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2015-11-29 11:16 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by Qua17

Originally posted by drfoodlove

Jenn--good to hear you are feeling a little better!

I hope everyone had an excellent Thanksgiving!

Spent the week at my folk's house,mmeaning lots of food and very little avtivity! It was fun though! My mom and I went swimming on Wednesday at her pool and I'm realizing how spoiled I am swimming at the university. I had to quit after 1800yds because I was sea sick from how rough the water was. There was a family playing water volleyball on one side of the pool and three lap swimmers on the other side and it felt like the ocean on a stormy day. Thursday was the turkey trot. I did better than expected, beating my overall goal pace by 10sec per mile, but my pacing was terrible. I went out too fast, more than a min per mile faster than goal, and faded across the back half. Coupled with the fact that the course was a little long, and uphill on the way back, it made for a rough race.

Taking one more day to relax and recouperate from the trip and back at it tomorrow morning!

It's a Turkey Trot and Gretchen goes out and tries to crush it = b@d! Sorry it didn't go the way you wanted - but you have been a machine this year as well as an inspiration!

2015-11-29 11:19 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by Qua17

Got my run in yesterday and did 25 on the bike tonight.

During my ride, I ran into a bunch of idiots and I signalled and moved into the correct lane - and following the traffic laws, which is the rule in MA when there is no bike lane.

Husband: Hey - you aint in no car.
Wife: Yea - this isn't a bike lane (she probably meant path)

What I said - OK. Thanks! Merry Christmas.
What I spent the next hour wishing I had said - Hey Genius. You are correct. This fine bike - Billy Baroo - is not a car but it's more beautiful car than yours ever was or will be.. But I'm just following MA laws. And Ma'am - since it's not a bike lane, I have to follow the same rules as you. Oh and since I was ahead of you and I signaled - I had the right of way and you needed to slow down for me. Oh and by the way - use your turn signal next time.


Still had a nice rice. And as a bonus... Dropped a pound this morning on the scale. 48 to go.
Strong work on the workouts, weight loss and the patience and ability to bite tongue. Way to get out there in that balmy mass. fall weather.
2015-11-29 11:30 PM
in reply to: kevinbe

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
My goals this month are to make 3 runs per week. 2 intermediate, 1 long run while I continue to build for 50K. Also playing hockey 1 night a week for exercise/stress relief.

I barely made it this week. I ran 3 miles early in the week, and started getting lightheaded and seeing spots 2 miles into it. Had to shut er down and take the walk of shame at 10:40 at night for the last mile. I blame poor nutrition, and running after having a glass of red, and 2 IPA's. I do not think I'd do well at those drink a beer every mile runs they have.

I got my last two runs in this weekend, and built mileage up to 4.65 today.
Next weeks goals: 4.15 miler, 4.65 miler, and 6.25 mile long run

Goals for 2016:
Spokane river run 50K trail run in April (my first)
Lilac Bloomsday 12K sprint in May
Spokane marathon in October
Will look for another 50K/or look to build to 50 miler.

Go Redskins, big win today over big blue.
2015-11-30 5:42 AM
in reply to: kevinbe

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by kevinbe

My goals this month are to make 3 runs per week. 2 intermediate, 1 long run while I continue to build for 50K. Also playing hockey 1 night a week for exercise/stress relief.

I barely made it this week. I ran 3 miles early in the week, and started getting lightheaded and seeing spots 2 miles into it. Had to shut er down and take the walk of shame at 10:40 at night for the last mile. I blame poor nutrition, and running after having a glass of red, and 2 IPA's. I do not think I'd do well at those drink a beer every mile runs they have.

I got my last two runs in this weekend, and built mileage up to 4.65 today.
Next weeks goals: 4.15 miler, 4.65 miler, and 6.25 mile long run

Goals for 2016:
Spokane river run 50K trail run in April (my first)
Lilac Bloomsday 12K sprint in May
Spokane marathon in October
Will look for another 50K/or look to build to 50 miler.

Go Redskins, big win today over big blue.

Kevin - So, now I know how I could beat you in a race - just slipped you a couple of beers Seriously - your walk of shame is faster than my fastest mile time! The 50K goal is serious business! I have one on my calendar too!

Skins in first place? Hell has frozen over!
2015-11-30 5:46 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Hi BDAS - Let's finish off the year by bringing back an old tradition - posting our monthly goals. To add yours - just hit the REPLY button and you can add your goals below the rest of BDAS.

