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2011-10-09 3:35 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED
somebody in this mentor group just ran their first 20 mile training run......

2011-10-09 7:03 PM
in reply to: #3717024

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED




Edited by stevebradley 2011-10-09 7:08 PM
2011-10-09 7:11 PM
in reply to: #3717149

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

stevebradley - 2011-10-09 7:03 PM JEFF - And..........??!? ??!?

Yes it was me. 16 planned but that last 4 seemed too easy to ignore so I did it. seems to be the only thing I will accomplish today-I did empty the dishwasher before my run!

3:41-slowed considerably toward the end now I'm just slow and stiff, not too sore just some around the ankles and right calf

2011-10-09 10:08 PM
in reply to: #3717157

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


3:41 for a first 20-miler is not only fully presentable, but also about where it should be. That is, NO pretene to speed, but rather just a familiarization with the outer limits of distances. Some people say those LSD (long slow distance) runs should be a minute or two slower than planned race pace, so for you it doesn't matter at all how slow it seemed -- that's how it should be!

Really encouraging is that at 16, it seemed easy enough to do another four miles. Wowzers!!

Next few days --- take it very easy, right??

2011-10-10 8:55 AM
in reply to: #3717310

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

stevebradley - 2011-10-09 10:08 PM JEFF - 3:41 for a first 20-miler is not only fully presentable, but also about where it should be. That is, NO pretene to speed, but rather just a familiarization with the outer limits of distances. Some people say those LSD (long slow distance) runs should be a minute or two slower than planned race pace, so for you it doesn't matter at all how slow it seemed -- that's how it should be! Really encouraging is that at 16, it seemed easy enough to do another four miles. Wowzers!! Next few days --- take it very easy, right??

Yes, easy. And a much shorter long run this weekend. On Monday the 17th I will turn 48, that week, Mon-Sun, I plan to run 48 miles (was 47.8 this week)

2011-10-10 9:23 AM
in reply to: #3717519

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


After a week of 47.8, 48 will be almost a "step-back" week. Nicely planned!

2011-10-10 10:26 AM
in reply to: #3256772

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San Jose
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

I had a busy weekend and slept 10 hours last night! I love when I need and am able to catch up on sleep.

My friend and I raced Muddy Buddy yesterday. They combine each teams ages so we were in the 96 + age group. Our friends came in 1st and we came in 3rd but the second place team cheated so they moved us up to 2nd. We'll take it! It was a fun race but a couple of the legs were pretty tough.

This week I have a little easier workouts and nest week it's full on taper. Yea! I'm looking forward to the race and I'm looking forward to the tri off season

Saturday my daughter and I went on a progressive trail ride with the girls from my barn. There were 15 of us. I'll try to attach a picture

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

tn-1.jpeg (77KB - 17 downloads)
tn.jpeg (55KB - 8 downloads)
2011-10-10 10:36 AM
in reply to: #3256772

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San Jose
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Great job on the run! I'm sure that was a great confidence boost. You seem to be so consistent and it's really paying off!

2011-10-10 10:43 AM
in reply to: #3715877

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San Jose
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

stevebradley - 2011-10-07 6:47 PM JOHANNE - With your plan finishing off with 20-milers, you're practically at spittin' distance from it right now! Thar really should help make the training relatively ache-free, given how long you have to ramp up the mileage. Nice! Excellent swim,, too. I have enjoyed my first post-season, doing six Yoga classes since Monday (two yesterday), and a 48-minute run yesterday and a 28-minute swim today. the swim was maybe my last OWS of the year, as the water was 62 degrees and I have no geood reason to subject myself to cold. That said, tomorrow and Sunday will be in the 70s, and if the water can nudge up a degree or two.....I might give it onnnnne more shot!

Ok Steve, did you get one more OW swim in??? Doing the HIM at the end of the month?? I'm checking to see how much restraint you have

2011-10-10 2:07 PM
in reply to: #3717642

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Congrats on the Muddy Buddy silver! 96+........that's pretty cool, but I wonder why they don't subdivide it even further. To not do so is just unfair ageism against really old-folks teams!

And, you're brave to do something as gnarly as Muddy buddy so close to Soma. Heck, I don't even do stuff like that when I'm planning no races at all!

Progressive trail ride? Which is.....?

Finally, what can you tell me about Mendocino and environs? Lynn might be going there for a sort of conference thing at the end of January, and I might tag along. Just curious!

