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2011-10-14 9:59 AM
in reply to: #3722726

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San Jose
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED
gdsemiller - 2011-10-13 10:34 AM

Hello Everyone,

I hope all is well. Looks like we still have a few folks with some races before the year ends.  Good luck to all that is racing.

Well my Hald Marathon Training offically kicks off on Monday so it will be time to get at it.  I went to the Chiropractor on Tuesday about my back and let me tell you they are quacks.  When I left I was told the total cost to get me back to new again would be $1400 and my insurance will pay $400.  Not sure about yall but $1000 to have someone rub and pop your back is way to much money.  I cancelled my appointment for Monday and then the office Mgr called me back and said if it has to do with the money, you dont need all the stuff that was suggested, you can just come in for adjustments.  Ok wait a second, it alot of the stuff was not needed then why tell me I need it to begin with and hit me with a big bill. Man those folks are CRAZY.

Sorry I have been away, just things are really busy at work and with the family (Baseball, Cheer and trying to find time to spend quality time with the family)

I hope everyone has a great day. Tomorrow is Friday YEAHHHHHH

Hi George,

Not all chiro's are the same and it's a shame that you had a bad experience. If you still need help with your back, don't give up. I wonder if there are local people you can talk to and find a more legit sports type of practitioner?

Have fun with your 'official' training. I bet it's nice to get back into a routine.

To everyone,

My youngest is home for part of the weekend so I can relate to wanting to spend quality time. I'm skipping a long trail ride with my girlfriends so we can spend the day together today. Totally worth it! She's headed to San Francisco tomorrow afternoon because she and 3 of her friends are running the Nike Women's 1/2 Marathon Sunday then they head back to L.A. to college. As students they didn't have to enter the lottery to get into the race, they got a 50% discount and at the finish line they get a Tiffany necklace handed to them by a firefighter. Win-win all around

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


2011-10-14 5:26 PM
in reply to: #3723950

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Seeing as how you asked last week......

I think today was my final OWS of the season. The next week is all daytime highs of 52-55, and given that the water today was 62, that combination is just too miserable. The high today was high 60s, so that meant that at least my recovery hands were coming through warmer-than-water air, and that is tolerable. But the water is cold and the air is colder........

I wore my neoprene cap today, and that made a difference. Today was also the FIRST time I wore it this season!

Since Bassman I did OWS five times, and I'm pleased enough with that total as a post-race-season cherry-on-top. The five have had water temps of 62, 64, 64, 62, and 62, and times were, respectively, 28', 34', 36', 22', 30' (for the 22', I was happy and comdortable enough, but was pressed for time).

My rough count is 85 OWS (including 7 in races) since May 29, and in t comes to 80-something miles, I suppose; maybe nudging into low 90s. And it's about 4x a week, which also pleases me. The only downside is that I have STILL not become demonstarbly and relaibly faster. There was a decent stretch in Aug and into Sept, but sadly that involved only two races. Wahhhh!!!!

2011-10-15 11:42 AM
in reply to: #3256772

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED
Just got back from a fun little 5k in nearby Pottsboro Texas-a small friendly lake town. 23:14 by my watch and won my age group. They were using manual timing and clearly had a bigger turnout than expected so it took time to sort out and they still haven't posted the full results. If my time is accurate it is a PR. I counted three area high schools-Pottsboro, Bells and Sherman in the race. I lined up near the back of the 7 minute pace group-looked around and realized I was surrounded by middle school aged girls all in braces and pony tails. I made a point of running away from as many of that group as I could.
2011-10-15 1:42 PM
in reply to: #3725005

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San Jose
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Av8rTx - 2011-10-15 9:42 AM Just got back from a fun little 5k in nearby Pottsboro Texas-a small friendly lake town. 23:14 by my watch and won my age group. They were using manual timing and clearly had a bigger turnout than expected so it took time to sort out and they still haven't posted the full results. If my time is accurate it is a PR. I counted three area high schools-Pottsboro, Bells and Sherman in the race. I lined up near the back of the 7 minute pace group-looked around and realized I was surrounded by middle school aged girls all in braces and pony tails. I made a point of running away from as many of that group as I could.

I have to say, Jeff, that sometimes you are a serious sort of guy. Your description of your race start is really funny! I can see the total picture in my mind

2011-10-15 1:48 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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New York
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Hey everyone!  We have been a quiet group lately.  I am in Seattle for a conference this week.  I am not sure what training I will get in but I may rent a bike to ride around the city tomorrow with friends before heading to my hotel.  Still haven't decided on a off-season training program... I am going to start some Crossfit in November to get in some strength work since I feel it has been lacking this year.  I think my season next year will be enhanced if I can get an overall fitness level in place before starting triathlon specific training. (though I don't want to loose sight of my December race in Florida!)