The holidays are coming so put everything into the first couple weeks of the year to ensure you can enjoy all those holiday cookies and beers!
2015-11-30 5:52 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Kevin - 3 runs per week. 2 intermediate, 1 long run while I continue to build for 50K. Also playing hockey 1 night a week for exercise/stress relief.

DQ - 1) Lose 2 LB's per week, 2) do PT to fix shoulder (and Achilles) so I can build up to 300 yards in the pool, 3) ride 25 miles for long ride each week, 4) build runs without injury

2015-11-30 10:09 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Kevin - 3 runs per week. 2 intermediate, 1 long run while I continue to build for 50K. Also playing hockey 1 night a week for exercise/stress relief.

DQ - 1) Lose 2 LB's per week, 2) do PT to fix shoulder (and Achilles) so I can build up to 300 yards in the pool, 3) ride 25 miles for long ride each week, 4) build runs without injury

Gretchen--1.) Minimum 21 workouts; 2.) Swim at least 13,716.82yds, preferably more; 3.) Bike 85 miles; 4.) 55 mile run month; 5.) plank 1min everyday
2015-11-30 10:15 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Two in the books this morning (378 & 379/400). Nice run with the pup around the neighborhood and then 2200m in the pool. I wanted to keep swimming, but the pool closed. I keep running into that now that the sun doesn't come up until 6:30 and I want to run then swim. Guess it is time to really seriously think about those lights for running (and biking!).

I posted my goals above. Most will get me to my 2015 goals. 21 workouts will get me to 400 for the year. 13K+ change swim yds will get me to my 100 miles (plus my mom's 35!). 85 miles on the bike will get me to 1500 for the year. There is no way I can make my run goal for the year, I must have been on crack when I thought it up. 55 miles would be the best run month I've ever had in the US (done more in Egypt, but that is when I only run, nothing else). The plank goal wasn't part of my 2015 goals, but I threw it in there as something to keep me focused during December, which is usually when the wheels fall off any type of routine.
2015-11-30 1:46 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Hi back and hoping to slowly get into everything!

I've got some questions and am hoping for some advice.

Basically, I'm not sure how successful this surgery was, as the end result is that I now have an artifact in my bad eye that floats (it's an oil bubble) when I face down. All I see is that bubble when face down. I really don't know how this is going to affect swimming, and probably will not be able to find out for several months. I'm hoping to still be able to swim, but if not will need to likely focus on duathlons. And for some odd reason, I'm finding myself attracted to half marathons. ?? LOL.

So with that said, the doctor gave me the all clear to start jogging. It's not going to be pretty, as I have to stop when I have any head or eye pain, but I get to start. Whew! Now--if I'd only just had the past five or so weeks off, I think I'd just try to pick up where I left off and get to my 4 mile runs as I felt comfortable--I think earlier in the year after the first surgery that took about a month and I really was right back where I left off. BUT--I did have a hamstring tendon strain towards the end of summer, and this is a pretty tricky injury to get over. I'm TOTALLY over it now, but I'm a little nervous about re-aggravating it which I understand can be easy. And I did feel it in my knee (where the hamstring attaches to the front of the leg) on my *one* half mile run thus far, although there was no hamstring tightness the next day which is my guide for whether I have stressed the tendon. So I'm a little unsure as to how to start up. Any advice from the more experienced runners? I mean, I could just do a C25K program, but since I'm way more experienced than that it seems like it might be overkill and too slow?


2015-11-30 4:01 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Kevin - 3 runs per week. 2 intermediate, 1 long run while I continue to build for 50K. Also playing hockey 1 night a week for exercise/stress relief.

DQ - 1) Lose 2 LB's per week, 2) do PT to fix shoulder (and Achilles) so I can build up to 300 yards in the pool, 3) ride 25 miles for long ride each week, 4) build runs without injury

Gretchen--1.) Minimum 21 workouts; 2.) Swim at least 13,716.82yds, preferably more; 3.) Bike 85 miles; 4.) 55 mile run month; 5.) plank 1min everyday

Juan - 1) 5 runs per week (3 speed works, 1 10-K and 1 long run) aiming for trail HIM end of Jan, 2) lose 10 pounds before Christmas is here -bad timing, 3) 1-2 swim per week to keep practicing new swimming technique (better efficiency, but still not speed, so less effort but not faster..yet)

2015-11-30 9:01 PM
in reply to: Juancho

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Kevin - 3 runs per week. 2 intermediate, 1 long run while I continue to build for 50K. Also playing hockey 1 night a week for exercise/stress relief.