2011-10-10 2:15 PM
in reply to: #3717669

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

JOHANNE again -

Not just one, but two --- and maybe counting! I did 28 minutes on Friday in watetr that was 62F, and that was slightly uncomfortable; wearing just one latex cap didn't help. It's been very warm the past few days, so I went today and was comfortable for 34 minutes in 64 water. (I have a small pool thermometer that I submerge to check temps early and late in the season.) Plus, I wore two caps today.

The next couple of days will also be unseasonably warm, so I'm thinking I might be good for one or two more OWS. As long as a partial buoy line is still out there, I can be quite happy.

HOWEVER, I am under no pressure to do this, as I will not (well, 97.83% certainty) be doing any more triathlons this season. The hard push with so much racing (7) between Aug 14 and Oct 1 taxed me some, and I just don't have the incentive to gear up for one more -- especially since it would entail a 13-/14-hour drive each way.

So, there IS some restraint there after all!

2011-10-10 5:10 PM
in reply to: #3717960

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San Jose
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

stevebradley - 2011-10-10 12:07 PM JOHANNE - Congrats on the Muddy Buddy silver! 96+........that's pretty cool, but I wonder why they don't subdivide it even further. To not do so is just unfair ageism against really old-folks teams! And, you're brave to do something as gnarly as Muddy buddy so close to Soma. Heck, I don't even do stuff like that when I'm planning no races at all! Progressive trail ride? Which is.....? Finally, what can you tell me about Mendocino and environs? Lynn might be going there for a sort of conference thing at the end of January, and I might tag along. Just curious!

Thanks! There were 14 in our age group so it was probably fair enough It really is a young persons event. This is the 2nd year we did it and I think I might be done. I have bruises and cut up knees from the mud pit and the obstacles! It used to be in June and this year they changed it to October and I didn't want to let my friend down so we signed up. If I sign up for IMAZ for next year there is NO way I'd risk it next year

This progressive trail ride was a planned route through the town of Woodside. We follow the route and stop at stations to get our map stamped and afterwards we get a goody bag filled with goodies from sponsors. As a trail ride, I find it a little boring but it's great training for our horses because we expose them to all sorts of stuff. We had some riders that hadn't done this type of ride so it was a great confidence boost for them.

I've actually never been to Mendocino but from what I understand it's beautiful. Should be pretty cool by California standards at the end of January. Might feel like summer to you

2011-10-10 5:18 PM
in reply to: #3717975

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San Jose
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

stevebradley - 2011-10-10 12:15 PM JOHANNE again - Not just one, but two --- and maybe counting! I did 28 minutes on Friday in watetr that was 62F, and that was slightly uncomfortable; wearing just one latex cap didn't help. It's been very warm the past few days, so I went today and was comfortable for 34 minutes in 64 water. (I have a small pool thermometer that I submerge to check temps early and late in the season.) Plus, I wore two caps today. The next couple of days will also be unseasonably warm, so I'm thinking I might be good for one or two more OWS. As long as a partial buoy line is still out there, I can be quite happy. HOWEVER, I am under no pressure to do this, as I will not (well, 97.83% certainty) be doing any more triathlons this season. The hard push with so much racing (7) between Aug 14 and Oct 1 taxed me some, and I just don't have the incentive to gear up for one more -- especially since it would entail a 13-/14-hour drive each way. So, there IS some restraint there after all!

It's nice to get that OW time in when you can. I think I've gone in when it's been in the high 50's but boy does that get your heart going. 

I got a nice swim in this morning and I was supposed to get a 3 mile run done too but my legs are a little tired from yesterday so I'm skipping it I have an hour on the bike tomorrow and a 5 mile run so I'm going to let them rest so I can get that in. I am the boss of me

2011-10-10 8:16 PM
in reply to: #3718323

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


I can't say that the cold-water ones get my heart going, but rather the main effect is of feeling slightly disoriented for a while after the swim. I kind of feel like I'm walking "skewy", or maybe wobbly. (Maybe they're the same?) While swimming, i feel it is almost slow-motion, that the mechanics are more sluggish than crisp -- like molasses in winter?

I guess there has to be a tipping point with everything, and based on friday vs today, mine might be around 62/63 degrees. I struggled some and was never comfortable on Friday, whereas today it was all quite acceptable.

In my earlier days doing this silliness, I swam in all kinds of lousy conditions, and juyst know by comparison that many were in the 50s. Those were the swims in which the headache lasted for a long while into the swim, and the hands and feet never warmed up, and most telling -- that I needed to use the heels of my hands to hold and turn the door key to my car! Lordy, was I dumb, or what??