Everyone have a great weekend!!!


2011-10-15 7:46 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

I was 52/356 over all 1st in my AG-don't know how many yet. 23:14

2011-10-16 4:23 PM
in reply to: #3256772

Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Hello Everyone,

I have been reading some but really have nothing to report.  My last race was Nation's and I have not been doing a whole lot since then.  My mother in law (one week before her 90th birthday) ran into the wall at the post office. She broke some bones in her 2 hands so my husband has been staying with her at night after the nurses leave for the day.  I wonder what the neighbors think.  He comes home during the day, when I am at work, to cut the grass, pay bills and do house things but then he leaves so his mother won't be alone at night.  I don't actually see him on week days.  We are moving her to an assisted living place close to where we live but it all take a lot of time.  So you would think I would have lots of time to train.  Somehow it does not work that way.  I have been making meals for them and working late.  I do have a plan which I am hoping to get back to soon. 

It looks likeyo are all doing fine.  Jeff you certainly are ambitious and I guess warmer climates mean racing when our season is over up here. Good luck Johanne.  George, I agree that not all chiropractors are like that. I have never been to one but my husband goes once a month and really thinks he benifits from it. 

So what is this crossfit stuff. I know we talked about it before but going to the gym and lifting weights is really hard to do.  Maybe you just have to get into the habit but there is a crossfit studio (garage) near me and it looks pretty interesting. 

Steve must know He knows all things sports related.  Speaking of which, the Redskins just lost to the Eagles. We could really use a quarterback.  Now Jeff, you may think that is a good thing but the Cowboys are playing New England, as I write.  I must go root for the Patriots. 




2011-10-16 5:07 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED
I only ran 10 today then headed home for football, hot-90 degrees and just not much there so I bagged it in anticipation of next weeks big miles
2011-10-16 7:27 PM
in reply to: #3725301

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Woo-hoo! First a.g., AND about top 14% overall. Pretty darn good for a 5km, from someone who is relentlessly working on the Big Miles.

As for "only" 10 miles today, following yesterday's race is likewise pretty darn good. Thank goodnes, though, that the 'boys weren't any more than "ptretty darn good" today against the Pats. That was close!!

GO RANGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!

2011-10-16 7:38 PM
in reply to: #3725788

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


No, I wouldn't think you have more time for training, for the very reasons you say and suggest -- your thoughts and efforts are justifiably elsewhere. It is good that you have some wheels in motion for ma-in-law, and I hope for your sakes (and Don's) it all falls into place sooner rather than later.

Crossfit came crashing onto the scene just a few years ago, and they immediately alienated endurance athletes but stating that "we" are really just one-dimensional. i don't know how much (if any) they have modified that statement, but in their world they had sound reasons. As I remember it, the goal back then was to provide training that would allow a solid Crossfitter to respond ably to any predicament, if necessary. That might include swimming against the current to rescue a non-swimmer, or chase after a purse-snatcher, or lift a tree branch off a person it had dropped upon. In other words, Crossfit is menat to address all physical needs, showing no truen preference to any one discipline or school of fitness. I think.

I have seen articles on Crossfit in a couple of tri magazines (could be British, or Aussie; don't know), so it seems as if a truce of sorts has been reached. Another thing I think I know about it is that it requires a real commitment. Probably nothing carved in stone, bit to benefit there is the assumption that dropping in once or so won't get anybody anywhere fast.

I thought about it some, but was happy with my gym routine --- which has now been (semi-?) permanently jettisoned in favor of Yoga. Boo-hoo.

2011-10-16 7:41 PM
in reply to: #3725924

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

stevebradley - 2011-10-16 7:27 PM JEFF - Woo-hoo! First a.g., AND about top 14% overall. Pretty darn good for a 5km, from someone who is relentlessly working on the Big Miles. As for "only" 10 miles today, following yesterday's race is likewise pretty darn good. Thank goodness, though, that the 'boys weren't any more than "pretty darn good" today against the Pats. That was close!! GO RANGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!

I should have kept running! The Cowboys win if I don't watch....

2011-10-17 9:11 AM
in reply to: #3725939

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

ELLEN again (a day later, though) -

I seldom visit the Slowtwitch forum anymore, but on a whim went there today. Lo and behold, there is a thread about Crossfit, and it is currently on the first page of the tri forum. Its title is "Cross fit - why the hate?" (the poster wrote it as two words, not me), and if you persevere with the thread you can get some ideas of what people think of it. There is a lot of glibness in the posts, but some good perspectives, too. Just so you know!