DQ - 1) Lose 2 LB's per week, 2) do PT to fix shoulder (and Achilles) so I can build up to 300 yards in the pool, 3) ride 25 miles for long ride each week, 4) build runs without injury

Gretchen--1.) Minimum 21 workouts; 2.) Swim at least 13,716.82yds, preferably more; 3.) Bike 85 miles; 4.) 55 mile run month; 5.) plank 1min everyday

Juan - 1) 5 runs per week (3 speed works, 1 10-K and 1 long run) aiming for trail HIM end of Jan, 2) lose 10 pounds before Christmas is here -bad timing, 3) 1-2 swim per week to keep practicing new swimming technique (better efficiency, but still not speed, so less effort but not faster..yet)

Jenn - started my plan today: 1) 3 swims per week; 2) 3 bikes per week; 3) 3 runs per week for the next 3 weeks then a recovery week of 2 swims, 2 bikes, and 3 runs. PT every day.....(so bad at this) and I'd like to fit 2 weight days in somewhere and a yoga day. Weights would be on my running days and yoga on my day "off." Bikes and swims would primarily be on the same days. I'll see how the yoga day pans out but it would be nice to work something like that in there.

2015-11-30 9:12 PM
in reply to: sandishr

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by sandishr

Hi back and hoping to slowly get into everything!

I've got some questions and am hoping for some advice.

Basically, I'm not sure how successful this surgery was, as the end result is that I now have an artifact in my bad eye that floats (it's an oil bubble) when I face down. All I see is that bubble when face down. I really don't know how this is going to affect swimming, and probably will not be able to find out for several months. I'm hoping to still be able to swim, but if not will need to likely focus on duathlons. And for some odd reason, I'm finding myself attracted to half marathons. ?? LOL.

So with that said, the doctor gave me the all clear to start jogging. It's not going to be pretty, as I have to stop when I have any head or eye pain, but I get to start. Whew! Now--if I'd only just had the past five or so weeks off, I think I'd just try to pick up where I left off and get to my 4 mile runs as I felt comfortable--I think earlier in the year after the first surgery that took about a month and I really was right back where I left off. BUT--I did have a hamstring tendon strain towards the end of summer, and this is a pretty tricky injury to get over. I'm TOTALLY over it now, but I'm a little nervous about re-aggravating it which I understand can be easy. And I did feel it in my knee (where the hamstring attaches to the front of the leg) on my *one* half mile run thus far, although there was no hamstring tightness the next day which is my guide for whether I have stressed the tendon. So I'm a little unsure as to how to start up. Any advice from the more experienced runners? I mean, I could just do a C25K program, but since I'm way more experienced than that it seems like it might be overkill and too slow?



Hi Sandi! Great to hear from you! I agree the C25K might not be enough for you, but have a couple of short runs to see how it goes - work into it slowly. One thing I can recommend that might work for you is Jeff Galloway's "Half Marathon You Can Do It" book, particularly since you've mentioned getting into the HM distance. It incorporates run/walk and you've heard me talk about that on here. I always scoffed at the run/walk until I did it. I thought I wasn't "racing" unless I was running all the time. Ironically I race faster now than before and I'm not spent at the end and my knee doesn't hurt! So....faster, not injured, and not falling on the ground after a race.....all good! His book gives different finish times to shoot for and how to achieve that result - how to train, and gives training plans. It's not a bad read! (and Christmas is coming..) I'm very excited for you!! I know you've been wanting to get back at it and BDAS wants to be part of that journey. Heal quickly!
2015-12-01 2:31 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
1st December already!!

Getting some structure back to my training week again, without doubt posting and thinking about next year has lifted me from the Autumnal slump I found myself slipping into. Was wet and windy when I finished work last night, and it would have been sooooo easy to have not run. But, 5 miles in the bank was a great bonus - have a great month everyone.
2015-12-01 2:33 AM
in reply to: #5154165

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Sandi, have you tried yoga stretching for your hamstrings ever? I do a couple yoga stretches for my Hamis, and glutes for lower back pain 2x/day. Takes me all of 5 minutes and helps loosen my legs to eleviate pressure on my back.
2015-12-01 1:04 PM
in reply to: kevinbe

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by kevinbe

Sandi, have you tried yoga stretching for your hamstrings ever? I do a couple yoga stretches for my Hamis, and glutes for lower back pain 2x/day. Takes me all of 5 minutes and helps loosen my legs to eleviate pressure on my back.