Followuing my last OWS, I will mope for a while before begrudgingly heading to the damn pool. that process might take 1-3 weeks, depending on how desperate I am to keep active. I think this year it will be closer to three weeks, just because I'm trying to carve myself some decent off-seasons.

And by pluralizing that, I'm saying that I don't take a pure off-season, but rather three of them. The effect is that I really don't have a period of down-time across the board, but rather a month or so in which I take a swim break, and a bike break, and a running break, one at a time --- and that's my "off-season"!

2011-10-12 10:24 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED
Hello?.....why so quiet?
2011-10-13 6:32 AM
in reply to: #3721994

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED



Part of my own quietness was computer kerfuffles (not debilitating, just aggravating), and part was due to nursing my sore lower back, and part was just inertia.

News? Today may well be my last OWS day. I've done three days straight, in water of 64, 64.2, and 62.3; last Friday was 62. The past couple of days have been much cooler, and it's raining today, so each hand-out-of-water will be chilly. I'm probably only doing (contemplating) it today because I'll be in the the area anyhow, and it's the 13th, and that's always a good-numbered day to do anything on.

Rode the other day, 36km, the first ride since Bassman. I may sneak one in tomorrow, as it will be slightly warmer, but possibly also showery. A run is in the works for today. Mostly, though, I'm dabbling at the concept/execution of an off-season --- seeing how dedicated I can be to the notion. So far........??

And you, Pounder-of-Distances?

2011-10-13 8:45 AM
in reply to: #3256772

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED
Contemplating a 200 mile month..I'm on pace for that I just don't want to get distracted by a meaningless number and get injured in the process
2011-10-13 10:11 AM
in reply to: #3256772

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San Jose
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

I had a great ride yesterday with my Wednesday cycling group. It was my last 'big' workout as I go into my taper. I'm taking today off, tomorrow a swim and a short run, etc. I'm actually looking forward to the taper this time. I'm still a little sore from Muddy Buddy and my 5 mile run in the hills on Tuesday.

A friend of mine is going to ride 1/2 way to Arizona with me for my HIM so I'm excited. I'm going to drop her off in L.A. so I'll only drive about 6 hours on my own. I've done the drive by myself but I'm looking forward to the company! Then I'll pick her up on the way back and if I'm tired, she can drive.

200 miles for the month sounds like a lot! You're working towards a marathon right? 

2011-10-13 10:19 AM
in reply to: #3722474

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED
50andgettingfit - 2011-10-13 10:11 AM

I had a great ride yesterday with my Wednesday cycling group. It was my last 'big' workout as I go into my taper. I'm taking today off, tomorrow a swim and a short run, etc. I'm actually looking forward to the taper this time. I'm still a little sore from Muddy Buddy and my 5 mile run in the hills on Tuesday.

A friend of mine is going to ride 1/2 way to Arizona with me for my HIM so I'm excited. I'm going to drop her off in L.A. so I'll only drive about 6 hours on my own. I've done the drive by myself but I'm looking forward to the company! Then I'll pick her up on the way back and if I'm tired, she can drive.

200 miles for the month sounds like a lot! You're working towards a marathon right? 

Yes-The Dallas Whiterock Marathon and possibly the New Years Day marathon, and maybe the Crosstimbers Trail marathon in December. There is no reason for the 200 mile thing but when I noticed it was in reach something clicked in my brain and I find myself sort of calculating where I stand in relation to that number.

2011-10-13 10:23 AM
in reply to: #3722488

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San Jose
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED
Av8rTx - 2011-10-13 8:19 AM
50andgettingfit - 2011-10-13 10:11 AM

I had a great ride yesterday with my Wednesday cycling group. It was my last 'big' workout as I go into my taper. I'm taking today off, tomorrow a swim and a short run, etc. I'm actually looking forward to the taper this time. I'm still a little sore from Muddy Buddy and my 5 mile run in the hills on Tuesday.

A friend of mine is going to ride 1/2 way to Arizona with me for my HIM so I'm excited. I'm going to drop her off in L.A. so I'll only drive about 6 hours on my own. I've done the drive by myself but I'm looking forward to the company! Then I'll pick her up on the way back and if I'm tired, she can drive.

200 miles for the month sounds like a lot! You're working towards a marathon right? 

Yes-The Dallas Whiterock Marathon and possibly the New Years Day marathon, and maybe the Crosstimbers Trail marathon in December. There is no reason for the 200 mile thing but when I noticed it was in reach something clicked in my brain and I find myself sort of calculating where I stand in relation to that number.