2011-10-17 4:54 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Hello All,

As for the Chiro, I spoke with a good friend of mine that is seeing one and he likes him and says he is fair. Will see if I can try him out next week.

Ellen - Sorry to hear about your MIL, I hope she gets better.

Johanne- How did your daughter do in the Nike Half.  My sons teacher and a friend I went to high school with went out there and raced it.  They also had to get their photo with the Firemen, or as they put it Hot Firemen.

Jeff -Congrats again on your new PR.  I think you hit a new PR every week.  Happy Birthday also. So go home tonight eat some cake and ice cream for me and then go out and run 13 miles. Have a good one.

Steve- I will see what the new chiro says next week, if not I will look into what you suggested.

Alex - Where in Florida are you looking at racing. If close by I would like to come and give you some support.

This weekend I plan on taking my 9yo son on an overnight canoe trip, just me and him. I want to see how he does, and maybe next year plan a hiking trip with him.  Me and some friends a few years back went on a 3 day hike in the appalachian trail in Georgia.  One of the things on my bucket list is to hike the entire Appalachian Trail in Georgia.  I want to start next year and do 3-4 days per year until we did the whole trail in GA.  Well its time to leave work and head home. I hope everyone has a great evening.

2011-10-18 10:16 AM
in reply to: #3256772

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San Jose
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


My daughter had a great time at the race. She ran according to her plan and felt good with her time. She started with 3 of her friends and they landed up splitting up about 1/2 way. They didn't have a clear meeting spot (those youngsters!) so afterwards she milled around waiting for them (one girl was ahead of her and 2 behind) but couldn't find them. It's a point to point race with a mile long line to get on the shuttle bus to take them back to the start. They had planned ahead and parked one of their cars in a lot at what they though was very close to the end. When she couldn't find her friends, she decided to walk to the car since she was carrying the keys and figured they couldn't leave without her As she was walking, she realized it was a little more then a was 4 1/2! She said she did a lot of talking to herself on the way because she was a little nerved out and was getting scared and upset. With some of the neighborhoods she walked through, there were a lot of people talking back to her too They finally all met up at the car, drove over to check out of their hotel, came by home (an hours drive from San Fran), showered and jumped back in the car for the 6 hour drive back to Los Angeles and college. She said it was painful getting out of the car Luckily she has the memory of a fun race, hot firefighters in tuxes giving her the Tiffany's necklace and a great story about the post race!

Your canoe trip sounds really fun. I bet he does great and will want more one on one time. My kids as adults still like when they get me or their Dad to themselves. 

Have a great day!


2011-10-18 10:20 AM
in reply to: #3256772

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San Jose
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Hope life will settle down for you. What a blessing for your m-i-l to have her son and you able to take care of her. That stage is still in our future but we are already seeing signs of our roles reversing. Our parents range from 77-83 so it's coming. 

I don't know much about CrossFit other then people that do it seem to love it!

Take care,


2011-10-18 12:31 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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New York
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

My friend does crossfit out here in Seattle and loves it.  I will be do the on Ramp in Stamford in November.  I know that the gym I am going to has some triathletes involved in their classes.

George, I am doing a Tri in Miami on Dec 3rd (or 4th)... it would be awesome to meet another Mojo member!



2011-10-18 4:51 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Johanne - Im glad your daughter had a good time at the race and thank God she made it safely back home.  Boy that must have been a stressful 4 1/2 mile walk.

Alex - I would love to go to Miami to support you but I will have to do it in MOJO Spirit since Miami is 750 miles from where Im located.  I love Miami, I lived there for about 4 years when I was a little boy and after high school I moved down there with my mother for about 4 months before I had to leave due to the traffic.  Im a country boy and city traffic does not go well with me.  Since my mother is Cuban and I was raised on Cuban food then Miami is a food fest for me. Have fun and make sure you get to go eat some awesome Cuban food, Im jealous.

Have a great day everyone.

2011-10-19 4:29 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED
Yeahhh I made the USAT board.  I looked up my unofficial ranking and it has me 9850 out of 9964 in my age group, watch out you other 9849 I will be moving up really fast next year.  Boy is there a way to find your ranking without having to go through all the rankings in my age group. I found my score and I just kept going through until I found where I would fit it.  Shouldnt there be a place on my profile or something that will show my score and ranking?
2011-10-19 4:51 PM
in reply to: #3730610

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New York
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

George, how do you find your score?

