in jellyfish races it matters to start further back, as the front people manage to scatter them. I'll bet those were the foks who got stung, while the rest of you emerged unscathed. Seriously, I have heard that is a vaild strategy to use in jellyfishy races -- start further back.

Beautiful bike, especially in the a.g. ranking. That is comfortably in the top half, which is impressive for one who is new to this stuff. But also impressibve is how hard you worked on the bike this season, so you reaped the rewards of your efforts.

And so I think you are right to downplay the bike and swim for a while and concentrate on the run, especially with the half-marathon in the works. I'm sure you've said, but which one is it?

I will get over to your full report in a while; right now I'm just stealing time from Lynn on the computer!

2011-10-03 4:28 PM
in reply to: #3705978

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Edited by stevebradley 2011-10-03 4:29 PM
2011-10-03 6:26 PM
in reply to: #3709683

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

stevebradley - 2011-10-03 1:36 PM GANG once more -- Yes, sometimes olympic and international are interchengeable, but technically if it isn't 1500/40/10, it isn't olympic. So for my Bassman, set at a sprint swim (0.5 mile) and an obverlong bike (29 miles) and an underlong run (4.2 miles), it would be international -- or to confuse things more, intermediate. There is no other name for un-sprint "sprints". So, Clam Man had a shorter swim (0.4), a shorter bike (10 miles) , and a longer run (3.5 miles). It was certainly within their powers to have it a regulation sprint, but because they also ran a simultaneous race at shorter distances (0.25/10/3.0) than most of the above, they just wanted to make the two demonstrably different. As it was, I loved the distances of my event -- just something different, i guess! Clam Man was a fabulous event, and I'll say more about it later.


Two races in two days is impressive, add in 18 hours of driving and we're talking awesome undertaking.

2011-10-03 6:27 PM
in reply to: #3709659

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

stevebradley - 2011-10-03 1:25 PM GANG! Back late-late last night from my weekend's adventures, and a busy day today, and I'm really feeling the fatigue now. It was about 9 hours driving each way, and that combined with the two all-out races has done me in. Mercy! Very pleased with my results, with numbers below. This was the first time I have raced four times in two consecutive weekends, and right now the end-of-season is very welcome! Saturday -- CLAM MAN (0.4/10/3.5 -- oddball distances!) SW -- 13:17 (25th o.a.) T1 -- 0:54 BK -- 28:58 (11th o.a.) (20.7mph) T2 -- 0:51 RN -- 25:14 (22nd o.a.) (7:13/mile) 1:09:15 13/67 overall 1/2 M60-64 Sunday -- BASSMAN (0.5/29/4.2 -- more oddball distances!) SW -- 17:08 (40th overall) T1 -- 1:12 (15th o.a.) BK -- 1:20:23 (17th o.a.) (21.6mph) T2 -- 1:05 (52nd o.a.) RN -- 28:45 (29th o.a.) (6:50/mile) 2:08:31 22/125 overall 1/2 M60-64 Um.....details later???

Only 2 in your age group both days, was it you and the same guy in both?

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