Wow, that's great! That's a lot of running. My body can't hold up to those miles. Maybe if I lost a few more pounds I say go for it and if your body tells you to back off then you do. Have you done marathons before? I did one last March and signed up for another in February and that'll be it until I do an IM.

2011-10-13 10:33 AM
in reply to: #3722494

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED
50andgettingfit - 2011-10-13 10:23 AM
Av8rTx - 2011-10-13 8:19 AM
50andgettingfit - 2011-10-13 10:11 AM

I had a great ride yesterday with my Wednesday cycling group. It was my last 'big' workout as I go into my taper. I'm taking today off, tomorrow a swim and a short run, etc. I'm actually looking forward to the taper this time. I'm still a little sore from Muddy Buddy and my 5 mile run in the hills on Tuesday.

A friend of mine is going to ride 1/2 way to Arizona with me for my HIM so I'm excited. I'm going to drop her off in L.A. so I'll only drive about 6 hours on my own. I've done the drive by myself but I'm looking forward to the company! Then I'll pick her up on the way back and if I'm tired, she can drive.

200 miles for the month sounds like a lot! You're working towards a marathon right? 

Yes-The Dallas Whiterock Marathon and possibly the New Years Day marathon, and maybe the Crosstimbers Trail marathon in December. There is no reason for the 200 mile thing but when I noticed it was in reach something clicked in my brain and I find myself sort of calculating where I stand in relation to that number.

Wow, that's great! That's a lot of running. My body can't hold up to those miles. Maybe if I lost a few more pounds I say go for it and if your body tells you to back off then you do. Have you done marathons before? I did one last March and signed up for another in February and that'll be it until I do an IM.

Yes, this will be my first. I am staying aware of my body and note whenever any warning lights flicker. I am routinely running distances that used to send me straight to my computer to brag about

2011-10-13 12:34 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Hello Everyone,

I hope all is well. Looks like we still have a few folks with some races before the year ends.  Good luck to all that is racing.

Well my Hald Marathon Training offically kicks off on Monday so it will be time to get at it.  I went to the Chiropractor on Tuesday about my back and let me tell you they are quacks.  When I left I was told the total cost to get me back to new again would be $1400 and my insurance will pay $400.  Not sure about yall but $1000 to have someone rub and pop your back is way to much money.  I cancelled my appointment for Monday and then the office Mgr called me back and said if it has to do with the money, you dont need all the stuff that was suggested, you can just come in for adjustments.  Ok wait a second, it alot of the stuff was not needed then why tell me I need it to begin with and hit me with a big bill. Man those folks are CRAZY.

Sorry I have been away, just things are really busy at work and with the family (Baseball, Cheer and trying to find time to spend quality time with the family)

I hope everyone has a great day. Tomorrow is Friday YEAHHHHHH

2011-10-13 2:10 PM
in reply to: #3722326

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


My body couldn't handle that type of mileage, either (a la Johanne). I MAYBE knocked off three or four 50-mile weeks in my life, and after a few times I learned that big mileage + soreness (or injury) = down-time. So, that was it for the big miles for me!

I know lots of people do them, and many plans perescribe them, but I think it is really designed for those who are imcredibly serious about marathoning and/or who are basically bionic. I think that most mortals can run a marathon well without delving into Deep Mileage, and moreover, i just basically have learned that quality workouts beat quanitity workous, 9 times out of 10.

Having said that, there is something very enticing about big miles, as there is for running xxx consecutive days. Were I more bionic than I am, I might travel those routes, too!

Edited by stevebradley 2011-10-13 2:11 PM
2011-10-13 2:19 PM
in reply to: #3722726

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


My experience taught me that most chiros try to get a patient into something like this: two months at 3X a week, a month at 2X a week, two weeks at 1X a week --- and then re-assess. I eventually found one who would assess and treat, and then maybe do one or two adjustments, and then re-assess. And usually that would be it. So, look around and see who won't try to snag you into a quarterly treatment plan!

Another route to try is A.R.T., which stands for Active Release technique. If you google that you should get a list of practicioners in your general vicinity. Backs aren't necessarily A.R.T. specialties (soft-tissue stuff is), but depending on what ails you, A.R.T. might help!

2011-10-13 2:21 PM
in reply to: #3722474

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Good workouts, and GREAT plan for travelling to Soma. That'll be a nice saftey net for you, having her in L.A. to help you drive back if needed.


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