-- (just searched for my name on each page of listings... (toward the end) )

I actually found my name in the list... 3242/3769 

Kind of cool for my first season doing 4 races.  Now I have a target for improvement for next year! YIKES!



Edited by astorm65 2011-10-19 5:00 PM
2011-10-19 5:05 PM
in reply to: #3730610

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Even though I have been to that site a couple of hundred times, I can't fully picture it without being there. Yikes! But......

When the main page comes up, there should be a tab at the upper left "race results", and that will give you the option of typing in either your name or USAT number. That will lead you to your own total score, and I think that is all. A secondary move you can make is to click on "race details", down towards the bottom, after you type your name or number. That'll bring up the rankings scores you received for each USAT-sanctioned race you did.

I suspect that what you did was work off the main page and what comes up by default there, which is "overall results". If so, then you found the places for age group and gender, and then got the huge long which you did really well to find yourself! It can be like a needle in a haystack that way, so ya done good at self-locating!

The score is not, as many peole assume, some sort of percent. It is really just a raw number, and if you want I can explain it briefly here. I know I have done this at times in the past, but that could've been on the main forum, or maybe with another group. Let me know and I will try to make some sense out of it for you.

(I think it's a great system, and I pretty much live by it. I will never do a race in the U.S. that isn't USAT-sanctioned, just because I want each effort to count towards the ranking points.)

2011-10-19 5:18 PM
in reply to: #3730650

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Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


Good sleuthing! I was just going to give you the website and refer you to what I just wrote to George, but you were a frew steps ahead of me. Kudos!!

Yes, it is a great way to gauge progress from year to year. I'm not 100% convinced that the calculations and how they use the "pacesetters" are iron-clad from one season to the next, but it is mostly close enough to seem vaild.

Have you figured out that your rankings score is based on the average of your best three races, as determined by the scores? That is one of many reasons why peole race lots, just to improve their chances of scoring well.

Racing lots also helps someone like me this year, who "lost" two races due to mishaps. Those were the wipe-out at West Point, and the penalty at Nickel City oly, and in effect I had only five (rather than seven) races that woprked towards my ranking. that was one of the reasons I chose to do Clam Man the day before Bassman -- onnnne morrrre channnnccce!

Until my fourth race came in and "removed" West Point from the calculations, it made me nuts to see my score puller down by that little debacle. My placement based on WP along was about 160. The next one, averaged with WP, brought it to around 105. The next one, averaged in, dropped it to 95, and then it went to 77 or so, and then 62, and now with other guys added in and with my 6th race in the mix, I am at 65. The last one to come will be Bassman, and it's been unpredictable enough so i don't know what to expect. I would love a 78- or 79-something, but I s don't think it'll happen.

Want more random info on this stuff? Lemme know!

As for you and the training, what's up these days and how is it going? I am very envious of you for having that race in Florida!!!!!!!!!!!

2011-10-19 5:28 PM
in reply to: #3730695

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New York
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED


I am sitting at a conference in Seattle and have done little training for the last week or so. I will diligently get back to training when I get home.  I may try and get in the hotel pool tomorrow night but there is so much going on... I am looking forward to the TRI in Florida if I can get motivated to start training again... I have a 30 mile ride scheduled for Sunday, I get back home from Seattle Saturday night. 


2011-10-19 7:03 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

Hello All,

Alex - I did what Steve said above and got my score which was like 49.022 which yours is 51.65 or the other number 56.??? not really sure which one you use, I just remember seeing only one score on mine.

Steve - I did what you said earlier today. I went and got my score and then went to overall and went to the last page and worked my way back forward until I saw a group of folks that had scores around mine so I can see where I place.

I have a group question. The last few times I went running the bottom of my feet where the arch is at would start to really hurt after about 5 min of running.  The right foot would hurt more than the left. It only happens when running 5min or longer.  Any idea?? Earlier in the year when I purchased by Brooks, they said I needed inside support on the shoes because my feet would turn inwards when I would run. Not sure if the support gave out or what, just started doing it this month when I started back to running.

I hope everyone has a great evening.

2011-10-19 7:09 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED
I found my score, 60.68859, I cannot find my rank. Branson is not listed as one of my results.
2011-10-19 7:13 PM
in reply to: #3256772

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San Jose
Subject: RE: Got Your Mojo WORKIN'! group - CLOSED

I found mine too. 1620/2441 in my ag, overall score of 56.17048, gender grading 61.78753.

Last year I was 843/970 and in the same age group so my fellow 50-54 gals must of decided to try this sport My overall score was 57.98509 so I'm going backwards.

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