Sandi - Check out Yoga Studio. It's one of my favorite exercise apps. You can create your own routine and it will create videos for your to watch.

Good luck!
2015-12-01 2:30 PM
in reply to: sandishr

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Sandi, sooo good to hear you're back! Doctors are usually extremely conservative -CYA medicine is so popular nowadays...-, so if your doctor agrees with running, go for it! I would follow Jenn's advice of following a plan experienced enough that you can trust. I used to have the same feeling that if I stopped to walk in a race that was the end of the race: hey, I did learn so much with triathlons and running after the bike.... Good luck!


2015-12-01 6:40 PM
in reply to: 0

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
I interrupt this broadcast to bring some exciting news: just today Switchback Brewery rolled their new "smaller" bottles out...meaning a 12 oz option is now available! (for those who can't handle the 22 oz bottle.....or need a smaller size to sneak in their purse or jacket pocket to take into the movies). The owner just dropped 2 cases off to my friend and she will be bringing some my way soon. It's a good day.
Oh! There's a story on the bottom of each cardboard carton - I haven't seen it yet, but apparently quite unique.

Edited by aviatrix802 2015-12-01 6:43 PM

(Small Switchback bottles.jpg)

Small Switchback bottles.jpg (42KB - 9 downloads)
2015-12-02 2:11 PM
in reply to: sandishr

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by sandishr

Hi back and hoping to slowly get into everything!

I've got some questions and am hoping for some advice.

Basically, I'm not sure how successful this surgery was, as the end result is that I now have an artifact in my bad eye that floats (it's an oil bubble) when I face down. All I see is that bubble when face down. I really don't know how this is going to affect swimming, and probably will not be able to find out for several months. I'm hoping to still be able to swim, but if not will need to likely focus on duathlons. And for some odd reason, I'm finding myself attracted to half marathons. ?? LOL.

So with that said, the doctor gave me the all clear to start jogging. It's not going to be pretty, as I have to stop when I have any head or eye pain, but I get to start. Whew! Now--if I'd only just had the past five or so weeks off, I think I'd just try to pick up where I left off and get to my 4 mile runs as I felt comfortable--I think earlier in the year after the first surgery that took about a month and I really was right back where I left off. BUT--I did have a hamstring tendon strain towards the end of summer, and this is a pretty tricky injury to get over. I'm TOTALLY over it now, but I'm a little nervous about re-aggravating it which I understand can be easy. And I did feel it in my knee (where the hamstring attaches to the front of the leg) on my *one* half mile run thus far, although there was no hamstring tightness the next day which is my guide for whether I have stressed the tendon. So I'm a little unsure as to how to start up. Any advice from the more experienced runners? I mean, I could just do a C25K program, but since I'm way more experienced than that it seems like it might be overkill and too slow?



Let me preface this by saying that I'm 1.) not a more experienced runner (than anyone) and 2.) I've never (knock on wood) had a serious sports related injury. My suggestion was going to be a C25K type program. I know it sounds very basic and low level, but you are battling back from two different injuries and pushing back too fast may due more harm than good. Better slow, steady and safe than back at square one because you tried to do too much too soon.
2015-12-02 2:25 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Dec goals on track. Day two of the month and I'm up two planks! The dog discovered yesterday that a person doing planks is a captive audience for face licking. It is going to be a LONG month. Today she just laid down under me--good incentive to not fall!

Swim and run yesterday plus swim today (382/400).
2015-12-02 4:21 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by aviatrix802

I interrupt this broadcast to bring some exciting news: just today Switchback Brewery rolled their new "smaller" bottles out...meaning a 12 oz option is now available! (for those who can't handle the 22 oz bottle.....or need a smaller size to sneak in their purse or jacket pocket to take into the movies). The owner just dropped 2 cases off to my friend and she will be bringing some my way soon. It's a good day.
Oh! There's a story on the bottom of each cardboard carton - I haven't seen it yet, but apparently quite unique.

Sneaking beer into the movies? Jenn for President!
2015-12-02 4:24 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by drfoodlove

Originally posted by sandishr

Hi back and hoping to slowly get into everything!

I've got some questions and am hoping for some advice.

Basically, I'm not sure how successful this surgery was, as the end result is that I now have an artifact in my bad eye that floats (it's an oil bubble) when I face down. All I see is that bubble when face down. I really don't know how this is going to affect swimming, and probably will not be able to find out for several months. I'm hoping to still be able to swim, but if not will need to likely focus on duathlons. And for some odd reason, I'm finding myself attracted to half marathons. ?? LOL.

So with that said, the doctor gave me the all clear to start jogging. It's not going to be pretty, as I have to stop when I have any head or eye pain, but I get to start. Whew! Now--if I'd only just had the past five or so weeks off, I think I'd just try to pick up where I left off and get to my 4 mile runs as I felt comfortable--I think earlier in the year after the first surgery that took about a month and I really was right back where I left off. BUT--I did have a hamstring tendon strain towards the end of summer, and this is a pretty tricky injury to get over. I'm TOTALLY over it now, but I'm a little nervous about re-aggravating it which I understand can be easy. And I did feel it in my knee (where the hamstring attaches to the front of the leg) on my *one* half mile run thus far, although there was no hamstring tightness the next day which is my guide for whether I have stressed the tendon. So I'm a little unsure as to how to start up. Any advice from the more experienced runners? I mean, I could just do a C25K program, but since I'm way more experienced than that it seems like it might be overkill and too slow?



Let me preface this by saying that I'm 1.) not a more experienced runner (than anyone) and 2.) I've never (knock on wood) had a serious sports related injury. My suggestion was going to be a C25K type program. I know it sounds very basic and low level, but you are battling back from two different injuries and pushing back too fast may due more harm than good. Better slow, steady and safe than back at square one because you tried to do too much too soon.

I would tend to agree... Slow and steady wins the race. By starting out slow for a few runs, you will prepare your body to pick up the pace in a few weeks. That said, I am TERRIBLE at slow and steady!

2015-12-02 4:25 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by drfoodlove

Dec goals on track. Day two of the month and I'm up two planks! The dog discovered yesterday that a person doing planks is a captive audience for face licking. It is going to be a LONG month. Today she just laid down under me--good incentive to not fall!

Swim and run yesterday plus swim today (382/400).

382 down! and 18 to go!!!
2015-12-02 4:31 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
If you are the praying kinds - please put in a few good words for the fact that I was able to get in 200 yards in the pool yesterday morning. It was my first time doing more than 25 in almost 6 weeks. Unfortunately - the shoulder is still sore and I'm hoping that my PT is able to help out - as I have an appointment tonight.

I biked into work today. The ride home was an adventure. I don't know if you guys have been invaded by European moths (couldn't you have kept them on your side of the Atlantic Juan? ) and they are all over the place. So there I am riding home in the darm with two head lamps on - one attached to my bike and one looped around my fore head, which was brighter. Needless to say - I got an extra dose of protein.

Congrats BDAS on reaching 4000 posts. Y'all are a bunch of BD@SSES!
2015-12-02 4:48 PM
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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business

My goals for the month are to survive. I'm completely worn out. I started as a bike courier about 6 weeks ago and I started training in earnest again about 3 weeks ago. Out on the bike delivering packages for 8 hours and then coming home and doing another 2 hours on the trainer is a killer. I've also started running spin classes at the local LBS around the corner from my house and I'm putting together a cycling podcast. Busy, busy, busy. On the plus side, my wife and I booked a trip to Costa Rica in January so that'll be fun. I've never been down south before. 

I know some of you are in warmer states so this might not mean anything to  you but we've been having exceptionally warm weather here in Ottawa. Just a few weeks ago I was sitting on the lawn in front of parliament eating lunch in a t-shirt. That would have been thought impossible for Ottawa until it happened. Normally we have 3ft of snow in November and it's -10c. I know global warming is bad and all but as a bike courier, I don't mind it for now. 


 *I might have posted this picture already, I can't remember. I'm so out of it with exhaustion right now* This was taken sometime mid November. It's unreal. (Also I started growing a beard. I made a pact with myself that I wouldn't shave until my birthday on April 20th.)


Edited by adempsey10 2015-12-02 4:50 PM


12241559_10153219682147113_9085536059055738388_n.jpg (82KB - 5 downloads)
2015-12-03 8:35 AM
in reply to: adempsey10

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Alan--10 hours of biking a day?!?!?! You are a BEAST! That is crazy (to me)!
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